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Regina v South London Coroner ex parte Thompson; 8 Jul 1982

References: [1982] 126 SJ 625 Coram: Lord Lane CJ Ratio: The court discussed the function of the coroner and his inquest. Lord Lane CJ said: ‘The coroner’s task in a case such as this is a formidable one, and no one would dispute that; that is quite apart from the difficulties which inevitably arise when … Continue reading Regina v South London Coroner ex parte Thompson; 8 Jul 1982

Aiden Shipping Co Ltd v Interbulk Ltd (The ‘Vimeira’): HL 1986

References: [1986] AC 965, [1986] 2 WLR 1051, [1986] 2 All ER 409 Coram: Lord Goff of Chieveley A claim had been made against charterers by the ship owners, and in turn by the charterers against their sub-charterers. Notice of motion were issued after arbitration awards were not accepted. When heard, costs awards were made, … Continue reading Aiden Shipping Co Ltd v Interbulk Ltd (The ‘Vimeira’): HL 1986

Regina v Secretary of State for the Home Department ex parte Razgar etc: HL 17 Jun 2004

References: [2004] UKHL 27, [2004] 3 WLR 58, Times 21-Jun-04, [2004] 2 AC 369, [2004] 3 All ER 821, [2004] INLR 349 Links: House of Lords, Bailii Coram: Lord Bingham of Cornhill, Lord Steyn, Lord Walker of Gestingthorpe, Baroness Hale of Richmond, Lord Carswell The claimant resisted removal after failure of his claim for asylum, … Continue reading Regina v Secretary of State for the Home Department ex parte Razgar etc: HL 17 Jun 2004


1267 – 1278 – 1285 – 1297 – 1361 – 1449 – 1491 – 1533 – 1677 – 1688 – 1689 – 1700 – 1706 – 1710 – 1730 – 1737 – 1738 – 1751 – 1774 – 1792 – 1793 – 1804 – 1814 – 1819 – 1824 – 1828 – 1831 – 1832 … Continue reading Acts

Lawal v Northern Spirit Limited: HL 19 Jun 2003

Counsel appearing at the tribunal had previously sat as a judge with a tribunal member. The opposing party asserted bias in the tribunal. Held: The test in Gough should be restated in part so that the court must first ascertain all the circumstances which have a bearing on the suggestion that the judge was biased. … Continue reading Lawal v Northern Spirit Limited: HL 19 Jun 2003

Calcraft v Guest: CA 1898

A trial had taken place in which the principal issue was the upper boundary of the plaintiff’s fishery. On appeal the defendant proposed to rely on new evidence discovered among the papers in another action tried over a hundred years before. The papers included proofs of witnesses. The papers had been prepared on behalf of … Continue reading Calcraft v Guest: CA 1898

Belvedere Court Management Ltd v Frogmore Developments Ltd: CA 24 Oct 1995

Landlords had sold flats to Frogmore without serving a section 5 notice under the 1987 Act. Prior to receipt of a purchase notice, Frogmore granted certain leases in the block of flats to another party. Held: The agreements were upheld, and were not shams even though they had been intended to work around the 1987 … Continue reading Belvedere Court Management Ltd v Frogmore Developments Ltd: CA 24 Oct 1995

Chattey and Another v Farndale Holdings Inc and others: CA 11 Oct 1996

The plaintiffs had paid deposits for apartments which were to be built. After the developer became insolvent the plaintiffs sought recovery of the deposits, saying they had a lien which preceded the claims of chargees. Held: The one appeal failed and another succeeded. ‘the circumstances in which a purchaser’s lien will arise are not limited … Continue reading Chattey and Another v Farndale Holdings Inc and others: CA 11 Oct 1996

Drake v Whipp: CA 30 Nov 1995

The parties, an unmarried cohabiting couple, disputed their respective shares in a property held in the man’s sole name. Both had made direct contributions both to the purchase of a barn and to its expensive conversion into a home. The plaintiff appealed against a finding that she had only a 14.9% interest on a resulting … Continue reading Drake v Whipp: CA 30 Nov 1995

Derby and Co v Weldon (No2): CA 2 Jan 1989

The plaintiff appealed against the refusal of a world-wide Mareva injunction. Held: The appeal succeeded. Lord Donaldson of Lymington MR said: ‘We live in a time of rapidly growing commercial and financial sophistication and it behoves the courts to adapt their practices to meet the current wiles of those defendants who are prepared to devote … Continue reading Derby and Co v Weldon (No2): CA 2 Jan 1989

Derby and Co Ltd v Weldon: CA 2 Jan 1989

The plaintiff sought damages for breach of contract, for negligence, breach of fiduciary duty and deceit and conspiracy. It sought a world-wide injunction. Held: A freezing order (Mareva injunction) can be made in respect of assets which were outside the jurisdiction. To meet the court’s concerns about the risk of oppression to the defendant arising … Continue reading Derby and Co Ltd v Weldon: CA 2 Jan 1989

Oxfordshire County Council v Oxford City Council and others: HL 24 May 2006

Application had been made to register as a town or village green an area of land which was largely a boggy marsh. The local authority resisted the application wanting to use the land instead for housing. It then rejected advice it received from a non-statutory enquiry, and sought a declaration from the court as to … Continue reading Oxfordshire County Council v Oxford City Council and others: HL 24 May 2006

Nea Karteria Maritime Co Ltd v Atlantic and Great Lakes Steamship Corporation (No 2): 11 Dec 1978

The court considered disclosure of a legally privileged note of an interview: ‘I believe that the principle underlying the rule of practice exemplified by Burnell v British Transport Commission is that, where a party is deploying in court material which would otherwise be privileged, the opposite party and the court must have an opportunity of … Continue reading Nea Karteria Maritime Co Ltd v Atlantic and Great Lakes Steamship Corporation (No 2): 11 Dec 1978

Ben Hashem v Ali Shayif and Another: FD 22 Sep 2008

The court was asked to pierce the veil of incorporation of a company in the course of ancillary relief proceedings in a divorce. H had failed to co-operate with the court. After a comprehensive review of all the authorities, Munby J said: ‘The common theme running through all the cases in which the court has … Continue reading Ben Hashem v Ali Shayif and Another: FD 22 Sep 2008

Mercer v Liverpool St Helens and South Lancashire Railway: 1903

Stirling J: ‘Now at law a contract for the sale of land creates merely a personal obligation between the vendor and purchaser and does not bind the land; in equity such a contract binds the land and that not only as against the vendor, but also as against all persons claiming under him with notice … Continue reading Mercer v Liverpool St Helens and South Lancashire Railway: 1903

Ferrishurst Ltd v Wallcite Ltd: CA 30 Nov 1998

A person in actual occupation of registered land at time of transfer can enforce his rights against the transferee. A sub-underlessee in occupation of part could enforce an option to purchase against the freeholder acquiring intermediate registered title. Actual occupation of part of the land comprised in a registered disposition protected a right or interest … Continue reading Ferrishurst Ltd v Wallcite Ltd: CA 30 Nov 1998

Reynolds v Times Newspapers Ltd and others: HL 28 Oct 1999

Fair Coment on Political Activities The defendant newspaper had published articles wrongly accusing the claimant, the former Prime Minister of Ireland of duplicity. The paper now appealed, saying that it should have had available to it a defence of qualified privilege because of the claimant’s status as a politician. Held: The appeal failed (Lords Hope … Continue reading Reynolds v Times Newspapers Ltd and others: HL 28 Oct 1999

Save Britain’s Heritage v Number 1 Poultry Ltd: HL 28 Feb 1991

An order allowing demolition of a listed building was possible even though the building itself remained viable. The function of the courts was to validate the decision making process, not the merits of the decision.Lord Bridge analysed the effect of the requirement to show ‘substantial prejudice’, saying: ‘Whatever may be the position in any other … Continue reading Save Britain’s Heritage v Number 1 Poultry Ltd: HL 28 Feb 1991

Wrexham County Borough Council v Berry; South Buckinghamshire District Council v Porter and another; Chichester District Council v Searle and others: HL 22 May 2003

The appellants challenged the refusal to grant them injunctions to prevent Roma parking caravans on land they had purchased. Held: Parliament had given to local authorities exclusive jurisdiction on matters of planning policy, but when an authority sought assistance in enforcement by requesting an injunction, the role of the court was not merely supervisory, but … Continue reading Wrexham County Borough Council v Berry; South Buckinghamshire District Council v Porter and another; Chichester District Council v Searle and others: HL 22 May 2003

Dunmill, Regina (On the Application of) v Director Of Public Prosecutions: Admn 5 Jul 2004

The defendant appealed his conviction for driving with excess alcohol. He had driven his car within a camping site at Hayling Island. He might have been charged with driving on a road or other public place, but was charged with driving on a road. It was too late on appeal to widen the wording. The … Continue reading Dunmill, Regina (On the Application of) v Director Of Public Prosecutions: Admn 5 Jul 2004

Sheldrake v Director of Public Prosecutions; Attorney General’s Reference No 4 of 2002: HL 14 Oct 2004

Appeals were brought complaining as to the apparent reversal of the burden of proof in road traffic cases and in cases under the Terrorism Acts. Was a legal or an evidential burden placed on a defendant? Held: Lord Bingham of Cornhill said: ‘The overriding concern is that a trial should be fair, and the presumption … Continue reading Sheldrake v Director of Public Prosecutions; Attorney General’s Reference No 4 of 2002: HL 14 Oct 2004

Doogan and Another v NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde Health Board: SCS 24 Apr 2013

(Extra Division, Inner House) The reclaimers, Roman Catholic midwives working on a labour ward as co-ordinators, sought to assert a right of conscientious objection under the 1967 Act. The respondents said that only those directly involved in the termination of a pregnancy could assert such a right. Held: The midwives’ appeal succeeded. The Act set … Continue reading Doogan and Another v NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde Health Board: SCS 24 Apr 2013

Good Challenger Navegante S A v Metalexportimport SA: CA 24 Nov 2003

The claimant sought to enforce an arbitration award made in 1983. Time might otherwise have expired, but the claimants relied on a fax which they said was an acknowledgement of the debt, and also upon a finding in a Romanian court which created an issue estoppel. Held: A typed signature on a fax was capable … Continue reading Good Challenger Navegante S A v Metalexportimport SA: CA 24 Nov 2003

Laimond Properties Limited v Al-Shakarchi: CA 10 Feb 1998

If ‘suitable alternative accommodation’ was offered in exchange for a protected tenancy, the court need look only for some security for the tenant, not that he should receive equal protection. Where the landlord persuades the Rent Act protected tenants to surrender their old tenancy before taking a new tenancy, the lessees would not have been … Continue reading Laimond Properties Limited v Al-Shakarchi: CA 10 Feb 1998

Twentieth Century Fox Film Corp and Others v Harris and Others: ChD 5 Feb 2013

The court was asked whether a copyright owner has a proprietary claim to money derived from infringement of the copyright. Held: He did not. No such argument could be shown to have suceeded before. Judges: Newey J Citations: [2013] WLR(D) 42, [2013] EWHC 159 (Ch) Links: Bailii, WLRD Statutes: Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988 … Continue reading Twentieth Century Fox Film Corp and Others v Harris and Others: ChD 5 Feb 2013

R Griggs Group Ltd and others v Evans and others (No 2): ChD 12 May 2004

A logo had been created for the claimants, by an independent sub-contractor. They sought assignment of their legal title, but, knowing of the claimant’s interest the copyright was assigned to a third party out of the jurisdiction. The claimant sought an order for its transfer, and an order was so made. Before it was perfected … Continue reading R Griggs Group Ltd and others v Evans and others (No 2): ChD 12 May 2004

Fish and Fish Ltd v Sea Shepherd UK and Another: AdCt 25 Jun 2012

The claimant company was engaged in tuna fish culture off shore to Malta. The defendant ship was owned by a charity which campaigned against breaches of animal preservation conventions. Fish were being transporting live blue fin tuna in towed underwater cages. The defendant ‘attacked’ the cages causing much damage, on the basis that the fish … Continue reading Fish and Fish Ltd v Sea Shepherd UK and Another: AdCt 25 Jun 2012

Kelley v Corston: CA 20 Aug 1997

The plaintiff employed the defendant barrister to pursue her claim for ancillary relief in divorce. She sought to recover damages for his alleged negligence. Held: A barrister’s immunity from suit for negligence in advocacy extends to settlements made under court approval and once there has been any intervention of the court.Butler-Sloss LJ said: ‘Although it … Continue reading Kelley v Corston: CA 20 Aug 1997

Malhotra v Dhawan: CA 26 Feb 1997

There had been litigation as to the payment due on fees earned during the partnership. One party had destroyed the evidence which would have settled many issues. The court discussed the principle that it should presume all against a destroyer of evidence, and dismissed the appeal. The case was one for an account, and therefore … Continue reading Malhotra v Dhawan: CA 26 Feb 1997

Savings and Investment Bank Ltd (In Liquidation) v Fincken: CA 14 Nov 2003

Parties to litigation had made without prejudice disclosures. One party sought to give evidence contradicting the dsclosure, and the other now applied for leave to amend based upon the without prejudice statements to be admitted to demonstrate the perjury. Held: The court had to balance the competing needs of fairness and expedition. There was nothing … Continue reading Savings and Investment Bank Ltd (In Liquidation) v Fincken: CA 14 Nov 2003

Hanning and Others v Top Deck Travel Group Ltd: CA 9 Jun 1993

The owner of a common appealed a finding that the neighbouring land owner had acquired by prescription a right of way across the common to use a track for commercial vehicles (buses) to get to the property (the bus depot). Held: An easement cannot become a right where the use of the route is illegal … Continue reading Hanning and Others v Top Deck Travel Group Ltd: CA 9 Jun 1993

Adidas-Salomon Ag v Drape and others: ChD 7 Jun 2006

The claimants had sponsored tennis players to wear their logo. The respondents organised tennis tournaments whose intended rules would prevent the display of the claimant’s logos. The claimants said that the restriction interfered with their rights to trade within Europe. Held: The rules were potentially a breach of the claimants rights to trade, and an … Continue reading Adidas-Salomon Ag v Drape and others: ChD 7 Jun 2006

L’Oreal Sa and Others v Ebay International Ag and Others: ChD 22 May 2009

The court was asked as to whether the on-line marketplace site defendant was liable for trade mark infringements by those advertising goods on the web-site. Held: The ECJ had not yet clarified the law on accessory liability in trade mark infringement, and the legislation remained unclear. Many of the direct sellers were held to be … Continue reading L’Oreal Sa and Others v Ebay International Ag and Others: ChD 22 May 2009

FDA and Others, Regina (on The Application of) v Secretary of State for Work and Pensions and Another: CA 20 Mar 2012

The FDA and other trades unions challenged the use by the respondent of the Consumer Price Index rather than the Retail Prices Index for use in the uprating of civil service pensions. Held: The respondent was so entitled. In ordinary language, the change in CPI over a given period could properly be said to be … Continue reading FDA and Others, Regina (on The Application of) v Secretary of State for Work and Pensions and Another: CA 20 Mar 2012

Hudziec v Revenue and Customs: FTTTx 30 Dec 2011

National Insurance Contributions – Class 1 – employment of Appellant, a Polish resident and citizen, in UK in 1984, 1987 and 1988 under Seasonal Agricultural Workers Scheme (SAWS) – no NICs paid – whether Class 1 NICs should have been payable – on the facts, yes, as Appellant was not in fact eligible for SAWS … Continue reading Hudziec v Revenue and Customs: FTTTx 30 Dec 2011

The Secretary of State for Trade and Industry v Goldberg, Mcavoy: ChD 26 Nov 2003

The Secretary of State sought a disqualification order. The director argued that one shoul not be made in the absence of some breach of legal duty, some dishonesty should be shown. Held: The answer was a mixture of fact and law. A breach of duty alone was neither necessary nor sufficient. Unfitness by reason of … Continue reading The Secretary of State for Trade and Industry v Goldberg, Mcavoy: ChD 26 Nov 2003

Berrisford v Mexfield Housing Co-Operative Ltd: SC 9 Nov 2011

The tenant appealed against an order granting possession. The tenancy, being held of a mutual housing co-operative did not have security but was in a form restricting the landlord’s right to recover possession, and the tenant resisted saying that it was worded to create a lease for life (applying the LRB case). Held: The tenant’s … Continue reading Berrisford v Mexfield Housing Co-Operative Ltd: SC 9 Nov 2011

Equality and Human Rights Commission v Prime Minister and Others: Admn 3 Oct 2011

The defendant had published a set of guidelines for intelligence officers called upon to detain and interrogate suspects. The defendant said that the guidelines could only be tested against individual real life cases, and that the court should not answer hypothetical questions. The objection lay to reactions to anticipated torture and mistreatment by third party … Continue reading Equality and Human Rights Commission v Prime Minister and Others: Admn 3 Oct 2011

North British Housing Association Ltd v Matthews, Same v Others: CA 21 Dec 2004

In each case the tenants requested adjournment of the possession proceedings brought against them by the landlord for arrears of rent to allow them time to bring the arrears below the level at which a possession order could be made. In each case it was said that the situation arose from maladministration by the local … Continue reading North British Housing Association Ltd v Matthews, Same v Others: CA 21 Dec 2004

Brook Street Bureau (UK) Ltd v Dacas: CA 5 Mar 2004

The applicant cleaner sought compensation for unfair dismissal. The issue was whether she was an employee of the respondents, of their client where she did her work, or was not an employee at all. She worked for an agency, who sent her out to offices to work. The court was called upon to give guidance … Continue reading Brook Street Bureau (UK) Ltd v Dacas: CA 5 Mar 2004

Franses v Al Assad and others: ChD 26 Oct 2007

The claimant had obtained a freezing order over the proceeds of sale of a property held by solicitors. The claimant was liquidator of a company, and an allegation of wrongful trading had been made against the sole director and defendant. The defendant argued that information now used before the court could only have been obtained … Continue reading Franses v Al Assad and others: ChD 26 Oct 2007

Les Laboratoires Servier and Another v Apotex Inc and Others: PatC 29 Mar 2011

Arnold J considered what kinds of unlawfulness would engage the ex turpi causa principle. Held: a relevant illegality was one which was sufficiently serious in all the circumstances of the case, including in particular whether the illegal act was done with knowledge or deliberately. After reviewing the authorities, he said: ‘The main conclusion which I … Continue reading Les Laboratoires Servier and Another v Apotex Inc and Others: PatC 29 Mar 2011

Mazur Media Limited and Another v Mazur Media Gmbh in Others: ChD 8 Jul 2004

Proceedings were brought in England. The respondents sought a stay, saying the company was subject to insolvency proceedings in Germany. Held: Our domestic insolvency law was not applicable to foreign proceedings, and so could not be used to order a stay of proceedings here. (a) the English court has jurisdiction to determine Apex’s claim for … Continue reading Mazur Media Limited and Another v Mazur Media Gmbh in Others: ChD 8 Jul 2004

Singh v Entry Clearance Officer New Delhi: CA 30 Jul 2004

The applicant, an 8 year old boy, became part of his Indian family who lived in England, through an adoption recognised in Indian Law, but not in English Law. Though the adoption was genuine, his family ties had not been broken in India. The family resisted an order for his return to India. Held: The … Continue reading Singh v Entry Clearance Officer New Delhi: CA 30 Jul 2004

Absolute Living Developments Ltd v DS7 Ltd and Others: ChD 5 Jul 2018

Allegation of seven breaches of freezing order by one defendant. Held: Marcus Smith J summarised the law that applies to establish that there has been a contempt of court by virtue of the breach of such an order: ‘(1) Of critical importance is the order that is said to have been breached. As has been … Continue reading Absolute Living Developments Ltd v DS7 Ltd and Others: ChD 5 Jul 2018

Aberdeen Asset Management Plc v HM Revenue and Customs: SCS 23 Oct 2013

Inner House – The Court analysed the nature of the rights which a tax avoidance scheme, involving an offshore employee benefits trust and family benefit trusts and shares in Isle of Man companies, had conferred on the relevant employees. The employing company had accepted that the sums which it had paid though the employee benefits … Continue reading Aberdeen Asset Management Plc v HM Revenue and Customs: SCS 23 Oct 2013

A and B, Regina (on The Application of) v Secretary of State for Health: SC 14 Jun 2017

The court was asked: ‘Was it unlawful for the Secretary of State for Health, the respondent, who had power to make provisions for the functioning of the National Health Service in England, to have failed to make a provision which would have enabled women who were citizens of the UK, but who were usually resident … Continue reading A and B, Regina (on The Application of) v Secretary of State for Health: SC 14 Jun 2017

Ambrose v Harris, Procurator Fiscal, Oban, etc: SC 6 Oct 2011

(Scotland) The appellant had variously been convicted in reliance on evidence gathered at different stages before arrest, but in each case without being informed of any right to see a solicitor. The court was asked, as a devolution issue, at what point the duty to allow access to a solicitor arose, and what use might … Continue reading Ambrose v Harris, Procurator Fiscal, Oban, etc: SC 6 Oct 2011

Uber Bv and Others v Aslam and Others: CA 19 Dec 2018

Uber drivers are workers The claimant Uber drivers sought the status of workers, allowing them to claim the associated statutory employment benefits. The company now appealed from a finding that they were workers. Held: The appeal failed (Underhill LJ dissenting) The drivers accepted the control of tee Uber app: ‘Even if drivers are not obliged … Continue reading Uber Bv and Others v Aslam and Others: CA 19 Dec 2018

In re Nortel Companies and Others: SC 24 Jul 2013

The court was asked as to the interrelationship of the statutory schemes relating to the protection of employees’ pensions and to corporate insolvency. Held: Liabilities which arose from financial support directions or contribution notices issued by the Pensions Regulator under the 2004 Act after the company had gone into administration, which required the company to … Continue reading In re Nortel Companies and Others: SC 24 Jul 2013

Kennedy v The Charity Commission: SC 26 Mar 2014

The claimant journalist sought disclosure of papers acquired by the respondent in its conduct of enquiries into the charitable Mariam appeal. The Commission referred to an absolute exemption under section 32(2) of the 2000 Act, saying that the exemption continued until the papers were destroyed, or for 20 years under the 1958 Act. Held: The … Continue reading Kennedy v The Charity Commission: SC 26 Mar 2014

Barclays Bank Plc v Various Claimants: SC 1 Apr 2020

The Bank had employed a doctor to provide medical assessments as necessary. The doctor had used the opportunities presented to assault sexually many patients. The court was now asked whether the Bank was vicariously liable for the acts of this independent contractor. Held: The appeal was allowed. The Doctor was not employed by the bank … Continue reading Barclays Bank Plc v Various Claimants: SC 1 Apr 2020

In Re A (Minors) (Conjoined Twins: Medical Treatment); aka In re A (Children) (Conjoined Twins: Surgical Separation): CA 22 Sep 2000

Twins were conjoined (Siamese). Medically, both could not survive, and one was dependent upon the vital organs of the other. Doctors applied for permission to separate the twins which would be followed by the inevitable death of one of them. The parents, devout Roman Catholics, resisted. Held: The parents’ views were subject to the overriding … Continue reading In Re A (Minors) (Conjoined Twins: Medical Treatment); aka In re A (Children) (Conjoined Twins: Surgical Separation): CA 22 Sep 2000

Crancour Ltd v Da Silvaesa and Another: CA 26 Feb 1986

The plaintiff sought possession of two rooms in a house occupied by the defendants separately. The agreements stated that they were licences. The agreements excluded the occupiers between 10:30am and noon on each day. The occupiers claimed to be tenants with protection. Held: The tenants’ appeal against summary orders for posession were successful, and the … Continue reading Crancour Ltd v Da Silvaesa and Another: CA 26 Feb 1986

Cameron v Liverpool Victoria Insurance Co Ltd: SC 20 Feb 2019

The Court was asked in what circumstances is it permissible to sue an unnamed defendant? The respondent was injured when her car collided with another. The care was insured but by a driver giving a false name. The car owner refused to identify him. The insurers now appealed against Held: The appeal succeeded. It is … Continue reading Cameron v Liverpool Victoria Insurance Co Ltd: SC 20 Feb 2019

Youssef v Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs: SC 27 Jan 2016

An Egyptian national, had lived here since 1994. He challenged a decision by the Secretary of State,as a member of the committee of the United Nations Security Council, known as the Resolution 1267 Committee or Sanctions Committee. The committee maintained a list of persons and entities subject to the asset freeze imposed on persons ‘associated … Continue reading Youssef v Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs: SC 27 Jan 2016

AB v Her Majesty’s Advocate: SC 5 Apr 2017

This appeal is concerned with a challenge to the legality of legislation of the Scottish Parliament which deprives a person, A, who is accused of sexual activity with an under-aged person, B, of the defence that he or she reasonably believed that B was over the age of 16, if the police had previously charged … Continue reading AB v Her Majesty’s Advocate: SC 5 Apr 2017

Gentle and Clarke, Regina (on the Application Of) v Prime Minister and others: CA 12 Dec 2006

The claimants appealed refusal of a judicial review of the defendant’s decision to enter into the war in Iraq. The claimants were parents of troops who had died in the war. They said that the legal advice given to the government was incorrect. Held: Human Rights law requires a proper investigation into deaths, but that … Continue reading Gentle and Clarke, Regina (on the Application Of) v Prime Minister and others: CA 12 Dec 2006

Kogan v Martin and Others: CA 9 Oct 2019

Dispute over the authorship of the screenplay of a film. Held: ‘the judgment cannot stand. The judge has adopted an erroneous approach to the evidence, failed to make important findings of primary fact, failed to take account of material matters and applied incorrect legal standards to the assessment of the sufficiency of Ms Kogan’s contributions. … Continue reading Kogan v Martin and Others: CA 9 Oct 2019

SAS Institute Inc v World Programming Ltd: CA 21 Nov 2013

The court was asked as to the extent to which the developer of a computer program may lawfully replicate the functions of an existing computer program; and the materials that he may lawfully use for that purpose. SAS had produced a computer software language and system for statistical analysis, together with supporting manuals. The defendants … Continue reading SAS Institute Inc v World Programming Ltd: CA 21 Nov 2013

Sinclair In her Capacity As the Former Receiver v Glatt Executors of Estate of Glatt and Glatt and Glatt: CA 13 Mar 2009

The court considered the recovery of expenses by a receiver appointed to administer assets of money launderer. The receiver sought to exercise a lien over assets held for the prisoner by the prison to recover the costs of the receivership after the defendant’s conviction for money laundering. The defendant’s wife intervened, seeking to assert her … Continue reading Sinclair In her Capacity As the Former Receiver v Glatt Executors of Estate of Glatt and Glatt and Glatt: CA 13 Mar 2009

Hyde Park Residence Ltd v Yelland, News Group Newspapers Ltd, News International Ltd, Murrell: CA 10 Feb 2000

The court considered a dispute about ownership and confidence in and copyright of of video tapes taken by Princess Diana before her death. Held: The courts have an inherent discretion to refuse to enforce of copyright. When assessing whether the copyright should be enforced the relevant issues would be ones arising from the work itself, … Continue reading Hyde Park Residence Ltd v Yelland, News Group Newspapers Ltd, News International Ltd, Murrell: CA 10 Feb 2000

AB and others v Leeds Teaching Hospital NHS Trust, Cardiff and Vale NHS Trust: QBD 26 Mar 2004

Representative claims were made against the respondents, hospitals, pathologists etc with regard to the removal of organs from deceased children without the informed consent of the parents. They claimed under the tort of wrongful interference. Held: Organ removal when a post mortem had been ordered by the coroner was not tortious. In English law there … Continue reading AB and others v Leeds Teaching Hospital NHS Trust, Cardiff and Vale NHS Trust: QBD 26 Mar 2004

Bristol Airport Plc and Another v Powdrill and Others: CA 21 Dec 1989

An airline company went into administration. The airport seized two airplanes. The administrators claimed they were property within the administration, could not be seized without a court order, and the court should exercise its discretion not to allow seizure. Held: The definition of property in the 1982 Act was wide enough to include leased property. … Continue reading Bristol Airport Plc and Another v Powdrill and Others: CA 21 Dec 1989

City Connect Management Ltd v Telia International Carrier UK and Another: TCC 30 Jul 2004

The parties sought the expenses incurred in negotiating a development contract which failed before the documents were signed. Judges: Toulmin J Citations: [2004] EWHC 2357 (TCC) Links: Bailii Jurisdiction: England and Wales Citing: Cited – Branca v Cabarro CA 1947 The fact that the parties might contemplate the possibility of a further written agreement, does … Continue reading City Connect Management Ltd v Telia International Carrier UK and Another: TCC 30 Jul 2004

Attorney-General v Leveller Magazine Ltd: HL 1 Feb 1979

The appellants were magazines and journalists who published, after committal proceedings, the name of a witness, a member of the security services, who had been referred to as Colonel B during the hearing. An order had been made for his name not to be disclosed during the hearing, but the court had had no power … Continue reading Attorney-General v Leveller Magazine Ltd: HL 1 Feb 1979

Ofulue and Another v Bossert: CA 29 Jan 2008

The claimants appealed an order finding that the defendant had acquired their land by adverse possession. They said that the defendant had asserted in defence to possession proceedings that they were tenants, and that this contradicted an intent to deny the claimants’ title. Held: The appeal failed. A finding by the ECHR that a particular … Continue reading Ofulue and Another v Bossert: CA 29 Jan 2008

Phillips and Another v Symes and others: HL 23 Jan 2008

Various parties had sought relief in the English courts and in Switzerland after an alleged fraud. There had been a mistake in service of the proceedings in England. The high court had dispensed with service an backdated the effect of the order to pre-date the Swiss proceedings. The court of appeal set aside the backdating … Continue reading Phillips and Another v Symes and others: HL 23 Jan 2008

In Re A Solicitor: QBD 13 May 1992

In disciplinary proceedings before the Solicitors Disciplinary Tribunal, allegations must be proved to the criminal standard, and certainly so where the allegations are serious and may result in suspension or disqualification. Hearsay evidence should not be admitted. ‘It seems to us, if we may respectfully say so, that it is not altogether helpful if the … Continue reading In Re A Solicitor: QBD 13 May 1992

ID and others v The Home Office (BAIL for Immigration Detainees intervening): CA 27 Jan 2005

The claimants sought damages and other reliefs after being wrongfully detained by immigration officers for several days, during which they had been detained at a detention centre and left locked up when it burned down, being released only by other inmates. The respondent argued that immigration officers had immunity from suit. Held: Brooke LJ said … Continue reading ID and others v The Home Office (BAIL for Immigration Detainees intervening): CA 27 Jan 2005

Vesely v Levy and others: CA 27 Apr 2007

The tenant appealed against a finding that her tenancy was a statutory shorthold tenancy following termination of an assured shorthold tenancy, or an assured tenancy. She moved in as a carer for the tenant of the trustee defendants. That arrangement developed. The trustees said that she was not then treated as a tenant. The tenant … Continue reading Vesely v Levy and others: CA 27 Apr 2007

Jordan v Lord Chancellor and Another (Northern Ireland): HL 28 Mar 2007

In each case a death had occurred many years earlier where the deceased had apparently died at the hands of the armed forces. The relatives now challenged the range of verdicts which could be left to a coroner’s jury.Lord Bingham said: ‘The Coroner must decide how widely the inquiry should range to elicit the facts … Continue reading Jordan v Lord Chancellor and Another (Northern Ireland): HL 28 Mar 2007

Nova Productions Ltd v Mazooma Games Ltd and others: CA 14 Mar 2007

The defendant appealed against a finding of copyright infringement in a computer game. Held: The appeal failed. The court must identify the artistic work relied upon and then decide whether it has been reproduced by copying of the work as a whole or of any substantial part of it. ”Graphic work’ is defined as including … Continue reading Nova Productions Ltd v Mazooma Games Ltd and others: CA 14 Mar 2007

Apollo Engineering Ltd v James Scott Ltd (Scotland): SC 13 Jun 2013

After long running litigation between the parties, a shareholder and director of Apollo sought to represent the company in person. He was refused leave by the Court of Session, and now sought to appeal. The Court considered the possibility of an appeal given that he was not a party to the action. Held: The appeal … Continue reading Apollo Engineering Ltd v James Scott Ltd (Scotland): SC 13 Jun 2013

Total Network Sl v Customs and Excise Commissioners: CA 31 Jan 2007

The defendants suspected a carousel VAT fraud. The defendants appealed a finding that there was a viable cause of action alleging a ‘conspiracy where the unlawful means alleged is a common law offence of cheating the public revenue’. The defendants argued (inter alia) that the attempted recovery was void under the Billl of Rights. Held: … Continue reading Total Network Sl v Customs and Excise Commissioners: CA 31 Jan 2007

Fiona Trust and Holding Corp and others v Privalov and others: ComC 20 Oct 2006

The parties disputed whether their claim should be arbitrated. Held: A claim as to whether the contract itself had been made was not one which could be arbitrated by provisions in that contract. It does not arise ‘under’ the contract. The arbitrator does not have jurisdiction to decide this issue; the court alone does. Nor … Continue reading Fiona Trust and Holding Corp and others v Privalov and others: ComC 20 Oct 2006

North Wales Training and Enterprise Council Ltd v Astley and others: HL 21 Jun 2006

Civil servants had been transferred to a private company. At first they worked under secondment from the civil service. They asserted that they had protection under TUPE and the Acquired Rights Directive. The respondent said that there had only been a transfer over time, so as to diminish their periods of continuous employment. The matter … Continue reading North Wales Training and Enterprise Council Ltd v Astley and others: HL 21 Jun 2006

Smithkline Beecham Plc Glaxosmithkline UK Ltd and Another v Apotex Europe Ltd and others (No 2): CA 23 May 2006

The parties to the action had given cross undertakings to support the grant of an interim injunction. A third party subsequently applied to be joined, and now sought to take advantage of the cross undertakings to claim the losses incurred through the giving of the ‘wrongful undertakings’ Held: The joined party, who had not itself … Continue reading Smithkline Beecham Plc Glaxosmithkline UK Ltd and Another v Apotex Europe Ltd and others (No 2): CA 23 May 2006

Malik, Regina (on the Application of) v Waltham Forest PCT and Secretary of State for Health: Admn 17 Mar 2006

The doctor had been suspended on full pay whilst allegations against him were investigated. He claimed that the suspension infringed his human rights and that his licence to practice was a possession. Held: At the disciplinary proceedings: ‘there were serious flaws at the hearing of 16 March which in my judgment rendered it unfair and … Continue reading Malik, Regina (on the Application of) v Waltham Forest PCT and Secretary of State for Health: Admn 17 Mar 2006

Meretz Investments Nv and Another v ACP Ltd and others: ChD 30 Jan 2006

The applicant challenged the exercise of a power of sale under a mortgage, saying that the mortgagee’s purposes included purposes not those under the mortgage. The parties had been involved in an attempted development of a penthouse. Held: The power was validly exercised. Provided the recovery of the sums for which the security was given … Continue reading Meretz Investments Nv and Another v ACP Ltd and others: ChD 30 Jan 2006