The mere relation of principal and factor confers, ordinarily, an authourity to sell at such times and for such prices as the factor may, in the exercise of his discretion, think best for his employer: but, if he receive the goods subject to any special instructions, he is bound to obey them. The authority, whether general or special, is revocable. Quaere, whether the factor’s authority to sell can be revoked after he has made advances upon the credit of the goods consigned to him, his authority then being coupled with an interest? In assumpsit, the declaration stated that the plaintiffs had consigned wheat to the defendants, who were corn factors, for sale on account of the plaintiffs ; that the defendants then promised the plaintiffs to obey and observe the lawful orders and directions of the plaintiffs to be given by them to the defendants in regard to the sale and disposal of the wheat, and that, although the plaintiffs ordered the defendants not to sell below a certain price, and although the same was a lawful order and direction in that behalf, yet the defendants, not regarding their promise, sold at a less price. Plea, that, after the delivery of the wheat to the defendants, they became and were under advances to the plaintiffs in respect thereof ; that they gave the plaintiffs notice that they required to be repaid such advances, and that in default they should sell the wheat and repay themselves; and that, although a reasonable time had elapsed, the plaintiffs did not repay them such advances ; whereupon the defendants, for the purpose of reimbursing themselves, sold the wheat for the best prices that could then be obtained for the same, andc. Held, that the plea was bad in substance, there being nothing in the transaction disclosed upon the record, from which it could be inferred that it was part of the contract that at any time the wheat should be forfeited, or the defendant’s authority to sell enlarged, so as to enable them to sell for repayment of
advances, without reference to its being for the interest of the principals to sell at
that particular time, and for that price.
[1846] EngR 865, (1846) 3 CB 380, (1846) 136 ER 152
Cited by:
Appeal from – Smart and another v Sandars and Others CCP 12-May-1848
A factor to whom goods have been consigned generally for sale, and who has subsequently made advances to his principal on the credit of the goods, has no right to sell them, contrary to the orders of his principal, on the latter neglecting, on . .
Lists of cited by and citing cases may be incomplete.
Contract, Agency
Updated: 12 April 2022; Ref: scu.302760