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Adama v Partnerships In Care Ltd: EAT 12 Jun 2014

EAT Unfair Dismissal : Reasonableness of Dismissal – The Employment Tribunal failed to consider for itself the fairness of the dismissal under Employment Rights Act 1996 section 98(4). Miss Perry v Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust UKEAT/0473/130 and Ms Brito-Babapulle v Ealing Hospital NHS Trust UKEAT/0358/12 applied. Case remitted to a differently constituted Employment Tribunal … Continue reading Adama v Partnerships In Care Ltd: EAT 12 Jun 2014

Serco Ltd v Dahou: EAT 14 Aug 2014

EAT Trade Union Rights : Action Short of Dismissal Detriment and dismissal Employment Tribunal failed to consider Respondent’s explanations for detrimental treatment/principal reason for dismissal on the causation issues in s.146 and 152 Employment Rights Act 1996 in relation to participation in the activities of an independent trade union at an appropriate time; erred in … Continue reading Serco Ltd v Dahou: EAT 14 Aug 2014

Occidental Exploration and Production Company vRepublic of Ecuador: CA 9 Sep 2005

The parties had arbitrated their dispute in London under a bilateral investment treaty between the US and Ecuador. The republic sought to appeal the arbitration. The applicant now appealed an order that the English High Court had jurisdiction to hear the appeal. Held: The appeal was dismissed. The treaty was intended to encourage bilateral trading … Continue reading Occidental Exploration and Production Company vRepublic of Ecuador: CA 9 Sep 2005

Mannai Investment Co Ltd v Eagle Star Assurance: HL 21 May 1997

Minor Irregularity in Break Notice Not Fatal Leases contained clauses allowing the tenant to break the lease by serving not less than six months notice to expire on the third anniversary of the commencement date of the term of the lease. The tenant gave notice to determine the leases on 12th January 1995, although the … Continue reading Mannai Investment Co Ltd v Eagle Star Assurance: HL 21 May 1997

Turullols v Revenue and Customs: FTTTx 9 Jul 2014

FTTTx Income tax – taxability of payments made to a ‘whistle blower’ pursuant to order for interim relief under s 129 Employment Rights Act 1996 in connection with a ‘protected disclosure’ for the purposes of s 43A and 103A ERA 96 – whether taxable under s 62 ITEPA 2003 or only taxable to the extent … Continue reading Turullols v Revenue and Customs: FTTTx 9 Jul 2014

Renewi UK Services Ltd v Pamment (Unfair Dismissal): EAT 26 Oct 2021

The Claimant, who was a Team Leader working in recycling, tested positive for cannabis as part of a random drugs test. He was dismissed on 31 March 2020 following a disciplinary hearing on the basis that he was under the influence of drugs which affected his performance. An appeal was unsuccessful. The Employment Tribunal held … Continue reading Renewi UK Services Ltd v Pamment (Unfair Dismissal): EAT 26 Oct 2021

National Westminster Bank plc v Spectrum Plus Limited and others: HL 30 Jun 2005

Former HL decision in Siebe Gorman overruled The company had become insolvent. The bank had a debenture and claimed that its charge over the book debts had become a fixed charge. The preferential creditors said that the charge was a floating charge and that they took priority. Held: The appeal was allowed. The debenture, although … Continue reading National Westminster Bank plc v Spectrum Plus Limited and others: HL 30 Jun 2005

BNP Paribas v A Mezzotero: EAT 30 Mar 2004

EAT Appeal from ET’s decision, at directions hearing, permitting evidence to be adduced, at the forthcoming hearing of a direct sex discrimination and victimisation complaint, of the Applicant’s allegation that, at a meeting expressed to be ‘without prejudice’, her employers sought to terminate her employment following a grievance raised by her about her treatment on … Continue reading BNP Paribas v A Mezzotero: EAT 30 Mar 2004

Serco Ltd v Lawson; Botham v Ministry of Defence; Crofts and others v Veta Limited: HL 26 Jan 2006

Mr Lawson was employed by Serco as a security supervisor at the British RAF base on Ascension Island, which is a dependency of the British Overseas Territory of St Helena. Mr Botham was employed as a youth worker at various Ministry of Defence establishments in Germany; under the NATO Status of Forces Agreement of 1951 … Continue reading Serco Ltd v Lawson; Botham v Ministry of Defence; Crofts and others v Veta Limited: HL 26 Jan 2006

Conroy v Scottish Football Association Ltd: EAT 12 Dec 2013

EAT Jurisdictional Points : Worker, Employee or Neither – WORKING TIME REGULATIONS – Worker CONTRACT OF EMPLOYMENT – Whether established Employment status. The Claimant lodged a claim of unfair dismissal, age discrimination and a claim for holiday pay. The Respondent denied that he was an employee, arguing that he was a self-employed independent contractor. The … Continue reading Conroy v Scottish Football Association Ltd: EAT 12 Dec 2013

Cockram v Air Products Plc: EAT 21 May 2014

EAT Unfair Dismissal – constructive dismissal 1. This is an appeal against the judgment of Employment Judge Baron sitting at London South promulgated on September 2013. By that judgement, the Employment Judge struck out the Claimant’s claim for unfair dismissal based on an alleged constructive dismissal, as having no reasonable prospect of success on the … Continue reading Cockram v Air Products Plc: EAT 21 May 2014

Worrell v Hootenanny Brixton Ltd: EAT 1 Apr 2014

EAT Contract of Employment : Wrongful Dismissal – UNFAIR DISMISSAL Compensation Contributory Fault As explained at paragraphs 111 and 112 of the judgment in Sandwell and West Birmingham Hospitals NHS Trust v Mrs A Westwood [2009] UKEAT 0032/09/172 gross misconduct might take one of two forms, deliberate misconduct or gross negligence: but that possible alternative … Continue reading Worrell v Hootenanny Brixton Ltd: EAT 1 Apr 2014

Monji v Boots Management Services Ltd: EAT 20 Mar 2014

EAT Unfair Dismissal : Reasonableness of Dismissal – Unfair dismissal. Whether Employment Tribunal adopted the correct approach in a case where the potential consequences for the employee were sufficiently grave that this was a relevant circumstance for the purpose of s.98(4) Employment Rights Act 1996 and warranted a heightened assessment of the Respondent’s investigation and … Continue reading Monji v Boots Management Services Ltd: EAT 20 Mar 2014

Kisoka v Ratnpinyotip (T/A Rydevale Day Nursery): EAT 11 Dec 2013

EAT Unfair Dismissal : Reasonableness of Dismissal – The Appellant contended that the EAT should lay down general guidance to the effect that an appeal panel decision must be followed by an employer in the absence of exceptional circumstances. He also contended that, if the Respondent was entitled not to follow the decision of the … Continue reading Kisoka v Ratnpinyotip (T/A Rydevale Day Nursery): EAT 11 Dec 2013

Masson v Meggitt Avionics Ltd: EAT 25 Oct 2013

EAT JURISDICTIONAL POINTS – 2002 Act and pre-action requirements UNFAIR DISMISSAL Unfair dismissal. Application of transitional provisions in case of dismissal alleged to have been unfair under s98A Employment Rights Act 1996. Whether employers had reasonable grounds to believe in lack of capacity of senior employee. Mitting J [2013] UKEAT 0183 – 13 – 2510 … Continue reading Masson v Meggitt Avionics Ltd: EAT 25 Oct 2013

HCL Safety Ltd v Flaherty: EAT 11 Jul 2013

EAT S.98A(2) ERA – Unfair dismissal. The Appellant appealed against a finding that it had unfairly dismissed the Respondent. The Employment Tribunal had found that the dismissal was unfair but that in light of section 118, 119, 122 123 of ERA 1996 the Respondent was not entitled to any monetary award, basic or compensatory. The … Continue reading HCL Safety Ltd v Flaherty: EAT 11 Jul 2013

Robert Bates Wrekin Landscapes Ltd v Knight: EAT 30 Jan 2014

EAT Contract of Employment : Wrongful Dismissal – Implied term/variation/construction of term UNFAIR DISMISSAL – Contributory fault The Claimant was summarily dismissed. He brought a claim of wrongful dismissal. The Employment Judge found that he had been wrongfully dismissed, the conduct upon which the Respondent relied not being inadvertent and not in repudiatory breach. It … Continue reading Robert Bates Wrekin Landscapes Ltd v Knight: EAT 30 Jan 2014

GM Packaging (UK) Ltd v Haslem: EAT 29 Jan 2014

EAT Unfair Dismissal : Reason for Dismissal Including Substantial Other Reason for dismissal including substantial other reason Reasonableness of dismissal Disciplinary process delegated to external HR consultants by this small employer. The reason for dismissal was the set of facts/beliefs in the mind of the consultants, even although the recommendation for dismissal required approval from … Continue reading GM Packaging (UK) Ltd v Haslem: EAT 29 Jan 2014

Stephens v Kingston University Higher Education Corporation: EAT 10 Dec 2013

EAT Jurisdictional Points : Extension of Time: Reasonably Practicable – Extension of time: just and equitable – FIXED TERM REGULATIONS – Time limits. Employment Judge entitled to conclude that claims under Employment Rights Act 1996 made 5.5 years out of time should not proceed. Even if not reasonably practicable to present them within time, they … Continue reading Stephens v Kingston University Higher Education Corporation: EAT 10 Dec 2013

Smith v Carillion (JM) Ltd and Another: EAT 17 Jan 2014

EAT Contract of Employment : Whether Established – VICTIMISATION DISCRIMINATION Health and safety Other forms of victimisation It is a prerequisite of the right under the Trade Union and Labour Relations (Consolidation) Act 1992 section 146 or under the Employment Rights Act 1996 of an employee not to have action short of dismissal taken against … Continue reading Smith v Carillion (JM) Ltd and Another: EAT 17 Jan 2014

Somerset County Council v H R Chaloner (Unfair Dismissal : Reasonableness of Dismissal): EAT 14 Oct 2013

EAT UNFAIR DISMISSAL – Reasonableness of dismissal Unfair dismissal – redundancy – reduction in number of employees and re-organisation of business – competitive interviews. The Claimant, deputy director of a business run by the Respondent, applied for a new post created in the course of a reduction in number of members of staff. The Respondent, … Continue reading Somerset County Council v H R Chaloner (Unfair Dismissal : Reasonableness of Dismissal): EAT 14 Oct 2013

Lumb v Greater Manchester Police (Whistleblowing, Protected Disclosures): EAT 2 Sep 2021

The claimant alleged that he had been subject to detriment and dismissal because he had made public interest disclosures. The only relevant disclosure for the purposes of the appeal was one alleged to have been made orally at a meeting on 4 October 2017. The employment tribunal failed to determine what the claimant had said … Continue reading Lumb v Greater Manchester Police (Whistleblowing, Protected Disclosures): EAT 2 Sep 2021

Toni and Guys (St Paul’s) Ltd v Georgiou: EAT 19 Jul 2013

EAT Unfair Dismissal : Compensation – Correct method of calculating a week’s pay for the purposes of (a) basic award and (b) compensatory award for unfair dismissal.Appeal allowed in part; distinction drawn between the statutory regime applying to a week’s pay for the basic award under Part XIV, Chapter II Employment Rights Act 1996 and … Continue reading Toni and Guys (St Paul’s) Ltd v Georgiou: EAT 19 Jul 2013

Tajul-Arfeen v Health Protection Agency: EAT 29 May 2013

EAT Age Discrimination : AGE RELATED DISMISSALThe Claimant was dismissed at age 65 consistently with the employer’s retirement policy. The Employment Tribunal found that he had been given proper notice of retirement and of the right to request that he be kept on for a further period. Such a request had been properly considered and … Continue reading Tajul-Arfeen v Health Protection Agency: EAT 29 May 2013

Franco Pizza Ltd (T/A Domino’s Pizza) v Gould and Another: EAT 12 Mar 2013

EAT UNFAIR DISMISSAL – Reasonableness of dismissalThe Appellant was the employer of both Respondents, until 27 November 2010 when both were dismissed. Following internal appeals, the decisions to dismiss were upheld. The Respondents lodged claims of unfair dismissal. It was agreed that the cases would proceed together and a hearing took place on the question … Continue reading Franco Pizza Ltd (T/A Domino’s Pizza) v Gould and Another: EAT 12 Mar 2013

Brito-Babapulle v Ealing Hospital NHS Trust: EAT 14 Jun 2013

EAT DISABILITY DISCRIMINATION – DisabilityUNFAIR DISMISSAL – Reasonableness of dismissalA consultant had both private and NHS patients. Whilst certificated sick and receiving sick pay from her NHS employers she worked for her private patients. She was dismissed for doing so, the employer thinking this could be described as fraud. An Employment Tribunal dismissed her claim … Continue reading Brito-Babapulle v Ealing Hospital NHS Trust: EAT 14 Jun 2013

Forensic Telecommunications Services Ltd v West Yorkshire Police and Another: ChD 9 Nov 2011

The claimant alleged infringement by the defendant of assorted intellectual property rights in its database. It provided systems for recovering materials deleted from Nokia mobile phones. Held: ‘the present case is concerned with a collection of numerical data . . the individual items of data are not protected by copyright. It follows that the collection … Continue reading Forensic Telecommunications Services Ltd v West Yorkshire Police and Another: ChD 9 Nov 2011

Copeland v E Coomes (Holdings) Ltd (Age Discrimination): EAT 13 Jun 2013

EAT AGE DISCRIMINATION UNFAIR DISMISSAL Automatically unfair reasons Reason for dismissal including substantial other reason The reason for the Claimant’s dismissal was retirement. The Employment Tribunal erred in holding that the Claimant’s claim of age discrimination failed by application of Regulation 30 of the Employment Equality (Age) Regulations 2006 when the 2006 regulations had been … Continue reading Copeland v E Coomes (Holdings) Ltd (Age Discrimination): EAT 13 Jun 2013

Dakin v Brighton Marina Residential Management Company Ltd and Another (Disability Discrimination : Disability): EAT 26 Apr 2013

EAT JURISDICTIONAL POINTS – Worker, employee or neitherDISABILITY DISCRIMINATION – DisabilityAn Employment Tribunal dismissed claims for holiday pay and unfair dismissal apparently on the basis that the Claimant was not a worker within the Working Time Regulations nor an employee within s.230 Employment Rights Act 1996. The principal reason for doing so was a lack … Continue reading Dakin v Brighton Marina Residential Management Company Ltd and Another (Disability Discrimination : Disability): EAT 26 Apr 2013

Charles Stanley and Co Ltd v Adams: QBD 19 Jul 2013

The claimant stock broking firm sought to recover its uninsured losses after having paid out for what was said to have been negligent advice by the respondent, a self-employed broker working for them. Held: The power to recover such losses were part of the contract with the broker, and the provision did not offend against … Continue reading Charles Stanley and Co Ltd v Adams: QBD 19 Jul 2013

Darker v Chief Constable of The West Midlands Police: HL 1 Aug 2000

The plaintiffs had been indicted on counts alleging conspiracy to import drugs and conspiracy to forge traveller’s cheques. During the criminal trial it emerged that there had been such inadequate disclosure by the police that the proceedings were stayed as an abuse of process. The plaintiffs then instituted civil proceedings alleging conspiracy to injure and … Continue reading Darker v Chief Constable of The West Midlands Police: HL 1 Aug 2000

NHS Manchester v Fecitt and Others: CA 25 Oct 2011

The appellant challenged reversal by the EAT of a finding that it had not unlawfully victimised the respondents for the making of a protected disclosure. The claimant had reported a co-worker exaggerating his qualifications. After repeated investigations, the employer decided that the apology from the employee was enough. When the claimant persisted the employee who … Continue reading NHS Manchester v Fecitt and Others: CA 25 Oct 2011

Commisioner of Police of The Metropolis v Shaw: EAT 29 Nov 2011

met_shawEAT2011 EAT VICTIMISATION DISCRIMINATION – RemedyThe Claimant, an officer in the Metropolitan Police, reported dishonest conduct by a colleague. As a result of his complaint, the colleague and his superior officer had him suspended on unfounded disciplinary charges, which were collusively supported by a more senior officer. The charges were in due course dropped, but … Continue reading Commisioner of Police of The Metropolis v Shaw: EAT 29 Nov 2011

British Gypsum Ltd v Thompson: EAT 22 Nov 2011

EAT Unfair dismissal – Automatic unfair dismissal for trade union activitiesUnfair dismissal – Fair in all the circumstances pursuant to s.98(4) of the Employment Rights Act 1996.Delay – Tribunal delay in delivering judgment.Employee is a shop steward – redundancy selection – during consultation process employee expresses opposition to need for change and implementation of new … Continue reading British Gypsum Ltd v Thompson: EAT 22 Nov 2011

Southern Cross Healthcare Co Ltd v Perkins and Others: EAT 21 Apr 2010

EAT CONTRACTS OF EMPLOYMENT Written Particulars The employment tribunal can reformulate the juridical basis of a complaint so long as the facts upon which the complaint is based remain the same and the other party suffers no prejudice; Chapman v Simon distinguished; Dr P Evans v Parasol Ltd and RSA Consulting Ltd considered. The employment … Continue reading Southern Cross Healthcare Co Ltd v Perkins and Others: EAT 21 Apr 2010

Dr Anya v University of Oxford and Another: CA 22 Mar 2001

Discrimination – History of interactions relevant When a tribunal considered whether the motive for an act was discriminatory, it should look not just at the act, but should make allowance for earlier acts which might throw more light on the act in question. The Tribunal should assess the totality of the evidence on any material … Continue reading Dr Anya v University of Oxford and Another: CA 22 Mar 2001

RT (Zimbabwe) and Others v Secretary of State for The Home Department: SC 25 Jul 2012

The claimants said it would be wrong to return them to Zimbabwe where they would be able to evade persecution only by pretending to a loyalty to, and enthusiasm for the current regime. Held: The Secretary of State’s appeals failed. The HJ principle applied. It was wrong to require someone with no political beliefs to … Continue reading RT (Zimbabwe) and Others v Secretary of State for The Home Department: SC 25 Jul 2012

Fuller v London Borough of Brent: CA 15 Mar 2011

The employers had dismissed the employee for misconduct. The Tribunal found that the employers had a genuine belief in the misconduct alleged and there had been a reasonable investigation. The real issue was whether it was reasonable to dismiss for the misconduct alleged. The Tribunal found that no reasonable employer would have dismissed the employee … Continue reading Fuller v London Borough of Brent: CA 15 Mar 2011

Buckland v Bournemouth University Higher Education Corporation: CA 24 Feb 2010

The claimant had been dismissed from his post as chair of archeology after criticism of his marking practices. Though a report vindicated him, the respondent continued with disciplinary procedures. He claimed unfair dismissal. The EAT had allowed the university’s appeal saying that the found repudiatory breach had been remedied before the resignation. The University now … Continue reading Buckland v Bournemouth University Higher Education Corporation: CA 24 Feb 2010

Shergold v Fieldway Medical Centre: EAT 5 Dec 2005

The claimant had submitted a grievance complaining in general terms of the way in which she had been treated by a manager. She did not, however, refer to a particular incident relied on in her pleading as one of the two ‘last straw’ incidents that led to her resignation. The respondent contended that by reason … Continue reading Shergold v Fieldway Medical Centre: EAT 5 Dec 2005

Alexander and Hatherley v Bridgen Enterprises Ltd: EAT 12 Apr 2006

The company made selections for redundancy, but failed to give the appellants information about how the scoring system had resulted in the figures allocated. The calculations left their representative unable to challenge them on appeal. The procedure adopted did not follow the statutory rules, but the tribunal had found the dismissals to be fair. The … Continue reading Alexander and Hatherley v Bridgen Enterprises Ltd: EAT 12 Apr 2006

Barclays Bank Plc v Mitchell: EAT 11 Feb 2014

EAT Victimisation Discrimination : Whistleblowing – PRACTICE AND PROCEDURE – Appellate jurisdiction/reasons/Burns-Barke – Employment Tribunal failed to explain sufficiently their reasoning on the causation issue in s.47B Employment Rights Act 1996 ‘whistle-blowing’ complaint. Case remitted to same ET for reconsideration. Peter Clark J [2013] UKEAT 0279 – 13 – 1102 Bailii Employment Rights Act 1996 … Continue reading Barclays Bank Plc v Mitchell: EAT 11 Feb 2014

Amnesty International v Ahmed: EAT 13 Aug 2009

amnesty_ahmedEAT2009 EAT RACE DISCRIMINATION – Direct discriminationRACE DISCRIMINATION – Indirect discriminationRACE DISCRIMINATION – Protected by s. 41UNFAIR DISMISSAL – Constructive dismissalClaimant, of (northern) Sudanese ethnic origin, applied for promotion to role of ‘Sudan researcher’ for Amnesty International – Not appointed because Amnesty believed that the appointment of a person of her ethnic origin would compromise … Continue reading Amnesty International v Ahmed: EAT 13 Aug 2009

Williamson and Soden Solicitors v Briars: EAT 20 May 2011

EAT JURISDICTIONAL POINTS – Worker, employee or neitherA Tribunal determined that a solicitor who had been an employee, but who then accepted remuneration calculated as a ‘profit share’, remained an employee and did not become a partner. It did so without express reference to the Partnership Act 1890, and was contended to be wrong in … Continue reading Williamson and Soden Solicitors v Briars: EAT 20 May 2011

British Airways Plc v Williams and Others: CA 3 Apr 2009

The company appealed against an adverse finding on its holiday pay payments to its pilots, saying that the pay was subject to the 2004 Regulations alone. The Directive suggested that holiday pay should be at normal average rates of pay, but the actual pay excluded bonus rates. The company said that the special regulations applicable … Continue reading British Airways Plc v Williams and Others: CA 3 Apr 2009

Fecitt and Others v NHS Manchester: EAT 23 Nov 2010

EAT VICTIMISATION DISCRIMINATION – Protected disclosureS.47B of the Employment Rights Act 1996 provides that ‘A worker has the right not to be subjected to any detriment by any act, or any deliberate failure to act, by his employer done on the ground that the worker has made a protected disclosure.’In cases where a Claimant has … Continue reading Fecitt and Others v NHS Manchester: EAT 23 Nov 2010

Tran v Greenwich Vietnam Community Project: CA 25 Apr 2002

The applicant had appealed the dismissal of his case for unfair dismissal. His notice of appeal did not request extended reasons from the tribunal, nor challenged the adequacy of the tribunal’s reasoning. At the EAT he sought to argue that the reasons were inadequate, but he was not allowed to argue the point. The notice … Continue reading Tran v Greenwich Vietnam Community Project: CA 25 Apr 2002

Leeks v St George’s Healthcare NHS Trust: EAT 22 Oct 2012

EAT Practice and Procedure : Case Management – UNFAIR DISMISSAL – Reasonableness of dismissalThe Respondent was entitled to conclude the Claimant wrongfully handed over HR files of two employees whose qualifications she disputed, and to dismiss her.Given the concession in the internal proceedings that as much investigation as was reasonable had been conducted, the Employment … Continue reading Leeks v St George’s Healthcare NHS Trust: EAT 22 Oct 2012

Suhail v Herts Urgent Care: EAT 14 Nov 2012

EAT JURISDICTIONAL POINTS – Worker, employee or neither The Employment Judge was entitled on the facts that she found to conclude that the Claimant was in business on his own account rather than an ’employee’ or ‘worker’ within the meaning of sections 47B, 230(1) and 230(3) Employment Rights Act 1996. Serota QC [2012] UKEAT 0416 … Continue reading Suhail v Herts Urgent Care: EAT 14 Nov 2012

Ghaidan v Godin-Mendoza: HL 21 Jun 2004

Same Sex Partner Entitled to tenancy Succession The protected tenant had died. His same-sex partner sought a statutory inheritance of the tenancy. Held: His appeal succeeded. The Fitzpatrick case referred to the position before the 1998 Act: ‘Discriminatory law undermines the rule of law because it is the antithesis of fairness. It brings the law … Continue reading Ghaidan v Godin-Mendoza: HL 21 Jun 2004

Secretary of State for Business, Enterprise and Regulatory Reform v Neufeld and Another: CA 2 Apr 2009

The claimant had been majority shareholder and a director of his company which had become insolvent owing him arrears of wages. He had successfully claimed re-imbursement of the arrears and redundancy pay, and notice and holiday pay from the appellant. Held: Provided that the employment contract was not a sham, and was properly a contract … Continue reading Secretary of State for Business, Enterprise and Regulatory Reform v Neufeld and Another: CA 2 Apr 2009

King v Great Britain China Centre: CA 1991

The court considered the nature of evidence which will be available to tribunals considering a race discrimination claim. Held: A complainant must prove his or her case on the balance of probabilities, but it is unusual to find direct evidence of racial discrimination, and a case will usually depend on what inferences can properly be … Continue reading King v Great Britain China Centre: CA 1991

Bank Mellat v HM Treasury: QBD 11 Jun 2010

The respondent had made an order under the Regulations restricting all persons from dealing with the the claimant bank. The bank applied to have the order set aside. Though the defendant originally believed that the Iranian government owned 80% of the shares, the figure was 20% and soon to be reduced to 15%. It said … Continue reading Bank Mellat v HM Treasury: QBD 11 Jun 2010

Hosking v Marathon Asset Management Llp: ChD 5 Oct 2016

Loss of agent’s share for breach within LLP The court was asked whether the principle that a fiduciary (in particular, an agent) who acts in breach of his fiduciary duties can lose his right to remuneration, is capable of applying to profit share of a partner in a partnership or a member of a limited … Continue reading Hosking v Marathon Asset Management Llp: ChD 5 Oct 2016

Uber Bv v Aslam and Others (Jurisdictional Points – Worker, Employee or Neither : Working Time Regulations): EAT 10 Nov 2017

Uber drivers are workers JURISDICTIONAL POINTS – Worker, employee or neither WORKING TIME REGULATIONS – Worker ‘Worker status’ – section 230(3)(b) Employment Rights Act 1996 (‘ERA’), regulation 36(1) Working Time Regulations 1998 (‘WTR’) and section 54(3) National Minimum Wage Act 1998 (‘NMWA’). ‘Working time’ – regulation 2(1) WTR The Claimants were current or former Uber … Continue reading Uber Bv v Aslam and Others (Jurisdictional Points – Worker, Employee or Neither : Working Time Regulations): EAT 10 Nov 2017

Jones v Mid-Glamorgan County Council: CA 13 May 1997

On being told he was to be dismissed, Mr Jones had taken early retirement. He made a claim in the County Court that his pension had been wrongly reduced, The court rejected his allegation that he had acted under duress. His subsequent claim of unfair dismissal in the Employment ribunal was also rejected, but his … Continue reading Jones v Mid-Glamorgan County Council: CA 13 May 1997

Jivraj v Hashwani: SC 27 Jul 2011

The parties had a joint venture agreement which provided that any dispute was to be referred to an arbitrator from the Ismaili community. The claimant said that this method of appointment became void as a discriminatory provision under the 2003 Regulations. The High Court found the appointment to be outwith the provisions, but this was … Continue reading Jivraj v Hashwani: SC 27 Jul 2011

Amwell View School v Dogherty: EAT 15 Sep 2006

amwell_dogherty The claimant had secretly recorded the disciplinary hearings and also the deliberations of the disciplinary panel after their retirement. The tribunal had at a case management hearing admitted the recordings as evidence, and the defendant appealed, saying also that it had been disclosed too late. Held: The evidence contained in the recordings was relevant … Continue reading Amwell View School v Dogherty: EAT 15 Sep 2006

Gray v Merrill Lynch, Pierce, Fenner and Smith Ltd: EAT 16 Mar 2016

EAT Practice and Procedure: Disclosure – Disclosure – Rule 31 of the Employment Tribunal Rules of Procedure 2013 – ET Case Management Various Orders for specific disclosure had been made by the ET as part of its case management of the Appellant’s claims of unfair dismissal (section 98 Employment Rights Act 1996 (‘ERA’)) and automatic … Continue reading Gray v Merrill Lynch, Pierce, Fenner and Smith Ltd: EAT 16 Mar 2016

Reyes and Another v Al-Malki and Another: CA 5 Feb 2015

The claimants wished to make employment law claims alleging, inter alia, that they had suffered racial discrimination and harassment, and had been paid less than the national minimum wage aganst the respondents. They had been assessed as having been subject to human trafficking. They appealed against dismissal of their claims under section 31 the 1964 … Continue reading Reyes and Another v Al-Malki and Another: CA 5 Feb 2015

Tiffin v Lester Aldridge Llp: EAT 16 Nov 2010

EAT CONTRACT OF EMPLOYMENT – Whether establishedThe Claimant, who is a solicitor, became a salaried partner in a partnership, which became a Limited Liability Partnership, which was the Respondent. The Claimant became a Fixed Share Partner. He received a salary and a designated but a small share of the profits. He was also liable to … Continue reading Tiffin v Lester Aldridge Llp: EAT 16 Nov 2010

Clyde and Co Llp and Another v Winkelhof: QBD 22 Mar 2011

The claimant firm of solicitors sought an order requiring the defendant to amend her employment tribunal claim so as to accord with the partnership agreement to which she was party, and to submit to arbitration. The defendant said that statutory provisions said that her freedom to go to court could not be ousted, and that … Continue reading Clyde and Co Llp and Another v Winkelhof: QBD 22 Mar 2011

Victoria and Albert Museum v Durrant: EAT 5 Jan 2011

EAT UNFAIR DISMISSAL Reason for dismissal including some other substantial reason The correct interpretation of section 106 of Employment Rights Act 1996 (‘the Act’) was considered. The condition set by section 106(2)(a) of the Act will not be met unless there is clear and unambiguous language used in the written information given to the employee … Continue reading Victoria and Albert Museum v Durrant: EAT 5 Jan 2011

Webb v EMO Air Cargo (UK) Ltd (No 2): HL 20 Oct 1995

The applicant complained that she was dismissed when her employers learned that she was pregnant. Held: 1(1) (a) and 5(3) of the 1975 Act were to be interpreted as meaning that where a woman had been engaged for an indefinite period, the fact that pregnancy was the reason for her temporary unavailability at a time … Continue reading Webb v EMO Air Cargo (UK) Ltd (No 2): HL 20 Oct 1995

Khan v HGS Global Ltd and Another (Unfair Dismissal: Dismissal/Ambiguous Resignation): EAT 16 Nov 2015

EAT Unfair Dismissal: Dismissal/Ambiguous Resignation – The Employment Tribunal had found that there had been a consensual termination of the Claimant’s contract of employment and thus no dismissal for purposes of section 95(1)(a) Employment Rights Act 1996. The Claimant appealed. Held: Dismissing the appeal. The question for the ET had been: who had really ended … Continue reading Khan v HGS Global Ltd and Another (Unfair Dismissal: Dismissal/Ambiguous Resignation): EAT 16 Nov 2015

Chief Constable of West Yorkshire Police v Khan: HL 11 Oct 2001

The claimant was a police sergeant. After many years he had not been promoted. He began proceedings for race discrimination. Whilst those were in course, he applied for a post elsewhere. That force wrote to his own requesting a reference. In the light of the discrimination claim, they were advised not to reply for fear … Continue reading Chief Constable of West Yorkshire Police v Khan: HL 11 Oct 2001

British Gas Trading Ltd v Lock and Another (Working Time Regulations : Holiday Pay): EAT 22 Feb 2016

EAT WORKING TIME REGULATIONS – Holiday pay Mr Lock was at the material time employed by British Gas as a salesman. His remuneration package included a basic salary plus commission which was based on the number and type of contracts he persuaded customers to enter into; in other words it was results-based commission and did … Continue reading British Gas Trading Ltd v Lock and Another (Working Time Regulations : Holiday Pay): EAT 22 Feb 2016

McCartney and Unite The Union and Another v Nortel Networks UK Ltd (In Administration): ChD 22 Apr 2010

The administrators gave employees of the company notice of termination of their employment. Then administrators refused consent under para 43(6) to actions against the company in the Northern Ireland Industrial Tribunal for protective awards, unfair dismissal, breach of contract and otherwise. The claims were issued anyway, and the administrators argued that they were a nullity, … Continue reading McCartney and Unite The Union and Another v Nortel Networks UK Ltd (In Administration): ChD 22 Apr 2010

Lisboa v Realpubs Ltd and Others: EAT 11 Jan 2011

lisboa_realpubsEAT11 EAT SEXUAL ORIENTATION DISCRIMINATION Whether Respondent’s policy of encouraging a wider clientele at a formerly gay pub involved less favourable treatment of gay customers causing the Claimant to resign in circumstances amounting to discriminatory constructive (and wrongful) dismissal, applying principles in Showboat, approved in Wethersfield v Sargent.Employment Tribunal fell into error in focussing on … Continue reading Lisboa v Realpubs Ltd and Others: EAT 11 Jan 2011

London Borough of Tower Hamlets v Wooster: EAT 10 Sep 2009

EAT AGE DISCRIMINATIONUNFAIR DISMISSAL – Polkey deductionCouncil employee seconded to registered social landlord – Secondment comes to an end, so that he is formally redundant – Employee aged 49 and would be entitled to an early retirement pension if retained in employment to age 50 – Council fails to find him alternative employment or to … Continue reading London Borough of Tower Hamlets v Wooster: EAT 10 Sep 2009

Yearworth and others v North Bristol NHS Trust: CA 4 Feb 2009

The defendant hospital had custody of sperm samples given by the claimants in the course of fertility treatment. The samples were effectively destroyed when the fridge malfunctioned. Each claimant was undergoing chemotherapy which would prevent them providing future samples. They appealed a finding that they they had no losses, based on the suggestion that the … Continue reading Yearworth and others v North Bristol NHS Trust: CA 4 Feb 2009

Owusu v London Fire and Civil Defence Authority: EAT 1 Mar 1995

The employee complained of his employer’s repeated failure to regrade him, and alleged discrimination. The employer said his claim was out of time. Held: Mummery J made the distinction between single acts of discrimination, and continuing discrimination: ‘the tribunal erred in law in failing to treat the acts complained of on regrading and failure to … Continue reading Owusu v London Fire and Civil Defence Authority: EAT 1 Mar 1995

Reprieve and Others, Regina (on The Application of) v The Prime Minister: Admn 30 Jun 2020

Standing may not be enough for JR The claimants sought judicial review of the defendant’s decision that it was no longer necessary to establish a public inquiry to investigate allegations of involvement of the United Kingdom intelligence services in torture, mistreatment and rendition of detainees in the aftermath of events in the USA on 11 … Continue reading Reprieve and Others, Regina (on The Application of) v The Prime Minister: Admn 30 Jun 2020

Bear Scotland Limited v Fulton, and similar: EAT 4 Nov 2014

EAT WORKING TIME REGULATIONS: HOLIDAY PAY – DAMAGES FOR BREACH OF CONTRACT – UNLAWFUL DEDUCTION FROM WAGES The EAT held that Article 7 of the Working Time Directive is to be interpreted such that payments for overtime which the employees in two appeals before it were required to work, though which their employer was not … Continue reading Bear Scotland Limited v Fulton, and similar: EAT 4 Nov 2014

Relating to certain aspects of the laws on the use of languages in education in Belgium (Belgian Linguistics) No 2: ECHR 9 Feb 1967

The applicants, parents of more than 800 Francophone children, living in certain (mostly Dutch-speaking) parts of Belgium, complained that their children were denied access to an education in French. Held: In establishing a system or regime to comply with a Convention obligation, a State may include within the system elements that are not strictly required … Continue reading Relating to certain aspects of the laws on the use of languages in education in Belgium (Belgian Linguistics) No 2: ECHR 9 Feb 1967

Autoclenz Ltd v Belcher and Others: SC 27 Jul 2011

Car Cleaning nil-hours Contractors were Workers The company contracted with the claimants to work cleaning cars. The company appealed against a finding that contrary to the explicit provisions of the contracts, they were workers within the Regulations and entitled to holiday pay and associated benefits. The contracts were ‘nil hours’ contracts neither requiring nor entitling … Continue reading Autoclenz Ltd v Belcher and Others: SC 27 Jul 2011

Regina v H; Regina v C: HL 5 Feb 2004

Use of Special Counsel as Last Resort Only The accused faced charges of conspiring to supply Class A drugs. The prosecution had sought public interest immunity certificates. Special counsel had been appointed by the court to represent the defendants’ interests at the applications. Held: It was permissible to use special counsel, but this must genuinely … Continue reading Regina v H; Regina v C: HL 5 Feb 2004

Phillips v Mulcaire: SC 24 May 2012

The claimant worked as personal assistant to a well known public relations company. She alleged that the defendant had intercepted telephone message given by and left for her. The court was asked first as to whether the information amounted to ‘technical or commercial information’ within the definition of ‘intellectual property’ in section 72(5) of the … Continue reading Phillips v Mulcaire: SC 24 May 2012

Paczkowski v Sieradzka: EAT 19 Jul 2016

EAT Jurisdictional Points : Extension of Time: Reasonably Practicable – Extension of time – reasonably practicable – section 111(2)(b) Employment Rights Act 1996 The Claimant sought to pursue a complaint of automatic unfair dismissal under section 104 ERA 1996 (alleging the reason for her dismissal was her assertion of a statutory right, namely the right … Continue reading Paczkowski v Sieradzka: EAT 19 Jul 2016

West Midland Baptist (Trust) Association (Inc) v Birmingham Corporation: HL 1970

The mere fact that an enactment shows that Parliament must have thought that the law was one thing, does not preclude the courts from deciding that the law was in fact something different. The position would be different if the provisions of the enactment were such that they would only be workable if the law … Continue reading West Midland Baptist (Trust) Association (Inc) v Birmingham Corporation: HL 1970

Abercrombie and Others v Aga Rangemaster Ltd: EAT 10 Oct 2012

EAT Jurisdictional Points : Extension of Time: Reasonably Practicable – UNLAWFUL DEDUCTION FROM WAGES The Respondent employed the Claimants, who were members of the GMB. In order to avoid redundancies, the Respondent and GMB entered into an agreement which required the GMB to put a proposal to its members for a temporary reduction of working … Continue reading Abercrombie and Others v Aga Rangemaster Ltd: EAT 10 Oct 2012

Barts and The London NHS Trust v Verma: SC 24 Apr 2013

The parties disputed the effect of the NHS terms for employment of doctors, and in particularly the provisions as to maintenance of pay grade. The doctor had become a consultant trust grade doctor in oral surgery, but was then required to retrain from her qualification as a dentist. She said that she was entitled to … Continue reading Barts and The London NHS Trust v Verma: SC 24 Apr 2013

Carmelli Bakeries Ltd v Benali (Unfair Dismissal : Reason for Dismissal Including Substantial Other): EAT 31 Jul 2013

EAT UNFAIR DISMISSAL Reason for dismissal including substantial other reason Compensation DISABILITY DISCRIMINATION – Disability related discrimination The decision of the Employment Tribunal that the dismissal of the Claimant pastry chef for using non-kosher jam in a product sold in an establishment subject to requirements of Kedassia was an act of victimisation under the Equality … Continue reading Carmelli Bakeries Ltd v Benali (Unfair Dismissal : Reason for Dismissal Including Substantial Other): EAT 31 Jul 2013

Autoclenz Ltd v Belcher and Others: CA 13 Oct 2009

Car Valeters contracts misdescribed their Duties The claimants worked cleaning cars for the appellants. They said that as workers they were entitled to holiday pay. The appellant said they were self-employed. Held: The contract purported to give rights which were not genuine, and the employment judge was entitled to reach that conclusion. The contractors were … Continue reading Autoclenz Ltd v Belcher and Others: CA 13 Oct 2009

Duncombe and Others v Secretary of State for Children, Schools and Families: CA 14 Dec 2009

The court considered the workings of fixed term employment contracts under which the claimants taught in Europe. The Secretary of State argued that the contracts validly limited the claimants’ employment to nine years. The claimants said the 2002 Regulations operated to change the contracts into permanent ones. The decision was ‘whether the employment contracts between … Continue reading Duncombe and Others v Secretary of State for Children, Schools and Families: CA 14 Dec 2009

Revenue and Customs v Secret Hotels2 Ltd: SC 5 Mar 2014

The Court was asked as to: ‘the liability for Value Added Tax of a company which markets and arranges holiday accommodation through an on-line website. The outcome turns on the appropriate characterisation of the relationship between the company, the operators of the hotels, and the holiday-makers or their travel agents (which is an English law … Continue reading Revenue and Customs v Secret Hotels2 Ltd: SC 5 Mar 2014

Roberts v Acumed Ltd: EAT 25 Nov 2010

roberts_acumedEAT10 EAT UNFAIR DISMISSAL Reason for dismissal including substantial other reason Reasonableness of dismissal Procedural fairness/automatically unfair dismissal The Claimant area sales manager was remunerated on a different basis from the other four area managers. His commission was based on total sales whereas theirs was based on annual increase in sales. On reviewing remuneration the … Continue reading Roberts v Acumed Ltd: EAT 25 Nov 2010

Investors Compensation Scheme Ltd v West Bromwich Building Society: HL 19 Jun 1997

Account taken of circumstances wihout ambiguity The respondent gave advice on home income plans. The individual claimants had assigned their initial claims to the scheme, but later sought also to have their mortgages in favour of the respondent set aside. Held: Investors having once assigned their causes of action to the ICS, could not later … Continue reading Investors Compensation Scheme Ltd v West Bromwich Building Society: HL 19 Jun 1997

Parkwood Leisure Ltd v Alemo-Herron and 23 Others: CA 29 Jan 2010

The employees asserted unauthorised deductions from their wages. The company appealed against an order re-instating their claims. When employed by the council, the claimants had the right to pay increases in accordance with rates set by national negotiations, and claimed the benefit of increases negotiated after they had been transferred to the appellant. The employer … Continue reading Parkwood Leisure Ltd v Alemo-Herron and 23 Others: CA 29 Jan 2010

Majrowski v Guy’s and St Thomas’ NHS Trust: HL 12 Jul 2006

Employer can be liable for Managers Harassment The claimant employee sought damages, saying that he had been bullied by his manager and that bullying amounting to harassment under the 1997 Act. The employer now appealed a finding that it was responsible for a tort committed by a manager, saying that the intention of the Act … Continue reading Majrowski v Guy’s and St Thomas’ NHS Trust: HL 12 Jul 2006

Malik v Bank of Credit and Commerce International (BCCI); Mahmud v Bank of Credit and Commerce International: HL 12 Jun 1997

Allowance of Stigma Damages The employees claimed damages, saying that the way in which their employer had behaved during their employment had led to continuing losses, ‘stigma damages’ after the termination. Held: It is an implied term of any contract of employment that the employer shall not without reasonable and proper cause conduct itself in … Continue reading Malik v Bank of Credit and Commerce International (BCCI); Mahmud v Bank of Credit and Commerce International: HL 12 Jun 1997

Susie Radin Ltd v GMB and others: CA 20 Feb 2004

The company made redundancies but failed to carry out any effective or honest consultation. The tribunal awarded the maximum 90 days protective order. The company appealed saying that it had given the employees greater notice than was strictly due. Held: The purpose of the order was punitive and therefore was not affected by the actual … Continue reading Susie Radin Ltd v GMB and others: CA 20 Feb 2004

Kobler v Republik Osterreich: ECJ 30 Sep 2003

The claimant’s claim had been presented to the Supreme Administrative Court in Austria, who had referred a question to the ECJ. Following the Schoning decision, the court withdrew the referral, and dismissed the claim. He now claimed damages from the state for the wrongful dismissal of his claim by the court. Held: It was for … Continue reading Kobler v Republik Osterreich: ECJ 30 Sep 2003

S, Regina (on Application of) v South Yorkshire Police; Regina v Chief Constable of Yorkshire Police ex parte Marper: HL 22 Jul 2004

Police Retention of Suspects DNA and Fingerprints The claimants complained that their fingerprints and DNA records taken on arrest had been retained after discharge before trial, saying the retention of the samples infringed their right to private life. Held: The parts of DNA used for testing are not generally capable of revealing medical information about … Continue reading S, Regina (on Application of) v South Yorkshire Police; Regina v Chief Constable of Yorkshire Police ex parte Marper: HL 22 Jul 2004

Goodwin v The United Kingdom: ECHR 11 Jul 2002

The claimant was a post operative male to female trans-sexual. She claimed that her human rights were infringed when she was still treated as a man for National Insurance contributions purposes, where she continued to make payments after the age at which a woman would have ceased payments thus causing harassment. A second claimant again … Continue reading Goodwin v The United Kingdom: ECHR 11 Jul 2002

Secretary of State of Business Innovation and Skills v Dobrucki and Others (Transfer of Undertakings: Insolvency): EAT 3 Feb 2015

EAT TRANSFER OF UNDERTAKINGS – Insolvency – RIGHTS ON INSOLVENCY Employees were transferred from a company in administration to a former 90% shareholder who purchased its business. Three days later the business folded. All employees claimed arrears of pay, and holiday pay, three claimed for unpaid notice pay, and one for a redundancy payment. An … Continue reading Secretary of State of Business Innovation and Skills v Dobrucki and Others (Transfer of Undertakings: Insolvency): EAT 3 Feb 2015