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Way v Spectrum Property Care Ltd: CA 22 Apr 2015

The appellant had been dismissed after using the company email to forward an inappropriate email in breach of the company’s policies. Later he was disciplined for making an appointment in breach of the company’s procedures. He again misused the company’s email system and was dismissed, but several others were also. The company had offered a … Continue reading Way v Spectrum Property Care Ltd: CA 22 Apr 2015

First Hampshire and Dorset Ltd v Parhar: EAT 10 May 2012

parharEAT2012 EAT UNFAIR DISMISSAL – Reasonableness of dismissalIll health capability dismissal. Section 98(4) Employment Rights Act 1996 reasonableness judged by Employment Tribunal only as at EDT; ET ought to have considered the whole disciplinary process, including subsequent appeals; West Midlands Co-operative Society Limited v Tipton [1986] IRLR 112; Taylor v OCS Group Limited [2006] IRLR … Continue reading First Hampshire and Dorset Ltd v Parhar: EAT 10 May 2012

Edwards v Chesterfield Royal Hospital NHS Foundation Trust: CA 26 May 2010

The claimant, a consultant doctor, sought damages saying that his employer had failed to follow the contract when disciplining and dismissing him. The GMC had dismissed as unfounded the allegation on which the dismissal was based. He sought damages for the severe and continuing damages to his career. The court had limited his claim to … Continue reading Edwards v Chesterfield Royal Hospital NHS Foundation Trust: CA 26 May 2010

Swiggs and others v Nagarajan: HL 15 Jul 1999

Bias may not be intentional The applicant claimed that he had been denied appointment to a job with London Regional Transport because he had brought a number of previous race discrimination claims against it or associated companies. An industrial tribunal had upheld his claim of victimisation contrary to section 2(1) of the 1976 Act, finding … Continue reading Swiggs and others v Nagarajan: HL 15 Jul 1999

Reilly and Another, Regina (on The Application of) v Secretary of State for Work and Pensions: CA 12 Feb 2013

The claimants complained of the system where they were obliged to work for free to claim Jobseekers Allowance. Held: The 2011 Regulations were required to specify the schemes under which the claimants were to claim. Instead, the regulations had named a scheme of work and the details of it were set out elsewhere. This did … Continue reading Reilly and Another, Regina (on The Application of) v Secretary of State for Work and Pensions: CA 12 Feb 2013

Willow Oak Developments Ltd. (T/A Windsor Recruitment) v Silverwood and others: CA 25 May 2006

The employer appealed a finding that he had been unreasonable in seeking to vary the employment contracts of his staff by adding post employment restrictive covenants, and that the consequent dismissals were unfair. Copies of the new contracts had been handed to employees without prior notice and with an instruction to sign the within thirty … Continue reading Willow Oak Developments Ltd. (T/A Windsor Recruitment) v Silverwood and others: CA 25 May 2006

Times Newspapers Ltd (Nos. 1 And 2) v The United Kingdom: ECHR 10 Mar 2009

The applicant alleged that the rule under United Kingdom law whereby each time material is downloaded from the Internet a new cause of action in libel proceedings accrued (‘the Internet publication rule’) constituted an unjustifiable and disproportionate restriction on its right to freedom of expression. Held: The rule did engage the claimants right of free … Continue reading Times Newspapers Ltd (Nos. 1 And 2) v The United Kingdom: ECHR 10 Mar 2009

A v Secretary of State for the Home Department, and X v Secretary of State for the Home Department: HL 16 Dec 2004

The applicants had been imprisoned and held without trial, being suspected of international terrorism. No criminal charges were intended to be brought. They were foreigners and free to return home if they wished, but feared for their lives if they did. A British subject, who was suspected in the exact same way, and there were … Continue reading A v Secretary of State for the Home Department, and X v Secretary of State for the Home Department: HL 16 Dec 2004

Jameel v Wall Street Journal Europe Sprl: HL 11 Oct 2006

The House was asked as to the capacity of a limited company to sue for damage to its reputation, where it had no trading activity within the jurisdiction, and as to the extent of the Reynolds defence. The defendants/appellants had published an article which was said falsely to associate the claimants with terrorist activity. Held: … Continue reading Jameel v Wall Street Journal Europe Sprl: HL 11 Oct 2006

Korashi v Abertawe Bro Morgannwg University Local Health Board: EAT 12 Sep 2011

korashi_lhbEAT2011 EAT VICTIMISATION DISCRIMINATION – WhistleblowingRACE DISCRIMINATION – DirectJURISDICTIONAL POINTS – Claim in time and effective date of terminationPRACTICE AND PROCEDURENew evidence on appealAppellate jurisdiction/reasons/Burns-BarkeThe Employment Tribunal correctly dismissed PIDA claims as having failed to meet one or other of the conditions in Employment Rights Act 1996 s 47B 47C 47G and 47H, and further … Continue reading Korashi v Abertawe Bro Morgannwg University Local Health Board: EAT 12 Sep 2011

Hewage v Grampian Health Board: SC 25 Jul 2012

The claimant had been employed as a consultant orthodontist. She resigned claiming constructive dismissal and sex and race discrimination. The EAT reversed the findings on discrimination saying that they had not been sufficiently pleaded. The Court of Session re-instated the discrimination findings and the Board now appealed. Held: The Board’s appeal failed. Although the positions … Continue reading Hewage v Grampian Health Board: SC 25 Jul 2012

Bateman and Others v Asda Stores Ltd: EAT 11 Feb 2010

bateman_asdaEAT2010 EAT CONTRACT OF EMPLOYMENT: Incorporation into contract Asda wished to ensure that their entire store staff were employed on the same pay and work structure and this meant that those on the old regime had to transfer to a new regime. Some 9,330 employees agreed, but some did not. So when the new regime … Continue reading Bateman and Others v Asda Stores Ltd: EAT 11 Feb 2010

James v Eastleigh Borough Council: HL 14 Jun 1990

Result Decides Dscrimination not Motive The Council had allowed free entry to its swimming pools to those of pensionable age (ie women of 60 and men of 65). A 61 year old man successfully complained of sexual discrimination. Held: The 1975 Act directly discriminated between men and women by treating women more favourably on the … Continue reading James v Eastleigh Borough Council: HL 14 Jun 1990

KR and others v Bryn Alyn Community (Holdings) Ltd and Another: CA 12 Feb 2003

The respondent appealed decisions by the court to allow claims for personal injury out of time. The claims involved cases of sexual abuse inflicted by its employees going back over many years. Held: The judge had misapplied the test laid down in Stebbings. The court of appeal had not previously considered how to apply its … Continue reading KR and others v Bryn Alyn Community (Holdings) Ltd and Another: CA 12 Feb 2003

Clyde and Co Llp v Van Winkelhof: EAT 26 Apr 2012

EAT JURISDICTIONAL POINTS Worker, employee or neither Working outside the jurisdiction Whether LLP equity member was a limb (b) worker under section 230(3). Allowing Claimant’s appeal, she was. Applying Lawson v Serco, Duncombe (No. 2) and Ravat, on any view Employment Tribunal entitled to conclude that it had jurisdiction territorially to entertain both whistleblowing claim … Continue reading Clyde and Co Llp v Van Winkelhof: EAT 26 Apr 2012

Fallahi v TWI Ltd (Unfair Dismissal): EAT 17 Aug 2021

‘Manifestly Inapproproiate’ is a general Test The Appellant was employed as Senior Project Leader – Technology. The Respondent raised issues about his performance. On 26 January 2016 an informal performance management process commenced and objectives were set, with targets to be measured in June 2016, October 2016 and January 2017. Before those deadlines arrived, his … Continue reading Fallahi v TWI Ltd (Unfair Dismissal): EAT 17 Aug 2021

Abercrombie and Others v Aga Rangemaster Ltd: CA 11 Oct 2013

The court considered the calculation of guarantee payments to be paid under the 1996 Act to employees who have been laid off or placed on short-time working because of a downturn in business. Sir Terence Etherton Ch, Kitchin, Underhill LJJ [2013] EWCA Civ 1148 Bailii Employment Rights Act 1996 England and Wales Citing: Appeal from … Continue reading Abercrombie and Others v Aga Rangemaster Ltd: CA 11 Oct 2013

J v DLA Piper UK Llp: EAT 15 Jun 2010

EAT DISABILITY DISCRIMINATION – DisabilityJob offer to Claimant withdrawn allegedly as a result of her disclosing a history of depression – On a preliminary issue Tribunal holds that at the material time (June 2008) Claimant not suffering from ‘clinical depression’ amounting to a disability within the meaning of the Disability Discrimination Act 1995.Appeal allowed, and … Continue reading J v DLA Piper UK Llp: EAT 15 Jun 2010

Masson v Meggitt Avionics Ltd: EAT 3 Aug 2012

masson_meggittEAT2012 EAT UNFAIR DISMISSALDismissal for lack of capabilityAutomatic unfair dismissalAppeal against decision of Employment Tribunal that R did not unfairly dismiss A for lack of capability. No finding made by ET as to whether R contemplated dismissing A before 5 April 2009 and therefore whether Employment Rights Act 1996, s.98A applied. Further, no express finding … Continue reading Masson v Meggitt Avionics Ltd: EAT 3 Aug 2012

Secretary of State for the Home Department v MB; Same v AF: HL 31 Oct 2007

Non-derogating control orders – HR Compliant MB and AF challenged non-derogating control orders made under the 2005 Act, saying that they were incompatible with their human rights. AF was subject to a curfew of 14 hours a day, wore an electronic tag at all times, could not leave a nine square mile area, and had … Continue reading Secretary of State for the Home Department v MB; Same v AF: HL 31 Oct 2007

Begum (otherwise SB), Regina (on the Application of) v Denbigh High School: HL 22 Mar 2006

The student, a Muslim wished to wear a full Islamic dress, the jilbab, but this was not consistent with the school’s uniform policy. She complained that this interfered with her right to express her religion. Held: The school’s appeal succeeded. The school had acted responsibly and carefully seeking to balance and respect several interests when … Continue reading Begum (otherwise SB), Regina (on the Application of) v Denbigh High School: HL 22 Mar 2006

Secretary of State for The Home Department v Pankina: CA 23 Jun 2010

Each claimant had graduated from a tertiary college and wished to stay on in the UK. They challenged the points based system for assessing elgibility introduced in 2008 after they had commenced their studies. The new rules tightened the criteria for staying. Held: The appeals succeeded. By 1969, immigration rules had by law shed the … Continue reading Secretary of State for The Home Department v Pankina: CA 23 Jun 2010

Chase v Newsgroup Newspapers Ltd: CA 3 Dec 2002

The defendant appealed against a striking out of part of its defence to the claim of defamation, pleading justification. Held: The Human Rights Convention had not itself changed the conditions for a plea of justification based upon reasonable belief that the claimant had acted criminally. The three conditions were: the inability to rely upon hearsay, … Continue reading Chase v Newsgroup Newspapers Ltd: CA 3 Dec 2002

Stuart Delivery Ltd v Augustine: CA 19 Oct 2021

Obligation to Perfom Work Personally was Critical This appeal concerns the status of a courier delivering goods by moped. The question on the appeal is whether an employment tribunal was entitled to find that the claimant, Mr Augustine, was a worker within the meaning of section 230(3)(b) of the Employment Rights Act 1996, and, in … Continue reading Stuart Delivery Ltd v Augustine: CA 19 Oct 2021

Tameside Hospital NHS Foundation Trust v Mylott: EAT 11 Mar 2011

EAT UNFAIR DISMISSAL – S. 98A (2) Employment Rights Act DISABILITY DISCRIMINATION – Disability related discrimination DISABILITY DISCRIMINATION – Reasonable adjustments DISABILITY DISCRIMINATION – Compensation Claimant goes off sick following incident of alleged offensive behaviour by manager – Existing mental health difficulties exacerbated – Employers fail, despite recommendation from occupational health department, to carry out … Continue reading Tameside Hospital NHS Foundation Trust v Mylott: EAT 11 Mar 2011

Rowland v The Environment Agency: CA 19 Dec 2003

The claimant owned a house by the river Thames at Hedsor Water. Public rights of navigation existed over the Thames from time immemorial, and its management lay with the respondent. Landowners at Hedsor had sought to assert that that stretch was now private. She appealed an order declaring the continued public rights. Held: The applicant … Continue reading Rowland v The Environment Agency: CA 19 Dec 2003

Tran v Greenwich Vietnam Community Project: EAT 5 Apr 2001

The applicant appealed a rejection of his claim for unfair dismissal. He claimed that the management committee of the organisation had both investigated the complaint and adjudicated upon it, and that the organization’s procedures did not allow for an appeal. Held: Within such a small organisation dependant upon a part time and voluntary management, it … Continue reading Tran v Greenwich Vietnam Community Project: EAT 5 Apr 2001

Foley v Post Office; HSBC Bank Plc (Formerly Midland Bank Plc) v Madden: CA 31 Jul 2000

When an Employment Tribunal looked at whether a dismissal was reasonable, the test related not to an assessment of what tribunal members would think or do, but rather whether to ask whether the employer’s response was within a ‘band or range of reasonable responses’ of a reasonable employer to the situation. Earlier conflicting decisions were … Continue reading Foley v Post Office; HSBC Bank Plc (Formerly Midland Bank Plc) v Madden: CA 31 Jul 2000

Duncombe and Others v Secretary of State for Children, Schools and Families (No 2): SC 15 Jul 2011

The court considered whether a teacher employed by the Secretary of State to teach in one of its European Schools was entitled to protection against unfair dismissal. Held: The claimants’ appeals were allowed and the cases remitted to the Employment Tribunals. The employments fell within the exeptions governing employment abroad identified in Lawsn -v- Serco. … Continue reading Duncombe and Others v Secretary of State for Children, Schools and Families (No 2): SC 15 Jul 2011

Martinez v Spain: ECHR 12 Jun 2014

martinez_spainECHR1407 Grand Chamber – Article 8-1 Respect for private life Refusal to renew teacher of Catholic religion and morals’ contract after he publicly revealed his position as a ‘married priest’: no violation Facts – The applicant is a secularised Catholic priest. In 1984 he applied to the Vatican for dispensation from the obligation of celibacy. … Continue reading Martinez v Spain: ECHR 12 Jun 2014

Clyde and Co Llp and Another v Bates van Winkelhof: CA 26 Sep 2012

The claimant was a solicitor partner with the appellant limited liability partnership at their offices in Tanzania. She disclosed what she believed to be money laundering by a local partner. She was dismissed. She had just disclosed her pregnancy and claimed also in sex discrimination. The company appealed findings as to jurisdiction saying that she … Continue reading Clyde and Co Llp and Another v Bates van Winkelhof: CA 26 Sep 2012

Fisher v Brooker and Others: HL 30 Jul 2009

The claimant sought a share in the royalties from the song ‘A whiter shade of pale’ but had delayed his claim for 38 years. He had contributed the organ solo which had contributed significantly to the song’s success. He now sought a share of future royalties. Held: His appeal was allowed. Limitation did not apply, … Continue reading Fisher v Brooker and Others: HL 30 Jul 2009

Johnson v Unisys Ltd: HL 23 Mar 2001

The claimant contended for a common law remedy covering the same ground as the statutory right available to him under the Employment Rights Act 1996 through the Employment Tribunal system. Held: The statutory system for compensation for unfair dismissal is a complete system, and was intended to replace any common law action for damages arising … Continue reading Johnson v Unisys Ltd: HL 23 Mar 2001

Swallow Security Services Ltd v Millicent: EAT 19 Mar 2009

EAT UNFAIR DISMISSAL: Contributory faultThe employers dismissed the employee after a bogus redundancy exercise, after she had knowingly taken paid holiday in excess of her holiday allowance and failed to apologise. The Tribunal found that she had been unfairly dismissed, of its own volition raised Polkey but did not raise or consider contributory fault which … Continue reading Swallow Security Services Ltd v Millicent: EAT 19 Mar 2009

Carson, Regina (on the Application of) v Secretary of State for Work and Pensions; Reynolds v Same: HL 26 May 2005

One claimant said that as a foreign resident pensioner, she had been excluded from the annual uprating of state retirement pension, and that this was an infringement of her human rights. Another complained at the lower levels of job-seeker’s allowance payable to those under 25. Held: (Lord Carswell dissented in part.) The claims failed. The … Continue reading Carson, Regina (on the Application of) v Secretary of State for Work and Pensions; Reynolds v Same: HL 26 May 2005

Addis v Gramophone Company Limited: HL 26 Jul 1909

Mr Addis was wrongfully and contumeliously dismissed from his post as the defendant’s manager in Calcutta. He sought additional damages for the manner of his dismissal. Held: It did not matter whether the claim was under wrongful dismissal. There was a breach of contract in not allowing the plaintiff to discharge his duties as manager, … Continue reading Addis v Gramophone Company Limited: HL 26 Jul 1909

Edwards v Chesterfield Royal Hospital NHS Foundation Trust: SC 14 Dec 2011

The claimant had been employed as consultant surgeon. He had been dismissed in a manner inconsistent with the extress terms of his employment contract. He sought common law damages for the manner of his dismissal. The employer appealed. Held: (Lady Hale and Lords Kerr and Wilson dissenting) The appeals succeeded. The statutory scheme replaced the … Continue reading Edwards v Chesterfield Royal Hospital NHS Foundation Trust: SC 14 Dec 2011

Private Medicine Intermediaries Ltd v Hodkinson and Another: EAT 15 Jan 2016

EAT Disability Discrimination – Section 15 HARRASSMENT UNFAIR DISMISSAL – Constructive dismissal Equality Act 2010 (‘EqA’) sections 15 (unfavourable treatment because of something arising in consequence of disability) and 26 (harassment) Employment Rights Act 1996 sections 95(1)(c) (constructive dismissal) and 98 (unfair dismissal) On the Claimant’s claims of discrimination under sections 15 and 26 EqA … Continue reading Private Medicine Intermediaries Ltd v Hodkinson and Another: EAT 15 Jan 2016

William Jones’s Schools Foundation v Parry: EAT 2 Aug 2016

EAT jurisdiction EAT Practice and Procedure : Application/Claim – The Appellant appealed against the Decision of the Employment Tribunal (‘the ET’) not to reject the Claimant’s claim form under Rule 12(1)(b) of Schedule 1 to the Employment Tribunals (Constitution and Rules of Procedure) Regulations 2013 (‘the Rules’) and against a later Decision of the ET … Continue reading William Jones’s Schools Foundation v Parry: EAT 2 Aug 2016

Dye v Royal Free London NHS Foundation Trust: EAT 14 Sep 2016

Onus of Establishing Reason for Dismissal EAT Unfair Dismissal: Reason for Dismissal Including Substantial Other Reason – – Reasonableness of dismissal CONTRACT OF EMPLOYMENT – Wrongful dismissal Unfair dismissal – reason for dismissal – section 98(1) and (2) Employment Rights Act 1996 – burden of proof and evidential basis for decision – reasonableness of dismissal … Continue reading Dye v Royal Free London NHS Foundation Trust: EAT 14 Sep 2016

Holman v Johnson; 5 Jul 1775

References: (1775) 1 Cowp 341, [1775] EngR 58, (1775) 98 ER 1120 Links: Commonlii, Commonlii Coram: Mansfield LCJ Ratio:Mansfield LCJ set out the principle of ex turpi causa non oritur actio: ‘The objection, that a contract is immoral or illegal as between plaintiff and defendant, sounds at all times very ill in the mouth of … Continue reading Holman v Johnson; 5 Jul 1775


The English legal system has been producing law reports since time immemorial, and the Scots for even longer. These pages are full of codes making reference to such series, with their wonderful array of abbreviations. You cannot enquire about the law without beginning at least to understand and use them. Here is a brief, but … Continue reading Reports

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