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Goluchowski and SAS v District Court and Circuit Court In Poland: SC 29 Jun 2016

The appellants challenged the effectiveness of European Arrest Warrants, saying that the requests were deficient in not providing adequate details of warrants issued in support of the decisions. They had been convicted and sentenced to terms of imprisonment which were at first condition, but were now to be served. The appellants contende dthat the European … Continue reading Goluchowski and SAS v District Court and Circuit Court In Poland: SC 29 Jun 2016

AN, Regina (on the Application of) v Mental Health Review Tribunal (Northern Region) and others: CA 21 Dec 2005

The appellant was detained under section 37 of the 1983 Act as a mental patient with a restriction under section 41. He sought his release. Held: The standard of proof in such applications remained the balance of probabilities, but that standard was flexible, and varied according to the seriousness of the allegation. The only misdirection … Continue reading AN, Regina (on the Application of) v Mental Health Review Tribunal (Northern Region) and others: CA 21 Dec 2005

British Broadcasting Company v Rochdale Metropolitan Borough Council and X and Y: FD 24 Nov 2005

Application was made by the claimant for orders discharging an order made in 1991 to protect the identity of children and social workers embroiled in allegations of satanic sex abuse. The defendant opposed disclosure of the names of two social workers. Held: The names of the social workers had been withheld originally to protect the … Continue reading British Broadcasting Company v Rochdale Metropolitan Borough Council and X and Y: FD 24 Nov 2005

LSA, Regina v: CACD 16 May 2008

(Courts-Martial Appeals Court) The defendant had faced road traffic offence charges, but the court had discharged the case using the Forest of Dean case. The prosecutor sought to appeal but failed to give the undertaking with regard to taking no further action if the appeal did not succeed as required under the Order. Held: The … Continue reading LSA, Regina v: CACD 16 May 2008

Attorney General’s Reference (Number 8 of 2004) (Dawson and Others): CANI 15 Apr 2005

Defendants had been convicted of offences involving supply of cannabis and cocaine, including the evasion of import controls and conspiracy. The sentences were appealed as too lenient. Held: Where a prosecutor was aware that a plea of guilty was being entered because a defendant expected to have a particular sentence passed (in that case a … Continue reading Attorney General’s Reference (Number 8 of 2004) (Dawson and Others): CANI 15 Apr 2005

Gaygusuz v Austria: ECHR 16 Sep 1996

The applicant was a Turkish national resident in Austria. While working there he had paid unemployment insurance contributions. At a stage when he was unemployed he applied for an advance on his pension in the form of emergency assistance. That was available under the material Austrian legislation, but one of the conditions was that the … Continue reading Gaygusuz v Austria: ECHR 16 Sep 1996

Gillan, Regina (on the Application of) v Commissioner of Police for the Metropolis and Another: HL 8 Mar 2006

The defendants said that the stop and search powers granted under the 2000 Act were too wide, and infringed their human rights. Each had been stopped when innocently attending demonstrations in London, and had been effectively detained for about twenty minutes or more before being allowed to continue. An authorisation had been granted by an … Continue reading Gillan, Regina (on the Application of) v Commissioner of Police for the Metropolis and Another: HL 8 Mar 2006

Malone v The United Kingdom: ECHR 2 Aug 1984

COURT (PLENARY) The complainant asserted that his telephone conversation had been tapped on the authority of a warrant signed by the Secretary of State, but that there was no system to supervise such warrants, and that it was not therefore in ‘accordance with law’. The taps were based on a non-binding and unpublished directive from … Continue reading Malone v The United Kingdom: ECHR 2 Aug 1984

Manchester City Council v Pinnock: SC 3 Nov 2010

The tenant had been secure but had his tenancy had been reduced to an insecure demoted tenancy after he was accused of anti-social behaviour. He had not himself been accused of any misbehaviour, but it was said that he should have controlled his family members. The county court had been unwilling to allow any challenge … Continue reading Manchester City Council v Pinnock: SC 3 Nov 2010

Jones and Others, Regina v: CACD 16 Jul 2014

The several defendants were convicted of involvement in a conspiracy to fund a very substantial property portfolio by deceiving mortgage lenders. They said that the evidence of an expert witness was biasd and that they had not been allowed to put before the court evidence that she had been criticised for bias elsewhere. Held: The … Continue reading Jones and Others, Regina v: CACD 16 Jul 2014

National Westminster Bank plc v Spectrum Plus Limited and others: HL 30 Jun 2005

Former HL decision in Siebe Gorman overruled The company had become insolvent. The bank had a debenture and claimed that its charge over the book debts had become a fixed charge. The preferential creditors said that the charge was a floating charge and that they took priority. Held: The appeal was allowed. The debenture, although … Continue reading National Westminster Bank plc v Spectrum Plus Limited and others: HL 30 Jun 2005

McInnes v Her Majesty’s Advocate: SC 10 Feb 2010

The defendant complained that the prosecution had not disclosed the fact that a prosecution witness had convictions, and that had it been disclosed it would have undermined the prosecution. Other statements taken were not disclosed as had later become standard practice. Held: The test for whether should have been disclosed is to ask whether there … Continue reading McInnes v Her Majesty’s Advocate: SC 10 Feb 2010

Hinds and other v The Queen; Director of Public Prosecutions v Jackson, attorney General of Jamaica (Intervenor): PC 1 Dec 1975

The Gun Court Act 1974 of Jamaica established special courts at different levels to deal with varieties of crimes involving guns. There was provision for hearings to be held in camera. Certain offences carried mandatory life sentences reviewable only by a panel appointed by the Governor-General. The appellants each appealed convictions by the courts complaining … Continue reading Hinds and other v The Queen; Director of Public Prosecutions v Jackson, attorney General of Jamaica (Intervenor): PC 1 Dec 1975

Regina v Jones (Margaret), Regina v Milling and others: HL 29 Mar 2006

Domestic Offence requires Domestic Defence Each defendant sought to raise by way of defence of their otherwise criminal actions, the fact that they were attempting to prevent the commission by the government of the crime of waging an aggressive war in Iraq, and that their acts were accordingly justified in law. Held: The law on … Continue reading Regina v Jones (Margaret), Regina v Milling and others: HL 29 Mar 2006

Regina v S, Regina v Burt, Regina v Parsons, Regina v Carr, Regina v Hargreaves, Regina v Denton, Regina v Taylor, Regina v Coyne, Regina v H: CACD 19 Dec 2005

The court considered appeals from defendants sentenced to extended terms comprising a custodial term with an extension period and a licence thereafter extended for the protection of the public, and when such extended licence began. Held: The Home Office had a practice, but had not disclosed its practice. The understanding reflected in the textbooks appeared … Continue reading Regina v S, Regina v Burt, Regina v Parsons, Regina v Carr, Regina v Hargreaves, Regina v Denton, Regina v Taylor, Regina v Coyne, Regina v H: CACD 19 Dec 2005

O’Neill v Her Majesty’s Advocate No 2: SC 13 Jun 2013

The appellants had been convicted of murder, it being said that they had disposed of her body at sea. They now said that the delay between being first questioned and being charged infringed their rights to a trial within a reasonable time, and questioned whether they had has an impartial judge, he having also conducted … Continue reading O’Neill v Her Majesty’s Advocate No 2: SC 13 Jun 2013

McGetrick, Regina (on The Application of) v Parole Board and Another: CA 14 Mar 2013

The claimant prisoner appealed against refusal of review of the use of allegations and evidence of offences not tried against him when deciding as to his release on licence. The material would suggest that he might pose a continuing risk to children. Held: The appeal was allowed. The Board members were free not to consider … Continue reading McGetrick, Regina (on The Application of) v Parole Board and Another: CA 14 Mar 2013

Crowter and Others, Regina (On the Application Of) v Secretary of State for Health And Social Care: Admn 23 Sep 2021

Foetus has no Established Human Rights The Claimants sought a declaration that section 1(1)(d) of the Abortion Act 1967, as amended, is incompatible with the European Convention on Human Rights (‘ECHR’), as well as some other remedies. The claimant had Down’s Syndrome, and complained the readiness to abort foetuses with identified Down’s genes – more … Continue reading Crowter and Others, Regina (On the Application Of) v Secretary of State for Health And Social Care: Admn 23 Sep 2021

Norris v Government of United States of America: SC 24 Feb 2010

The defendant faced extradition to the USA on charges of the obstruction of justice. He challenged the extradition on the basis that it would interfere with his article 8 rights to family life, given that the offence was merely ancillary, the result would be disproportionate. The court was asked whether in order to found such … Continue reading Norris v Government of United States of America: SC 24 Feb 2010

Regina v Kansal (2): HL 29 Nov 2001

The prosecutor had lead and relied at trial on evidence obtained by compulsory questioning under the 1986 Act. Held: In doing so the prosecutor was acting to give effect to section 433. The decision in Lambert to disallow retrospective effect of Human Rights decisions in appeal cases may have been incorrect, but will be followed. … Continue reading Regina v Kansal (2): HL 29 Nov 2001

Goldsmith v Sperrings Ltd: CA 1977

Claims for Collateral Purpose treated as abuse The plaintiff commenced proceedings for damages for libel and an injunction against the publishers, the editors and the main distributors of Private Eye. In addition, he issued writs against a large number of other wholesale and retail distributors of the paper for the same relief. Some of the … Continue reading Goldsmith v Sperrings Ltd: CA 1977

Millar v Dickson: PC 24 Jul 2001

The Board was asked whether the appellants had waived their right to an independent and impartial tribunal under article 6 of the Convention by appearing before the temporary sheriffs without objecting to their hearing their cases on the ground that they did not meet this requirement. Held: A trial before a temporary Sheriff was not … Continue reading Millar v Dickson: PC 24 Jul 2001

CJ v Flintshire Borough Council: CA 15 Apr 2010

The applicant appealed against a refusal to allow his early release from prison having been sentenced to 21 months for contempts of court. Held: The appeal failed. The court set out eight questions which might be asked before allowing such a release. The judge here had had the benefit of listening to the contemnor, and … Continue reading CJ v Flintshire Borough Council: CA 15 Apr 2010

Saunders v The United Kingdom: ECHR 17 Dec 1996

(Grand Chamber) The subsequent use against a defendant in a prosecution, of evidence which had been obtained under compulsion in company insolvency procedures was a convention breach of Art 6. Although not specifically mentioned in Article 6 of the Convention the right to silence and the right not to incriminate oneself are generally recognised international … Continue reading Saunders v The United Kingdom: ECHR 17 Dec 1996

Halsey v Milton Keynes General NHS Trust etc: CA 11 May 2004

The court considered the effect on costs orders of a refusal to take part in alternate dispute resolution procedures. The defendant Trust had refused to take the dispute to a mediation. In neither case had the court ordered or recommended ADR. Held: If the parties (or at least one of them) remain intransigently opposed to … Continue reading Halsey v Milton Keynes General NHS Trust etc: CA 11 May 2004

Oracle America Inc v M-Tech Data Ltd: SC 27 Jun 2012

The appellant complained that the respondent had imported into the European Economic Area disk drives bearing its trade marks in breach of the appellant’s rights. The respondent had argued that the appellant had abused its position by withholding information which would allow it to trade lawfully. The Court was now asked: ‘whether a person who … Continue reading Oracle America Inc v M-Tech Data Ltd: SC 27 Jun 2012

Barnaby v The Director of Public Prosecutions: Admn 6 Feb 2015

Admission of hearsay evidence The defendant appealed by case stated against his conviction for assault. He said that certain evidence, a statement from the complainaint, and a recording of the 999 call, should not have been admitted as hearsay. Held: Fulford LJ said: ‘Although the court has a cardinal responsibility to ensure that a defendant … Continue reading Barnaby v The Director of Public Prosecutions: Admn 6 Feb 2015

Young, Regina (on The Application of) v Governor of Her Majesty’s Prison Highdown and Another: Admn 6 Apr 2011

The claimant complained that he had not been considered for early release on Home Detention Curfew because the policy refused to allow those convicted of knife crimes to be so considered, and: ‘the failure to include other offences in the list of unsuitability offences renders the scheme unlawful on the grounds of discriminatory, irrational and … Continue reading Young, Regina (on The Application of) v Governor of Her Majesty’s Prison Highdown and Another: Admn 6 Apr 2011

Autologic Holdings Plc and others v Commissioners of Inland Revenue: HL 28 Jul 2005

Taxpayer companies challenged the way that the revenue restricted claims for group Corporation Tax relief for subsidiary companies in Europe. The issue was awaiting a decision of the European Court. The Revenue said that the claims now being made by other companies should proceed through the Commissioners who could implement European law directly. The taxpayers … Continue reading Autologic Holdings Plc and others v Commissioners of Inland Revenue: HL 28 Jul 2005

VB and Others v Westminster Magistrates: SC 5 Nov 2014

Extraditions to follow normal open justice rules Application was made by Rwanda for the extradition of four individuals to face crimes said to have been committed during their civil war. Witnesses were prepared to give evidence but only in private and not being seen by the representatives of Rwanda. Held: The magistrate hearing such proceedings … Continue reading VB and Others v Westminster Magistrates: SC 5 Nov 2014

Michalak v London Borough of Wandsworth: CA 6 Mar 2002

The appellant had occupied for a long time a room in a house let by the authority. After the death of the tenant, the appellant sought, but was refused, a statutory tenancy. He claimed to be a member of the tenant’s family, and that the list of family relationships in section 113 was not exhaustive. … Continue reading Michalak v London Borough of Wandsworth: CA 6 Mar 2002

K, Regina v: CACD 28 Jul 2009

The defendant appealed against orders allowing the use in evidence against him of information provided by him in ancillary relief proceedings, and without prejudice negotations with his wife’s solicitors. Held: The information provided through the formal ancillary relief process had been obtained under compulsion, and the rules had been intended to require full disclosure and … Continue reading K, Regina v: CACD 28 Jul 2009

Attorney General’s Reference No 3 of 1999: Application By the British Broadcasting Corporation To Set Aside or Vary a Reporting Restriction Order: HL 17 Jun 2009

An application was made to discharge an anonymity order made in previous criminal proceedings before the House. The defendant was to be retried for rape under the 2003 Act, after an earlier acquittal. The applicant questioned whether such a order could properly be made, and said that in any event it should be discharged. Held: … Continue reading Attorney General’s Reference No 3 of 1999: Application By the British Broadcasting Corporation To Set Aside or Vary a Reporting Restriction Order: HL 17 Jun 2009

Ridehalgh v Horsefield; Allen v Unigate Dairies Ltd: CA 26 Jan 1994

Guidance for Wasted Costs Orders Guidance was given on the circumstances required for the making of wasted costs orders against legal advisers. A judge invited to make an order arising out of an advocate’s conduct of court proceedings must make full allowance for the fact that an advocate has to make decisions quickly and under … Continue reading Ridehalgh v Horsefield; Allen v Unigate Dairies Ltd: CA 26 Jan 1994

Scopelight Ltd and Others v Chief of Police for Northumbria: CA 5 Nov 2009

The claimant sought return of items removed by the defendants under the 1984 Act. A decision had been made against a prosecution by the police. The police wished to hold onto the items to allow a decision from the second defendant. Held: The defendant’s appeal succeeded. The offence allowed an officer to seize material found … Continue reading Scopelight Ltd and Others v Chief of Police for Northumbria: CA 5 Nov 2009

Whiston, Regina (on The Application of): SC 2 Jul 2014

The claimant, having been released from prison on licence, objected to the procedure whereby his licence was revoked with no means for him to challenge that decision. Held: The appeal was dismissed. Article 5(4) did not apply to the particular circumstances. Neuberger L formulated a broader principle that where a person is lawfully sentenced to … Continue reading Whiston, Regina (on The Application of): SC 2 Jul 2014

Fairchild v Glenhaven Funeral Services Ltd and Others: HL 20 Jun 2002

The claimants suffered mesothelioma after contact with asbestos while at work. Their employers pointed to several employments which might have given rise to the condition, saying it could not be clear which particular employment gave rise to the condition. The claimants appealed dismissal of their claim. Held: It is for a claimant to prove that … Continue reading Fairchild v Glenhaven Funeral Services Ltd and Others: HL 20 Jun 2002

OMV Petrom Sa v Glencore International Ag: ComC 7 Feb 2014

The claimant sought to have struck out as abuse of process parts of the defence, saying that the factual issues raised had already been resolved in arbitration proceedings, but as against a different oarty. The defendant replied that the arbitration had been confidential to the parties to it. Held: The application was refused. Independently of … Continue reading OMV Petrom Sa v Glencore International Ag: ComC 7 Feb 2014

Laporte, Regina (on the application of ) v Chief Constable of Gloucestershire: HL 13 Dec 2006

The claimants had been in coaches being driven to take part in a demonstration at an air base. The defendant police officers stopped the coaches en route, and, without allowing any number of the claimants to get off, returned the coaches to London. The officer acted saying that he feared a breach of the peace … Continue reading Laporte, Regina (on the application of ) v Chief Constable of Gloucestershire: HL 13 Dec 2006

Regina v Dobson and Norris: CCC 4 Jan 2012

CCC (Central Criminal Court) The OffenceThe murder of Stephen Lawrence on the night of 22nd April 1993 was a terrible and evil crime. Recently the Lord Chief Justice described it as a ‘murder which scarred the conscience of the nation.’A totally innocent 18 year old youth on the threshold of a promising life was brutally … Continue reading Regina v Dobson and Norris: CCC 4 Jan 2012

Young v The Bristol Aeroplane Co Ltd: CA 28 Jul 1944

Court of Appeal must follow Own Decisions The claimant was injured and received compensation. He then sought to recover again, alleging breach of statutory duty by his employers. Held: The Court of Appeal was in general bound to follow its own previous decisions. The court considered the circumstances in which it could depart from a … Continue reading Young v The Bristol Aeroplane Co Ltd: CA 28 Jul 1944

RM v The Scottish Ministers: SC 28 Nov 2012

The pursuer was held in a secure mental hospital. When moved to a highersecurity section, he challenged the move. He lost but then was unable to make an apeal as allowed iunder the 2003 Act because the Scottish Parliament had not created the appropriate Regulations. Held: The appeal succeeded: ‘the Ministers’ failure to exercise their … Continue reading RM v The Scottish Ministers: SC 28 Nov 2012

In re S-B (Children) (Care proceedings: Standard of proof): SC 14 Dec 2009

A child was found to have bruising consistent with physical abuse. Either or both parents might have caused it, but the judge felt it likely that only one had, that he was unable to decide which, and that they were not so serious that he had to say that the other must have known. Held: … Continue reading In re S-B (Children) (Care proceedings: Standard of proof): SC 14 Dec 2009

Regina v Sectretary of State for the Home Department ex parte Razgar etc: HL 17 Jun 2004

The claimant resisted removal after failure of his claim for asylum, saying that this would have serious adverse consequences to his mental health, infringing his rights under article 8. He appealed the respondent’s certificate that his claim was manifestly unfounded. Held: Mental health was part of the respect for private life protected by article 8. … Continue reading Regina v Sectretary of State for the Home Department ex parte Razgar etc: HL 17 Jun 2004

Carson, Regina (on the Application of) v Secretary of State for Work and Pensions; Reynolds v Same: HL 26 May 2005

One claimant said that as a foreign resident pensioner, she had been excluded from the annual uprating of state retirement pension, and that this was an infringement of her human rights. Another complained at the lower levels of job-seeker’s allowance payable to those under 25. Held: (Lord Carswell dissented in part.) The claims failed. The … Continue reading Carson, Regina (on the Application of) v Secretary of State for Work and Pensions; Reynolds v Same: HL 26 May 2005

Brook, Regina v: CACD 14 Feb 2012

The defendant appealed against a sentence of imprisonment for public protection with a minimum of six years imposed after his convition for manslaughter. He had kiiled a neighbour. Held: The jury found provocation, and the defendant had no convictions for violence, but the judge had based his sentence on the evidence and the sentencing report. … Continue reading Brook, Regina v: CACD 14 Feb 2012

Asch v Austria: ECHR 26 Apr 1991

There was no violation of Article 6 where the statement of a co-habitee was read at the trial without her being called to give evidence but, in Austrian law, a co-habitee cannot be compelled to be a witness and the court said that the right on which . .

Martin v Watson: HL 14 Jul 1995

References: Times 14-Jul-1995, Gazette 06-Sep-1995, Independent 19-Jul-1995, [1996] AC 74, [1995] 3 WLR 318, [1995] 3 All ER 559 Coram: Lord Keith of Kinkel Ratio The plaintiff had been falsely reported to the police by the defendant, a neighbour, for indecent exposure whilst standing on a ladder in his garden. He had been arrested and … Continue reading Martin v Watson: HL 14 Jul 1995

Regina v Secretary of State for the Home Department ex parte Razgar etc: HL 17 Jun 2004

References: [2004] UKHL 27, [2004] 3 WLR 58, Times 21-Jun-04, [2004] 2 AC 369, [2004] 3 All ER 821, [2004] INLR 349 Links: House of Lords, Bailii Coram: Lord Bingham of Cornhill, Lord Steyn, Lord Walker of Gestingthorpe, Baroness Hale of Richmond, Lord Carswell The claimant resisted removal after failure of his claim for asylum, … Continue reading Regina v Secretary of State for the Home Department ex parte Razgar etc: HL 17 Jun 2004

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Our law-index is a substantial selection from our database. Cases here are restricted in number by date and lack the additional facilities formerly available within lawindexpro. Please do enjoy this free version of the lawindex. Case law does not ‘belong’ to lawyers. Judgments are made up of words which can be read and understood (if … Continue reading law index