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Attoney-General’s Reference No 4 of 2003 Under S. 36 of the Criminal Justice Act 1988; Suchedina: CACD 21 Jul 2004

Conspiracy to convert or transfer the proceeds of drug trafficking or of criminal conduct – confiscation order available. The statutory distinction existed between the proceeds of drug trafficking and of crime generally had now been removed, but the conduct here pre-dated the new Act. The offence of conspiracy took place at the time of the … Continue reading Attoney-General’s Reference No 4 of 2003 Under S. 36 of the Criminal Justice Act 1988; Suchedina: CACD 21 Jul 2004

Regina v W (Reference Under Section 36 of the Criminal Justice Act 1972): CACD 8 May 2003

The allegation was of a serious assault on the defendant’s wife. The prosecution considered she would not be a reliable witness, and did not call her. Other evidence being inadmissible, the defendant was acquitted. The AG appealed. Held: There is no rider in law to the res gestae exception disapplying the exception if better (or … Continue reading Regina v W (Reference Under Section 36 of the Criminal Justice Act 1972): CACD 8 May 2003

Lawal v Northern Spirit Limited: HL 19 Jun 2003

Counsel appearing at the tribunal had previously sat as a judge with a tribunal member. The opposing party asserted bias in the tribunal. Held: The test in Gough should be restated in part so that the court must first ascertain all the circumstances which have a bearing on the suggestion that the judge was biased. … Continue reading Lawal v Northern Spirit Limited: HL 19 Jun 2003

Wrexham County Borough v The National Assembly of Wales, Michael Berry, Florence Berry: CA 19 Jun 2003

A traditional gypsy family had settled because of ill health, and sought to establish a caravan site. The authority claimed they were no longer to be treated as Gypsy and having the entitlement under the Act. Held: The Act defined ‘Gypsies’ as persons of nomadic habit. It was a question of fact for each planning … Continue reading Wrexham County Borough v The National Assembly of Wales, Michael Berry, Florence Berry: CA 19 Jun 2003

Regina v Arundel Justices, Ex parte Westminster Press Ltd: 1985

The basic rule is that anything said in open court may be reported. Withholding the name from the public during the proceedings will provide the basis for the making of an order under section 11 of the Contempt of Court Act 1981. Citations: [1985] 1 WLR 708 Statutes: Contempt of Court Act 1981 11 Jurisdiction: … Continue reading Regina v Arundel Justices, Ex parte Westminster Press Ltd: 1985

Keegan and Others v Chief Constable of Merseyside: CA 3 Jul 2003

The police had information suggesting (wrongly) that a fugitive resided at an address. An armed raid followed, and the claimant occupant sought damages. Held: The tort of malicious procurement of a search warrant required it to be established both that there was no reasonable or probable cause for requesting the search warrant and that there … Continue reading Keegan and Others v Chief Constable of Merseyside: CA 3 Jul 2003

Regina v Van Hoogstraten: CACD 12 Dec 2003

The prosecution appealed against the refusal of the crown court to remit the case for retrial. Held: The court had no jurisdiction to entertain an appeal against this ruling because it was not within the ambit of section 29(2) of the 1996 Act. That may be satisfactory because it seemed to be common ground that … Continue reading Regina v Van Hoogstraten: CACD 12 Dec 2003

Regina v Montilla, Newbury etc: CACD 3 Nov 2003

The Crown appealed a decision that a conviction under subsection 2 required proof that the money the disposal of which the defendant was accused to have assisted was in fact the proceeds of drug trafficking. Held: Subsections 1 and 2 were clearly differently worded. Under section 1 it was necessary to prove that the goods … Continue reading Regina v Montilla, Newbury etc: CACD 3 Nov 2003

Pinfold, Mackenney v Regina: CACD 15 Dec 2003

The appellants challenged their convictions for murder. The convictions had been based substantially upon the evidence of a co-accused who had admitted his part. They now challenged the admission by way of support of the evidence of the co-defendant of medical opinion as to his reliability, where the doctor had not physically examined the witness. … Continue reading Pinfold, Mackenney v Regina: CACD 15 Dec 2003

Attorney General’s Reference Nos 5-8 of 2003 (Davies, Rowan, Abbey, Hassan): CACD 14 Nov 2003

The Attorney-General referred sentences for conspiracy to supply drugs. The offenders were part of a highly professional organisation, in close contact with each other and others in this country and abroad over a period of months, which culminated in the importation of Class A and B drugs worth in the region of andpound;5 million, intended … Continue reading Attorney General’s Reference Nos 5-8 of 2003 (Davies, Rowan, Abbey, Hassan): CACD 14 Nov 2003

Attorney General’s Reference v Nos. 31, 45, 43, 42, 50 and 51 of 2003; Regina v McInerney; Regina v McLean: CACD 16 Jul 2004

The court considered appeals by the Attorney-General against sentences considered to be too lenient, and in particular where a community penalty had been imposed rather than a sentence of immediate imprisonment. Held: The Court emphasised the need for the strict care to be taken in selecting such cases, for appeal. The court should not interfere … Continue reading Attorney General’s Reference v Nos. 31, 45, 43, 42, 50 and 51 of 2003; Regina v McInerney; Regina v McLean: CACD 16 Jul 2004

Khan, Regina (on the Application of) v Secretary of State for Health: CA 10 Oct 2003

The claimant’s child had died as a result of negligence in hospital. The parents had been told the result of police investigation and decision not to prosecute, and the hospital’s own investigation, but had not been sufficiently involved. There remained unresolved suspicions of negligence having been covered up. They had been refused legal aid to … Continue reading Khan, Regina (on the Application of) v Secretary of State for Health: CA 10 Oct 2003

Giles, Regina (on the Application of) v Parole Board and Another: HL 31 Jul 2003

The defendant had been sentenced for offences of violence, but an additional period was imposed to protect the public. He had been refused leave for reconsideration of that part of his sentence after he completed the normal segment of his sentence. He wanted a consideration which would parallel the new won rights of review for … Continue reading Giles, Regina (on the Application of) v Parole Board and Another: HL 31 Jul 2003

Secretary of State for the Home Department, Regina on the Application of Soumahoro; Regina on the Application of Nadarajah; and similar: CA 19 Jun 2003

In each case asylum applicants had been certified as suitable to be returned to the first country at which they had arrived on fleeing their home countries. Held: To determine whether article 8 was engaged given the territoriality principle, the following should be considered. First, the claimant’s case in relation to his private life in … Continue reading Secretary of State for the Home Department, Regina on the Application of Soumahoro; Regina on the Application of Nadarajah; and similar: CA 19 Jun 2003

Clark (Procurator Fiscal, Kirkcaldy) v Kelly: PC 11 Feb 2003

PC (The High Court of Justiciary) The minuter challenged the role of the legal adviser to the district courts in Scotland, and as to his independence. Held: The legal adviser was not subject to the same system of appointments as the justices. However the system provided for a right of appeal (section 175) on questions … Continue reading Clark (Procurator Fiscal, Kirkcaldy) v Kelly: PC 11 Feb 2003

Bloggs 61, Regina (on the Application of) v Secretary of State for the Home Department: CA 18 Jun 2003

The applicant sought review of a decision to remove him from a witness protection scheme within the prison. He claimed that having been promised protection, he had a legitimate expectation of protection, having been told he would receive protection while he was in prison. He had not eventually been relied upon as a witness. Held: … Continue reading Bloggs 61, Regina (on the Application of) v Secretary of State for the Home Department: CA 18 Jun 2003

Attorney General’s Reference No 88 of 2002 (Hahn and Webster): CACD 7 Nov 2003

The Attorney General referred the sentences as too lenient for armed robbery, and aggravated vehicle taking. The defendants worked as a team, and used an imitation firearm, and threatened a victim with it. Held: The possession of firearms should be regarded as an aggravating feature in relation to other offences. When passing sentence, it is … Continue reading Attorney General’s Reference No 88 of 2002 (Hahn and Webster): CACD 7 Nov 2003

Attorney General’s Reference (No 3 of 2003) (Rogan): CANI 2001

The court discussed the need to take notes of meetings in chambers between the judge and counsel. The court set out four principles to be applied: ‘1. There should be freedom of access for counsel to judges, but that does not mean freedom to discuss matters which can perfectly well be discussed in open court. … Continue reading Attorney General’s Reference (No 3 of 2003) (Rogan): CANI 2001

Attorney General’s References (Nos 58-66 of 2002) (Regina v Warren, Coudjoe and others): CACD 2003

In the light of the further increase in firearms use, particularly in the case of drug-related crime, this court considered the case of nine offenders, members of a notorious drug-dealing gang in South-East Manchester called the Pitt Bull Crew who carried, sometimes openly, loaded firearms ostensibly for their own protection but also to enforce their … Continue reading Attorney General’s References (Nos 58-66 of 2002) (Regina v Warren, Coudjoe and others): CACD 2003

Aaron v The Law Society (the Office of the Supervision of Solicitors): QBD 13 Oct 2003

The appellant challenged an order suspending him from practice as a solicitor for two years. He had previous findings of professional misconduct in failing to pay counsels’ fees. In the course of later disciplinary proceedings he was found to have misled the court as to the circumstances of a tribunal hearing when obtaining a stay. … Continue reading Aaron v The Law Society (the Office of the Supervision of Solicitors): QBD 13 Oct 2003

Di Placito v Slater and others: CA 19 Dec 2003

The parties had earlier compromised their dispute, with the claimant undertaking not to lodge any further claim unless he did so within a certain time. They now sought to commence action. Held: When considering whether to discharge such an undertaking the court should ask: ‘whether it would be just to deprive the respondent of the … Continue reading Di Placito v Slater and others: CA 19 Dec 2003

Whiston, Regina (on The Application of) v Secretary of State for Justice: CA 25 Oct 2012

The claimant was a prisoner released on a home detention licence, but his licence had been revoked. He now said that the way it had been revoked, without the respondent’s decision being subject to confirmation by the Parole Board, nor to other opportunity to make representations, was infringement of his human rights. Held: The appeal … Continue reading Whiston, Regina (on The Application of) v Secretary of State for Justice: CA 25 Oct 2012

Regina v Secretary of State for the Home Department ex parte Anufrijeva: HL 26 Jun 2003

The appellant challenged the withdrawal of her benefits payments. She had applied for asylum, and been granted reduced rate income support. A decision was made refusing her claim, but that decision was, by policy, not communicated to her for several months, during which time her benefits were cancelled. Held: The result was to leave the … Continue reading Regina v Secretary of State for the Home Department ex parte Anufrijeva: HL 26 Jun 2003

King, Regina (on The Application of) v Secretary of State for Justice: CA 27 Mar 2012

In each case the prisoners challenged their transfer to cellular confinement or segregation within prison or YOI, saying that the transfers infringed their rights under Article 6, saying that domestic law, either in itself or in conjunction with recent decisions of the European Court of Human Rights, acknowledged that serving prisoners have a right to … Continue reading King, Regina (on The Application of) v Secretary of State for Justice: CA 27 Mar 2012

Ganci -c- Italie: ECHR 30 Oct 2003

The applicant was serving two life sentences for Mafia related activities. He challenged nine decrees issued by the Minister of Justice under which he was held under a special prison regime for a period of four years. His case related to delays by . .


1267 – 1278 – 1285 – 1297 – 1361 – 1449 – 1491 – 1533 – 1677 – 1688 – 1689 – 1700 – 1706 – 1710 – 1730 – 1737 – 1738 – 1751 – 1774 – 1792 – 1793 – 1804 – 1814 – 1819 – 1824 – 1828 – 1831 – 1832 … Continue reading Acts

Attorney-General’s Reference (No 124 of 2008), Regina v Doran: CACD 11 Nov 2008

The AG appealed against a sentence of three years detention imposed for a burglary of a residence not using violence, but which was targetted against elderly people. Held: The general tariff for such offences was five to six years where there had been a trial. Though it was right to reflect the general sentencing for … Continue reading Attorney-General’s Reference (No 124 of 2008), Regina v Doran: CACD 11 Nov 2008

Regina v Abdroikof, Regina v Green; Regina v Williamson: HL 17 Oct 2007

The House was asked whether a jury in criminal trials containing variously a Crown Prosecution Service solicitor, or a police officer would have the appearance of bias. In Abdroikof, the presence of the police officer on the jury was discovered only late, but there was no conflict over police evidence. In Green the victim was … Continue reading Regina v Abdroikof, Regina v Green; Regina v Williamson: HL 17 Oct 2007

Regina v Russell-Jones: CACD 1995

The Crown cannot be required to adduce evidence which (or to tender for cross-examination a witness whose evidence) is not capable of belief: ‘. . . the prosecution ought normally to call or offer to call all the witnesses who give direct evidence of the primary facts of the case, unless for good reason, in … Continue reading Regina v Russell-Jones: CACD 1995

Dubai Aluminium Company Limited v Salaam and Others: HL 5 Dec 2002

Partners Liable for Dishonest Act of Solicitor A solicitor had been alleged to have acted dishonestly, having assisted in a fraudulent breach of trust by drafting certain documents. Contributions to the damages were sought from his partners. Held: The acts complained of were so close to the activities which a solicitor would normally undertake, that … Continue reading Dubai Aluminium Company Limited v Salaam and Others: HL 5 Dec 2002

Regina v Coutts: HL 19 Jul 2006

The defendant was convicted of murder. Evidence during the trial suggested a possibility of manslaughter, but neither the defence nor prosecution proposed the alternate verdict. The defendant now appealed saying that the judge had an independent duty to leave that option to the jury. Held: The appeal succeeded. The judge should have left a manslaughter … Continue reading Regina v Coutts: HL 19 Jul 2006

Thompson v Commissioner of Police of Metropolis; Hsu v Same: CA 20 Feb 1997

CS Damages of 200,000 pounds by way of exemplary damages had been awarded against the police for unlawful arrest and assault. Held: The court gave a guideline maximum pounds 50,000 award against police for wrongful arrest and wrongful imprisonment. Comparisons were proper with personal injury cases. It is important to identify and quantify the various … Continue reading Thompson v Commissioner of Police of Metropolis; Hsu v Same: CA 20 Feb 1997

Regina v McLoughlin; Regina v Newell: CACD 18 Feb 2014

In each case the appellant had been convicted of particularly serious murders and had been given whole life terms. They now appealed saying that such sentences were incompatible with their human rights after the ruling of the ECHR Grand Chamber in Vinter v UK. Held: The appeals failed. Judges: Lord Thomas of Cwmgiedd, LCJ; Sir … Continue reading Regina v McLoughlin; Regina v Newell: CACD 18 Feb 2014

Vinter And Others v The United Kingdom: ECHR 9 Jul 2013

(Grand Chamber) The appellants had each been convicted of more than one murder and had been sentenced to whole life terms. They complained that the absence of a possibility of review or remission was a breach of their rights. Held: For a life sentence to remain compatible with Article 3 there must be a prospect … Continue reading Vinter And Others v The United Kingdom: ECHR 9 Jul 2013

In re P and Others, (Adoption: Unmarried couple) (Northern Ireland); In re G: HL 18 Jun 2008

The applicants complained that as an unmarried couple they had been excluded from consideration as adopters. Held: Northern Ireland legislation had not moved in the same way as it had for other jurisdictions within the UK. The greater commitment to traditional family structures did not however justify the difference. The rules were unlawful discrimination.Lord Hoffmann … Continue reading In re P and Others, (Adoption: Unmarried couple) (Northern Ireland); In re G: HL 18 Jun 2008

Hollings v Regina: CACD 23 Oct 2020

Whether statements made by complainant to several witnesses admissible at trial of historic sex offences. Judges: Singh LJ, Whipple, Fraser JJ Citations: [2020] EWCA Crim 1363, [2020] WLR(D) 595 Links: Bailii, WLRD Statutes: Criminal Justice Act 2003 120(2) 120(4)(b) 120(7) Jurisdiction: England and Wales Criminal Evidence Updated: 01 October 2022; Ref: scu.655480

Raja v Van Hoogstraten: ChD 19 Dec 2005

Damages were claimed after claimant alleged involvement by the defendant in the murder of the deceased. The defendant had been tried and acquitted of murder and manslaughter, but the allegation was now pursued. The defendant had since failed to co-operate with the court. Held: The defendant’s acquittal was not conclusive. The standard in a civil … Continue reading Raja v Van Hoogstraten: ChD 19 Dec 2005

Loutchansky v Times Newspapers Limited (No 2): CA 12 Mar 2001

The defendants appealed against a refusal to allow them to amend their pleadings. They wished to include allegations as to matters which were unknown to the journalist at the time of publication. Held: It is necessary for the defendants to establish that they had a duty to publish the article if they are to be … Continue reading Loutchansky v Times Newspapers Limited (No 2): CA 12 Mar 2001

Attorney General’s Reference No 7 of 2011: CACD 7 Mar 2011

The court was asked how the judge should approach offences committed under the Sexual Offences Act 1956 in the context of the Definitive Guidelines under the Sexual Offences Act 2003. It raises the important point as to how the judge should approach the totality where there has, over a considerable period, been a variety of … Continue reading Attorney General’s Reference No 7 of 2011: CACD 7 Mar 2011

Belhaj and Another v Straw and Others: SC 17 Jan 2017

The claimant alleged complicity by the defendant, (now former) Foreign Secretary, in his mistreatment by the US while held in Libya. He also alleged involvement in his unlawful abduction and removal to Libya, from which had had fled for political persecution. The defendants now appealed from rejection of the defendants’ claim to state immunity and … Continue reading Belhaj and Another v Straw and Others: SC 17 Jan 2017

Regina v James NJ: CACD 17 Jun 1999

The court admitted in evidence, by applying the res gestae rule, a statement of the defendant’s co-accused. Citations: [1999] EWCA Crim 1686 Jurisdiction: England and Wales Cited by: Cited – Regina v W (Reference Under Section 36 of the Criminal Justice Act 1972) CACD 8-May-2003 The allegation was of a serious assault on the defendant’s … Continue reading Regina v James NJ: CACD 17 Jun 1999

Kapri v The Lord Advocate (Representing The Government of The Republic of Albania): SC 10 Jul 2013

The Court was asked whether it would be compatible with the appellant’s Convention rights within the meaning of the Human Rights Act 1998 for the appellant, who is an Albanian national, to be extradited to Albania. On 7 April 2001, while he was in the United Kingdom as an illegal immigrant, another Albanian national named … Continue reading Kapri v The Lord Advocate (Representing The Government of The Republic of Albania): SC 10 Jul 2013

Nicklinson and Another, Regina (on The Application of): SC 25 Jun 2014

Criminality of Assisting Suicide not Infringing The court was asked: ‘whether the present state of the law of England and Wales relating to assisting suicide infringes the European Convention on Human Rights, and whether the code published by the Director of Public Prosecutions relating to prosecutions of those who are alleged to have assisted a … Continue reading Nicklinson and Another, Regina (on The Application of): SC 25 Jun 2014

Osborn v The Parole Board: SC 9 Oct 2013

Three prisoners raised questions as to the circumstances in which the Parole Board is required to hold an oral hearing before making an adverse decision. One of the appeals (Osborn) concerned a determinate sentence prisoner who was released on licence but then recalled to custody. The other appeals (Booth and Reilly) were indeterminate sentence prisoners … Continue reading Osborn v The Parole Board: SC 9 Oct 2013

AB and others v Leeds Teaching Hospital NHS Trust, Cardiff and Vale NHS Trust: QBD 26 Mar 2004

Representative claims were made against the respondents, hospitals, pathologists etc with regard to the removal of organs from deceased children without the informed consent of the parents. They claimed under the tort of wrongful interference. Held: Organ removal when a post mortem had been ordered by the coroner was not tortious. In English law there … Continue reading AB and others v Leeds Teaching Hospital NHS Trust, Cardiff and Vale NHS Trust: QBD 26 Mar 2004

Davidson v Revenue and Customs: Excs 25 Jul 2008

VDT EXCISE – seizure of vehicle and goods – whether seizure challenged – restoration refused – whether appeal against non-restoration of vehicle – whether decision not to restore goods proportionate – whether appellant entitled to raise issue of own use – whether abuse of process – No JURISDICTION – Whether criminal charge – Whether Magna … Continue reading Davidson v Revenue and Customs: Excs 25 Jul 2008

Balli (Also Known As Ravinder Singh), Re Contempt of Court: ChD 1 Jul 2011

Mr Ballie, a former solicitor, was found guity of contempt in the face of the court and sentenced to six months imprisonment. It was said that he had continued to call himself a solicitor and had so practised after he had been struck from the Roll of Solicitors. Judges: Simon Barker QC J Citations: [2011] … Continue reading Balli (Also Known As Ravinder Singh), Re Contempt of Court: ChD 1 Jul 2011

Reynolds and Others, Regina v: CACD 8 Mar 2007

The court considered how it could marry the law against the increase of penaties on appeal with the possible need to correct a judge’s error in sentencing. It summarised the provisions for sentencing for specified offences: ‘[The] regime requires the court to carry out a careful step by step evaluation of the sentencing consequences of … Continue reading Reynolds and Others, Regina v: CACD 8 Mar 2007

Richardson and Others, Regina v: CACD 18 Dec 2006

The court considered the effect on sentencing for road traffic cases after the increase in sentence maxima for causing death by dangerous driving and causing death by careless driving when under the influence of drink or drugs, and the effect on the guidelines in Cooksley. Held: The guidelines in Cooksley should be revisited so that … Continue reading Richardson and Others, Regina v: CACD 18 Dec 2006

Suchedina v Regina; similar: CACD 27 Oct 2006

Four defendants appealed convictions in money laundering cases. The first defendant operated a money exchange through which substantial volumes of cash were moved, but claimed that he believed the money to have been honestly acquired. Held: Saik now meant that the requirement was for actual suspicion, not mere reasonable cause for suspicion. However in this … Continue reading Suchedina v Regina; similar: CACD 27 Oct 2006

French and Webster, Regina v (Attorney General’s Reference No 14 and No 15 of 2006): CACD 8 Jun 2006

The defendant had been convicted of repeatedly raping a 12 week old girl, and other sexual offences against young girls. After pleading guilty, the judge had passed a life sentence setting the minimum term at six years which was lower because of the guilty plea. His partner had been convicted as an accomplice but took … Continue reading French and Webster, Regina v (Attorney General’s Reference No 14 and No 15 of 2006): CACD 8 Jun 2006

Maher v Director of Public Prosecutions: Admn 12 May 2006

The appellant had been seen to hit another car while parking in a Sainsbury’s car park, and to have driven off. She appealed her conviction for driving without due care and attention and of failing to report the accident. The court admitted as evidence a log of the report of the incident to the police. … Continue reading Maher v Director of Public Prosecutions: Admn 12 May 2006

Murchison v Southend Magistrates’ Court: Admn 24 Jan 2006

The defendant faced an accusation of having slapped a child in the street. The child’s carer had called the police to say that she thought the complaint a practical joke. The defendant did not give evidence. The magistrates retired and came back to convict him, but saying that they had seen his antecedents, which had … Continue reading Murchison v Southend Magistrates’ Court: Admn 24 Jan 2006

Regina v Weir, Somanathan,Yaxley-Lennon, Manister, Qiang He and De Qun He: CACD 11 Nov 2005

The defendant objected to evidence being used as evidence of bad character against him under the 2003 Act, when it would not have been admissible as similar fact evidence under the old rules. Held: Obiter dicta in O’Brien did not mean that the Act merely codified existing law.The Act made the pre-existing test obsolete. Once … Continue reading Regina v Weir, Somanathan,Yaxley-Lennon, Manister, Qiang He and De Qun He: CACD 11 Nov 2005

Middleton and Another, Regina v: QBD 15 Jun 2005

Citations: [2005] EWHC 1236 (QB) Links: Bailii Statutes: Criminal Justice Act 2003 Sch22 Jurisdiction: England and Wales Citing: See Also – Middleton, Regina v CACD 11-Mar-2005 . . See Also – Middleton and Others, Regina v QBD 27-May-2005 . . Lists of cited by and citing cases may be incomplete. Criminal Sentencing Updated: 03 July … Continue reading Middleton and Another, Regina v: QBD 15 Jun 2005

Clarke, Regina v; Regina v McDaid: HL 6 Feb 2008

An indictment had not been signed despite a clear statutory provision that it should be. The defects were claimed to have been cured by amendment before sentence. Held: The convictions failed. Sections 1(1) and 2(1) of the 1933 Act which provided for a bill of indictment (which had of itself no legal standing save as … Continue reading Clarke, Regina v; Regina v McDaid: HL 6 Feb 2008

Regina (DJ) v Mental Health Review Tribunal; Regina (AN) v Mental Health Review Tribunal (Northern Region): Admn 11 Apr 2005

Each applicant sought judicial review of the refusal of the tribunal to authorise their release from detention under the 1983 Act, saying that the Tribunal had accepted evidence to a lower standard of proof. Held: Neither the criminal standard of proof nor the level of proof set down in Addington applied. To raise the standard … Continue reading Regina (DJ) v Mental Health Review Tribunal; Regina (AN) v Mental Health Review Tribunal (Northern Region): Admn 11 Apr 2005

Strouthos v London Underground Ltd: CA 18 Mar 2004

The claimant had been dismissed after being accused of taking a staff car to France and having it impounded for suspected importation of cigarettes and alcohol above personal use limits. Held: ‘It is a basic proposition, whether in criminal or disciplinary proceedings, that the charge against the defendant or the employee facing dismissal should be … Continue reading Strouthos v London Underground Ltd: CA 18 Mar 2004

Worcestershire County Council v Tongue, Tongue, and Tongue: CA 17 Feb 2004

The defendants had been convicted of animal welfare offences, and banned from keeping animals. The claimant sought to enter the premises to remove animals, but were denied entry. Held: The court had no power to make an order to allow access for this purpose:’ truth what the Council is doing is to point to deficiencies … Continue reading Worcestershire County Council v Tongue, Tongue, and Tongue: CA 17 Feb 2004

Her Majesty’s Attorney General v Punch Limited and another: HL 12 Dec 2002

A former MI5 agent, Mr Shayler, was to be prosecuted under the Official Secrets Act, and an injunction against publication was granted. The respondent published further works by Mr Shayler, and now appealed a finding that it had acted in contempt of court. Held: The appeal failed. The purpose of the interlocutory injunction was not … Continue reading Her Majesty’s Attorney General v Punch Limited and another: HL 12 Dec 2002

KB and Others, Regina (on the Applications of) v Mental Health Review Tribunal: Admn 23 Apr 2002

Damages were claimed by three mental health patients whose rights under Article 5(4) had been infringed because of inordinate delay in processing their claims to mental health review tribunals. Held: Article 5.5 did not make an award of damages mandatory. It was complied with provided that it was possible to make an application for compensation; … Continue reading KB and Others, Regina (on the Applications of) v Mental Health Review Tribunal: Admn 23 Apr 2002

Abbas Kassimali Gokal v Serious Fraud Office: CA 16 Mar 2001

The defendant was convicted of an offence to which section 15 of the Theft Act did not apply. It involved a deception of the auditors of BCCI in concealing a number of substantial loans made to a group of companies run by the defendant. Buxton J had considered that Rees was confined to its own … Continue reading Abbas Kassimali Gokal v Serious Fraud Office: CA 16 Mar 2001

Commissioners of Customs and Excise v A: A v A: CA 22 Jul 2002

The Customs appealed an order allowing a judge in divorce ancillary relief proceedings to make an order transferring the matrimonial home and two life policies in such a way as would defeat their attempt to enforce recovery under the 1994 Act. Held: The customs had not established that the 1994 had any statutory priority. Both … Continue reading Commissioners of Customs and Excise v A: A v A: CA 22 Jul 2002

Regina v Miller: 1952

The fact that a defendant has previous convictions is not normally relevant: ‘The fundamental principle, equally applicable to any question that is asked by the defence as to any question that is asked by the prosecution, is that it is not normally relevant to inquire into a prisoner’s previous character, and, particularly, to ask questions … Continue reading Regina v Miller: 1952

In Re R (Wardship: Restrictions on Publication): CA 1994

The parents had separated and the child made a ward of court. The mother had care and control and the father had access. The father abducted the child to Israel but she was recovered. The father was extradited to stand trial here. He sought publicity for his views upon the treatment of fathers by the … Continue reading In Re R (Wardship: Restrictions on Publication): CA 1994

Goc v Turkey: ECHR 9 Nov 2000

The applicant had claimed compensation for unlawful detention and mistreatment during that detention; although the proceedings were civil in nature, they were governed by the code of criminal procedure. The applicant was not given an oral hearing before the first instance court which was responsible for establishing the facts and assessing the compensation; Turkey sought … Continue reading Goc v Turkey: ECHR 9 Nov 2000

Regina v Frank Adam Moran (Attorney General’s Reference No 25 of 2001): CACD 27 Jul 2001

The defendant pleaded guilty to making false statements, and cheating the public revenue by understating his profits as a market trader over a protracted period. The judge made a confiscation order equal to the amount of undeclared profit. On appeal, that element was set aside. The section referred to the pecuniary advantage obtained by the … Continue reading Regina v Frank Adam Moran (Attorney General’s Reference No 25 of 2001): CACD 27 Jul 2001

Attorney-General’s Reference (No 5 of 1989); Regina v Hill-Trevor: CACD 1990

The Court of Appeal should not intervene unless it was shown that there was some error of principle in the judge’s sentence, so that public confidence would be damaged if the sentence were not altered. Citations: (1990) 90 Cr App R 358 Statutes: Criminal Justice Act 1988 35 36 Jurisdiction: England and Wales Cited by: … Continue reading Attorney-General’s Reference (No 5 of 1989); Regina v Hill-Trevor: CACD 1990

Attorney-General’s Reference (No 4 of 1989): CACD 1990

The court considered the approach to be taken by an appellate court asked to review a sentence said to be unduly lenient: ‘The first thing to be observed is that it is implicit in the section that this Court may only increase sentences which it concludes were unduly lenient. It cannot, we are confident, have … Continue reading Attorney-General’s Reference (No 4 of 1989): CACD 1990

Regina v Doheny, Adams: CACD 31 Jul 1996

The court set out the procedure for the introduction of DNA evidence in criminal trials. In particular the court explained the ‘Prosecutor’s Fallacy’ when using statistical evidence. The significance of the DNA evidence will depend critically upon what else is known about the suspect. Provided there is no reason to doubt either the matching data … Continue reading Regina v Doheny, Adams: CACD 31 Jul 1996

Commissioner of Police for the Metropolis v Reeves (Joint Administratix of The Estate of Martin Lynch, Deceased): HL 15 Jul 1999

The deceased was a prisoner known to be at risk of committing suicide. Whilst in police custody he hanged himself in his prison cell. The Commissioner accepted that he was in breach of his duty of care to the deceased, but not that that breach was caustive of the death by suicide. Held: Police and … Continue reading Commissioner of Police for the Metropolis v Reeves (Joint Administratix of The Estate of Martin Lynch, Deceased): HL 15 Jul 1999

Cummings v Crown Prosecution Service: Admn 15 Dec 2016

Appeal by way of case stated from a convicting the Appellant of three road traffic offences, including failure to provide a specimen of breath for analysis contrary to section 7(6) of the 1988 Act. The ground of appeal is that the justices wrongly acceded to the prosecution application to allow a police officer to refresh … Continue reading Cummings v Crown Prosecution Service: Admn 15 Dec 2016

Assicurazioni Generali Spa v Arab Insurance Group (BSC): CA 13 Nov 2002

Rehearing/Review – Little Difference on Appeal The appellant asked the Court to reverse a decision on the facts reached in the lower court. Held: The appeal failed (Majority decision). The court’s approach should be the same whether the case was dealt with as a rehearing or as a review. Tanfern was limited to appeals from … Continue reading Assicurazioni Generali Spa v Arab Insurance Group (BSC): CA 13 Nov 2002

RJM, Regina (on the Application of) v Secretary of State for Work and Pensions: HL 22 Oct 2008

The 1987 Regulations provided additional benefits for disabled persons, but excluded from benefit those who had nowhere to sleep. The claimant said this was irrational. He had been receiving the disability premium to his benefits, but this was cancelled when he lost his home. Held: The appeal was dismissed. The disabilty premium, as part of … Continue reading RJM, Regina (on the Application of) v Secretary of State for Work and Pensions: HL 22 Oct 2008

DA and Others, Regina (on The Application of) v Secretary of State for Work and Pensions: SC 15 May 2019

Several lone parents challenged the benefits cap, saying that it was discriminatory. Held: (Hale, Kerr LL dissenting) The parents’ appeals failed. The legislation had a clear impact on lone parents and their children. The intention was to encourage claimants back into work. It was said that thus contradicted the other policy of providing no free … Continue reading DA and Others, Regina (on The Application of) v Secretary of State for Work and Pensions: SC 15 May 2019

Secretary of State for Work and Pensions v M: HL 8 Mar 2006

The respondent’s child lived with the estranged father for most of each week. She was obliged to contribute child support. She now lived with a woman, and complained that because her relationship was homosexual, she had been asked to pay more than someone in a heterosexual relationship. Held: The claim failed. The regulations had now … Continue reading Secretary of State for Work and Pensions v M: HL 8 Mar 2006

Sher and Others v Chief Constable of Greater Manchester Police and Others: Admn 21 Jul 2010

The claimants, Pakistani students in the UK on student visas, had been arrested and held by the defendants under the 2000 Act before being released 13 days later without charge. They were at first held incognito. They said that their arrest and detentions had been unlawful since they had not been given sufficient information about … Continue reading Sher and Others v Chief Constable of Greater Manchester Police and Others: Admn 21 Jul 2010

Goodyear, Karl, Regina v: CACD 19 Apr 2005

The defendant complained that he had pleaded guilty to a charge of corruption on the basis of an indication from the judge that he would not receive a custodial sentence. Having pleaded guilty he had then been sentenced to a six months prison sentence suspended for two years. Held: It was time to move on … Continue reading Goodyear, Karl, Regina v: CACD 19 Apr 2005

Roberts v Parole Board: HL 7 Jul 2005

Balancing Rights of Prisoner and Society The appellant had been convicted of the murder of three police officers in 1966. His tariff of thirty years had now long expired. He complained that material put before the Parole Board reviewing has case had not been disclosed to him. Held: The appeal failed (by a majority). The … Continue reading Roberts v Parole Board: HL 7 Jul 2005

Ismail, Regina (on The Application of) v Secretary of State for The Home Department: SC 6 Jul 2016

The claimant ha been involved in the management of a company operating a ferry in Egypt. The claimant had been acquitted in Egypt of criminal liability, but then convicted in his absence on appeal, after submissions made on his behalf were discounted because of his absence. After sentence to imprisonment, the Egyptian court requested the … Continue reading Ismail, Regina (on The Application of) v Secretary of State for The Home Department: SC 6 Jul 2016