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Hedley Byrne and Co Ltd v Heller and Partners Ltd: HL 28 May 1963

Banker’s Liability for Negligent Reference The appellants were advertising agents. They were liable themselves for advertising space taken for a client, and had sought a financial reference from the defendant bankers to the client. The reference was negligent, but the bankers denied any assumption of a duty of care to a third party when purely … Continue reading Hedley Byrne and Co Ltd v Heller and Partners Ltd: HL 28 May 1963

Regina v W (Reference Under Section 36 of the Criminal Justice Act 1972): CACD 8 May 2003

The allegation was of a serious assault on the defendant’s wife. The prosecution considered she would not be a reliable witness, and did not call her. Other evidence being inadmissible, the defendant was acquitted. The AG appealed. Held: There is no rider in law to the res gestae exception disapplying the exception if better (or … Continue reading Regina v W (Reference Under Section 36 of the Criminal Justice Act 1972): CACD 8 May 2003

Regina v Forest of Dean Justices ex parte Farley: CACD 1990

The prosecutor had charged the defendant first with drink driving so as to take advantage of the provision placing upon the defendant the burden of proving that he had taken drink after the traffic accident and before testing. It iintended then to present a charge of causing death by dangerous driving in the Crown Court … Continue reading Regina v Forest of Dean Justices ex parte Farley: CACD 1990

Stafford v The United Kingdom: ECHR 28 May 2002

Grand Chamber – The appellant claimed damages for being held in prison beyond the term of his sentence. Having been released on licence from a life sentence for murder, he was re-sentenced for a cheque fraud. He was not released after the end of the sentence he served for that offence. He said there was … Continue reading Stafford v The United Kingdom: ECHR 28 May 2002

Stott, Regina (on The Application of) v Secretary of State for Justice: SC 28 Nov 2018

Extended Determinate Sentence created Other Status The prisoner was subject to an extended determinate sentence (21 years plus 4) for 10 offences of rape. He complained that as such he would only be eligible for parole after serving two thirds of his sentence rather than one third, and said that this was discriminatory. Held: The … Continue reading Stott, Regina (on The Application of) v Secretary of State for Justice: SC 28 Nov 2018

Regina v RL and JF: CACD 28 Aug 2008

Club, not members, prosecutable for breach The Environment Agency appealed against dismissal of charges against the defendants who were officers in an unincorporated members’ golf club on whose land there had been pollution. The judge had ruled that the unincorporated association could have been prosecuted under the 1978 Act, and that a prosecution would not … Continue reading Regina v RL and JF: CACD 28 Aug 2008

Regina v Marchant and Another: CACD 21 Jul 2003

The second defendant, a farmer, employed the first defendant, inter alia, to drive his tractor. The tractor, when fitted up was necessarily dangerous, but was licensed to be driven on the roads. There was a fatal accident on the highway. The defendants appealed from convictions for causing death by dangerous driving. Held: The Court concluded … Continue reading Regina v Marchant and Another: CACD 21 Jul 2003

A Ltd and Othersi, Regina v: CACD 28 Jul 2016

The Serious Fraud Office appealed against rulings on the admission of evidence after its exclusion under section 78. Held: The appeal was allowed. The appeal had been brought within time and could proceed. Police and Criminal Evidence Act 1984. The judge confused or elided two quite separate concepts, namely (a) the ‘identification’ principle which is … Continue reading A Ltd and Othersi, Regina v: CACD 28 Jul 2016

Ashingdane v The United Kingdom: ECHR 28 May 1985

The right of access to the courts is not absolute but may be subject to limitations. These are permitted by implication since the right of access ‘by its very nature calls for regulation by the State, regulation which may vary in time and place according to the needs and resources of the community and of … Continue reading Ashingdane v The United Kingdom: ECHR 28 May 1985

Bellinger v Bellinger: HL 10 Apr 2003

Transgender Male to Female not to marry as Female The parties had gone through a form of marriage, but Mrs B had previously undergone gender re-assignment surgery. Section 11(c) of the 1973 Act required a marriage to be between a male and a female. It was argued that the section was incompatible with the claimant’s … Continue reading Bellinger v Bellinger: HL 10 Apr 2003

Dabas v High Court of Justice, Madrid: HL 28 Feb 2007

The defendant sought to appeal his extradition to Spain to face terrorism charges. He complained that the certificate required under the 2003 Act could not be the European arrest warrant itself, that the offence did not satisfy the double actionability rule and that the warrant did not set out the text of the law under … Continue reading Dabas v High Court of Justice, Madrid: HL 28 Feb 2007

Hallam, Regina (on The Application of) v Secretary of State for Justice: SC 30 Jan 2019

These appeals concern the statutory provisions governing the eligibility for compensation of persons convicted of a criminal offence where their conviction is subsequently quashed (or they are pardoned) because of the impact of fresh evidence. It was argued that the failure to make payment amounted to a denial of the right to the presumption of … Continue reading Hallam, Regina (on The Application of) v Secretary of State for Justice: SC 30 Jan 2019

Adams, Regina (on The Application of) v Secretary of State for Justice: SC 11 May 2011

The three claimants had each been convicted of murders and served time. Their convictions had been reversed eventually, and they now appealed against the refusal of compensation for imprisonment, saying that there had been a miscarriage of justice. Held: The appeal of Adams was denied, but those of MacDermott and McCartney allowed (by majority). The … Continue reading Adams, Regina (on The Application of) v Secretary of State for Justice: SC 11 May 2011

Aaron v The Law Society (the Office of the Supervision of Solicitors): QBD 13 Oct 2003

The appellant challenged an order suspending him from practice as a solicitor for two years. He had previous findings of professional misconduct in failing to pay counsels’ fees. In the course of later disciplinary proceedings he was found to have misled the court as to the circumstances of a tribunal hearing when obtaining a stay. … Continue reading Aaron v The Law Society (the Office of the Supervision of Solicitors): QBD 13 Oct 2003

Regina on the Application of Clift v Secretary of State for the Home Department: Admn 13 Jun 2003

The claimant had been sentenced to 18 years imprisonment. He challenged the differing treatment for parole purposes of those sentenced to more than 15 years, as infringing his human rights, insofar as the decision was retained by the Home Secretary. Held: The decision itself was clearly not irrational. As to the involvement of the Home … Continue reading Regina on the Application of Clift v Secretary of State for the Home Department: Admn 13 Jun 2003

O’Brien v Chief Constable of South Wales Police: HL 28 Apr 2005

The claimant sought damages against the police, and wanted to bring in evidence of previous misconduct by the officers on a similar fact basis. They had been imprisoned and held for several years based upon admissions which they said they had obtained by improper pressure. Held: Evidence in civil cases is dealt with in two … Continue reading O’Brien v Chief Constable of South Wales Police: HL 28 Apr 2005

O’Brien v Chief Constable of the South Wales Police: CA 23 Jul 2003

The claimant sought damages for malicious prosecution, and sought to adduce similar fact evidence. The defendant appealed an order admitting the evidence. Held: Comparisons between admission of similar fact evidence in civil and criminal proceedings were made. In general, the greater the putative force of the evidence the less ready a court should be to … Continue reading O’Brien v Chief Constable of the South Wales Police: CA 23 Jul 2003

Bucnys v Ministry of Justice: SC 20 Nov 2013

The Court considered requests made by European Arrest Warrants for the surrender under Part 1 of the Extradition Act 2003 of three persons wanted to serve sentences imposed upon their conviction in other member states of the European Union. The court was asked whether the requests are open to challenge on the basis that (i) … Continue reading Bucnys v Ministry of Justice: SC 20 Nov 2013

Regina v R (Sentencing: Extended licences): CACD 25 Jul 2003

The imposition of an extended period of licence in respect of offences committed before 1992 did not infringe the defendant’s human rights. The defendant had been convicted of offences from 1976 and 1982. The commencement date for the 1991 Act was 1 October 1992. Held: The true nature of the provision was preventive, to ensure … Continue reading Regina v R (Sentencing: Extended licences): CACD 25 Jul 2003

Twomey, Cameron And Guthrie v The United Kingdom (Judgment): ECHR 28 May 2013

Ineta Ziemele, P 67318/09 22226/12 – Admissibility Decision, [2013] ECHR 578 Bailii European Convention on Human Rights, Criminal Justice Act 2003 46(3) Human Rights Citing: Legal Summary – Twomey, Cameron and Guthrie v The United Kingdom (Legal Summary) ECHR 28-May-2013 ECHR Criminal proceedingsArticle 6-1Fair hearingEquality of armsIndependent tribunalTrial by judge sitting alone owing to risk … Continue reading Twomey, Cameron And Guthrie v The United Kingdom (Judgment): ECHR 28 May 2013

Secretary of State for Justice v Walker; Same v James: CA 1 Feb 2008

The claimant had been sentenced to a short period of imprisonment but with an indeterminate term until he demonstrated that it was no longer necessary for the protection of the public. He complained that the term having expired, no opportunity had been given to him to show that he could be released. Held: ‘The legality … Continue reading Secretary of State for Justice v Walker; Same v James: CA 1 Feb 2008

Child X (Residence and Contact- Rights of Media Attendance) (Rev 2): FD 14 Jul 2009

The father applied to the court to have the media excluded from the hearing into the residence and contact claims relating to his daughter. Held: It was for the party seeking such an order to justify it. In deciding whether or not to exclude the press in the welfare or privacy interests of a party … Continue reading Child X (Residence and Contact- Rights of Media Attendance) (Rev 2): FD 14 Jul 2009

Whiston, Regina (on The Application of) v Secretary of State for Justice: CA 25 Oct 2012

The claimant was a prisoner released on a home detention licence, but his licence had been revoked. He now said that the way it had been revoked, without the respondent’s decision being subject to confirmation by the Parole Board, nor to other opportunity to make representations, was infringement of his human rights. Held: The appeal … Continue reading Whiston, Regina (on The Application of) v Secretary of State for Justice: CA 25 Oct 2012

Faulkner, Regina (on The Application of) v Secretary of State for Justice and Another: SC 1 May 2013

The applicants had each been given a life sentence, but having served the minimum term had been due to have the continued detention reviewed to establish whether or not continued detention was necessary for the protection of the pblic. It had not been, and each had claimed there was no basis for his continued detention, … Continue reading Faulkner, Regina (on The Application of) v Secretary of State for Justice and Another: SC 1 May 2013

Mucelli v Government of Albania (Criminal Appeal From Her Majesty’s High Court of Justice): HL 21 Jan 2009

The House was asked whether someone who wished to appeal against an extradition order had an obligation also to serve his appellant’s notice on the respondent within the seven days limit, and whether the period was capable of extension by the court. Held: The appeal failed (Lord Rodger dissenting). Giving notice, for the purposes of … Continue reading Mucelli v Government of Albania (Criminal Appeal From Her Majesty’s High Court of Justice): HL 21 Jan 2009

H, Regina v, (Criminal propensity): CACD 3 Dec 2009

Incomplete Information distorted jury’s picture The defendant appealed against his conviction for robbery saying that it was a named third party. The jury had been told of his own previous conviction for robbery, but not that the third party had also so been previously convicted. The jury had only been informed that the third party … Continue reading H, Regina v, (Criminal propensity): CACD 3 Dec 2009

Regina v Secretary of State for the Home Department ex parte Anufrijeva: HL 26 Jun 2003

The appellant challenged the withdrawal of her benefits payments. She had applied for asylum, and been granted reduced rate income support. A decision was made refusing her claim, but that decision was, by policy, not communicated to her for several months, during which time her benefits were cancelled. Held: The result was to leave the … Continue reading Regina v Secretary of State for the Home Department ex parte Anufrijeva: HL 26 Jun 2003

Autologic Holdings Plc and others v Commissioners of Inland Revenue: HL 28 Jul 2005

Taxpayer companies challenged the way that the revenue restricted claims for group Corporation Tax relief for subsidiary companies in Europe. The issue was awaiting a decision of the European Court. The Revenue said that the claims now being made by other companies should proceed through the Commissioners who could implement European law directly. The taxpayers … Continue reading Autologic Holdings Plc and others v Commissioners of Inland Revenue: HL 28 Jul 2005

Anufrijeva and Another v London Borough of Southwark: CA 16 Oct 2003

The various claimants sought damages for established breaches of their human rights involving breaches of statutory duty by way of maladministration. Does the state have a duty to provide support so as to avoid a threat to the family life of the claimant? Held: A finding that a Convention right has been infringed, including a … Continue reading Anufrijeva and Another v London Borough of Southwark: CA 16 Oct 2003

Regina v Her Majesty’s Attorney General ex parte Rusbridger and Another: HL 26 Jun 2003

Limit to Declaratory Refilef as to Future Acts The applicant newspaper editor wanted to campaign for a republican government. Articles were published, and he sought confirmation that he would not be prosecuted under the Act, in the light of the 1998 Act. Held: Declaratory relief as to the criminality of future conduct is available but … Continue reading Regina v Her Majesty’s Attorney General ex parte Rusbridger and Another: HL 26 Jun 2003

K, Regina v: CACD 28 Jul 2009

The defendant appealed against orders allowing the use in evidence against him of information provided by him in ancillary relief proceedings, and without prejudice negotations with his wife’s solicitors. Held: The information provided through the formal ancillary relief process had been obtained under compulsion, and the rules had been intended to require full disclosure and … Continue reading K, Regina v: CACD 28 Jul 2009

King, Regina (on The Application of) v Secretary of State for Justice: CA 27 Mar 2012

In each case the prisoners challenged their transfer to cellular confinement or segregation within prison or YOI, saying that the transfers infringed their rights under Article 6, saying that domestic law, either in itself or in conjunction with recent decisions of the European Court of Human Rights, acknowledged that serving prisoners have a right to … Continue reading King, Regina (on The Application of) v Secretary of State for Justice: CA 27 Mar 2012

Crown Prosecution Service v LR: CACD 28 Apr 2010

The Crown appealed against a stay imposed on its prosecution of the defendant accused of possessing and creating indecent images of children. It had refused to provide access to the materials to the extent required by the defence to allow it to prepare its case. CPS said that it feared that an officer might himself … Continue reading Crown Prosecution Service v LR: CACD 28 Apr 2010

Regina v Abu Hamza: CACD 28 Nov 2006

The defendant had faced trial on terrorist charges. He claimed that delay and the very substantial adverse publicity had made his fair trial impossible, and that it was not an offence for a foreign national to solicit murders to be carried out abroad. Held: The appeal failed. Murder is singled out as an offence even … Continue reading Regina v Abu Hamza: CACD 28 Nov 2006

Black, Regina (on the Application of) v Secretary of State for Justice: HL 21 Jan 2009

The appellant complained that the system for considering the release of a life prisoner did not comply with the Convention when the decision was made by the Secretary of State and not by the Parole Board, or the court. The Board had recommended his release, but that had been overriden by the respondent. had not … Continue reading Black, Regina (on the Application of) v Secretary of State for Justice: HL 21 Jan 2009

Jameel, Abdul Latif Jameel Company Limited v The Wall Street Journal Europe Sprl (No 1): CA 26 Nov 2003

The court considered the levels of meaning in an article falsely connecting the claimant with terrorist activity: ‘Once it is recognised that the article may be asserting no more than that in one way or another the respondents may unwittingly have assisted terrorists in the past and may by introducing more controls be able to … Continue reading Jameel, Abdul Latif Jameel Company Limited v The Wall Street Journal Europe Sprl (No 1): CA 26 Nov 2003

Regina v Shayler: CACD 28 Sep 2001

Duress as Defence not closely Defined The defendant had been a member of MI5. He had signed the Official Secrets Act, but then disclosed various matters, including material obtained by interceptions under the Interception of Communications Act. He claimed that his disclosures were made in the public interest. He appealed against a judgment that the … Continue reading Regina v Shayler: CACD 28 Sep 2001

Young v The Bristol Aeroplane Co Ltd: CA 28 Jul 1944

Court of Appeal must follow Own Decisions The claimant was injured and received compensation. He then sought to recover again, alleging breach of statutory duty by his employers. Held: The Court of Appeal was in general bound to follow its own previous decisions. The court considered the circumstances in which it could depart from a … Continue reading Young v The Bristol Aeroplane Co Ltd: CA 28 Jul 1944

RM v The Scottish Ministers: SC 28 Nov 2012

The pursuer was held in a secure mental hospital. When moved to a highersecurity section, he challenged the move. He lost but then was unable to make an apeal as allowed iunder the 2003 Act because the Scottish Parliament had not created the appropriate Regulations. Held: The appeal succeeded: ‘the Ministers’ failure to exercise their … Continue reading RM v The Scottish Ministers: SC 28 Nov 2012

Twomey, Cameron and Guthrie v The United Kingdom (Legal Summary): ECHR 28 May 2013

ECHR Criminal proceedingsArticle 6-1Fair hearingEquality of armsIndependent tribunalTrial by judge sitting alone owing to risk of jury tampering: inadmissibleFacts – The case concerned the power under section 46 of the Criminal Justice Act 2003 for a judge in a trial on indictment to discharge the jury where jury tampering appears to have taken place. The … Continue reading Twomey, Cameron and Guthrie v The United Kingdom (Legal Summary): ECHR 28 May 2013

Runa Begum v London Borough of Tower Hamlets (First Secretary of State intervening): HL 13 Feb 2003

The appellant challenged the procedure for reviewing a decision made as to the suitability of accomodation offered to her after the respondent had accepted her as being homeless. The procedure involved a review by an officer of the council, with an appeal to the County Court on a point of law. Held: The decision was … Continue reading Runa Begum v London Borough of Tower Hamlets (First Secretary of State intervening): HL 13 Feb 2003

Secretary of State for Justice v James: HL 6 May 2009

The applicant had been sentenced to an indefinite term for public protection, but the determinate part of his sentence had passed with no consideration as to whether his continued detention was required. Held: The post tariff detention was not unlawful and therefore no action for damages lay. The clear failures of the respondent to implement … Continue reading Secretary of State for Justice v James: HL 6 May 2009


1267 – 1278 – 1285 – 1297 – 1361 – 1449 – 1491 – 1533 – 1677 – 1688 – 1689 – 1700 – 1706 – 1710 – 1730 – 1737 – 1738 – 1751 – 1774 – 1792 – 1793 – 1804 – 1814 – 1819 – 1824 – 1828 – 1831 – 1832 … Continue reading Acts

Terrell, Regina v: CACD 21 Dec 2007

The defendant appealed his sentence for making indecent images of children. Additional sentences had been imposed for public protection. He had a previous conviction for a similar offence. Held: The additional sentence should not have been imposed. He had not gone beyond the downloading of images. ‘The link between the offending act of downloading these … Continue reading Terrell, Regina v: CACD 21 Dec 2007

Richardson and Others, Regina v: CACD 18 Dec 2006

The court considered the effect on sentencing for road traffic cases after the increase in sentence maxima for causing death by dangerous driving and causing death by careless driving when under the influence of drink or drugs, and the effect on the guidelines in Cooksley. Held: The guidelines in Cooksley should be revisited so that … Continue reading Richardson and Others, Regina v: CACD 18 Dec 2006

Parker v Chief Constable of the Hampshire Constabulary: CA 25 Jun 1999

The claimant sought damages after his arrest by armed police. The defendant appealed a substantial award of damages. Held: The section required the officer to have reasonable grounds for suspecting the arrestees to be guilty of the offence. The constable must suspect both that an arrestable offence has been committed and that the citizen he … Continue reading Parker v Chief Constable of the Hampshire Constabulary: CA 25 Jun 1999

Regina v Abdroikof, Regina v Green; Regina v Williamson: HL 17 Oct 2007

The House was asked whether a jury in criminal trials containing variously a Crown Prosecution Service solicitor, or a police officer would have the appearance of bias. In Abdroikof, the presence of the police officer on the jury was discovered only late, but there was no conflict over police evidence. In Green the victim was … Continue reading Regina v Abdroikof, Regina v Green; Regina v Williamson: HL 17 Oct 2007

McWilliams, Regina v: CACD 21 May 2021

The Attorney General sought leave to refer a sentence to this Court arising from the interrelationship between the court’s power under section 82A(3) of the Powers of Criminal Courts (Sentencing) Act 2000 to fix the minimum term to be served under a discretionary life sentence, and the custodial period after which prisoners serving determinate sentences … Continue reading McWilliams, Regina v: CACD 21 May 2021

Highton, Regina (on the Application of) v Her Majesty’s Youth Offender Institute Lancaster Farms and Another: Admn 17 Apr 2007

Challenge to calculation of servable sentence term. Judges: Dobbs J Citations: [2007] EWHC 1085 (Admin) Links: Bailii Statutes: Criminal Justice Act 2003 181 244, Criminal Justice Act 1991, Criminal Justice Act 2003 (Commencement No 8 and Transitional and Savings Provisions) Order 2005 14 Jurisdiction: England and Wales Cited by: Cited – Noone, Regina (on the … Continue reading Highton, Regina (on the Application of) v Her Majesty’s Youth Offender Institute Lancaster Farms and Another: Admn 17 Apr 2007

Bermingham and others v The Director of the Serious Fraud Office: QBD 21 Feb 2006

Prosecution to protect defendant not available The claimants faced extradition to the US. They said that the respondent had infringed their human rights by deciding not to prosecute them in the UK. There was no mutuality in the Act under which they were to be extradited. Held: The Director had a discretion as to whether … Continue reading Bermingham and others v The Director of the Serious Fraud Office: QBD 21 Feb 2006

Brooke and others v The Parole Board: Admn 7 Sep 2007

The applicants were prisoners who sought judicial review of the use made by the Parole Board of its powers to review their sentences, saying that the Parole Board was not sufficiently independent of the government to guarantee their human rights. Held: The applications succeeded, and the court gave a declaration that the applicants’ rights under … Continue reading Brooke and others v The Parole Board: Admn 7 Sep 2007

Dubai Aluminium Company Limited v Salaam and Others: HL 5 Dec 2002

Partners Liable for Dishonest Act of Solicitor A solicitor had been alleged to have acted dishonestly, having assisted in a fraudulent breach of trust by drafting certain documents. Contributions to the damages were sought from his partners. Held: The acts complained of were so close to the activities which a solicitor would normally undertake, that … Continue reading Dubai Aluminium Company Limited v Salaam and Others: HL 5 Dec 2002

Tillery Valley Foods v Channel Four Television, Shine Limited: ChD 18 May 2004

The claimant sought an injunction to restrain the defendants from broadcasting a film, claiming that it contained confidential material. A journalist working undercover sought to reveal what he said were unhealthy practices in the claimant’s meat processing plant. A claim under defamation would not restrict publication where a defence of justification might be anticipated. The … Continue reading Tillery Valley Foods v Channel Four Television, Shine Limited: ChD 18 May 2004

Tully and Another, Regina v: CACD 16 Mar 2006

The defendants appealed against their convictions for robbery. The prosecutor had introduced evidence of their previous records under section 101, with several similar convictions demonstrating propensity. Citations: [2006] EWCA Crim 2270, (2007) 171 JPN 306, (2007) 171 JP 25 Links: Bailii Statutes: Criminal Justice Act 2003 101(d) Jurisdiction: England and Wales Criminal Evidence Updated: 26 … Continue reading Tully and Another, Regina v: CACD 16 Mar 2006

Sheldrake v Director of Public Prosecutions; Attorney General’s Reference No 4 of 2002: HL 14 Oct 2004

Appeals were brought complaining as to the apparent reversal of the burden of proof in road traffic cases and in cases under the Terrorism Acts. Was a legal or an evidential burden placed on a defendant? Held: Lord Bingham of Cornhill said: ‘The overriding concern is that a trial should be fair, and the presumption … Continue reading Sheldrake v Director of Public Prosecutions; Attorney General’s Reference No 4 of 2002: HL 14 Oct 2004

Regina v Coutts: HL 19 Jul 2006

The defendant was convicted of murder. Evidence during the trial suggested a possibility of manslaughter, but neither the defence nor prosecution proposed the alternate verdict. The defendant now appealed saying that the judge had an independent duty to leave that option to the jury. Held: The appeal succeeded. The judge should have left a manslaughter … Continue reading Regina v Coutts: HL 19 Jul 2006

J, S, M v Regina: CACD 23 Jul 2010

Interlocutory appeal under section 35(1) of the Criminal Procedure and Investigations Act 1996 against an order that, in accordance with section 44(3) of the Criminal Justice Act 2003, (the 2003 Act) the forthcoming trial of the defendants should be conducted by a judge alone. Judges: The Lord Chief Justice of England and Wales Citations: [2010] … Continue reading J, S, M v Regina: CACD 23 Jul 2010

Khan and Others v Regina: CACD 16 Apr 2013

The several defendants appealed against sentences imposed for acts preparatory to terrorism. Each had been involved to a lesser extent than principals in a larger circle. Held: Leveson LJ said: ‘Although potentially highly relevant both to culpability and potential harm (and, thus, of importance for the purpose of fixing the punitive part of any sentence) … Continue reading Khan and Others v Regina: CACD 16 Apr 2013

Oleksandr Volkov v Ukraine: ECHR 9 Jan 2013

ECHR Article 6Civil proceedingsArticle 6-1Impartial tribunalIndependent tribunalStructural defects of the system of judicial discipline: violationFair hearingAbsence of limitation period for imposing disciplinary penalty on judges and abuse of electronic vote system in Parliament when adopting decision on judge’s dismissal: violationsTribunal established by lawComposition of chamber examining applicant’s case defined by a judge whose term of … Continue reading Oleksandr Volkov v Ukraine: ECHR 9 Jan 2013

Vinter, Bamber And Moore v The United Kingdom: ECHR 17 Jan 2012

The prisoners appealed saying that the whole life terms set on the imposition of a life sentence for murder were a breach of their human rights. Held: The continued detention of three defendants who had been made subject to a whole life tariff did not violate Article 3 because the ‘requirements of punishment and deterrence … Continue reading Vinter, Bamber And Moore v The United Kingdom: ECHR 17 Jan 2012

Najib v Regina: CACD 12 Feb 2013

The defendant appealed against his conviction for murder saying that the court had given inadequate directions as to his ‘no comment’ interview, the need to treat the evidence of a co-accused with caution, and the need for a bad character direction. Held: The appeal failed. The direction as to the no comment interview had allowed … Continue reading Najib v Regina: CACD 12 Feb 2013

Al-Khawaja v The United Kingdom; Tahery v The United Kingdom: ECHR 15 Dec 2011

(Grand Chamber) The claimants complained of the use against them of hearsay evidence in their trials. Held: ‘the underlying principle is that the defendant in a criminal trial should have an effective opportunity to challenge the evidence against him. This principle requires not merely that the defendant should know the identity of his accusers so … Continue reading Al-Khawaja v The United Kingdom; Tahery v The United Kingdom: ECHR 15 Dec 2011

Adeojo and Another v Regina: CACD 6 Feb 2013

The defendants appealed against their convictions for murder saying that the court should not have relied upon hearsay evidence. A witness had refused to give evidence, but his earlier evidnece was used. Held: The appeals failed. The judge had acted properly in that when considering the exercise of his judgment under section 78 of the … Continue reading Adeojo and Another v Regina: CACD 6 Feb 2013

Regina v P and others: HL 19 Dec 2000

Where communications had been intercepted in a foreign country, and the manner of such interceptions had been lawful in that country, the evidence produced was admissible in evidence in a trial in England. An admission of such evidence was not an infringement of the rights to a fair trial, nor of the right to respect … Continue reading Regina v P and others: HL 19 Dec 2000

Rance v Regina: CACD 9 Oct 2012

The defendant appealed against the extent of fine and costs awards made against him following conviction for effective demolition of a substantial victorian property within a conservation area without consent. The court had refused to believe his statements as to his assets and income, but had also refused a confiscation order. The defendant said that … Continue reading Rance v Regina: CACD 9 Oct 2012

Thompson v Commissioner of Police of Metropolis; Hsu v Same: CA 20 Feb 1997

CS Damages of 200,000 pounds by way of exemplary damages had been awarded against the police for unlawful arrest and assault. Held: The court gave a guideline maximum pounds 50,000 award against police for wrongful arrest and wrongful imprisonment. Comparisons were proper with personal injury cases. It is important to identify and quantify the various … Continue reading Thompson v Commissioner of Police of Metropolis; Hsu v Same: CA 20 Feb 1997

Bowater, Regina v: CACD 24 Jun 2022

Judges: Lord Justice William Davis Mr Justice Fraser Mrs Justice May Citations: [2022] EWCA Crim 986 Links: Bailii Statutes: Sexual Offences Act 2003 3 Jurisdiction: England and Wales Criminal Sentencing Updated: 03 November 2022; Ref: scu.682286