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Secretary of State for the Home Department v Sim and The Parole Board: CA 19 Dec 2003

The prisoner was subject to an extended sentence, and had been recalled to prison. He now complained that the recall procedure had infringed his human rights. Judges: Ward, Keene LJJ, Munby J Citations: [2003] EWCA Civ 1845, [2004] 2 WLR 1170, [2004] HRLR 15 Links: Bailii Statutes: Powers of Criminal Courts (Sentencing) Act 2000& 85, … Continue reading Secretary of State for the Home Department v Sim and The Parole Board: CA 19 Dec 2003

Poole and Mills v Regina: CACD 17 Jun 2003

The case was a reference from the Criminal Cases Review Commission. The defendants had been convicted in 1990 of murder. The House of Lords had dismissed an earlier appeal. Police officers had allowed statements to be put forward which were false in critical aspects, and had threatened witnesses to avoid their attendance at court. Held: … Continue reading Poole and Mills v Regina: CACD 17 Jun 2003

Reynolds v Times Newspapers Ltd and others: HL 28 Oct 1999

Fair Coment on Political Activities The defendant newspaper had published articles wrongly accusing the claimant, the former Prime Minister of Ireland of duplicity. The paper now appealed, saying that it should have had available to it a defence of qualified privilege because of the claimant’s status as a politician. Held: The appeal failed (Lords Hope … Continue reading Reynolds v Times Newspapers Ltd and others: HL 28 Oct 1999

Regina (Mudie and Another) v Dover Magistrates’ Court and Another: CA 4 Feb 2003

The applicants wished to challenge the confiscation of their goods by the Commissioners of Customs and Excise on their return to Dover. They appealed the refusal of Legal Aid. Held: The Convention guaranteed the right to legal assistance for someone charged with a criminal offence and who could not afford representation, but these condemnation proceedings … Continue reading Regina (Mudie and Another) v Dover Magistrates’ Court and Another: CA 4 Feb 2003

I-CD Publishing Ltd v The Secretary of State, The Information Commissioner (Interested Party): Admn 21 Jul 2003

The claimant sought judicial review challenging the restrictions on the sale of electoral registers to registered credit reference agencies. Following Robertson (1) the new regulations created two registers, and the claimant sought to be able to purchase the records for its register of addresses. Held: The consultation had been adequate. The regulations did not create … Continue reading I-CD Publishing Ltd v The Secretary of State, The Information Commissioner (Interested Party): Admn 21 Jul 2003

Regina on the Application of Smith v The Secretary of State for the Home Department: Admn 3 Apr 2003

The case asked what duty the respondent had, in respect of youths sentenced to be detained during Her Majesty’s Pleasure before 30th November 2000, to review their continued detention at regular intervals. A statement said that once a tarriff had been set the Secretary would only consider matters relating to the crime or the defendant’s … Continue reading Regina on the Application of Smith v The Secretary of State for the Home Department: Admn 3 Apr 2003

W, Regina v (Attorney General’s reference no 5 of 2002): CACD 12 Jun 2003

Three serving police officers provided confidential information to a known criminal. The Chief Constable authorised interception of telephones at a police station, a private network. The court accepted that section 17 prevented the defence asserting that the interception had taken place on the public side of the system, and therefore admission of other evidence would … Continue reading W, Regina v (Attorney General’s reference no 5 of 2002): CACD 12 Jun 2003

M v the Secretary of State for the Home Department: CA 19 Feb 2003

The applicant had been given indefinite leave to remain in England, but was later convicted of indecent assault, and recommended for deportation. On appeal the court said that the order for deportation was disproportionate. After serving his sentence and on release. The respondent decided that he should be deported under the 1971 Act, but gave … Continue reading M v the Secretary of State for the Home Department: CA 19 Feb 2003

Regina (on the application of C) v Secretary of State for Justice: SC 27 Jan 2016

The applicant was a convicted murderer who had been held in a high security mental hospital. His application for unescorted leave had been refused, and he wished to challenge the decisions. Anonymity in the subsequent proceedings had been refused to him, but retained pending the appeal. Held: His appeal was allowed: ‘an anonymity order is … Continue reading Regina (on the application of C) v Secretary of State for Justice: SC 27 Jan 2016

Morgan, Regina (on the Application of) v Justices of Dyfed Powys Magistrates’ Court: Admn 18 Jun 2003

Money had been taken by the Police, but after the applicants had been acquitted, they sought it to be returned. Their action was struck out after long delays. They applied to the Magistrates who turned down the application. Held: The money should be returned ‘ . . once it is clear that the claimant is … Continue reading Morgan, Regina (on the Application of) v Justices of Dyfed Powys Magistrates’ Court: Admn 18 Jun 2003

Regina v Greer: CACD 28 Jan 2011

The defendant appealed against an order disallowing any time already spent in custody when activating a suspended sentence. Held: The appeal succeeded. Judges: Hooper LJ, Openshaw, Sharp JJ Citations: [2011] EWCA Crim 314, [2011] 2 Cr App R (S) 66, [2011] Crim LR 495 Links: Bailii Statutes: Criminal Justice Act 2003 240 Jurisdiction: England and … Continue reading Regina v Greer: CACD 28 Jan 2011

Regina on the Application of South West Yorkshire Mental Health NHS Trust v Crown Court at Bradford: CA 19 Dec 2003

A appealed an order made by the Crown Court under the 1964 Act for his detention in a mental hospital on the grounds that he was unfit to enter a plea to the charge of murder. Held: The Court of Appal had no jurisdiction to hear the appeal. All appeals from orders of the Crown … Continue reading Regina on the Application of South West Yorkshire Mental Health NHS Trust v Crown Court at Bradford: CA 19 Dec 2003

Jorgenson, Regina (on The Application of) v Secretary of State for Justice: Admn 15 Apr 2011

The claimant challenged the decision of the defendant under section 254 of the 2003 Act to recall him to custody for using cannabis in breach of the licence conditions on which he was released from prison. Judges: Silber J Citations: [2011] EWHC 977 (Admin) Links: Bailii Statutes: Criminal Justice Act 2003 254 Prisons Updated: 07 … Continue reading Jorgenson, Regina (on The Application of) v Secretary of State for Justice: Admn 15 Apr 2011

Regina on the Application of Uttley v Secretary of State for the Home Department: CA 30 Jul 2003

Licence conditions imposed at the time of sentence would restrict the defendant after he had served his sentence and been released, and so operated as a heavier penalty, and section 33(1) was incompatible with the defendant’s Art 7.1 rights. Held: Before the 1991 Act, a prisoner was entitled to release after serving the necessary part … Continue reading Regina on the Application of Uttley v Secretary of State for the Home Department: CA 30 Jul 2003

Regina v Van Hoogstraten: CACD 12 Dec 2003

The prosecution appealed against the refusal of the crown court to remit the case for retrial. Held: The court had no jurisdiction to entertain an appeal against this ruling because it was not within the ambit of section 29(2) of the 1996 Act. That may be satisfactory because it seemed to be common ground that … Continue reading Regina v Van Hoogstraten: CACD 12 Dec 2003

Regina v M (Witness Statement): CACD 20 Feb 2003

The defendant appealed his conviction for murder. The principal witness’ statement had been allowed to be read to the jury after the witness had claimed to be afraid of giving evidence. Held: There was no general principle which would operate against admitting evidence in this way. Luca did not establish a rule to which there … Continue reading Regina v M (Witness Statement): CACD 20 Feb 2003

Regina v Montilla, Newbury etc: CACD 3 Nov 2003

The Crown appealed a decision that a conviction under subsection 2 required proof that the money the disposal of which the defendant was accused to have assisted was in fact the proceeds of drug trafficking. Held: Subsections 1 and 2 were clearly differently worded. Under section 1 it was necessary to prove that the goods … Continue reading Regina v Montilla, Newbury etc: CACD 3 Nov 2003

Regina v Stevens (Danny): CACD 1 Dec 2003

The defendant appealed the imposition of a consecutive sentence to follow a mandatory life sentence. He was subject to a suspended sentence when he committed the offences for which he received the life sentence, and had been given a consecutive two year sentence. Held: It is normally appropriate to make an activated suspended sentence run … Continue reading Regina v Stevens (Danny): CACD 1 Dec 2003

Slack and Johnson, Regina v: CACD 28 May 2010

The defendants appealed against their convictions for the murder and manslaughter of an elderly man. Three had been present at the scene, and they blamed each other. Bad character evidence against Johnson had not been admitted at first, but had later been accepted. Held: The evidence remained admissible. Judges: Maurice Kay LJ, Royce J, Nicol … Continue reading Slack and Johnson, Regina v: CACD 28 May 2010

Lord Advocate (Representing The Taiwanese Judicial Authorities) v Dean: SC 28 Jun 2017

(Scotland) The respondent was to be extradited to Taiwan to serve the balance of a prison term. His appeal succeeded and the order quashed on the basis that his treatment in the Taiwanese prison system would infringe his human rights. The Lord Advocate now appealed. Held: The question was a devolution issue, being ‘a question … Continue reading Lord Advocate (Representing The Taiwanese Judicial Authorities) v Dean: SC 28 Jun 2017

Bourgass and Another, Regina (on The Application of) v Secretary of State for Justice: SC 29 Jul 2015

The Court considered the procedures when a prisoner is kept in solitary confinement, otherwise described as ‘segregation’ or ‘removal from association’, and principally whether decisions to keep the appellants in segregation for substantial periods were taken lawfully. Held: The segregation was not authorised by the applicable legislation: ‘rule 45 . . (1) enables the governor … Continue reading Bourgass and Another, Regina (on The Application of) v Secretary of State for Justice: SC 29 Jul 2015

Regina v Sewa Singh Gill and Paramjit Singh Gill: CACD 31 Jul 2003

The appellants sought to challenge their convictions for cheating the Inland Revenue. They were accused of having hidden assets and income from the revenue. The appellants objected to the use at trial of material obtained in a ‘Hansard’ interview. At such interview admissions are accepted as a basis for settling civil liabiity, but expressly excluding … Continue reading Regina v Sewa Singh Gill and Paramjit Singh Gill: CACD 31 Jul 2003

Kent Pharmaceuticals Ltd, (Regina on the Application of ) v Serious Fraud Office and Another: Admn 17 Dec 2003

The claimant sought judicial review of the decision of the respondent to disclose documents obtained by it from them during an investigation. Held: The decisions to disclose material to the DoH were ‘in accordance with law’ within the meaning of Article 8(2), notwithstanding the width of the discretion conferred by section 3(5)(a). The claimant should … Continue reading Kent Pharmaceuticals Ltd, (Regina on the Application of ) v Serious Fraud Office and Another: Admn 17 Dec 2003

Malone v Commissioner of the Police for the Metropolis (No 2): ChD 28 Feb 1979

The court considered the lawfulness of telephone tapping. The issue arose following a trial in which the prosecution had admitted the interception of the plaintiff’s telephone conversations under a warrant issued by the Secretary of State. The plaintiff claimed that the interception had been and was unlawful. Held: Although he dismissed the plaintiff’s claim, the … Continue reading Malone v Commissioner of the Police for the Metropolis (No 2): ChD 28 Feb 1979

Kelly and others Regina (on the Applications of) v Secretary of State for Justice: CA 12 Mar 2008

Each appellant had been sentenced to five years imprisonment, but then released on conditional licence after the expiry of three quartes of the sentence. They now challenged whether the extension of the licence period until sentence expiry was lawful. Judges: Lord Clarke of Stone-cum-Ebony MR, Laws, Wilson LJJ Citations: [2008] EWCA Civ 177, [2008] 3 … Continue reading Kelly and others Regina (on the Applications of) v Secretary of State for Justice: CA 12 Mar 2008

Regina (Smith) v Parole Board (No 2): CA 31 Jul 2003

The applicant having been released on licence had his licence revoked. The decision had been made at a hearing which considered evidence on paper only, which he said was unfair. Held: The case law had maintained a proper distinction between the determination of a criminal charge and otherwise. The first required an oral hearing for … Continue reading Regina (Smith) v Parole Board (No 2): CA 31 Jul 2003

In re S (a Child) (Identification: Restrictions on Publication): HL 28 Oct 2004

Inherent High Court power may restrain Publicity The claimant child’s mother was to be tried for the murder of his brother by poisoning with salt. It was feared that the publicity which would normally attend a trial, would be damaging to S, and an application was made for reporting restrictions to be applied to avoid … Continue reading In re S (a Child) (Identification: Restrictions on Publication): HL 28 Oct 2004

Jaso and others v Central Criminal Court No.2 Madrid: Admn 14 Dec 2007

The Madrid Court had issued European Arrest Warrants against the three appellants on charges of membership of a criminal organisation and terrorism. The appellants had unsuccessfully challenged extradition before the District Judge on a large number of grounds. These included the contention that extradition would violate articles 3, 5, 6 and 8 of the Convention. … Continue reading Jaso and others v Central Criminal Court No.2 Madrid: Admn 14 Dec 2007

H, Regina v (Interlocutory application: Disclosure): HL 28 Feb 2007

The trial judge had refused an order requested at a preparatory hearing by the defence for the disclosure of documents held by the prosecutor. The House was now asked whether a right of appeal existed against such a refusal. Held: The practice at preparatory hearings has been the subject of dispute. Lord Nichols said: ‘the … Continue reading H, Regina v (Interlocutory application: Disclosure): HL 28 Feb 2007

Khan, Decision Upon A Reference Under the Criminal Justice Act 2003: QBD 10 Nov 2006

The defendant, subject to a sentence of life imprisonment in Canada, had been transferred to the UK. The court had to determine the minimum term to be served. Held: For a similar offence in England the defendant would have been recommended for a minimum sentence of 15 years. However the Convention required the receiving country … Continue reading Khan, Decision Upon A Reference Under the Criminal Justice Act 2003: QBD 10 Nov 2006

Regina v Central Criminal Court ex parte Francis and Francis: HL 1989

The police had obtained an ex parte order for the production of files from a firm of solicitors relating to financial transactions of one of their clients. The police believed that the client had been provided with money to purchase property by an alleged drug trafficker. The solicitors relied on the exemption in section 27(4)(ii) … Continue reading Regina v Central Criminal Court ex parte Francis and Francis: HL 1989

Highton, Van Nguyen and Carp, Regina v: CACD 28 Jul 2005

The defendants appealed the use made of their previous records once they had become admissible after they had attacked the character of prosecution witnesses. Held: It was proper that once the defendant had allowed his criminal record to be put in after he had attacked the character of a prosecution witness, that record could also … Continue reading Highton, Van Nguyen and Carp, Regina v: CACD 28 Jul 2005

Her Majesty’s Attorney General for Gibraltar v Shimidzu (Berllaque, Intervenor): PC 28 Jun 2005

(Gibraltar) The appellants sought to argue that the failure to allow an acquitted defendant any possible order for costs was a breach of the Constitution. Held: Section 8 of the Constitution, like its analogue article 6 of the European Convention, seeks to guarantee the procedural fairness of the criminal process. Though the Convention is not … Continue reading Her Majesty’s Attorney General for Gibraltar v Shimidzu (Berllaque, Intervenor): PC 28 Jun 2005

Criminal proceedings against Pupino: ECJ 16 Jun 2005

ECJ (Grand Chamber) Police and judicial cooperation in criminal matters – Articles 34 EU and 35 EU – Framework Decision 2001/220/JHA – Standing of victims in criminal proceedings – Protection of vulnerable persons – Hearing of minors as witnesses – Effects of a framework decision.‘When applying the national law, the national court that is called … Continue reading Criminal proceedings against Pupino: ECJ 16 Jun 2005

Regina v Cheong Wang: CACD 10 Dec 2003

Judges: Lord Justice Laws, Mr Justice Curtis and The Recorder Of Cardiff Citations: [2003] EWCA Crim 3228 Links: Bailii Statutes: Criminal Justice Act 1988 198(1) Jurisdiction: England and Wales Citing: Appealed to – Wang, Regina v HL 10-Feb-2005 The appellant was waiting for a train when his bag was stolen. After a search, the thief … Continue reading Regina v Cheong Wang: CACD 10 Dec 2003

In re May Yoong Forwell, Drug Trafficking Offences Act 1986: CA 12 Nov 2003

The claimant was the wife of an offender sentenced for drug trafficking. An order was made for confiscation of the proceeds of the trafficking. She sought a certificate of inadequacy. Held: Where she ws not in a position to pay the sum ordered she was entitled to a certificate. The judge had not appreciated that … Continue reading In re May Yoong Forwell, Drug Trafficking Offences Act 1986: CA 12 Nov 2003

Smith, Regina (on the Application of) v Secretary of State for the Home Department: HL 28 Jul 2005

The applicant had, as a child been subject to detention during Her Majesty’s pleasure, the sentence being imposed before 30 November 2000. She argued that that sentence should be subject to periodic review despite the term had been fixed by the Lord Chief Justice. Held: New provisions were in place for prisoners convicted after the … Continue reading Smith, Regina (on the Application of) v Secretary of State for the Home Department: HL 28 Jul 2005

Dudson, Regina (on the Application of) v Secretary of State for the Home Department: HL 28 Jul 2005

The defendant had committed a murder when aged 16, and after conviction sentenced to be detailed during Her Majesty’s Pleasure. His tarriff had been set at 18 years, reduced to 16 years after review. Held: ‘What is at issue is the general right to a ‘fair and public hearing’ in article 6(1). There is no … Continue reading Dudson, Regina (on the Application of) v Secretary of State for the Home Department: HL 28 Jul 2005

Laws and others v The Society of Lloyd’s: CA 19 Dec 2003

The applicants sought to amend earlier pleadings to add a claim that their human rights had been infringed by the 1982 Act, which gave the respondents certain immunities. Held: The Human Rights Act 1998 was not retrospective. At the time when it should have been made, the amendment would have been doomed to failure by … Continue reading Laws and others v The Society of Lloyd’s: CA 19 Dec 2003

Vehicle and Operator Services Agency v George Jenkins Transport Ltd: Admn 20 Nov 2003

The prosecutor Agency appealed by way of case stated against a decision refusing to allow them to admit documentary evidence. Held: The appeal was dismissed, but the court took the opportunity to say that a case stated did not need as in this case to set out the full details of some 200 informations which … Continue reading Vehicle and Operator Services Agency v George Jenkins Transport Ltd: Admn 20 Nov 2003

Regina (on the Application of Dudson) v Secretary of State for the Home Department and the Lord Chief Justice: Admn 21 Nov 2003

The applicant had been sentenced to detention during Her Majesty’s Pleasure. He sought a judicial review of the Lord Chief Justice’s recommendation to the Home Secretary for the minimum term he was to serve. Held: In exercising this function, the LCJ was acting in a judicial capacity, and therefore his recommendation was not subject to … Continue reading Regina (on the Application of Dudson) v Secretary of State for the Home Department and the Lord Chief Justice: Admn 21 Nov 2003

Polanski v Conde Nast Publications Limited: CA 11 Nov 2003

The claimant sought damages for defamation. He feared arrest and extradition to the US if he came to England, and was granted an order allowing him to give evidence by video link. The defendant appealed that order. Held: There was no absolute rule which would allow the order made. The judge had considered that if … Continue reading Polanski v Conde Nast Publications Limited: CA 11 Nov 2003

Regina v Bristol Magistrates Court and others ex parte Junttan Oy: HL 23 Oct 2003

The improper use of machinery had resulted in the death of an employee, and the applicant was prosecuted under the 1974 Act, but complained that the prosecution should have been under the Regulations. The directive required member states to apply its regulations in replacement of any earlier legislation. The 1974 Act, it said was therefore … Continue reading Regina v Bristol Magistrates Court and others ex parte Junttan Oy: HL 23 Oct 2003

Khan, Regina (on the Application of) v Secretary of State for Health: CA 10 Oct 2003

The claimant’s child had died as a result of negligence in hospital. The parents had been told the result of police investigation and decision not to prosecute, and the hospital’s own investigation, but had not been sufficiently involved. There remained unresolved suspicions of negligence having been covered up. They had been refused legal aid to … Continue reading Khan, Regina (on the Application of) v Secretary of State for Health: CA 10 Oct 2003

A, Regina (on the Application of) v Harrow Crown Court and others: Admn 14 Aug 2003

The applicant sought his release from detention in hospital, correction of records at the Crown Court, and confirmation that his detention had infringed his human rights. He had been accused of two assaults, but was found unfit to plead under section 4 by a jury. He was however later made subject to the s37 order. … Continue reading A, Regina (on the Application of) v Harrow Crown Court and others: Admn 14 Aug 2003

Giles, Regina (on the Application of) v Parole Board and Another: HL 31 Jul 2003

The defendant had been sentenced for offences of violence, but an additional period was imposed to protect the public. He had been refused leave for reconsideration of that part of his sentence after he completed the normal segment of his sentence. He wanted a consideration which would parallel the new won rights of review for … Continue reading Giles, Regina (on the Application of) v Parole Board and Another: HL 31 Jul 2003

Carson and Reynolds v Secretary of State for Work and Pensions: CA 17 Jun 2003

The claimant Reynolds challenged the differential treatment by age of jobseeker’s allowance. Carson complained that as a foreign resident pensioner, her benefits had not been uprated. The questions in each case were whether the benefit affected a ‘possession’ within the Convention or the discrimination was arbitrary so as to breach the applicants human rights. Held: … Continue reading Carson and Reynolds v Secretary of State for Work and Pensions: CA 17 Jun 2003

Secretary of State for the Home Department, Regina on the Application of Soumahoro; Regina on the Application of Nadarajah; and similar: CA 19 Jun 2003

In each case asylum applicants had been certified as suitable to be returned to the first country at which they had arrived on fleeing their home countries. Held: To determine whether article 8 was engaged given the territoriality principle, the following should be considered. First, the claimant’s case in relation to his private life in … Continue reading Secretary of State for the Home Department, Regina on the Application of Soumahoro; Regina on the Application of Nadarajah; and similar: CA 19 Jun 2003

Regina v Whitehead: CACD 8 May 2003

The defendant appealed several sentences totalling 30 months, noted as being made under the 2000 Act. Some offences had been committed for sentence under section four, and some under section 6. Held: Section four allowed committal for sentence only with other cases committed for trial. That did not apply here. However, applying Folkestone Justices, the … Continue reading Regina v Whitehead: CACD 8 May 2003

Wright v Her Majesty’s Advocate: HCJ 2 May 2003

The defendant appealed his sentence of life imprisonment for assault and attempted rape, with a minimum of twelve years to be served. The trial judge was right in deciding that, because of the risk that the appellant presented to women, a discretionary life sentence was appropriate. It was argued for him that, in view of … Continue reading Wright v Her Majesty’s Advocate: HCJ 2 May 2003

Jarrett v Chief Constable of West Midlands Police: CA 14 Feb 2003

The claimant sought damages for false imprisonment and assault after her wrongful arrest. She had waived her handbag at an officer investigating a disturbance and been arrested. The police said the arrest was lawful, she being suspected of common assault. Held: The judge was entitled to take the view that, taking the evidence at its … Continue reading Jarrett v Chief Constable of West Midlands Police: CA 14 Feb 2003

In re Guisto (application for a writ of Habeas Corpus) (Criminal Appeal from Her Majesty’s High Court of Justice): HL 3 Apr 2003

The applicant challenged an order for his extradition to the US. He had been convicted in his absence having absconded from bail. Held: He had been arrested and held on the basis that he was a convicted person, but the procedure should have allowed that having been convicted in his absence, in contumacy, he should … Continue reading In re Guisto (application for a writ of Habeas Corpus) (Criminal Appeal from Her Majesty’s High Court of Justice): HL 3 Apr 2003

Barnette v Government of the United States of America; United States Government v Montgomery (No 2): CA 24 Mar 2003

The appellant sought to resist the registration here of a confiscation order made in the US. She argued it would be contrary to the interests of justice to register it, that the US procedure would be unlawful here under the Convention, the appeal having been held in her absence. Held: It could not be said … Continue reading Barnette v Government of the United States of America; United States Government v Montgomery (No 2): CA 24 Mar 2003

Grundy and Co Excavations Ltd and Another, Regina (on the Application of) v Halton Division Magistrates Court: Admn 24 Feb 2003

A reverse legal burden applied to defendants accused of an offence under section 17 of the Forestry Act 1967 which, in specified circumstances, created an absolute offence of felling a tree without a felling licence. Clarke LJ said: ‘It is thus clear that, while the general principles are those set out in Edwards, each case … Continue reading Grundy and Co Excavations Ltd and Another, Regina (on the Application of) v Halton Division Magistrates Court: Admn 24 Feb 2003

Regina (Sim) v Secretary of State for the Home Department: Admn 11 Feb 2003

The defendant had been convicted of a serious offence involving violece or sex, and been made subject to a extended sentence. He had been released on licence but recalled, and now challenged the system under which it had been decided that he should serve the balance of the first sentence. Held: The system of extended … Continue reading Regina (Sim) v Secretary of State for the Home Department: Admn 11 Feb 2003

Barnfather v London Borough of Islington Education Authority, Secretary of State for Education and Skills: QBD 7 Mar 2003

The appellant was convicted of the crime of being a parent whose child had failed to attend school regularly. She challenged saying that the offence required no guilty act on her part, but was one of strict liability, and contrary to her human rights. Held: Although the offence is one of strict liability, there is … Continue reading Barnfather v London Borough of Islington Education Authority, Secretary of State for Education and Skills: QBD 7 Mar 2003

Clark (Procurator Fiscal, Kirkcaldy) v Kelly: PC 11 Feb 2003

PC (The High Court of Justiciary) The minuter challenged the role of the legal adviser to the district courts in Scotland, and as to his independence. Held: The legal adviser was not subject to the same system of appointments as the justices. However the system provided for a right of appeal (section 175) on questions … Continue reading Clark (Procurator Fiscal, Kirkcaldy) v Kelly: PC 11 Feb 2003

Regina (on the Application of Redgrave) v The Commissioner of Police for the Metropolis: CA 22 Jan 2003

The police officer had been accused of an offence. The case was discharged under the section at committal. The Commissioner sought to commence disciplinary proceedings on the same evidence. Held: The tests of the two sets of hearings were different. The magistrates had been asked to see whether there was sufficient evidence to justify putting … Continue reading Regina (on the Application of Redgrave) v The Commissioner of Police for the Metropolis: CA 22 Jan 2003

Roland Brandwood and others v Bakewell Management Ltd: CA 30 Jan 2003

House owners had used vehicular access across a common to get to their houses for many years. The commons owner required them to purchase the right, and they replied that they had acquired the right by lost modern grant and/or by prescription. Held: The use of a right of way over a common by vehicles … Continue reading Roland Brandwood and others v Bakewell Management Ltd: CA 30 Jan 2003

Regina (Factortame Ltd and Others) v Secretary of State for Transport, Local Government and the Regions (No 8): CA 3 Jul 2002

A firm of accountants had agreed to provide their services as experts in a case on the basis that they would be paid by taking part of any damages awarded. The respondent claimed that such an agreement was champertous and unlawful. Held: The tort of champerty as such had been abolished, but the rule remained … Continue reading Regina (Factortame Ltd and Others) v Secretary of State for Transport, Local Government and the Regions (No 8): CA 3 Jul 2002

Lee-Hirons v Secretary of State for Justice: SC 27 Jul 2016

The appellant had been detained in a mental hospital after a conviction. Later released, he was recalled, but he was not given written reasons as required by a DoH circular. However the SS referred the recall immediately to the Tribunal. He appealed from refusal of a finding that his subsequent detention had been unlawful. Held: … Continue reading Lee-Hirons v Secretary of State for Justice: SC 27 Jul 2016

Regina (C and Another) v Sheffield Youth Court; Regina (N) v Sheffield Youth Court: QBD 23 Jan 2003

In each case, youths had been committed to the Crown Court for trial but complained that the Youth Court should have dealt with the cases, and sought judicial review of the Youth Court decision. Held: The test for a review of a decision of the Youth Court is whether that decision was wrong. The court … Continue reading Regina (C and Another) v Sheffield Youth Court; Regina (N) v Sheffield Youth Court: QBD 23 Jan 2003

Bloggs 61, Regina (on the Application of) v Secretary of State for the Home Department: CA 18 Jun 2003

The applicant sought review of a decision to remove him from a witness protection scheme within the prison. He claimed that having been promised protection, he had a legitimate expectation of protection, having been told he would receive protection while he was in prison. He had not eventually been relied upon as a witness. Held: … Continue reading Bloggs 61, Regina (on the Application of) v Secretary of State for the Home Department: CA 18 Jun 2003

Regina v Corby Justices ex parte Agnes Mort: Admn 9 Mar 1998

Justices clerks are permitted to question fine defaulters as to their ability to pay, but must do so under enquiry without bias, and not as a prosecutor. A warrant for arrest for non-pyment of a fine was neither civil nor criminal in character, but in a category of its own. Citations: Times 13-Mar-1998, [1998] EWHC … Continue reading Regina v Corby Justices ex parte Agnes Mort: Admn 9 Mar 1998

Regina (Sim) v Parole Board: CA 18 Dec 2003

The prisoner had been sentenced to an extended term of five years imprisonment for indecent assault. He had been released, and then recalled for alleged breaches of his licence. The respondent appealed findings that such a recall was subject to article 5, and that his release would be mandatory under s44A(b) if his continued detention … Continue reading Regina (Sim) v Parole Board: CA 18 Dec 2003

Regina v Foggon: CACD 14 Feb 2003

The defendant appealed against a confiscation order, after conviction for cheating the public revenue. Funds had been diverted from his company to avoid payment of taxes. Held: Tax which was avoided would fall under the section and be a pecuniary advantage ‘obtained by an offender’ within the section only if he benefitted himself. This could … Continue reading Regina v Foggon: CACD 14 Feb 2003

Practice Statement (Juveniles: Murder Tariffs): CACD 27 Jul 2000

Legislation is to be enacted to set the tariff for life sentences for youths to be sentenced to life for murder. Until enacted the Lord Chief Justice gave recommendations for both existing and new cases, and the Home Secretary will follow them. Before making a recommendation the Lord Chief Justice will seek representations from the … Continue reading Practice Statement (Juveniles: Murder Tariffs): CACD 27 Jul 2000

D, Regina (on the Application of) v Secretary of State for the Home Department: Admn 28 Apr 2005

D was undergoing trial for offences and was held in prison. He self-harmed repeatedly, and was recorded to require extra vigilance. He attempted to hang himself. Prison staff saved his life, but he was left paraplegic, and was then detained under the 1983 Act. An internal prison report which contained the substantial record of the … Continue reading D, Regina (on the Application of) v Secretary of State for the Home Department: Admn 28 Apr 2005

Regina v Neal, Hood: CACD 28 Nov 2003

The defendants appealed sentence for having been involved in the large scale importation of cigarettes evading customs duty. Held: The judge had paid proper attention to Dosanjh. Having regard also to Czyzewski, the sentences were within the guidelines and the appeal was refused. Judges: Lord Justice Potter Mr Justice Cresswell Mr Justice Jack Citations: [2003] … Continue reading Regina v Neal, Hood: CACD 28 Nov 2003

H, Regina v: CACD 28 Feb 2003

To assist the smooth flow of court work, and in the interests of open justice counsel should, in the Criminal Division of the Court of Appeal, be ready to disclose their skeleton arguments in advance. This might not apply, for example, on applications for public interest immunity certificates, but would avoid the need for court … Continue reading H, Regina v: CACD 28 Feb 2003

Christie, Young, Scott v Her Majesty’s Advocate: HCJ 26 Sep 2003

The defendants appealed against their convictions based upon a faulty indictment. The Act required the that when signing a bill of indictment, the signature should bear certain words signifying the authority of the signatory. The words used were incorrect. Held: The words used were sufficient for the purpose, and the appeals were dismissed. Judges: Lady … Continue reading Christie, Young, Scott v Her Majesty’s Advocate: HCJ 26 Sep 2003

McFetrich, Regina (on the Application of) v Secretary of State for the Home Department: Admn 30 Jun 2003

The defendant had been convicted of murder in Scotland. He requested a transfer to an English prison. The trial judge recommended a tariff of eight years which was eventually set at 12 years by the respondent. That figure also exceeded the maximum recommended by the English judges who had reviewed the sentence. He complained that … Continue reading McFetrich, Regina (on the Application of) v Secretary of State for the Home Department: Admn 30 Jun 2003

In re S (A Child) (Identification: Restrictions on Publication): CA 10 Jul 2003

An order was sought to protect from publicity a child whose mother faced trial for the murder of his brother. The child was now in care. Held: The court must balance the need to protect the child with the need for freedom of the press. The issue in the case was not itself about the … Continue reading In re S (A Child) (Identification: Restrictions on Publication): CA 10 Jul 2003

Practice Statement (Crime: Life sentences): LCJ 31 May 2002

The statement followed the report of the Sentencing Advisory Panel of March 15, 2002. The statement contained guidance, not firm rules. The phrase ‘minimum term’ should replace the term ‘tariff’. Offenders are normally not released on the expiry of the minimum term. The judge should say how the minimum term had been arrived at, and … Continue reading Practice Statement (Crime: Life sentences): LCJ 31 May 2002

Regina (on the application of Marsh) v Lincoln District Magistrates’ Court: Admn 2003

The court considered the power to quash a magistrates decision for an error on the part of the prosecutor. Held: Munby J said: ‘In the first place, and as ex p Fox-Taylor and ex p A show, the jurisdiction is not confined to, although it is no doubt most frequently exemplified by, criminal cases where … Continue reading Regina (on the application of Marsh) v Lincoln District Magistrates’ Court: Admn 2003

Oddy, Regina (on the Application of) v Bugbugs Ltd: Admn 12 Nov 2003

A private prosecutor appealed dismissal of his complaint that the respondent had operated an unlicensed man-powered rickshaw service. The district judge had held that it was not a taxi service. It was, under the 1869 Act a stage carriage and therefore not requiring a licence under section 7. Held: It was not possible to argue … Continue reading Oddy, Regina (on the Application of) v Bugbugs Ltd: Admn 12 Nov 2003

Osman v The United Kingdom: ECHR 28 Oct 1998

Police’s Complete Immunity was Too Wide (Grand Chamber) A male teacher developed an obsession with a male pupil. He changed his name by deed poll to the pupil’s surname. He was required to teach at another school. The pupil’s family’s property was subjected to numerous acts of vandalism, which the police investigated and in respect … Continue reading Osman v The United Kingdom: ECHR 28 Oct 1998

The Christian Institute and Others v The Lord Advocate: SC 28 Jul 2016

(Scotland) By the 2014 Act, the Scottish Parliament had provided that each child should have a named person to monitor that child’s needs, with information about him or her shared as necessary. The Institute objected that the imposed obligation to share information was outwith the powers of the Parliament. It extended the information to be … Continue reading The Christian Institute and Others v The Lord Advocate: SC 28 Jul 2016

Regina v Chesterfield Justices and Others, Ex Parte Bramley: QBD 10 Nov 1999

When police officers executed a search warrant, it was not proper to remove articles at large, in order later to sift through them, and then to return material not covered by the warrant. There is no absolute prohibition against removing articles for which legal professional privilege was claimed, provided the officer had reasonable grounds for … Continue reading Regina v Chesterfield Justices and Others, Ex Parte Bramley: QBD 10 Nov 1999

Benson, Regina (on the Application of) v Secretary of State for Justice: Admn 20 Aug 2007

The claimant complained that the revocation of his home detention licence under section 255 was an infringement of his human rights. Held: There had been no deprivation of liberty.Collins J said: ‘In my judgment, having regard to the various authorities, it would be wrong for me to decide that Article 5(4) does apply in the … Continue reading Benson, Regina (on the Application of) v Secretary of State for Justice: Admn 20 Aug 2007

Lloyd v Bow Street Magistrates Court: Admn 8 Oct 2003

The defendant had been convicted and made subect to a confiscation order in 1996. A final order for enforcement was made in late 2002. The defendant said the delay in the enforcement proceedings was a breach of his right to a trial within a reasonable time. Held: The reasonable time guarantee afforded by Article 6.1 … Continue reading Lloyd v Bow Street Magistrates Court: Admn 8 Oct 2003

The Chief Constable of Lancashire v Potter: Admn 13 Oct 2003

The claimant appealed refusal of an Anti-Social Behaviour order by the magistrates. The respondent was a street prostitute in Preston. The magistrates had declined to aggregate her behaviour with that of others to find that it caused harrassment alarm or distress to a criminal standard of proof. Held: The court is being asked to decide … Continue reading The Chief Constable of Lancashire v Potter: Admn 13 Oct 2003

Mormoroc, Regina (on The Application of) v The Secretary of State for Justice: CA 17 Jul 2017

Appeal from refusal of judicial review of date set for release from prison – release on home detention curfew Judges: Gross, Lindblom, Flaux LJJ Citations: [2017] EWCA Civ 989, [2017] WLR(D) 495 Links: Bailii, WLRD Statutes: Criminal Justice Act 2003 246 Jurisdiction: England and Wales Prisons Updated: 28 March 2022; Ref: scu.591187

Copeland, Regina v: CACD 28 Jun 2011

Appeal from order imposing a minimum sentence. Judges: Lord Judge LCJ Citations: [2011] EWCA Crim 1711 Links: Bailii Statutes: Criminal Justice Act 2003 Jurisdiction: England and Wales Criminal Sentencing Updated: 26 March 2022; Ref: scu.442187

Regina v Giles: CACD 6 Feb 2003

Appeal from conviction of possession of bladed article on basis that no defence had been offered. Citations: [2003] EWCA Crim 1287 Links: Bailii Statutes: Criminal Justice Act 1988 139 Jurisdiction: England and Wales Crime Updated: 26 March 2022; Ref: scu.441306