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Wellman Alloys Ltd v Russell: 1973

Only economic losses are recoverable following a dismissal. Citations: [1973] ICR 616 Jurisdiction: England and Wales Citing: Followed – Norton Tool Co Ltd v Tewson NIRC 30-Oct-1972 (National Industrial Relations Court) The court was asked to calculate damages on a dismissal, and particularly as to whether the manner of the dismissal should affect the damages. … Continue reading Wellman Alloys Ltd v Russell: 1973

Rank Leisure and others v Castle Vale Housing Action Trust: LT 13 Aug 2001

COMPENSATION – compulsory acquisition of leasehold shop units in run-down shopping centre – redevelopment – scheme – no scheme world – whether demand from purchaser – developer in no scheme world creating ransom or development value – whether such value existed independently of the scheme – claimants’ case rejected – compensation awarded on authority’s figures … Continue reading Rank Leisure and others v Castle Vale Housing Action Trust: LT 13 Aug 2001

Owen v Highways Agency: LT 16 May 2003

LT COMPENSATION – preliminary issue – Land Compensation Act 1973 Part I – house affected by road traffic noise – whether claimant owner at relevant date – whether claim statute-barred – held claimant not entitled to make claim Citations: [2003] EWLands LCA – 37 – 2002 Links: Bailii Statutes: Land Compensation Act 1973 Jurisdiction: England … Continue reading Owen v Highways Agency: LT 16 May 2003

Cumbernauld and Kilsyth District Council v Dollar Land (Cumbernauld) Ltd: HL 22 Jul 1993

A walkway had existed from the town centre to residential areas. When the land was acquired the defendant new owners sought to close the walkway. The authority asserted that a public right of way had been acquired. Held: There was no need to demonstrate any conflict of interest between the proprietor and users to establish … Continue reading Cumbernauld and Kilsyth District Council v Dollar Land (Cumbernauld) Ltd: HL 22 Jul 1993

Preston and Others v Wolverhampton Healthcare NHS and Others; Fletcher and Others v Midland Bank Plc: HL 26 Feb 1998

‘Employment’ in context of a sex discrimination claim referred to a current employment contract even in context of there having been a series of repeated contracts of employment. The question was referred to the European Court of Justice. Judges: Lord Slynn of Hadley, Lord Goff of Chieveley Lord Nolan Lord Hope of Craighead Lord Clyde … Continue reading Preston and Others v Wolverhampton Healthcare NHS and Others; Fletcher and Others v Midland Bank Plc: HL 26 Feb 1998

Radford and Another v Frade and Others: QBD 8 Jul 2016

The court was asked as to the terms on which solicitors and Counsel were retained to act for the defendants. The appeals did not raise any issues concerning costs practice, and were by way of review of the Costs Judge’s rulings, and not by way of re-hearing; the question was whether the rulings had been … Continue reading Radford and Another v Frade and Others: QBD 8 Jul 2016

Goodman and Others v Transport for London: UTLC 5 Apr 2016

UTLC COMPENSATION – Land Compensation Act 1973 Part I – dwelling houses – depreciation in value from physical factors caused by the Coulsdon Relief Road – relevance of noise evidence – valuation evidence based upon transactions and agreed values – transactions preferred – compensation determined at 1% and 4% of agreed switched off values. [2016] … Continue reading Goodman and Others v Transport for London: UTLC 5 Apr 2016

Engel And Others v The Netherlands (1): ECHR 8 Jun 1976

The court was asked whether proceedings in a military court against soldiers for disciplinary offences involved criminal charges within the meaning of Article 6(1): ‘In this connection, it is first necessary to know whether the provision(s) defining the offence charged belong, according to the legal system of the respondent State, to criminal law, disciplinary law … Continue reading Engel And Others v The Netherlands (1): ECHR 8 Jun 1976

Barrett v Universal-Island Records Ltd and others: ChD 15 May 2006

The claimant was entitled to share in the copyright royalties of Bob Marley and the Wailers, and claimed payment from the defendants. The defendants said that the matters had already been settled and that the claim was an abuse of process, and also that there was an action estoppel. Held: An English court should not … Continue reading Barrett v Universal-Island Records Ltd and others: ChD 15 May 2006

Anufrijeva and Another v London Borough of Southwark: CA 16 Oct 2003

The various claimants sought damages for established breaches of their human rights involving breaches of statutory duty by way of maladministration. Does the state have a duty to provide support so as to avoid a threat to the family life of the claimant? Held: A finding that a Convention right has been infringed, including a … Continue reading Anufrijeva and Another v London Borough of Southwark: CA 16 Oct 2003

Investors Compensation Scheme Ltd v West Bromwich Building Society: HL 19 Jun 1997

Account taken of circumstances wihout ambiguity The respondent gave advice on home income plans. The individual claimants had assigned their initial claims to the scheme, but later sought also to have their mortgages in favour of the respondent set aside. Held: Investors having once assigned their causes of action to the ICS, could not later … Continue reading Investors Compensation Scheme Ltd v West Bromwich Building Society: HL 19 Jun 1997


1267 – 1278 – 1285 – 1297 – 1361 – 1449 – 1491 – 1533 – 1677 – 1688 – 1689 – 1700 – 1706 – 1710 – 1730 – 1737 – 1738 – 1751 – 1774 – 1792 – 1793 – 1804 – 1814 – 1819 – 1824 – 1828 – 1831 – 1832 … Continue reading Acts

O’Connor and Another v Wiltshire County Council: CA 9 May 2007

The claimants sought compensation for the diminution in the values of their properties because of noise pollution from a new highway. The defendant highway authority said that liability had been transferred to its contractors, and it had not been and was not a highway maintainable at public expense. Held: The road had been constructed for … Continue reading O’Connor and Another v Wiltshire County Council: CA 9 May 2007

Arnold v Britton and Others: SC 10 Jun 2015

Absurdity did not defeat a clear clause A standard lease of plots on a caravan park, contained a provision which appeared to increase the rent by 10% in each year. The tenants argued that such a substantial increase could not have been intended. Held: The tenants’ appeal failed (Lord Carnwath dissenting). The words were clear, … Continue reading Arnold v Britton and Others: SC 10 Jun 2015

Smith and Grady v The United Kingdom: ECHR 27 Sep 1999

The United Kingdom’s ban on homosexuals within the armed forces was a breach of the applicants’ right to respect for their private and family life. Applicants had also been denied an effective remedy under the Convention. The investigations into private lives and sexual activity were intrusive, and given the excessive consequences following, were also striking … Continue reading Smith and Grady v The United Kingdom: ECHR 27 Sep 1999

Thomas and Others v Bridgend County Borough Council: CA 26 Jul 2011

Carnwath LJ considered the effect of Bugajny and other cases after Sporrong: ‘ Later cases (see eg Bugajny v Poland (Application No 22531/05) (unreported) given 6 November 2007, para 56 and following) have given further guidance on the practical application of article 1 to individual cases. First, the three rules are not ‘distinct in the … Continue reading Thomas and Others v Bridgend County Borough Council: CA 26 Jul 2011

O’Donovan v Manchester (Ringway) Airport Plc: UTLC 26 Aug 2009

COMPENSATION – limitation – Land Compensation Act 1973 – whether proceedings brought when notice of reference sent to Tribunal – whether notice of reference a nullity if failing to identify all persons interested in the land – held claim not statute barred – 1973 Act s 16, Limitation Act 1980 s 9(1), Lands Tribunal Rules … Continue reading O’Donovan v Manchester (Ringway) Airport Plc: UTLC 26 Aug 2009

Gard Marine and Energy Ltd and Another v China National Chartering Company Ltd and Another: SC 10 May 2017

The dispute followed the grounding of a tanker the Ocean Victory. The ship was working outside of a safe port requirement in the charterparty agreement. The contract required the purchase of insurance against maritime war and protection and indemnity risks. The grounding occurred during a combination of severe weather events. Each of the two elements … Continue reading Gard Marine and Energy Ltd and Another v China National Chartering Company Ltd and Another: SC 10 May 2017

Globalia Business Travel Sau of Spain v Fulton Shipping Inc of Panama: SC 28 Jun 2017

The court was asked how to assess damages arising out of the repudiation of a charterparty by charterers of a cruise ship, the ‘New Flameno’. The charter ending two years early, the owners chose to sell, and in the result got a much better price than would have been obtained had the charter continued for … Continue reading Globalia Business Travel Sau of Spain v Fulton Shipping Inc of Panama: SC 28 Jun 2017

Ceredigion County Council v National Assembly for Wales, and E D Harrison: Admn 21 Sep 2001

The Council appealed a decision of the Assembly extending time for compliance with an enforcement notice from two months to two years. They believed that an error of law had occurred insofar as a 1973 permission had expired. The only works undertaken within the initial five year period were of demolition. The Act as it … Continue reading Ceredigion County Council v National Assembly for Wales, and E D Harrison: Admn 21 Sep 2001

Dunnachie v Kingston Upon Hull City Council: CA 11 Feb 2004

Compensation for non-economic loss brought about by the manner of an unfair dismissal is, on authority and on principle, recoverable. The award of such compensation by the employment tribunal in the present case was not excessive and was adequately explained. The court could look to parliamentary reports to identify the mischief sought to be rectified, … Continue reading Dunnachie v Kingston Upon Hull City Council: CA 11 Feb 2004

Desnousse v London Borough of Newham and others: CA 17 May 2006

The occupier had been granted a temporary licence by the authority under the homelessness provisions whilst it made its assessment. The assessment concluded that she had become homeless intentionally, and therefore terminated the licence and set out to evict her. She claimed that the authority had to get a court authority before so evicting her. … Continue reading Desnousse v London Borough of Newham and others: CA 17 May 2006

Barker v Corus (UK) Plc: HL 3 May 2006

The claimants sought damages after contracting meselothemia working for the defendants. The defendants argued that the claimants had possibly contracted the disease at any one or more different places. The Fairchild case set up an exception to the rule, so that the defendants could be liable for all the losses despite the fact that others … Continue reading Barker v Corus (UK) Plc: HL 3 May 2006

Haward and others v Fawcetts: HL 1 Mar 2006

The claimant sought damages from his accountants, claiming negligence. The accountants pleaded limitation. They had advised him in connection with an investment in a company which investment went wrong. Held: It was argued that the limitation period was to be extended until three years after the discovery by the claimant of why it was that … Continue reading Haward and others v Fawcetts: HL 1 Mar 2006

Dunnachie v Kingston-upon-Hull City Council: HL 15 Jul 2004

The claimant sought damages following his dismissal to include a sum to reflect the manner of his dismissal and the distress caused. Held: The remarks of Lord Hoffmann in Johnson -v- Unysis were obiter. The court could not, under the section, include any element for a non-financial loss, such as injury to feelings arising from … Continue reading Dunnachie v Kingston-upon-Hull City Council: HL 15 Jul 2004

First National Tricity Finance Ltd v OT Computers Ltd; In re OT Computers Ltd (in administration): CA 25 May 2004

The company had gone into liquidation. They had sold consumer policies as extended warranties on behalf of the claimant. The company had insured its own joint liability under the contracts, and the claimant sought information from the company’s administrators to assist it identifying who might else be liable. Held: The claimant could rely upon the … Continue reading First National Tricity Finance Ltd v OT Computers Ltd; In re OT Computers Ltd (in administration): CA 25 May 2004

Sally Harper v Virgin Net Limited: CA 10 Mar 2004

The employee had been dismissed. Her contractual notice period was longer than the statutory period. Held: The statutory notice period prevailed in calculating the date of dismissal. The contractual period could not be used to extend the total period of employment to allow a claim for loss of the right to claim unfair dismissal. Had … Continue reading Sally Harper v Virgin Net Limited: CA 10 Mar 2004

Serco Ltd v Lawson and Foreign and Commonwealth Office: CA 23 Jan 2004

The applicant had been employed to provide services to RAF in the Ascension Islands. He alleged constructive dismissal. There was an issue as to whether somebody working in the Ascension Islands was protected by the 1996 Act. The restriction on jurisdiction in s196 had been removed. The question now was as to what test applied … Continue reading Serco Ltd v Lawson and Foreign and Commonwealth Office: CA 23 Jan 2004

Dunnachie v Kingston Upon Hull City Council; Williams v Southampton Institute; Dawson v Stonham Housing Association: EAT 8 Apr 2003

EAT Unfair Dismissal – CompensationIn each case, The employee sought additional damages for non-economic loss after an unfair dismissal. Held: The Act could be compared with the Discrimination Acts which explicitly awarded damages for hurt feelings. Clear authority lay against such awards in unfair dismissal cases. An Employment Tribunal considering a claim for damages for … Continue reading Dunnachie v Kingston Upon Hull City Council; Williams v Southampton Institute; Dawson v Stonham Housing Association: EAT 8 Apr 2003

Norton Tool Co Ltd v Tewson: NIRC 30 Oct 1972

(National Industrial Relations Court) The court was asked to calculate damages on a dismissal, and particularly as to whether the manner of the dismissal should affect the damages. Held: The common law rules and authorities on wrongful dismissal are irrelevant. That cause of action is quite unaffected by the Act which has created an entirely … Continue reading Norton Tool Co Ltd v Tewson: NIRC 30 Oct 1972

SRJ v DWJ (Financial Provision): CA 20 Oct 1999

There is no presumption in favour of a clean break provision in an ancillary relief claim. A nominal award of maintenance was appropriate where the wife’s long dependency and continued responsibility for children made future earning capacity problematic. A dismissal of a claim for maintenance where the wife was relatively mature should not be expected. … Continue reading SRJ v DWJ (Financial Provision): CA 20 Oct 1999

Hughes v Doncaster Metropolitan Borough Council: HL 1991

A claimant’s claim for compensation on the compulsory acquisition of his land is but one claim for all those losses which flow from a compulsory acquisition of which the value of the land taken and any injury to retained land is but part of the compensation claim. The value of the land and the disturbance … Continue reading Hughes v Doncaster Metropolitan Borough Council: HL 1991

Newbury District Council v Secretary of State for the Environment: HL 1980

Issues arose as to a new planning permission for two existing hangars. Held: The appeal succeeded. The question of the validity of conditions attached to planning permissions will sometimes be a difficult one. To be valid, a condition must be imposed for a planning purpose and not for an ulterior one; it must fairly and … Continue reading Newbury District Council v Secretary of State for the Environment: HL 1980

Associated Provincial Picture Houses Ltd v Wednesbury Corporation: CA 10 Nov 1947

Administrative Discretion to be Used Reasonably The applicant challenged the manner of decision making as to the conditions which had been attached to its licence to open the cinema on Sundays. It had not been allowed to admit children under 15 years of age. The statute provided no appeal procedure, and the applicant sought a … Continue reading Associated Provincial Picture Houses Ltd v Wednesbury Corporation: CA 10 Nov 1947

Golden Strait Corporation v Nippon Yusen Kubishka Kaisha (‘The Golden Victory’): HL 28 Mar 2007

The claimant sought damages for repudiation of a charterparty. The charterpary had been intended to continue until 2005. The charterer repudiated the contract and that repudiation was accepted, but before the arbitrator could set his award, the Iraq war broke out, under which the charterer could have terminated the charter as of right. The defendant … Continue reading Golden Strait Corporation v Nippon Yusen Kubishka Kaisha (‘The Golden Victory’): HL 28 Mar 2007

Zurich Insurance Plc UK Branch v International Energy Group Ltd: SC 20 May 2015

A claim had been made for mesothelioma following exposure to asbestos, but the claim arose in Guernsey. Acknowledging the acute difficultis particular to the evidence in such cases, the House of Lords, in Fairchild. had introduced the Special Rule at common law as to such evidence. In the UK, the 2006 Act had amended the … Continue reading Zurich Insurance Plc UK Branch v International Energy Group Ltd: SC 20 May 2015

Jetivia Sa and Another v Bilta (UK) Ltd and Others: SC 22 Apr 2015

The liquidators of Bilta had brought proceedings against former directors and the appellant alleging that they were party to an unlawful means conspiracy which had damaged the company by engaging in a carousel fraud with carbon credits. On the pleaded facts, Mr Chopra and Mr Nazir were the directing organ of Bilta under its constitution. … Continue reading Jetivia Sa and Another v Bilta (UK) Ltd and Others: SC 22 Apr 2015

Mills V Allen Ltd v Commission for New Towns (trading as English Partnerships): LT 31 Dec 2000

LT COMPENSATION – preliminary issue – disturbance payment – Land Compensation Act 1973 s 37 – advertisement site – claimant’s right to occupy terminating on disposal of land – land acquired by urban development corporation – hoardings removed by corporation – whether claimant displaced in consequence of acquisition – whether corporation an authority possessing compulsory … Continue reading Mills V Allen Ltd v Commission for New Towns (trading as English Partnerships): LT 31 Dec 2000

Attorney General of Belize and others v Belize Telecom Ltd and Another: PC 18 Mar 2009

(Belize) A company had been formed to manage telecommunications in Belize. The parties disputed the interpretation of its articles. Shares had been sold, but the company was structured so as to leave a degree of control with the government. It was argued that a term was to be implied requiring resignation of a director when … Continue reading Attorney General of Belize and others v Belize Telecom Ltd and Another: PC 18 Mar 2009

Herbert v Lambeth London Borough Council: QBD 27 Nov 1991

An abatement order had been made against the council under the 1936 Act. The tenant appealed a finding that the magistrates had had no jurisdiction to award compensation under the 1973 Act. Held: An order under the 1973 Act required a criminal conviction. Section 94 of the 1936 Act created an offence of which the … Continue reading Herbert v Lambeth London Borough Council: QBD 27 Nov 1991

Nicholls v Highways Agency: LT 31 Dec 1997

LT COMPENSATION – simplified procedure – compulsory acquisition of grassland with hardstanding and shed – whether undertaking given at CPO inquiry that compensation would be assessed on cost of reinstatement – whether compensation to be assessed under r(5) of s 5 Land Compensation Act 1961 – whether compensation for reinstatement can be claimed as disturbance … Continue reading Nicholls v Highways Agency: LT 31 Dec 1997

Allan Janes Llp v Johal: ChD 23 Feb 2006

The claimant sought to enforce a restrictive covenant against the defendant a former assistant solicitor as to non-competition within a certain distance of the practice for a period of three years. After leaving she had sought to set up partnership with others to practice in competition. During the period of her notice she worked also … Continue reading Allan Janes Llp v Johal: ChD 23 Feb 2006

Botross v Hammersmith and Fulham London Borough Council: QBD 7 Nov 1994

Statutory nuisance proceedings are in their nature criminal proceedings, and compensation may be awarded by the court. Citations: Times 07-Nov-1994, (1994) 16 Cr App R (S) 622 Statutes: Environmental Protection Act 1990 82(1) Jurisdiction: England and Wales Citing: Adopted – Regina v Inner London Crown Court ex parte Bentham QBD 1989 The defendant sought legal … Continue reading Botross v Hammersmith and Fulham London Borough Council: QBD 7 Nov 1994

HIH Casualty and General Insurance Limited and others v Chase Manhattan Bank and others: HL 20 Feb 2003

The insurance company had paid claims on policies used to underwrite the production of TV films. The re-insurers resisted the claims against them by the insurers on the grounds of non-disclosure by the insured, or in the alternative damages for misrepresentation. The policies were novel and sophisticated contracts and included clauses modifying the duties of … Continue reading HIH Casualty and General Insurance Limited and others v Chase Manhattan Bank and others: HL 20 Feb 2003

Regina v Fergus: CACD 29 Jun 1993

A judge should withdraw a case which was based on poor identification evidence, and the prosecution must be sure to disclose all identification evidence. ‘In a case dependent on visual identification, and particularly where that is the only evidence, Turnbull makes it clear that it is incumbent on a trial Judge to place before the … Continue reading Regina v Fergus: CACD 29 Jun 1993

Pepper (Inspector of Taxes) v Hart: HL 26 Nov 1992

Reference to Parliamentary Papers behind Statute The inspector sought to tax the benefits in kind received by teachers at a private school in having their children educated at the school for free. Having agreed this was a taxable emolument, it was argued as to whether the taxable benefit was the cost to the employer, or … Continue reading Pepper (Inspector of Taxes) v Hart: HL 26 Nov 1992

Stafford v The United Kingdom: ECHR 28 May 2002

Grand Chamber – The appellant claimed damages for being held in prison beyond the term of his sentence. Having been released on licence from a life sentence for murder, he was re-sentenced for a cheque fraud. He was not released after the end of the sentence he served for that offence. He said there was … Continue reading Stafford v The United Kingdom: ECHR 28 May 2002

Robertson and Others v Manchester Airport Plc: UTLC 25 Oct 2010

COMPENSATION – Land Compensation Act 1973 Part I – depreciation by physical factors caused by the use of second runway at Manchester Airport – noise, vibration and fumes – impact of agreed increase in noise – analysis of conflicting valuation evidence – compensation assessed at pounds 72,500 and pounds 40,000 [2010] UKUT 370 (LC) Bailii … Continue reading Robertson and Others v Manchester Airport Plc: UTLC 25 Oct 2010

Parry v Cleaver: HL 5 Feb 1969

PI Damages not Reduced for Own Pension The plaintiff policeman was disabled by the negligence of the defendant and received a disablement pension. Part had been contributed by himself and part by his employer. Held: The plaintiff’s appeal succeeded. Damages for personal injury were not to be reduced by deducting the full net value of … Continue reading Parry v Cleaver: HL 5 Feb 1969

Bancoult, Regina (on the Application of) v Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs (No 2): HL 22 Oct 2008

The claimants challenged the 2004 Order which prevented their return to their homes on the Chagos Islands. The islanders had been taken off the island to leave it for use as a US airbase. In 2004, the island was no longer needed, and payment had been made (ineffectively) to assist the dispossessed islanders, but an … Continue reading Bancoult, Regina (on the Application of) v Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs (No 2): HL 22 Oct 2008

Kay and Another v London Borough of Lambeth and others; Leeds City Council v Price and others and others: HL 8 Mar 2006

In each case the local authority sought to recover possession of its own land. In the Lambeth case, they asserted this right as against an overstaying former tenant, and in the Leeds case as against gypsies. In each case the occupiers said that the recovery of possession interfered with their right respect for their family … Continue reading Kay and Another v London Borough of Lambeth and others; Leeds City Council v Price and others and others: HL 8 Mar 2006

Watkins v Home Office and others: HL 29 Mar 2006

The claimant complained of misfeasance in public office by the prisons for having opened and read protected correspondence whilst he was in prison. The respondent argued that he had suffered no loss. The judge had found that bad faith was established in three prison officers. In one case the officer opened the letter in front … Continue reading Watkins v Home Office and others: HL 29 Mar 2006

Mannai Investment Co Ltd v Eagle Star Assurance: HL 21 May 1997

Minor Irregularity in Break Notice Not Fatal Leases contained clauses allowing the tenant to break the lease by serving not less than six months notice to expire on the third anniversary of the commencement date of the term of the lease. The tenant gave notice to determine the leases on 12th January 1995, although the … Continue reading Mannai Investment Co Ltd v Eagle Star Assurance: HL 21 May 1997

Eagle (By Her Litigation Friend) v Chambers: CA 29 Jul 2004

The claimant had been severely injured, and a substantial damages award made. Cross appeals were heard as to the several elements awarded. The claimant sought as part of her award of damages for personal injuries the fees she would have to pay to brokers for the advice given to the Court of Protection which would … Continue reading Eagle (By Her Litigation Friend) v Chambers: CA 29 Jul 2004

Simmons v British Steel plc: HL 29 Apr 2004

The claimant was injured at work as a consequence of the defender’s negligence. His injuries became more severe, and he came to suffer a disabling depression. Held: the Inner House had been wrong to characterise the Outer House decision as incorrect. Since the pursuer suffered physical injuries the starting point is that he was a … Continue reading Simmons v British Steel plc: HL 29 Apr 2004

London Borough of Lewisham v Malcolm and Disability Rights Commission: CA 25 Jul 2007

The court was asked, whether asked to grant possession against a disabled tenant where the grounds for possession were mandatory. The defendant was a secure tenant with a history of psychiatric disability. He had set out to buy his flat, but the council sought possession when it discovered that he had sublet. Held: Section 23(3)(c) … Continue reading London Borough of Lewisham v Malcolm and Disability Rights Commission: CA 25 Jul 2007

Council of Civil Service Unions v Minister for the Civil Service: HL 22 Nov 1984

Exercise of Prerogative Power is Reviewable The House considered an executive decision made pursuant to powers conferred by a prerogative order. The Minister had ordered employees at GCHQ not to be members of trades unions. Held: The exercise of a prerogative power of a public nature may be, subject to constraints of national security and … Continue reading Council of Civil Service Unions v Minister for the Civil Service: HL 22 Nov 1984

Ghaidan v Godin-Mendoza: HL 21 Jun 2004

Same Sex Partner Entitled to tenancy Succession The protected tenant had died. His same-sex partner sought a statutory inheritance of the tenancy. Held: His appeal succeeded. The Fitzpatrick case referred to the position before the 1998 Act: ‘Discriminatory law undermines the rule of law because it is the antithesis of fairness. It brings the law … Continue reading Ghaidan v Godin-Mendoza: HL 21 Jun 2004

Prest v Petrodel Resources Ltd and Others: SC 12 Jun 2013

In the course of ancillary relief proceedings in a divorce, questions arose regarding company assets owned by the husband. The court was asked as to the power of the court to order the transfer of assets owned entirely in the company’s names. The judge had made such an order, finding evidence that the companies had … Continue reading Prest v Petrodel Resources Ltd and Others: SC 12 Jun 2013

Rainy Sky Sa and Others v Kookmin Bank: SC 2 Nov 2011

Commercial Sense Used to Interpret Contract The Court was asked as to the role of commercial good sense in the construction of a term in a contract which was open to alternative interpretations. Held: The appeal succeeded. In such a case the court should adopt the more, rather than the less, commercial construction, applying the … Continue reading Rainy Sky Sa and Others v Kookmin Bank: SC 2 Nov 2011

Polkey v A E Dayton Services Limited: HL 19 Nov 1987

Mr Polkey was employed as a driver. The company decided to replace four van drivers with two van salesmen and a representative. Mr Polkey and two other van drivers were made redundant. Without warning, he was called in and informed that he had been made redundant, given a redundancy letter setting out the payments due … Continue reading Polkey v A E Dayton Services Limited: HL 19 Nov 1987

Miller v Miller; McFarlane v McFarlane: HL 24 May 2006

Fairness on Division of Family Capital The House faced the question of how to achieve fairness in the division of property following a divorce. In the one case there were substantial assets but a short marriage, and in the other a high income, but low capital. Held: The 1973 Act gives only limited guidance on … Continue reading Miller v Miller; McFarlane v McFarlane: HL 24 May 2006

Waters and others v Welsh Development Agency: HL 29 Apr 2004

Land was to be compulsorily purchased. A large development required the land to be used to create a nature reserve. The question was how and if at all the value of the overall scheme should be considered when assessing the compensation for this plot. Held: ‘All that was necessary, since it was clear that the … Continue reading Waters and others v Welsh Development Agency: HL 29 Apr 2004

Whitworth Street Estates (Manchester) Ltd v James Miller and Partners Ltd: HL 1970

The parties disagreed as to the curial law of an arbitration agreement. The proper law of the building contract and the arbitration agreement was English but the reference was conducted in Scotland. Held: Evidence of behaviour after a contract had been made is inadmissible to assist in the construction of an entirely written contract. An … Continue reading Whitworth Street Estates (Manchester) Ltd v James Miller and Partners Ltd: HL 1970

W Devis and Sons Ltd v Atkins: HL 6 Jul 1977

The ‘just and equitable’ test warranted the reduction or extinction of compensation for an employee who has been unfairly dismissed and then found to have been liable to summary dismissal. ‘The paragraph does not, nor did s. 116 of the Act of 1971, provide that regard should be had only to the loss resulting from … Continue reading W Devis and Sons Ltd v Atkins: HL 6 Jul 1977

Transport for London (London Underground Ltd) v Spirerose Ltd: HL 30 Jul 2009

Compulsory Purchase Compensation – Land As it Is The House considered the basis of calculation of compensation on the compulsory purchase of land without planning permission, but where permission would probably be granted. The appellant challenged the decision which had treated the probability as equal to certainty. Held: The appeal succeeded. The land should not … Continue reading Transport for London (London Underground Ltd) v Spirerose Ltd: HL 30 Jul 2009

Sienkiewicz v Greif (UK) Ltd; Knowsley Metropolitan Borough Council v Willmore: SC 9 Mar 2011

The Court considered appeals where defendants challenged the factual basis of findings that they had contributed to the causes of the claimant’s Mesothelioma, and in particular to what extent a court can satisfactorily base conclusions of fact on epidemiological evidence. The defendants in each case argued that the Fairchild exception should not have been applied … Continue reading Sienkiewicz v Greif (UK) Ltd; Knowsley Metropolitan Borough Council v Willmore: SC 9 Mar 2011

Massey v Crown Life Insurance Company: CA 4 Nov 1977

Massey worked as Crown Life’s manager under 2 contracts, one a contract of employment, the other a contract of general agency. Tax and other contributions were deducted from wages paid under the former, while commission was paid under the agency contract. Under the agency contract Massey could work for other insurance brokers. Later, with Crown … Continue reading Massey v Crown Life Insurance Company: CA 4 Nov 1977

White v Withers Llp and Dearle: CA 27 Oct 2009

The claimant was involved in matrimonial ancillary relief proceedings. His wife was advised by the defendants, her solicitors, to remove his private papers. The claimant now sought permission to appeal against a strike out of his claim against the solicitors for wrongful interference with property by ‘possessing, taking or intercepting the claimant’s correspondence and documents … Continue reading White v Withers Llp and Dearle: CA 27 Oct 2009

In re H and R (Minors) (Child Sexual Abuse: Standard of Proof): HL 14 Dec 1995

Evidence allowed – Care Application after Abuse Children had made allegations of serious sexual abuse against their step-father. He was acquitted at trial, but the local authority went ahead with care proceedings. The parents appealed against a finding that a likely risk to the children had still been been found. Held: A care order could … Continue reading In re H and R (Minors) (Child Sexual Abuse: Standard of Proof): HL 14 Dec 1995

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