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Kilby v Basildon District Council: Admn 26 Jul 2006

Tenants complained that the authority landlord had purported to vary a clause in his secure tenancy agreement which gave certain management rights to tenants. Held: The powers to let on secure tenancies were governed by statute. The clause which was removed was an unlawful fetter on the authorty’s powers and duties. As such the court … Continue reading Kilby v Basildon District Council: Admn 26 Jul 2006

Campbell v Daejan Properties Ltd: CA 20 Nov 2012

The tenant appealed against an order requiring the amendment of what was found to be an obvious error in the lease as to the responsibility of the lessor to make repairs to certain walls and rooves, and the apportionment of liability for payment of any associated costs. Held: The appeal succeeded. There was no obvious … Continue reading Campbell v Daejan Properties Ltd: CA 20 Nov 2012

The Mortgage Corporation Ltd v Ubah: CA 21 Mar 1996

The respondent mortgagee had obtained an order for possession against the mortgagor freeholder, referred to in the judgment as ‘the Chief’, who had, prior to the mortgage, granted a tenancy to the appellant. Held: The landlord’s retention of a right to use the kitchen made the tenancy a restricted tenancy even though no use was … Continue reading The Mortgage Corporation Ltd v Ubah: CA 21 Mar 1996

Hemingway Realty Ltd v Clothworkers’ Company: ChD 8 Mar 2005

The lease provided for a rent review under which the rent might either be increased or decreased. The landlord had chosen not to exercise the clause in view of falling rents. The tenant purported to do so. The landlord said that it alone had the right to start the procedure. Held: There was no presumption … Continue reading Hemingway Realty Ltd v Clothworkers’ Company: ChD 8 Mar 2005

Warfield Park Homes Ltd v Warfield Park Residents Association: CA 27 Mar 2006

Under the Act ‘the Recorder is given a wide discretion by the agreement. The width and unstructured nature of the discretion may seem surprising in relation to an issue as important to residents, and as potentially contentious, as that of pitch fees.’ Judges: Lord Justice Gage Lord Justice Carnwath Citations: [2006] EWCA Civ 283 Links: … Continue reading Warfield Park Homes Ltd v Warfield Park Residents Association: CA 27 Mar 2006

Morshead Mansions Ltd, Re: LT 2 Jul 2003

Landlord and Tenant Act, 1987 section 24(4) AND (9) – Power of LVT to give directions to Manager – Incurring costs in attending Landlord’s application to discharge Order – appointing Manager Citations: [2003] EWLands LRX – 49 – 2002 Links: Bailii Statutes: Landlord and Tenant Act 1987 24 Jurisdiction: England and Wales Landlord and Tenant … Continue reading Morshead Mansions Ltd, Re: LT 2 Jul 2003

Remblance v Octagon Assets Ltd: CA 17 Jun 2009

A statutory demand was served against the guarantor of the lease after rent arrears arose. He applied for the demand to be set aside, and now appealed against its refusal. He said that the court would have set aside such a demand against the tenant, and should provide similar relief to a guarantor. Held: (Mummery … Continue reading Remblance v Octagon Assets Ltd: CA 17 Jun 2009

Norwich Union Life Insurance Society v Shopmoor Ltd: ChD 10 Apr 1997

The tenants had applied for a licence to assign the property. The landlords had prevaricated, and the judge found their delay unreasonable and that it amounted to an unreasonable withholding of consent. They now appealed. Held: The 1988 Act did not make clear that a tenant faced with a delay could nevertheless complete the assignment. … Continue reading Norwich Union Life Insurance Society v Shopmoor Ltd: ChD 10 Apr 1997

Gianfrancesco v Haughton: LT 6 Mar 2008

LT LANDLORD AND TENANT – variation of lease – tenant of flat with full repairing obligations for exterior – difficulties of access for this purpose – whether lease made satisfactory provision for this – substantial rewriting of lease proposed by tenant – held lease made satisfactory provision – appeal dismissed – Landlord and Tenant Act … Continue reading Gianfrancesco v Haughton: LT 6 Mar 2008

London Borough of Camden v Morath: UTLC 25 Jun 2019

Landlord and Tenant – Service Charges – variation of lease – whether lease fails to make satisfactory provision for payment for services provided for the tenant’s benefit – appeal dismissed – section 35 of the Landlord and Tenant Act 1987 Citations: [2019] UKUT 193 (LC) Links: Bailii Jurisdiction: England and Wales Landlord and Tenant Updated: … Continue reading London Borough of Camden v Morath: UTLC 25 Jun 2019

Kensington Heights Commercial Company Ltd v Campden Hill Developments Ltd: CA 21 Mar 2007

The head landlord had accepted a surrender of the head lease and granted a new lease. but for a longer term. The claimant company sought, on behalf of the qualifying tenants of the estate, an order for the disposal to it of the original lease under the 1987 Act. The landlord denied that it had … Continue reading Kensington Heights Commercial Company Ltd v Campden Hill Developments Ltd: CA 21 Mar 2007

Burrows v Brent London Borough Council: HL 31 Oct 1996

The authority had obtained a possession order from its secure tenant but then agreed to accept payments toward the arrears. The tenant applied for and was granted a declaration that she had on that agreement acquired a new tenancy. The authority appealed. Held: The agreement had created a new tenancy even after a final possession … Continue reading Burrows v Brent London Borough Council: HL 31 Oct 1996

Taylor v OCS Group Ltd: CA 31 May 2006

The employer appealed against findings of unfair dismissal and disability discrimination. The employee worked in IT. He was profoundly deaf, but could lip read and read sign language. He had been accused of obtaining improper access to a senior staff member’s emails. During the disciplinary hearing, he had been assisted by an interpreter for part … Continue reading Taylor v OCS Group Ltd: CA 31 May 2006

Harlow District Council v Hall: CA 28 Feb 2006

The defendant had been subject to a possession order in respect of his secure tenancy. He was later adjudged bankrupt. He asserted that the bankruptcy specifically prevented other action to enforce the debt, and the suspended possession order was such an enforcement. Held: Where the terms of suspension were expressed so as to indicate that … Continue reading Harlow District Council v Hall: CA 28 Feb 2006

Collins v Howard De Walden Estates Limited: CA 16 Apr 2003

The tenant sought the right to purchase the freehold reversion. Her landlord resisted saying that the properties were excluded from enfranchisement being divided vertically. Held: The cases are fact dependent, and earlier precedents must be treated with caution after Malekshad. The words ‘which may reasonably be called a house’ are words of limitation. The buildings … Continue reading Collins v Howard De Walden Estates Limited: CA 16 Apr 2003

Cadogan Estates Limited v McMahon: HL 26 Oct 2000

When a tenancy was terminated and was followed by a statutory tenancy, a term in the contractual tenancy that the tenancy should be forfeit on the tenant’s bankruptcy was continued in and inherited by the statutory tenancy. Though perhaps in conveyancing terms there was no positive obligation not to become bankrupt, the Acts should be … Continue reading Cadogan Estates Limited v McMahon: HL 26 Oct 2000

Malekshad v Howard De Walden Estates Limited: CA 23 May 2001

The applicant sought the leasehold enfranchisement of two leasehold properties. They were contained in separate leases, but the property had been treated as one for some time. A part of one property extended under part of the other. The claim was resisted on the basis that there was more than one building as required by … Continue reading Malekshad v Howard De Walden Estates Limited: CA 23 May 2001

Marshall v Bradford Metropolitan District Council: CA 27 Apr 2001

There were three issues; (1) whether it was proper for the judge to have struck out disrepair proceedings when it could be seen that an application to discharge or rescind a suspended possession order would be likely to succeed (2) whether the secure tenancy revived automatically once it could be seen that the suspended possession … Continue reading Marshall v Bradford Metropolitan District Council: CA 27 Apr 2001

Longacre Securities Ltd v Electro Acoustic Industries Ltd: CA 1990

The term was to expire on 25 March 1988. The landlord served a section 25(1) notice to determine the tenancy on 1 March 1989 to which the tenants responded with a notice under section 27(2) to determine the tenancy on 24 June 1988. In fact the tenants vacated the property on or immediately before 25 … Continue reading Longacre Securities Ltd v Electro Acoustic Industries Ltd: CA 1990

Coates v Marathon Estates Ltd: UTLC 1 Feb 2018

UTLC LANDLORD AND TENANT – APPOINTMENT OF MANAGER – enforcement of FTT’s order requiring provision of documents and computer records – whether order complied with – whether order should be set aside – jurisdiction of Upper Tribunal in relation to enforcement of final orders of FTT – s.24(4), Landlord and Tenant Act 1987 – s.25, … Continue reading Coates v Marathon Estates Ltd: UTLC 1 Feb 2018

Staszewski v Maribella Ltd: CA 28 Mar 1997

A landlord’s furnishing to his tenants of the particulars of a purchase must state the reason for the statement. A landlord’s reply to a notice which was equivocating as to the validity of claim was not a valid answer. Citations: Times 28-Mar-1997, Gazette 16-Apr-1997 Statutes: Landlord and Tenant Act 1987 11 Jurisdiction: England and Wales … Continue reading Staszewski v Maribella Ltd: CA 28 Mar 1997

Greenwich London Borough Council v Regan: CA 31 Jan 1996

The authority had taken possession proceedings against the secure tenant for non-payment of rent, and obtained an order, suspended on condition as to payments. He again fell into arrears, and the authority made a further agreement. They now sought issue of a warrant, and the tenant argued that a new possession was required, saying that … Continue reading Greenwich London Borough Council v Regan: CA 31 Jan 1996

Nana Ofori Atta (II) v Nana Abu Bonsra (II): PC 1958

(West Africa) Care must be taken in respect of the notion that merely standing by and waiting to see the outcome of a case in which the non-party has an interest, without more, involves an abuse of process. The parties now disputed title to land, but it was complained that the title had been determined … Continue reading Nana Ofori Atta (II) v Nana Abu Bonsra (II): PC 1958

Jones v Waveney District Council: CA 17 Dec 1999

Where a local authority, having paid housing benefit in excess to a landlord, sought to recover that excess from him, it could not do so otherwise than in accordance with the regulations which provided for this. It was not open to the authority to deduct any overpayment from later payments, and if it did so, … Continue reading Jones v Waveney District Council: CA 17 Dec 1999

Credit Suisse v Beegas Nominees Ltd: ChD 15 Sep 1993

The landlord had covenanted to maintain, repair amend renew and otherwise keep in good and tenantable condition the structure of the building. Held: A Landlord’s covenant to keep in good repair can include a duty to put the property into repair. The wording went beyond a mere covenant to repair. The court relied on the … Continue reading Credit Suisse v Beegas Nominees Ltd: ChD 15 Sep 1993

Adcock v Co-Operative Insurance Society Ltd: CA 26 Apr 2000

The claimant claimed under his fire insurance with the defendants. He sought damages for their delay in processing the claim. Held: The power to award interest on damages is discretionary. The judge had refused to allow interest, at a rate which applied at different times following the damage. He could do so, because of the … Continue reading Adcock v Co-Operative Insurance Society Ltd: CA 26 Apr 2000

Orchard Court Residents’ Association v St Anthony’s Homes Ltd: CA 2003

Citations: [2003] 2 EGLR 28 Statutes: Lands Tribunal Act 1949 3(4), Landlord and Tenant Act 1987 Jurisdiction: England and Wales Cited by: Cited – Sinclair Gardens Investments (Kensington) Ltd, Regina (on the Application of) v The Lands Tribunal CA 8-Nov-2005 The claimant appealed against a refusal of judicial review of a decision of the Lands … Continue reading Orchard Court Residents’ Association v St Anthony’s Homes Ltd: CA 2003

Salvation Army Trustee Co Ltd v West Yorkshire Metropolitan County Council: 1980

Threatened with a road widening, the plaintiffs left their old property, and began to develop their new one, again, on land owned by the respondent. In practice it was negotiated as an exchange of properties. The negotiations were held ‘without prejudice’ but treated as if it were ‘subject to contract’ Held: ‘In the case of … Continue reading Salvation Army Trustee Co Ltd v West Yorkshire Metropolitan County Council: 1980

Department of the Environment v Royal Insurance PLC: ChD 1986

The court was asked whether the fact that the tenants under a fourteen year lease had entered into occupation of the premises one day after the term began meant that they had thereby failed to occupy for ‘the whole of the fourteen years,’ in which event, of course, they were entitled only to the basic … Continue reading Department of the Environment v Royal Insurance PLC: ChD 1986

Heffernan, Regina (on the Application of) v the Rent Service: Admn 10 Oct 2006

The claimant sought judicial review of the redetermination of housing benefits payable in respect of two flats rented out by him. The rent office said that the regulations were merely intended to put in statute form the previous practice used when identifying the ‘locality’ fro comparable lettings. Judges: Gilbart QC J Citations: [2006] EWHC 2478 … Continue reading Heffernan, Regina (on the Application of) v the Rent Service: Admn 10 Oct 2006

Roberts v Countryside Residential (South West) Ltd, Re Dray Court: UTLC 26 Sep 2017

UTLC Landlord and Tenant – Service Charges – LANDLORD AND TENANT – service charges – validity of service charge demands – whether LVT properly took into account a previous LVT decision – reasonableness of electricity and water costs – whether landlord entitled to fund arrears of service charges through an uplift in service charges – … Continue reading Roberts v Countryside Residential (South West) Ltd, Re Dray Court: UTLC 26 Sep 2017

Khatun, Zeb, Iqbal v London Borough of Newham: Admn 10 Oct 2003

Each applicant had been accepted as homeless by the respondent, but was then offered alternative accomodation under terms which they found unacceptable. They argued that the Regulations applied. The council had disapplied one statutory guidance in order to meet another administrative target. Held: ‘to depart from national guidance given under statute in order to achieve … Continue reading Khatun, Zeb, Iqbal v London Borough of Newham: Admn 10 Oct 2003

Artist Court Collective Ltd v Khan: ChD 7 Oct 2016

The Defendant owned the freehold. He transferred the property to a S Ltd of which he had control, and which executed a deed declaring that it was held in trust for the defendant. On learning this the majority tenants formed the claimant company to seek to purchase the freehold. S Ltd transferred the property to … Continue reading Artist Court Collective Ltd v Khan: ChD 7 Oct 2016

Gateway Property Holdings Ltd v Ross Wharf RTM Company Ltd: UTLC 29 Feb 2016

UTLC LANDLORD AND TENANT – RIGHT TO MANAGE – address for service of claim notice – whether address notified to RTM company – whether superseded by address on subsequent service charge demands given to company members – consequence of failure to serve claim notice at correct address – section 111(4), Commonhold and Leasehold Reform Act … Continue reading Gateway Property Holdings Ltd v Ross Wharf RTM Company Ltd: UTLC 29 Feb 2016

Parkinson v Keeney Construction Limited: UTLC 16 Nov 2015

UTLC LANDLORD AND TENANT – Service charges – amendment of leases under S.35 Landlord and Tenant Act 1987 in order to make satisfactory provision with respect to the computation of service charge – lessee purchasing lease of flat in knowledge of the ongoing application to a leasehold valuation tribunal to amend the leases in this … Continue reading Parkinson v Keeney Construction Limited: UTLC 16 Nov 2015

London Borough of Lewisham v Malcolm: HL 25 Jun 2008

Unrelated Detriment was no Discrimination The tenant had left his flat and sublet it so as to allow the landlord authority an apparently unanswerable claim for possession. The authority appealed a finding that they had to take into account the fact that the tenant was disabled and make reasonable adjustments. Held: The authority’s appeal succeeded. … Continue reading London Borough of Lewisham v Malcolm: HL 25 Jun 2008

Sennadine Properties Ltd v Heelis: UTLC 23 Feb 2015

UTLC LANDLORD AND TENANT – appointment of manager – whether refusal to postpone hearing unfair – whether appropriate tribunal may confer power for manager to disclaim lease of commercial premises — s. 24, Landlord and Tenant Act 1987 – appeal allowed in part [2015] UKUT 55 (LC) Bailii Landlord and Tenant Act 1987 24 England … Continue reading Sennadine Properties Ltd v Heelis: UTLC 23 Feb 2015

JBW Group Ltd v Westminster City Council: CA 12 Mar 2010

The tenant had applied to the landlord for consent to assign certain leases. The court had declared the right to exercise break clauses in certain leases as lost. The court had found the right to be lost after the assignment of the leases by the original tenant, that the exercise of a break clauses limited … Continue reading JBW Group Ltd v Westminster City Council: CA 12 Mar 2010

Dartmouth Court Blackheath Ltd v Berisworth Ltd: ChD 27 Feb 2008

Tenants asserted a right of first refusal under the 1987 Act on a proposed disposal of the freehold. Mr Justice Warren [2008] EWHC 350 (Ch), [2008] 2 EGLR 141, [2008] 1 P and CR DG23, [2008] L and TR 12, [2008] NPC 25, [2008] 2 P and CR 3, [2008] 9 EG 200 (CS) Bailii … Continue reading Dartmouth Court Blackheath Ltd v Berisworth Ltd: ChD 27 Feb 2008

Beck v Scholz: CA 1953

The court faced ‘a jury question to be determined by applying ordinary common sense’. And ‘The question posed and to be answered by ordinary commonsense standards, is whether the particular premises are in the personal occupation of the tenant as the tenant’s ‘home”‘The word ‘home’ itself is not easy of exact definition, but the question … Continue reading Beck v Scholz: CA 1953