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Fitzpatrick v Sterling Housing Association Ltd: HL 28 Oct 1999

Same Sex Paartner to Inherit as Family Member The claimant had lived with the original tenant in a stable and long standing homosexual relationship at the deceased’s flat. After the tenant’s death he sought a statutory tenancy as a spouse of the deceased. The Act had been extended to include as a spouse someone living … Continue reading Fitzpatrick v Sterling Housing Association Ltd: HL 28 Oct 1999

National Carriers Ltd v Panalpina (Northern) Ltd: HL 11 Dec 1980

No Frustration of Lease through loss of access The tenant’s access to the premises was closed by the local authority because it passed by a derelict and dangerous building. The tenant argued that its tenancy was frustrated. Held: The lease was not frustrated. The lease had a term of ten years, and the interruption was … Continue reading National Carriers Ltd v Panalpina (Northern) Ltd: HL 11 Dec 1980

Societe Generale, London Branch v Geys: SC 19 Dec 2012

The claimant’s employment by the bank had been terminated. The parties disputed the sums due, and the date of the termination of the contract. The court was asked ‘Does a repudiation of a contract of employment by the employer which takes the form of an express and immediate dismissal automatically terminate the contract?’ Held: Mr … Continue reading Societe Generale, London Branch v Geys: SC 19 Dec 2012

Malekshad v Howard de Walden Estates Limited: HL 5 Dec 2002

A house and an adjoining building had been first demised under one lease, then separated vertically. Two separate residential properties now existed. Held: The vertical division meant that the two houses could not be enfranchised as one under the Act. The Act also provided that where a property had been divided in such a way … Continue reading Malekshad v Howard de Walden Estates Limited: HL 5 Dec 2002

MSM Consulting Ltd v United Republic of Tanzania: QBD 30 Jan 2009

The claimants sought commission or a quantum meruit for the part they had taken in finding a suitable site for the defendant’s High Commission in London. Held: The works undertaken were consistent with the claimant seeking work from the defendant. No contract had been signed, and the defendant had indicated a reluctance to agree to … Continue reading MSM Consulting Ltd v United Republic of Tanzania: QBD 30 Jan 2009

FSHC Group Holdings Ltd v Glas Trust Corporation Ltd: CA 31 Jul 2019

Rectification – Chartbrook not followed Opportunity for an appellate court to clarify the correct test to apply in deciding whether the written terms of a contract may be rectified because of a common mistake. Held: The appeal failed. The judge was right to conclude that an objective observer would have understood – just as Barclays … Continue reading FSHC Group Holdings Ltd v Glas Trust Corporation Ltd: CA 31 Jul 2019

Grosvenor Estates Ltd v Prospect Estates Ltd: CA 21 Nov 2008

The tenant under a long lease sought enfranchisement. The landlord denied that it was a ‘house’ reasonably so called within the 1967 Act. The building had been constructed as a house, but was now substantially used as offices. They could only be used under the lease as to 11.5% for residential purposes, the remainder of … Continue reading Grosvenor Estates Ltd v Prospect Estates Ltd: CA 21 Nov 2008

Knowsley Housing Trust v White; Honeygan-Green v London Borough of Islington; Porter v Shepherds Bush Housing Association: HL 10 Dec 2008

The House considered situations where a secure or assured tenancy had been made subject to a suspended possession order and where despite the tenant failing to comply with the conditions, he had been allowed to continue in occupation. Held: Mrs White remained an assured tenant despite the continued suspended possession order. Mr Porter was entitled … Continue reading Knowsley Housing Trust v White; Honeygan-Green v London Borough of Islington; Porter v Shepherds Bush Housing Association: HL 10 Dec 2008

Austin v London Borough of Southwark: CA 16 Feb 2009

The court considered the right to succeed to a secure tenancy which has terminated during the lifetime of the tenant as a result of a possession order, but with the former tenant remaining in possession as ‘a tolerated trespasser’, and having a right to apply for the revival of his tenancy under s 85 of … Continue reading Austin v London Borough of Southwark: CA 16 Feb 2009

Fox v Jolly: HL 1916

The House referred to a schedule of repair served on the tenant: ‘Now the schedule is attacked on several grounds. It is said that it does not tell the tenant what it is he ought to do in order to remedy the breach of which complaint is made. I am . .

Segal Securities Limited v Thoseby: 1963

References: [1963] 1 QB 887, [1963] 1 All ER 500 Coram: Sachs J Ratio: To demand rent may waive a right to forfeiture. Sachs J said: ‘When one looks at the authorities, it is, however, clear that a demand can operate as a waiver in the same way as an acceptance.’ Also the landlord’s own … Continue reading Segal Securities Limited v Thoseby: 1963