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Cinderella Rockerfellas Ltd v Rudd (Valuation Officer): CA 11 Apr 2003

The taxpayer appealed against a rating assessment on a barge permanently moored at a riverbank. He claimed that as a chattel, it should not be rated. Held: The vessel was a chattel, but its occupation could be an occupation of the riverbed. The licences were stated to be non-exclusive, but the law of rating looks … Continue reading Cinderella Rockerfellas Ltd v Rudd (Valuation Officer): CA 11 Apr 2003

Lavin v Johnson: CA 31 Jul 2002

A landowner sought repossession of land from his agricultural tenant for failure to pay his rent. The tenant alleged that a charge was an extortionate credit bargain. The landlord appealed. Held: The Court must have regard to the evidence and cannot adopt an explanation unsupported by evidence. Nor in the absence of evidence supporting it, … Continue reading Lavin v Johnson: CA 31 Jul 2002

Marchant and Others v Onslow: ChD 12 Nov 1993

School site reverts to original grantors when land is not part of an estate. Citations: Times 12-Nov-1993 Statutes: School Sites Act 1841 2 Jurisdiction: England and Wales Cited by: Disapproved – Fraser and Another v Canterbury Diocesan Board Of Finance (No 1) CA 24-Nov-2000 A grant of land was made under the 1841 Act in … Continue reading Marchant and Others v Onslow: ChD 12 Nov 1993

West Bromwich Building Society v Wilkinson: HL 30 Jun 2005

The Society had taken possession of a property in 1989. It located the defendants many years later and sought payment of the excess after deduction of the proceeds of sale, and for interest. The borrowers claimed the debt was expired by limitation under s20. The Society said that the debt was a judgment debt which … Continue reading West Bromwich Building Society v Wilkinson: HL 30 Jun 2005

Regina v Lewes Crown Court and Chief Constable of Sussex Police ex parte Nigel Weller and Co: Admn 12 May 1999

The applicant sought judicial review of a decision to grant a search warrant in respect of his offices, saying that the material covered was protected by legal privilege. The warrant had been unavailable under section 8 because of the privilege, and so the police had applied to a circuit judge under section 9. Held: The … Continue reading Regina v Lewes Crown Court and Chief Constable of Sussex Police ex parte Nigel Weller and Co: Admn 12 May 1999

Test Claimants In The Franked Investment Income Group Litigation v Inland Revenue: SC 23 May 2012

The European Court had found the UK to have unlawfully treated differently payment of franked dividends between subsidiaries of UK companies according to whether all the UK subsidiaries were themselves UK based, thus prejudicing European subsidiaries, breach of EU Treaty guarantees of freedom of establishment and of movement of capital. The court was now asked … Continue reading Test Claimants In The Franked Investment Income Group Litigation v Inland Revenue: SC 23 May 2012

Goss and others v Laurence George Chilcott As Liquidator of Central Acceptance Limited (In Liquidation): PC 23 May 1996

(New Zealand) Mr and Mrs Goss, had been granted a loan by the claimant finance company under a mortgage instrument that had been avoided by the claimant because it had been fraudulently altered by Mr Haddon, an employee of the claimant, without the claimant’s authority. Mr Haddon was the brother of Mrs Goss. The advance … Continue reading Goss and others v Laurence George Chilcott As Liquidator of Central Acceptance Limited (In Liquidation): PC 23 May 1996

CIBC Mortgages Plc v Pitt and Another: HL 21 Oct 1993

Mrs Pitt resisted an order for possession of the house saying that she had signed the mortgage only after misrepresentations by and the undue infuence of her husband who was acting as the bank’s agent. Held: A bank was not put on enquiry as to the existence of undue influence only because a loan was … Continue reading CIBC Mortgages Plc v Pitt and Another: HL 21 Oct 1993

Abraham and Another v Thompson and Others: ChD 12 May 1997

The court may issue a stay of proceedings pending disclosure of the source of funding of an action, without there needing to be any suggestion of champerty or other illegality. The first plaintiff was ordered to disclose to the 5th and 6th defendants on affidavit whether any, and if so what, third party or parties … Continue reading Abraham and Another v Thompson and Others: ChD 12 May 1997

Silven Properties Limited, Chart Enterprises Incorporated v Royal Bank of Scotland Plc, Vooght, Harris: CA 21 Oct 2003

The claimants sought damages from mortgagees who had sold their charged properties as receivers. They said they had failed to sell at a proper value. They asked whether the express appointment in the mortgage of receivers as agents of the mortgagor leads to the assumption by receivers who accept such appointment of responsibilities and duties … Continue reading Silven Properties Limited, Chart Enterprises Incorporated v Royal Bank of Scotland Plc, Vooght, Harris: CA 21 Oct 2003

Butler-Sloss and Others v The Charity Commission for England and Wales and Another: ChD 29 Apr 2022

Principles allowing Ethical Investment by Trustees Should charities, whose principal purposes are environmental protection and improvement and the relief of poverty, be able to adopt an investment policy that excludes many potential investments because the trustees consider that they conflict with their charitable purposes? Held: An amended declaration was granted.‘I should summarise what I consider … Continue reading Butler-Sloss and Others v The Charity Commission for England and Wales and Another: ChD 29 Apr 2022

Attorney-General’s Reference (No. 2 of 1982): CACD 1984

Two men were charged with theft from a company which they wholly owned and controlled. The court considered the actions of company directors in dishonestly appropriating the property of the company, and whether since the title to the goods was transferred, the goods had remained the property of the company. Held: The actions of the … Continue reading Attorney-General’s Reference (No. 2 of 1982): CACD 1984

Lep Air Services v Rolloswin Investments Ltd; Moschi v LEP Air Services: HL 1973

The obligation of a guarantor under a contract ‘is not an obligation himself to pay a sum of money to the creditor, but an obligation to see to it that another person, the debtor, does something.’ When a repudiatory breach is accepted by the injured party to discharge the contract, all primary obligations remaining for … Continue reading Lep Air Services v Rolloswin Investments Ltd; Moschi v LEP Air Services: HL 1973

Giles v Thompson, Devlin v Baslington (Conjoined Appeals): HL 1 Jun 1993

Car hire companies who pursued actions in motorists’ names to recover the costs of hiring a replacement vehicle after an accident, from negligent drivers, were not acting in a champertous and unlawful manner. Lord Mustill said: ‘there exists in practical terms a gap in the remedies available to the motorist, from which the errant driver, … Continue reading Giles v Thompson, Devlin v Baslington (Conjoined Appeals): HL 1 Jun 1993

Jetivia Sa and Another v Bilta (UK) Ltd and Others: SC 22 Apr 2015

The liquidators of Bilta had brought proceedings against former directors and the appellant alleging that they were party to an unlawful means conspiracy which had damaged the company by engaging in a carousel fraud with carbon credits. On the pleaded facts, Mr Chopra and Mr Nazir were the directing organ of Bilta under its constitution. … Continue reading Jetivia Sa and Another v Bilta (UK) Ltd and Others: SC 22 Apr 2015

Chartbrook Ltd v Persimmon Homes Ltd and Others: HL 1 Jul 2009

Mutual Knowledge admissible to construe contract The parties had entered into a development contract in respect of a site in Wandsworth, under which balancing compensation was to be paid. They disagreed as to its calculation. Persimmon sought rectification to reflect the negotiations. Held: The appeal succeeded. There were difficulties in construing the contract. The contract … Continue reading Chartbrook Ltd v Persimmon Homes Ltd and Others: HL 1 Jul 2009

Kyla Shipping Co Ltd and Another v Freight Trading Ltd and Others: ComC 22 Feb 2022

Litigation Privilege Defendants challenged the claimants assertion of litigation privilege and contended for a waiver of any privilege which entitles them to disclosure of additional materials referred to in a witness statement. Held: ‘I dismiss the waiver of privilege application but require a further list of documents from the Claimants with supporting witness statement on … Continue reading Kyla Shipping Co Ltd and Another v Freight Trading Ltd and Others: ComC 22 Feb 2022

Hazell v Hammersmith and Fulham London Borough Council: HL 1991

Swap deals outwith Council powers The authority entered into interest rate swap deals to protect itself against adverse money market movements. They began to lose substantial amounts when interest rates rose, and the district auditor sought a declaration that the contracts were void, there being no express power in the relevant legislation. Held: The arrangements … Continue reading Hazell v Hammersmith and Fulham London Borough Council: HL 1991

W T Ramsay Ltd v Inland Revenue Commissioners: HL 12 Mar 1981

The taxpayers used schemes to create allowable losses, and now appealed assessment to tax. The schemes involved a series of transactions none of which were a sham, but which had the effect of cancelling each other out. Held: If the true nature of the transactions could be seen by looking at them all together, then … Continue reading W T Ramsay Ltd v Inland Revenue Commissioners: HL 12 Mar 1981

Hancock and Another v Revenue and Customs: SC 22 May 2019

The taxpayers sold their shares in return for loan notes in the form of mixed qualifying (QCB) and non qualifying corporate bonds (Non-QCB) within section 115 of the 1992 Act. Gains on the disposal of QCB would be exempt from CGT. These were then converted to QCBs. The court was asked as to their chargeability … Continue reading Hancock and Another v Revenue and Customs: SC 22 May 2019

Jenks v Dickinson (Inspector of Taxes): ChD 16 Jun 1997

Legislation which created a clear anomaly can be interpreted so as to avoid the anomaly if the words used are sufficiently ambiguous as to allow an alternative construction.Neuberger J discussed the case of Marshall v Kerr, saying: ‘It appears to me that the observations of Peter Gibson J, approved by Lord Browne-Wilkinson, in Marshall indicate … Continue reading Jenks v Dickinson (Inspector of Taxes): ChD 16 Jun 1997

AXA General Insurance Ltd and Others v Lord Advocate and Others: SC 12 Oct 2011

Standing to Claim under A1P1 ECHR The appellants had written employers’ liability insurance policies. They appealed against rejection of their challenge to the 2009 Act which provided that asymptomatic pleural plaques, pleural thickening and asbestosis should constitute actionable harm for the purposes of an action of damages for personal injury. Held: The insurers’ appeals failed. … Continue reading AXA General Insurance Ltd and Others v Lord Advocate and Others: SC 12 Oct 2011

The National and Provincial Building Society, The Leeds Permanent Building Society And The Yorkshire Building Society v The United Kingdom: ECHR 23 Oct 1997

ECHR United Kingdom – applicants’ legal claims to restitution of monies paid under invalidated tax provisions extinguished under the effects of retrospective legislation (section 53 of Finance Act 1991 and section 64 of Finance (No. 2) Act 1992) Citations: 21449/93, 21319/93, [1997] ECHR 87, 21675/93, [1997] STC 1466, 69 TC 540, [1997] BTC 624, (1998) … Continue reading The National and Provincial Building Society, The Leeds Permanent Building Society And The Yorkshire Building Society v The United Kingdom: ECHR 23 Oct 1997

Gaines-Cooper v HM Revenue and Customs: ChD 13 Nov 2007

The parties disputed the domicile of the tax-payer. He had a domicile of origin in the UK, but asserted that he had acquired a domicile of choice in the Seychelles. The Special Commissioners had allowed, in assessing the domicile at any time, of evidence of later events. Held: The taxpayer’s appeal failed. The Commissioners could … Continue reading Gaines-Cooper v HM Revenue and Customs: ChD 13 Nov 2007

Allam v Revenue and Customs: UTTC 23 Nov 2021

PROCEDURE – automated notices requiring returns – effect of s103 Finance Act 2020 – effect of s12D TMA 1970 – validity of notices of enquiry under s9A TMA 1970 CAPITAL GAINS TAX – entrepreneurs’ relief – s165A(3) TCGA 1992 – company involved in property development and investment property – nature and extent of activities – … Continue reading Allam v Revenue and Customs: UTTC 23 Nov 2021

Stodday Land Ltd and Another v Pye: ChD 7 Oct 2016

The agricultural landlord sold part of his land subject to the respondent’s tenancy to the appellant. Before the transfer was registered, notices to quit were served by both the landlord and his buyer. The tenant challenged both notices in the County court, against whose finding and order that the notices were invalid, both defendants now … Continue reading Stodday Land Ltd and Another v Pye: ChD 7 Oct 2016

BAS Capital Funding Corporation, Deutsche Bank Ag London, Paine Webber Capital Inc, PW Exe Lp, Pw Partners 1999 Lp v Medfinco Limited, Abacus Holdings Limited, Andreas W Gerdes, HTC Inc, etc: ChD 25 Jul 2003

The claimants wanted to bring actions in respect of various matters under shareholders agreements in complex international joint ventures. Leave was given to serve English proceedings in Malta, and the claim form and particulars of claim were faxed and emailed and delivered by hand at the registered offices of the company and at the private … Continue reading BAS Capital Funding Corporation, Deutsche Bank Ag London, Paine Webber Capital Inc, PW Exe Lp, Pw Partners 1999 Lp v Medfinco Limited, Abacus Holdings Limited, Andreas W Gerdes, HTC Inc, etc: ChD 25 Jul 2003

The Co-Operative Bank Plc v Phillips: ChD 21 Aug 2014

The bank had brought possession proceedings against the defendant under two legal charges securing personal guarantees. The proceedings had been abandoned, but the court now was asked whether costs for the defendant should be on the standard or indemnity basis. The defendant argued that the proceedings had been brought for a collateral purpose and were … Continue reading The Co-Operative Bank Plc v Phillips: ChD 21 Aug 2014

Barclays Bank Plc v O’Brien and Another: HL 21 Oct 1993

The wife joined in a charge on the family home to secure her husband’s business borrowings. The husband was found to have misrepresented to her the effect of the deed, and the bank had been aware that she might be reluctant to sign the deed. Held: The charge was not to be enforced. The bank … Continue reading Barclays Bank Plc v O’Brien and Another: HL 21 Oct 1993

Kay and Another v London Borough of Lambeth and others; Leeds City Council v Price and others and others: HL 8 Mar 2006

In each case the local authority sought to recover possession of its own land. In the Lambeth case, they asserted this right as against an overstaying former tenant, and in the Leeds case as against gypsies. In each case the occupiers said that the recovery of possession interfered with their right respect for their family … Continue reading Kay and Another v London Borough of Lambeth and others; Leeds City Council v Price and others and others: HL 8 Mar 2006

Supercool Refrigeration and Air Conditioning v Hoverd Industries Ltd: 1994

(New Zealand) The court noted a greater reluctance in Australia and Ireland than in England to accept the creation of a fixed charge over present and future book debts. Tompkins J said:’ a requirement to pay the proceeds of the book debts into the company’s account without any restriction on how the company may use … Continue reading Supercool Refrigeration and Air Conditioning v Hoverd Industries Ltd: 1994

National Westminster Bank plc v Spectrum Plus Limited and others: HL 30 Jun 2005

Former HL decision in Siebe Gorman overruled The company had become insolvent. The bank had a debenture and claimed that its charge over the book debts had become a fixed charge. The preferential creditors said that the charge was a floating charge and that they took priority. Held: The appeal was allowed. The debenture, although … Continue reading National Westminster Bank plc v Spectrum Plus Limited and others: HL 30 Jun 2005

De Luca v Italy: ECHR 24 Sep 2013

Article 1 para. 1 of Protocol No. 1 Peaceful enjoyment of possessions Inability to recover judgment debt from local authority in receivership: violation Facts – In December 1993 the municipality of Benevento declared itself insolvent. An extraordinary liquidation committee (the OSL) was entrusted with the management of its finances. In a judgment given in November … Continue reading De Luca v Italy: ECHR 24 Sep 2013

Roger Michael and others v Douglas Henry Miller and Another: ChD 22 Mar 2004

Property had been sold by the respondents as mortgagees in possession. The claimants said the judge had failed to award the value of the property as found to be valued, and had not given a proper value to a crop of lavender. Held: In exercising his power of sale a mortgagee is under a general … Continue reading Roger Michael and others v Douglas Henry Miller and Another: ChD 22 Mar 2004

Office of Fair Trading v Abbey National Plc and seven Others: ComC 24 Apr 2008

The Office sought a declaration that the respondent and other banks were subject to the provisions of the Regulations in their imposition of bank charges to customer accounts, and in particular as to the imposition of penalties or charges for the breach of the overdraft limits. Held: The relevant terms were not exempt from assessment … Continue reading Office of Fair Trading v Abbey National Plc and seven Others: ComC 24 Apr 2008

Prest v Petrodel Resources Ltd and Others: SC 12 Jun 2013

In the course of ancillary relief proceedings in a divorce, questions arose regarding company assets owned by the husband. The court was asked as to the power of the court to order the transfer of assets owned entirely in the company’s names. The judge had made such an order, finding evidence that the companies had … Continue reading Prest v Petrodel Resources Ltd and Others: SC 12 Jun 2013

Grays Timber Products Ltd v Revenue and Customs: SC 3 Feb 2010

An assessment to income tax had been raised after the employee resold shares in the company issued through the employees’ share scheme at a price which the Revenue said was above the share value. The company appealed against a finding that tax was payable. Held: The appeal failed. The Revenue should calculate the price which … Continue reading Grays Timber Products Ltd v Revenue and Customs: SC 3 Feb 2010

Weston v Garnett (HM Inspector of Taxes): CA 16 Jun 2005

Convertible loan notes had been issued as a channel for future gains. Held: The loan notes were not a normal commercial loan as defined in Schedule 18 to the 1988 Act, and therefore did not fall within the section so as to allow qualification for exemption from liability to tax. The conditions relating to ‘normal … Continue reading Weston v Garnett (HM Inspector of Taxes): CA 16 Jun 2005

O’Reilly v Mackman: HL 1982

Remission of Sentence is a Privilege not a Right The plaintiffs had begun their action, to challenge their loss of remission as prisoners, by means of a writ, rather than by an action for judicial review, and so had sidestepped the requirement for the action to be brought within strict time limits. Held: The forfeiture … Continue reading O’Reilly v Mackman: HL 1982

Brighton and Hove City Council v Audus: ChD 26 Feb 2009

The claimant was the proprietor of a fourth legal charge on a title. It sought a declaration that a second charge in favour of the defendant was void as a clog on the proprietor’s equity of redemption. An advance secured by a first charge, also in favour of the defendant had been used to purchase … Continue reading Brighton and Hove City Council v Audus: ChD 26 Feb 2009

Harding v Revenue and Customs: CA 23 Oct 2008

Lapsed Currency conversion option lost status The taxpayer appealed his assessment to Capital Gains Tax on his redemption of loan notes arising following the sale of his computer company. He said that they were qualifying corporate bonds. The question was whether a security in which a currency conversion option has lapsed, becomes (as the taxpayer … Continue reading Harding v Revenue and Customs: CA 23 Oct 2008

Pegasus Management Holdings Sca and Another v Ernst and Young (A Firm) and Another: ChD 11 Nov 2008

The claimants alleged professional negligence in advice given by the defendant on a share purchase, saying that it should have been structured to reduce Capital Gains Tax. The defendants denied negligence and said the claim was statute barred. Held: The defence in fact was that the claimant had both brought the claim too early because … Continue reading Pegasus Management Holdings Sca and Another v Ernst and Young (A Firm) and Another: ChD 11 Nov 2008

Iceland Foods Ltd v Berry (Valuation Officer): SC 7 Mar 2018

Air System plant excluded from Rating value The court was asked whether the services provided by a specialised air handling system, used in connection with refrigerated merchandise in the appellant’s retail store, are ‘manufacturing operations or trade processes’ for rating purposes. Held: Iceland’s appeal was allowed and the decision of the First Tier Tribunal restored. … Continue reading Iceland Foods Ltd v Berry (Valuation Officer): SC 7 Mar 2018

In re Racal Communications Ltd; In Re a Company: HL 3 Jul 1980

Court of Appeal’s powers limited to those Given The jurisdiction of the Court of Appeal is wholly statutory; it is appellate only. The court has no original jurisdiction. It has no jurisdiction itself to entertain any original application for judicial review; it has appellate jurisdiction over judgments and orders of the High Court made by … Continue reading In re Racal Communications Ltd; In Re a Company: HL 3 Jul 1980

Three Rivers District Council and others v Governor and Company of the Bank of England (No 6): HL 11 Nov 2004

The Bank anticipated criticism in an ad hoc enquiry which was called to investigate its handling of a matter involving the claimant. The claimant sought disclosure of the documents created when the solicitors advised employees of the Bank in preparing to present the Bank’s case, and the Bank now appealed an order granting such access, … Continue reading Three Rivers District Council and others v Governor and Company of the Bank of England (No 6): HL 11 Nov 2004

FHR European Ventures Llp and Others v Cedar Capital Partners Llc: SC 16 Jul 2014

Approprietary remedy against Fraudulent Agent The Court was asked whether a bribe or secret commission received by an agent is held by the agent on trust for his principal, or whether the principal merely has a claim for equitable compensation in a sum equal to the value of the bribe or commission. Held: The appeal … Continue reading FHR European Ventures Llp and Others v Cedar Capital Partners Llc: SC 16 Jul 2014

Autologic Holdings Plc and others v Commissioners of Inland Revenue: HL 28 Jul 2005

Taxpayer companies challenged the way that the revenue restricted claims for group Corporation Tax relief for subsidiary companies in Europe. The issue was awaiting a decision of the European Court. The Revenue said that the claims now being made by other companies should proceed through the Commissioners who could implement European law directly. The taxpayers … Continue reading Autologic Holdings Plc and others v Commissioners of Inland Revenue: HL 28 Jul 2005

Miller v Miller; McFarlane v McFarlane: HL 24 May 2006

Fairness on Division of Family Capital The House faced the question of how to achieve fairness in the division of property following a divorce. In the one case there were substantial assets but a short marriage, and in the other a high income, but low capital. Held: The 1973 Act gives only limited guidance on … Continue reading Miller v Miller; McFarlane v McFarlane: HL 24 May 2006

Sibthorpe and Morris v London Borough of Southwark: CA 25 Jan 2011

The court was asked as to the extent to which the ancient rule against champerty prevents a solicitor agreeing to indemnify his claimant client against any liability for costs which she may incur against the defendant in the litigation in which the solicitors are to act for her. Held: The defendant’s appeal failed. The Conditional … Continue reading Sibthorpe and Morris v London Borough of Southwark: CA 25 Jan 2011

DEG-Deutsche Investitions und Entwicklungsgesellschaft mbH v Koshy and Other (No 3); Gwembe Valley Development Co Ltd (in receivership) v Same (No 3): CA 28 Jul 2003

The company sought to recover damages from a director who had acted dishonestly, by concealing a financial interest in a different company which had made loans to the claimant company. He replied that the claim was out of time. At first instance the first defendant had been found dishonest through non-disclosure, and that section 21 … Continue reading DEG-Deutsche Investitions und Entwicklungsgesellschaft mbH v Koshy and Other (No 3); Gwembe Valley Development Co Ltd (in receivership) v Same (No 3): CA 28 Jul 2003

Moseley, Regina (on The Application of) v London Borough of Haringey: SC 29 Oct 2014

Consultation requirements The claimant challenged a decision of the respondent reducing the benefits under the Council Tax Reduction Scheme reducing Council Tax for those in need, saying that the Council’s consultation had been inadequate. Held: The consultation was procedurally unfair because the consultation documentation gave a misleading impression in failing to mention other ways of … Continue reading Moseley, Regina (on The Application of) v London Borough of Haringey: SC 29 Oct 2014

Fairstar Heavy Transport Nv v Adkins and Another: CA 19 Jul 2013

The court was asked whether the appellant company was entitled to an order requiring its former Chief Executive Officer, after the termination of his appointment, to give it access to the content of emails relating to its business affairs, and stored on his personal computer in England, were sent or received by him on behalf … Continue reading Fairstar Heavy Transport Nv v Adkins and Another: CA 19 Jul 2013

Gold Harp Properties Ltd v Macleod and Others: CA 29 Jul 2014

The company appealed against an order re-instating to the register leases which the company said it had forfeited for non-payment of rent. After the forfeiture, the landlord had granted new leases. It appealed saying that exceptional circumstances existed to justify the non-rectification, and that the judge had erred in giving the revived leases priority. Held: … Continue reading Gold Harp Properties Ltd v Macleod and Others: CA 29 Jul 2014

Robson v Mitchell (HM Inspector of Taxes): CA 18 May 2005

The company had taken out a loan to finance works on the farm. The loan was guaranted by the taxpayer. Years later when the farm was sold, part of the money was used to repay the loan, and the taxpayer sought to set it off against his liability for Capital Gains Tax. Held: the taxpayer … Continue reading Robson v Mitchell (HM Inspector of Taxes): CA 18 May 2005

Scottish Widows Plc v Revenue and Customs: SC 6 Jul 2011

The taxpayer insurance company had transferred sums from accounts designated as Capital Reserves. The Revenue said that these were properly part of the profit and loss accounts for the respective tax years, and chargeable receipts. Held: The Revenue’s cross appeal succeeded. As a life assurance company, the amounts to be taken into account in computing … Continue reading Scottish Widows Plc v Revenue and Customs: SC 6 Jul 2011

Gold Group Properties Ltd v BDW Trading Ltd: TCC 3 Mar 2010

The parties had contracted for the construction of an estate of houses and flats to be followed by the interim purchase by the defendants. The defendants argued that the slump in land prices frustrated the contract and that they should not be called on to purchase the properrties at the price stated because they would … Continue reading Gold Group Properties Ltd v BDW Trading Ltd: TCC 3 Mar 2010

Humber Oil Terminals Trustee Ltd v Associated British Ports: CA 10 May 2012

The tenant appealed against a finding that the landlord was entitled to resist renewal of its lease under the 1954 Act challenging the stated intention of the landlord to occupy the premises for its own business purposes. It said that the proposed business would be in direct substitution for itself, that that business was very … Continue reading Humber Oil Terminals Trustee Ltd v Associated British Ports: CA 10 May 2012

Stannard (T/A Wyvern Tyres) v Gore: CA 4 Oct 2012

The defendant, now appellant, ran a business involving the storage of tyres. The claimant neighbour’s own business next door was severely damaged in a fire of the tyres escaping onto his property. The court had found him liable in strict liability under the rule in Rylands, concluding that the appellant had collected the tyres on … Continue reading Stannard (T/A Wyvern Tyres) v Gore: CA 4 Oct 2012

Trennery v West (Inspector of Taxes): HL 27 Jan 2005

The House considered the application of the section to ‘flip-flop trusts’. The section allocated liability to charge on gains within a settlement under certain circumstances onto the settlor, and at his rate of tax. Assets were allocated to two trusts, which in alternating years realised gains and allowed a benefit to be taken. Held: The … Continue reading Trennery v West (Inspector of Taxes): HL 27 Jan 2005

Davidson v Revenue and Customs; Excs 25 Jul 2008

References: [2008] UKVAT-Excise E01127 Links: Bailii Ratio: VDT EXCISE – seizure of vehicle and goods – whether seizure challenged – restoration refused – whether appeal against non-restoration of vehicle – whether decision not to restore goods proportionate – whether appellant entitled to raise issue of own use – whether abuse of process – No JURISDICTION … Continue reading Davidson v Revenue and Customs; Excs 25 Jul 2008