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Seal v Chief Constable of South Wales Police: HL 4 Jul 2007

The claimant had sought to bring proceedings against the respondent, but as a mental patient subject to the 1983 Act, had been obliged by the section first to obtain consent. The parties disputed whether the failure was a procedural or substantial failing and whether it made the proceedings a nullity. Held: The claimant’s appeal failed. … Continue reading Seal v Chief Constable of South Wales Police: HL 4 Jul 2007

The Home Office v Wainwright and Wainwright: CA 20 Dec 2001

The claimants were awarded damages, following the way they were searched on seeking to enter prison on a visit. The Home Office appealed. They were asked to sign a consent form, but only after the search was nearly complete. They were told the prison officers had a right to conduct the search. The actions had … Continue reading The Home Office v Wainwright and Wainwright: CA 20 Dec 2001

Wood v Chief Constable West Midlands Police: CA 8 Dec 2004

The claimant was a director of a limited company. A Detective Chief Inspector with responsibility for crime prevention was investigating a series of car thefts and arrested the claimant’s business partner and, before the accused had even stood his trial, informed members of the insurance industry, such as the manager of the Association of British … Continue reading Wood v Chief Constable West Midlands Police: CA 8 Dec 2004

Regina (Kent Pharmaceuticals Ltd) v Serious Fraud Office: CA 11 Nov 2004

In 2002 the SFO was investigating allegations that drug companies were selling generic drugs, including penicillin-based antibiotics and warfarin, to the National Health Service at artificially sustained prices. To further the investigation the SFO obtained search warrants and executed them. The company challenged the release of the documents recovered to other government departments. They had … Continue reading Regina (Kent Pharmaceuticals Ltd) v Serious Fraud Office: CA 11 Nov 2004

Greene v Associated Newspapers Ltd: CA 5 Nov 2004

The claimant appealed against refusal of an order restraining publication by the respondent of an article about her. She said that it was based upon an email falsely attributed to her. Held: ‘in an action for defamation a court will not impose a prior restraint on publication unless it is clear that no defence will … Continue reading Greene v Associated Newspapers Ltd: CA 5 Nov 2004

Regina (K) v Newham London Borough Council and Another: QBD 19 Feb 2002

Parents applied for secondary school places, indicating three single sex schools. This was from a clear religious conviction. The local authority allocated another place, without giving reasons, but did provide a pamphlet setting out its policy, which showed that one criterion was a preference for a single-sex school. Held: The need to respect religious views … Continue reading Regina (K) v Newham London Borough Council and Another: QBD 19 Feb 2002

Morris, Regina (on the Application of) v Westminster City Council and Another: Admn 7 Oct 2004

The applicant questioned the compatibility of s185 of the 1996 Act with Human Rights law. The family sought emergency housing. The child of the family, found to be in priority housing need, was subject also to immigration control. Though the matter had been settled the court was invited to pursue the decision. Held: The Act … Continue reading Morris, Regina (on the Application of) v Westminster City Council and Another: Admn 7 Oct 2004

Alabaster v Barclays Bank Plc and Another: CA 3 May 2005

The claimant sought increased maternity pay. Before beginning her maternity leave she had been awarded a pay increase, but it was not backdated so as to affect the period upon which the calculation of her average pay was based. The court made a detailed comparison of the regimes for protection under the Employment Rights Act … Continue reading Alabaster v Barclays Bank Plc and Another: CA 3 May 2005

The United States of America v Nolan: SC 21 Oct 2015

Mrs Nolan had been employed at a US airbase. When it closed, and she was made redundant, she complained that the appellant had not consulted properly on the redundancies. The US denied that it had responsibility to consult, and now appealed. Held: The appeal failed (Lord Carnworth dissenting). That the exact situation might not have … Continue reading The United States of America v Nolan: SC 21 Oct 2015

Johnson, Regina (on The Application of) v The Secretary of State for The Home Department: Admn 17 Jul 2014

The court was asked whether the Claimant’s proposed deportation to Jamaica, following his conviction and imprisonment for a very serious criminal offence, involves a violation of article 14 in conjunction with article 8 of the European Convention on Human Rights (‘ECHR’), contrary to the Human Rights Act 1998 (‘the Human Rights Act’). The discrimination is … Continue reading Johnson, Regina (on The Application of) v The Secretary of State for The Home Department: Admn 17 Jul 2014

Al-Waheed v Ministry of Defence: SC 17 Jan 2017

‘These two appeals arise out of actions for damages brought against the United Kingdom government by detainees, alleging unlawful detention and maltreatment by British forces. They are two of several hundred actions in which similar claims are made. In both cases, the claim is based in part on article 5(1) of the European Convention on … Continue reading Al-Waheed v Ministry of Defence: SC 17 Jan 2017

Firstdale Ltd v Quinton: ComC 5 Aug 2004

In the course of a long dispute, the defendant’s solicitors had indicated that they would accept service of proceedings. Just before the limitation period expired, the papers were served directly in the client. The defendants solicitors said that this was invalid service, and that later service out of time could not revive the claim. Held: … Continue reading Firstdale Ltd v Quinton: ComC 5 Aug 2004

Independent Assessor v O’Brien, Hickey, Hickey: CA 29 Jul 2004

The claimants had been imprisoned for many years before their convictions were quashed. They claimed compensation under the Act. The assessor said that there should be deducted from the award the living expenses they would have incurred if they had not been in prison. Held: The statutory scheme replaced an ex gratia scheme, and there … Continue reading Independent Assessor v O’Brien, Hickey, Hickey: CA 29 Jul 2004

Pelling v Bruce-Williams, Secretary of State for Constitutional Affairs intervening: CA 5 Jul 2004

The applicant sought an order that his application for a joint residence order should be held in public. Held: Though there was some attractiveness in the applicant’s arguments, the issue had been fully canvassed by the ECHR. The time had come for the court to consider in each case whether a proper balance of competing … Continue reading Pelling v Bruce-Williams, Secretary of State for Constitutional Affairs intervening: CA 5 Jul 2004

R(CS) 6/03: SSCS 5 Nov 2002

Maintenance assessment – whether ‘parent with care’ includes step-parent Human rights – application of Human Rights Act 1998 where Secretary of State’s decision before October 2000 and tribunal hearing afterwards Citations: [2002] UKSSCSC CCS – 1306 – 2001 Links: Bailii Jurisdiction: England and Wales Citing: Cited – Regina v Kansal (2) HL 29-Nov-2001 The prosecutor … Continue reading R(CS) 6/03: SSCS 5 Nov 2002

N v the Secretary of State for the Home Department: CA 16 Oct 2003

The applicant entered the UK illegally. She was unwell and was given treatment. She resisted removal on the grounds that the treatment available to her would be of such a quality as to leave her life threatened. Held: D -v- UK should be strictly confined. The applicant’s condition was not one created by the respondent, … Continue reading N v the Secretary of State for the Home Department: CA 16 Oct 2003

McGibbon and Corstorphine v Her Majesty’s Advocate: HCJ 19 Feb 2004

It was conceded that there had been a breach of article 8 in the obtaining of covert video and audio recordings of the appellants’ incriminating conversations. Held: If there was a breach by the police of article 8, it did not follow that the evidence thereby obtained was inadmissible. Any breach of article 8 in … Continue reading McGibbon and Corstorphine v Her Majesty’s Advocate: HCJ 19 Feb 2004

Society of Lloyd’s v Laws and others: ComC 28 Jan 2004

Judges: The Honourable Mr Justice Cooke Citations: [2004] EWHC 71 (Comm), [2004] EWHC 130 (Comm) Links: Bailii, Bailii Jurisdiction: England and Wales Citing: See Also – Laws and others v The Society of Lloyd’s CA 19-Dec-2003 The applicants sought to amend earlier pleadings to add a claim that their human rights had been infringed by … Continue reading Society of Lloyd’s v Laws and others: ComC 28 Jan 2004

Zeqaj v Secretary of State for the Home Department: CA 10 Dec 2002

The applicant had failed in his asylum application, and an order given for his repatriation. The order had however by mistake ordered his return to Albania, rather than Serbia. Judges: Thorpe, Latham LJJ, Lawrence Collins J Citations: [2002] EWCA Civ 1919 Links: Bailii Jurisdiction: England and Wales Cited by: Cited – Kapri v The Lord … Continue reading Zeqaj v Secretary of State for the Home Department: CA 10 Dec 2002

Kenny, Regina (on the Application of) v Leeds Magistrates Court, Leeds City Council: Admn 5 Dec 2003

In cases involving children, Article 3 provides that the best interests of the child are a primary consideration, not the primary consideration. The court looked at the test for making an interim ASBO: ‘Consideration of whether it is just to make an order without notice is necessarily a balancing exercise. The court must balance the … Continue reading Kenny, Regina (on the Application of) v Leeds Magistrates Court, Leeds City Council: Admn 5 Dec 2003

Pilar Aida Rojas v Brian Berllaque: PC 10 Nov 2003

PC (Gibraltar) The system of selecting a criminal jury obliged men to be available for selection, but women could choose not to be on the role of jurors. The result was that jury lists and juries were almost entirely male. Held: (Majority) Since juries are chosen at random from jury lists, a non-discriminatory method of … Continue reading Pilar Aida Rojas v Brian Berllaque: PC 10 Nov 2003

PD, Regina (on the Application of) v West Midlands and North West Mental Health Review Tribunal: Admn 22 Oct 2003

The claimant was detained as a mental patient. He complained that a consultant employed by the NHS Trust which detained him, also sat on the panel of the tribunal which heard the review of his detention. Held: Such proceedings did engage the applicant’s right to a fair trial. The issue was whether a fair-minded and … Continue reading PD, Regina (on the Application of) v West Midlands and North West Mental Health Review Tribunal: Admn 22 Oct 2003

Wainwright and another v Home Office: HL 16 Oct 2003

The claimant and her son sought to visit her other son in Leeds Prison. He was suspected of involvement in drugs, and therefore she was subjected to strip searches. There was no statutory support for the search. The son’s penis had been touched which was a battery. Held: The policy considerations which limit the heads … Continue reading Wainwright and another v Home Office: HL 16 Oct 2003

Karner v Austria: ECHR 24 Jul 2003

A surviving same-sex partner sought a right of succession to a tenancy (of their previously shared flat). Interveners ‘pointed out that a growing number of national courts in European and other democratic societies require equal treatment of unmarried different-sex partners and unmarried same-sex partners, and that that view is supported by recommendations and legislation of … Continue reading Karner v Austria: ECHR 24 Jul 2003

Giles, Regina (on the Application of) v Parole Board and Another: HL 31 Jul 2003

The defendant had been sentenced for offences of violence, but an additional period was imposed to protect the public. He had been refused leave for reconsideration of that part of his sentence after he completed the normal segment of his sentence. He wanted a consideration which would parallel the new won rights of review for … Continue reading Giles, Regina (on the Application of) v Parole Board and Another: HL 31 Jul 2003

Hampshire County Council v Beer (T/A Hammer Trout Farm); Regina (Beer) v Hampshire Farmers’ Market Ltd: CA 21 Jul 2003

The applicant had been refused a licence to operate within the farmer’s market. It sought judicial review of the rejection, but the respondent argued that it was a private company not susceptible to review. Held: The decisions of the Farmers Market were open to judicial review. The farmers markets were held on publicly owned land … Continue reading Hampshire County Council v Beer (T/A Hammer Trout Farm); Regina (Beer) v Hampshire Farmers’ Market Ltd: CA 21 Jul 2003

Munjaz v Mersey Care National Health Service Trust And the Secretary of State for Health, the National Association for Mental Health (Mind) Respondent interested;: CA 16 Jul 2003

The claimant was a mental patient under compulsory detention, and complained that he had been subjected to periods of seclusion. Held: The appeal succeeded. The hospital had failed to follow the appropriate Code of Practice. The Code was not obligatory, but following it would generally ensure that a patient’s rights were not infringed. It recognised … Continue reading Munjaz v Mersey Care National Health Service Trust And the Secretary of State for Health, the National Association for Mental Health (Mind) Respondent interested;: CA 16 Jul 2003

Carson and Reynolds v Secretary of State for Work and Pensions: CA 17 Jun 2003

The claimant Reynolds challenged the differential treatment by age of jobseeker’s allowance. Carson complained that as a foreign resident pensioner, her benefits had not been uprated. The questions in each case were whether the benefit affected a ‘possession’ within the Convention or the discrimination was arbitrary so as to breach the applicants human rights. Held: … Continue reading Carson and Reynolds v Secretary of State for Work and Pensions: CA 17 Jun 2003

Williamson v Chief Constable of the West Midlands Police: CA 21 Feb 2003

The claimant had been arrested by an officer entering his house to investigate a breach of the peace, then held for two nights. The police believed that he posed no continuing threat, but believed he had to be brought before the magistrates before being released. Held: The fact that a breach of the peace had … Continue reading Williamson v Chief Constable of the West Midlands Police: CA 21 Feb 2003

Regina on the Application of Lester v The London Rent Assessment Committee: CA 12 Mar 2003

The court faced the question of, whether if a landlord serves a notice on an assured tenant under section 13(2) of the Act proposing an increase in rent, that will be the rent unless, before the beginning of the new period specified in the notice the tenant refers the notice to a rent assessment committee … Continue reading Regina on the Application of Lester v The London Rent Assessment Committee: CA 12 Mar 2003

Clark (Procurator Fiscal, Kirkcaldy) v Kelly: PC 11 Feb 2003

PC (The High Court of Justiciary) The minuter challenged the role of the legal adviser to the district courts in Scotland, and as to his independence. Held: The legal adviser was not subject to the same system of appointments as the justices. However the system provided for a right of appeal (section 175) on questions … Continue reading Clark (Procurator Fiscal, Kirkcaldy) v Kelly: PC 11 Feb 2003

Imperial Tobacco Ltd v The Lord Advocate: SC 12 Dec 2012

The claimant company said that the 2010 Act was outside the competence of the Scottish Parliament insofar as it severely restricted the capacity of those selling cigarettes to display them for sale. They suggested two faults. First, that the subject matters were reserved to the UK Parliament under the 1998 Act. Second that the Act … Continue reading Imperial Tobacco Ltd v The Lord Advocate: SC 12 Dec 2012

Regina (on the Application of Kanagasingham Kariharan and Kanagara) v Secretary of State for the Home Office: CA 30 Jul 2002

The applicants were subject to removal directions following the failures of their applications for asylum had failed. The decisions were made before the Human Rights Act came into effect, but the direction orders were made afterwards. They sought to challenge the directions on Human Rights grounds. Held: They had a right of appeal since the … Continue reading Regina (on the Application of Kanagasingham Kariharan and Kanagara) v Secretary of State for the Home Office: CA 30 Jul 2002

Gough and Another v Chief Constable of Derbyshire: CA 20 Mar 2002

The appellants challenged the legality under European law of orders under the Act restricting their freedom of movement, after suspicion of involvement in football violence. Held: Although the proceedings under which orders were made were civil, the standard of proof required was virtually that of a criminal court. Public policy could be used to justify … Continue reading Gough and Another v Chief Constable of Derbyshire: CA 20 Mar 2002

Dyer v Watson and Burrows: PC 29 Jan 2002

Parties challenged the compliance of proceedings with the convention where there had been considerable delay. Held: The reasonable detention provision (article 5(3)) and the reasonable time requirement (article 6(1)) conferred free-standing rights, which could be broken notwithstanding absence of effect on the fairness of the trial. The threshold for delay was high, but once established … Continue reading Dyer v Watson and Burrows: PC 29 Jan 2002

Lee-Hirons v Secretary of State for Justice: SC 27 Jul 2016

The appellant had been detained in a mental hospital after a conviction. Later released, he was recalled, but he was not given written reasons as required by a DoH circular. However the SS referred the recall immediately to the Tribunal. He appealed from refusal of a finding that his subsequent detention had been unlawful. Held: … Continue reading Lee-Hirons v Secretary of State for Justice: SC 27 Jul 2016

Lee-Hirons, Regina (on The Application of) v The Secretary of State for Justice and Another: CA 1 May 2014

The Court was asked significant questions as to the procedure to be followed when a person is recalled by the Secretary of State to be detained in a hospital under the power conferred by section 42(3) of the Mental Health Act 1983. The Appellant contends that his recall was effected unlawfully, and that his subsequent … Continue reading Lee-Hirons, Regina (on The Application of) v The Secretary of State for Justice and Another: CA 1 May 2014

Jalloh, Regina (on the application of) v Secretary of State for the Home Department: SC 12 Feb 2020

Claim for damages for false imprisonment brought in judicial review proceedings challenging the legality of a curfew imposed upon the claimant, purportedly under paragraph 2(5) of Schedule 3 to the Immigration Act 1971. Held: The Court of Appeal in Austin and in Walker were right to say that there could be imprisonment at common law … Continue reading Jalloh, Regina (on the application of) v Secretary of State for the Home Department: SC 12 Feb 2020

Porter, Searle and Others, Berry and Harty v South Buckinghamshire District Council, Chichester District Council, Wrexham County Borough Council, Hertsmere Borough Councilt: CA 12 Oct 2001

Local authorities had obtained injunctions preventing the defendants from taking up occupation, where they had acquired land with a view to living on the plots in mobile homes, but where planning permission had been refused. The various defendants appealed on the basis that the authorities had failed to make proper allowance for their human rights. … Continue reading Porter, Searle and Others, Berry and Harty v South Buckinghamshire District Council, Chichester District Council, Wrexham County Borough Council, Hertsmere Borough Councilt: CA 12 Oct 2001

Hatton and Others v United Kingdom: ECHR 2 Oct 2001

The appellants claimed that the licence of over-flying from Heathrow at night, by making sleep difficult, infringed their rights to a family life. The times restricting over-flying had been restricted. The applicants’ complaints fell within a positive duty on the state to take reasonable and appropriate measures to secure the applicants’ rights under article 8.1. … Continue reading Hatton and Others v United Kingdom: ECHR 2 Oct 2001

Salgueiro Da Silva Mouta v Portugal: ECHR 21 Dec 1999

There was a difference in treatment between the applicant and a comparator based on the applicant’s sexual orientation, a concept which is undoubtedly covered by Article 14. The list set out in this provision is of an indicative nature and is not definitive, as is evidenced by the adverb notamment (in English: ‘any ground such … Continue reading Salgueiro Da Silva Mouta v Portugal: ECHR 21 Dec 1999

Johnson v The United Kingdom: ECHR 24 Oct 1997

Mr Johnson awaited trial for crimes of violence. He was diagnosed mentally ill, and on conviction made subject to a hospital order, and restricted without limit of time. He made progress, but was not discharged or re-classified. At a fourth tribunal hearing in June 1989 the opinion was that he was no longer suffering from … Continue reading Johnson v The United Kingdom: ECHR 24 Oct 1997

Mentes and Others v Turkey: ECHR 28 Nov 1997

ECHR Judgment (Merits and just satisfaction) Preliminary objection rejected (non-exhaustion); Not necessary to examine Art. 5; Not necessary to examine Art. 6; Violation of Art. 13; No violation of Art. 14; No violation of Art. 18; No violation of Art. 2; No violation of Art. 3; No violation of Art. 5; No violation of Art. … Continue reading Mentes and Others v Turkey: ECHR 28 Nov 1997

D v The United Kingdom: ECHR 2 May 1997

The applicant, an AIDS sufferer, resisted his removal to St Kitts where lack of medical treatment would hasten his death. Held: The deportation of a convicted person suffering from Aids to a country with less care facilities was inhuman or degrading treatment. ‘In its Vilvarajah and Others judgment and its Soering judgment the Court considered … Continue reading D v The United Kingdom: ECHR 2 May 1997

Akdivar and Others v Turkey: ECHR 16 Sep 1996

ECHR Judgment (Merits and just satisfaction) Preliminary objection rejected (abuse of process); Preliminary objection rejected (non-exhaustion); Violation of Art. 8; Violation of Art. 25-1; Violation of P1-1; No violation of Art. 14; No violation of Art. 18; Not necessary to examine Art. 3; Not necessary to examine Art. 5; Not necessary to examine Art. 6-1; … Continue reading Akdivar and Others v Turkey: ECHR 16 Sep 1996

Loizidou v Turkey: ECHR 23 Mar 1995

(Preliminary objections) The ECHR considered the situation in northern Cyprus when it was asked as to Turkey’s preliminary objections to admissibility: ‘although Article 1 sets limits on the reach of the Convention, the concept of ‘jurisdiction’ under this provision is not restricted to the national territory of the High Contracting Parties. According to its established … Continue reading Loizidou v Turkey: ECHR 23 Mar 1995

Bryan v The United Kingdom: ECHR 22 Nov 1995

Bryan was a farmer at Warrington in Cheshire. He built two brick buildings on land in a conservation area without planning permission and the planning authority served an enforcement notice for their demolition. He appealed on grounds (a) (that planning permission should be granted), (b) (that there had been no breach of planning control) and … Continue reading Bryan v The United Kingdom: ECHR 22 Nov 1995

Norris v Ireland: ECHR 26 Oct 1988

A homosexual man complained that the criminalisation of homosexual conduct in Ireland violated his article 8 right to respect for his private life, although he accepted that the risk of being prosecuted was remote. Held: The court accepted that he was a victim. Even an administrative policy of not prosecuting for the offence in question … Continue reading Norris v Ireland: ECHR 26 Oct 1988

Gaskin v The United Kingdom: ECHR 7 Jul 1989

The applicant complained of ill-treatment while he was in the care of a local authority and living with foster parents. He sought access to his case records held by the local authority but his request was denied. Held: The refusal to allow him access to his records involved a breach of his rights under Article … Continue reading Gaskin v The United Kingdom: ECHR 7 Jul 1989

Regina (Amicus etc) v Secretary of State for Trade and Industry: Admn 26 Apr 2004

The claimants sought a declaration that part of the Regulations were invalid, and an infringement of their human rights. The Regulations sought to exempt church schools from an obligation not to discriminate against homosexual teachers. Held: The Regulation was within the scope of the Directive. Though a member state had some freedom in implementing a … Continue reading Regina (Amicus etc) v Secretary of State for Trade and Industry: Admn 26 Apr 2004

Government of the United States of America v Barnette and another: Admn 2002

The applicant sought to register, under the Act, an order against the funds of the defendant, who replied that the order sought to be registered had been obtained in a way which would infringe her human rights if obtained here. As a fugitive she had not been allowed to defend the claim. Held: If the … Continue reading Government of the United States of America v Barnette and another: Admn 2002

Samaroo and Sezek v Secretary of State for the Home Department: CA 17 Jul 2001

Two foreign nationals with leave to remain in this country committed serious crimes. The Secretary of State ordered their deportation. Held: Where the deportation of a foreigner following a conviction here, would conflict with his human rights, the court had to assess whether the, first, the objective could be achieved by some alternative, less interfering, … Continue reading Samaroo and Sezek v Secretary of State for the Home Department: CA 17 Jul 2001

Wallbank and Wallbank v Parochial Church Council of Aston Cantlow and Wilmcote With Billesley, Warwickshire: CA 17 May 2001

The defendant owned land subject to an inclosure award of 1743, in exchange for other land which had made the owner a lay rector. The land was subject to the burden of a duty to maintain the chancel of the parish church. The defendants had been found liable to repair the chancel, but appealed on … Continue reading Wallbank and Wallbank v Parochial Church Council of Aston Cantlow and Wilmcote With Billesley, Warwickshire: CA 17 May 2001

Regina v Secretary of State for Home Department ex parte Turgut: CA 28 Jan 2000

When the Court of Appeal was asked to look at the decision of the Home Secretary on an appeal to him for asylum, the court should investigate the factual circumstances which lay behind the decision. The court must follow the practice of the European Court of Human Rights in such matters. Where the Home Secretary … Continue reading Regina v Secretary of State for Home Department ex parte Turgut: CA 28 Jan 2000

T, Regina (on The Application of) v Ministry of Justice: Admn 9 Oct 2018

The Claimant brought his application for judicial review, seeking a declaration under s.4(2) of the 1998 Act that s.2(1) of the 1961 Act, which maintained the previous position at common law and makes assisting suicide a criminal offence, is incompatible with the rights of the Claimant under Article 8 of the European Convention of Human … Continue reading T, Regina (on The Application of) v Ministry of Justice: Admn 9 Oct 2018

Mousaka Inc v Golden Seagull Maritime Inc: QBD 30 Jul 2001

There has been no change to the rule that a judge refusing leave to appeal from an arbitration award, need not give his reasons. The rationale is that the question is a threshold one, of whether a particular standard had been reached. It was not a situation where a detailed examination was to be undertaken, … Continue reading Mousaka Inc v Golden Seagull Maritime Inc: QBD 30 Jul 2001

X, Regina (on the Application of) v Y School: Admn 21 Feb 2007

The court was asked whether a school was entitled to refuse to allow a Muslim girl to wear the niqab full face veil at school. The reasons were ‘first educational factors resulting from a teacher being unable to see the face of the girl with a niqab; second the importance of a uniform policy as … Continue reading X, Regina (on the Application of) v Y School: Admn 21 Feb 2007

Savva, Regina (on The Application of) v Royal Borough of Kensington and Chelsea: Admn 11 Mar 2010

The claimant challenged the defendant’s policies on caring for elderly people within the community saying that it provided insufficient funds, and the procedures for review were inadequate and infringed her human rights. Citations: [2010] EWHC 414 (Admin), (2010) 13 CCL Rep 227 Links: Bailii Statutes: Chronically Sick and Disabled Persons Act 1970 2(1), National Health … Continue reading Savva, Regina (on The Application of) v Royal Borough of Kensington and Chelsea: Admn 11 Mar 2010

Regina (Sim) v Parole Board: CA 18 Dec 2003

The prisoner had been sentenced to an extended term of five years imprisonment for indecent assault. He had been released, and then recalled for alleged breaches of his licence. The respondent appealed findings that such a recall was subject to article 5, and that his release would be mandatory under s44A(b) if his continued detention … Continue reading Regina (Sim) v Parole Board: CA 18 Dec 2003

Regina v Chief Constable for North Wales Police Area Authority ex parte AB and CD etc: Admn 10 Jul 1997

The police have power to release limited information about offenders. In this case known paedophiles were staying at a campsite, and their criminal record was disclosed to the site owner. There was no harrassment under s3 of the 1968 Act. On any duty of confidence: ‘I have great difficulty in accepting that the information which … Continue reading Regina v Chief Constable for North Wales Police Area Authority ex parte AB and CD etc: Admn 10 Jul 1997

Regina v Lord Chancellor ex parte John Witham: Admn 7 Mar 1997

If subordinate legislation cannot be construed in a way that makes it compatible with fundamental rights, it will be declared ultra vires. Rules which disallowed exemptions from court fees to a litigant in person on income support were invalid. They infringed the rule allowing access to justice. The common law had given special weight to … Continue reading Regina v Lord Chancellor ex parte John Witham: Admn 7 Mar 1997

Gilham v Ministry of Justice: SC 16 Oct 2019

The Court was asked whether a district judge qualifies as a ‘worker’ for the purpose of the protection given to whistle-blowers under Part IVA of the 1996 Act, and if not then was the absence of protection an infringement of her human rights. Held: As an office holder, she was neither employee nor worker, and … Continue reading Gilham v Ministry of Justice: SC 16 Oct 2019

Raymond Christopher Betts, John Anthony Hall v Regina: CACD 9 Feb 2001

The defendants appealed convictions for causing grievous bodily harm. During interviw, the solicitor had advised that since the police had failed to make proper disclosure of the evidence, his client should not answer. He now appealed complaining of the judge’s direction as to the the conclusions to be drawn by the jury from his silence. … Continue reading Raymond Christopher Betts, John Anthony Hall v Regina: CACD 9 Feb 2001

Regina v John Spear, Philip Hastie and David Morton Boyd: CMAC 15 Jan 2001

The fact that the President of a Court Martial was appointed within the same authority as was prosecuting, did not necessarily mean that the tribunal was not impartial. Such officers were typically appointed at the end of their careers, and they were appointed for a fixed term. There was no history of them being removed, … Continue reading Regina v John Spear, Philip Hastie and David Morton Boyd: CMAC 15 Jan 2001

Imutran Ltd v Uncaged Campaigns Ltd and Another: ChD 11 Jan 2001

The test for whether an interim injunction should be granted restraining publication of material claimed to be confidential, where such a grant would infringe the right to freedom of expression was slightly different under the 1998 Act. The established test was whether the claimant had a real prospect of succeeding at trial in restraining publication, … Continue reading Imutran Ltd v Uncaged Campaigns Ltd and Another: ChD 11 Jan 2001

Catt v The Commissioner of Police of The Metropolis: Admn 30 May 2012

The claimant objected to the retention of data about him as to his attendance at assorted political protests. He had not engaged in criminality. Judges: Gross LJ, Irwin J Citations: [2012] EWHC 1471 (Admin), [2012] HRLR 23 Links: Bailii Statutes: European Convention on Human Rights 8, Data Protection Act 1998 Jurisdiction: England and Wales Cited … Continue reading Catt v The Commissioner of Police of The Metropolis: Admn 30 May 2012

Al-Jedda, Regina (on the Application of) v Secretary of State for Defence: Admn 12 Aug 2005

The claimant was born an Iraqi, but had been granted British Nationality. He was later detained in Iraq suspected of membership of a terrorist group. No charges were brought, and he complained that his article 5 rights were infringed. The defendant argued that UN resolution 1546 requiring it to maintain order in Iraq displaced the … Continue reading Al-Jedda, Regina (on the Application of) v Secretary of State for Defence: Admn 12 Aug 2005

Cameron and others v Network Rail Infrastructure Ltd: QBD 18 May 2006

The claimant sought damages from the defendant after the death of her father in the Potters Bar rail crash. The defendant applied for summary judgment saying that English law did not recognise a claim by a family member of a deceased save through the claim of the estate itself. The claimant said that this would … Continue reading Cameron and others v Network Rail Infrastructure Ltd: QBD 18 May 2006

Regina v Immigration Appeal Tribunal and Another ex parte Shah: HL 25 Mar 1999

Both applicants, Islam and Shah, citizens of Pakistan, but otherwise unconnected with each other, had suffered violence in Pakistan after being falsely accused them of adultery. Both applicants arrived in the UK and were granted leave to enter as visitors for six months. Both applicants subsequently applied for asylum on the ground that having been … Continue reading Regina v Immigration Appeal Tribunal and Another ex parte Shah: HL 25 Mar 1999

Regina (Wardle) v Leeds Crown Court: HL 24 May 2001

The defendant had been held in custody awaiting committal on a murder charge. An additional charge of manslaughter was added. The defendant argued that this did not constitute a new offence so as to allow an extension of custody time limits. Held: The issue was the actual information laid before the magistrates and whether the … Continue reading Regina (Wardle) v Leeds Crown Court: HL 24 May 2001

Notting Hill Housing Trust v Brackley and Another: CA 24 Apr 2001

One of two joint tenants was able to give a notice to quit a joint periodic tenancy, without first referring to the co-tenant. If this was inappropriate, then it was for Parliament to change the law. Such a notice was not the exercise of a ‘function’ relating to the land within the Act, and accordingly … Continue reading Notting Hill Housing Trust v Brackley and Another: CA 24 Apr 2001

Attorney General’s Reference (No 2 of 2001): CACD 12 Jul 2001

When assessing whether the defendant’s right to a trial within a reasonable time had been infringed, the court should look as from the date at which he was charged, or served with a summons, and not from the date of the first interview. Although a suspect could suffer material prejudice from the date of the … Continue reading Attorney General’s Reference (No 2 of 2001): CACD 12 Jul 2001

Kelly (A Minor) v British Broadcasting Corporation: FD 25 Jul 2000

K, aged 16, had left home to join what was said to be a religious sect. His whereabouts were unknown. He had been made a ward of court and the Official Solicitor was appointed to represent his interests. He had sent messages to say that he was well and did not wish to return. The … Continue reading Kelly (A Minor) v British Broadcasting Corporation: FD 25 Jul 2000

Bowman v Fels (Bar Council and Others intervening): CA 8 Mar 2005

The parties had lived together in a house owned in the defendant’s name and in which she claimed an interest. The claimant’s solicitors notified NCIS that they thought the defendant had acted illegally in setting off against his VAT liability the VAT on works carried out on his own property. Because of the delay which … Continue reading Bowman v Fels (Bar Council and Others intervening): CA 8 Mar 2005

Energy Financing Team Ltd and others v The Director of the Serious Fraud Office, Bow Street Magistrates Court: Admn 22 Jul 2005

The claimants sought to set aside warrants and executions under them to provide assistance to a foreign court investigating alleged unlawful assistance to companies in Bosnia Herzegovina. Held: The issue of such a warrant was a serious step. The court gave guidance on the practice to be followed, but it was not correct for the … Continue reading Energy Financing Team Ltd and others v The Director of the Serious Fraud Office, Bow Street Magistrates Court: Admn 22 Jul 2005

Nilsen, Regina (on the Application of) v Governor of HMP Full Sutton and Another: Admn 19 Dec 2003

The prisoner complained that having written an autobiography, the manuscript materials had been withheld, and that this interfered with his rights of freedom of expression. Held: Such an action by the prison authorities was not incompatible with the prisoner’s rights. The materials were not privileged, but were intended for publication contrary to the standing orders. … Continue reading Nilsen, Regina (on the Application of) v Governor of HMP Full Sutton and Another: Admn 19 Dec 2003

L v United Kingdom: ECHR 5 Oct 2004

The claimant had suffered mental illness and threatened to hurt himself. He was taken into hospital as a voluntary patient, but in effect detained compulsorily. He lacked capacity to consent to medical treatment. Held: The holding of a patient informally amounted to a detention, and that detention was unlawful. It made no difference whether the … Continue reading L v United Kingdom: ECHR 5 Oct 2004

Agyarko and Ikuga, Regina (on The Applications of) v Secretary of State for The Home Department: SC 22 Feb 2017

Applications were made by foreign nationals, residing unlawfully in the UK, for leave to remain as the partners of British citizens with whom they had formed relationships during their unlawful residence, relying primarily on the duty imposed on the Secretary of State by the 1998 Act to act compatibly with the right to respect for … Continue reading Agyarko and Ikuga, Regina (on The Applications of) v Secretary of State for The Home Department: SC 22 Feb 2017

Smith v Secretary of State for Trade and Industry: EAT 15 Oct 1999

The claimant had been sole director of a company which went into liquidation. He sought a redundancy payment from the respondent under the 1996 Act. It was refused. The tribunal had applied Buchan. It had refused to hear an argument that the tribunal chairman was also employed by the respondent and could not therefore be … Continue reading Smith v Secretary of State for Trade and Industry: EAT 15 Oct 1999

Crown Prosecution Service v Bentham: Admn 2003

At the trial of a substantive claim for declarations of property rights in the context of confiscation proceedings under the 1986 Act, two interested parties sought to dismissal or stay of the claims dismissed for delay. The proceedings went back to arrests and orders in 1993. Reliance was placed upon Article 6 of the ECHR. … Continue reading Crown Prosecution Service v Bentham: Admn 2003

Re B (Disclosure to other parties): FD 2001

There was a dispute as to whether one of the fathers involved in the proceedings should have access to certain documents, including psychiatric reports, relating to the mother, her husband and the children. Munby J considered the effect of human rights law on the disclosure procedures in children proceedings. Held: Whilst an entitlement to a … Continue reading Re B (Disclosure to other parties): FD 2001

Douglas v North Tyneside Metropolitan Borough Council: CA 19 Dec 2003

The applicant had sought a student loan to support his studies as a mature student. It was refused because he would be over 55 at the date of the commencement of the course. He claimed this was discriminatory. Held: The Convention required the state not to prevent access to education, not a duty to subsidise … Continue reading Douglas v North Tyneside Metropolitan Borough Council: CA 19 Dec 2003

Attorney-General’s Reference (No 2 of 2001): HL 11 Dec 2003

The house was asked whether it might be correct to stay criminal proceedings as an abuse where for delay. The defendants were prisoners in a prison riot in 1998. The case only came on for trial in 2001, when they submitted that the delay was an abuse. Held: The defendants had a right to a … Continue reading Attorney-General’s Reference (No 2 of 2001): HL 11 Dec 2003

Associated Provincial Picture Houses Ltd v Wednesbury Corporation: CA 10 Nov 1947

Administrative Discretion to be Used Reasonably The applicant challenged the manner of decision making as to the conditions which had been attached to its licence to open the cinema on Sundays. It had not been allowed to admit children under 15 years of age. The statute provided no appeal procedure, and the applicant sought a … Continue reading Associated Provincial Picture Houses Ltd v Wednesbury Corporation: CA 10 Nov 1947

Francis v Secretary of State for Work and Pensions: CA 10 Nov 2005

The applicant had sought payment of a ‘Sure Start’ maternity grant. She had obtained a residence order in respect of her sister’s baby daughter who had been taken into care. She said that a payment would have been made to the partner of a mother or an adopter, and that she should be similarly entitled. … Continue reading Francis v Secretary of State for Work and Pensions: CA 10 Nov 2005

General Mediterranean Holdings SA v Patel and Another: QBD 19 Jul 1999

The new Civil Procedure Rules were ultra vires and invalid insofar as they purported to remove any right of a solicitor’s client to assert his right of confidence as against his solicitor. The solicitor was therefore unable in this case to defend himself against a wasted costs order, but the court could allow for the … Continue reading General Mediterranean Holdings SA v Patel and Another: QBD 19 Jul 1999

Regina v Bartle and Commissioner of Police for the Metropolis and Others, ex parte Pinochet Ugarte; Regina v Evans and Similar (No 3): HL 24 Mar 1999

An application to extradite a former head of state for an offence which was not at the time an offence under English law would fail, but could proceed in respect of allegations of acts after that time. No immunity was intended for heads of state. International law prohibiting torture has the character of jus cogens … Continue reading Regina v Bartle and Commissioner of Police for the Metropolis and Others, ex parte Pinochet Ugarte; Regina v Evans and Similar (No 3): HL 24 Mar 1999

Jones v Ministry of Interior for the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and others: HL 14 Jun 2006

The claimants said that they had been tortured by Saudi police when arrested on false charges. They sought damages, and appealed against an order denying jurisdiction over the defendants. They said that the allegation of torture allowed an exception to state immunity. Held: The Kingdom’s appeal succeeded. The protection of state immunity was essentially a … Continue reading Jones v Ministry of Interior for the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and others: HL 14 Jun 2006

In re a local authority (Inquiry: restraint on publication); A Local Authority v A Health Authority and A: FD 27 Nov 2003

The authority had carried out an inquiry into its handling of an application for a care order. It sought to restrain republication of the report. Held: There were competing requirements under the Convention. Any jurisdiction to restrain publication must be exercised in such circumstances only to protect the children involved. The scope to act for … Continue reading In re a local authority (Inquiry: restraint on publication); A Local Authority v A Health Authority and A: FD 27 Nov 2003

Regina v Davis; Regina v Rowe; Regina v Johnson: CA 10 Mar 1993

Guidance was given on the procedures to be followed for applications for non-disclosure for public interest immunity. The court identified three types of case. In the first, and most frequent case the prosecution must notify the defence of the application, and indicate at least the category of material held and the broad ground of the … Continue reading Regina v Davis; Regina v Rowe; Regina v Johnson: CA 10 Mar 1993

Sidabras and Dziautas v Lithuania: ECHR 27 Jul 2004

Former KGB officers had been banned from employment in a range of public and private sector jobs, including as lawyers, notaries, bank employees and in the teaching profession. They complained of infringement of Article 8 taken alone and also in conjunction with Article 14. The Government submitted that Article 8 was not applicable as it … Continue reading Sidabras and Dziautas v Lithuania: ECHR 27 Jul 2004

Walden v Liechtenstein: ECHR 16 Mar 2000

The Liechtenstein constitutional court had held that the unequal pension treatment afforded to married and unmarried couples was unconstitutional. The constitutional court did not set aside the existing legislation, given the practical difficulties involved and given also that a comprehensive legal reform guaranteeing gender equality in social security law was in course of preparation. New … Continue reading Walden v Liechtenstein: ECHR 16 Mar 2000