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Ministry of Defence v Wallis and Another: EAT 30 Jul 2010

EAT JURISDICTIONAL POINTS – Working outside the jurisdiction The Claimants were wives of service personnel working at NATO headquarters in Belgium and in the Netherlands – Because of that status they were eligible for, and they obtained, employment in schools attached to those headquarters – They were dismissed when their husbands’ service came to an … Continue reading Ministry of Defence v Wallis and Another: EAT 30 Jul 2010

Churchill Insurance Company Ltd v Wilkinson and Others: CA 19 May 2010

The various insured defendants had been driven in the insured vehicles by a non-insured driver. Suffering injury at the negligence of the driver, they recovered variously damages. Their insurance companies sought recovery of the sums paid from their respective insureds under the policy terms, section 151 and under European law. Appeals and cross appeals were … Continue reading Churchill Insurance Company Ltd v Wilkinson and Others: CA 19 May 2010

Barry v Midland Bank Plc: HL 22 Jul 1999

The defendant implemented a voluntary retirement scheme under which benefits were calculated according to the period of service of the employee. The plaintiff claimed that the scheme discriminated against workers who had taken career breaks, and therefore against women. Held: A severance pay scheme, which calculated the amount payable according to length of service and … Continue reading Barry v Midland Bank Plc: HL 22 Jul 1999

A and B, Regina (on The Application of) v Secretary of State for Health: SC 14 Jun 2017

The court was asked: ‘Was it unlawful for the Secretary of State for Health, the respondent, who had power to make provisions for the functioning of the National Health Service in England, to have failed to make a provision which would have enabled women who were citizens of the UK, but who were usually resident … Continue reading A and B, Regina (on The Application of) v Secretary of State for Health: SC 14 Jun 2017

Coats v Strathclyde Fire Board: EAT 3 Nov 2009

EAT Firefighter, who was also trade union health and safety representative, claimed that, having made a protected disclosure, he had suffered a detriment (section 44 of the Employment Rights Act 1996) and been refused permission as a health and safety representative to take time off for the performance of health and safety functions. Claim dismissed. … Continue reading Coats v Strathclyde Fire Board: EAT 3 Nov 2009

Cornwall County Council v Prater: CA 24 Feb 2006

The claimant worked for the local authority under a series of contracts. The employer denied that she had been continuously employed and there was no ‘irreducible minimum mutual obligation necessary to create a contract of service’. There were times when she had no work. Held: Given the authorities there was ample reason to find a … Continue reading Cornwall County Council v Prater: CA 24 Feb 2006

Clark v Oxfordshire Health Authority: CA 18 Dec 1997

A nurse was employed under a contract, under which there was no mutuality of obligation; she could refuse work and employer need offer none. This meant that there was no employment capable of allowing an unfair dismissal issue to arise.Sir Christopher Slade summarised as follows: ‘Principles governing appeals from an industrial tribunal At first impression … Continue reading Clark v Oxfordshire Health Authority: CA 18 Dec 1997

Carmichael and Another v National Power Plc: HL 24 Jun 1999

Tour guides were engaged to act ‘on a casual as required basis’. The guides later claimed to be employees and therefore entitled by statute to a written statement of their terms of employment. Their case was that an exchange of correspondence between the parties in March 1989 constituted a contract, which was to be classified … Continue reading Carmichael and Another v National Power Plc: HL 24 Jun 1999

Kennedy v The Charity Commission: SC 26 Mar 2014

The claimant journalist sought disclosure of papers acquired by the respondent in its conduct of enquiries into the charitable Mariam appeal. The Commission referred to an absolute exemption under section 32(2) of the 2000 Act, saying that the exemption continued until the papers were destroyed, or for 20 years under the 1958 Act. Held: The … Continue reading Kennedy v The Charity Commission: SC 26 Mar 2014

Clyde and Co LLP and Another v van Winkelhof: SC 21 May 2014

Solicitor Firm Member was a Protected Worker The solicitor appellant had been a member of the firm, a limited liability partnership. She disclosed criminal misbehaviour by a partner in a branch in Africa. On dismissal she sought protection as a whistleblower. This was rejected, it being found that a member of such a firm was … Continue reading Clyde and Co LLP and Another v van Winkelhof: SC 21 May 2014

Walker v Northumberland County Council: QBD 16 Nov 1994

The plaintiff was a manager within the social services department. He suffered a mental breakdown in 1986, and had four months off work. His employers had refused to provide the increased support he requested. He had returned to work, but again, did not receive the staff or guidance to allow him to do the work … Continue reading Walker v Northumberland County Council: QBD 16 Nov 1994

Salford Royal NHS Foundation Trust v Roldan: EAT 2 Sep 2009

EAT UNFAIR DISMISSALS.98A(2) ERAPolkey deductionContributory faultThe Employment Tribunal erred when if found procedural defects in the investigation by the Respondent of the allegations of the Claimant’s misconduct. In any event it ought to have allowed evidence and considered Employment Rights Act 1996 s 98A(2).It wrongly awarded compensation beyond the 6 weeks it found it would … Continue reading Salford Royal NHS Foundation Trust v Roldan: EAT 2 Sep 2009

Edwards v Chesterfield Royal Hospital NHS Foundation Trust: QBD 31 Jul 2009

The claimant, a consultant surgeon had been subject to disciplinary proceedings by his employer. They were however conducted in a manner which breached his contract. The GMC had summarily dismissed the same allegations. The claimant now appealed against an award by the county court judge which had limited his damages to loss of earnings only. … Continue reading Edwards v Chesterfield Royal Hospital NHS Foundation Trust: QBD 31 Jul 2009

Countryside Alliance and others v HM Attorney General and others: Admn 29 Jul 2005

The various claimants sought to challenge the 2004 Act by way of judicial review on the grounds that it was ‘a disproportionate, unnecessary and illegitimate interference with their rights to choose how they conduct their lives, and with market freedoms protected by European law; and an unjust interference with economic rights.’ Held: ‘We have concluded … Continue reading Countryside Alliance and others v HM Attorney General and others: Admn 29 Jul 2005

Cambridge and Peterborough Foundation NHS Trust v Crouchman: EAT 8 May 2009

EAT JURISDICTIONAL POINTS – Extension of time: reasonably practicableClaimant dismissed for misconduct – Internal appeal panel decision announced orally without reasons two days before expiry of three-month limit under s. 111 (2) of Employment Rights Act 1996 – On basis of oral decision, Claimant believes ‘hopeless’ to bring unfair dismissal claim – On receipt of … Continue reading Cambridge and Peterborough Foundation NHS Trust v Crouchman: EAT 8 May 2009

Cortest Ltd v O’Toole: EAT 7 Nov 2007

EAT Unfair dismissal – Constructive dismissal – Dismissal/ambiguous resignation – Reason for dismissal including substantial other reason – Automatically unfair reasonsDismissal or resignation. The interpretation of s.57A ERA 1996. Mistaken belief employee had resigned when may in fact have been a fair reason for dismissal. 1-2 months off work to care for dependants – held … Continue reading Cortest Ltd v O’Toole: EAT 7 Nov 2007

Muschett v Parkwood Healthcare: EAT 16 Mar 2009

EAT UNFAIR DISMISSAL: Constructive dismissal The Employment Tribunal did not approach the question of constructive unfair dismissal in a last straw case by reference to the steps in Omilaju. To take an analytic approach and ask of each event whether the Claimant had proved a breach or fundamental breach of contract was an error. Appeal … Continue reading Muschett v Parkwood Healthcare: EAT 16 Mar 2009

Alemo-Herron v Parkwood Leisure Ltd: EAT 12 Jan 2009

EAT TRANSFER OF UNDERTAKINGS: Acquired rights directive TRANSFER OF UNDERTAKINGS: Varying terms of employment As a matter of construction of TUPE Reg 5(1), a contractual term entitling employees to pay ‘in accordance with collective agreements negotiated from time to time by [the NJC]’ is protected on a TUPE transfer to the private sector so as … Continue reading Alemo-Herron v Parkwood Leisure Ltd: EAT 12 Jan 2009

Selvarajan v Wilmot and others: CA 23 Jul 2008

The appellant had employed the three claimants in his medical surgery, but they claimed automatic unfair dismissal when the practice closed on his suspension from practice and the statutory procedures were followed but not to the procedural standard, alleging unreasonable delay in the appeals. Held: The employer’s appeal succeeded. The employees’ appeals failed. There was … Continue reading Selvarajan v Wilmot and others: CA 23 Jul 2008

Oyarce v Cheshire County Council: CA 2 May 2008

The court was asked as to whether the provisions for the reversal of the burden of proof in discrimination cases was limited to findings of discrimination or extended also to issues of victimisation, and as to whether section 5A had properly incorporated the European Directive. Held: The test in section 54A and in Igen v … Continue reading Oyarce v Cheshire County Council: CA 2 May 2008

New Southern Railway Ltd v Quinn: EAT 28 Nov 2005

The claimant said that she had been discriminated against on the ground of her pregnancy having been suspended from her post as duty manager, the company saying that the job involved a risk to her health. The tribunal found that her managers had not conducted a proper assessment, but had assumed a patronising and dismissive … Continue reading New Southern Railway Ltd v Quinn: EAT 28 Nov 2005

Fosh v Cardiff University: EAT 23 Jan 2008

The professor had sought time off to represent another lecturer claiming race discrimination against the University. The University said that her behaviour created a conflict of interest with the University. She continued and herself claimed victimisation. After the case failed, she was herself suspended, and her email account searched from which further disciplinary charges were … Continue reading Fosh v Cardiff University: EAT 23 Jan 2008

Storer v British Gas plc: CA 25 Feb 2000

An industrial tribunal hearing conducted behind the locked doors of the chairman’s office was not held in public, even if, in fact, no member of the public was prevented from attending. The obligation to sit in public was fundamental, and the tribunal had no jurisdiction to conduct itself in this way. The industrial tribunal system … Continue reading Storer v British Gas plc: CA 25 Feb 2000

The New Testament Church of God v Reverend Stewart: CA 19 Oct 2007

The appellant appealed a finding that the respondent had been its employee, saying he was a minister of religion. Held: The judge had been entitled to find an intention to create legal relations, and therefore that the claimant was an employee. ‘The religious beliefs of a community may be such that their manifestation does not … Continue reading The New Testament Church of God v Reverend Stewart: CA 19 Oct 2007

Secretary of State for Justice v Slee: EAT 19 Jul 2007

EAT Unfair Dismissal – Constructive dismissalMaternity Rights and Parental Leave – Sex discriminationThe Claimant was employed as a Magistrates’ Clerk and she brought successful claims to the Employment Tribunal that:(a) Ms Slee (‘the Claimant’) had been constructively unfairly dismissed by The Department for Constitutional Affairs (‘the Respondent’);(b) The Respondent had failed to offer to the … Continue reading Secretary of State for Justice v Slee: EAT 19 Jul 2007

Camden Primary Care Trust v Atchoe: EAT 22 Aug 2006

EAT Unlawful Deduction from Wages – Ready, Willing and Able to Work As the Employment Tribunal had found that the Respondent had the right to take the Claimant off stand-by duties on health and safety grounds, the consequent reduction in pay was not an unauthorised deduction. He was then paid what was properly payable under … Continue reading Camden Primary Care Trust v Atchoe: EAT 22 Aug 2006

Secretary of State for Trade and Industry v Rutherford and others: HL 3 May 2006

The claimant sought to establish that as a male employee, he had suffered sex discrimination in that he lost rights to redundancy pay after the age of retirement where a woman might not. Held: The appeal was dismised. There were very few people affected by the provisions, and provisions were on their face non-dicriminatory. Was … Continue reading Secretary of State for Trade and Industry v Rutherford and others: HL 3 May 2006

Associated Society of Locomotive Engineers and Firemen v Brady: EAT 31 Mar 2006

The reason adduced by the union for the dismissal of the climant was found by the Tribunal on the facts not to be the true reason for dismissal, the true reason being the union executive committee’s political antipathy to Mr Brady. Held: It was highly arguable that a finding that disciplinary proceedings had been commenced … Continue reading Associated Society of Locomotive Engineers and Firemen v Brady: EAT 31 Mar 2006

Regina (on the Application of Mazin Mumaa Galteh Al-Skeini and Others) v The Secretary of State for Defence: CA 21 Dec 2005

The claimants were dependants of Iraqi nationals killed in Iraq. Held: The Military Police were operating when Britain was an occupying power. The question in each case was whether the Human Rights Act applied to the acts of the defendant. The question amounted to whether the officers acted under State Agent Authority within the convention … Continue reading Regina (on the Application of Mazin Mumaa Galteh Al-Skeini and Others) v The Secretary of State for Defence: CA 21 Dec 2005

Kaur v MG Rover Group Ltd: CA 17 Nov 2004

The applicant was employed by the respondent who had a collective agreement with a trade union. Held: Not all elements of the collective agreement need be intended to be legally enforceable. She complained that the collective agreement would have protected her from compulsory redundancy. Keene LJ said: ‘the words relied on by the respondent . … Continue reading Kaur v MG Rover Group Ltd: CA 17 Nov 2004

Chester v Afshar: HL 14 Oct 2004

The claimant suffered back pain for which she required neurosurgery. The operation was associated with a 1-2% risk of the cauda equina syndrome, of which she was not warned. She went ahead with the surgery, and suffered that complication. The evidence established that cauda equina syndrome was a random and inherent risk of the surgery, … Continue reading Chester v Afshar: HL 14 Oct 2004

Morris, Regina (on the Application of) v Westminster City Council and Another: Admn 7 Oct 2004

The applicant questioned the compatibility of s185 of the 1996 Act with Human Rights law. The family sought emergency housing. The child of the family, found to be in priority housing need, was subject also to immigration control. Though the matter had been settled the court was invited to pursue the decision. Held: The Act … Continue reading Morris, Regina (on the Application of) v Westminster City Council and Another: Admn 7 Oct 2004

Safeway Stores Plc v Burrell: EAT 24 Jan 1997

The tribunal set out the test for whether a dismissal was for redundancy: ‘Free of authority, we understand the statutory framework . . involve a three-stage process: (1) was the employee dismissed: If so, (2) had the requirements of the employer’s business for employees to carry out work of a particular kind ceased or diminished, … Continue reading Safeway Stores Plc v Burrell: EAT 24 Jan 1997

The United States of America v Nolan: SC 21 Oct 2015

Mrs Nolan had been employed at a US airbase. When it closed, and she was made redundant, she complained that the appellant had not consulted properly on the redundancies. The US denied that it had responsibility to consult, and now appealed. Held: The appeal failed (Lord Carnworth dissenting). That the exact situation might not have … Continue reading The United States of America v Nolan: SC 21 Oct 2015

Jackson v ICS Group of Companies Ltd: EAT 22 Jan 1998

The claimant appealed against the dismissal of his unfair dismissal application. Not having two years continuous employment he had claimed the protection of section 100 as a whistleblower, but the Tribunal had found that there had been a Health and Safety Committee where he could have made known his concerns about the long hours being … Continue reading Jackson v ICS Group of Companies Ltd: EAT 22 Jan 1998

Khan v Royal Air Force Summary Appeal Court: Admn 7 Oct 2004

The defendant claimed that he had gone absent without leave from the RAF as a conscientous objector. Held: The defendant had not demonstrated by complaint to the RAF that he did object to service in Iraq. In some circumstances where there was no procedure to make his objection known, the failure to do so might … Continue reading Khan v Royal Air Force Summary Appeal Court: Admn 7 Oct 2004

Sajid v Sussex Muslim Society: CA 2 Oct 2001

The defendant appealed against the strike out of parts of its defence. The claimant was employed as the mosque director and imam. He had brought an action in the Industrial Tribunal alleging wrongful dismissal, but notifying the defendants that any excess above what the tribunal could order would be sought in the current action. That … Continue reading Sajid v Sussex Muslim Society: CA 2 Oct 2001

First Greater Western Ltd and Another v Waiyego: EAT 6 Dec 2018

DISABILITY DISCRIMINATION – Compensation DISABILITY DISCRIMINATION – Loss/mitigation DISABILITY DISCRIMINATION – Burden of proof The Law Reform (Contributory Negligence) Act 1945 can apply to some discrimination claims, but reduction of an award for contributory negligence would rarely, if ever, be justified because of the difficulties in applying the concept of ‘fault’ to the victim of … Continue reading First Greater Western Ltd and Another v Waiyego: EAT 6 Dec 2018

Street v Derbyshire Unemployed Workers’ Centre: CA 21 Jul 2004

The claimant alleged that she had been dismissed for making qualifying disclosures about her employers. The employer said that her actions had not been in good faith. The claimant answered that her motive was irrelevant. The claimant appealed dismissal of her claim. Held: The minimum requirement of the Act was that the disclosures were made … Continue reading Street v Derbyshire Unemployed Workers’ Centre: CA 21 Jul 2004

Preston and others v Wolverhampton Healthcare NHS Trust and others: EAT 3 Nov 2003

EAT Judge McMullen QC adopted a limited view of the scope of the new principle of stable employment set out at the ECJ and HL. He thought it was intended ‘to rescue employees who do not have a permanent job’; and that it was confined to cases of the kind considered by the ECJ, that … Continue reading Preston and others v Wolverhampton Healthcare NHS Trust and others: EAT 3 Nov 2003

Carson and Reynolds v Secretary of State for Work and Pensions: CA 17 Jun 2003

The claimant Reynolds challenged the differential treatment by age of jobseeker’s allowance. Carson complained that as a foreign resident pensioner, her benefits had not been uprated. The questions in each case were whether the benefit affected a ‘possession’ within the Convention or the discrimination was arbitrary so as to breach the applicants human rights. Held: … Continue reading Carson and Reynolds v Secretary of State for Work and Pensions: CA 17 Jun 2003

Dunnachie v Kingston Upon Hull City Council; Williams v Southampton Institute; Dawson v Stonham Housing Association: EAT 8 Apr 2003

EAT Unfair Dismissal – CompensationIn each case, The employee sought additional damages for non-economic loss after an unfair dismissal. Held: The Act could be compared with the Discrimination Acts which explicitly awarded damages for hurt feelings. Clear authority lay against such awards in unfair dismissal cases. An Employment Tribunal considering a claim for damages for … Continue reading Dunnachie v Kingston Upon Hull City Council; Williams v Southampton Institute; Dawson v Stonham Housing Association: EAT 8 Apr 2003

Bryant v The Foreign and Commnonwealth Office: EAT 10 Mar 2003

Section 94(1) of the 1996 Act did not apply to protect a British national locally engaged to work in the British Embassy in Rome. Judges: Burton P J Citations: EAT/174/02, [2003] EAT 174 – 02 – 1003, [2003] UKEAT 174 – 02 – 1003 Links: Bailii, Bailii, EAT Statutes: Employment Rights Act 1996 94(1) Cited … Continue reading Bryant v The Foreign and Commnonwealth Office: EAT 10 Mar 2003

Gate Gourmet v J B Jangra: EAT 12 Dec 2000

EAT Unfair Dismissal – OtherThe employer appealed a finding of unfair dismissal and disability discrimination. She suffered an apparently minor injury, but which led to long standing disability with varying diagnoses. The company doctor came to consider it would be a long time before she could return. She was dismissed for capability. Held: There was … Continue reading Gate Gourmet v J B Jangra: EAT 12 Dec 2000

Wilson and NUJ, Palmer, Wyeth and RMT, Doolan and Others v The United Kingdom: ECHR 2 Jul 2002

The appellants were journalists and other workers, and members of trades unions. Their employers had de-recognised the unions, paying sums to buy out those rights. The claimants had not surrendered their rights, and had been paid less because of it. Held: The Act did not protect the employees rights of association as guaranteed by article … Continue reading Wilson and NUJ, Palmer, Wyeth and RMT, Doolan and Others v The United Kingdom: ECHR 2 Jul 2002

Six Continents Retail Ltd (Formerly Bass Taverns Limited T/A Bass Leisure Retail) v Hughes: EAT 19 Apr 2002

The claimant sought damages for sex discrimination after her summary dismissal. Though she received some advice, her application was lodged out of time. For the unfair dismissal and unlawful deductions claims, the test was whether it had been reasonably practicable to act within the time limits, but for the sex discrimination claim, the test was … Continue reading Six Continents Retail Ltd (Formerly Bass Taverns Limited T/A Bass Leisure Retail) v Hughes: EAT 19 Apr 2002

Royal Brompton Hospital National Health Service Trust v Hammond and others: HL 25 Apr 2002

The claimants sought damages against the defendants for their late delivery of a building. The contractors sought to share the damages with the architects who had certified the delays, defeating their own claims. Held: The Act sought to extend the circumstances under which contributions could be sought, but their claim against the architects were of … Continue reading Royal Brompton Hospital National Health Service Trust v Hammond and others: HL 25 Apr 2002

Regina (Amicus etc) v Secretary of State for Trade and Industry: Admn 26 Apr 2004

The claimants sought a declaration that part of the Regulations were invalid, and an infringement of their human rights. The Regulations sought to exempt church schools from an obligation not to discriminate against homosexual teachers. Held: The Regulation was within the scope of the Directive. Though a member state had some freedom in implementing a … Continue reading Regina (Amicus etc) v Secretary of State for Trade and Industry: Admn 26 Apr 2004

Peterbroeck, Van Campenhout and Cie v Belgian State: ECJ 14 Dec 1995

It is a basic principle of European Union law that national law should provide effective legal protection, by establishing a system of legal remedies and procedures which ensure respect for the relevant European law right: ‘For the purposes of applying those principles, each case which raises the question whether a national procedural provision renders application … Continue reading Peterbroeck, Van Campenhout and Cie v Belgian State: ECJ 14 Dec 1995

New Century Cleaning Co Ltd v Church: CA 26 Mar 1999

The employer had withheld ten per cent of the claimant’s wages, Employees worked in teams cleaning windows in office blocks. The team agreed how the fee for the block would be divided. The employer reduced its fees to customers, and accordingly the sums paid to the employees. It now appealed a finding of an unlawful … Continue reading New Century Cleaning Co Ltd v Church: CA 26 Mar 1999

Majrowski v Guy’s and St Thomas’ NHS Trust: CA 16 Mar 2005

The claimant had sought damages against his employer, saying that they had failed in their duty to him under the 1997 Act in failing to prevent harassment by a manager. He appealed a strike out of his claim. Held: The appeal succeeded. The issue is whether an employer may be vicariously liable under section 3 … Continue reading Majrowski v Guy’s and St Thomas’ NHS Trust: CA 16 Mar 2005

O’Donoghue v Redcar and Cleveland Borough Council: CA 17 May 2001

The Tribunal had been entitled to find on the evidence that an employee unfairly dismissed by reason of sex would have been fairly dismissed for misconduct six months later in any event because of her antagonistic and intransigent attitude. The court considered whether damages for unfair dismissal could include an element of compensation for injured … Continue reading O’Donoghue v Redcar and Cleveland Borough Council: CA 17 May 2001

Edwards (Inspector of Taxes) v Bairstow: HL 25 Jul 1955

The House was asked whether a particular transaction was ‘an adventure in the nature of trade’. Held: Although the House accepted that this was ‘an inference of fact’, on the primary facts as found by the Commissioners ‘the true and only reasonable conclusion’ contradicted that decision. The House set out principles for establishing that decisions … Continue reading Edwards (Inspector of Taxes) v Bairstow: HL 25 Jul 1955

Royal Mail Group Ltd v Jhuti: SC 27 Nov 2019

The employee was a whistleblower, but her manager in response bullied her and dismissed her on the grounds of alleged poor performance. J suffered stress and was away from work and unable to defend herself. The decision maker, acting honestly dismissed her. The Court of Appeal allowed the appeal holding that that a tribunal required … Continue reading Royal Mail Group Ltd v Jhuti: SC 27 Nov 2019

Jones v Ministry of Interior for the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and others: HL 14 Jun 2006

The claimants said that they had been tortured by Saudi police when arrested on false charges. They sought damages, and appealed against an order denying jurisdiction over the defendants. They said that the allegation of torture allowed an exception to state immunity. Held: The Kingdom’s appeal succeeded. The protection of state immunity was essentially a … Continue reading Jones v Ministry of Interior for the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and others: HL 14 Jun 2006

Nosworthy v Instinctif Partners Ltd: EAT 28 Feb 2019

UNLAWFUL DEDUCTION FROM WAGES CONTRACT OF EMPLOYMENT – Implied term/variation/construction of term The Claimant was given a small shareholding in her employer as a condition of its sale to the Respondent and sold the shares to them under a Share Purchase Agreement. Part of the consideration for the shares were deferred earn-out shares and loan … Continue reading Nosworthy v Instinctif Partners Ltd: EAT 28 Feb 2019

Voteforce Associates Ltd v K Quinn: EAT 30 Jul 2001

The applicant had worked as a waitress for the company, working as they requested, and also at her own option. She claimed the right to paid leave under the working time regulations. The tribunal found that she had been continuously employed for 13 weeks. The regulations required that the relationship be governed by a contract … Continue reading Voteforce Associates Ltd v K Quinn: EAT 30 Jul 2001

Percy v Church of Scotland Board of National Mission: HL 15 Dec 2005

The claimant appealed after her claim for sex discrimination had failed. She had been dismissed from her position an associate minister of the church. The court had found that it had no jurisdiction, saying that her appointment was not an employment. However the jurisdiction in sex discrimination cases was wider, extending to those who ‘contract … Continue reading Percy v Church of Scotland Board of National Mission: HL 15 Dec 2005

Cassell and Co Ltd v Broome and Another: HL 23 Feb 1972

Exemplary Damages Award in Defamation The plaintiff had been awarded damages for defamation. The defendants pleaded justification. Before the trial the plaintiff gave notice that he wanted additional, exemplary, damages. The trial judge said that such a claim had to have been pleaded. The Court of Appeal had considered Rookes -v- Barnard to have been … Continue reading Cassell and Co Ltd v Broome and Another: HL 23 Feb 1972

Moore v The President of The Methodist Conference: EAT 24 Nov 2010

EAT Jurisdictional Points : Worker, Employee or Neither – The claimant asserted the right not to be unfairly dismissed. She had been an ordained minister in Full Connection of the Methodist church. Held: Leave to appeal granted. Judges: Keith J Citations: [2010] UKEAT 0219 – 10 – 2411 Links: Bailii Statutes: Employment Rights Act 1996 … Continue reading Moore v The President of The Methodist Conference: EAT 24 Nov 2010

Perceval-Price, and others v Department of Economic Development etc: CANI 12 Apr 2000

A full-time a full-time chairman of industrial tribunals, a full time chairman of social security appeal tribunals, and a social security commissioner are workers within the meaning of the European legislation, even though, by domestic legislation they were statutory officers, and so excluded from protection. The word ‘worker’ has a special community meaning, and it … Continue reading Perceval-Price, and others v Department of Economic Development etc: CANI 12 Apr 2000

Dow Jones and Co Inc v Jameel: CA 3 Feb 2005

Presumption of Damage in Defamation is rebuttable The defendant complained that the presumption in English law that the victim of a libel had suffered damage was incompatible with his right to a fair trial. They said the statements complained of were repetitions of statements made by US authorities. The claimant had asserted that no more … Continue reading Dow Jones and Co Inc v Jameel: CA 3 Feb 2005

Mirga v Secretary of State for Work and Pensions, Samin v Westminster City Council: SC 27 Jan 2016

The claimants, a Polish national and an Austrian national, appealed against decisions of the Court of Appeal upholding decisions that they were not entitled to certain benefits, namely income support and housing assistance respectively, pursuant to the provisions of United Kingdom domestic law. Held: The claimants’ appeals failed. When she applied, Ms Mirga was not … Continue reading Mirga v Secretary of State for Work and Pensions, Samin v Westminster City Council: SC 27 Jan 2016

Cavendish Square Holding Bv v Talal El Makdessi; ParkingEye Ltd v Beavis: SC 4 Nov 2015

The court reconsidered the law relating to penalty clauses in contracts. The first appeal, Cavendish Square Holding BV v Talal El Makdessi, raised the issue in relation to two clauses in a substantial commercial contract. The second appeal, ParkingEye Ltd v Beavis, raised the issue at a consumer level, with a separate issue under the … Continue reading Cavendish Square Holding Bv v Talal El Makdessi; ParkingEye Ltd v Beavis: SC 4 Nov 2015

Jeffery v The British Council: EAT 25 Aug 2016

EAT Jurisdictional Points : Working Outside The Jurisdiction – The Claimant was a UK appointed employee of the British Council, the Respondent, working abroad; he was ‘truly expatriate’ and he was not a civil servant. He was, however, employed under a contract of employment which expressly incorporated English law, entitled him to a Civil Service … Continue reading Jeffery v The British Council: EAT 25 Aug 2016

Tattersall v Liverpool Women’s NHS Foundation Trust: EAT 20 Jul 2017

EAT Unlawful Deduction From Wages – CONTRACT OF EMPLOYMENT – Implied term/variation/construction of term The Respondent instructed the deduction of certain on-call payments to the Claimant, an Obstetrician and Gynaecologist employed to undertake both clinical and academic work, for a period during which he had refused to undergo certain health screening checks required of those … Continue reading Tattersall v Liverpool Women’s NHS Foundation Trust: EAT 20 Jul 2017

Birmingham City Council v Lawrence (Disability Discrimination): EAT 2 Jun 2017

EAT DISABILITY DISCRIMINATION – Section 15 DISABILITY DISCRIMINATION – Reasonable adjustments UNFAIR DISMISSAL -Reasonableness of dismissal Disability discrimination – discrimination by means of unfavourable treatment because of something arising in consequence of disability – section 15 Equality Act 2010 Disability discrimination – discrimination by means of a failure to comply with a duty to make … Continue reading Birmingham City Council v Lawrence (Disability Discrimination): EAT 2 Jun 2017

Treska v The Master and Fellows of University and Another (Jurisdictional Points): EAT 21 Apr 2017

EAT JURISDICTIONAL POINTS – Claim in time and effective date of termination JURISDICTIONAL POINTS – Extension of time: reasonably practicable PRACTICE AND PROCEDURE – Costs PRACTICE AND PROCEDURE – Bias, misconduct and procedural irregularity Reconsideration – claim struck out as out of time – correct early conciliation notification and impact on time limit – whether … Continue reading Treska v The Master and Fellows of University and Another (Jurisdictional Points): EAT 21 Apr 2017

Johnson v Transopco Uk Ltd (Worker Status): EAT 18 Jan 2022

The respondent in the employment tribunal operated the Mytaxi App. From 2014 the claimant worked full time in business on his own account as a black-cab (Hackney Carriage) driver in London. In February 2017 he downloaded the driver version of the respondent’s App. Apart from the odd trip in April he did not start to … Continue reading Johnson v Transopco Uk Ltd (Worker Status): EAT 18 Jan 2022

Agarwal v Cardiff University and Another: EAT 22 Mar 2017

EAT Contract of Employment: Implied Term/Variation/Construction of Term -m UNLAWFUL DEDUCTION FROM WAGES The decision of the Court of Appeal in Southern Cross Healthcare Co Ltd v Perkins [2011] ICR 285 that the Employment Tribunal has no jurisdiction to construe a Statement of Written Particulars in a claim under Employment Rights Act 1996 (‘ERA’) section … Continue reading Agarwal v Cardiff University and Another: EAT 22 Mar 2017

Uber Bv and Others v Aslam and Others: SC 19 Feb 2021

Smartphone App Contractors did so as Workers The court was asked whether the employment tribunal was entitled to find that drivers whose work was arranged through Uber’s smartphone application work for Uber under workers’ contracts and so qualify for the national minimum wage, paid annual leave and other workers’ rights; or whether, as Uber contended, … Continue reading Uber Bv and Others v Aslam and Others: SC 19 Feb 2021

RJM, Regina (on the Application of) v Secretary of State for Work and Pensions: HL 22 Oct 2008

The 1987 Regulations provided additional benefits for disabled persons, but excluded from benefit those who had nowhere to sleep. The claimant said this was irrational. He had been receiving the disability premium to his benefits, but this was cancelled when he lost his home. Held: The appeal was dismissed. The disabilty premium, as part of … Continue reading RJM, Regina (on the Application of) v Secretary of State for Work and Pensions: HL 22 Oct 2008

Secretary of State for Work and Pensions v M: HL 8 Mar 2006

The respondent’s child lived with the estranged father for most of each week. She was obliged to contribute child support. She now lived with a woman, and complained that because her relationship was homosexual, she had been asked to pay more than someone in a heterosexual relationship. Held: The claim failed. The regulations had now … Continue reading Secretary of State for Work and Pensions v M: HL 8 Mar 2006

Punch Pub Company Ltd v O’Neill: EAT 23 Jul 2010

EAT UNFAIR DISMISSALReasonableness of dismissalProcedural fairness/automatically unfair dismissalThe Employment Tribunal failed to consider the effect of S98A(2) of the Employment Rights Act 1996. Had it done so it would have been bound to find that had the Respondent followed a fair dismissal procedure the Claimant would have been dismissed in any event. Judges: Serota QC … Continue reading Punch Pub Company Ltd v O’Neill: EAT 23 Jul 2010

Metrolink Ratpdev Ltd v Morris: EAT 15 Dec 2016

EAT UNFAIR DISMISSAL – Automatically unfair reasons UNFAIR DISMISSAL – Reason for dismissal including substantial other reason The Employment Judge erred in holding that dismissal for storing and sharing confidential information for trade union purposes enjoyed the protection of Trade Union and Labour Relations (Consolidation) Act 1992 (‘TULRCA’) section 152. Finding of ‘automatic’ unfair dismissal … Continue reading Metrolink Ratpdev Ltd v Morris: EAT 15 Dec 2016

Kellogg Brown and Root (UK) Ltd v Ewer: EAT 21 Nov 2016

EAT Unfair Dismissal: Reason for Dismissal Including Substantial Other Reason – UNFAIR DISMISSAL – Reasonableness of dismissal REDUNDANCY – Definition REDUNDANCY – Fairness Reason for dismissal – unfair dismissal – statutory redundancy payment Fairness of dismissal – unfair dismissal Both Claimants were dismissed after the Respondent took the decision to close down the workplace in … Continue reading Kellogg Brown and Root (UK) Ltd v Ewer: EAT 21 Nov 2016

Kellogg Brown and Root (UK) Ltd v Fitton: EAT 21 Nov 2016

Unfair Dismissal: Reason for Dismissal Including Substantial Other Reason – UNFAIR DISMISSAL – Reasonableness of dismissal REDUNDANCY – Definition REDUNDANCY – Fairness Reason for dismissal – unfair dismissal – statutory redundancy payment Fairness of dismissal – unfair dismissal Both Claimants were dismissed after the Respondent took the decision to close down the workplace in which … Continue reading Kellogg Brown and Root (UK) Ltd v Fitton: EAT 21 Nov 2016

City of York Council v Grosset: EAT 1 Nov 2016

EAT Disability Discrimination – Section 15 DISABILITY DISCRIMINATION – Justification UNFAIR DISMISSAL – Reasonableness of dismissal Appeal Disability discrimination – unfavourable treatment because of something arising from the consequences of disability – justification – section 15 Equality Act 2010 (‘EqA’) The Claimant – Head of English at a secondary comprehensive school operated by the Respondent … Continue reading City of York Council v Grosset: EAT 1 Nov 2016

Tesco Stores Ltd v Kayani: EAT 8 Sep 2016

Jurisdictional Points : Extension of Time: Reasonably Practicable JURISDICTIONAL POINTS – Extension of time: just and equitable The Claimant had lodged various claims of unfair dismissal and sex (pregnancy related) discrimination, all outwith the relevant three month time limits. During the statutory three month period the Claimant had instructed solicitors and instructed them to raise … Continue reading Tesco Stores Ltd v Kayani: EAT 8 Sep 2016

Parry v Cleaver: HL 5 Feb 1969

PI Damages not Reduced for Own Pension The plaintiff policeman was disabled by the negligence of the defendant and received a disablement pension. Part had been contributed by himself and part by his employer. Held: The plaintiff’s appeal succeeded. Damages for personal injury were not to be reduced by deducting the full net value of … Continue reading Parry v Cleaver: HL 5 Feb 1969

Taiwo and Another v Olaigbe and Others: SC 22 Jun 2016

The claimants had been brought here illegally to act as servants for the defendants. They were taken advantage of and abused. They made several claims, but now appealed against rejection of their claims for discrimination. The court was asked whether discrimination because of, or on grounds of, immigration status amounts to discrimination because of, or … Continue reading Taiwo and Another v Olaigbe and Others: SC 22 Jun 2016

McBride v Scottish Police Authority (Scotland): SC 15 Jun 2016

The court was asked whether the employment tribunal had been correct, after finding that the appellant had been unfairly dismissed, to order her reinstatement. She had worked as a fingerprint officer, but her reinstatement was to be on terms that she should not attend court in her role. The court was now asked whether an … Continue reading McBride v Scottish Police Authority (Scotland): SC 15 Jun 2016

Arley Homes North West Ltd v Cosgrave: EAT 14 Apr 2016

EAT Unlawful Deduction From Wages – Unauthorised deduction of wages – section 13 Employment Rights Act 1996 The Claimant claimed he had been entitled to full pay for 12 months’ sick leave. That contention was founded upon his case that the Respondent had entered into a binding service agreement with him (as its Managing Director) … Continue reading Arley Homes North West Ltd v Cosgrave: EAT 14 Apr 2016

London Borough of Wandsworth v Vining and Others (Unfair Dismissal: Exclusions Including Worker/Jurisdiction): EAT 18 Dec 2015

REDUNDANCY – Collective consultation and information HUMAN RIGHTS The Court of Appeal in Redbridge London Borough Council v Dhinsa and McKinnon [2014] ICR 834 held that the Council’s Parks Constables were in service as a ‘member of a constabulary maintained by virtue of an enactment’ within the meaning of Employment Rights Act 1996 section 200(2) … Continue reading London Borough of Wandsworth v Vining and Others (Unfair Dismissal: Exclusions Including Worker/Jurisdiction): EAT 18 Dec 2015

Prudential Assurance Company Ltd v Revenue and Customs: SC 25 Jul 2018

PAC sought to recover excess advance corporation tax paid under a UK system contrary to EU law. It was now agreed that some was repayable but now the quantum. Five issues separated the parties. Issue I: does EU law require the tax credit to be set by reference to the overseas tax actually paid, as … Continue reading Prudential Assurance Company Ltd v Revenue and Customs: SC 25 Jul 2018

Regina (Nadarajah) v Secretary of State for the Home Department; Abdi v Secretary of State for the Home Department: CA 22 Nov 2005

The asylum applicant challenged a certificate given by the respondent that the claim for asylum was manifestly ill-founded. The respondent had made a mistake in applying the appropriate policy, but had sought to correct the error. The claimants asserted that a legitimate expectation had been created. Held: The abiding principle which underpins the legitimate expectation … Continue reading Regina (Nadarajah) v Secretary of State for the Home Department; Abdi v Secretary of State for the Home Department: CA 22 Nov 2005

Finucane, Re Application for Judicial Review: SC 27 Feb 2019

(Northern Ireland) The deceased solicitor was murdered in his home in 1989, allegedly by loyalists. They had never been identified, though collusion between security forces and a loyalist paramilitary was established. The ECHR and a judge led inquiry had said that a proper investigation was required. A promised inquiry under the 2005 Act was objected … Continue reading Finucane, Re Application for Judicial Review: SC 27 Feb 2019

The Law Society v Kamlesh Bahl: EAT 7 Jul 2003

EAT Sex Discrimination – DirectThe complainant had been suspended from her position as Vice President of the Law Society. The Society and its officers appealed findings of sex and race discrimination against her. The complainant appealed findings that she had lied to the tribunal on oath, and that the discrimination had been only indirect. Held: … Continue reading The Law Society v Kamlesh Bahl: EAT 7 Jul 2003

Bellinger v Bellinger: HL 10 Apr 2003

Transgender Male to Female not to marry as Female The parties had gone through a form of marriage, but Mrs B had previously undergone gender re-assignment surgery. Section 11(c) of the 1973 Act required a marriage to be between a male and a female. It was argued that the section was incompatible with the claimant’s … Continue reading Bellinger v Bellinger: HL 10 Apr 2003

Corbett v Corbett (otherwise Ashley): FD 1 Feb 1970

There had been a purported marriage in 1963 between a man and a male to female trans-sexual. Held: Because marriage is essentially a union between a man and a woman, the relationship depended on sex, and not on gender. The law should adopt the chromosomal, gonadal and genital tests. If all three are congruent, that … Continue reading Corbett v Corbett (otherwise Ashley): FD 1 Feb 1970

Cossey v The United Kingdom: ECHR 27 Sep 1990

A male to female transsexual who had undergone full gender reassignment surgery wished to marry. The court held that despite the Resolution of the European Parliament on 12th September 1989 and Recommendation 1117 adopted by the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe on 29th September 1989 – both of which sought the encourage the … Continue reading Cossey v The United Kingdom: ECHR 27 Sep 1990

Bolton St Catherine’s Academy v O’Brien: EAT 18 Sep 2015

EAT Unfair Dismissal : Reasonableness of Dismissal DISABILITY DISCRIMINATION – Direct disability discrimination 1. The Respondent is a publicly funded independent school with approximately 1,200 pupils aged eight to 18 and is successor to a school administered by the local authority. The academy is what might be regarded as an ‘urban’ school. Its catchment area … Continue reading Bolton St Catherine’s Academy v O’Brien: EAT 18 Sep 2015

Malone v The United Kingdom: ECHR 2 Aug 1984

COURT (PLENARY) The complainant asserted that his telephone conversation had been tapped on the authority of a warrant signed by the Secretary of State, but that there was no system to supervise such warrants, and that it was not therefore in ‘accordance with law’. The taps were based on a non-binding and unpublished directive from … Continue reading Malone v The United Kingdom: ECHR 2 Aug 1984

London Borough of Lewisham v Malcolm: HL 25 Jun 2008

Unrelated Detriment was no Discrimination The tenant had left his flat and sublet it so as to allow the landlord authority an apparently unanswerable claim for possession. The authority appealed a finding that they had to take into account the fact that the tenant was disabled and make reasonable adjustments. Held: The authority’s appeal succeeded. … Continue reading London Borough of Lewisham v Malcolm: HL 25 Jun 2008

Home Office v Tariq: CA 4 May 2010

The claimant began proceedings against his employer, the Immigration Service after his security clearance was withdrawn. He complained that the respondent had been allowed by the Tribunal to present evidence he was not himself allowed to see and challenge. The EAT had approved this use of a closed material procedure. Held: The appeal succeeded. Every … Continue reading Home Office v Tariq: CA 4 May 2010

Unison, Regina (on The Application of) v Lord Chancellor: SC 26 Jul 2017

The union appellant challenged the validity of the imposition of fees on those seeking to lay complaints in the Employment Tribunal system. Held: The appeal succeeded. The fees were discriminatory and restricted access to justice. The consequence of the order had been very substantially to reduce the number of cases coming before the tribunal, and: … Continue reading Unison, Regina (on The Application of) v Lord Chancellor: SC 26 Jul 2017

Philips Components Ltd v Scott and Another: EAT 6 Feb 2003

[2003] UKEAT 0609 – 01 – 0602 Bailii England and Wales Cited by: Applied – S Singh, R Katechia S Dhillon J Bissember v Ford Motor Company Ltd P S Gill EAT 11-Jun-2004 The Employment Tribunal was wrong to conclude that its jurisdiction under section 13 of Employment Rights Act 1996 was ousted by section … Continue reading Philips Components Ltd v Scott and Another: EAT 6 Feb 2003

Hakki v Instinctif Partners Ltd (Formerly College Hill Ltd): EAT 16 Jul 2014

EAT Redundancy : Definition – UNFAIR DISMISSAL – Reason for dismissal including substantial other reason – Reasonableness of dismissal – Whether the Employment Tribunal was entitled to hold that two new posts replacing a single post held by the Claimant involved a diminutive in the requirement for employee(s) to do work of a particular kind … Continue reading Hakki v Instinctif Partners Ltd (Formerly College Hill Ltd): EAT 16 Jul 2014