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Bank Mellat v Her Majesty’s Treasury (No 1): SC 19 Jun 2013

Closed Material before Supreme Court Under the 2009 order, the appellant Bank had been effectively shut down as to its operations within the UK. It sought to use the appeal procedure, and now objected to the use of closed material procedure. The Supreme Court asked itself whether it was possible for the Supreme Court to … Continue reading Bank Mellat v Her Majesty’s Treasury (No 1): SC 19 Jun 2013

Modaresi, Regina (on The Application of) v Secretary of State for Health: SC 24 Jul 2013

The Court was asked: ‘As: (i) a public body with obligations in public law and (ii) a public authority under the Human Rights Act 1998 can the Secretary of State for Health ‘the S/S’ lawfully refuse to refer a patient’s case to the First-tier Mental Health Review Tribunal ‘MHRT’ under section 67(1) of the Mental … Continue reading Modaresi, Regina (on The Application of) v Secretary of State for Health: SC 24 Jul 2013

E.On Foldgaz Trade Zrt v Magyar Energetikai es Kozmu-szabalyozasi Hivatal: ECJ 19 Mar 2015

ECJ Judgment – Reference for a preliminary ruling – Internal market in natural gas -Directive 2003/55/EC – Article 25 – Directive 2009/73/EC – Articles 41 and 54 – Temporal application -Regulation (EC) No 1775/2005 – Article 5 – Capacity allocation mechanisms and congestion management procedures – Decision of a regulatory authority – Right to bring … Continue reading E.On Foldgaz Trade Zrt v Magyar Energetikai es Kozmu-szabalyozasi Hivatal: ECJ 19 Mar 2015

The Mental Health Trust and Others v DD and Another: CoP 4 Feb 2015

DD, a 36 year old woman with Autistic Spectrum Disorder with additional low IQ, a probable history of abuse, and complex obstetric history. She was in a long term relationship with a man with lower IQ and also some autism. She had had 5 children, and the court had considered already a further sixth pregnancy. … Continue reading The Mental Health Trust and Others v DD and Another: CoP 4 Feb 2015

The Secretary of State for Justice v MM: CA 29 Mar 2017

Power of FTT to deprive patient of liberty Two patients who had been confined to a secure hospital, appealed against orders which would continue to restrict their liberty upon being conditionally released. The parties now disputed the jurisdiction of the FTT to make such an order. Held: The orders made by the UT were set … Continue reading The Secretary of State for Justice v MM: CA 29 Mar 2017

The Secretary of State for Justice v A Local Authority and Others: CA 22 Oct 2021

Appeal from a decision that care workers would not commit a criminal offence under section 39 of the 2003 Act were they to make the practical arrangements for a 27 year old man to visit a sex worker in circumstances where he has capacity (within the meaning of the 2005 Act) to consent to sexual … Continue reading The Secretary of State for Justice v A Local Authority and Others: CA 22 Oct 2021

GW v A Local Authority and Another: CoP 31 Jul 2014

A 48 year old woman, suffering Huntington’s Disease appealed against a decision in the Court of Protection, raising two issues: (1) whether the learned judge erred in law in concluding that GW lacks capacity to leave and return to her residence unescorted and to make decisions concerning her care and residence and (2) whether the … Continue reading GW v A Local Authority and Another: CoP 31 Jul 2014

Hoff and others v Atherton: CA 19 Nov 2004

Appeals were made against pronouncements for the validity of a will and against the validity of an earlier will. The solicitor drawing the will was to receive a benefit, and had requested an independent solicitor to see the testatrix and ensure that she understood it, and that it represented her wishes. He then witnessed the … Continue reading Hoff and others v Atherton: CA 19 Nov 2004

Key and Another v Key and Others: ChD 5 Mar 2010

The will was challenged for want of testamentary capacity. The testator was 89 years old, and the will was made within a week of the death of his wife of 65 years and without the solicitor having taken any proper steps to satisfy himself as to the testator’s testamentary capacity. Held: The will failed. When … Continue reading Key and Another v Key and Others: ChD 5 Mar 2010

Masterman-Lister v Brutton and Co, Jewell and Home Counties Dairies (No 1): CA 19 Dec 2002

Capacity for Litigation The claimant appealed against dismissal of his claims. He had earlier settled a claim for damages, but now sought to re-open it, and to claim in negligence against his former solicitors, saying that he had not had sufficient mental capacity at the time to accept the offer. Held: There is no definition … Continue reading Masterman-Lister v Brutton and Co, Jewell and Home Counties Dairies (No 1): CA 19 Dec 2002

Carr and others v Beaven and others: ChD 29 Oct 2008

The parties contested the validity of a will on the basis of incapacity. Held: The golden rule was for a solicitor to obtain a doctor’s opinion as to the testator’s capacity, but bemoaning the absence of one is crying over spilled milk. At the time when the testator had made the amendments to his instructions … Continue reading Carr and others v Beaven and others: ChD 29 Oct 2008

GJ v The Foundation Trust and Another: FD 20 Nov 2009

The statutory provisions of the 2007 Act for review of standard authorisations were matters that the Court of Protection should take into account in determining whether it should make an order authorising the deprivation of P’s liberty, and if so the extent and period of such an authorisation having regard to the authorities relating to … Continue reading GJ v The Foundation Trust and Another: FD 20 Nov 2009

Independent News and Media Ltd and Others v A: FD 12 Nov 2009

A, an adult and severely disabled, still had remarkable gifts. The newspapers wished to attend and report on proceedings before the Court of Protection. Held: Proceedings in the Court fell within the range of recognised exception for open justice. It was for an applicant to demonstrate good reason why the article ten rights should be … Continue reading Independent News and Media Ltd and Others v A: FD 12 Nov 2009

A Local Authority v MA and others; Re SA (Vulnerable Adult with Capacity: Marriage): FD 15 Dec 2005

Munby J discussed the court’s inherent powers to make orders to protect the welfare of a vulnerable adult: ‘It is elementary that the court exercises its powers by reference to the incompetent adult’s best interests . . The particular form of order will, naturally, depend upon the particular circumstances of the case.’ As to the … Continue reading A Local Authority v MA and others; Re SA (Vulnerable Adult with Capacity: Marriage): FD 15 Dec 2005

Edlington Properties Limited v J H Fenner and Co Limited: CA 22 Mar 2006

The landlord had assigned the reversion of the lease. There was an outstanding dispute with the tenant defendant who owed arrears of rent, but sought to set these off against a claim for damages for the landlord’s failure to construct the factory in the first place. Held: The new landlord was not liable for the … Continue reading Edlington Properties Limited v J H Fenner and Co Limited: CA 22 Mar 2006

British Anzani (Felixstowe) Ltd v International Marine Management (UK) Ltd: ChD 19 Dec 1978

Money expended by a tenant on discharging his landlord’s covenants will in appropriate circumstances operate as a partial or a complete discharge so as to furnish a defence at law to a claim for unpaid rent; and where the tenant has suffered damage by the breach rather than paid money to remedy it, an equitable … Continue reading British Anzani (Felixstowe) Ltd v International Marine Management (UK) Ltd: ChD 19 Dec 1978

G v E (Deputyship and Litigation Friend): CoP 11 Oct 2010

Baker J considered the common law doctrine of necessity as it applied to the medical treatment of adults without mental capacity and the 2005 Act. Held: As to section 5: ‘These provisions do not amount to a general authority to act on behalf of P. Rather, they merely provide a defence in the event that … Continue reading G v E (Deputyship and Litigation Friend): CoP 11 Oct 2010

Re ES: CoP 21 Feb 2014

ES’s son and daughter objected to Kent County Council’s application for the appointment of a panel deputy to manage her property and financial affairs. Lush SJ [2014] EWHC B6, [2014] EWCOP B6 Bailii, Bailii Mental Capacity Act 2005 England and Wales Agency, Health Updated: 03 December 2021; Ref: scu.524671

A Local Authority v SY: CoP 12 Nov 2013

Application by a local authority (‘the authority’) in the Court of Protection in respect of the capacity of the Respondent to litigate and to make decisions in relation to her life. Keehan J [2013] EWCOP 3485 Bailii Mental Capacity Act 2005 Sch A1 Health Updated: 03 December 2021; Ref: scu.524711

Ellis-Carr v Levy (Home Rights : Requirements To Establish Interest): LRA 19 Nov 2013

LRA Family Law Act 1996 – home rights notice – meaning and effect of ‘intention’ in statute – Applicant’s evidence – property never occupied as a matrimonial home – whether husband ever had entitlement to occupy by virtue of a beneficial estate or interest or application – application opposed by Applicant’s husband’s trustee in bankruptcy … Continue reading Ellis-Carr v Levy (Home Rights : Requirements To Establish Interest): LRA 19 Nov 2013

Winterwerp v The Netherlands: ECHR 24 Oct 1979

A Dutch national detained in hospital complained that his detention had divested him of his capacity to administer his property, and thus there had been determination of his civil rights and obligations without the guarantee of a judicial procedure. Held: Article 5(1)(a) is concerned with the question whether the detention is permissible. Its object and … Continue reading Winterwerp v The Netherlands: ECHR 24 Oct 1979

Secretary of State for Justice v MM: SC 28 Nov 2018

The respondent had been detained after conviction for arson, under the 1983 Act, and was liable to indefinite detention in hospital for medical treatment and dischargeable only by the Appellant or the First Tier Tribunal, possibly only as a conditional release. He said that that was discriminatory. Held: (Lord Hughes dissenting) The appeal failed. The … Continue reading Secretary of State for Justice v MM: SC 28 Nov 2018

Baker Tilly (A Firm) v Makar: QBD 27 Mar 2013

The claimant accountants had represented the defendant in a dispute with former employees. They sought payment of their costs, but the claim was stayed until the defendant had the opportunity to to seek representation by a MacKenzie friend after the taxing master became concerned for her health and as to her ability to conduct proceedings. … Continue reading Baker Tilly (A Firm) v Makar: QBD 27 Mar 2013

TAQ v AA: CA 19 Dec 2013

Application for permission to appeal against a decision of dismissing the Appellant’s application under section 21A 2005 Act challenging the lawfulness of a Standard Authorisation made under Schedule A1 of the MCA authorizing the deprivation of his son’s, the first respondent’s liberty. Moses, Black, Gloster LJJ [2013] EWCA Civ 1661, [2014] 1 WLR 3773 Bailii … Continue reading TAQ v AA: CA 19 Dec 2013

Neath and Port Talbot Council v Secretary of State for Health: Admn 31 Jul 2013

The court was asked which of two the local authorities should pay for the continuing care of a man now nearing 50 years of age who suffered severe brain injury in a road traffic accident in 2005. He lacked mental capacity and required 24 hours’ care. The issue of funding in turn depended upon the … Continue reading Neath and Port Talbot Council v Secretary of State for Health: Admn 31 Jul 2013

A NHS Trust v Dr A: CoP 27 Mar 2013

The trust sought a declaration as regards its treatment of Dr A, a resident patient who had begun a hunger strike. The trust sought a declaration as to his capacity and possible compulsory feeding. Baker J [2013] EWHC 2442 (COP) Bailii Mental Capacity Act 2005 Health, Agency Updated: 25 November 2021; Ref: scu.517571

James, Regina v; Regina v Karimi: CACD 25 Jan 2006

The defendants appealed their convictions for murder, saying that the court had not properly guided the jury on provocation. The court was faced with apparently conflicting decision of the House of Lords (Smith) and the Privy Council (Holley). Held: ‘The rule that this court must always follow a decision of the House of Lords and, … Continue reading James, Regina v; Regina v Karimi: CACD 25 Jan 2006

Farstad Supply As v Enviroco Ltd: SC 6 Apr 2011

The court was asked by the parties to a charterparty whether one of them is an ‘Affiliate’ of the charterer for the purposes of provisions in a charterparty by which both the owner and the charterer agreed to indemnify and hold each other harmless (including in the case of the charterer its ‘Affiliates’) in relation … Continue reading Farstad Supply As v Enviroco Ltd: SC 6 Apr 2011

Crown Prosecution Service v P; Director of Public Prosecutions v P: Admn 27 Apr 2007

The prosecutor appealed a grant of a stay of a prosecution of the 13 year old defendant as an abuse of process. Reports had indicated that he was unfit to plead. The prosecution contended that, if the court thought P ought not to face trial by reason of his disability, it should proceed to decide … Continue reading Crown Prosecution Service v P; Director of Public Prosecutions v P: Admn 27 Apr 2007

Home Office v Hariette Harman: HL 11 Feb 1982

The defendant had permitted a journalist to see documents revealed to her as in her capacity as a solicitor in the course of proceedings. Held: The documents were disclosed under an obligation to use them for the instant case only. That rule was imposed because ‘Discovery constitutes a very serious invasion of the privacy and … Continue reading Home Office v Hariette Harman: HL 11 Feb 1982

Regina v Parole Board ex parte Smith, Regina v Parole Board ex parte West (Conjoined Appeals): HL 27 Jan 2005

Each defendant challenged the way he had been treated on revocation of his parole licence, saying he should have been given the opportunity to make oral representations. Held: The prisoners’ appeals were allowed. Lord Bingham stated: ‘While an oral hearing is most obviously necessary to achieve a just decision in a case where facts are … Continue reading Regina v Parole Board ex parte Smith, Regina v Parole Board ex parte West (Conjoined Appeals): HL 27 Jan 2005

Pretty v The United Kingdom: ECHR 29 Apr 2002

Right to Life Did Not include Right to Death The applicant was paralysed and suffered a degenerative condition. She wanted her husband to be allowed to assist her suicide by accompanying her to Switzerland. English law would not excuse such behaviour. She argued that the right to die is not the antithesis of the right … Continue reading Pretty v The United Kingdom: ECHR 29 Apr 2002

Sheffield City Council v E; Re E (An Alleged Patient): FD 2 Dec 2004

The council sought an order to prevent E, a patient from contracting a marriage which it considered unwise. As a preliminary issue the parties sought guidance as to the questions to be put to the expert as to capacity. Held: The woman suffered disabillities including functioning at the equivalent age of 13. The man had … Continue reading Sheffield City Council v E; Re E (An Alleged Patient): FD 2 Dec 2004

SK (Zimbabwe) v Secretary of State for the Home Department: CA 6 Nov 2008

Immigration detention proper after prison release The Home Secretary appealed against a finding that he had unlawfully detained the applicant. The applicant had been detained on release from prison pending his return to Zimbabwe as recommended by the sentencing judge under section 6 of the 1971 Act. The court had found that the detention had … Continue reading SK (Zimbabwe) v Secretary of State for the Home Department: CA 6 Nov 2008

The Health Service Executive of Ireland v PA and Others: CoP 3 Jun 2015

hsen_paCoP201506 The HSE sought orders under s.63 of and Schedule 3 to the 2005 Act recognising and enforcing orders by the Irish High Court for the detention of three young persons (‘PA’, ‘PB’, and ‘PC’) at a special unit known in Northampton. Held: On an application to for confirmation of a compulsory psychiatric placement under … Continue reading The Health Service Executive of Ireland v PA and Others: CoP 3 Jun 2015

A Primary Care Trust v P and Others: Misc 21 Dec 2009

(Court of Protection) The court was asked whether, if P could be found to lack mental capacity where he should live, where there was an essential conflict between representatives of the State who owe statutory duties to P on the one hand, and the view of his carer of 18-plus years standing on the other, … Continue reading A Primary Care Trust v P and Others: Misc 21 Dec 2009

Somerville v Scottish Ministers: HL 24 Oct 2007

The claimants complained of their segregation while in prison. Several preliminary questions were to be decided: whether damages might be payable for breach of a Convention Right; wheher the act of a prison governor was the act of the executive; whether time ran from the date of the first breach, whether want of proportionality is … Continue reading Somerville v Scottish Ministers: HL 24 Oct 2007

Ashworth Security Hospital v MGN Limited: HL 27 Jun 2002

Order for Journalist to Disclose Sources The newspaper published details of the medical records of Ian Brady, a prisoner and patient of the applicant. The applicant sought an order requiring the defendant newspaper to disclose the identity of the source of material which appeared to have originated in the hospital. Held: An order requiring disclosure … Continue reading Ashworth Security Hospital v MGN Limited: HL 27 Jun 2002

Phipps v Boardman: HL 3 Nov 1966

A trustee has a duty to exploit any available opportunity for the trust. ‘Rules of equity have to be applied to such a great diversity of circumstances that they can be stated only in the most general terms and applied with particular attention to the exact circumstances of each case. The relevant rule for the … Continue reading Phipps v Boardman: HL 3 Nov 1966

Autologic Holdings Plc and others v Commissioners of Inland Revenue: HL 28 Jul 2005

Taxpayer companies challenged the way that the revenue restricted claims for group Corporation Tax relief for subsidiary companies in Europe. The issue was awaiting a decision of the European Court. The Revenue said that the claims now being made by other companies should proceed through the Commissioners who could implement European law directly. The taxpayers … Continue reading Autologic Holdings Plc and others v Commissioners of Inland Revenue: HL 28 Jul 2005

Miller v Miller; McFarlane v McFarlane: HL 24 May 2006

Fairness on Division of Family Capital The House faced the question of how to achieve fairness in the division of property following a divorce. In the one case there were substantial assets but a short marriage, and in the other a high income, but low capital. Held: The 1973 Act gives only limited guidance on … Continue reading Miller v Miller; McFarlane v McFarlane: HL 24 May 2006

JO v GO and Others; re PO; Re O (Court of Protection: Jurisdiction): CoP 13 Dec 2013

Jurisdiction of the Court of Protection PO, a lady in her late eighties lacked capacity to decide her own care. She had been habitually resident in Hertfordshire. Her daughters now challenged their brother who had moved her to a care home in Scotland when he himself moved there. An interim guardianship order had been made … Continue reading JO v GO and Others; re PO; Re O (Court of Protection: Jurisdiction): CoP 13 Dec 2013

Bushell v Secretary of State for the Environment: HL 7 Feb 1980

Practical Realities of Planning Decisions The House considered planning procedures adopted on the construction of two new stretches of motorway, and in particular as to whether the Secretary of State had acted unlawfully in refusing to allow objectors to the scheme to cross-examine the Department’s witnesses. Held: He had not acted unlawfully (Lord Edmud-Davies dissenting). … Continue reading Bushell v Secretary of State for the Environment: HL 7 Feb 1980

Re MRJ JT and KT (Reconsideration of Order): CoP 10 Apr 2014

re_mjtCoP0414 The court had made an order transferring responsibility for MRJ’s affairs from the appointed attorney to the local authority. The order had been made on the papers, and the court now heard an application for it to be reconsidered. Held: The orders made were confirmed. The court recognised that the interference in a person’s … Continue reading Re MRJ JT and KT (Reconsideration of Order): CoP 10 Apr 2014

Bolam v Friern Hospital Management Committee: QBD 1957

Professional to use Skilled Persons Ordinary Care Negligence was alleged against a doctor. Held: McNair J directed the jury: ‘Where some special skill is exercised, the test for negligence is not the test of the man on the Clapham omnibus, because he has not got this special skill. The test is the standard of the … Continue reading Bolam v Friern Hospital Management Committee: QBD 1957

A v Independent News and Media Ltd and Others: CA 31 Mar 2010

The newspapers sought leave to report proceedings before the Court of Protection in connection with a patient unable to manage his own affairs. The patient retained a possible capacity to work as a professional musician. The family wanted the proceedings held in private. Held: Their appeal against the order allowing access failed. The normal rule … Continue reading A v Independent News and Media Ltd and Others: CA 31 Mar 2010

Luc Thiet Thuan v The Queen: PC 2 Apr 1996

(Hong Kong) On a trial for murder the defendant relied on the defences of diminished responsibility and provocation. Medical evidence showed the defendant suffered from brain damage and was prone to respond to minor provocation by losing his self-control and acting explosively. The trial judge directed the jury that this medical evidence was not relevant … Continue reading Luc Thiet Thuan v The Queen: PC 2 Apr 1996

Al Rawi and Others v The Security Service and Others: CA 4 May 2010

Each claimant had been captured and mistreated by the US government, and claimed the involvement in and responsibility for that mistreatment by the respondents. The court was asked whether a court in England and Wales, in the absence of statutory authority, could order a closed material procedure for part or all of the trial of … Continue reading Al Rawi and Others v The Security Service and Others: CA 4 May 2010

Futter and Another v Futter and Others: ChD 11 Mar 2010

Various family settlements had been created. The trustees wished to use the rule in Hastings-Bass to re-open decisions they had made after receiving incorrect advice. Held: The deeds were set aside as void. The Rule in Hastings-Bass derives from trust law, not the law of mistake. The principle does not exist to relieve advisors from … Continue reading Futter and Another v Futter and Others: ChD 11 Mar 2010

Secretary of State for the Home Department v E and Another: HL 31 Oct 2007

The applicant, who was subject to a control order, complained that the respondent had failed as required to keep under review the possibility of a prosecution, and had renewed the order without satisfying that requirement. Held: The appeal failed. Though the respondent had failed as described, that did not make the renewal of the control … Continue reading Secretary of State for the Home Department v E and Another: HL 31 Oct 2007

A Local Authority v K: COP 15 Feb 2013

ala_kCoP2013 K was a young lady llivng amid her family with Downs syndrome. The family were thought too want her to be sterilised. The local authority applied to the court to determine whether this should be prevented. It was agreed that she was not currently sexually active and that there was no health condition requiring … Continue reading A Local Authority v K: COP 15 Feb 2013

Chapman v Hearse, Baker v Willoughby: HL 26 Nov 1969

The plaintiff, a pedestrian had been struck by the defendant’s car while crossing the road. The plaintiff had negligently failed to see the defendant’s car approaching. The defendant had a clear view of the plaintiff prior to the collision, but was driving at an excessive speed or failing to keep a proper look-out or both. … Continue reading Chapman v Hearse, Baker v Willoughby: HL 26 Nov 1969

Scott v Southern Pacific Mortgages Ltd and Others: SC 22 Oct 2014

The appellant challenged a sale and rent back transaction. He said that the proposed purchaser had misrepresented the transaction to them. The Court was asked s whether the home owners had interests whose priority was protected by virtue of section 29(2)(a)(ii) of, and Schedule 3, paragraph 2, to the Land Registration Act 2002. Held: The … Continue reading Scott v Southern Pacific Mortgages Ltd and Others: SC 22 Oct 2014

Re Hastings-Bass; Hastings v Inland Revenue: CA 14 Mar 1974

Trustees of a settlement had exercised their power of advancement under the section, in order to save estate duty by transferring investments to be held on the trusts of a later settlement. However the actual effect of the advancement was that the trusts in remainder were void for perpetuity. Held: A trustee when exercising a … Continue reading Re Hastings-Bass; Hastings v Inland Revenue: CA 14 Mar 1974

Bensaid v The United Kingdom: ECHR 6 Feb 2001

The applicant was a schizophrenic and an illegal immigrant. He claimed that his removal to Algeria would deprive him of essential medical treatment and sever ties that he had developed in the UK that were important for his well-being. He claimed that his article 3 and 8 rights would be infringed if he were removed … Continue reading Bensaid v The United Kingdom: ECHR 6 Feb 2001

Mubarak v Mubarak: CA 2001

A judgment summons, issued was issued by the wife to enforce a lump sum order made against her husband in their divorce proceedings. The judge had performed his statutory duty which included having to satisfy himself under s. 25 of the 1973 Act of the income, earning capacity, property and other financial resources of the … Continue reading Mubarak v Mubarak: CA 2001

Pickett v British Rail Engineering: HL 2 Nov 1978

Lost Earnings claim Continues after Death The claimant, suffering from mesothelioma, had claimed against his employers and won, but his claim for loss of earnings consequent upon his anticipated premature death was not allowed. He began an appeal, but then died. His personal representatives appealed. Held: The House assumed that, because the claimant had brought … Continue reading Pickett v British Rail Engineering: HL 2 Nov 1978

McFaddens (A Firm) v Platford: TCC 30 Jan 2009

The claimant firm of solicitors had been found negligent, and now sought a contribution to the damages awarded from the barrister defendant. They had not managed properly issues as to their clients competence to handle the proceedings. Held: The standard of care required was that: ‘the barrister must conduct himself in his professional work with … Continue reading McFaddens (A Firm) v Platford: TCC 30 Jan 2009