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Devaseelan v Secretary of State for the Home Department: IAT 2003

The tribunal asked as to the relevance of the possible mistreatment of the applicant if returned to his home country: ‘The reason why flagrant denial or gross violation is to be taken into account is that it is only in such a case – where the right will be completely denied or nullified in the … Continue reading Devaseelan v Secretary of State for the Home Department: IAT 2003

Wilson v Secretary of State for Trade and Industry; Wilson v First County Trust Ltd (No 2): HL 10 Jul 2003

The respondent appealed against a finding that the provision which made a loan agreement completely invalid for lack of compliance with the 1974 Act was itself invalid under the Human Rights Act since it deprived the respondent lender of its property rights. It was also argued that it was not possible to make a declaration … Continue reading Wilson v Secretary of State for Trade and Industry; Wilson v First County Trust Ltd (No 2): HL 10 Jul 2003

Gardner and Another, Regina (on The Application of) v Secretary of State for Health and Social Care and Others: Admn 27 Apr 2022

Patient transfer policy was unlawful The claimants had relatives who died in care homes early in the COVID-19 pandemic. They said that the policy of moving patients from hospitals to care homes without testing had contributed to the deaths, and many others, and had been unlawful. The respondents said that at the time it was … Continue reading Gardner and Another, Regina (on The Application of) v Secretary of State for Health and Social Care and Others: Admn 27 Apr 2022

Motasim v Crown Prosecution Service and Others: QBD 15 Aug 2017

The claimant had been arrested on suspicion of terrorism, from his innocent association with people later convicted of terrorism. The defendant discovered evidence which would undermine the case against him, but refuse to disclose it. Eventually, after the prosecutor was refused a PII claim, he was ordered to be released and the case was dropped. … Continue reading Motasim v Crown Prosecution Service and Others: QBD 15 Aug 2017

Percy v Church of Scotland Board of National Mission: HL 15 Dec 2005

The claimant appealed after her claim for sex discrimination had failed. She had been dismissed from her position an associate minister of the church. The court had found that it had no jurisdiction, saying that her appointment was not an employment. However the jurisdiction in sex discrimination cases was wider, extending to those who ‘contract … Continue reading Percy v Church of Scotland Board of National Mission: HL 15 Dec 2005

Commissioner of Police for the Metropolis v Reeves (Joint Administratix of The Estate of Martin Lynch, Deceased): HL 15 Jul 1999

The deceased was a prisoner known to be at risk of committing suicide. Whilst in police custody he hanged himself in his prison cell. The Commissioner accepted that he was in breach of his duty of care to the deceased, but not that that breach was caustive of the death by suicide. Held: Police and … Continue reading Commissioner of Police for the Metropolis v Reeves (Joint Administratix of The Estate of Martin Lynch, Deceased): HL 15 Jul 1999

JL, Regina (on the Application of) v Secretary of State for Justice; Regina (L (A Patient)) v Secretary of State for the Home Department: HL 26 Nov 2008

The prisoner was left with serious injury after attempting suicide in prison. He said that there was a human rights duty to hold an investigation into the circumstances leading up to this. Held: There existed a similar duty to hold an enhanced investigation as exists after a suicide, though: ‘The initial investigation should be prompt, … Continue reading JL, Regina (on the Application of) v Secretary of State for Justice; Regina (L (A Patient)) v Secretary of State for the Home Department: HL 26 Nov 2008

Mitchell and Another v Glasgow City Council: HL 18 Feb 2009

(Scotland) The pursuers were the widow and daughter of a tenant of the respondent who had been violently killed by his neighbour. They said that the respondent, knowing of the neighbour’s violent behaviours had a duty of care to the deceased and should have removed the neighbour, or warned them when their attempts to remove … Continue reading Mitchell and Another v Glasgow City Council: HL 18 Feb 2009

Regina v Deputy Governor of Parkhurst Prison, Ex parte Hague, Weldon v Home Office: HL 24 Jul 1991

The prisoner challenged the decision to place him in segregation under Prison Rule 43. Under rule 43(1) the initial power to segregate was given to ‘the governor’. The case arose from the fact that the governor of one prison had purported to authorise the segregation of a prisoner on his arrival at another prison to … Continue reading Regina v Deputy Governor of Parkhurst Prison, Ex parte Hague, Weldon v Home Office: HL 24 Jul 1991

Hurst, Regina (on the Application of) v Commissioner of Police of the Metropolis v London Northern District Coroner: HL 28 Mar 2007

The claimant’s son had been stabbed to death. She challenged the refusal of the coroner to continue with the inquest with a view to examining the responsibility of any of the police in having failed to protect him. Held: The question amounted to asking whether the coroner’s decision on the resumption should have been affected … Continue reading Hurst, Regina (on the Application of) v Commissioner of Police of the Metropolis v London Northern District Coroner: HL 28 Mar 2007

Devenish Nutrition Ltd and others v Sanofi-Aventis SA (France) and others: ChD 19 Oct 2007

The claimant sought damages for the losses it had suffered as a result of price fixing by the defendant companies in the vitamin market. The European Commission had already fined the defendant for its involvement. Held: In an action for breach of statutory duty the court can in appropriate circumstances make a restitutionary award, that … Continue reading Devenish Nutrition Ltd and others v Sanofi-Aventis SA (France) and others: ChD 19 Oct 2007

Barclay and Another, Regina (on The Application of) v Secretary of State for Justice and Others: SC 22 Oct 2014

Constitutional Status of Chanel Islands considered The Court was asked as to the role, if any, of the courts of England and Wales (including the Supreme Court) in the legislative process of one of the Channel Islands. It raised fundamental questions about the constitutional relationship between the United Kingdom and the Bailiwicks of Guernsey and … Continue reading Barclay and Another, Regina (on The Application of) v Secretary of State for Justice and Others: SC 22 Oct 2014

Montgomery v Lanarkshire Health Board: SC 11 Mar 2015

Change in Doctors’ Information Obligations The pursuer claimed that her obstetrician had been negligent, after her son suffered severe injury at birth. The baby faced a birth with shoulder dystocia – the inability of the shoulders to pass through the pelvis. The consultant considered that a vaginal birth was preferable and did not given advice … Continue reading Montgomery v Lanarkshire Health Board: SC 11 Mar 2015

Sidaway v Board of Governors of the Bethlem Royal Hospital and the Maudsley Hospital: HL 21 Feb 1985

Explanation of Medical Risks essential The plaintiff alleged negligence in the failure by a surgeon to disclose or explain to her the risks inherent in the operation which he had advised. Held: The appeal failed. A mentally competent patient has an absolute right to refuse to consent to medical treatment for any reason, rational or … Continue reading Sidaway v Board of Governors of the Bethlem Royal Hospital and the Maudsley Hospital: HL 21 Feb 1985

HL v United Kingdom: ECHR 2004

Lack of Patient Safeguards was Infringement The claimant had been detained at a mental hospital as in ‘informal patient’. He was an autistic adult. He had been recommended for release by the Mental Health Review Tribunal, and it was decided that he should be released. He was detained further pending suitable arrangements being made for … Continue reading HL v United Kingdom: ECHR 2004

The Christian Institute and Others v The Lord Advocate: SC 28 Jul 2016

(Scotland) By the 2014 Act, the Scottish Parliament had provided that each child should have a named person to monitor that child’s needs, with information about him or her shared as necessary. The Institute objected that the imposed obligation to share information was outwith the powers of the Parliament. It extended the information to be … Continue reading The Christian Institute and Others v The Lord Advocate: SC 28 Jul 2016

In re AB (A Child : Deprivation of Liberty): FD 28 Jul 2015

The court was asked who, as between the parents and the local authority, could consent to an order depriving a child in residential care, of his liberty. Held: A local authority with parental responsibility by virtue of a care order or interim care order, or with any other statutory responsibilities for a child, cannot supply … Continue reading In re AB (A Child : Deprivation of Liberty): FD 28 Jul 2015

The Department for Communities v Cox: CANI 3 Aug 2021

PIP Arrangements not Discriminatory The claimant suffered a life limiting condition, but not so that her death could be reasonably expected within six months. She complained that the resulting unavailability of PIP and UC without assessment was discriminatory as opposed to those who were predicted not so to survive, but did in fact do so. … Continue reading The Department for Communities v Cox: CANI 3 Aug 2021

Butt v Secretary of State for The Home Department: Admn 26 Jul 2017

Challenge to proposed scheme for management of extremism in Universities.Ouseley J said: ‘I have referred to some only to explore, without questioning, whether they contained ‘evidence’ on a particular topic. I have read the contributions of the persons named by Mr Bowen to a debate in the House of Lords but consideration of them in … Continue reading Butt v Secretary of State for The Home Department: Admn 26 Jul 2017

Rothenthurm Commune v Switzerland: ECHR 14 Dec 1988

Local government organisations such as the applicant commune exercising public functions are ‘governmental organisations’ as opposed to ‘non-governmental organisations’ within the meaning of article 25 of the Convention, with the result that the commune which was complaining that proceedings for the expropriation of land for a military training area were in breach of their rights … Continue reading Rothenthurm Commune v Switzerland: ECHR 14 Dec 1988

Wilkinson, Regina (on the Application Of) v Inland Revenue: HL 5 May 2005

The claimant said that the widows’ bereavement tax allowance available to a wife surviving her husband should be available to a man also if it was not to be discriminatory. Held: Similar claims had been taken before the Human Rights Act to the ECHR, and been settled. The 1998 Act made it unlawful to act … Continue reading Wilkinson, Regina (on the Application Of) v Inland Revenue: HL 5 May 2005

Dow Jones and Co Inc v Jameel: CA 3 Feb 2005

Presumption of Damage in Defamation is rebuttable The defendant complained that the presumption in English law that the victim of a libel had suffered damage was incompatible with his right to a fair trial. They said the statements complained of were repetitions of statements made by US authorities. The claimant had asserted that no more … Continue reading Dow Jones and Co Inc v Jameel: CA 3 Feb 2005

Black-Clawson International Ltd v Papierwerke Waldhof Aschaffenburg AG: HL 5 Mar 1975

Statute’s Mischief May be Inspected The House considered limitations upon them in reading statements made in the Houses of Parliament when construing a statute. Held: It is rare that a statute can be properly interpreted without knowing the legislative object. The courts may look outside a statute in order to identify the ‘mischief’ Parliament was … Continue reading Black-Clawson International Ltd v Papierwerke Waldhof Aschaffenburg AG: HL 5 Mar 1975

Uttley, Regina (on the Application of) v Secretary of State for the Home Department: HL 30 Jul 2004

In 1995 the defendant was sentenced to twelve years for rapes committed in 1983. He complained that the consequences of the later sentence were adverse because of the 1991 Act. He would now serve three quarters of the sentence rather than two thirds. Held: Article 7.1 prohibits the imposition of a penalty which is heavier … Continue reading Uttley, Regina (on the Application of) v Secretary of State for the Home Department: HL 30 Jul 2004

Lloyd v Bow Street Magistrates Court: Admn 8 Oct 2003

The defendant had been convicted and made subect to a confiscation order in 1996. A final order for enforcement was made in late 2002. The defendant said the delay in the enforcement proceedings was a breach of his right to a trial within a reasonable time. Held: The reasonable time guarantee afforded by Article 6.1 … Continue reading Lloyd v Bow Street Magistrates Court: Admn 8 Oct 2003

Adam, Regina (on the Application of) v Secretary of State for the Home Department; Limbuela v Same; Tesema v Same: HL 3 Nov 2005

The applicants had each entered the UK with a view to seeking asylum, but having failed to seek asylum immediately, they had been refused any assistance, were not allowed to work and so had been left destitute. Each had claimed asylum on the day following their arrival. Held: The appeal by the Secretary of State … Continue reading Adam, Regina (on the Application of) v Secretary of State for the Home Department; Limbuela v Same; Tesema v Same: HL 3 Nov 2005

Pepper (Inspector of Taxes) v Hart: HL 26 Nov 1992

Reference to Parliamentary Papers behind Statute The inspector sought to tax the benefits in kind received by teachers at a private school in having their children educated at the school for free. Having agreed this was a taxable emolument, it was argued as to whether the taxable benefit was the cost to the employer, or … Continue reading Pepper (Inspector of Taxes) v Hart: HL 26 Nov 1992

Regina v London Borough of Barnet ex parte G; Regina v London Borough of Lambeth ex parte W; Regina v London Borough of Lambeth ex parte A: HL 23 Oct 2003

The applicants sought to oblige the local authority, in compliance with its duties under the 1989 Act, to provide a home for children, and where necessary an accompanying adult. Held: There were four hurdles for the applicants to cross. They must show that their children are children in need within the meaning of section 17(10). … Continue reading Regina v London Borough of Barnet ex parte G; Regina v London Borough of Lambeth ex parte W; Regina v London Borough of Lambeth ex parte A: HL 23 Oct 2003

Robinson v Chief Constable of West Yorkshire Police: SC 8 Feb 2018

Limits to Police Exemption from Liability The claimant, an elderly lady was bowled over and injured when police were chasing a suspect through the streets. As they arrested him they fell over on top of her. She appealed against refusal of her claim in negligence. Held: Her appeal succeeded. It is normally only in a … Continue reading Robinson v Chief Constable of West Yorkshire Police: SC 8 Feb 2018

Hertfordshire Police v Van Colle; Smith v Chief Constable of Sussex Police: HL 30 Jul 2008

Police Obligations to Witnesses is Limited A prosecution witness was murdered by the accused shortly before his trial. The parents of the deceased alleged that the failure of the police to protect their son was a breach of article 2. Held: The House was asked ‘If the police are alerted to a threat that D … Continue reading Hertfordshire Police v Van Colle; Smith v Chief Constable of Sussex Police: HL 30 Jul 2008

JD v East Berkshire Community Health NHS Trust and others: HL 21 Apr 2005

Parents of children had falsely and negligently been accused of abusing their children. The children sought damages for negligence against the doctors or social workers who had made the statements supporting the actions taken. The House was asked if the suffering of psychiatric injury by the parent was a foreseeable result of making it and … Continue reading JD v East Berkshire Community Health NHS Trust and others: HL 21 Apr 2005

Uber Bv and Others v Aslam and Others: SC 19 Feb 2021

Smartphone App Contractors did so as Workers The court was asked whether the employment tribunal was entitled to find that drivers whose work was arranged through Uber’s smartphone application work for Uber under workers’ contracts and so qualify for the national minimum wage, paid annual leave and other workers’ rights; or whether, as Uber contended, … Continue reading Uber Bv and Others v Aslam and Others: SC 19 Feb 2021

SG and Others, Regina (on The Application of) v Secretary of State for Work and Pensions: SC 18 Mar 2015

The court was asked whether it was lawful for the Secretary of State to make subordinate legislation imposing a cap on the amount of welfare benefits which can be received by claimants in non-working households, equivalent to the net median earnings of working households. The challenge was under the 1998 Act on the basis that … Continue reading SG and Others, Regina (on The Application of) v Secretary of State for Work and Pensions: SC 18 Mar 2015

Stafford v The United Kingdom: ECHR 28 May 2002

Grand Chamber – The appellant claimed damages for being held in prison beyond the term of his sentence. Having been released on licence from a life sentence for murder, he was re-sentenced for a cheque fraud. He was not released after the end of the sentence he served for that offence. He said there was … Continue reading Stafford v The United Kingdom: ECHR 28 May 2002

AXA General Insurance Ltd and Others v Lord Advocate and Others: SC 12 Oct 2011

Standing to Claim under A1P1 ECHR The appellants had written employers’ liability insurance policies. They appealed against rejection of their challenge to the 2009 Act which provided that asymptomatic pleural plaques, pleural thickening and asbestosis should constitute actionable harm for the purposes of an action of damages for personal injury. Held: The insurers’ appeals failed. … Continue reading AXA General Insurance Ltd and Others v Lord Advocate and Others: SC 12 Oct 2011

HH v Deputy Prosecutor of The Italian Republic, Genoa: SC 20 Jun 2012

In each case the defendant sought to resist European Extradition Warrants saying that an order would be a disporportionate interference in their human right to family life. The Court asked whether its approach as set out in Norris, had to be amended in the light of the case of ZH. Held: HH and PH’s appeals … Continue reading HH v Deputy Prosecutor of The Italian Republic, Genoa: SC 20 Jun 2012

Hooper and Others, Regina (on the Application of) v Secretary of State for Work and Pensions: HL 5 May 2005

Widowers claimed that, in denying them benefits which would have been payable to widows, the Secretary of State had acted incompatibly with their rights under article 14 read with article 1 of Protocol 1 and article 8 of the ECHR. Held: The Secretary’s appeal succeeded. Section 6 of the 1998 Act permitted the discrimination as … Continue reading Hooper and Others, Regina (on the Application of) v Secretary of State for Work and Pensions: HL 5 May 2005

DA and Others, Regina (on The Application of) v Secretary of State for Work and Pensions: SC 15 May 2019

Several lone parents challenged the benefits cap, saying that it was discriminatory. Held: (Hale, Kerr LL dissenting) The parents’ appeals failed. The legislation had a clear impact on lone parents and their children. The intention was to encourage claimants back into work. It was said that thus contradicted the other policy of providing no free … Continue reading DA and Others, Regina (on The Application of) v Secretary of State for Work and Pensions: SC 15 May 2019

ZH (Tanzania) v Secretary of State for The Home Department: SC 1 Feb 2011

The respondent had arrived and claimed asylum. Three claims were rejected, two of which were fraudulent. She had two children by a UK citizen, and if deported the result would be (the father being unsuitable) that the children would have to return with her. Held: The mother’s appeal succeeded. The court had to consider the … Continue reading ZH (Tanzania) v Secretary of State for The Home Department: SC 1 Feb 2011

Tigere, Regina (on The Application of) v Secretary of State for Business, Innovation and Skills: SC 29 Jul 2015

After increasing university fees, the student loan system was part funded by the government. They introduced limits to the availability of such loans, and a student must have been lawfully ordinarily resident in the UK for three years before the day the academic year begins. The claimant came as a child with her mother some … Continue reading Tigere, Regina (on The Application of) v Secretary of State for Business, Innovation and Skills: SC 29 Jul 2015

James and Others v The United Kingdom: ECHR 21 Feb 1986

The claimants challenged the 1967 Act, saying that it deprived them of their property rights when lessees were given the power to purchase the freehold reversion. Held: Article 1 (P1-1) in substance guarantees the right of property. Allowing a mechanism for the compulsory transfer of the freehold interest in the house and the land to … Continue reading James and Others v The United Kingdom: ECHR 21 Feb 1986

AL (Serbia) v Secretary of State for the Home Department; Rudi v Same: HL 25 Jun 2008

Each claimant had arrived here with their parents, and stayed for several years. They were excluded from the scheme allowing families who had been here more than three years to stay here, because they had attained 18 and were no longer dependant on their families. They said the removals would be discriminatory. Held: To justify … Continue reading AL (Serbia) v Secretary of State for the Home Department; Rudi v Same: HL 25 Jun 2008

Secretary of State for Work and Pensions v M: HL 8 Mar 2006

The respondent’s child lived with the estranged father for most of each week. She was obliged to contribute child support. She now lived with a woman, and complained that because her relationship was homosexual, she had been asked to pay more than someone in a heterosexual relationship. Held: The claim failed. The regulations had now … Continue reading Secretary of State for Work and Pensions v M: HL 8 Mar 2006

The National and Provincial Building Society, The Leeds Permanent Building Society And The Yorkshire Building Society v The United Kingdom: ECHR 23 Oct 1997

ECHR United Kingdom – applicants’ legal claims to restitution of monies paid under invalidated tax provisions extinguished under the effects of retrospective legislation (section 53 of Finance Act 1991 and section 64 of Finance (No. 2) Act 1992) Citations: 21449/93, 21319/93, [1997] ECHR 87, 21675/93, [1997] STC 1466, 69 TC 540, [1997] BTC 624, (1998) … Continue reading The National and Provincial Building Society, The Leeds Permanent Building Society And The Yorkshire Building Society v The United Kingdom: ECHR 23 Oct 1997

Sher and Others v Chief Constable of Greater Manchester Police and Others: Admn 21 Jul 2010

The claimants, Pakistani students in the UK on student visas, had been arrested and held by the defendants under the 2000 Act before being released 13 days later without charge. They were at first held incognito. They said that their arrest and detentions had been unlawful since they had not been given sufficient information about … Continue reading Sher and Others v Chief Constable of Greater Manchester Police and Others: Admn 21 Jul 2010

R (on The Application of Zat and Others) v Secretary of State for The Home Department (Article 8 Echr – Dublin Regulation – Interface – Proportionality) (IJR): UTIAC 22 Jan 2016

(i) EU Regulation number 604/2013 (the ‘Dublin Regulation’) and the Human Rights Act 1998, while separate regimes, are not in competition with each other. (ii) Where the two regimes pull in different directions, full cohesion, or harmonisation, may not be achievable and some accommodation must be found. (iii) Where an interference with a person’s rights … Continue reading R (on The Application of Zat and Others) v Secretary of State for The Home Department (Article 8 Echr – Dublin Regulation – Interface – Proportionality) (IJR): UTIAC 22 Jan 2016

Hussain, Regina (on The Application of) v Secretary of State for Health and Social Care: Admn 18 Jan 2022

whether the 26 March 2020 Covid-19 prohibition on collective worship (‘PCW’), as maintained from 13 May 2020, with its prohibiting consequences inter alia for communal prayers at a Bradford Mosque, breached the Human Rights Act 1998 (‘the HRA’) as an unjustified interference with freedom of religion Judges: Mr Justice Fordham Citations: [2022] EWHC 82 (Admin) … Continue reading Hussain, Regina (on The Application of) v Secretary of State for Health and Social Care: Admn 18 Jan 2022

Pearce v Mayfield School: CA 31 Jul 2001

The claimant teacher was a lesbian. She complained that her school in failed to protect her against abuse from pupils for her lesbianism. She appealed against a decision that the acts of the pupils did not amount to discrimination, and that the school were no responsible for it. The 1998 Act had come into effect. … Continue reading Pearce v Mayfield School: CA 31 Jul 2001

Watts v Stewart and Others: CA 8 Dec 2016

The court considered the status of residents of almshouses, and in particular whether they were licensees or tenants with associated security. Held: The occupier’s appeal failed: ‘We do not accept the proposition that, if and insofar as Mrs Watts was a beneficiary of the Charity, her occupation was that of tenant at will of the … Continue reading Watts v Stewart and Others: CA 8 Dec 2016

Pwr and Others v Director of Public Prosecutions: Admn 3 Apr 2020

Lord Justice Holroyde Mr Justice Swift [2020] EWHC 798 (Admin), [2020] Crim LR 731, [2020] WLR(D) 217, [2020] 2 Cr App R 11, [2020] 1 WLR 3623 Bailii, WLRD Terrorism Act 2000 13(1), European Convention on Human Rights, Human Rights Act 1998 England and Wales Cited by: Appeal from – Pwr v Director of Public … Continue reading Pwr and Others v Director of Public Prosecutions: Admn 3 Apr 2020

The Portman Estate Nominees (One) Ltd and Another v Starlight Headlease Ltd: UTLC 1 Nov 2016

UTLC LEASEHOLD ENFRANCHISEMENT – intermediate leasehold interest – flat and parking space held on separate leases and intermediate leases – division of landlord’s share of marriage value – para. 10(2), Sch 13, Leasehold Reform, Housing and Urban Development Act 1993 – s. 3, Human Rights Act 1998 – Art. 1 of the First Protocol to … Continue reading The Portman Estate Nominees (One) Ltd and Another v Starlight Headlease Ltd: UTLC 1 Nov 2016

Bosher v Revenue and Customs: FTTTx 8 Oct 2012

CONSTRUCTION INDUSTRY SCHEME – fixed and month 13 penalties – late filing of returns – no reasonable excuse – proportionality of penalties – whether within wide margin of appreciation – interpretation of s100B Taxes Management Act 1970 – Human Rights Act 1998 – appeal allowed in part [2012] UKFTT 631 (TC) Bailii Taxes Management Act … Continue reading Bosher v Revenue and Customs: FTTTx 8 Oct 2012

Smith v Lancashire Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust and Another: QBD 8 Sep 2016

The claimant had cohabited with the deceased: ‘The claimant seeks a declaration in one of two alternative forms: i) Pursuant to s.3 of the Human Rights Act 1998 . . that s.1A(2)(a) of the Fatal Accidents Act 1976 . . is to be read as including cohabitees who were living with the deceased in the … Continue reading Smith v Lancashire Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust and Another: QBD 8 Sep 2016

Roberts v Parole Board: HL 7 Jul 2005

Balancing Rights of Prisoner and Society The appellant had been convicted of the murder of three police officers in 1966. His tariff of thirty years had now long expired. He complained that material put before the Parole Board reviewing has case had not been disclosed to him. Held: The appeal failed (by a majority). The … Continue reading Roberts v Parole Board: HL 7 Jul 2005

Ismail, Regina (on The Application of) v Secretary of State for The Home Department: SC 6 Jul 2016

The claimant ha been involved in the management of a company operating a ferry in Egypt. The claimant had been acquitted in Egypt of criminal liability, but then convicted in his absence on appeal, after submissions made on his behalf were discounted because of his absence. After sentence to imprisonment, the Egyptian court requested the … Continue reading Ismail, Regina (on The Application of) v Secretary of State for The Home Department: SC 6 Jul 2016

Hamat (Article 9 – freedom of religion): UTIAC 6 Jun 2016

Article 9 – Freedom of Religion : Afghanistan (i) Article 9 – the right to freedom of thought, conscience and religion – is a distinctive feature of the Human Rights Act to be considered separately from Article 8 when it applies. (ii) Article 9 permits the same structured approach to the assessment of an Article … Continue reading Hamat (Article 9 – freedom of religion): UTIAC 6 Jun 2016

London Borough of Wandsworth v Vining and Others (Unfair Dismissal: Exclusions Including Worker/Jurisdiction): EAT 18 Dec 2015

REDUNDANCY – Collective consultation and information HUMAN RIGHTS The Court of Appeal in Redbridge London Borough Council v Dhinsa and McKinnon [2014] ICR 834 held that the Council’s Parks Constables were in service as a ‘member of a constabulary maintained by virtue of an enactment’ within the meaning of Employment Rights Act 1996 section 200(2) … Continue reading London Borough of Wandsworth v Vining and Others (Unfair Dismissal: Exclusions Including Worker/Jurisdiction): EAT 18 Dec 2015

BA (Nigeria) v Secretary of State for The Home Department and Others: SC 26 Nov 2009

The court was asked whether the expression ‘an asylum claim, or a human rights claim’ in section 92(4)(a) of the 2002 Act includes any second or subsequent claim that the asylum seeker may make, or only a second or subsequent claim which has been accepted as a ‘fresh claim’ by the Secretary of State under … Continue reading BA (Nigeria) v Secretary of State for The Home Department and Others: SC 26 Nov 2009

Regina v Secretary of State for the Home Department Ex Parte Onibiyo: CA 28 Mar 1996

More than one asylum claim may be made, but they must be sufficiently different to justify a second claim. The court considered when an application could be treated as having been finally determined and when it was necessary for the Secretary of State to consider afresh further representations that the applicant was entitled to refugee … Continue reading Regina v Secretary of State for the Home Department Ex Parte Onibiyo: CA 28 Mar 1996

In re McKerr (Northern Ireland): HL 11 Mar 2004

The deceased had been shot by soldiers of the British Army whilst in a car in Northern Ireland. The car was alleged to have ‘run’ a checkpoint. The claimants said the investigation, now 20 years ago, had been inadequate. The claim was brought under human rights law, but predated by many years the incorporation of … Continue reading In re McKerr (Northern Ireland): HL 11 Mar 2004

McCaughey and Another, Re Application forJudicial Review: SC 18 May 2011

The claimants sought a fuller inquest into deaths at the hands of the British Army in 1990 in Northern Ireland. On opening the inquest, the coroner had declined to undertake to hold a hearing compliant with article 2, and it had not made progress. The applicants believed this would require a further investigation of the … Continue reading McCaughey and Another, Re Application forJudicial Review: SC 18 May 2011

Regina (Nadarajah) v Secretary of State for the Home Department; Abdi v Secretary of State for the Home Department: CA 22 Nov 2005

The asylum applicant challenged a certificate given by the respondent that the claim for asylum was manifestly ill-founded. The respondent had made a mistake in applying the appropriate policy, but had sought to correct the error. The claimants asserted that a legitimate expectation had been created. Held: The abiding principle which underpins the legitimate expectation … Continue reading Regina (Nadarajah) v Secretary of State for the Home Department; Abdi v Secretary of State for the Home Department: CA 22 Nov 2005

Regina (Holding and Barnes plc) v Secretary of State for Environment Transport and the Regions; Regina (Alconbury Developments Ltd and Others) v Same and Others: HL 9 May 2001

Power to call in is administrative in nature The powers of the Secretary of State to call in a planning application for his decision, and certain other planning powers, were essentially an administrative power, and not a judicial one, and therefore it was not a breach of the applicants’ rights to a fair hearing before … Continue reading Regina (Holding and Barnes plc) v Secretary of State for Environment Transport and the Regions; Regina (Alconbury Developments Ltd and Others) v Same and Others: HL 9 May 2001

Regina v Special Adjudicator ex parte Ullah; Regina v Secretary of State for the Home Department: HL 17 Jun 2004

The applicants had had their requests for asylum refused. They complained that if they were removed from the UK, their article 3 rights would be infringed. If they were returned to Pakistan or Vietnam they would be persecuted for their religious faiths. Held: A distinction was to be made between domestic cases involving actions within … Continue reading Regina v Special Adjudicator ex parte Ullah; Regina v Secretary of State for the Home Department: HL 17 Jun 2004

Keyu and Others v Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs and Another: CA 19 Mar 2014

In 1948, there had been an incident in what later became part of Malaysia, in a counter insurgency patrol, when 24 civilians were said to have been killed by a patrol from the Scots Guards. The claimant now appealed against the refusal of a further inquiry. Held: The appeal failed. Maurice Kay, Rimer, Fulford LJJ … Continue reading Keyu and Others v Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs and Another: CA 19 Mar 2014

Regina (Reprotech (Pebsham) Ltd) v East Sussex County Council Reprotech (Pebsham) Ltd v Same: HL 28 Feb 2002

The respondent company had asserted that the local authority had made a determination of the issue of whether electricity could be generated on a waste treatment site without further planning permission. The council said that without a formal planning application, no determination had been made. Held: The procedure of making a determination had important consequences. … Continue reading Regina (Reprotech (Pebsham) Ltd) v East Sussex County Council Reprotech (Pebsham) Ltd v Same: HL 28 Feb 2002

Wilkinson v Kitzinger and others: FD 31 Jul 2006

The parties had gone through a ceremony of marriage in Columbia, being both women. After the relationship failed, the claimant sought a declaration that the witholding of the recognition of same-sex marriages recoginised in a foreign jurisdiction was an infringement of her human rights. Held: Such a relationship is recognised in England as a civil … Continue reading Wilkinson v Kitzinger and others: FD 31 Jul 2006

Bellinger v Bellinger: HL 10 Apr 2003

Transgender Male to Female not to marry as Female The parties had gone through a form of marriage, but Mrs B had previously undergone gender re-assignment surgery. Section 11(c) of the 1973 Act required a marriage to be between a male and a female. It was argued that the section was incompatible with the claimant’s … Continue reading Bellinger v Bellinger: HL 10 Apr 2003

Corbett v Corbett (otherwise Ashley): FD 1 Feb 1970

There had been a purported marriage in 1963 between a man and a male to female trans-sexual. Held: Because marriage is essentially a union between a man and a woman, the relationship depended on sex, and not on gender. The law should adopt the chromosomal, gonadal and genital tests. If all three are congruent, that … Continue reading Corbett v Corbett (otherwise Ashley): FD 1 Feb 1970

CTB v News Group Newspapers Ltd and Another (1): QBD 16 May 2011

A leading footballer had obtained an injunction restraining the defendants from publishing his identity and allegations of sexual misconduct. The claimant said that she had demanded money not to go public. Held: It had not been suggested that there was any proper public interest in the proposed publication, and balancing the article 10 and 8 … Continue reading CTB v News Group Newspapers Ltd and Another (1): QBD 16 May 2011

Clift v Slough Borough Council and Another: QBD 6 Jul 2009

The claimant sought damages for defamation. The council had decided that she had threatened a member of staff and notified various people, and entered her name on a violent persons register. She alleged malice, the council pleaded justification and qualified privilege. She also complained of the breach of her data protection rights. She had been … Continue reading Clift v Slough Borough Council and Another: QBD 6 Jul 2009

Mosley v News Group Newspapers Ltd: QBD 24 Jul 2008

The defendant published a film showing the claimant involved in sex acts with prostitutes. It characterised them as ‘Nazi’ style. He was the son of a fascist leader, and a chairman of an international sporting body. He denied any nazi element, and claimed in breach of confidence. Held: ‘The law [of confidence] now affords protection … Continue reading Mosley v News Group Newspapers Ltd: QBD 24 Jul 2008

Ali v Head and Governors of Lord Grey School: QBD 27 Jun 2003

The claimant had been expelled from school unlawfully, and now sought damages for the breach of his right to an education. Held: The claimant had received and had refused appropriate offers of alternate schools. The duty was imposed generally on the state, not on any particular school. If the unavailablity of education was the fault … Continue reading Ali v Head and Governors of Lord Grey School: QBD 27 Jun 2003

X, A Woman Formerly Known As Mary Bell v Stephen O’Brien, News Group Newspapers Ltd MGN Ltd: QBD 21 May 2003

An injunction effective against the world, was granted to restrain any act to identify the claimant in the media, including the Internet. She had been convicted of murder when a child, and had since had a child herself. An order had been granted protecting her and her child until the child was 18. She now … Continue reading X, A Woman Formerly Known As Mary Bell v Stephen O’Brien, News Group Newspapers Ltd MGN Ltd: QBD 21 May 2003

British Broadcasting Company v Rochdale Metropolitan Borough Council and X and Y: FD 24 Nov 2005

Application was made by the claimant for orders discharging an order made in 1991 to protect the identity of children and social workers embroiled in allegations of satanic sex abuse. The defendant opposed disclosure of the names of two social workers. Held: The names of the social workers had been withheld originally to protect the … Continue reading British Broadcasting Company v Rochdale Metropolitan Borough Council and X and Y: FD 24 Nov 2005

Lorse and Others v The Netherlands: ECHR 4 Feb 2003

Hudoc Judgment (Merits and just satisfaction) Violation of Art. 3 with regard to the first applicant ; No violation of Art. 3 with regard to the other applicants ; No violation of Art. 8 ; No violation of Art. 13 ; Non-pecuniary damage – financial award ; Costs and expenses partial award – Convention proceedingsThe … Continue reading Lorse and Others v The Netherlands: ECHR 4 Feb 2003

Gallagher for Judicial Review (NI): SC 30 Jan 2019

Each appellant complained of the disclosure by the respondent of very old and minor offences to potential employers, destroying prospects of finding work. Two statutory schemes were challenged, raising two separate questions, namely whether any interference with Article 8 ECHR is: (1) ‘in accordance with the law’ (‘the legality test’) and (2) ‘necessary in a … Continue reading Gallagher for Judicial Review (NI): SC 30 Jan 2019

R, Regina (on the Application of) v Durham Constabulary and Another: HL 17 Mar 2005

The appellant, a boy aged 15, had been warned as to admitted indecent assaults on girls. He complained that it had not been explained to him that the result would be that his name would be placed on the sex offenders register. The Chief Constable appealed a decision that this was an interference in his … Continue reading R, Regina (on the Application of) v Durham Constabulary and Another: HL 17 Mar 2005

F and Another, Regina (on The Application of) v Secretary of State for The Home Department: SC 21 Apr 2010

The defendants had been convicted and sentenced for offences which under the 2003 Act would mean that they stayed permanently on the Sex Offenders’ register without possibility of a review. The Secretary of State appealed aganst a finding that the absence of a review was incompatible with their article 8 rights. Held: The appeal failed. … Continue reading F and Another, Regina (on The Application of) v Secretary of State for The Home Department: SC 21 Apr 2010

L, Regina (On the Application of) v Commissioner of Police of the Metropolis: SC 29 Oct 2009

Rebalancing of Enhanced Disclosure Requirements The Court was asked as to the practice of supplying enhanced criminal record certificates under the 1997 Act. It was said that the release of reports of suspicions was a disproportionate interference in the claimants article 8 rights to a private life. The enhanced record revealed that the claimant’s son … Continue reading L, Regina (On the Application of) v Commissioner of Police of the Metropolis: SC 29 Oct 2009

Cossey v The United Kingdom: ECHR 27 Sep 1990

A male to female transsexual who had undergone full gender reassignment surgery wished to marry. The court held that despite the Resolution of the European Parliament on 12th September 1989 and Recommendation 1117 adopted by the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe on 29th September 1989 – both of which sought the encourage the … Continue reading Cossey v The United Kingdom: ECHR 27 Sep 1990

Harvey, Regina v: SC 16 Dec 2015

Police had discovered quantities of stolen goods at the appellant’s business premises. He was convicted of receiving stolen goods, and confiscation order made. He now appealed from the inclusion in that order of sums of VAT which had already been accounted for to HMRC. Held: (Hughes and Toulson JJSC dissenting) The defendant’s appeal succeeded. Including … Continue reading Harvey, Regina v: SC 16 Dec 2015

Hughes, Re Application for Judicial Review v A Lay Magistrate and Another: QBNI 9 Dec 2021

(i) whether the judicial officer concerned, a Lay Magistrate, in acceding to two inter-related applications by the police and issuing two search warrants as requested, had the state of mind mandated by Article 10 PACE and (ii) whether the police applications were compliant with the requisite legal requirements. The applicant invites resolution of both questions … Continue reading Hughes, Re Application for Judicial Review v A Lay Magistrate and Another: QBNI 9 Dec 2021

Attorney General v Scotcher: HL 19 May 2005

Following a trial, a juror wrote to the defendant’s mother to say that other jury members had not considered the case in a proper manner. He had been given written advice that he was not free to discuss a case with anyone. He appealed his conviction for contempt of court, saying that his intention had … Continue reading Attorney General v Scotcher: HL 19 May 2005

Mott, Regina (on The Application of) v Environment Agency: SC 14 Feb 2018

The Court considered the legality under the European Convention on Human Rights of licensing conditions imposed by the Environment Agency restricting certain forms of salmon-fishing in the Severn Estuary. The claimant operated a licensed putcher rank salmon fishing business. Held: The Agency’s appeal failed. The judge’s reasoning was correct. He had not find it necessary … Continue reading Mott, Regina (on The Application of) v Environment Agency: SC 14 Feb 2018

The Holy Monasteries v Greece: ECHR 9 Dec 1994

Hudoc Judgment (Merits and just satisfaction) Preliminary objection rejected (ratione personae); Preliminary objection rejected (non-exhaustion); No violation of P1-1; Violation of Art. 6-1; No violation of Art. 9; No violation of Art. 11; No violation of Art. 13; No violation of Art. 14+6; No violation of Art. 14+9; No violation of Art. 14+11; No violation … Continue reading The Holy Monasteries v Greece: ECHR 9 Dec 1994

Alice Ellen Cooper-Dean Charitable Foundation v Greensleeves Owners Ltd: UTLC 12 Jun 2015

UTLC Leasehold Enfranchisement – Flat – two-stage enfranchisement – Leasehold Reform, Housing and Urban Development Act 1993 – paragraph 14 of Schedule 6 – paragraph 5 of Schedule 13 – paragraph 5 of Schedule 6 – section 3 of the Human Rights Act 1998 – article 1 of the First Protocol to the European Convention … Continue reading Alice Ellen Cooper-Dean Charitable Foundation v Greensleeves Owners Ltd: UTLC 12 Jun 2015

von Colson and Kamann v Land Nordrhein-Westfalen: ECJ 10 Apr 1984

LMA Art.177[Art.234] EC proceedings – Ms Van Colson had applied for a job with the prison service and Ms Harz had applied for a job with a private company Deutsche Tradex GmbH. Both had been rejected. The German court found that they had been rejected on grounds of sex and that the rejection had not … Continue reading von Colson and Kamann v Land Nordrhein-Westfalen: ECJ 10 Apr 1984

T and Another, Regina (on The Application of) v Secretary of State for The Home Department and Another: SC 18 Jun 2014

T and JB, asserted that the reference in certificates issued by the state to cautions given to them violated their right to respect for their private life under article 8 of the Convention. T further claims that the obligation cast upon him to disclose the warnings given to him violated the same right. Held: The … Continue reading T and Another, Regina (on The Application of) v Secretary of State for The Home Department and Another: SC 18 Jun 2014

Catt and T, Regina (on The Applications of) v Commissioner of Police of The Metropolis: SC 4 Mar 2015

Police Data Retention Justifiable The appellants challenged the collection of data by the police, alleging that its retention interfered with their Article 8 rights. C complained of the retention of records of his lawful activities attending political demonstrations, and T complained of the retention of an harassment warning issued against him. The Commissioner now appealed … Continue reading Catt and T, Regina (on The Applications of) v Commissioner of Police of The Metropolis: SC 4 Mar 2015

Purdy, Regina (on the Application of) v Director of Public Prosecutions: HL 30 Jul 2009

Need for Certainty in Scope of Offence The appellant suffered a severe chronic illness and anticipated that she might want to go to Switzerland to commit suicide. She would need her husband to accompany her, and sought an order requiring the respondent to provide clear guidelines on the circumstances under which someone might be prosecuted … Continue reading Purdy, Regina (on the Application of) v Director of Public Prosecutions: HL 30 Jul 2009

Sidabras and Others v Lithuania: ECHR 23 Jun 2015

ECHR Article 14 Discrimination Refusal to reinstate former KGB employee based on legislation previously found to be contrary to the Convention: violation Facts – The three applicants were former employees of the Lithuanian branch of the KGB. Following a law introduced in 1998 (the so-called ‘KGB Act’), providing that former KGB employees were banned from … Continue reading Sidabras and Others v Lithuania: ECHR 23 Jun 2015

Hallam, Regina (on The Application of) v Secretary of State for Justice: SC 30 Jan 2019

These appeals concern the statutory provisions governing the eligibility for compensation of persons convicted of a criminal offence where their conviction is subsequently quashed (or they are pardoned) because of the impact of fresh evidence. It was argued that the failure to make payment amounted to a denial of the right to the presumption of … Continue reading Hallam, Regina (on The Application of) v Secretary of State for Justice: SC 30 Jan 2019

Mullen, Regina (on the Application of) v Secretary of State for the Home Department: HL 29 Apr 2004

The claimant had been imprisoned, but his conviction was later overturned. He had been a victim of a gross abuse of executive power. The British authorities had acted in breach of international law and had been guilty of ‘a blatant and extremely serious failure to adhere to the rule of law with regard to the … Continue reading Mullen, Regina (on the Application of) v Secretary of State for the Home Department: HL 29 Apr 2004

Kay and Another v London Borough of Lambeth and others; Leeds City Council v Price and others and others: HL 8 Mar 2006

In each case the local authority sought to recover possession of its own land. In the Lambeth case, they asserted this right as against an overstaying former tenant, and in the Leeds case as against gypsies. In each case the occupiers said that the recovery of possession interfered with their right respect for their family … Continue reading Kay and Another v London Borough of Lambeth and others; Leeds City Council v Price and others and others: HL 8 Mar 2006

Regina v Secretary of State for The Home Department Ex Parte Simms: HL 8 Jul 1999

Ban on Prisoners talking to Journalists unlawful The two prisoners, serving life sentences for murder, had had their appeals rejected. They continued to protest innocence, and sought to bring their campaigns to public attention through the press, having oral interviews with journalists without undertakings from the journalists not to publish any element of the interview. … Continue reading Regina v Secretary of State for The Home Department Ex Parte Simms: HL 8 Jul 1999