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FMX Food Merchants Import Export Co Ltd v Revenue and Customs: SC 29 Jan 2020

This appeal concerns the meaning and effect of the phrase ‘Customs Debt’ in article 221(4) of the former Customs Code of the EU, contained in Council Regulation (EEC) No 2913/92. Customs duties may be due under ‘post-clearance demands’ and the Court now considered the time limits for such demands. The tax payer imported garlic, saying … Continue reading FMX Food Merchants Import Export Co Ltd v Revenue and Customs: SC 29 Jan 2020

Hill (As Trustee In Bankruptcy of Nurkowski) v Spread Trustee Company Ltd and Another: CA 12 May 2006

The defendants sought relief for transactions entered into at an undervalue. The bankrupt had entered into charges and an assignment of a loan account in their favour before his bankruptcy, and the trustee had obtained an order for them to be set aside as a fraud on his creditors. Held: To have such orders set … Continue reading Hill (As Trustee In Bankruptcy of Nurkowski) v Spread Trustee Company Ltd and Another: CA 12 May 2006

Macquire -v Sefton Metropolitan Borough Council and Another: CA 23 Feb 2006

The claimant was injured exercising on a machine in a gym owned by the defendant. The defendant had subcontracted the provision and maintenance of the equipment to a third party. Held: Where the third party was an apparently competent independent contractor, and nobody knew of the defect, the land owner was not liable. He had … Continue reading Macquire -v Sefton Metropolitan Borough Council and Another: CA 23 Feb 2006

De Wendel and Cie SA v Commission of the European Communities (Judgment): ECJ 11 Jun 1968

Europa 1. ECSC treaty – economic and social provisions – prices – discriminatory practices – comparable transactions – concept (ECSC treaty, article 60(1)) 2. ECSC treaty – economic and social provisions – prices – discriminatory practices – identical final price applied to comparable transactions – possibility of discrimination not excluded by this fact alone (ECSC … Continue reading De Wendel and Cie SA v Commission of the European Communities (Judgment): ECJ 11 Jun 1968

Haystead v Director of Public Prosecutions: QBD 2 Jun 2000

The defendant had hit a mother in the face as she held the child. The force was sufficient to cause her to drop the child causing injury to the child. He appealed against a conviction for beating the child. Held: The appeal failed. A battery could be inflicted even though the force actually used was … Continue reading Haystead v Director of Public Prosecutions: QBD 2 Jun 2000

Prudential Plc and Another, Regina (on The Application of) v Special Commissioner of Income Tax and Another: SC 23 Jan 2013

The appellants resisted disclosure to the revenue of advice it had received. It claimed legal advice privilege (LAP), though the advice was from its accountants. Held: (Lords Sumption and Clarke dissenting) LAP applies to all communications passing between a client and its lawyers, acting in their professional capacity, in connection with the provision of legal … Continue reading Prudential Plc and Another, Regina (on The Application of) v Special Commissioner of Income Tax and Another: SC 23 Jan 2013

SMO and KSP (Civil Status Documentation, Article 15) (CG)) Iraq: UTIAC 16 Mar 2022

Iraq – Full New Country Guidance This decision replaces all existing country guidance on Iraq. A. INDISCRIMINATE VIOLENCE IN IRAQ: ARTICLE 15(C) OF THE QUALIFICATION DIRECTIVE 1. There continues to be an internal armed conflict in certain parts of Iraq, involving government forces, various militia and the remnants of ISIL. Following the military defeat of … Continue reading SMO and KSP (Civil Status Documentation, Article 15) (CG)) Iraq: UTIAC 16 Mar 2022

Morrow v Nadeem: 1981

In a notice served pursuant to s25 of the 1954 Act the landlord was described as the individual who was effectively the sole shareholder and director of landlord company, rather than the landlord company itself. Held: The landlord’s notice was invalid. It was a form preescribed by the rules requiring the correct identification of the … Continue reading Morrow v Nadeem: 1981

Edwards (Inspector of Taxes) v Bairstow: HL 25 Jul 1955

The House was asked whether a particular transaction was ‘an adventure in the nature of trade’. Held: Although the House accepted that this was ‘an inference of fact’, on the primary facts as found by the Commissioners ‘the true and only reasonable conclusion’ contradicted that decision. The House set out principles for establishing that decisions … Continue reading Edwards (Inspector of Taxes) v Bairstow: HL 25 Jul 1955

Singer and Friedlander Ltd v Wood: 1977

Valuers acting competently and professionally may reach widely varying conclusions as to value. There is a permissible margin of error, the ‘bracket’. What can properly be expected from a competent valuer using reasonable care and skill is that his valuation falls within this bracket. A valuation that falls outside the permissible margin of error calls … Continue reading Singer and Friedlander Ltd v Wood: 1977

Attorney-General v Able and Others: QBD 28 Apr 1983

The Attorney General sought a declaration as to whether it would be the crime of aiding and abetting or counselling and procuring suicide, to distribute a booklet published by the respondent which described various effective ways of committing suicide. The stated aim of the booklet was to help readers overcome the fear of dying. Held: … Continue reading Attorney-General v Able and Others: QBD 28 Apr 1983

In Re J (A Minor) (Prohibited Steps Order: Circumcision): CA 22 Dec 1999

Where there was a dispute between parents as to the necessity or propriety of circumcising a child, it was appropriate that the court should be involved to make the decision. Such decisions were vital to the child’s upbringing and irreversible. Here the court had properly considered the matters before him. One parent was not able … Continue reading In Re J (A Minor) (Prohibited Steps Order: Circumcision): CA 22 Dec 1999

Re Recher’s Will Trusts: ChD 1972

The deceased gave a share of the residue, to ‘The Anti-Vivisection Society, 76 Victoria Street, London S.W.1.’ She died in 1962 and her husband died in 1968. Until the end of 1956 a non-charitable unincorporated society, known as the ‘London and Provincial Anti-Vivisection Society’ had carried on its activities at 76 Victoria Street, but in … Continue reading Re Recher’s Will Trusts: ChD 1972

In the Estate of Julian Bernard Hall deceased; In re RH: CA 1914

The rule against an offender benefitting from his crime applies not just in cases involving a conviction for murder. Held: The court rejected a suggestion that a distinction should be drawn between cases of murder and manslaughter. Lord Cozens-Hardy MR failed entirely to appreciate the supposed distinction: ‘it was a case of felony and I … Continue reading In the Estate of Julian Bernard Hall deceased; In re RH: CA 1914

Regina on the Application of Davies (No 2) v HM Deputy Coroner for Birmingham: CA 27 Feb 2004

The claimant appealed against a costs order. She had previously appealed against an order of the High Court on her application for judicial review of the inquest held by the respondent. Held: The coroner, and others in a similar position should not generally be expected to pay the costs of an appeal against an order … Continue reading Regina on the Application of Davies (No 2) v HM Deputy Coroner for Birmingham: CA 27 Feb 2004

Zurich Insurance Plc UK Branch v International Energy Group Ltd: SC 20 May 2015

A claim had been made for mesothelioma following exposure to asbestos, but the claim arose in Guernsey. Acknowledging the acute difficultis particular to the evidence in such cases, the House of Lords, in Fairchild. had introduced the Special Rule at common law as to such evidence. In the UK, the 2006 Act had amended the … Continue reading Zurich Insurance Plc UK Branch v International Energy Group Ltd: SC 20 May 2015

Countrywide Communications Limited v ICL Pathway Ltd: 1996

The court considered the authorities bearing on the question of whether or not a claim under a quantum meruit can successfully be made for work done in anticipation of a contract which does not materialise. Strauss J concluded: ‘I have found it impossible to formulate a clear general principle which satisfactorily governs the different factual … Continue reading Countrywide Communications Limited v ICL Pathway Ltd: 1996

Les Laboratoires Servier and Another v Apotex Inc and Others: SC 29 Oct 2014

Ex turpi causa explained The parties had disputed the validity a patent and the production of infringing preparations. The english patent had failed and damages were to be awarded, but a Canadian patent remained the defendant now challenged the calculation of damages for what it said would have been an infringing trade, and pleaded ex … Continue reading Les Laboratoires Servier and Another v Apotex Inc and Others: SC 29 Oct 2014

St John Shipping Corporation v Joseph Rank Limited: 1956

The defendants held a bill of lading for part of the cargo carried on the plaintiffs’ vessel from Mobile, Alabama, to Birkenhead. The vessel was over laden and the plaintiffs were guilty of an offence under the 1932 Act. The defendants relied on the plaintiffs’ illegality in the performance of the contract as a ground … Continue reading St John Shipping Corporation v Joseph Rank Limited: 1956

In re J (a Minor) (Wardship: Medical Treatment): CA 1986

The court referred to a case of extremely painful treatment causing continuous agony or such continuous sedation as to lead to there being no conscious life at all. The child suffered a condition which included the likelihood of periodic respiratory failure. The treating physician proposed that in that event, mechanical resuscitation would not be employed. … Continue reading In re J (a Minor) (Wardship: Medical Treatment): CA 1986

Parkingeye Ltd v Somerfield Stores Ltd: CA 17 Oct 2012

The claimant company operated parking management for the defendant, charging customers for overparking. The defendant came to believe that the claimant’s behaviour was over-aggressive, and the use of falsehoods, and terminated the contract. The defendant appealed against rejection of its claim that the contract was void for illegality. The court now considered the effect of … Continue reading Parkingeye Ltd v Somerfield Stores Ltd: CA 17 Oct 2012

Wilson v Secretary of State for Trade and Industry; Wilson v First County Trust Ltd (No 2): HL 10 Jul 2003

The respondent appealed against a finding that the provision which made a loan agreement completely invalid for lack of compliance with the 1974 Act was itself invalid under the Human Rights Act since it deprived the respondent lender of its property rights. It was also argued that it was not possible to make a declaration … Continue reading Wilson v Secretary of State for Trade and Industry; Wilson v First County Trust Ltd (No 2): HL 10 Jul 2003

Fenton, Regina v: 1975

The defendant had shot four people in two different locations. He suffered a number of conditions, including paranoid psychopathy, which raised the possibility of diminished responsibility, although the jury had rejected that defence. He now appealed complaining that the jury had not been allowed to consider his heavy intoxication as possibly establishing diminished responsibility. Held: … Continue reading Fenton, Regina v: 1975

Salford City Council v McNally: QBD 19 Dec 1974

cw Public Health – Nuisance – Complaint by tenant – Local authority’s compulsory acquisition of house in clearance area – Local authority postponing demolition as house capable of providing accommodation of standard adequate for time being – House statutory nuisance – whether nuisance order appropriateThe local authority compulsorily acquired a house in a clearance area … Continue reading Salford City Council v McNally: QBD 19 Dec 1974

Marfani and Co Ltd v Midland Bank Ltd: CA 1968

A rogue opened a new bank account under a false name with the help of an incorrect reference from a valued customer. Held: When an account is fraudulently opened with the bank in the name of another person by someone pretending to be that person, the person opening the account is the customer. The court … Continue reading Marfani and Co Ltd v Midland Bank Ltd: CA 1968

Airedale NHS Trust v Bland: CA 9 Dec 1992

The official Solicitor appealed against a decision that doctors could withdraw medical treatment including artificial nutrition, from a patient in persistent vegetative state. Held: The doctors sought permission to act in accordance with recommended medical practice. Agreement was universal that there was no prospect of the patient’s improvement, nor any purpose in continued treatment. The … Continue reading Airedale NHS Trust v Bland: CA 9 Dec 1992

Commissioner of Police for the Metropolis v Reeves (Joint Administratix of The Estate of Martin Lynch, Deceased): HL 15 Jul 1999

The deceased was a prisoner known to be at risk of committing suicide. Whilst in police custody he hanged himself in his prison cell. The Commissioner accepted that he was in breach of his duty of care to the deceased, but not that that breach was caustive of the death by suicide. Held: Police and … Continue reading Commissioner of Police for the Metropolis v Reeves (Joint Administratix of The Estate of Martin Lynch, Deceased): HL 15 Jul 1999

Corr v IBC Vehicles Ltd: CA 31 Mar 2006

The deceased had suffered a head injury whilst working for the defendant. In addition to severe physical consequences he suffered post-traumatic stress, became more and more depressed, and then committed suicide six years later. The claimant appealed against refusal of an award under the 1976 Act. The judge had decided that it was not part … Continue reading Corr v IBC Vehicles Ltd: CA 31 Mar 2006

Tomlinson v Congleton Borough Council and others: HL 31 Jul 2003

The claimant dived into a lake, severely injuring himself. The council appealed liability, arguing that it owed him no duty of care under the Act since he was a trespasser. It had placed warning signs to deter swimmers. Held: The council’s appeal succeeded. The risk of injury arose, not from any danger due to the … Continue reading Tomlinson v Congleton Borough Council and others: HL 31 Jul 2003

Quick v Taff Ely Borough Council: CA 1986

Because of fungus, mould growth and dampness, the tenant’s council house was virtually unfit for human habitation in the winter when the condensation was at its worst. Section 32(1) of the 1961 Act implied in the tenancy a covenant by the council to keep in repair the structure and exterior of the dwelling-house. Section 32(3) … Continue reading Quick v Taff Ely Borough Council: CA 1986

Montgomery v Lanarkshire Health Board: SC 11 Mar 2015

Change in Doctors’ Information Obligations The pursuer claimed that her obstetrician had been negligent, after her son suffered severe injury at birth. The baby faced a birth with shoulder dystocia – the inability of the shoulders to pass through the pelvis. The consultant considered that a vaginal birth was preferable and did not given advice … Continue reading Montgomery v Lanarkshire Health Board: SC 11 Mar 2015

Sidaway v Board of Governors of the Bethlem Royal Hospital and the Maudsley Hospital: HL 21 Feb 1985

Explanation of Medical Risks essential The plaintiff alleged negligence in the failure by a surgeon to disclose or explain to her the risks inherent in the operation which he had advised. Held: The appeal failed. A mentally competent patient has an absolute right to refuse to consent to medical treatment for any reason, rational or … Continue reading Sidaway v Board of Governors of the Bethlem Royal Hospital and the Maudsley Hospital: HL 21 Feb 1985

Dietschmann v Regina: CACD 5 Oct 2001

The defendant was convicted of murder. He claimed diminished responsibility arising from a disorder, being either according to one psychiatrist, arising from alcohol dependence syndrome, or according to another, a depressed grief reaction. The substantial issue related to the judge’s directions on the alcohol dependence. The defendant did not suggest he had a craving: his … Continue reading Dietschmann v Regina: CACD 5 Oct 2001

Regina v Lambert; Regina v Ali; Regina v Jordan: CACD 14 Sep 2000

Each defendant was charged under a statute which provided a defence if they could prove a certain element. They complained that this was a breach of their human rights. The complaint was rejected. It would be wrong to impose a burden of proof on a defendant as regards a main element of a crime, but … Continue reading Regina v Lambert; Regina v Ali; Regina v Jordan: CACD 14 Sep 2000

Graysim Holdings Ltd v P and O Property Holdings Ltd: HL 24 Nov 1995

A market hall had been let to a tenant under a lease. The tenant fitted out the entire hall with stalls and entered into agreements with the stallholders, by which they paid the tenant a rent and service charge for services provided by the tenant. The head landlord served a notice to terminate the lease … Continue reading Graysim Holdings Ltd v P and O Property Holdings Ltd: HL 24 Nov 1995

Youngsam, Regina (on The Application of) v The Parole Board: Admn 7 Apr 2017

The claimant challenged being recalled to prison from licence after being found in an area from which he was excluded as a condition of his parole. Judges: Turner J Citations: [2017] EWHC 729 (Admin) Links: Bailii Statutes: European Convention on Human Rights 5, Criminal Justice Act 2003 244 254 Jurisdiction: England and Wales Citing: Cited … Continue reading Youngsam, Regina (on The Application of) v The Parole Board: Admn 7 Apr 2017

Spectrum Investment Co Ltd v Holmes: ChD 1981

The plaintiff company acquired the registered freehold title of a house in 1957. The house was already demised on a long lease. The leaseholder had sublet to the defendant, who, by continuous non-payment of rent, had, by 1963, acquired a prescriptive title against her. In 1968 the defendant sought registration as proprietor of the leasehold … Continue reading Spectrum Investment Co Ltd v Holmes: ChD 1981

Donoghue (or M’Alister) v Stevenson: HL 26 May 1932

Decomposed Snail in Ginger Beer Bottle – Liability The appellant drank from a bottle of ginger beer manufactured by the defendant. She suffered injury when she found a half decomposed snail in the liquid. The glass was opaque and the snail could not be seen. The drink had been bought for her by a friend, … Continue reading Donoghue (or M’Alister) v Stevenson: HL 26 May 1932

Ashley and Another v Sussex Police: CA 27 Jul 2006

The deceased was shot by police officers raiding his flat in 1998. The claimants sought damages for his estate. They had succeeded in claiming damages for false imprisonment, but now appealed dismissal of their claim for damages for assault and misfeasance. The judge below had accepted that the officer had acted in self-defence, and entered … Continue reading Ashley and Another v Sussex Police: CA 27 Jul 2006

Lister v Romford Ice and Cold Storage Co Ltd: CA 1956

Where an employer is found vicariously liable for an employee’s actions, they are entitled to recover an indemnity from them, to cover such losses. Held: An accident which occurred in the yard of a slaughterhouse did not arise out of use on the road. Romer LJ opined that to hold that the accident arose out … Continue reading Lister v Romford Ice and Cold Storage Co Ltd: CA 1956

Parry v Cleaver: HL 5 Feb 1969

PI Damages not Reduced for Own Pension The plaintiff policeman was disabled by the negligence of the defendant and received a disablement pension. Part had been contributed by himself and part by his employer. Held: The plaintiff’s appeal succeeded. Damages for personal injury were not to be reduced by deducting the full net value of … Continue reading Parry v Cleaver: HL 5 Feb 1969

Camas Plc v HM Inspector of Taxes: ChD 7 Jul 2003

An investment company sought to set against its liability to corporation tax, the various costs of taking over another company. They argued that as an investment company these were not costs of the purchase and could be set against tax. Held: The phrase ‘expenses of management’ is an ordinary expression not made up of words … Continue reading Camas Plc v HM Inspector of Taxes: ChD 7 Jul 2003

London and Cheshire Insurance Co Ltd v Laplagrene Property Co Ltd: ChD 1971

Brightman J [1971] Ch 499 Land Registration Act 1925 70(1)(g) England and Wales Citing: Approved – Re Birmingham, deceased; Savage v Stannard 1957 An unpaid vendor’s lien arises the moment the contract is entered into. It is discharged on completion to the extent that the purchase money is paid. . . Cited by: Cited – … Continue reading London and Cheshire Insurance Co Ltd v Laplagrene Property Co Ltd: ChD 1971

Purdy, Regina (on the Application of) v Director of Public Prosecutions: HL 30 Jul 2009

Need for Certainty in Scope of Offence The appellant suffered a severe chronic illness and anticipated that she might want to go to Switzerland to commit suicide. She would need her husband to accompany her, and sought an order requiring the respondent to provide clear guidelines on the circumstances under which someone might be prosecuted … Continue reading Purdy, Regina (on the Application of) v Director of Public Prosecutions: HL 30 Jul 2009

Regina v Special Commissioner And Another, ex parte Morgan Grenfell and Co Ltd: HL 16 May 2002

The inspector issued a notice requiring production of certain documents. The respondents refused to produce them, saying that they were protected by legal professional privilege. Held: Legal professional privilege is a fundamental part of ensuring human rights as a right of privacy, and is recognised in European law (A M and S Europe Ltd). A … Continue reading Regina v Special Commissioner And Another, ex parte Morgan Grenfell and Co Ltd: HL 16 May 2002

D and K Drost Consult Gmbh and Another v Foremost Leisure (Holdings) Ltd: CA 12 Feb 2015

The parties had embarked on works despite having failed to take negotiations to a conclused contract. The claimant sought payment under a quantum meruit for services provided. Longmore, Underhill, Sharp LJJ [2015] EWCA Civ 73 Bailii England and Wales Citing: Cited – William Lacey (Hounslow) Ltd v Davis 1957 The builder tendered for work, apparently … Continue reading D and K Drost Consult Gmbh and Another v Foremost Leisure (Holdings) Ltd: CA 12 Feb 2015

Regina v Khan: CACD 27 Jul 2009

On his trial for murder the defendant produced unchallenged expert evidence that at the time of the offence, his mental responsibility for the killing was substantially impaired by his mental illness. He said that in these circumstances the charge of murder should have been withdrawing leaving only manslaughter available to the jury. Held: The medical … Continue reading Regina v Khan: CACD 27 Jul 2009

Allied London Industrial Properties Limited v Castleguard Properties Limited: CA 24 Jul 1997

The parties disputed the effect of a conveyance of land from 1985 and an associated deed of variation. The variation added an easement which was argued by the purchaser to have attached to the land, and was said by the vendor to have been personal only. Held: The appeal was dismissed. The judge had correctly … Continue reading Allied London Industrial Properties Limited v Castleguard Properties Limited: CA 24 Jul 1997

Regina v Smith (Morgan James): HL 27 Jul 2000

The defendant had sought to rely upon the defence of provocation. He had suffered serious clinical depression. Held: When directing a jury on the law of provocation, it was no longer appropriate to direct the jury to disregard any particular characteristics of the defendant when asking whether the provocation was such as to make a … Continue reading Regina v Smith (Morgan James): HL 27 Jul 2000

Harbour Estates Limited v HSBC Bank Plc: ChD 15 Jul 2004

The lease contained a break clause. The parties disputed whether the benefit of the clause was personal to the orginal lessee, or whether it touched and concerned the land, and therefore the benefit of it passed with the land. Held: The defendant was entitled to exercise and did validly exercise the break clause. The purpose … Continue reading Harbour Estates Limited v HSBC Bank Plc: ChD 15 Jul 2004

Khera v Secretary of State for The Home Department; Khawaja v Secretary of State for The Home Department: HL 10 Feb 1983

The appellant Khera’s father had obtained leave to settle in the UK. The appellant obtained leave to join him, but did not disclose that he had married. After his entry his wife in turn sought to join him. The appellant was detained as an illegal immigrant. Held: The term ‘illegal immigrant’ included anyone entering unlawfully. … Continue reading Khera v Secretary of State for The Home Department; Khawaja v Secretary of State for The Home Department: HL 10 Feb 1983

Pyrene Co Ltd v Scindia Navigation Co Ltd: QBD 1954

The fob contract has become a flexible instrument and it does not necessarily follow that the buyer is an original party to the contract of carriage. The effect of article III, r. 2 of the Hague-Visby Rules was not to override freedom of contract to reallocate responsibility for the functions described in that rule: ‘The … Continue reading Pyrene Co Ltd v Scindia Navigation Co Ltd: QBD 1954

Volcafe Ltd and Others v Compania Sud Americana De Vapores Sa: SC 5 Dec 2018

The claimant appellants, arranged shipment of bagged Colombian green coffee beans, stowed in 20 unventilated 20-foot containers from Panama to Rotterdam, Hamburg or Bremerhaven for on carriage to Bremen. The bill of lading for each consignment covered the entire carriage. Such beans were commonly carried in either ventilated or unventilated containers. Unventilated containers were specified … Continue reading Volcafe Ltd and Others v Compania Sud Americana De Vapores Sa: SC 5 Dec 2018

Betty’s Cafe Ltd v Phillips Furnishing Stores Ltd: HL 1958

On a renewal of a tenancy a landlord’s counter-notice under section 26(6) relied on section 30(1)(f) and (g). Held: (Lord Keith dissenting) The court was bound to have regard to the position as it was on the date of the order. The landlord must have a ‘firm and settled intention’ as regards the proposed works. … Continue reading Betty’s Cafe Ltd v Phillips Furnishing Stores Ltd: HL 1958

British Railways Board v Herrington: HL 16 Feb 1972

Land-owner’s Possible Duty to Trespassers The plaintiff, a child had gone through a fence onto the railway line, and been badly injured. The Board knew of the broken fence, but argued that they owed no duty to a trespasser. Held: Whilst a land-owner owes no general duty of care to a trespasser, the creation by … Continue reading British Railways Board v Herrington: HL 16 Feb 1972

Hinds and other v The Queen; Director of Public Prosecutions v Jackson, attorney General of Jamaica (Intervenor): PC 1 Dec 1975

The Gun Court Act 1974 of Jamaica established special courts at different levels to deal with varieties of crimes involving guns. There was provision for hearings to be held in camera. Certain offences carried mandatory life sentences reviewable only by a panel appointed by the Governor-General. The appellants each appealed convictions by the courts complaining … Continue reading Hinds and other v The Queen; Director of Public Prosecutions v Jackson, attorney General of Jamaica (Intervenor): PC 1 Dec 1975

Jolley v Sutton London Borough Council: HL 24 May 2000

An abandoned boat had been left on its land and not removed by the council. Children tried to repair it, jacked it up, and a child was injured when it fell. It was argued for the boy, who now appealed dismissal of his claim by the Court of Appeal, that the possibility of injury to … Continue reading Jolley v Sutton London Borough Council: HL 24 May 2000

James, Regina v; Regina v Karimi: CACD 25 Jan 2006

The defendants appealed their convictions for murder, saying that the court had not properly guided the jury on provocation. The court was faced with apparently conflicting decision of the House of Lords (Smith) and the Privy Council (Holley). Held: ‘The rule that this court must always follow a decision of the House of Lords and, … Continue reading James, Regina v; Regina v Karimi: CACD 25 Jan 2006

Prime Sight Ltd v Lavarello: PC 9 Jul 2013

(Gibraltar) Parties to a contract for the sale of land including the appellant company declared a purchase price which both knew to be false. Faced with insolvency proceedings, the appellant sought to challenge a claim for the full amount. Held: The company’s appeal succeeded. Parties are free to contract on their own terms and the … Continue reading Prime Sight Ltd v Lavarello: PC 9 Jul 2013

Tsakiroglou and Co Ltd v Noblee Thorl GmbH: HL 1961

The appellants had agreed to sell to the respondents 300 tonnes of groundnuts. However due to the blockade of the Suez canal from November 2 1956 until April 1957, the appellants failed to deliver these goods and the respondents sued for breach of contract. The issue before the court was whether by reason of the … Continue reading Tsakiroglou and Co Ltd v Noblee Thorl GmbH: HL 1961

Challen v Challen and Another: ChD 27 May 2020

Forfeiture rule disapplied after spousal abuse The claimant sought the disapplication of the forfeiture rule. She had been convicted of the manslaughter of her seriously abusive husband. The court considered whether a conviction for murder set aside and replaced with one of manslaughter was a conviction under the 1982 Act, and that the three month … Continue reading Challen v Challen and Another: ChD 27 May 2020

McGhee v National Coal Board: HL 1973

The claimant who was used to emptying pipe kilns at a brickworks was sent to empty brick kilns where the working conditions were much hotter and dustier. His employers failed, in breach of their duty, to provide him with washing facilities after his work, and he cycled home caked with sweat and dust. He suffered … Continue reading McGhee v National Coal Board: HL 1973

Bogdanic v The Secretary of State for The Home Department: QBD 29 Aug 2014

The claimant challenged fines imposed on him after three illegal immigrants were found to have hidden in his lorry in the immigration control zone at Dunkirk. The 1999 At was to have been amended by the 2002 Act, and the implementation was by the 2002 Order. That Order was now said to be ineffective. Held: … Continue reading Bogdanic v The Secretary of State for The Home Department: QBD 29 Aug 2014

Network Rail Infrastructure Ltd v Williams and Another: CA 3 Jul 2018

Japanese Knotweed escape is nuisance The defendant appealed against an order as to its liability in private nuisance for the escape of Japanese Knotweed from its land onto the land of the claimant neighbours. No physical damage to properties had yet been shown, but the reduction in value which had occurred. Held: The decision of … Continue reading Network Rail Infrastructure Ltd v Williams and Another: CA 3 Jul 2018

Hong Kong Fir Shipping Co v Kawasaki Kisen Kaisha Ltd: CA 20 Dec 1961

The plaintiffs had recently acquired the ship the ‘Hong Kong Fir’ and contracted to charter it to the defendants, but being late in delivering it, the defendants cancelled the charterparty contract. The plaintiffs said the repudiation was wrongful, and that the ship was fit to charter. Held: ‘authority over many decades and reason support the … Continue reading Hong Kong Fir Shipping Co v Kawasaki Kisen Kaisha Ltd: CA 20 Dec 1961

Gouriet v Union of Post Office Workers: HL 26 Jul 1977

The claimant sought an injunction to prevent the respondent Trades Union calling on its members to boycott mail to South Africa. The respondents challenged the ability of the court to make such an order. Held: The wide wording of the statute did not mean that the courts had, in effect, limitless powers to grant interlocutory … Continue reading Gouriet v Union of Post Office Workers: HL 26 Jul 1977

Geary v JD Wetherspoon Plc: QBD 14 Jun 2011

The claimant, attempting to slide down the banisters at the defendants’ premises, fell 4 metres suffering severe injury. She claimed in negligence and occupiers’ liability. The local council had waived a requirement that the balustrade meet the minimum height. The defendant had been told that it would neither be allowed to increase its height nor … Continue reading Geary v JD Wetherspoon Plc: QBD 14 Jun 2011

Regina v Rimmington; Regina v Goldstein: HL 21 Jul 2005

Common Law – Public Nuisance – Extent The House considered the elements of the common law offence of public nuisance. One defendant faced accusations of having sent racially offensive materials to individuals. The second was accused of sending an envelope including salt to a friend as a joke. The envelope had leaked causing a terrorist … Continue reading Regina v Rimmington; Regina v Goldstein: HL 21 Jul 2005

Anisminic Ltd v Foreign Compensation Commission: HL 17 Dec 1968

There are no degrees of nullity The plaintiffs had owned mining property in Egypt. Their interests were damaged and or sequestrated and they sought compensation from the Respondent Commission. The plaintiffs brought an action for the declaration rejecting their claims was a nullity. The Commission replied that the courts were precluded from considering the question … Continue reading Anisminic Ltd v Foreign Compensation Commission: HL 17 Dec 1968

Three Rivers District Council and others v Governor and Company of the Bank of England (No 6): HL 11 Nov 2004

The Bank anticipated criticism in an ad hoc enquiry which was called to investigate its handling of a matter involving the claimant. The claimant sought disclosure of the documents created when the solicitors advised employees of the Bank in preparing to present the Bank’s case, and the Bank now appealed an order granting such access, … Continue reading Three Rivers District Council and others v Governor and Company of the Bank of England (No 6): HL 11 Nov 2004

Regina v Schildkamp: HL 1971

The defendant was accused of defrauding the company’s creditors. Held: Not guilty. When interpreting a statute, the words of a heading cannot have equal weight with the words of the Act. The courts sometimes have to fill lacunae in legislation. Punctuation could be used as aids in cases of ambiguity as could the long title … Continue reading Regina v Schildkamp: HL 1971

ZH and CN, Regina (on The Applications of) v London Boroughs of Newham and Lewisham: SC 12 Nov 2014

The court was asked whether the 1977 Act required a local authorty to obtain a court order before taking possession of interim accommodation it provided to an apparently homeless person while it investigated whether it owed him or her a duty under Part VII of the 1996 Act, and (ii) whether a public authority, which … Continue reading ZH and CN, Regina (on The Applications of) v London Boroughs of Newham and Lewisham: SC 12 Nov 2014

Baker v Quantum Clothing Group Ltd and Others: SC 13 Apr 2011

The court was asked as to the liability of employers in the knitting industry for hearing losses suffered by employees before the 1989 Regulations came into effect. The claimant had worked in a factory between 1971 and 2001, sustaining noise induced hearing losses before 1989. The defendant companies now appealed against a finding of liability. … Continue reading Baker v Quantum Clothing Group Ltd and Others: SC 13 Apr 2011

Regina v Dietschmann: HL 27 Feb 2003

Voluntary drunkenness No Diminished Responsibility The defendant had been convicted of murder. At the time of the assault, he was both intoxicated to the point of losing his inhibitions and was also suffering an abnormality of mind sufficient substantially to reduce his mental responsibility. Held: The correct approach was for the jury to ignore the … Continue reading Regina v Dietschmann: HL 27 Feb 2003

Hornal v Neuberger Products Ltd: CA 1956

Proof Standard for Misrepresentation The court was asked what was the standard of proof required to establish the tort of misrepresentation, and it contrasted the different standards of proof applicable in civil and criminal cases. Held: The standard was the balance of probabilities. It was for the plaintiff to establish that the defendant had the … Continue reading Hornal v Neuberger Products Ltd: CA 1956

Fairstar Heavy Transport Nv v Adkins and Another: CA 19 Jul 2013

The court was asked whether the appellant company was entitled to an order requiring its former Chief Executive Officer, after the termination of his appointment, to give it access to the content of emails relating to its business affairs, and stored on his personal computer in England, were sent or received by him on behalf … Continue reading Fairstar Heavy Transport Nv v Adkins and Another: CA 19 Jul 2013

Criminal proceedings against Lindqvist: ECJ 6 Nov 2003

Mrs Lindqvist had set up an internet site for her local parish containing information about some of her colleagues in the parish. She gave names, jobs, hobbies and in one case some of the person’s employment and medical details. The Court decided that she had processed the personal data of her colleagues. Questions were referred … Continue reading Criminal proceedings against Lindqvist: ECJ 6 Nov 2003

Williams and Glyn’s Bank Ltd v Boland: HL 19 Jun 1980

Wife in Occupation had Overriding Interest The wife had made a substantial financial contribution to the purchase price of the house which was registered only in her husband’s name, and charged to the bank. The bank sought possession. The wife resisted saying that she had an overriding interest. Held: Her equitable interest was not only … Continue reading Williams and Glyn’s Bank Ltd v Boland: HL 19 Jun 1980

Barlow v Wigan Metropolitan Borough Council: CA 1 Jun 2020

Presumption of dedication dates back. The claimant tripped over a tree root raising a path in the park. The court was now asked whether the pathway through a public park, but which was not a public right of way, was maintainable at public expense as a highway governed by the 1980 Act. Held: As to … Continue reading Barlow v Wigan Metropolitan Borough Council: CA 1 Jun 2020

A v Secretary of State for the Home Department, and X v Secretary of State for the Home Department: HL 16 Dec 2004

The applicants had been imprisoned and held without trial, being suspected of international terrorism. No criminal charges were intended to be brought. They were foreigners and free to return home if they wished, but feared for their lives if they did. A British subject, who was suspected in the exact same way, and there were … Continue reading A v Secretary of State for the Home Department, and X v Secretary of State for the Home Department: HL 16 Dec 2004