Lynn Shellfish Ltd and Others v Loose and Another: SC 13 Apr 2016

The court was asked as to the extent of an exclusive prescriptive right (ie an exclusive right obtained through a long period of use) to take cockles and mussels from a stretch of the foreshore on the east side of the Wash, on the west coast of Norfolk. Over time the various water marks had moved with the sands.
Held: ‘ the assumption which was made below was correct, and that the seaward boundary of the Area the subject of the exclusive Right to take shellfish fluctuates with the passage of time as the low water mark moves. The Estate has exercised a prescriptive exclusive Right to take shellfish from the foreshore for a substantial period, during which the low water mark fluctuated to a significant extent over time, in circumstances where the evidence clearly establishes that the only way in which the shellfish were gathered was by individuals walking from the land when the tide was out. It is in those circumstances inherently very likely, indeed inevitable in terms of practical reality, that the putative Right would have been exercised over an area which was defined, or limited, by a shifting low tide mark. Thus, based on the inherently probable nature and extent of the actual exercise of the putative Right to fish by or on behalf of the Estate, we conclude that the boundary of the Area would have been low water as it was from time to time.’
‘If a right over land, the identity of which shifts, can be the subject of an express grant, then it appears to us to follow that, as has been assumed on all sides below, there is no reason why that should not apply equally to a right over land obtained by prescription.’
Unlike other instruments, grants by the Crown are not construed against the grantor (contra proferentem), and ‘the principle upon which the rule is based can, for what it is worth, properly be prayed in aid by the Crown in relation to a claim based on prescription, and therefore by the appellants in this case. It appears to us that that basic principle is that a court should not be too easily persuaded that the Crown has been deprived of a property or a right, given that the property or right is held for the public good. Therefore, in cases where it would otherwise be quite unclear whether a prescriptive right obtained against the Crown extended to certain property or certain rights, the principle may properly be invoked to justify the conclusion that it does not so extend. In the great majority of cases of prescription, as in most cases of express grant, this principle will take matters no further, as it is only where the extent of the right would otherwise be really unclear that the principle can come into play.’

Lord Neuberger, President, Lord Clarke, Lord Sumption, Lord Carnwath, Lord Hodge
[2016] UKSC 14, [2016] WLR(D) 181, [2016] 2 WLR 1126, UKSC 2014/0191, [2016] 2 WLR 1126, [2017] AC 599, [2016] 2 WLR 1148
Bailii, Bailii Summary, WLRD, SC, SC Summary, SC Summary Video
England and Wales
At ChDLoose v Lynn Shellfish Ltd and Others ChD 18-Apr-2013
The court was asked whether the defendants had infringed the claimant’s fishery rights in an area of the Wash.
Held: The private fishery extended seawards as far as the mean low-water mark of spring tides and the fishermen had been fishing in . .
At CALoose v Lynn Shellfish Ltd and Others CA 19-Jun-2014
The parties disputed the rights to take shellfish from the foreshore. Fishermen now appealed against a finding as to the extent of a private fishery from which they were excluded, in particular as to the rights overfomer sandbanks, at the western, . .
CitedLe Strange v Rowe 1866
The court considered a claim for the right to take mussels from the foreshore.
Held: Erle CJ directed the jury that ‘there is evidence of what to my mind was a very strong act of ownership in respect to the taking of mussels’. . .
CitedLe Strange v Lynn Corporation QBD 1868
(Extensive newspaper Report) (i) the Estate claimed its exclusive Right extended over Stubborn Sand but not over Ferrier Sand or other unconnected sandbanks, (ii) the decision effectively established the northern and southern boundaries of the Area . .
CitedMalcolmson v O’Dea HL 1863
A private fishery may be established by prescription.
Willes J said: ‘The soil of ‘navigable tidal rivers,’ like the Shannon, so far as the tide flows and reflows, is prima facie in the Crown, and the right of fishery prima facie in the . .
CitedLord Chesterfield v Harris HL 17-Jul-1911
The House considered the nature and ownership of fishing rights on the River Wye. Freeholders in adjoining parishes had been fishing a non-tidal portion of the river for centuries, not by stealth or indulgence, but openly, continuously, as of right . .
CitedThe Attorney General for The Provinces British Columbia v The Attorney General for The Dominion of Canada and Another PC 2-Dec-1913
Canada – Lord Haldane set out the principles under which fishery rights might be acquired by prescription.
Fish stocks are a public resource, and there is no property in fish until they are caught. The right to fish in tidal waters or in the . .
CitedLoose v Castleton CA 1978
The foreshore owner, and owner of fisheries rights sought damages from fishermen who had come from the sea to take mussels.
Held: The defendants’ appeals failed.
Bridge LJ stated: ‘That, then, being the law, one must next turn to see what . .
CitedBury v Pope 1587
The owner of land was held entitled to erect a house against his neighbour’s windows even though they had enjoyed light for over 30 years. ‘And lastly, the earth hath in law a great extent upwards, not only of water as hath been said, but of aire, . .
CitedBryant v Foot 1867
It is to be presumed from a period of 20 years’ user, and the lack of evidence inconsistent with there having been immemorial user or a lost modern grant, that a right which was within grant has been established. The apparent right should lie in . .
CitedAynsley v Glover ChD 1875
An original use of land for agricultural purposes does not accommodate a use of a supporting right of way to support use of dominant land for a caravan park or camping site. Such would be an unjustifiable increase in the burden.
Where the . .
CitedScratton v Brown 1825
When construing a conveyance of (or indeed a deed of grant over) the foreshore, it is a matter of interpretation whether what is conveyed (or granted) is the foreshore (or a right over the foreshore) at the time of the document or the foreshore as . .
CitedWilliams v James 1867
A right of way had been granted over the plaintiff’s land for the benefit of ‘Nine acre field’ in its ordinary use as a field. Hay grown on both Nine acre field and the adjoining ‘Parrott’s land’ had been mowed and stored on Nine acre field in the . .
CitedThe Rebeckah 26-Feb-1799
Lord Stowell discussed the rationale behind the inversion in cases involving the Crown of the principle that a clause is to be construed against the proposer saying that: ‘the prerogatives and rights and emoluments of the Crown being conferred upon . .
CitedLord Blantyre and Others v The Clyde Navigation Trustees SCS 3-Mar-1871
Where trustees were appointed by statute for the purpose of improving the navigation of a river, by deepening and widening and artificially confining its channel, and by other operations; and they and their predecessors had prosecuted this work for . .
CitedLord Blantyre and Master of Blantyre v Lord Advocate and Clyde Navigation Trustees SCS 12-Feb-1878
Property – Possession – Right to Foreshore of a Public Navigable River – Where a Barony Title is followed by Possession. . .
CitedRegina v Oxfordshire County Council and Another, Ex Parte Sunningwell Parish Council HL 25-Jun-1999
When setting out to establish that a piece of land has become a village green with rights of common, the tests are similar to those used in the law of prescription and adverse possession. Accordingly, there is no need to establish a belief in those . .
CitedNeill v Duke of Devonshire HL 1882
The House considered the right to a several fishery in the river Blackwater. There were letters patent granted by James I and Charles I. Held; Lord Selborne LC said: ‘These written titles (if the possession and enjoyment has been consistent with . .
CitedViscountess Rhondda’s Claim HL 1922
(Committee of Privileges of the House of Lords) Viscountess Rhondda asserted a right to sit in the House of Lords as a member, relying on the 1919 Act.
Held: It is incorrect for a court to draw conclusions from such elements of the . .
CitedRPC Holdings Limited v Rogers 1953
A prescriptive right of way had been enjoyed in connection only with agricultural use of the dominant land, which was a field.
Held: The way could not be used in connection with the use of the field as a caravan and camping site. Harman J . .
CitedTehidy Minerals Ltd v Norman CA 1971
The fact that land had been requisitioned by the Ministry of Agriculture between 1941 and 1960 and the 20-odd years’ user relied on as having created the rights had preceded 1941 was a bar to a prescriptive claim to grazing rights under the . .
CitedBaxendale v Instow Parish Council ChD 1982
Sir Robert Megarry V-C said: ‘Another instance of movable freeholds, and one that is very much in print in this case, may arise on a grant of foreshore; for such a grant may convey an estate in the foreshore in whatever position it is from time to . .
CitedBowring Services Ltd v Scottish Widows Fund and Life Assurance Society 1995
. .
CitedLewis, Regina (on The Application of) v Redcar and Cleveland Borough Council and Another SC 3-Mar-2010
The claimants sought to have land belonging to the council registered as a village green to prevent it being developed. They said that it had for more than twenty years been used by the community for various sports. The council replied that it had . .
CitedCrown Estate Commissioners v Roberts and Another ChD 13-Jun-2008
The defendant claimed ownership as Lord Marcher of St Davids of historical rights in foreshores in Pembrokeshire. The claimants sought removal of his cautions against first registration.
Held: Lewison J explored the history of manorial . .
CitedAttorney-General v Chambers 8-Jul-1854
Lord Cranworth LC said that ‘Lord Hale gives as his reason for thinking that lands only covered by high spring tides do not belong to the Crown, that such lands are for the most part dry and manorable’, and that ‘the reasonable conclusion is, that . .
CitedSouthern Centre of Theosophy Incorporated v The State of South Australia PC 15-Dec-1981
(Australia) Lord Wilberforce described accretion as: ‘a doctrine which gives recognition to the fact that where land is bounded by water, the forces of nature are likely to cause changes in the boundary between the land and the water. Where these . .
CitedWilliams v Booth 14-Apr-1910
High Court of Australia – Griffith CJ said: ‘I do not think that any case of accretion is made out. The law as stated by Blackstone (2 Bl Com, p 262), is that ‘if this gain be by little and little, by small and imperceptible degrees, it shall go to . .
CitedMercer v Denne CA 1905
The court was asked whether the custom for fishermen to spread their nets to dry upon a privately owned beach, if otherwise established, could apply to land added by accretion to land over which it could be shown that the custom existed.
Land, Agriculture

Updated: 13 January 2022; Ref: scu.562186

Alex Duke of Gordon v Sir James Grant, Bart, Colonel James Grant, Colonel Alexander Grant, The Earl of Fife, and Others: HL 22 Mar 1776

Cruive Dykes – Cruive Fishing – Floating Timber down a River. – Circumstances in which a party was held to have a cruive fishing, and entitled to erect dykes for that purpose, but so as not to obstruct the floating down the river to the sea, the wood and timber belonging to the superior heritors.
This was a dispute between the appellant and the respondents being heritors on the banks of the river Spey, as to the right of cruive fishing in that river claimed by the appellant, and which the respondents contended he had not; action was brought to declare their respective rights.
It was stated that the former Duke of Gordon had raised action to have his right of tugnet fishing in the sea at the mouth of the river Spey, and likewise to have his right to a currach, cobble and spear fishing in the said river declared; but no conclusion was made as to a cruive or dyke fishing.

[1776] UKHL 3 – Paton – 679


Updated: 13 January 2022; Ref: scu.561840

Greece v Commission (Judgment): ECJ 8 Mar 2016

ECJ (Judgment) Appeal – State aid – Compensation payments made by the Greek Agricultural Insurance Organisation (ELGA) in 2008 and 2009 – Decision declaring aid incompatible with the internal market and ordering its recovery – Concept of ‘State aid’ – Article 107(3)(b) TFEU – Guidelines for State aid in the agricultural sector – Obligation to state reasons – Distortion of evidence

[2016] EUECJ C-431/14, ECLI:EU:C:2016:145


Updated: 12 January 2022; Ref: scu.560959

Spain v Commission: ECJ 3 Mar 2016

ECJ (Judgment) Appeal – Regulation (EC) No 1234/2007 – Common organization of markets in the agricultural sector – Implementing Regulation (EU) No 543/2011 – Annex I, Part B 2, VI, D, fifth indent – sectors of fruit and vegetables and processed fruit and vegetables – Citrus – marketing standards – provisions concerning marking – Indications of preservatives or other chemical substances used at post-harvest treatment

C-26/15, [2016] EUECJ C-26/15
Regulation (EC) No 1234/2007
England and Wales


Updated: 12 January 2022; Ref: scu.560966

Unity FR 165 Ltd and Another v Ministry of Agriculture Fisheries and Food: QBD 20 Jan 1999

When looking at the compliance of a company mackerel fishing with European limits, the boat had to comply with all elements of the regulations, including notification before entering the area and notification of the size of the catch.

Times 20-Jan-1999
Council Regulation 894/97 art 9
England and Wales

European, Agriculture

Updated: 12 January 2022; Ref: scu.90082

Alexander Duke of Gordon and His Curators v James Earl of Moray and William Earl of Fife: HL 9 Mar 1763

Right of Fishing.-
A difference having arisen as to the import of the judgment of the House of Lords, fixing the boundary between two fishings, as being the line which the sea made upon the coast where it cut the river Spey: Circumstances in which the Court of Session was held entitled to order certain permanent landmarks, indicating this line to be fixed up.

[1763] UKHL 2 – Paton – 78


Updated: 11 January 2022; Ref: scu.560594

Thomas, Lord Erskine of Alva, and John Erskine of Balgownie v The Magistrates and Town-Council of Stirling; Michael Potter of Easter Livylands and Robert Galloway of Burrowmeadow: HL 20 Mar 1765

Salmon Fishing in the Forth – Act 1698. –
Held that the appellants were prohibited by the above Act from using a stoupnet, which was a species of pock-net, in their fishing salmon in the river or Firth of Forth, and that they were not entitled to use either pock-net or herrywater net, in said fishing, contrary to the said Act.

[1765] UKHL 6 – Paton – 774, (1765) 6 Paton 774

Scotland, Agriculture

Updated: 11 January 2022; Ref: scu.560613

Sir William Dunbar and Sir Alexander Grant, Baronets, Duncan Urquhart, and Alexander Tulloch, Esqs v Alexander Brodie of Lethen, Esq: HL 15 Feb 1765

Salmon Fisheries in the River Findhorn. –
(1) Held, that the appellants had right to the fresh water fishings in the Findhorn, and that the boundaries extended from fixed points; and (2) that the respondent had right to the five stells on the east side of the river Findhorn, and that Sir William Dunbar had right to the stells on the west of the said river, and that Mr Brodie had the only right of fishing on the sand beds, and on the east side of the river, at all times of the tide, and also on the west side during the ebbing of the sea, and that he and Sir William Dunbar had right to exercise their stell fishings without any limitations as to the mode of fishing.

[1765] UKHL 6 – Paton – 769, – Paton – 769.html


Updated: 11 January 2022; Ref: scu.560608

Tempest (t/a Cesspool Sid) v Commissioners of Customs and Excise: ChD 16 Mar 2000

The taxpayer owned and operated vehicles for discharging cesspool waste over agricultural land. He sought to reclaim the rebate entitlement for heavy oil. It was held that the four wheeled vehicles were off-the-road vehicles even if they would be driven on roads to and from the work sites. It was not an agricultural vehicle but was entitled as an off road vehicle if it was not otherwise entitled to a rebate, if it was designed and constructed mainly for use off the roads, and if it could not exceed 25 mph under its own power.

Times 16-Mar-2000
Hydrocarbon Oil Duty Act 1979
England and Wales

Road Traffic, Transport, Agriculture

Updated: 09 January 2022; Ref: scu.89763

Pagkiprios organismos ageladotrofon Dimosia Ltd v Commission: ECFI 7 Dec 2015

(Order) Application for interim measures – Publication of an application for registration of a protected designation of origin – ‘Halloumi’ or ‘Hellim’ – Application for suspension of operation of a measure – No urgency

T-584/15, [2015] EUECJ T-584/15 – CO

Intellectual Property, Agriculture

Updated: 08 January 2022; Ref: scu.557026

Szemerey v Miniszterelnokseget vezeto miniszter: ECJ 17 Dec 2015

ECJ Reference for a preliminary ruling – Common agricultural policy – Rural development support measures – Agri-environmental payments – Regulation (EC) No 1122/2009 – Articles 23 and 58 – Regulation (EC) No 1698/2005 – Regulation (EC) No 1975/2006 – Aid in respect of the cultivation of a rare plant species – Application for payment – Contents – Certificate requirement – Penalties for non-presentation

C-330/14, [2015] EUECJ C-330/14, ECLI:EU:C:2015:826


Updated: 08 January 2022; Ref: scu.557037

Regina v Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food, ex parte Dennis Clifford Bostock: ECJ 24 Mar 1994

1. The requirements flowing from the protection of fundamental rights in the Community legal order are also binding on Member States when they implement Community rules, with the result that Member States must, as far as possible, apply those rules in accordance with those requirements.
Where reference is made to the Court for a preliminary ruling, it must provide all the criteria of interpretation needed by the national court to determine whether rules falling within the scope of Community law are compatible with the fundamental rights whose observance the Court ensures.
2. The Community rules on the additional levy on milk introduced by Regulations No 856/84, No 857/84 and No 1371/84 do not require a Member State to introduce a scheme for the payment by a landlord of compensation to an outgoing tenant and do not confer directly on a tenant a right to such compensation in respect of the reference quantity transferred to the landlord on the expiry of a lease.
The general principles of Community law do not provide for an obligation or right of that kind either.
The right to property safeguarded by the Community legal order does not include the right to dispose, for profit, of an advantage, such as the reference quantities allocated in the context of the common organization of a market, which does not derive from the assets or occupational activity of the person concerned.
The fact that other tenants may have received compensation later as a result of an amendment to national legislation cannot allow the principle of equal treatment to be successfully pleaded. That principle, which is expressly set out in Article 40(3) of the Treaty, cannot bring about retroactive modification of the relations between the parties to a lease to the detriment of the lessor by imposing on him an obligation to compensate the outgoing lessee, whether under national provisions which the Member State in question might be required to adopt, or by means of direct effect.
In view of the fact that legal relations between lessees and lessors, in particular on the expiry of a lease, are, as Community law now stands, still governed by the law of the Member State in question, any consequences of unjust enrichment of the lessor on the expiry of a lease are not a matter for Community law.

C-2/92, [1994] EUECJ C-2/92, [1994] ECR I-955


Updated: 07 January 2022; Ref: scu.160841

Shortt and Another v Secretary of State for Communities and Local Government and Another: CA 18 Nov 2015

Appeal concerning the meaning of ‘dependants’ in an agricultural occupancy condition attached to a planning permission: ‘The occupation of the dwelling shall be limited to persons employed or last employed solely or mainly and locally in agriculture as defined by Section 290(1) of the Town and Country Planning Act, 1971, or in forestry and the dependants (which shall be taken to include a widow or widower) of such persons.’ The farm was run by Mrs S, but her husband had a quite independent business which in practice supported the farm. The appellants contended that Mr Shortt and the children were not ‘dependants’ of Mrs Shortt within the meaning of the condition and that their occupation of the dwelling had been at all material times in breach of the condition, with a consequence that they were immune from enforcement action.
Held: The landowners appeal failed. The condition was valid. Planning Policy Guidance 7 required a strict approach towards the grant of planning permission for agricultural and forestry dwellings. The purpose of granting planning permission subject to an agricultural occupancy condition for dwellings in the countryside is to provide accommodation that is needed for an agricultural worker. It is reasonably to be expected, however, that an agricultural worker with a family will want to live in such accommodation with his or her family; and the obvious purpose of the inclusion of dependants within the condition is to permit them to do just that. There is no obvious reason why this condition should be read as applying only where the agricultural worker provides financial support to the family members living with him or her. Indeed, it would be very surprising if the intention were to permit an agricultural worker to have family members living with him or her only so long as the agricultural business was profitable, or to require family finances to be organised in such a way as to channel profits from the agricultural business into meeting the family’s ordinary living expenses rather than, for example, allowing them to be reinvested in the agricultural business while relying on the spouse’s income to meet the living expenses.

Richards, Sales LJJ, Body J
[2015] EWCA Civ 1192
England and Wales
CitedFawcett Properties Ltd v Buckingham County Council HL 1960
A grant of planning permission was subject to an agricultural occupancy condition: ‘The occupation of the houses shall be limited to persons whose employment or latest employment is or was employment in agriculture as defined by section 119(1) of . .
Appeal fromShortt v Secretary of State for Communities and Local Government and Another Admn 22-Jul-2014
. .

Lists of cited by and citing cases may be incomplete.

Planning, Agriculture

Updated: 06 January 2022; Ref: scu.554786

Alexander Duke of Gordon, and Elizabeth Dutchess Dowager of Gordon v Charles Earl of Murray Et Alii: HL 16 Apr 1728

The question here related to the boundaries by which the rights of the parties to certain salmon fishings in the river Spey and on the sea shore were limited, and to the modes in which they were entitled to exercise these rights; but as the point fell to be decided by the titles of the parties, by the possession which they had enjoyed, and by certain transactions which had been entered into between their authors and predecessors, no general question of law was involved in the decision.

[1728] UKHL 1 – Paton – 8, (1728) 1 Paton 8


Updated: 05 January 2022; Ref: scu.554248

Roger v Hutcheson and Others: HL 29 May 1922

An incoming tenant under his lease agreed to relieve the proprietor of all claims which the outgoing tenant had against the landlord, including his claims under the Agricultural Holdings (Scotland) Act 1908, and by deed of submission the question of the amount of compensation payable for improvements under the Act was referred by the incoming and outgoing tenants to two arbiters and an oversman instead of to a single arbiter, as provided for in section 11 (1) of the Act of 1908. Held (aff. judgment of the Second Division) that as the reference was made neither under the Act of 1908 nor under the outgoing tenant’s lease, but under the special agreement between the tenants, it was not prohibited by section 11 (1) of the Act, and that the form of arbitration was competent.
The Agricultural Holdings (Scotland) Act 1908 enacts-Section 6 (2)-‘A claim . . for compensation under this Act . . shall not be made after the determination of the tenancy. . . ‘
By deed of submission entered into between an incoming and an outgoing tenant, and executed prior to the determination of the tenancy, the question as to what sum should be payable to the outgoing tenant as compensation for improvements under the Agricultural Holdings Act 1908 was referred to arbitration. No statement containing the particulars or amounts of the claim was, however, made until after the expiry of the tenancy. Held ( aff. judgment of the Second Division) that the existence and nature of the claim had been sufficiently certiorated, and that accordingly it had been timeously made.

Viscount Haldane, Viscount Finlay, Viscount Cave, Lord Dunedin, and Lord Wrenbury
[1922] UKHL 320, 59 SLR 320

Landlord and Tenant, Agriculture

Updated: 05 January 2022; Ref: scu.632804

Mott, Regina (on The Application of) v Environment Agency: SC 14 Feb 2018

The Court considered the legality under the European Convention on Human Rights of licensing conditions imposed by the Environment Agency restricting certain forms of salmon-fishing in the Severn Estuary. The claimant operated a licensed putcher rank salmon fishing business.
Held: The Agency’s appeal failed. The judge’s reasoning was correct. He had not find it necessary to categorise the measure as either expropriation or control. It was enough that it ‘eliminated at least 95% of the benefit of the right’, thus making it ‘closer to deprivation than mere control’. This was clearly relevant to the ‘fair balance’. Yet the Agency had given no consideration to the particular impact on his livelihood. The impact was exacerbated because the method chosen meant that by far the greatest impact fell on him, as compared to others whose use may have been only for leisure purposes.

Lady Hale, President, Lord Kerr, Lord Carnwath, Lady Black, Lord Briggs
[2018] UKSC 10, [2018] 2 All ER 663, [2018] LLR 356, [2018] 1 WLR 1022, [2018] Env LR 20, [2018] WLR(D) 86, UKSC 2016/0148
Bailii, Bailii Summray, WLRD, SC, SC Summary, SC Summary Video, SC 20171213 am Video, SC 2017 pm Video
European Convention on Human Rights A1P1, Salmon and Freshwater Fisheries Act 1975, Marine and Coastal Access Act 2009, Human Rights Act 1998
England and Wales
At first InstanceMott, Regina (on The Application of) v The Environment Agency and Another Admn 13-Feb-2015
The claimant challenged new conditions imposed on licences to operate his salmon fishery in the Severn Estuary, which operated to defeat his tenancy of the fishery.
Held: The request for review succeeded. The decisions to impose the catch . .
CitedMott, Regina (on The Application of) v Environment Agency and Another CA 17-Jun-2016
The applicant challenged restrictions on salmon fishing imposed by the respondent. At first instance they were held to be irrational, and the Agency appealed.
Held: The Regulations were not irrational and that element of the appeal succeeded, . .
CitedBack v Finland ECHR 20-Jul-2004
The claimant was the owner of a substantial debt owed by another individual. However the value of his debt was reduced to a very small level when the debtor entered a statutory scheme for compromise of debts.
Held: It must be open to a . .
CitedSporrong and Lonnroth v Sweden ECHR 18-Dec-1984
Balance of Interests in peaceful enjoyment claim
An interference with the peaceful enjoyment of possessions must strike a fair balance between the demands of the general interests of the community and the requirements of the protection of the individual’s fundamental rights. This balance is . .
CitedTrailer and Marina (Leven) Ltd, Regina (ex parte) v Secretary of State for the Environment, Food and Rural Affairs and Another CA 15-Dec-2004
The claimant sought a declaration that the 1981 Act, as amended, interfered with the peaceful enjoyment of its possession, namely a stretch of canal which had been declared a Site of Special Scientific Interest, with the effect that it was unusable. . .
CitedAXA General Insurance Ltd and Others v Lord Advocate and Others SC 12-Oct-2011
Standing to Claim under A1P1 ECHR
The appellants had written employers’ liability insurance policies. They appealed against rejection of their challenge to the 2009 Act which provided that asymptomatic pleural plaques, pleural thickening and asbestosis should constitute actionable . .
CitedMellacher and Others v Austria ECHR 19-Dec-1989
The case concerned restrictions on the rent that a property owner could charge. The restrictions were applied to existing leases. It was said that the restrictions brought into play the second paragraph of Article 1 of the First Protocol to the . .
CitedPapamichalopoulos and Others v Greece ECHR 24-Jun-1993
Expropriation notices, which were eventually withdrawn, constituted neither deprivation of property nor control of use, but ‘The fact that the permits fell within the ambit of neither of the second sentence of the first paragraph nor of the second . .
CitedPosti and Rahko v Finland ECHR 24-Sep-2002
Hudoc Two fishermen who operated under leases granted by the Finnish state complained that restrictions imposed by the government to safeguard fish stocks had failed to strike a fair balance under A1P1. The court . .
CitedHutten-Czapska v Poland ECHR 19-Jun-2006
Grand Chamber. The court considered the need for establishing a fair balance in cases under A1P1: ‘Not only must an interference with the right of property pursue, on the facts as well as in principle, a ‘legitimate aim’ in the ‘general interest’, . .
CitedRe B (A Child) (Care Proceedings: Threshold Criteria) SC 12-Jun-2013
B had been removed into care at birth. The parents now appealed against a care order made with a view to B’s adoption. The Court was asked as to the situation where the risks were necessarily only anticipated, and as to appeals against a finding of . .
CitedPindstrup Mosebrug A/S v Denmark ECHR 3-Jun-2008
Restrictions had been imposed on the commercial exploitation of a peat bog, regarded as geologically and biologically unique.
Held: The claim was inadmissible. The effect on the claimants was not unduly severe, having regard to the findings . .

Lists of cited by and citing cases may be incomplete.

Human Rights, Agriculture

Updated: 05 January 2022; Ref: scu.604791

Council v Commission C-73/14: ECJ 6 Oct 2015

ECJ Judgment – Action for annulment – United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea – International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea – Illegal, unreported and unregulated fishing – Advisory opinion proceedings – Submission by the European Commission of a written statement on behalf of the European Union – No prior approval of the content of that statement by the Council of the European Union – Article 13(2) TEU, Article 16 TEU and Article 17(1) TEU – Article 218(9) TFEU and Article 335 TFEU – Representation of the European Union – Principles of conferral of powers and institutional balance – Principle of sincere cooperation

ECLI:EU:C:2015:663, [2015] EUECJ C-73/14
United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea – International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea

Transport, Agriculture

Updated: 04 January 2022; Ref: scu.553093

Germany v Commission: ECFI 24 Sep 2015

ECJ Judgment – EAGGF – Section’Garantie’ – EAGF and EAFRD – Expenditure excluded from financing – Expenditure incurred under the European quota system for the production of potato starch – Rights of the defense

T-557/13, [2015] EUECJ T-557/13, ECLI:EU:T:2015:682


Updated: 04 January 2022; Ref: scu.552745

Vonk Dairy Products BV v Productschap Zuivel: ECJ 11 Jan 2007

ECJ Agriculture Common organisation of the markets Cheese Articles 16 to 18 of Regulation (EEC) No 3665/87 Differentiated export refunds Almost immediate re-exportation from the country of importation Evidence of abuse Recovery of payments wrongly made Second subparagraph of Article 3(1) of Regulation (EC, Euratom) No 2988/95 Continuous or repeated irregularity.

C-279/05, [2007] EUECJ C-279/05
Regulation (EEC) No 3665/87
OpinionVonk Dairy Products BV v Productschap Zuivel ECJ 7-Jun-2006
ECJ Opinion – the Court is asked to interpret provisions governing the recovery of refunds paid to support export outside the Community of milk products, (2) when those products have subsequently been re-exported . .

Lists of cited by and citing cases may be incomplete.


Updated: 04 January 2022; Ref: scu.247929

Astonquest Ltd, Regina (on The Application of) v Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food: CA 14 Jan 1999

The court considered the lawfulness of the manner in which the Ministry allocates fish quotas to vessels, such as that owned and managed by the appellant, which are not members of producer organisations.

Hirst, Aldous, Ward LJJ
[1999] EWCA Civ 570
England and Wales

European, Agriculture

Updated: 03 January 2022; Ref: scu.551912

Keeble v Hickeringall (470): 1738

[1738] EngR 470, (1688-1710, 1738) Holt KB 14, (1738) 90 ER 906
England and Wales
See AlsoKeeble v Hickeringill 1796
. .
See AlsoKeeble v Hickeringall (472) 1738
. .

Cited by:
See AlsoKeeble v Hickeringall 1738
Holt CJ, delivered the opinion of the Court for the plaintiff, and said, that this is a new action, but is supported by the old reason and principles of law ; taking of wild-fowl is a lawful and profitable employment, it is as if it were his trade . .

Lists of cited by and citing cases may be incomplete.


Updated: 03 January 2022; Ref: scu.385863

Federcoopesca And Others v Commission: ECFI 7 Jul 2015

ECJ Judgment – Action for annulment – Fishing – Community control system for ensuring compliance with the rules of the Common Fisheries Policy – Commission decision establishing an action plan to address gaps in the Italian control system fishing – Measure not by itself amend the applicant’s legal situation – Lack of individual concern – Inadmissible

T-312/14, [2015] EUECJ T-312/14, ECLI: EU: T: 2015 472

European, Agriculture

Updated: 02 January 2022; Ref: scu.549998

Demmer v Fodevareministeriets Klagecenter: ECJ 2 Jul 2015

Judgment – References for a preliminary ruling – Agriculture – Common agricultural policy – Single payment scheme – Regulation (EC) No 1782/2003 – Article 44(2) – Regulation (EC) No 73/2009 – Article 34(2)(a) – Concept of ‘eligible hectare’ – Areas surrounding runways, taxiways and stopways – Agricultural use – Lawfulness – Recovery of agricultural aid unduly allocated

A. Tizzano, P
C-684/13, [2015] EUECJ C-684/13, ECLI:EU:C:2015:439
Regulation (EC) No 1782/2003, Regulation (EC) No 73/2009


Updated: 02 January 2022; Ref: scu.549993

Tunnel Tech Ltd v Reeves (Valuation Officer): CA 9 Jul 2015

Whether or not hereditament wais exempt from non-domestic rates under section 51 of the Local Government Finance Act 1988 as agricultural land or as comprising agricultural buildings within schedule 5 of that Act.

[2015] EWCA Civ 718, [2015] WLR(D) 301, [2015] PTSR 1490
Bailii, WLRD
Local Government Finance Act 1988 51
England and Wales

Rating, Agriculture

Updated: 01 January 2022; Ref: scu.549782

Italy v Commission: ECFI 24 Jun 2015

ECJ Judgment – State aid – milk levy – Aid granted by Italy to milk producers – Aid scheme linked to the repayment of the milk levy – Conditional decision – Non-compliance with a condition that allowed to recognize the compatibility of the aid with the internal market – De minimis aid – Existing aid – New -Modification Help of existing aid – State aid control procedure – Obligation to state reasons – Burden of proof

T-527/13, [2015] EUECJ T-527/13, ECLI: EU: T: 2015 : 429

European, Agriculture

Updated: 01 January 2022; Ref: scu.549457

Commission v Council C-122/94: ECJ 29 Feb 1996

(Judgment) 1. Agriculture – Competition rules – Provisions of the Treaty relating to aid granted by States – Applicability in the wine sector – Consequence – Power of the Council to authorize aid by derogation in view of exceptional circumstances
(EC Treaty, Art. 42 and Arts 92 to 94; Council Regulation No 822/87, Art. 76)
2. Agriculture – Competition rules – Aid – Authorization of aid by derogation by the Council – Judicial review – Limits – Decision authorizing special aid for the distillation of certain wines in Italy and France in the 1993/94 wine year – No manifest error of assessment
(EC Treaty, Arts 39 and 93(2), third subpara.)
3. Acts of the institutions – Statement of reasons – Obligation – Scope
(EC Treaty, Art. 190)

[1996] ECR I-881, [1996] EUECJ C-122/94

European, Agriculture

Updated: 01 January 2022; Ref: scu.161343

Poland v Commission: ECFI 22 Apr 2015

Judgment – Agriculture – Common organisation of markets – Processed fruit and vegetables sectors – Aid to producer groups – Limitation on the Union’s financial participation – Legal certainty – Legitimate expectations – Obligation to state reasons – Sincere cooperation

T-290/12, [2015] EUECJ T-290/12, ECLI:EU:T:2015:221


Updated: 29 December 2021; Ref: scu.545883

Belgium v Commission: ECFI 25 Mar 2015

ECJ Judgment – State aid – Public Health – Aid granted to finance the TSE testing (EST) in cattle – Decision declaring the aid partly compatible and partly incompatible with the internal market – Action for annulment – Act adversely affecting – Admissibility- Concept of advantage – selectivity Notion

T-538/11, [2015] EUECJ T-538/11, ECLI: EU: T: 2015 188


Updated: 29 December 2021; Ref: scu.544884

Council v Stichting Natuur En Milieu And Pesticide Action Network Europe: ECJ 13 Jan 2015

ECJ Judgment – Appeals – Regulation (EC) No 149/2008 – Regulation setting maximum residue levels for pesticides – Request for internal review of that regulation, submitted pursuant to Regulation (EC) No 1367/2006 – Commission decision declaring the request inadmissible – Measure of individual scope – Aarhus Convention – Validity of Regulation (EC) No 1367/2006 in the light of that convention

C-404/12, [2015] EUECJ C-404/12, [2014] EUECJ C-404/12 – O
Bailii, Bailii
Regulation (EC) No 149/2008, Regulation (EC) No 1367/2006

European, Environment, Agriculture

Updated: 27 December 2021; Ref: scu.541493

Fruition Po Limited v Minister For Sustainable Farming And Food And Animal Health: ECJ 19 Dec 2013

ECJ Reference for a preliminary ruling – Regulation (EC) No 2200/96 – Regulation (EC) No 1432/2003 – Agriculture – Common organisation of markets – Fruit and vegetables – Producer organisations – Conditions for recognition by national authorities – Provision of technical resources required for storage, packing and marketing of produce – Whether organisation obliged, in the event of delegation of its tasks to third party companies, to exercise control over those companies

R Silva de Lapuerta, P
[2013] EUECJ C-500/11
Regulation (EC) No 2200/96, Regulation (EC) No 1432/2003
OpinionFruition Po Limited v Minister For Sustainable Farming And Food And Animal Health ECJ 23-Apr-2013
ECJ Opinion – Common organisation of the market in fruit and vegetables – Regulation (EC) No 2200/96 – Article 11 – Producer organisations – Conditions for recognition – Control over contractors . .

Lists of cited by and citing cases may be incomplete.

European, Agriculture

Updated: 25 December 2021; Ref: scu.541392

Cruz and CompanhiaLda v Instituto de Financiamento da Agricultura e Pescas, IP: ECJ 11 Dec 2014

ECJ Judgment – Reference for a preliminary ruling – Agriculture – Regulation (EEC) No 3665/87 – Articles 4(1) and 13 – Regulation (EEC) No 2220/85 – Article 19(1)(a) – Export refunds – Advance payments on refunds – Conditions for the release of the guarantee furnished to ensure the repayment of the advance

T von Danwitz, P
C-128/13, [2014] EUECJ C-128/13, ECLI:EU:C:2014:2432

European, Agriculture

Updated: 24 December 2021; Ref: scu.539897

Italy v Commission: ECFI 2 Dec 2014

ECJ Judgment – EAGGF – Guarantee Section – EAGF and EAFRD – Expenditure excluded from financing – Dairy – Assigned revenue – Key controls – Delay – flat-rate financial correction – Legal basis – Article 53 of Regulation (EC) No 1605/2002 – Recurrence

T-661/11, [2014] EUECJ T-661/11, ECLI: EU: T: 2014: 1016
Regulation (EC) No 1605/2002 53

European, Agriculture

Updated: 24 December 2021; Ref: scu.539577

TA Gwillim and Sons, Regina (on The Application of) v The Welsh Ministers: CA 6 Oct 2010

Neuberger MR, Pill, Richards LJJ
[2010] EWCA Civ 1048, [2011] 1 WLR 966, [2010] NPC 97
Council Regulation (EC) No 1782/2003
England and Wales
Appeal fromT A Gwillim and Sons, Regina (on The Application of) v The Welsh Ministers Admn 19-Nov-2009
The claimants challenged refusal of the award of a single farm payment for their suggested failure to meet the hardhip requirement. . .

Lists of cited by and citing cases may be incomplete.

Agriculture, European

Updated: 23 December 2021; Ref: scu.424935

Spain v Commission: ECFI 13 Nov 2014

ECJ Judgment – Agriculture – Common organization of the markets – Sector fruits and vegetables – Citrus – Action for annulment – Confirmatory act – substantial new facts – Admissibility – Conditions marketing – Provisions concerning marking – Indications preservatives or other chemicals used in post-harvest treatment – Recommendations on standards adopted within the framework of the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe

Gratsias MD (Rapporteur), P
T-481/11, [2014] EUECJ T-481/11

European, Agriculture

Updated: 23 December 2021; Ref: scu.538766

Cypra Ltd v Kypriaki Dimokratia: ECJ 5 Nov 2014

ECJ Judgment – Reference for a preliminary ruling – Agriculture – Animal health – Regulation (EC) No 854/2004 – Products of animal origin intended for human consumption – Official controls – Appointment of an official veterinarian – Slaughter of animals

A. Tizzano, P
C-402/13, [2014] EUECJ C-402/13, ECLI:EU:C:2014:2333
Regulation (EC) No 854/2004

European, Agriculture

Updated: 23 December 2021; Ref: scu.538303

J S Bloor (Measham) Ltd v Eric Myles Calcott: ChD 23 Nov 2001

The tenant had claimed a tenancy under the Act. The landlord sought to assert a proprietary estoppel against them. There was nothing in the 1986 Act to stop the claimants relying on a proprietary estoppel and asserting their claims to occupation. The defendant’s tenancy was unenforceable against them.

Mr Justice Hart
Times 12-Dec-2001, Gazette 24-Jan-2002, [2001] EWHC Ch 467, CH1997 J No: 5742
Agricultural Holdings Act 1986
England and Wales
CitedJohnson v Moreton HL 1980
The tenant had, in the tenancy agreement itself, purported to contract ‘not in any event to serve a counter-notice under Section 24(1)’ of the 1948 Act.
Held: A head tenant under an agricultural tenancy has the right to challenge any notice to . .
CitedKeen v Holland CA 1984
Oliver LJ rejected a submission that, where parties were shown to have a common view about the legal effect of a contract into which they had entered and it was established that one of them would not, to the other’s knowledge, have entered into it . .
CitedSolle v Butcher CA 1949
Fundamental Mistake Needed to Allow Rescission
The court set out the circumstances in which the equitable remedy of rescission of a contract is available for mutual mistake. The mistake has to be as to some fundamental element of the contract. What is ‘fundamental’ is a wider category of event . .
CitedLawrence and Another v Lexcore Holdings Ltd 1978
Effect of a mistake in a document. . .

Lists of cited by and citing cases may be incomplete.

Agriculture, Landlord and Tenant, Estoppel, Damages

Updated: 23 December 2021; Ref: scu.166919

Nordex Food A/S v Hauptzollamt Hamburg-Jonas: ECJ 16 Oct 2014

ECJ Judgment – Reference for a preliminary ruling – Agriculture – Regulation (EC) No 800/1999 – Export refunds – Regulation (EC) No 1291/2000 – System of export licences – Export declaration submitted without an export licence – Period granted by the customs office of export – Customs documents proving the arrival of the exported goods in the country of destination – Forged documents – Rectification of irregularities – Application of the penalty referred to in Article 51 of Regulation (EC) No 800/1999

A. Borg Barthet, acting as P
C-334/13, [2014] EUECJ C-334/13, ECLI:EU:C:2014:2294
Regulation (EC) No 800/1999, Regulation (EC) No 1291/2000


Updated: 22 December 2021; Ref: scu.537700

Sheilds and Sons Partnership v Revenue and Customs: FTTTx 8 Oct 2014

VAT: Agricultural Flat-rate Scheme – whether the Appellant’s certificate to use the scheme can lawfully be withdrawn on the basis of protection of the revenue – yes; Regulation 206(1)(i) VAT Regulations 1995 and Articles 295 to 302 of Council Directive 2006/112/EC

[2014] UKFTT 944 (TC)
England and Wales

VAT, Agriculture

Updated: 22 December 2021; Ref: scu.537683

Hosticka And Others v Ceska republika – Ministerstvo zemedelstvi: ECJ 15 Oct 2014

ECJ Judgment – Reference for a preliminary ruling – Common agricultural policy – Support schemes – Establishment of support schemes in the new Member States – Regulation (EC) No 1782/2003 – Article 143ba – Regulation (EC) No 73/2009 – Article 126 – Separate sugar payment – Decoupling of that payment from production – Meaning of ‘the criteria adopted by the relevant Member States in 2006 and 2007’ – Representative period

C-561/13, [2014] EUECJ C-561/13
Regulation (EC) No 1782/2003 143ba, Regulation (EC) No 73/2009 126

European, Agriculture

Updated: 22 December 2021; Ref: scu.537608

Vlaams Gewest v Van Den Broeck: ECJ 2 Oct 2014

ECJ (Judgment) Reference for a preliminary ruling – Common agricultural policy – Regulation (EC) No 2419/2001 – Integrated administration and control system for certain aid schemes – Area aid application – Article 33 – Penalties – Irregularities committed intentionally

M. Safjan, P
C-525/13, [2014] EUECJ C-525/13, ECLI:EU:C:2014:2254
Regulation (EC) No 2419/2001


Updated: 22 December 2021; Ref: scu.537315

Commission v Poland: ECJ 2 Oct 2014

ECJ (Judgment) – Failure to fulfill obligations – Directive 2001/18 / EC – Deliberate release of genetically modified (GM) organisms into the environment – Placing on the market – Article 31, paragraph 3 b) – Location cultivated GMOs – Obligation information relevant authorities – Obligation to establish a public register – Sincere cooperation

C-478/13, [2014] EUECJ C-478/13
Directive 2001/18/EC

European, Agriculture

Updated: 22 December 2021; Ref: scu.537310

Commission v France: ECJ 4 Sep 2014

ECJ (Judgment) Failure of a Member State to fulfil obligations – Directive 91/676/EEC – Article 5(4) – Annex II.A, points 1 to 3 and 5 – Annex III.1, points 1 to 3, and Annex III.2 – Protection of waters against pollution caused by nitrates from agricultural sources – Periods for land application – Capacity of storage vessels for livestock manure – Limitation of land application – Prohibition on land application on steeply sloping ground or on snow-covered or frozen ground – Non-compliance of national legislation

R. Silva de Lapuerta, P
C-237/12, [2014] EUECJ C-237/12
Directive 91/676/EEC 5(4)

European, Environment, Agriculture

Updated: 21 December 2021; Ref: scu.536446

Commission v Greece: ECJ 4 Sep 2014

ECJ (Judgment) Failure to fulfill obligations – Directive 1999/74/EC – Articles 3 and 5, paragraph 2 – Raising of laying hens – unenriched cages – Prohibition – Breeding laying hens in cages do not comply with requirements arising under this Directive

C-351/13, [2014] EUECJ C-351/13
Directive 1999/74/EC 3 5

European, Agriculture, Animals

Updated: 21 December 2021; Ref: scu.536448

Harms v Freerk Heidinga: ECJ 20 May 2010

ECJ Common agricultural policy Integrated administration and control system for certain aid schemes Regulation (EC) No 1782/2003 Single payment scheme Transfer of payment entitlements Definitive transfer

A. Tizzano, P
[2010] EUECJ C-434/08
OpinionHarms v Freerk Heidinga ECJ 4-Feb-2010
ECJ Opinion Common agricultural policy Single payment scheme Regulation (EC) No 1782/2003 Transfer of payment entitlements. . .

Lists of cited by and citing cases may be incomplete.

European, Agriculture

Updated: 20 December 2021; Ref: scu.535829

Zweckverband Tierkorperbeseitigung v Commission: ECFI 16 Jul 2014

ECJ Judgment – State aid – Services disposal of animal carcasses and slaughterhouse waste – Maintenance of reserve capacity in case of an outbreak – Decision declaring the aid incompatible with the internal market – Business Concept – Advantage – Service of general economic interest – Compensation on the public service obligation – Effect on trade between Member States and distortion of competition – Existing aid or new aid – Need help – Subsidiarity – Legitimate expectations – Legal certainty – Proportionality

MM. A. Dittrich (Rapporteur), P
T-309/12, [2014] EUECJ T-309/12

European, Agriculture

Updated: 17 December 2021; Ref: scu.534372

Greece v Commission: ECJ 10 Jul 2014

ECJ Judgment – Appeal – EAGGF EAGF and EAFRD – Expenditure excluded from funding from the European Union – Olive oil – Arable crops – Manifest error of assessment – Increase the rate of rate correction due to the recurrence of failure – Impact the CAP reform on the flat-rate correction – Proportionality – Nature of expenditure for the establishment of olive GIS

A. Borg Barthet, P
C-391/13, [2014] EUECJ C-391/13

European, Agriculture

Updated: 16 December 2021; Ref: scu.534097

Greece v Commission: ECFI 10 Jul 2014

ECJ Judgment – EAGGF – Guarantee Section – EAGF and EAFRD – Expenditure excluded from financing – Raisins – Wine – Expenditures by Greece – time financial Correction – Method of calculation – Nature of the clearance of accounts – Link expenditure financed by the Union

MM A. Dittrich, P
T-376/12, [2014] EUECJ T-376/12

European, Agriculture

Updated: 16 December 2021; Ref: scu.534096

T A Gwillim and Sons, Regina (on The Application of) v The Welsh Ministers: Admn 19 Nov 2009

The claimants challenged refusal of the award of a single farm payment for their suggested failure to meet the hardhip requirement.

Jarman QC HHJ
[2009] EWHC 2946 (Admin), [2009] NPC 136
European Council Regulation (EC) No 1782/2003
England and Wales
Cited by:
Appeal fromTA Gwillim and Sons, Regina (on The Application of) v The Welsh Ministers CA 6-Oct-2010
. .

Lists of cited by and citing cases may be incomplete.


Updated: 11 December 2021; Ref: scu.381587

Bayer Cropscience Ag v Deutsches Patent-und Markenamt: ECJ 19 Jun 2014

Reference for a preliminary ruling – Patent law – Plant protection products – Supplementary protection certificate – Regulation (EC) No 1610/96 – Articles 1 and 3 – Terms ‘product’ and ‘active substances’ – Safener

[2014] EUECJ C-11/13, ECLI:EU:C:2014:2010
Regulation (EC) No 1610/96
OpinionBayer Cropscience Ag v Deutsches Patent-und Markenamt ECJ 13-Feb-2014
ECJ Opinion – Plant protection products – Supplementary protection certificate – Regulation (EC) No 1610/96 – Articles 1 and 3 – Concepts of ‘product’ and any substance active – Inclusion of a protectant . .

Lists of cited by and citing cases may be incomplete.

Agriculture, Intellectual Property

Updated: 06 December 2021; Ref: scu.632728

Loose v Lynn Shellfish Ltd and Others: CA 19 Jun 2014

The parties disputed the rights to take shellfish from the foreshore. Fishermen now appealed against a finding as to the extent of a private fishery from which they were excluded, in particular as to the rights overfomer sandbanks, at the western, seaward boundary.
Held: The Estate’s rights extended to the lowest astromical tidal mark.

Moore-Bick, Pitchford, Kitchin LJJ
[2014] EWCA Civ 846, [2015] Ch 547, [2015] 2 WLR 643, [2014] WLR(D) 280
Bailii, WLRD
England and Wales
CitedMalcolmson v O’Dea HL 1863
A private fishery may be established by prescription.
Willes J said: ‘The soil of ‘navigable tidal rivers,’ like the Shannon, so far as the tide flows and reflows, is prima facie in the Crown, and the right of fishery prima facie in the . .
CitedThe Attorney General for The Provinces British Columbia v The Attorney General for The Dominion of Canada and Another PC 2-Dec-1913
Canada – Lord Haldane set out the principles under which fishery rights might be acquired by prescription.
Fish stocks are a public resource, and there is no property in fish until they are caught. The right to fish in tidal waters or in the . .
At ChDLoose v Lynn Shellfish Ltd and Others ChD 18-Apr-2013
The court was asked whether the defendants had infringed the claimant’s fishery rights in an area of the Wash.
Held: The private fishery extended seawards as far as the mean low-water mark of spring tides and the fishermen had been fishing in . .

Cited by:
At CALynn Shellfish Ltd and Others v Loose and Another SC 13-Apr-2016
The court was asked as to the extent of an exclusive prescriptive right (ie an exclusive right obtained through a long period of use) to take cockles and mussels from a stretch of the foreshore on the east side of the Wash, on the west coast of . .

Lists of cited by and citing cases may be incomplete.

Land, Agriculture

Updated: 04 December 2021; Ref: scu.526737

Spain v Commission: ECFI 18 Jun 2014

ECJ Judgment – Fisheries – Conservation of fishery resources – Failure by Spain fishing quotas of mackerel in VIIIc, IX and X zones and waters of the European Union CECAF 34.1.1 allocated for 2010 – Deductions charged on fishing quotas for the years 2011 to 2015 – Rights of the defense – Legal certainty – Legitimate expectations – Equal treatment

M. Prek, P
T-260/11, [2014] EUECJ T-260/11


Updated: 04 December 2021; Ref: scu.526707

Bavaria and Bavaria Italia SrL v Bayerischer Brauerbund eV: ECJ 2 Jul 2009

ECJ Reference for a preliminary ruling Assessment of validity Admissibility Regulations (EEC) No 2081/92 and (EC) No 1347/2001 – Validity – Generic name Coexistence of a trade mark and a protected geographical indication)

[2009] EUECJ C-343/07
OpinionBavaria and Bavaria Italia SrL v Bayerischer Brauerbund eV ECJ 18-Dec-2008
ECJ Opinion – Validity of Regulations (EEC) No 2081/92 and (EC) No 1347/2001 Admissibility – Protection of geographical indications and designations of origin for agricultural products and foodstuffs – . .

Lists of cited by and citing cases may be incomplete.

European, Agriculture, Intellectual Property

Updated: 04 December 2021; Ref: scu.526342

Agenzia Per Le Erogazioni In Agricoltura v Consorzio Agrario Di Ravenna Soc Coop Arl: ECJ 11 Dec 2008

(Judgment Of The Court (Fifth Chamber)) Common organisation of the markets – Cereals – Maize – Determination of price – Reductions applicable
Agriculture – Common organisation of the markets – Cereals – Sale of cereals held by intervention agencies (Commission Regulations No 689/92, as amended by Regulation No 2486/92, Art. 4a and Annex II, and No 2131/93, Art. 13(1)) (see para. 32, operative part)

C-486/07, [2008] EUECJ C-486/07

European, Agriculture

Updated: 04 December 2021; Ref: scu.526332

Commission v France: ECJ 13 Jun 2013

ECJ Failure to fulfill obligations – Directive 91/676/EEC – Protection of waters against pollution caused by nitrates from agricultural sources – Designation of vulnerable zones – Content excessive nitrates – Eutrophication – Obligation Quadrennial Review

C-193/12, [2013] EUECJ C-193/12
Directive 91/676/EEC

European, Agriculture, Environment

Updated: 03 December 2021; Ref: scu.526056

Szatmari Malom v Mezogazdasagi es Videkfejlesztesi Hivatal Kozponti Szerve: ECJ 15 May 2014

ECJ Judgment – Agriculture – EAFRD – Regulation (EC) No 1698/2005 – Articles 20, 26 and 28 – Support for the modernisation of agricultural holdings and support for adding value to agricultural and forestry products – Eligibility conditions – Competence of the Member States – Support for the modernisation of existing mill capacity – Mills replaced with a single new mill, with no increase in capacity – Not included – Principle of equal treatment

C-135/13, [2014] EUECJ C-135/13

European, Agriculture

Updated: 03 December 2021; Ref: scu.525529

Herbaria Krauterparadies v Freistaat Bayern: ECJ 8 May 2014

ECJ Opinion – Agriculture – Labelling of organic products – Regulation (EC) No 889/2008 – Article 27(1)(f) – Use of products and substances in the processing of foodstuffs labelled as organic – Prohibition of the use of minerals and vitamins where not legally required – Addition of ferrous gluconate and vitamins to an organic fruit juice mixture – Quantities required to allow sale as a food supplement, with a nutrition or health claim or as a foodstuff for a particular nutritional use

Sharpston AG
C-137/13, [2014] EUECJ C-137/13, [2014] EUECJ C-137/13 – J
Bailii, Bailii


Updated: 03 December 2021; Ref: scu.525446

Assica And Krafts Foods Italia: ECJ 8 May 2014

ECJ Judgment – Agriculture – Agricultural products and foodstuffs – Regulation (EEC) No 2081/92 – Article 2 – Protection of geographical indications and designations of origin – Material scope – Protection on national territory – Absence of Community registration – Consequences – Protection of designations relating to products for which there is no specific link between their characteristics and their geographical origin – Conditions

C-35/13, [2014] EUECJ C-35/13
Regulation (EEC) No 2081/92 2

European, Agriculture

Updated: 03 December 2021; Ref: scu.525440

Grund v Landesamt fur Landwirtschaft, Umwelt und landliche Raume des Landes Schleswig-Holstein: ECJ 30 Apr 2014

ECJ (Advocate General’s Opinion) Agriculture – Direct support scheme – Definition of ‘permanent pasture’ – Land used for more than five years for production of grass or other herbaceous forage – Change of type of herbaceous forage during the period

Sharpston AG
C-47/13, [2014] EUECJ C-47/13
England and Wales
Cited by:
OpinionGrund v Landesamt fur Landwirtschaft, Umwelt und landliche Raume des Landes Schleswig-Holstein ECJ 2-Oct-2014
ECJ Reference for a preliminary ruling – Common agricultural policy – Common rules for direct support schemes – Single payment scheme – Definition of ‘permanent pasture’ – Land used to grow grass and other . .

Lists of cited by and citing cases may be incomplete.


Updated: 03 December 2021; Ref: scu.525429

Bayer Cropscience Ag v Deutsches Patent-und Markenamt: ECJ 13 Feb 2014

ECJ Opinion – Plant protection products – Supplementary protection certificate – Regulation (EC) No 1610/96 – Articles 1 and 3 – Concepts of ‘product’ and any substance active – Inclusion of a protectant

Mr Niilo Jaaskinen AG
C-11/13, [2014] EUECJ C-11/13
Regulation (EC) No 1610/96
Cited by:
OpinionBayer Cropscience Ag v Deutsches Patent-und Markenamt ECJ 19-Jun-2014
Reference for a preliminary ruling – Patent law – Plant protection products – Supplementary protection certificate – Regulation (EC) No 1610/96 – Articles 1 and 3 – Terms ‘product’ and ‘active substances’ – Safener . .

Lists of cited by and citing cases may be incomplete.

Agriculture, Intellectual Property

Updated: 03 December 2021; Ref: scu.521817

Maatschap T. Van Oosterom En A. Van Oosterom-Boelhouwer v Staatssecretaris van Economische Zaken, Landbouw en Innovatie: ECJ 10 Apr 2014

ECJ Agriculture – Common agricultural policy – Direct support schemes – Regulation (EC) No 73/2009 – Integrated administration and control system for certain aid schemes – Identification system for agricultural parcels – Eligibility conditions for aid – Administrative controls – On-the-spot checks – Regulation (EC) No 796/2004 – Determination of the areas eligible for aid – Remote sensing – Physical inspection of agricultural parcels

A. Tizzano, P
C-485/12, [2014] EUECJ C-485/12
Regulation (EC) No 73/2009, Regulation (EC) No 796/2004

European, Agriculture

Updated: 02 December 2021; Ref: scu.523687

Del-Zempleni Nektar Leader Nonprofit Kft v Videkfejlesztesi Miniszter: ECJ 16 Jan 2014

ECJ Agriculture – Regulation (EC) No 1698/2005 – EAFRD – Requirements relating to the legal form of local action groups – Amendment of those requirements – Competence of the Member States – Limits

C-24/13, [2014] EUECJ C-24/13
Regulation (EC) No 1698/2005

European, Agriculture

Updated: 02 December 2021; Ref: scu.523322

Giordano v Commission: ECJ 20 Mar 2014

ECJ Opinion – Appeals – Fishing quotas – Emergency measures adopted by the Commission – Action for non-contractual liability of the European Union – compensable Damage – Damage and some real – Loss of opportunity as part of the compensable injury

Cruz Villallon AG
C-611/12, [2014] EUECJ C-611/12, [2014] EUECJ C-611/12
Bailii, Bailii

European, Agriculture

Updated: 01 December 2021; Ref: scu.522648

Buono And Others v Commission: ECJ 20 Mar 2014

ECJ Opinion – Appeals – Fishing quotas – Emergency measures adopted by the Commission – Action for non-contractual liability of the European Union – Admissibility – legal persons to act for damages – Non-contractual liability for an unlawful act – Application of FIAMM and Others / Council and Commission by the Court – Liability for an unlawful act – compensable Damage – Loss of chance

Cruz Villalon AG
C-12/13, [2014] EUECJ C-12/13, [2014] EUECJ C-12/13
Bailii, Bailii

European, Agriculture

Updated: 01 December 2021; Ref: scu.522644

Sices And Others v Agenzia Dogane Ufficio delle Dogane di Venezia: ECJ 13 Mar 2014

ECJ Agriculture – Regulation (EC) No 341/2007 – Article 6(4) – Tariff quotas – Garlic of Chinese origin – Import licences – Non-transferable nature of rights deriving from certain import licences – Circumvention – Abuse of rights

L. Bay Larsen, P
C-155/13, [2014] EUECJ C-155/13

European, Agriculture

Updated: 01 December 2021; Ref: scu.522494

Northern Ireland Department Of Agriculture And Rural Development v Commission: ECJ 6 Mar 2014

ECL Appeals – EAGGF, EAGF and EAFRD – Expenditure excluded from European Union financing – Admissibility of an action for annulment – Situation of the appellant who is not directly affected by the decision at issue

J.L. da Cruz Vilaca R P
C-248/12, [2014] EUECJ C-248/12

European, Agriculture

Updated: 01 December 2021; Ref: scu.522491

A. M. Van Der Ham v College Van Gedeputeerde Staten Van Zuid-Holland: ECJ 27 Feb 2014

ECJ Judgment Of The Court – Common agricultural policy – Financing by the EAFRD – Support for rural development – Reduction or discontinuance of payments in the event of non-compliance with the rules on cross-compliance – Concept of intentional non-compliance

C-396/12, [2014] EUECJ C-396/12

European, Agriculture

Updated: 30 November 2021; Ref: scu.521815

Sanders Adour and Guyomarc’h Orthez v Directeur des services fiscaux des Pyrenees-Atlantiques: ECJ 11 Jun 1992

Community law, and in particular the machinery of the common agricultural policy laid down for the cereals sector in, inter alia, Regulation No 2727/75 on the common organization of the market in cereals, precludes a Member State from levying a charge on a limited number of agricultural products over a prolonged period where that charge is likely to encourage economic agents to alter the structure of their production or consumption. It is for the national court to determine whether the charge at issue in a dispute before it has had such effects.
A parafiscal charge imposed on a basic product constitutes a charge having equivalent effect to a customs duty prohibited by Article 12 of the Treaty, when the charge is definitively levied on the importation of certain products, whereas it is reimbursed where those products are manufactured on the national territory, or when the revenue from it is entirely used for the benefit of domestic products only, thereby fully offsetting the charge imposed on those products. If that revenue is allocated in part to those benefits, thus offsetting only partly the burden borne by domestic products, the charge in question constitutes discriminatory taxation prohibited by Article 95 of the Treaty.
The fact that a parafiscal charge imposed on a basic product is reimbursed on the manufacture of derived products within national territory, whilst it is levied definitively on the importation of those derived products, or the revenue from it is used for the benefit of domestic products only, thereby offsetting the charge imposed on those products, may constitute State aid incompatible with the common market if the conditions for the application of Article 92 are met; that assessment falls within the competence of the Commission in accordance with the procedure laid down for that purpose in Article 93 of the Treaty.

C-149/91, [1992] EUECJ C-149/91, [1992] ECR I-3899
Cited by:
CitedBloomsbury International Ltd v Sea Fish Industry Authority and Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs SC 15-Jun-2011
The 1995 Regulations imposed a levy on fish both caught and first landed in the UK and also on imported fish products. The claimants, importers challenged the validity of the latter charges, saying that they went beyond the power given by the 1981 . .

Lists of cited by and citing cases may be incomplete.


Updated: 30 November 2021; Ref: scu.160719

Geistbeck and Another v Saatgut-Treuhandverwaltungs Gmbh: ECJ 5 Jul 2012

ECJ Intellectual and industrial property – Community plant variety rights – Regulation (EC) No 2100/94 – ‘Farmer’s privilege’ – Concept of ‘reasonable compensation’ – Compensation for damage suffered – Infringement

A. Tizzano, P
[2012] EUECJ C-509/10, C-509/10
OpinionGeistbeck and Another v Saatgut-Treuhandverwaltungs Gmbh ECJ 29-Mar-2012
ECJ Opinion – Intellectual and industrial property – Regulation (EC) No 2100/94 – Community plant variety rights – Obligation to pay reasonable compensation to the holder of such a right and to compensate the . .

Lists of cited by and citing cases may be incomplete.

European, Intellectual Property, Agriculture

Updated: 28 November 2021; Ref: scu.520002

Swift and Another v Dairywise Farms Limited and others: CA 1 Feb 2001

The company lent money to farmers secured against their milk quotas. They had to petition for a winding up, and the liquidators requested authority to continue the milk loan repayment schemes. The milk quotas had been vested in the farmers, and the liquidators sought directions form the court as to protection of the milk quotas, which it had been decided, was property capable of being held in trust. The milk quotas were protected by means of tenancy agreements, but an attempt was made to forfeit, or surrender, certain tenancy agreements, which would defeat the arrangement protecting the liquidators. The judge made a ‘safe haven’ order to protect the quotas. That order was appealed.
Held: Under the agreements, the company could require the re-transfer of the milk quota to farmers who completed the loan repayments. If the borrower defaulted, the quota could be sold defeating the equity of redemption. Milk quota may be an ‘asset’ for the purposes of capital gains tax; or property for the purposes of the law of trusts. The safe haven order was properly made.

Lord Justice Chadwick, Lady Justice Hale And Sir Martin Nourse
[2001] EWCA Civ 145
Insolvency Act 1986 112, Council Regulations (EEC) 856/84 and 857/84, Dairy Produce Quotas Regulations 1997
England and Wales
CitedHarries v Barclays Bank Plc CA 16-Jul-1997
Milk quotas. . .
CitedWachauf v Bundesamt Fur Ernahrung und Forstwirtschaft ECJ 13-Jul-1989
ECJ 1. The term ‘holding’ in Article 12(d) of Council Regulation No 857/84 relating to the application of the additional levy on milk covers all the agricultural production units which are the subject of a lease, . .
CitedDeverges v Sandeman Clark and Co 1-Mar-1902
It is an incident of a mortgage of chattels and choses in action that the mortgagee has a power of sale exercisable if the defendant fails to pay the monies due on the day fixed for payment or where no day is fixed after a proper demand and notice . .

Cited by:
CitedUltraframe (UK) Ltd v Fielding and others ChD 27-Jul-2005
The parties had engaged in a bitter 95 day trial in which allegations of forgery, theft, false accounting, blackmail and arson. A company owning patents and other rights had become insolvent, and the real concern was the destination and ownership of . .

Lists of cited by and citing cases may be incomplete.

Insolvency, Agriculture, Equity

Updated: 28 November 2021; Ref: scu.147419

Antonio Munoz Y Cia S A , Superior Fruticola S A v Frumar Limited, Redbridge Produce Marketing Limited: PatC 26 Mar 1999

European legislation which controlled the naming and use of patented grape varieties did not provide for actions directly between the owner of the mark and an infringer. The purpose of the legislation was consumer protection achieved in other ways.

Times 02-Apr-1999
EC Treaty
England and Wales
Appeal toAntonio Munoz Y Cia SA Superior Fruitcola SA v Frumar Limited Redbridge Produce Marketing Limited CA 16-Jun-1999
The claimant sought to enforce European agricultural quality standards against the defendant, who was selling grapes in breach of the European Directive.
Held: The defendants were in breach, but the Directive did not give the claimants a . .

Cited by:
Appeal fromAntonio Munoz Y Cia SA Superior Fruitcola SA v Frumar Limited Redbridge Produce Marketing Limited CA 16-Jun-1999
The claimant sought to enforce European agricultural quality standards against the defendant, who was selling grapes in breach of the European Directive.
Held: The defendants were in breach, but the Directive did not give the claimants a . .

Lists of cited by and citing cases may be incomplete.

European, Agriculture, Intellectual Property

Updated: 27 November 2021; Ref: scu.136047

Societa Cooperativa Madonna Dei Miracol v Regione Abruzzo: ECJ 7 Oct 2013

ECJ Request for a preliminary ruling – Common agricultural policy – Joint actions – Non-payment of financial aid by the Commission – Withdrawal by a Member State of its contribution – Question of fact – Internal situation – Manifest lack of jurisdiction of the Court – Description of the factual context – Insufficiency – Hypothetical question – Manifest inadmissibility

C-82/13, [2013] EUECJ C-82/13

European, Agriculture

Updated: 22 November 2021; Ref: scu.516580

Confederation Paysanne v Ministre De L’Alimentation, De L’Agriculture Et De La Peche: ECJ 3 Oct 2013

ECJ Agriculture – Common agricultural policy – Single payment scheme – Regulation (EC) No 1782/2003 – Calculation of payment entitlement – Setting the reference amount – Reference period – Article 40(1), (2) and (5) – Exceptional circumstances – Farmers under agri-environmental commitments according to Regulation (EEC) No 2078/92 and Regulation (EC) No 1257/1999 – Determination of the right to revalorisation of the reference amount – Principle of protection of legitimate expectations – Equal treatment between farmers)

C-298/12, [2013] EUECJ C-298/12
Regulation (EC) No 1782/2003, Regulation (EEC) No 2078/92, Regulation (EC) No 1257/1999

European, Agriculture

Updated: 21 November 2021; Ref: scu.516342

Brown v Wilson: 1949

A subtenant’s lease is not protected under the Agricultural Holdings Act where the head lease is terminated by the landlord, but if the head tenant determines his own tenancy the sub-tenancy is protected and will be promoted in his stead: ‘the law will not allow a man, by an act done between him and another, to impair or destroy the rights which he has granted to a third party.’

Hilbery J
[1950] EG 45, (1949) 208 LT 144
Agricultural Holdings Act 1948, Law of Property Act 1925 139
England and Wales
CitedPhipos v G and B Callegari 1910
(Obiter) The service of an upwards notice to quit on a head landlord by a head tenant had the same effect on a sub-tenancy as a surrender. . .

Cited by:
OverruledPennel v Payne and Another CA 13-Dec-1994
An upwards notice to quit given by the head tenant allows the Head Landlord also to determine the sub-tenancy. This is the case whether or not the subtenancy was granted within the terms of the headlease. . .
CitedBarrett and Others v Morgan CA 30-Jun-1998
An artificial surrender of a head lease with the sole intention of defeating a sub tenancy was not effective and the subtenant became head tenant in their stead. The collusion defeated the ruse. ‘It is unilateral notices to quit that destroy . .

Lists of cited by and citing cases may be incomplete.

Landlord and Tenant, Agriculture

Updated: 17 November 2021; Ref: scu.182060

Evita-K Eood v Obzhalvane I Upravlenie: ECJ 18 Jul 2013

ECJ Directive 2006/112/EC – Common system of value added tax – Supply of goods – Concept – Right to deduct – Refusal – Actual performance of a taxable transaction – Regulation (EC) No 1760/2000 – System for the identification and registration of bovine animals – Ear tags

R. Silva de Lapuerta P
C-78/12, [2013] EUECJ C-78/12
Regulation (EC) No 1760/2000, Directive 2006/112/EC

European, VAT, Agriculture

Updated: 17 November 2021; Ref: scu.513410

Martini Spa v Ministero Delle Attivita Produttive: ECJ 18 Jul 2013

ECJ Agriculture – System of import licences – Regulation (EC) No 1291/2000 – Article 35(4)(c) – Securities lodged at the time of application for the issue of the licences – Import licence – Late submission of proof of its use – Penalty – Calculation of the amount forfeited – Regulation (EC) No 958/2003 – Tariff quotas

J Malenovsky, P
C-211/12, [2013] EUECJ C-211/12
Regulation (EC) No 1291/2000 35(4)(c), Regulation (EC) No 958/2003

European, Agriculture

Updated: 17 November 2021; Ref: scu.513413

Eurofit Sa v Bureau D’Intervention et de Restitution Belge: ECJ 18 Jul 2013

ECJ Request for a preliminary ruling – Agriculture – Common organisation of the markets – Regulation (EEC) No 3665/87 – Export refunds – Misappropriation of goods intended for export – Exporter’s obligation to reimburse refunds – Failure of the competent authorities to provide information regarding the reliability of a contractor who is suspected of fraud – Force majeure – Absence

M. Berger, P
C-99/12, [2013] EUECJ C-99/12

European, Agriculture

Updated: 17 November 2021; Ref: scu.513407

Abad Perez and Ors v Council and Commission (Agriculture): ECFI 13 Dec 2006

Common agricultural policy – Animal health – Bovine spongiform encephalopathy – Legislation relating to protection of animal health and public health – Action for damages – Non-contractual liability – Causal link – Formal defects – Association of traders – Inadmissibility

T-304/01, [2006] EUECJ T-304/01


Updated: 17 November 2021; Ref: scu.247353

Et Agrokonsulting-04-Velko Stoyanov v Izpalnitelen Direktor Na Darzhaven Fond (Zemedelie) – Razplashtatelna Agentsia: ECJ 27 Jun 2013

ECJ Agriculture – Procedural autonomy of the Member States – Common agricultural policy – Aid – Administrative law disputes – Determination of the court with jurisdiction – National criterion – Administrative court in whose judicial district the seat of the authority which adopted the contested act is located – Principle of equivalence – Principle of effectiveness – Article 47 of the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union

M Ilesic P
C-93/12, [2013] EUECJ C-93/12

European, Agriculture

Updated: 14 November 2021; Ref: scu.511323

Xeda International Sa v European Commission: ECJ 27 Jun 2013

ECJ Appeal – Plant-protection products – Diphenylamine – Non-inclusion in Annex I to Directive 91/414/EEC – Procedure for the assessment of active substances – Withdrawal by notifier of support for inclusion of an active substance in that annex – Regulation (EC) No 1490/2002 and Regulation (EC) No 1095/2007

Jarasiunas P
C-149/12, [2013] EUECJ C-149/12
Directive 91/414/EEC, Regulation (EC) No 1490/2002, Regulation (EC) No 1095/2007

European, Agriculture

Updated: 14 November 2021; Ref: scu.511331

Syndicat Op 84 v Etablissement National Des Produits De L’Agriculture Et De La Mer (Franceagrimer): ECJ 13 Jun 2013

ECJ Agriculture – European Agricultural Guidance and Guarantee Fund – ‘Scrutiny period’ – Possibility for a Member State to extend the scrutiny period where it is impossible to carry out that scrutiny in the time allowed – Repayment of financial assistance – Penalties

C-3/12, [2013] EUECJ C-3/12

European, Agriculture

Updated: 14 November 2021; Ref: scu.511015

Etablissement National Des Produits De L’Agriculture Et De La Mer v Societe Anonyme D’Interet Collectif Agricole Unanimes: ECJ 13 Jun 2013

ECJ Agriculture – European Agricultural Guidance and Guarantee Fund – ‘Period under scrutiny’ – Possibility of extending the period under scrutiny and adjusting the temporal parameters – Objective of effective supervision- Legal certainty

C-671/11, [2013] EUECJ C-671/11

European, Agriculture

Updated: 14 November 2021; Ref: scu.511001