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Remet Co Ltd v Newham London Borough Council: QBD 1981

The defendants, when loading non-ferrous metal swarf on to lorries standing on the highway, from time to time miscalculated the available space in a lorry being loaded, and some of the swarf accidentally fell on to the road. In respect of three such occasions the defendants were charged with depositing pieces of scrap metal on … Continue reading Remet Co Ltd v Newham London Borough Council: QBD 1981


1267 – 1278 – 1285 – 1297 – 1361 – 1449 – 1491 – 1533 – 1677 – 1688 – 1689 – 1700 – 1706 – 1710 – 1730 – 1737 – 1738 – 1751 – 1774 – 1792 – 1793 – 1804 – 1814 – 1819 – 1824 – 1828 – 1831 – 1832 … Continue reading Acts

Regina v Secretary of State for Wales Ex Parte Emery: CA 9 Jul 1997

The applicant had sought to have included in the definitive map, a local footpath, and now challenged refusal to include it. Held: A public right of way may be created by dedication or it may be deemed after actual use by the public over twenty years; need to modify definitive map. In this case, it … Continue reading Regina v Secretary of State for Wales Ex Parte Emery: CA 9 Jul 1997

Regina v Secretary of State for Transport, ex parte de Rothschild: CA 1988

The court considered the use of powers of compulsory purchase of land under the Acts. Held: ‘In answer to counsel’s submissions as to ‘special rules’, I summarise my conclusions thus. First, I do not accept that any special rules beyond the ordinary Wednesbury/Ashbridge rules fall to be applied when the court is considering a challenge … Continue reading Regina v Secretary of State for Transport, ex parte de Rothschild: CA 1988

Kind, Regina (on the Application of) v Secretary of State for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs: Admn 27 Jun 2005

The applicant challenged a refusal to confirm a draft order recognising a road used as a path as a byway open to all traffic. Held: The challenge succeeded. The path had been shown under the 1948 Act as a road used as a public path. The council had reclassified it as a bridleway, which did … Continue reading Kind, Regina (on the Application of) v Secretary of State for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs: Admn 27 Jun 2005

Regina v Nicholson and Another, Secretary of State for Environment and others: Admn 20 Dec 1996

N objected to the reclassification of a public footpath over his farm as a byway open to all traffic, saying that there had been insufficient evidence to establish a dedication at common law. Held: N’s appeal failed. ‘A track can become a highway by reason of the dedication of the right of passage to the … Continue reading Regina v Nicholson and Another, Secretary of State for Environment and others: Admn 20 Dec 1996

Hanning and Others v Top Deck Travel Group Ltd: CA 9 Jun 1993

The owner of a common appealed a finding that the neighbouring land owner had acquired by prescription a right of way across the common to use a track for commercial vehicles (buses) to get to the property (the bus depot). Held: An easement cannot become a right where the use of the route is illegal … Continue reading Hanning and Others v Top Deck Travel Group Ltd: CA 9 Jun 1993

Trail Riders’ Fellowship and Another, Regina (on The Application of) v Dorset County Council: Admn 2 Oct 2012

The claimants challenged rejection of five applications under section 5 of the 1981 Act for modification orders allowing the upgrade of routes to provide vehicular public rights of way. The applications had been submitted using digital mapping. The Council said that the maps did not accord with the legislation. Held: The application failed: ‘there was … Continue reading Trail Riders’ Fellowship and Another, Regina (on The Application of) v Dorset County Council: Admn 2 Oct 2012

London Borough of Bexley v Maison Maurice Ltd: ChD 15 Dec 2006

The council had taken land by compulsory purchase in order to construct a dual carriageway. It then claimed that it had left undedicated a strip .5 metre wide as a ransom strip to prevent the defendant restoring access to the road. Held: The result of the council’s decisions was to leave a ransom strip. Whilst … Continue reading London Borough of Bexley v Maison Maurice Ltd: ChD 15 Dec 2006

Mear and others v Cambridgeshire County Council: ChD 20 Oct 2006

The claimants sought a declaration that a path over neighbouring land was a public vehicular highway as recorded by the respondents, and not a footpath as asserted by the owners, and that gates over the path infringed the public rights. The council had served notices on the landowners to remove gates. Held: The status of … Continue reading Mear and others v Cambridgeshire County Council: ChD 20 Oct 2006

Levey, Regina v: CACD 27 Jul 2006

The defendant appealed against his conviction of manslaughter of his baby son. He said that a family court had previously investigated the same allegations and had explicitly found itself unable to say which of himself and the mother were responsible for the death. Held: A prosecutor in a criminal a case has a broader duty … Continue reading Levey, Regina v: CACD 27 Jul 2006

Paton v Devon County Council and Another: Admn 16 Jan 2013

The claimants appealed against rejection of their assertion of a local right of way. They referred to old maps. The respondent relied on the definitive map showing an alternate right of way since 1950. Held: Though the claimant had a strong case, there was a sufficient basis of evidence for the recorder to have found … Continue reading Paton v Devon County Council and Another: Admn 16 Jan 2013

Roland Brandwood and others v Bakewell Management Ltd: CA 30 Jan 2003

House owners had used vehicular access across a common to get to their houses for many years. The commons owner required them to purchase the right, and they replied that they had acquired the right by lost modern grant and/or by prescription. Held: The use of a right of way over a common by vehicles … Continue reading Roland Brandwood and others v Bakewell Management Ltd: CA 30 Jan 2003

Specialist Group International Ltd v Deakin and Another: CA 23 May 2001

Law upon res judicata – action estoppel and issue estoppel and the underlying policy interest whereby there is finality in litigation and litigants are not vexed twice on the same matter.(May LJ) ‘the authorities taken as a whole tend to encourage elaborate technical submissions which many percipient non-lawyers would scarcely understand. Cause of action estoppel … Continue reading Specialist Group International Ltd v Deakin and Another: CA 23 May 2001

Todd, Bradley v The Secretary of State for Environment Food and Rural Affairs: Admn 22 Jun 2004

Application was made to quash an order modifying the Council’s definitive map of public rights of way. Held: Before the Secretary of State could confirm a Council’s modification of a right of way shown on the definitive map, where that modification was opposed, she had to be satisfied on the balance of probabilities that the … Continue reading Todd, Bradley v The Secretary of State for Environment Food and Rural Affairs: Admn 22 Jun 2004

Fernlee Estates Limited v City and County of Swansea, Same v National Assembly for Wales: Admn 18 May 2001

The council had added a bridleway to the definitive map of rights of way on the basis that the use had been for more than 20 years by the public with no evidence of intention not to dedicate it as a public highway. The period was calculated back from the time when it was challenged. … Continue reading Fernlee Estates Limited v City and County of Swansea, Same v National Assembly for Wales: Admn 18 May 2001

Regina (Holding and Barnes Plc) v Secretary of State for Environment, Transport and Regions; Regina (Premier Leisure UK Limited) v Secretary of State for Environment, Transport and Regions; Regina (Alconbury) etc: Admn 13 Dec 2000

The court was asked whether the processes by which the Secretary of State for the Environment Transport and the Regions (SSETR) makes decisions under the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 (TCPA) and orders under the Transport and Works Act 1992 (TWA), the Highways Act 1980 (HA) and the Acquisition of Land Act 1981 (ALA) … Continue reading Regina (Holding and Barnes Plc) v Secretary of State for Environment, Transport and Regions; Regina (Premier Leisure UK Limited) v Secretary of State for Environment, Transport and Regions; Regina (Alconbury) etc: Admn 13 Dec 2000

Kotegaonkar v Secretary of State for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs and Another: Admn 19 Jul 2012

The court was asked: ‘can a way which is not connected to another public highway, or to some other point to which the public have a right of access, itself be a public highway?’ A path had been registered over part of te claimant’s land, but with no connection to any route back to the … Continue reading Kotegaonkar v Secretary of State for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs and Another: Admn 19 Jul 2012

Newhaven Port and Properties Ltd, Regina (on The Application of) v East Sussex County Council and Another: SC 25 Feb 2015

The court was asked: ‘whether East Sussex County Council . . was wrong in law to decide to register an area . . known as West Beach at Newhaven . . as a village green pursuant to the provisions of the Commons Act 2006. The points of principle raised by the appeal are, potentially at … Continue reading Newhaven Port and Properties Ltd, Regina (on The Application of) v East Sussex County Council and Another: SC 25 Feb 2015

Bakewell Management Limited v Brandwood and others: HL 1 Apr 2004

Houses were built next to a common. Over many years the owners had driven over the common. The landowners appealed a decision that they could not acquire a right of way by prescription over the common because such use had been unlawful as a criminal offence under section 193 of the Law of Property Act … Continue reading Bakewell Management Limited v Brandwood and others: HL 1 Apr 2004

Stovin v Wise, Norfolk County Council (Third Party): HL 24 Jul 1996

Statutory Duty Does Not Create Common Law Duty The mere existence of statutory power to remedy a defect cannot of itself create a duty of care to do so. A highway authority need not have a duty of care to highway users because of its duty to maintain the highway. The two stage test ‘involves … Continue reading Stovin v Wise, Norfolk County Council (Third Party): HL 24 Jul 1996

Trail Riders Fellowship and Another, Regina (on The Application of) v Dorset County Council: SC 18 Mar 2015

Objection had been made that a plan, used to register a right of way before it would disappear if un-registered, was to the wrong scale and that therefore the application was ineffetive. Held: The Council’s appeal failed. The plan was too large a scale, and that could not invalidate the application. The only question is … Continue reading Trail Riders Fellowship and Another, Regina (on The Application of) v Dorset County Council: SC 18 Mar 2015

Trail Riders Fellowship v Secretary of State for The Environment, Food and Rural Affairs: Admn 26 Jan 2015

The Fellowship appealed against confirmation of an order changing a Byway open to all traffic to a bridleway, thus excluding their members (in this case motorcyclists) from its use by motorised vehicles. Collins J [2015] EWHC 85 (Admin) Bailii Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981 Sch 15 P2 England and Wales Citing: Cited – Regina v … Continue reading Trail Riders Fellowship v Secretary of State for The Environment, Food and Rural Affairs: Admn 26 Jan 2015

Smith, Regina (on The Application of) v Land Registry (Peterborough Office) and Another: CA 10 Mar 2010

The appellant had lived in a caravan on the verge of a byway and had been here for more than twelve years. He appealed against rejection of his request for possessory title. He said that there was no support in law for the maxim that adverse possession was not available against land forming part of … Continue reading Smith, Regina (on The Application of) v Land Registry (Peterborough Office) and Another: CA 10 Mar 2010

Hurst and Another v Hampshire County Council: CA 19 Jun 1997

A Local Authority is liable for any damage to adjacent property caused by the roots of a tree growing on the verge of a public highway. Held: Pre-adoption trees vest in the highway authority for all purposes. Stuart-Smith, Morritt L, Sir John Balcombe Times 26-Jun-1997, [1997] EWCA Civ 1901, (1997) 96 LGR 27 Bailii Highways … Continue reading Hurst and Another v Hampshire County Council: CA 19 Jun 1997

JSC BTA Bank v Solodchenko and Others: CA 28 Oct 2011

The defendant appealed against a sentenced for contempt of court. He said that the sentence should have been at worst an order for costs. He had been chairman of the claimant bank, and stood accused of fraud. Held: In some cases the sanction provides an incentive for belated compliance, because the contemnor may seek a … Continue reading JSC BTA Bank v Solodchenko and Others: CA 28 Oct 2011

Regina v Jones (Margaret), Regina v Milling and others: HL 29 Mar 2006

Domestic Offence requires Domestic Defence Each defendant sought to raise by way of defence of their otherwise criminal actions, the fact that they were attempting to prevent the commission by the government of the crime of waging an aggressive war in Iraq, and that their acts were accordingly justified in law. Held: The law on … Continue reading Regina v Jones (Margaret), Regina v Milling and others: HL 29 Mar 2006

Tinsley v Milligan: CA 1992

The court considered the defence of illegal user to a claim to have established an easement by prescription: ‘These authorities seem to me to establish that when applying the ‘ex turpi causa’ maxim in a case in which a defence of illegality has been raised, the court should keep in mind that the underlying principle … Continue reading Tinsley v Milligan: CA 1992

Regina v Horseferry Road Magistrates’ Court, ex Parte Bennett (No 1): HL 24 Jun 1993

The defendant had been brought to the UK in a manner which was in breach of extradition law. He had, in effect, been kidnapped by the authorities. Held: The High Court may look at how an accused person was brought within the jurisdiction when examining a question about that person’s detention. It is axiomatic ‘that … Continue reading Regina v Horseferry Road Magistrates’ Court, ex Parte Bennett (No 1): HL 24 Jun 1993

Regina v Belmarsh Magistrates’ Court ex parte Fiona Watts: Admn 8 Feb 1999

The defendant sought to have dismissed as an abuse of proces charges against her that as an officer of Customs and Excise prosecuting the now private prosecutor, she had committed various offences. Held: The magistrate was vested with jurisdiction to consider whether summonses issued by a convicted defendant amounted to an abuse of process, and … Continue reading Regina v Belmarsh Magistrates’ Court ex parte Fiona Watts: Admn 8 Feb 1999

Ernstbrunner v Manchester City Council and Another: Admn 16 Dec 2009

The appellant challenged by case stated a refusal of the Crown Court to order removal of a gate which he said obstructed a public footpath. The land-owner had persuaded the magistrates that the gate was not on the line of the footpath. The claimant said the finding of fact was perverse. Held: There was clear … Continue reading Ernstbrunner v Manchester City Council and Another: Admn 16 Dec 2009

Bushell v Secretary of State for the Environment: HL 7 Feb 1980

Practical Realities of Planning Decisions The House considered planning procedures adopted on the construction of two new stretches of motorway, and in particular as to whether the Secretary of State had acted unlawfully in refusing to allow objectors to the scheme to cross-examine the Department’s witnesses. Held: He had not acted unlawfully (Lord Edmud-Davies dissenting). … Continue reading Bushell v Secretary of State for the Environment: HL 7 Feb 1980

Campbell and Another v Banks and Others: CA 1 Feb 2011

The court considered the creation by section 62 of the 1925 Act automatically of easements when land was divided. The claimants owned land bounded on either side by properties beloinging to the respondents. The properties had once been in common ownership. They asserted the existence of a bridleway easement along a track to the public … Continue reading Campbell and Another v Banks and Others: CA 1 Feb 2011