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Lucasfilm Ltd and Others v Ainsworth and Another: SC 27 Jul 2011

The claimant had produced the Star War films which made use of props, in particular a ‘Stormtrooper’ helmet designed by the defendant. The defendant had then himself distributed models of the designs he had created. The appellant obtained judgment against the respondent in the US for punitive damages, but these had not been collected, and … Continue reading Lucasfilm Ltd and Others v Ainsworth and Another: SC 27 Jul 2011

Maersk Olie and A/S v Firma M De Haan (Brussels Convention): ECJ 14 Oct 2004

Europa Brussels Convention – Proceedings to establish a fund to limit liability in respect of the use of a ship – Action for damages – Article 21 – Lis pendens – Identical parties – Court first seised – Identical subject-matter and cause of action – None – Article 25 – ‘Judgment’ – Article 27(2) – … Continue reading Maersk Olie and A/S v Firma M De Haan (Brussels Convention): ECJ 14 Oct 2004

Kinnear and Others v Falconfilms Nv and Others: QBD 27 Jan 1994

The deceased had died in an accident whilst filming in Spain for the defendants. The plaintiff personal representatives sought damages here, while the defendants denied that the court had jurisdiction under the 1968 Convention, and said that the death actually occurred as a consequence of the negligence of his medical treatment in Spain. Judges: Phillips … Continue reading Kinnear and Others v Falconfilms Nv and Others: QBD 27 Jan 1994

Turner v Grovit: ECJ 27 Apr 2004

The claimant had been employed as a solicitor by the respondent at locations across Europe, and came to claim in England that they had wrongly implicated him in unlawful activity. The company sought to issue proceedings in Spain. Held: The Brussels Convention was based upon trust and respect between contracting states. The Convention did not … Continue reading Turner v Grovit: ECJ 27 Apr 2004

Brennan v National Westminster Bank Plc: QBD 27 Nov 2007

The claimant, a customer of the defendant had been charged sums when he went overdrawn beyond his limit. He claimed that the sums were unlawful penalties under the Regulations. The bank said that it had refunded the charges. The claimant sought exemplary and aggravated damages. Held: The claim should not proceed. The claimant had deliberately … Continue reading Brennan v National Westminster Bank Plc: QBD 27 Nov 2007

Dansommer: ECJ 27 Jan 2000

(Judgment) Brussels Convention – Article 16(1) – Exclusive jurisdiction in proceedings having as their object tenancies of immovable property – Scope Citations: C-8/98, [2000] EUECJ C-8/98, [2001] 1 WLR 1069, [2000] ECR I-3201 Links: Bailii Jurisdiction: European Jurisdiction Updated: 26 April 2022; Ref: scu.162308

Hassett v South Eastern Health Board, Doherty v North Western Health Board, (Judgments Convention / Enforcement of Judgments): ECJ 2 Oct 2008

Europa Jurisdiction Regulation (EC) No 44/2001 Point 2 of Article 22 Disputes as to the validity of decisions of organs of companies Exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of the State where the company has its seat Medical practitioners’ mutual defence organisation.In proceedings in Ireland relating to a medical negligence claim against the Health Board, two … Continue reading Hassett v South Eastern Health Board, Doherty v North Western Health Board, (Judgments Convention / Enforcement of Judgments): ECJ 2 Oct 2008

Reunion Europeenne Sa and Others v Spliethoff’s Bevrachtingskantoor Bv and Another: ECJ 27 Oct 1998

French consignees of a shipment of peaches sued in France the Australian issuers of the bill of laiding under which the goods were carried (a contract claim) and the Dutch carriers and master of the ship in which they were carried (tort claims). Held: There was no jurisdiction under Article 6(1) because none of the … Continue reading Reunion Europeenne Sa and Others v Spliethoff’s Bevrachtingskantoor Bv and Another: ECJ 27 Oct 1998

Kalfelis v Bankhaus Schroder, Munchmeyer, Hengst and Co and others: ECJ 27 Sep 1988

ECJ For Article 6(1) of the Convention of 27 September 1968 on Jurisdiction and the Enforcement of Judgments in Civil and Commercial Matters to apply, a connection must exist between the various actions brought by the same plaintiff against different defendants. That connection, whose nature must be determined independently, must be of such a kind … Continue reading Kalfelis v Bankhaus Schroder, Munchmeyer, Hengst and Co and others: ECJ 27 Sep 1988

Konecny v District Court In Brno-Venkov, Czech Republic: SC 27 Feb 2019

K had been convicted and sentenced in his absence. His extradition was requested under an EAW which asserted that it was based upon an enforceable judgment, but that he had an unqualified right to be retried. He argued that the delay (since 2004 for the offence) was such as render the request unjust and oppressive. … Continue reading Konecny v District Court In Brno-Venkov, Czech Republic: SC 27 Feb 2019

Van den Boogaard v Laumen: ECJ 27 Feb 1997

ECJ If the reasoning of a decision rendered in divorce proceedings shows that the provision which it awards is designed to enable one spouse to provide for himself or herself, or if the needs and resources of each of the spouses are taken into consideration in the determination of its amount, the decision will be … Continue reading Van den Boogaard v Laumen: ECJ 27 Feb 1997

Kolden Holdings Ltd v Rodette Commerce Ltd and Another: CA 21 Jan 2008

Lawrence Collins LJ said: ‘For the purposes of article 27, the question whether the ‘same cause of action’ is raised before the courts of two member states is answered by looking at the claims made, and not at the defences raised at a later stage to those claims: Case C-11/01 Gantner Electronic GmbH v Basch … Continue reading Kolden Holdings Ltd v Rodette Commerce Ltd and Another: CA 21 Jan 2008

Kitechnology BV v Unicor GmbH: CA 1995

The plaintiffs owned confidential information relating to novel plastic coated pipes; the defendants were German companies and individuals domiciled in Germany, who it was alleged had used the plaintiffs’ confidential information. One issue the court had to consider was whether, in relation to (non-contractual) claims for breach of confidence, the claims arose in tort, thus … Continue reading Kitechnology BV v Unicor GmbH: CA 1995

In re Stanford International Bank Ltd and Others: ChD 3 Jul 2009

Sir Andrew Morritt explained the relationship of the Regulation, the Model Law, and the still earlier European Convention on Insolvency Proceedings: ‘To understand the arguments and explain my conclusion it is necessary to consider the evolution of both the Insolvency Proceedings Regulation and UNCITRAL. Both were preceded by the European Convention on Insolvency Proceedings. Its … Continue reading In re Stanford International Bank Ltd and Others: ChD 3 Jul 2009

Bols Distilleries VB (T/A As Bols Royal Distilleries) and Another v Superior Yacht Services Ltd: PC 11 Oct 2006

(Gilbraltar) The parties disputed the management contract for a racing yacht, and also the juridiction of the Supreme Court of Gibraltar to hear the case. Bols said that under regulation 2(1) Gibraltar had no jurisdiction. Held: The English court had jurisdiction by virtue of the clear agreement of the parties. That parts of the agreement … Continue reading Bols Distilleries VB (T/A As Bols Royal Distilleries) and Another v Superior Yacht Services Ltd: PC 11 Oct 2006

Casio Computer Co Ltd v Sayo and others: CA 11 Apr 2001

The court was asked whether a constructive trust claim based on dishonest assistance is a matter ‘relating to tort, delict or quasi delict’ for the purpose of Article 5(3) of the Brussels Convention? Held: A constructive trust claim based upon dishonest assistance is within the scope of Article 5(3). The loss took place where the … Continue reading Casio Computer Co Ltd v Sayo and others: CA 11 Apr 2001

Krombach v Bamberski: ECFI 30 Mar 2000

Normally a court within the European community could not refuse to enforce a judgment of another members state. It could do so however where the judgment had been obtained by virtue of a procedure which denied the right of a defendant to appear other than in person, and where the judgment had, accordingly been entered … Continue reading Krombach v Bamberski: ECFI 30 Mar 2000

Starlight Shipping Co v Allianz Marine and Aviation Versicherungs Ag and Others: CA 20 Dec 2012

The Alexander T, owned by the appellant and insured by the respondents was a total loss. The insurers resisted payment, the appellant came to allege improperly, and the parties had settled the claim on full payment under a Tomlin Order. The owners later began proceedings in Greece claiming what the defendants said were the same … Continue reading Starlight Shipping Co v Allianz Marine and Aviation Versicherungs Ag and Others: CA 20 Dec 2012

Fitzgerald and Others v Williams and Others O’Regan and Others v Same: CA 3 Jan 1996

Security for costs should not to be granted against an EC National in the absence of some particular difficulty. The Treaty required citizens of other states which were signatories of the convention. The importance of accurate evidence is particularly acute on an application without notice, and the duty of disclosure on such an application was … Continue reading Fitzgerald and Others v Williams and Others O’Regan and Others v Same: CA 3 Jan 1996

Gemeente Steenbergen v Baten: ECJ 14 Nov 2002

(Judgment) Brussels Convention – Scope – Action under a right of recourse under national legislation providing for payment of allowances by way of social assistance – Concept of ‘civil matters’ – Concept of ‘social security’ Citations: C-271/00, [2002] EUECJ C-271/00, [2003] 1 WLR 1996, ECLI:EU:C:2002:656 Links: Bailii Jurisdiction: European Benefits Updated: 21 October 2022; Ref: … Continue reading Gemeente Steenbergen v Baten: ECJ 14 Nov 2002

In re The Alexandros T: SC 6 Nov 2013

The parties had disputed insurance claims after the foundering of the Alexandros T. After allegations of misbehaviour by the underwriters, the parties had settled the claims in a Tomlin Order. Five years later, however, the shipowners began proceedings in Greece making substantially similar allegations and claims, but under the equivalent in Greek law. In response … Continue reading In re The Alexandros T: SC 6 Nov 2013

Shevill, Ixora Trading Inc., Chequepoint SARL and Chequepoint International Ltd v Presse Alliance SA: ECJ 7 Mar 1995

On a proper construction of the expression ‘place where the harmful event occurred’ in Article 5(3) of the Convention of 27 September 1968 on Jurisdiction and the Enforcement of Judgments in Civil and Commercial Matters as amended by the Convention of 9 October 1978 on the accession of the Kingdom of Denmark, Ireland and the … Continue reading Shevill, Ixora Trading Inc., Chequepoint SARL and Chequepoint International Ltd v Presse Alliance SA: ECJ 7 Mar 1995

Gantner Electronic GmbH v Basch Exploitatie Maatschappij BV: ECJ 8 May 2003

The dutch based claimant sought damages for wrongful termination of what it said was a long-term contract. The claimant in Austria claimed the price of goods sold and delivered pursuant to a number of one-off contracts to which the defendant (claimant in Holland) responded by setting off a counterclaim for breach of the long-term contract. … Continue reading Gantner Electronic GmbH v Basch Exploitatie Maatschappij BV: ECJ 8 May 2003

Gubisch Maschinenfabrik KG v Giulio Palumbo: ECJ 8 Dec 1987

The claimant in Germany sought to enforce a contract by claiming the price of a delivered machine; the claimant in Italy asked for a declaration that no contract had been entered into or, if it had, that it had been discharged by repudiatory conduct on the part of the seller. Held: These claims involved the … Continue reading Gubisch Maschinenfabrik KG v Giulio Palumbo: ECJ 8 Dec 1987

High Tech International Ag and others v Deripaska: QBD 20 Dec 2006

The clamants brought actions for damages for torts said to have been committed by the defendants in Russia. They said that the defendant was domiciled within the jurisdiction under the EU Regulation. Held: Domicile for the issue of jurisdiction is now governed by the 1982 Act. It would not be realistic to describe the defendant … Continue reading High Tech International Ag and others v Deripaska: QBD 20 Dec 2006

Mazur Media Limited and Another v Mazur Media Gmbh in Others: ChD 8 Jul 2004

Proceedings were brought in England. The respondents sought a stay, saying the company was subject to insolvency proceedings in Germany. Held: Our domestic insolvency law was not applicable to foreign proceedings, and so could not be used to order a stay of proceedings here. (a) the English court has jurisdiction to determine Apex’s claim for … Continue reading Mazur Media Limited and Another v Mazur Media Gmbh in Others: ChD 8 Jul 2004

Wim Harry Gerard Maronier v Bryan Larmer: CA 29 May 2002

The defendant had been a dentist in the Netherlands. An action for damages was begun against him, but then stayed. Judgment was later entered in the Netherlands after he had moved to the UK, and of which he was ignorant. There was no subsisting right of appeal. The claimant sought to enforce the judgement here. … Continue reading Wim Harry Gerard Maronier v Bryan Larmer: CA 29 May 2002

Olafsson v Foreign and Commonwealth Office: QBD 22 Oct 2009

The claimant sought damages after the defendant had negligently failed to arrange for the service of the claimant’s defamation proceedings on a defendant in Iceland leaving the action time barred. Held: The Claimant had not acted unreasonably in seeking to recover his loss and, in particular, in respect of the judgment and costs awarded in … Continue reading Olafsson v Foreign and Commonwealth Office: QBD 22 Oct 2009

Gambazzi v DaimlerChrysler Canada Inc v CIBC Mellon Trust Company: ECJ 18 Dec 2008

ECJ Opinion – Brussels Convention Recognition and Enforcement of Judgments Grounds for refusal – Violation of public order of the requested State – Exclusion of the defendant from the proceedings because of a breach of a court order Judges: Juliane Kokott AG Citations: C-394/07, [2008] EUECJ C-394/07 – O Links: Bailii Cited by: Opinion – … Continue reading Gambazzi v DaimlerChrysler Canada Inc v CIBC Mellon Trust Company: ECJ 18 Dec 2008

Ilsinger v Martin Dreschers: ECJ 11 Sep 2008

ECJ (Area Of Freedom, Security and Justice) Regulation (EC) No 44/2001 Article 15 (1) (c) Jurisdiction over consumer contracts Promise of consumer gain Conclusion of a contract Consumer protection Continuity between the Brussels Convention and the Regulation (EC) No 44/2001 Citations: C-180/06, [2008] EUECJ C-180/06 – O Links: Bailii Jurisdiction: European Cited by: Opinion – … Continue reading Ilsinger v Martin Dreschers: ECJ 11 Sep 2008

In re D (A Child), (Abduction: Rights of Custody) (no 2); AD v CD v AD: CA 12 Dec 2007

The father sought the return of his daughter to Romania, saying she had been taken to the UK in breach of a court order. Held: The relevant court order pre-dated the accession of Romania to the Convention. Enforceability flowed from eth date of the original order, and not from a later issue of a notice … Continue reading In re D (A Child), (Abduction: Rights of Custody) (no 2); AD v CD v AD: CA 12 Dec 2007

West Tankers Inc v Ras Riunione Adriatica Di Sicurta Spa and others (The Front Comor): HL 21 Feb 2007

A ship had foundered, and the owners disputed their insurance claim. The policy provided for arbitration in London, and one party sought an order to prevent the other commencing proceedings in another EU state in breach of the arbitration agreement. Held: English authority and European thought differed, and the matter should be referred to the … Continue reading West Tankers Inc v Ras Riunione Adriatica Di Sicurta Spa and others (The Front Comor): HL 21 Feb 2007

Masri v Consolidated Contractors International (UK) Ltd: CA 24 Oct 2005

The defendants who were resident in Greece appealed a decision that the English court had jurisdiction over them, by virtue of a close connection of the matter with earlier proceedings heard here. Held: The fact that the defendants were all defendants in the earlier proeedings was what mattered. That these were new proceedings did not … Continue reading Masri v Consolidated Contractors International (UK) Ltd: CA 24 Oct 2005

Shahar v Tsitsekkos and others: ChD 17 Nov 2004

The defendant wished to make a claim against another party outside the jurisdiction and was granted permission to serve documents which were headed ‘defence and counterclaim’. The proposed defendant argued that such a document could be served in this way. Held: The defendant should apply to the court for leave to add the party outside … Continue reading Shahar v Tsitsekkos and others: ChD 17 Nov 2004

Gourdain v Nadler: ECJ 22 Feb 1979

Brussels Convention. Bankruptcy and proceedings relating to the winding-up of insolvent companies or other legal persons. Action for making good the deficiency. – ‘it is necessary, if decisions relating to bankruptcy and winding-up are to be excluded from the scope of the Convention, that they must derive directly from the bankruptcy or winding-up’ Europa 1. … Continue reading Gourdain v Nadler: ECJ 22 Feb 1979

Prudential Assurance Co Ltd v Prudential Insurance Co of America: CA 12 Mar 2003

The need to avoid conflict between trade marks registered in more than one country within the community was not dealt with by the Directive, but regard had to taken of the Convention. The Cour d’Appel had issued a final judgment in proceedings for registration of the mark in France. Held: An English court was not … Continue reading Prudential Assurance Co Ltd v Prudential Insurance Co of America: CA 12 Mar 2003

Kenburn Waste Management Ltd v Bergmann: ChD 9 Jul 2001

By a contract, a party accepted an obligation not to contact persons in a certain country. When a breach was alleged, the question arose as to in which jurisdiction the breach had occurred. It was held that the obligation was a negative obligation and although it appeared to fall upon the person who agreed to … Continue reading Kenburn Waste Management Ltd v Bergmann: ChD 9 Jul 2001

Francesco Benincasa v Dentalkit Srl: ECJ 3 Jul 1997

A contract which forms a part of the customer’s arrangements for pursuing his trade or profession is not a consumer contract and a choice of jurisdiction clause in a distribution agreement was valid. Europa In the context of the specific regime established by Article 13 et seq. of the Convention of 27 September 1968 on … Continue reading Francesco Benincasa v Dentalkit Srl: ECJ 3 Jul 1997

Sonntag v Waidmann, Waidmann and Waidmann: ECJ 21 Apr 1993

Europa 1. A claim for compensation for loss to an individual resulting from a criminal offence, even though made in the context of criminal proceedings, is civil in nature unless the person against whom it is made is to be regarded as a public authority which acted in the exercise of its powers. That is … Continue reading Sonntag v Waidmann, Waidmann and Waidmann: ECJ 21 Apr 1993

Khaled Naser Hamoud Al-Sabah and Juan Jose Folchi Bonafonte v Grupo Torras SA: CA 2 Nov 2000

The court discussed the approach to be taken when asked to act upon evidence which it found to be unreliable, though the witness’s credibility had not been destroyed. In a claim for dishonest assistance it is not necessary to show a precise causal link between the assistance and the loss. Loss caused by the breach … Continue reading Khaled Naser Hamoud Al-Sabah and Juan Jose Folchi Bonafonte v Grupo Torras SA: CA 2 Nov 2000

QRS 1 APS and others v Frandsen: CA 21 May 1999

The appellants were all Danish companies put into liquidation for asset stripping in contravention of Danish law. The respondent was resident in the UK and had owned them. The Danish tax authorities issued tax demands and the liquidators now sought a similar sum in damages against the respondent. Held: An English court will not enforce … Continue reading QRS 1 APS and others v Frandsen: CA 21 May 1999

Baltic Insurance Group v Jordan Grand Prix Limited and Others and Quay Financial Software Limited and Others (By Counter Claim and One Other Action): HL 20 May 1998

The Brussels Convention requires an insurance company to commence a claim against an insured in the country in which it operates. This applies also to non-convention countries, and a counterclaim may not add a new party from another jurisdiction. Citations: Times 17-Dec-1998, [1998] UKHL 49; [1999] 2 AC 127; [1999] 2 WLR 134; [1999] 1 … Continue reading Baltic Insurance Group v Jordan Grand Prix Limited and Others and Quay Financial Software Limited and Others (By Counter Claim and One Other Action): HL 20 May 1998

National Justice Compania Naviera Sa v Prudential Assurance Co Ltd (No 2): CA 15 Oct 1999

An English court does have power to order a non-resident non-party to contribute to the costs of a case, where that party was domiciled in a convention country. Here the third party was alleged to be the alter ego of the actual party. There was no requirement to have sued that third party first under … Continue reading National Justice Compania Naviera Sa v Prudential Assurance Co Ltd (No 2): CA 15 Oct 1999

Ace Insurance Sa/Nv v Zurich Insurance Co and Another: CA 2 Feb 2001

The doctrine of forum non conveniens could be used to prevent the prosecution in the UK in respect of a matter agreed to be conducted in Texas, even though the proper applicable law was that England. The Act did not operate to restrict the application of the doctrine in this way even in respect of … Continue reading Ace Insurance Sa/Nv v Zurich Insurance Co and Another: CA 2 Feb 2001

Philip Alexander Securities and Futures Ltd v Bamberger and Others: ComC 8 May 1996

ComC Consumer contracts – arbitration provision – Consumer Arbitration Agreements Act 1988 – exceptions – sections 2(b), 4 : European Union – Consumer contracts – arbitration provision – Consumer Arbitration Agreements Act 1988 – exceptions – section 2(a) – distinction between domestic and non-domestic consumers – discrimination – Article 6 EC – freedom to provide … Continue reading Philip Alexander Securities and Futures Ltd v Bamberger and Others: ComC 8 May 1996

A v A and another (Children) (Children: Habitual Residence) (Reunite International Child Abduction Centre intervening): SC 9 Sep 2013

Acquisition of Habitual Residence Habitual residence can in principle be lost and another habitual residence acquired on the same day. Held: The provisions giving the courts of a member state jurisdiction also apply where there is an alternative jurisdiction in a non-member state such as the United States. The Regulation also deals with how child … Continue reading A v A and another (Children) (Children: Habitual Residence) (Reunite International Child Abduction Centre intervening): SC 9 Sep 2013

Re E (Children) (Abduction: Custody Appeal): SC 10 Jun 2011

Two children were born in Norway to a British mother (M) and Norwegian father (F). Having lived in Norway, M brought them to England to stay, but without F’s knowledge or consent. M replied to his application for their return that the children would be at risk if returned, alleging psychological abuse by F. She … Continue reading Re E (Children) (Abduction: Custody Appeal): SC 10 Jun 2011

Dollfus Mieg et Cie v CWD International Ltd; LBJ Regents Ltd and another v Dolifus Mieg et Cie: QBD 17 Mar 2003

The applicant was a Part 20 defendant in a cross action brought between two other parties. It sought to have its own claim against the original claimant heard as a counterclaim. Held: Article 6 should not be construed so widely as to allow a cross claim by someone other than the original defendant to the … Continue reading Dollfus Mieg et Cie v CWD International Ltd; LBJ Regents Ltd and another v Dolifus Mieg et Cie: QBD 17 Mar 2003

Berezovsky v Forbes Inc and Michaels; Glouchkov v Same: HL 16 May 2000

Plaintiffs who lived in Russia sought damages for defamation against an American magazine with a small distribution in England. Both plaintiffs had real connections with and reputations in England. A judgment in Russia would do nothing to repair the reputations in England, and accordingly the proper place to sue was in England. Under English law … Continue reading Berezovsky v Forbes Inc and Michaels; Glouchkov v Same: HL 16 May 2000

Akcil and Others v Koza Ltd and Another: SC 29 Jul 2019

The first claimant was an English company all of whose shares were owned by a Turkish company. The second claimant as director caused changes to the company’s constitution and share structure. The parties disputed the jurisdiction of the UK Courts to hear the claim. Held: Lord Sales said: ‘I would allow the appeals by Koza … Continue reading Akcil and Others v Koza Ltd and Another: SC 29 Jul 2019

Fort Dodge Animal Health Limited, Arthur Webster Pty Ltd, Webster Animal Health (Uk) Ltd, Willows Francis Limited, Fort Dodge Animal Health Benelux B V v Akzo Novel N V, Intervet International B V: PatC 15 Oct 1997

The English court will not be used to block proper access for a party to justice in a foreign court; matters are to be tried according to cConvention in the proper home state. Citations: Times 24-Oct-1997 Statutes: Brussels Convention 1968 Art 2 Cited by: Appeal from – Fort Dodge Animal Health Ltd v Akzo Nobel … Continue reading Fort Dodge Animal Health Limited, Arthur Webster Pty Ltd, Webster Animal Health (Uk) Ltd, Willows Francis Limited, Fort Dodge Animal Health Benelux B V v Akzo Novel N V, Intervet International B V: PatC 15 Oct 1997

Kongress Agentur Hagen GmbH v Zeehaghe BV: ECJ 15 May 1990

Europa Where a defendant domiciled in a Contracting State is sued in a court of another Contracting State pursuant to Article 5(1) of the Brussels Convention of 27 September 1968 on jurisdiction and the enforcement of judgment in civil and commercial matters, that court also has jurisdiction by virtue of Article 6(2) of the Convention … Continue reading Kongress Agentur Hagen GmbH v Zeehaghe BV: ECJ 15 May 1990

Dow Jones and Co Inc v Jameel: CA 3 Feb 2005

Presumption of Damage in Defamation is rebuttable The defendant complained that the presumption in English law that the victim of a libel had suffered damage was incompatible with his right to a fair trial. They said the statements complained of were repetitions of statements made by US authorities. The claimant had asserted that no more … Continue reading Dow Jones and Co Inc v Jameel: CA 3 Feb 2005

Dumez France SA and Tracoba SARL v Hessische Landesbank and others: ECJ 11 Jan 1990

ECJ The expression ‘place where the harmful event occurred’ contained in Article 5(3 ) of the Convention of 27 September 1968 on jurisdiction and the enforcement of judgments in civil and commercial matters may refer to the place where the damage occurred, but the latter concept can be understood only as indicating the place where … Continue reading Dumez France SA and Tracoba SARL v Hessische Landesbank and others: ECJ 11 Jan 1990

AMT Futures Ltd v Marzillier and Others: SC 1 Mar 2017

AMT entered into many financial services agreements providing for exclusive EW jurisdiction. It now sought to restrain the defendant German lawyers from encouraging litigation in Germany saying that induced breaches of the contracts. It also sought as damages the costs incurred in the German litigation. The defendant asserted lack of jurisdiction saying that the alleged … Continue reading AMT Futures Ltd v Marzillier and Others: SC 1 Mar 2017

Shevill and Others v Presse Alliance SA: HL 26 Jul 1996

A libel case against a French paper was rightly brought in UK despite the small (250 copies nationally and 5 in the plaintiff’s local area (Yorkshire)) circulation here. The Brussels Convention allows a claim for defamation in UK though the main public was abroad. Lord Jauncey of Tullichettle said: ‘Where English law presumes the publication … Continue reading Shevill and Others v Presse Alliance SA: HL 26 Jul 1996

Handelskwekerij GJ Bier Bv v Mines De Potasse D’Alsace Sa: ECJ 30 Nov 1976

Europa Where the place of the happening of the event which may give rise to liability in tort, delict or quasi-delict and the place where that event results in damage are not identical, the expression ‘place where the harmful event occurred’, in article 5(3) of the convention of 27 September 1968 on jurisdiction and the … Continue reading Handelskwekerij GJ Bier Bv v Mines De Potasse D’Alsace Sa: ECJ 30 Nov 1976

Turner v Grovit and others: HL 13 Dec 2001

The applicant was a solicitor employed by a company in Belgium. He later resigned claiming unfair dismissal, saying he had been pressed to become involved in unlawful activities. The defendants sought to challenge the jurisdiction of the English Tribunal system. The defendants had begun procedures in Spain for conciliation. The claimant had obtained an injunction … Continue reading Turner v Grovit and others: HL 13 Dec 2001

TSN Kunststoffrecycling Gmbh v Jurgens: CA 25 Jan 2002

The claimant sought to register and enforce here, a judgment obtained by default in Germany. It was argued that he had not had, under section 27(2) sufficient opportunity to make a proper reply to the proceedings, and that the Brussels Convention created a right of appeal outside the range of appeals under the Civil Procedure … Continue reading TSN Kunststoffrecycling Gmbh v Jurgens: CA 25 Jan 2002

Handelswerkerij GJ Bier BV v Mines de Potasse d’Alsace SA: ECJ 1976

The Dutch plaintiff claimed that the water supply to its nursery had been polluted by the French defendant’s discharge of waste into the Rhine in France. Held: The meaning of the expression: ‘Place where the harmful event occurred’ must be established in such a way as to acknowledge that the plaintiff has an option to … Continue reading Handelswerkerij GJ Bier BV v Mines de Potasse d’Alsace SA: ECJ 1976

The Newspaper Licensing Agency Ltd and Others v Meltwater Holding Bv and Others: ChD 26 Nov 2010

The claimant newspapers complained of the spidering of the web-sites and redistribution of the materials collected by the defendants to its subscribers. The defendants including the Public Relations Consultants Association (PRCA) denied that they needed a licence for the purpose. Held: The members of PRCA required licences from the claimants in order lawfully to receive … Continue reading The Newspaper Licensing Agency Ltd and Others v Meltwater Holding Bv and Others: ChD 26 Nov 2010

The owners of the cargo lately laden on board the ship ‘Tatry’ v The owners of the ship ‘Maciej Rataj’: ECJ 6 Dec 1994

ECJ On a proper construction, Article 57 of the Brussels Convention on jurisdiction and the enforcement of judgments as amended means that, where a Contracting State is also a contracting party to another convention on a specific matter containing rules on jurisdiction, that specialized convention precludes the application of the provisions of the Brussels Convention … Continue reading The owners of the cargo lately laden on board the ship ‘Tatry’ v The owners of the ship ‘Maciej Rataj’: ECJ 6 Dec 1994

Kleinwort Benson Limited v City of Glasgow District Council: HL 19 Jun 1997

Restitution when Contract Void ab initio A claim for restitution of money paid under a contract which was void ab initio is not a claim in contract, nor tort, nor delict, it was justiciable only in the court of domicile. The Brussels Convention does not decide jurisdiction. ‘But it is clearly recognised that article 5 … Continue reading Kleinwort Benson Limited v City of Glasgow District Council: HL 19 Jun 1997

British American Tobacco Denmark A/S v Kazemier Bv: SC 28 Oct 2015

One container loaded with cigarettes was allegedly hi-jacked in Belgium en route between Switzerland and The Netherlands in September 2011, while another allegedly lost 756 of its original 1386 cartons while parked overnight contrary to express instructions near Copenhagen en route between Hungary and Vallensbaek, Denmark. The consignors claimed against English main contractors who undertook … Continue reading British American Tobacco Denmark A/S v Kazemier Bv: SC 28 Oct 2015

Nussberger and Another v Phillips and Another (No 4): CA 19 May 2006

A claim was issued in London in December 2004, and then served in part in Switzerland in January 2005. One copy was removed from the bundle by a Swiss official, seeing that it had been marked ‘Nor for service out of the jurisdiction.’ That marking had been in error. After proceedings were then issued in … Continue reading Nussberger and Another v Phillips and Another (No 4): CA 19 May 2006

Rutten v Cross Medical: ECJ 9 Jan 1997

rutten_crossECJ1997 ECJ Convention on Jurisdiction and the Enforcement of Judgments – Special jurisdiction – Court for the place of performance of the contractual obligation – Contract of employment – Place where the employee habitually carries out his work – Meaning – Work carried out in more than one Contracting State(Brussels Convention of 27 September 1968, … Continue reading Rutten v Cross Medical: ECJ 9 Jan 1997

Owusu v Jackson: ECJ 1 Mar 2005

ECJ Brussels Convention – Territorial scope of the Brussels Convention – Article 2 – Jurisdiction – Accident which occurred in a non – Contracting State – Personal injury – Action brought in a Contracting State against a person domiciled in that State and other defendants domiciled in a non – Contracting State – Forum non … Continue reading Owusu v Jackson: ECJ 1 Mar 2005

Gomez and others v Vives: CA 3 Oct 2008

The claimant appealed a finding that the court did not have jurisdiction over income payable to a trust governed by English law under which the claimant was beneficiary. Held: The appeal failed in part. Because Article 5 is in derogation from the basic principle of domicile in Article 2, the provisions of Article 5 are … Continue reading Gomez and others v Vives: CA 3 Oct 2008

Shergill and Others v Khaira and Others: SC 11 Jun 2014

The parties disputed the trusts upon which three Gurdwaras (Sikh Temples) were held. The Court of Appeal had held that the issues underlying the dispute were to be found in matters of the faith of the Sikh parties, and had ordered a permanent stay. Held: The appeal was allowed. The matter was justiciable and should … Continue reading Shergill and Others v Khaira and Others: SC 11 Jun 2014

Jameel v Wall Street Journal Europe Sprl: HL 11 Oct 2006

The House was asked as to the capacity of a limited company to sue for damage to its reputation, where it had no trading activity within the jurisdiction, and as to the extent of the Reynolds defence. The defendants/appellants had published an article which was said falsely to associate the claimants with terrorist activity. Held: … Continue reading Jameel v Wall Street Journal Europe Sprl: HL 11 Oct 2006

Mardas v New York Times Company and Another: QBD 17 Dec 2008

The claimant sought damages in defamation. The US publisher defendants denied that there had been any sufficient publication in the UK and that the court did not have jurisdiction. The claimant appealed the strike out of the claims. Held: The master had made assessments on a summary hearing of facts which were in dispute. The … Continue reading Mardas v New York Times Company and Another: QBD 17 Dec 2008

889457 Alberta Inc v Katanga Mining Ltd and others: ComC 5 Nov 2008

The parties had set out on a joint venture with deeds providing for control of the shareholdings in each other. The claimant asserted a breach of the deed and sought a remedy. The first defendant company, incorporated in Bermuda argued that the court should decline jurisdiction infavour of the courts in Congo. The second and … Continue reading 889457 Alberta Inc v Katanga Mining Ltd and others: ComC 5 Nov 2008

Wright v Granath: QBD 16 Jan 2020

Defamation across borders – Jurisdiction The claimant began an action for defamation in an online publication. The Norwegian resident defendant had begun an action there seeking a declaration negating liability. The Court was now asked by the defendant whether under Lugano, the UK action was as to the same cause between the same parties, and … Continue reading Wright v Granath: QBD 16 Jan 2020