Parkin v Thorold; 2 Jun 1851

References: [1851] EngR 542, (1851) 2 Sim NS 1, (1851) 61 ER 239
Links: Commonlii
A purchase was to be completed on the 25th October. Before that, day arrived the purchaser, at the vendor’s request, extended the time to the 5th of November. The title, however was not completed on that day. Held, that the purchaser was at liberty to abandon the contract.
This case is cited by:

  • Appeal from – Parkin -v- Thorold CA ((1852) 22 LJ Ch 170, [1852] EngR 535, Commonlii, (1852) 16 Beav 59, (1852) 51 ER 698)
    The parties had exchanged contracts to complete on a day. The vendor requested a postponment and the buyer agreed. On the new day fixed, the title was still complete. The vendor now appealed against refusal of his request for an order for specific . .