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Bilta (UK) Ltd and Others v Nazir and Others: ChD 30 Jul 2012

The company was said to have engaged in a fraud based on false European Trading Scheme Allowances, and had been wound up by the Revenue. The liquidators, in the company name, now sought recovery from former directors and associates. Held: The court dismissed the application: ‘First, the fact that there is, in accordance with my … Continue reading Bilta (UK) Ltd and Others v Nazir and Others: ChD 30 Jul 2012

Flightline Ltd v Edwards and Another: ChD 2 Aug 2002

Money had been paid into an account in the joint names of the parties’ solicitors in order to purchase the release of the applicants from an asset freezing order. The respondent company was in liquidation. It was argued that the payment of funds into the joint account made the claimant a secured creditor. The liquidators … Continue reading Flightline Ltd v Edwards and Another: ChD 2 Aug 2002

Thakrar v Ciro Citterio Menswear Plc In Administration: ChD 1 Oct 2002

Disputes arose between shareholders in a family company. Proceedings which expressly excluded the company were settled, but the company became insolvent. A later settlement was refused approval by the judge without the creditors consent. The claimant now sought a declaration that the earlier compromise bound the company. The company argued that the agreement was conditional … Continue reading Thakrar v Ciro Citterio Menswear Plc In Administration: ChD 1 Oct 2002

AMP Enterprises Ltd v Hoffman and Another: ChD 25 Jul 2002

A creditor sought an order to replace the company liquidator. Held: Such orders were discretionary, but courts should not grant them too readily. It was for the applicant to show good reason for the order. The circumstances would vary widely, and the court should not try to delimit the kind of situations where an application … Continue reading AMP Enterprises Ltd v Hoffman and Another: ChD 25 Jul 2002

Spencer Michael v The Official Receiver, Secretary of State for Business, Innovation and Skills: ChD 15 Jul 2010

Application pursuant to section 4(2) of the Human Rights Act 1998 for a declaration that Schedule 4A paragraph 5(2) of the Insolvency Act 1986 and section 11 of the Company Directors Disqualification Act 1986 are incompatible with Article 6 of the European Convention on Human Rights. Mr Justice Arnold [2010] EWHC 2246 (Ch) Bailii Human … Continue reading Spencer Michael v The Official Receiver, Secretary of State for Business, Innovation and Skills: ChD 15 Jul 2010

The Funding Corporation Block Discounting Ltd v Lexi Holdings Plc: ChD 8 May 2008

The claimant sought a particular interest in the proceeds of sale of assets in the insolvent company, saying that they held equitable charges over the properties. Briggs J [2008] EWHC 985 (Ch), [2008] 2 BCLC 596, [2008] NPC 57 Bailii Insolvency Act 1986 43(6)(b) England and Wales Insolvency Updated: 06 December 2021; Ref: scu.267559

Swift and Another v Dairywise Farms Limited and others: CA 1 Feb 2001

The company lent money to farmers secured against their milk quotas. They had to petition for a winding up, and the liquidators requested authority to continue the milk loan repayment schemes. The milk quotas had been vested in the farmers, and the liquidators sought directions form the court as to protection of the milk quotas, … Continue reading Swift and Another v Dairywise Farms Limited and others: CA 1 Feb 2001

Official Receiver v Meade-King and Another: CA 30 Jan 2001

The appeals raise a point of some general importance in relation to the powers of the official receiver; namely, whether, at a time when the official receiver is pursuing disqualification proceedings against a former director, the court has jurisdiction to make an order, on an application made by the official receiver under section 236 of … Continue reading Official Receiver v Meade-King and Another: CA 30 Jan 2001

Brown and Another (Joint Administrators of Oceancrown Ltd) v Stonegale Ltd: SCS 11 Dec 2013

Administrators sought to have set aside transactions made before the companies went into administration. Held: Rejecting the director’s arguments, the Lord Ordinary said: ‘No one paid anything for 110, 210, 260 Glasgow Road and 64 Roslea Drive. The sellers, namely Oceancrown, Loanwell and Questway, did not receive anything in return for the dispositions under challenge. … Continue reading Brown and Another (Joint Administrators of Oceancrown Ltd) v Stonegale Ltd: SCS 11 Dec 2013

Re International Tin Council: ChD 1987

An order for the winding up of a foreign company operates universally, applies to all the foreign company’s assets and brings into play the full panoply of powers and duties under the Insolvency Act 1986 like any other winding up order. Millett J said: ‘The statutory trusts extend to [foreign] assets, and so does the … Continue reading Re International Tin Council: ChD 1987

Maclaine Watson and Co Ltd v International Tin Council: ChD 1987

Millett J said: ‘The ITC contend there is no jurisdiction to make such an order [an order for discovery of assets] in the absence of a Mareva injunction. It is, however, fallacious to reason from the fact that an order for discovery can be made as ancillary to a Mareva injunction to a conclusion that … Continue reading Maclaine Watson and Co Ltd v International Tin Council: ChD 1987

Regina v Daniel: CACD 22 Mar 2002

The defendant appealed a conviction for hiding assets from her receiver following her bankruptcy. He said that recent case law suggested that the burden of establishing the defence under section 352 was evidential only. Held: The conviction predated the Human Rights Act, and was correct at the time. The Carass ruling applied also to the … Continue reading Regina v Daniel: CACD 22 Mar 2002

Clarke v Cognita Schools Ltd (T/A Hydesville Tower School): ChD 1 Apr 2015

The claimants sought to have set aside statutory demands served to enforce judgmens, they said under a discrepancy. The order refusing their application should they said, have notified them of their right to appeal. Held: None of the applicable rules expressly required otification that an appeal was available. Newey J [2015] EWHC 932 (Ch), [2015] … Continue reading Clarke v Cognita Schools Ltd (T/A Hydesville Tower School): ChD 1 Apr 2015

Henderson v Foxworth Investments Limited and Another: SC 2 Jul 2014

It was said that land, a hotal and gold courses, had been sold at an undervalue and that the transaction was void as against the seller’s liquidator. Held: The appeal was allowed. The critical issue was whether ‘the alienation was made for adequate consideration’. One element was that the same debt said to have been … Continue reading Henderson v Foxworth Investments Limited and Another: SC 2 Jul 2014

Regina v Kansal (2): HL 29 Nov 2001

The prosecutor had lead and relied at trial on evidence obtained by compulsory questioning under the 1986 Act. Held: In doing so the prosecutor was acting to give effect to section 433. The decision in Lambert to disallow retrospective effect of Human Rights decisions in appeal cases may have been incorrect, but will be followed. … Continue reading Regina v Kansal (2): HL 29 Nov 2001

Horton v Henry: CA 7 Oct 2016

No obligation on bankrupt to draw on pension fund The trustee in bankruptcy appealed against a decision dismissing his application for an income payments order pursuant to section 310 of the 1986 Act in respect of income which might become payable to the respondent from his personal pension policies, were he to exercise his contractual … Continue reading Horton v Henry: CA 7 Oct 2016

Williams v Glover and Another: ChD 4 Jun 2013

The company’s liquidator had refused to assign to its former directors a claim for a reduction in corporation tax which they were funding. Held: Such a claim did not constitute property within section 436, and was not a chose capable of assignment. All that could be assigned would be the right to appeal. Since the … Continue reading Williams v Glover and Another: ChD 4 Jun 2013

Lewis and Another v Metropolitan Property Realizations Ltd: ChD 21 Nov 2008

Nothing in the 2003 changes to the 1986 Act operated so that a trustee in bankruptcy who sold an interest of the bankrupt for a deferred payment had not realised the interest. Accordingly, on the bankrupt’s release, that interest had been assigned out of the bankrupt’s estate and did not revert to him. Proudman J … Continue reading Lewis and Another v Metropolitan Property Realizations Ltd: ChD 21 Nov 2008

The Solicitor for the Affairs of HM Treasury v Doveton and Another: ChD 13 Nov 2008

The claimant requested the revocation of a grant of probate to the defendant. They had suspicions about the will propounded and lodged a caveat which was warned off and the grant completed. In breach of court orders, the defendant had transferred substantial estate assets abroad. The defendant said that the burden of proving that the … Continue reading The Solicitor for the Affairs of HM Treasury v Doveton and Another: ChD 13 Nov 2008

Attorney-General’s Reference (No 7 of 2000): CACD 29 Mar 2001

The defendant had been convicted of offences under the Insolvency Act. Evidence of his gambling was found in cheque stubs, bank statements, returned cheques and a betting file containing loose gambling statements by way of computer print outs produced by Ladbrokes and a bookmaker’s schedule of gambling transactions. The bankrupt had not contributed himself to … Continue reading Attorney-General’s Reference (No 7 of 2000): CACD 29 Mar 2001

Wright and Another (Liquidators of SHB Realisations Ltd) v The Prudential Assurance Company Ltd: ChD 6 Mar 2018

IVA is a special form of contract Liquidators asked the court whether sums sought by the insolvent company’s landlords were payable and or provable. Under an IVA, the copany had been paying reduced rents, but the arrangement document provided that the full rents would be restored on its cessation. The liquidators challenged the clause as … Continue reading Wright and Another (Liquidators of SHB Realisations Ltd) v The Prudential Assurance Company Ltd: ChD 6 Mar 2018

Child Maintenance and Enforcement Commission v Beesley and Another: ChD 11 Mar 2010

The agency challenged the inclusion in an individual voluntary arrangement of the father’s arrears of child support. The creditors meeting had approved a full and final settlement. 94% of the debts were arrears of child support. The Commission said that such arrears were not subject to the arrangement, and the arrangement was unfair to it. … Continue reading Child Maintenance and Enforcement Commission v Beesley and Another: ChD 11 Mar 2010

Bishopsgate Investment Management Ltd (In Provisional Liquidation) v Maxwell and Another: CA 13 May 1992

A company liquidator applied for an order under sections 235 and 236 of the Insolvency Act 1986 that a director should disclose information to that liquidator. The Director objected that to do so would infringe his privilege against self-incrimination. In separate proceedings, heard for these purposes together, two other companies sought remedies of an account … Continue reading Bishopsgate Investment Management Ltd (In Provisional Liquidation) v Maxwell and Another: CA 13 May 1992

McGuinness v Norwich and Peterborough Building Society: CA 9 Nov 2011

The appellant had guaranteed his brother’s loan from the respondent, and the guarantee having been called in and unpaid, he had been made bankrupt. He now appealed saying that the guarantee debt, even though of a fixed amount could not form the basis of a statutory demand without action being taken on the debt first. … Continue reading McGuinness v Norwich and Peterborough Building Society: CA 9 Nov 2011

McCartney and Unite The Union and Another v Nortel Networks UK Ltd (In Administration): ChD 22 Apr 2010

The administrators gave employees of the company notice of termination of their employment. Then administrators refused consent under para 43(6) to actions against the company in the Northern Ireland Industrial Tribunal for protective awards, unfair dismissal, breach of contract and otherwise. The claims were issued anyway, and the administrators argued that they were a nullity, … Continue reading McCartney and Unite The Union and Another v Nortel Networks UK Ltd (In Administration): ChD 22 Apr 2010

Lewis and Another v Metropolitan Property Realisations Ltd: CA 12 Jun 2009

The bankrupts appealed against the refusal of a declaration that their home was now free of the claims of the defendants who had taken an assignment from the trustee in bankruptcy of the trustee’s interest in the house for a consideration of a share in any value on a sale. Held: The 1986 Act had … Continue reading Lewis and Another v Metropolitan Property Realisations Ltd: CA 12 Jun 2009

McGrath and others v Riddell and others: HL 9 Apr 2008

(Orse In Re HIH Casualty and General Insurance Ltd)HIH, an Australian Insurance company, became insolvent. An order was sought for the collection and remission of it assets in England under a letter of request from the Australia Court. Held: Once it was accepted that an English court may order the liquidator here to remit funds … Continue reading McGrath and others v Riddell and others: HL 9 Apr 2008

Regina v Kearns: CACD 22 Mar 2002

The defendant had failed to account for the disappearance of a substantial part of his estate to the official receiver following his bankruptcy. He appealed his conviction for failing to provide an account, saying that the requirement to provide information infringed his right of silence and to a fair trial. Held: The provisions were not … Continue reading Regina v Kearns: CACD 22 Mar 2002

Pillar Denton Ltd and Others v Jervis and Others: CA 24 Feb 2014

The corporate tenant became insolvent, but the administrators continued in occupation. The parties now disputed whether the rent (payable in advance) was a provable debt or an administration expense.The court was asked whether a company in administration was liable to pay a quarter’s rent as an administration expense even though the amount had fallen due … Continue reading Pillar Denton Ltd and Others v Jervis and Others: CA 24 Feb 2014

In re Rottmann (a Bankrupt): CA 18 Mar 2009

The bankrupt renewed his request for permission to appeal against a refusal to adjourn his public examination in bankruptcy. The court had allowed a private examination so as not to prejudice pending criminal proceedings in Germany. Held: The court had power to order the hearing to be conducted in private and had done so. A … Continue reading In re Rottmann (a Bankrupt): CA 18 Mar 2009

Arbuthnot Leasing International Ltd v Havelet Leasing Ltd (No 2): ChD 1990

Complaint was made that before the insolvency, the director of the compay had put its assets beyond the creditors. He replied that had acted so on legal advice: ‘Mr Maughan stressed . . that what he did he did on legal advice from solicitors and counsel and without any dishonest intent. . . however, seem … Continue reading Arbuthnot Leasing International Ltd v Havelet Leasing Ltd (No 2): ChD 1990

In re Hydrodam (Corby) Limited: ChD 1994

ET plc wholly owned MCP Ltd which wholly owned Landsaver MCP Limited, which wholly owned Hydrodam (Corby) Limited (‘HCL’). The only de jure directors of HCL were two Channel Island companies. HCL went into compulsory liquidation and its liquidator brought claims under section 214 of the 1986 Act for wrongful trading against 14 defendants, including … Continue reading In re Hydrodam (Corby) Limited: ChD 1994

Rubin and Another v Eurofinance Sa and Others: SC 24 Oct 2012

The Court was asked ‘whether, and if so, in what circumstances, an order or judgment of a foreign court . . in proceedings to adjust or set aside prior transactions, eg preferences or transactions at an undervalue, will be recognised and enforced in England. The appeals also raise the question whether enforcement may be effected … Continue reading Rubin and Another v Eurofinance Sa and Others: SC 24 Oct 2012

Holland v Revenue and Customs and Another: CA 2 Jul 2009

The appellant supported IT workers. Through his own company, he set up companies in which his company was a director, and which companies in turn employed the IT workers securing substantial savings in higher rate Corporation Tax. Held: The defendant’s appeal succeeded. Though the appellant was not himself a director in the companies, his company … Continue reading Holland v Revenue and Customs and Another: CA 2 Jul 2009

Casson and Another v The Law Society: Admn 20 Oct 2009

Two solicitors had been made bankrupt and then discharged from bankruptcy. They suffered adjudications by the SDT awarding compensation for matters occurring before the bankruptcies. They appealed, saying that the awards were bankruptcy debts from which they were discharged. The Law Society submitted that the adjudicators’ awards were discretionary, that no debt or liability arose … Continue reading Casson and Another v The Law Society: Admn 20 Oct 2009

Heath v Tang, Stevens v Peacock: CA 11 Aug 1993

The bankrupt applicants each applied to the Court of Appeal for leave to appeal against the judgment for a liquidated sum on which the bankruptcy petition had been based. In the first case, the trustee in bankruptcy indicated his unwillingness to pursue an appeal; in the second, no trustee had been appointed. Held: A bankrupt … Continue reading Heath v Tang, Stevens v Peacock: CA 11 Aug 1993

Rehman v Chamberlain and Another: ChD 6 Sep 2011

The claimant asserted as against the liquidator, a floating and registered charge over the company’s assets. The liquidator said that it had been granted within the twelve months prior to the onset of the insolvency, was caught by section 245(3)(b), and requested rectification of the register. The claimants relied on an opinion from senior counsel. … Continue reading Rehman v Chamberlain and Another: ChD 6 Sep 2011

Truex v Toll: ChD 6 Mar 2009

The bankrupt appealed against an order in bankruptcy made against her on application by her former solicitors in respect of their unpaid costs. The bankrupt said that since the bill was yet untaxed, it might be altered and could not base a statutory demand. Held: The bankrupt’s appeal was allowed. A claim for solicitors’ fees … Continue reading Truex v Toll: ChD 6 Mar 2009

Poulton v Ministry of Justice: CA 22 Apr 2010

The claimant was trustee in bankruptcy but the court failed to register the bankruptcy petition at the Land Registry as a pending action. The bankrupt was therefore able to sell her land, and the trustee did not recover the proceeds. The trustee sought to recover from the defendant who was responsible for the court service. … Continue reading Poulton v Ministry of Justice: CA 22 Apr 2010

Secretary of State for Work and Pensions v Payne and Another: SC 14 Dec 2011

The appellant sought to recover overpayments of benefits and Social Fund Loans, after the respondent had had a Debt relief order. Held: The Secretary of State’s appeal failed. The ‘net entitlement principle’ argued for did not exist. The entitlement is a statutory one, and any liability to repay is separate and independent, being only a … Continue reading Secretary of State for Work and Pensions v Payne and Another: SC 14 Dec 2011

Shaw v Doleman: CA 1 Apr 2009

The landlord had taken a guarantee of the lease from the tenant when granting a licence to assign to the new tenant. That new tenant had become insolvent and the liquidator had disclaimed the lease. The court considered the position under Hindcastle after the 1995 Act. Held: The guaranteer’s appeal succeeded. The effect of the … Continue reading Shaw v Doleman: CA 1 Apr 2009

Simmonds v Pearce: Admn 1 Dec 2017

Own compulsory statements used against bankrupt Application to commit the Respondent to prison for breaches of various provisions of the Insolvency Act which are said to constitute deliberate, repeated, and serious contempt of court. Held: Such applications should be dealth with under CPR r81.15 in Chancery. Statements obtained under compulsion via Section 433 might be … Continue reading Simmonds v Pearce: Admn 1 Dec 2017

Mann Aviation Group (Engineering) Ltd v Longmint Aviation Ltd and Another: ChD 19 Aug 2011

Administrators of the claimant company asserted that the company had held informal leases of two hangars owned by the defendant, and also complained of their transfer at an undervalue. The first defendant said that the occupations were under license only. Held: The occupation, having the characteristics of a tenancy, was in fact a tenancy. As … Continue reading Mann Aviation Group (Engineering) Ltd v Longmint Aviation Ltd and Another: ChD 19 Aug 2011

Shlosberg v Avonwick Holdings Ltd and Others: ChD 5 May 2016

Application by a bankrupt, for an order directing that the Second Respondent should cease acting as solicitors for both the First Respondent (‘Avonwick’) and the Third Respondents, Moore Stephens LLP, his joint trustees in bankruptcy. Held: The appication was granted. The exercise of control of privileged information was not governed by the ownership of the … Continue reading Shlosberg v Avonwick Holdings Ltd and Others: ChD 5 May 2016

Barlow Clowes International Ltd and Others v Henwood: CA 23 May 2008

The receiver appealed against an order finding that the debtor petitioner was not domiciled here when the order was made. The debtor had a domicile of origin in England, but later acquired on in the Isle of Man. He then acquired a home in Mauritius and left IOM. The creditor said that new home was … Continue reading Barlow Clowes International Ltd and Others v Henwood: CA 23 May 2008

Holland v Revenue and Customs and Another: SC 24 Nov 2010

The Revenue sought an order under section 212 of the 1986 Act, for payment of the tax debts of the insolvent company by a de facto director. H had organised a scheme under which IT contractors had worked through companies created by him under a composite company scheme, and in each of which he retained … Continue reading Holland v Revenue and Customs and Another: SC 24 Nov 2010

Warwick (Formerly Yarwood) v Trustee In Bankruptcy of Clive Graham Yarwood: ChD 13 Sep 2010

The trustee sought to have set aside as an unlawful preference, the payment of 75% of the proceeds of sale of the former matrimonial home to the bankrupt’s wife, saying that the payment had been made after the presentation of the petition. The parties had previously compromised a claim for ancillary relief in the divorce … Continue reading Warwick (Formerly Yarwood) v Trustee In Bankruptcy of Clive Graham Yarwood: ChD 13 Sep 2010

Berr, Regina (on the Prosecution of) v Lowe: CACD 17 Feb 2009

The defendant appealed against a confiscation order, alleging abuse of process by the prosecution. He had transferred land from the company just before it went into liquidation, and admitted the offence under the 1986 Act. He complained that the liquidator having recovered the land the further confiscation action was an abuse. Held: The transfer had … Continue reading Berr, Regina (on the Prosecution of) v Lowe: CACD 17 Feb 2009

Revenue and Customs v SED Essex Ltd: ChD 14 Jun 2013

Liquidator confirmed despite VAT challege The Revenue sought the winding up of the company for non-payment of substantial arrears of VAT. The revenue had declined to allow VAT input claims. The company said that the petition was wrong since the debt was genuinely disputed. Held: The decision to appoint the provisional liquidator was maintained. The … Continue reading Revenue and Customs v SED Essex Ltd: ChD 14 Jun 2013

Chohan v Saggar: ChD 1992

Section 423(3) of the 1986 Act requires a plaintiff to show a dominant purpose to remove assets from the reach of actual or potential claimants or creditors, but not excluding the possibility that there might be other purposes behind the relevant . .

Re A Debtor (No 68 of 1992); Chd 1 Mar 1993

References: Ind Summary 01-Mar-1993 Ratio: Date on which ‘grounds’ must exist for annulment of order. A bankrupt applying to annul an order must establish the grounds for annulment not at the date of the hearing of that application, but rather at the date when the order itself was made. Statutes: Insolvency Act 1986 282(1) Last … Continue reading Re A Debtor (No 68 of 1992); Chd 1 Mar 1993

Re Arrows Ltd (In Liquidation); Chd 1 Jul 1992

References: Times 01-May-1992, Gazette 01-Jul-1992 Ratio: Liquidators seeking information from directors were allowed to undertake not to disclose any information gathered to the Serious Fraud Office. Such an undertaking having been given a former company director was not able to refuse to answer questions put to him. Statutes: Insolvency Act 1986 236(2) This case is … Continue reading Re Arrows Ltd (In Liquidation); Chd 1 Jul 1992

In Re Melinek (A Bankrupt); Bristol and West Building Society v Alexander (The Trustee Of The Property of Back) (A Bankrupt); Melinek (A Bankrupt): ChD 10 Apr 1997

References: Times 10-Apr-1997, (1998) 1 BCLC 485 Coram: David Young QC The applicants sought leave to proceed in actions against the defendants against whom bankruptcy proceedings were pending. Consnet should have been obtained before proceedings were issued, but application was now made nunc pro tunc. Held: The court has a free hand in these situations … Continue reading In Re Melinek (A Bankrupt); Bristol and West Building Society v Alexander (The Trustee Of The Property of Back) (A Bankrupt); Melinek (A Bankrupt): ChD 10 Apr 1997

In re a Debtor (No 1 of 1987), ex parte the Royal Bank of Scotland: CA 1989

A statutory demand as served showed an incorrectly calculated sum owed and was in the wrong form. Held: The application to set the demand aside was refused. A statutory demand should not be set aside for a mere technicality.Lord Justice Nicholls said: ‘The question arising on this appeal concerns the exercise by the court of … Continue reading In re a Debtor (No 1 of 1987), ex parte the Royal Bank of Scotland: CA 1989

In re G-Tech Construction Limited: ChD 29 Sep 2005

In appointing the administrators, the wrong form had been used. The court was asked to use its powers to cure the mistake. The failure to file the correct form was overlooked, with the result that one of the prerequisites of an appointment taking effect under paragraph 31 remained unsatisfied. However, the administration was carried on … Continue reading In re G-Tech Construction Limited: ChD 29 Sep 2005

Ben Hashem v Ali Shayif and Another: FD 22 Sep 2008

The court was asked to pierce the veil of incorporation of a company in the course of ancillary relief proceedings in a divorce. H had failed to co-operate with the court. After a comprehensive review of all the authorities, Munby J said: ‘The common theme running through all the cases in which the court has … Continue reading Ben Hashem v Ali Shayif and Another: FD 22 Sep 2008

Noble v Box and Others (Transfer of Undertakings): EAT 29 Mar 2021

Transfer of Undertakings The appeal is one in which no party other than the Appellant was represented. That representative, although experienced in the employment law field, is not a qualified lawyer. No authority was cited to the EAT, and the decision is one which should be treated with care. However the EAT held that the … Continue reading Noble v Box and Others (Transfer of Undertakings): EAT 29 Mar 2021

Schmitt v Deichmann and Others: ChD 23 Jan 2012

The court heard appeal from an Order granting the applicant, the German administrator of Phoenix Kapitaldienst GmbH, recognition under the common law and authority to exercise the powers afforded to licensed insolvency practitioners under the Insolvency Act 1986. The Recognition Order was made on a without notice application. Judges: Proudman J Citations: [2012] EWHC 62 … Continue reading Schmitt v Deichmann and Others: ChD 23 Jan 2012

Re Vehicle Options Ltd: 21 Feb 2002

The court accepted undertakings with regard to the conduct of a franchised vehicle-leasing broker. The Secretary of State consented to the order. Judges: Park J Citations: Unreported, 21 February 2002 Jurisdiction: England and Wales Cited by: Cited – In the Matter of the Supporting Link; In the Matter of the Insolvency Act 1986 ChD 19-Mar-2004 … Continue reading Re Vehicle Options Ltd: 21 Feb 2002

Owo-Samson v Barclays Bank Plc, Boyden: CA 21 May 2003

The appellant challenged a formal statutory demand which had led to his bankruptcy. The demand had included the anticipated cost of realising the charged property, and also had been inflated to allow for extra costs of dealing the appellant who was perceived to be recalcitrant and unco-operative. Held: The statutory demand could only include sums … Continue reading Owo-Samson v Barclays Bank Plc, Boyden: CA 21 May 2003

Anglo American Investments Limited v Barber: CA 22 Jul 1998

The defendant had borrowed money from the plaintiff, and a director made an oral promiose not to seek repayment until the defendant could afford it. The claimant went into liquidation. Held: The defence was incredible and had no prospect of success. Citations: [1998] EWCA Civ 1258 Jurisdiction: England and Wales Citing: Cited – Alpine Bulk … Continue reading Anglo American Investments Limited v Barber: CA 22 Jul 1998

Smith (a bankrupt) v Braintree District Council: HL 1989

The House considered the effects of bankruptcy on the imposition of a committal to imprisonment in default of paying rates. The purpose of section 285 is to preserve the estate of the bankrupt for the benefit of his unsecured creditors.Lord Jauncey of Tullichettle said that, in view of the changes in policy shown by the … Continue reading Smith (a bankrupt) v Braintree District Council: HL 1989

In the Matter of Blackspur Group Plc; Secretary of State for Trade and Industry v Davies; Thomas; Thompson; Andrew: CA 19 Nov 1997

The Secretary of State may perfectly properly refuse to accept offered undertakings and instead decide to prosecute company directors under the Act, even though though the terms offered were intended to give equivalent effect. The purpose of the Act’s jurisdiction is to improve the standard of company directors, and the disqualification procedure has a prohibitory … Continue reading In the Matter of Blackspur Group Plc; Secretary of State for Trade and Industry v Davies; Thomas; Thompson; Andrew: CA 19 Nov 1997