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David John Hobbs v Financial Services Authority – FS/2010/0024: UTTC 22 Nov 2012

UTTC FINANCIAL SERVICES – FSMA s 123 – financial penalty – FSMA s 118(5) – whether conduct of Applicant constituted market abuse – FSMA s 56 – prohibition order – whether Applicant a fit and proper person Citations: [2012] UKUT B25 (TCC) Links: Bailii Statutes: Financial Services and Markets Act 2000 56 123 118(5) Jurisdiction: … Continue reading David John Hobbs v Financial Services Authority – FS/2010/0024: UTTC 22 Nov 2012

The Law Society v Sephton and Co and others: CA 13 Dec 2004

The Society appealed dismissal for limitation of its claim against the defendant firm of accountants arising from alleged fraud in approval of a solicitor’s accounts. Held: The liability did not arise until the Society decided to make compensation to those who had been affected by the solicitor’s default. The claims in negligence were not time … Continue reading The Law Society v Sephton and Co and others: CA 13 Dec 2004

In re Sky Land Consultants Plc: ChD 3 Mar 2010

a land-banking arrangement was held to amount to a collective investment scheme within section 235. The company purported to change its practices following intervention by the FCA. The changes were held by the judge insufficient to take it outside section 235. On two sites, the Crewe land and the Winterton land, involving sales respectively of … Continue reading In re Sky Land Consultants Plc: ChD 3 Mar 2010

A and B, Regina (on The Application of) v Secretary of State for Health: SC 14 Jun 2017

The court was asked: ‘Was it unlawful for the Secretary of State for Health, the respondent, who had power to make provisions for the functioning of the National Health Service in England, to have failed to make a provision which would have enabled women who were citizens of the UK, but who were usually resident … Continue reading A and B, Regina (on The Application of) v Secretary of State for Health: SC 14 Jun 2017

Henton Revised v Financial Services Authority: FSMT 9 Nov 2007

FSMT PROHIBITION ORDER – whether Applicant fit and proper to perform functions in relation to all regulated activities carried on by authorised persons generally – no in respect of all currently regulated activities – Financial Services and Markets Act 2000 s 56 Citations: [2007] UKFSM FSM049 Links: Bailii Financial Services Updated: 15 July 2022; Ref: … Continue reading Henton Revised v Financial Services Authority: FSMT 9 Nov 2007

Elliot v Financial Services Authority: FSMT 16 Mar 2006

FSMT REGULATED ACTIVITIES – performance of – prohibition order – whether Applicant a fit and proper person to perform functions in relation to regulated activities carried on by an authorised person – no – whether the Authority had power to make a prohibition order – yes – reference determined in favour of the Authority – … Continue reading Elliot v Financial Services Authority: FSMT 16 Mar 2006

Henton v Financial Services Authority: FSMT 4 May 2007

FSMT PRELIMINARY ISSUE – Applicant prohibited from performing any function in relation to any regulated activity carried on by an authorised or exempt person or exempt professional firm because it appeared to the Authority that he was not a fit and proper person – Applicant had been found to be dishonest by the High Court … Continue reading Henton v Financial Services Authority: FSMT 4 May 2007

AFC Ltd v Financial Conduct Authority: UTTC 5 Feb 2016

Financial Services and Markets Act 2000 – application under s55A for permission to carry on regulated activities – whether applicant fit and proper. Held: L is a person of honesty and integrity. He has been subjected to an unjustified accusation. He has acted and may be expected to act with probity. We remit the application … Continue reading AFC Ltd v Financial Conduct Authority: UTTC 5 Feb 2016

PDHL Ltd v Financial Conduct Authority: UTTC 28 Jan 2016

UTTC FINANCIAL SERVICES – Decision Notice refusing permission for authorisation to carry on debt adjusting and debt counselling activities-whether giving of Decision Notice terminated Applicant’s Interim Permission to carry on those activities-Yes-Article 58 Financial Services and Markets Act 2000 (Regulated Activities) (Amendment (No 2)) Order 2013 – s133A (4) FSMA Citations: [2016] UKUT 18 (TCC) … Continue reading PDHL Ltd v Financial Conduct Authority: UTTC 28 Jan 2016

Arch Financial Products Llp and Others v Financial Services Authority: UTTC 30 Nov 2012

UTTC DECISION NOTICE – publication – whether Upper Tribunal should prohibit publication on grounds of potential serious reputational damage prejudice to civil proceedings or possible settlement discussions – FSMA 2000 S.391– Trib Proc (UT) Rules 2008 14(1) and Sch 3 para 3(3) Citations: [2012] UKUT B28 (TCC) Links: Bailii Statutes: Financial Services and Markets Act … Continue reading Arch Financial Products Llp and Others v Financial Services Authority: UTTC 30 Nov 2012

Re Prudential Assurance Company Ltd and Rothesay Life Plc: CA 2 Dec 2020

‘This case raises for the first time before the Court of Appeal the approach that the court should adopt in dealing with applications to sanction transfers of insurance business under Part VII (‘Part VII’) of the Financial Services and Markets Act 2000′ Citations: [2020] EWCA Civ 1626 Links: Bailii Jurisdiction: England and Wales Insurance, Financial … Continue reading Re Prudential Assurance Company Ltd and Rothesay Life Plc: CA 2 Dec 2020

Commissioner of Police for the Metropolis v Reeves (Joint Administratix of The Estate of Martin Lynch, Deceased): HL 15 Jul 1999

The deceased was a prisoner known to be at risk of committing suicide. Whilst in police custody he hanged himself in his prison cell. The Commissioner accepted that he was in breach of his duty of care to the deceased, but not that that breach was caustive of the death by suicide. Held: Police and … Continue reading Commissioner of Police for the Metropolis v Reeves (Joint Administratix of The Estate of Martin Lynch, Deceased): HL 15 Jul 1999

The Christian Institute and Others v The Lord Advocate: SC 28 Jul 2016

(Scotland) By the 2014 Act, the Scottish Parliament had provided that each child should have a named person to monitor that child’s needs, with information about him or her shared as necessary. The Institute objected that the imposed obligation to share information was outwith the powers of the Parliament. It extended the information to be … Continue reading The Christian Institute and Others v The Lord Advocate: SC 28 Jul 2016

Thommes v Financial Services Authority: UTTC 12 Dec 2012

UTTC FINANCIAL SERVICES – regulated mortgage business – whether applicant fit and proper to carry out any controlled function involving exercise of significant influence – prohibition order – FSMA 2000, s56 Citations: [2012] UKUT B29 (TCC) Links: Bailii Statutes: Fincial Services and Markets Act 2000 56 Jurisdiction: England and Wales Financial Services Updated: 27 March … Continue reading Thommes v Financial Services Authority: UTTC 12 Dec 2012

Frederick and Others v Positive Financial Solutions (Financial Services) Ltd: ChD 5 Aug 2016

The Claimants seek to recover from the Defendant, Positive Solutions (Financial Services) Ltd (Positive Solutions), compensation for losses that they have allegedly suffered as a result of the conduct of a Mr Qureshi and a Mr Warren. Master Bowles [2016] EWHC 2030 (Ch) Bailii Financial Services and Markets Act 2000 England and Wales Vicarious Liability, … Continue reading Frederick and Others v Positive Financial Solutions (Financial Services) Ltd: ChD 5 Aug 2016

Asset Land Investment Plc and Another v The Financial Conduct Authority: SC 20 Apr 2016

Proceedings were brought against the appellant’s associated parties, alleging that they had carred on regulated activities without authorisation, contrary to section 19 of the2000 Act. They had offered various plots of land for sale, suggesting they would be seeking planning development permissions. Held: The appeal was dismissed. The company’s activities operated as ‘collective investment schemes’ … Continue reading Asset Land Investment Plc and Another v The Financial Conduct Authority: SC 20 Apr 2016

Brazzill and Others v Willoughby and Others: CA 27 May 2010

The regulated bank Kaupthing Singer and Friedlander Ltd (KSF) was in financial difficulties. The Bank of England required KSF to credit to a trust account all future deposits. KSF later went into insolvency. Some deposits had been credited to the trust account but not all. The court was asked whether the sum held was for … Continue reading Brazzill and Others v Willoughby and Others: CA 27 May 2010

A v Secretary of State for the Home Department, and X v Secretary of State for the Home Department: HL 16 Dec 2004

The applicants had been imprisoned and held without trial, being suspected of international terrorism. No criminal charges were intended to be brought. They were foreigners and free to return home if they wished, but feared for their lives if they did. A British subject, who was suspected in the exact same way, and there were … Continue reading A v Secretary of State for the Home Department, and X v Secretary of State for the Home Department: HL 16 Dec 2004

HM Treasury v The Information Commissioner: Admn 21 Jul 2009

Disclosure of Government’s Legal Advice The interested party sought to obtain the legal opinion on which the Prime Minister had based his assertion that the Financial Services and Markets Bill complied with Human Rights. The respondent refused claiming protection under the section, and refused to say whether any advice had been taken. The respondent now … Continue reading HM Treasury v The Information Commissioner: Admn 21 Jul 2009

PDHL Ltd v Financial Conduct Authority; UTTC 28 Jan 2016

References: [2016] UKUT 18 (TCC) Links: Bailii Ratio FINANCIAL SERVICES – Decision Notice refusing permission for authorisation to carry on debt adjusting and debt counselling activities-whether giving of Decision Notice terminated Applicant’s Interim Permission to carry on those activities-Yes-Article 58 Financial Services and Markets Act 2000 (Regulated Activities) (Amendment (No 2)) Order 2013 – s133A … Continue reading PDHL Ltd v Financial Conduct Authority; UTTC 28 Jan 2016