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Dallhold Estates (UK) Pty Ltd (In Administration) v Lindsey Trading Props Inc: CA 15 Dec 1993

The landlord is to provide a service address if an agricultural tenancy includes a dwelling, but relief from the consequences of non compliance with section 48(1) may be obtained by service of an appropriate notice. Immaterial misdescriptions or inaccuracies which do not have the potential to mislead will not invalidate a notice. Citations: Times 15-Dec-1993, … Continue reading Dallhold Estates (UK) Pty Ltd (In Administration) v Lindsey Trading Props Inc: CA 15 Dec 1993

The Receiver for the Metropolitan Police District v Palacegate Properties Ltd: CA 9 Feb 2000

A prospective landlord and tenant applied to have the proposed tenancy excluded from security of tenure. The draft appended to the application had blanks for the dates, and a break clause. Held: The intention was to demonstrate the parties understanding of what they might be losing by way of security, and that the lease need … Continue reading The Receiver for the Metropolitan Police District v Palacegate Properties Ltd: CA 9 Feb 2000

Regina (Westminster City Council) v British Waterways Board: HL 1985

The tenant occupied land next to a canal under a lease from the Defendants. The landlord opposed a renewal saying they wished to occupy the land themselves for the purposes of a marina. The tenant said the plan was unrealistic, because it would not get planning permission for the change of use (the tenant was … Continue reading Regina (Westminster City Council) v British Waterways Board: HL 1985

Sillvote Ltd v Liverpool City Council: UTLC 14 Jun 2010

UTLC LEASEHOLD ENFRANCHISEMENT – house – price – condition – improvements – risk of tenant claiming Assured Tenancy- statutory assumptions – appeal allowed in part – Price determined at andpound;152,788 – Leasehold Reform Act 1967 section 9(1), Housing Act 1988 section 14(2)(b) and Landlord and Tenant Act 1954 Pt 1 Judges: P R Francis FRICS … Continue reading Sillvote Ltd v Liverpool City Council: UTLC 14 Jun 2010

Longacre Securities Ltd v Electro Acoustic Industries Ltd: CA 1990

The term was to expire on 25 March 1988. The landlord served a section 25(1) notice to determine the tenancy on 1 March 1989 to which the tenants responded with a notice under section 27(2) to determine the tenancy on 24 June 1988. In fact the tenants vacated the property on or immediately before 25 … Continue reading Longacre Securities Ltd v Electro Acoustic Industries Ltd: CA 1990

Accountancy Personnel Ltd v Salters’ Company: CA 1972

The landlord opposed the grant of a new tenancy on redevelopment grounds. The judge found that the landlord had not established the requisite intention at the hearing date, but held that the intention would be established six months later. He made a declaration to that effect under section 31 (2) of the Act, which had … Continue reading Accountancy Personnel Ltd v Salters’ Company: CA 1972

Morrow v Nadeem: 1981

In a notice served pursuant to s25 of the 1954 Act the landlord was described as the individual who was effectively the sole shareholder and director of landlord company, rather than the landlord company itself. Held: The landlord’s notice was invalid. It was a form preescribed by the rules requiring the correct identification of the … Continue reading Morrow v Nadeem: 1981

English Exporters (London) Ltd v Eldonwall Ltd: ChD 1973

The Court was asked as to the extent to which a valuer can permissibly rely upon matters drawn from his own knowledge and experience, and which are not proven by direct evidence on the one hand, as compared to specific transactions upon which he relies for the formation of an opinion as to value, on … Continue reading English Exporters (London) Ltd v Eldonwall Ltd: ChD 1973

London Baggage (Charing Cross) Limited v Railtrack plc: CA 2001

The tenant had been in occupation under a tenancy for three years and eleven months when the tenancy was terminated by notice. The tenant held over under a tenancy at will. By the time they finally came to vacate they had been in occupation for more than 5 years, and sought a compensatory payment under … Continue reading London Baggage (Charing Cross) Limited v Railtrack plc: CA 2001

Cheryl Investments v Saldanha: CA 1978

Protection was sought under the 1954 Act for premises where the relevant occupation was partly residential and partly for the purposes of a business. Held: The Act will apply so long as the business activity is a significant purpose of occupation. It must be more than incidental. The business occupation must exist both at the … Continue reading Cheryl Investments v Saldanha: CA 1978

Arundel Corporation Ltd v Financial Trading Company Ltd: 2000

The parties had started the renewal procedures under the 1954 Act. After the end of the contractual term, the tenant handed in the keys and purported to surrender the lease at common law. He did nothing to discontinue the proceedings. Held: The continuation of the tenancy under the Act did not prevent the possibility of … Continue reading Arundel Corporation Ltd v Financial Trading Company Ltd: 2000

VCS Car Park Management v Regional Railways North East Ltd: CA 27 Jan 2000

The opposition of a landlord to the renewal of a tenancy was not defeated by it being shown that his interest in the freehold had been acquired within the five year period, where the landlord had also had a continuous series of interests in the property or that other members of the same holding group … Continue reading VCS Car Park Management v Regional Railways North East Ltd: CA 27 Jan 2000

Gatwick Parking Service Ltd v Sargent: CA 3 Feb 2000

When a landlord opposed a renewal of a business tenancy, the court must allow for changes in planning policy which affected the parties. Planning permission had originally been subject to a condition that it be used not by the claimant but by a tenant. That condition had been imposed under a policy which had now … Continue reading Gatwick Parking Service Ltd v Sargent: CA 3 Feb 2000

Morrisons Holdings Ltd v Madners Properties (Wolverhampton) Ltd: 1979

Citations: [1979] 1 WLR 533 Cited by: Mentioned – Pointon York Group Plc v Poulton CA 13-Jul-2006 The lease included a right to use seven designated parking spaces. The parties disputed whether parking space could be occupied in such a way as to be given protection under the Landlord and Tenant Act 1954. Held: A … Continue reading Morrisons Holdings Ltd v Madners Properties (Wolverhampton) Ltd: 1979

Cairnplace Limited v CBL (Property Investments) Co Ltd: 1984

On a statutory renewal under the 1954 Act, the court would not impose a requirement on the tenant to pay the landlord’s costs so far as this would contravene the intention of the 1958 Act. The tenant may also be required to provide a guarantor. Citations: [1984] 1 All ER 315 Statutes: Landlord and Tenant … Continue reading Cairnplace Limited v CBL (Property Investments) Co Ltd: 1984

Dodson Bull Carpet Co Ltd v City of London Corporation: 1975

Where there were two competent landlords under the Act, one was not able alone to serve an effective notice under the Act. The notice had to relate to all the property let by the lease. Judges: Goff J Citations: [1975] 2 All ER 497, [1975] 1 WLR 781 Statutes: Landlord and Tenant Act 1954 Landlord … Continue reading Dodson Bull Carpet Co Ltd v City of London Corporation: 1975

Fairline Properties Ltd v Hassan: 1998

After a fire, the premises were unusable for two years. The tenant continued to assert his right of occupation, and wanted to return to occupation as soon as the premises were re-instated. Held: The tenant had remained in occupation for the purposes of the 1954 Act. Citations: [1998] EGCS 169 Statutes: Landlord and Tenant Act … Continue reading Fairline Properties Ltd v Hassan: 1998

Pretoria Warehousing Co Ltd v Shelton: 1993

In a shopping centre, a tenant and its customers had acquired the right under s62 of the 1925 Act to use the concourse. The tenant was therefore entitled to an injunction to prevent the landlord further developing the concourse in such a way as to infringe those rights. Citations: [1993] EGCS 120 Statutes: Landlord and … Continue reading Pretoria Warehousing Co Ltd v Shelton: 1993

Nursey v P Currie (Dartford) Limited: 1959

The landlord said he resisted the grant of a new lease saying that he wanted to occupy the premises himself for his own business. He was also shown to have an untention to demolish the building. Held: An intention to demolish was inconsistent with an intention to occupy the premises for the landlord’s own business. … Continue reading Nursey v P Currie (Dartford) Limited: 1959

Kammins Ballrooms Co Limited v Zenith Investments (Torquay) Limited: HL 1970

The tenant had served his section 26 notice under the 1954 Act, but then began the court proceedings before the minumum two month period had expired. The landlord did not take the point at first, and delivered an answer and negotiated compensation. After the expiry of the maximum period of four months, when it was … Continue reading Kammins Ballrooms Co Limited v Zenith Investments (Torquay) Limited: HL 1970

In re 14 Grafton Street London W1: ChD 1971

The landlord served a notice to terminate the tenancy. The tenant served a notice to say that he did want a new tenancy, but the law then changed and he purported to withdraw his notice, and gave up possession claiming compensation for improvements. The landlord said he had already become entitled to possession. Held: The … Continue reading In re 14 Grafton Street London W1: ChD 1971

Ganton House Investments v Crossman Investments: 1995

When assessing a new rent under the Act, the the value of the premises attributable to the obtaining of a license under the 1963 Act is to be disregarded. Citations: [1995] 1 EGLR 239 Statutes: Landlord and Tenant Act 1954 34(1)(d), Betting Gaming and Lotteries Act 1963 Landlord and Tenant Updated: 29 April 2022; Ref: … Continue reading Ganton House Investments v Crossman Investments: 1995

Department of the Environment v Royal Insurance PLC: ChD 1986

The court was asked whether the fact that the tenants under a fourteen year lease had entered into occupation of the premises one day after the term began meant that they had thereby failed to occupy for ‘the whole of the fourteen years,’ in which event, of course, they were entitled only to the basic … Continue reading Department of the Environment v Royal Insurance PLC: ChD 1986

S Franses Ltd v The Cavendish Hotel (London) Ltd: QBD 3 Jul 2017

Appeal from refusal of new lease under 1954 Act. Landlord wanting to reconstruct premises. Tenant saying that the construction scheme was artificial. Held: The landlords intention had to be genuine. Judges: Jay J Citations: [2017] EWHC 1670 (QB), [2017] WLR(D) 503 Links: Bailii, WLRD Statutes: Landlord and Tenant Act 1954 ( Jurisdiction: England and Wales … Continue reading S Franses Ltd v The Cavendish Hotel (London) Ltd: QBD 3 Jul 2017

Taylor v Inntrepreneur Estates Limited: QBD 30 Jan 2001

The claimant had entered into the ‘The Royal Albert’ public house under a tenancy management agreement. They later negotiated for a contracted out business tenancy. They sought now to appeal a strike out of their claim for a secure tenancy. Held: Nothing had been said to create any reason for the claimant to believe any … Continue reading Taylor v Inntrepreneur Estates Limited: QBD 30 Jan 2001

Somerfield Stores Ltd v Spring (Sutton Coldfield) Ltd: ChD 4 Aug 2010

The landlord had opposed the renewal of the claimant’s business tenancies saying that it wished to redevelop the sites. Before the matter came to trial, the landlord went into administration, and the tenant sought summary judgment. It now appealed against refusal. Held: The appeal failed. The date of the hearing at which the necessary intention … Continue reading Somerfield Stores Ltd v Spring (Sutton Coldfield) Ltd: ChD 4 Aug 2010

Yamaha-Kemble Music (UK) Ltd v ARC Properties Ltd: ChD 1990

The defendant served a notice on the plaintiff tenants purportedly under the section. The defendant had been the landlord but shortly before serving the notice the defendant had assigned its interest in the property in question to its parent company and so had ceased to be the landlord. As section 25 required the landlord to … Continue reading Yamaha-Kemble Music (UK) Ltd v ARC Properties Ltd: ChD 1990

Charles Clements (London) Ltd v Rank City Wall: Chd 1978

When setting a rent on a lease renewal, taking into account other potential uses involves ignoring terms in the lease providing for only one use. Restrictions on use should not be relaxed solely to increase the rent, and conversely, the restrictions on use should not be tightened merely to reduce that rent. Goulding J [1978] … Continue reading Charles Clements (London) Ltd v Rank City Wall: Chd 1978

C A Webber (Transport) Ltd v Railtrack plc: CA 15 Jul 2003

A notice served under s25 of the 1954 Act, being sent by recorded delivery to the tenant at its place of abode, was irrebuttably deemed to have been served on the day it was posted. Section 23 of the 1927 Act operated to disapply section 7 of the 1978 Act. Such an implication did not … Continue reading C A Webber (Transport) Ltd v Railtrack plc: CA 15 Jul 2003

Cardiothoracic Institute v Shrewdcrest Ltd: ChD 1986

The landlord hoped to redevelop a site. The defendant was in possession as a business tenant pursuant to three successive leases for which orders had been made under section 38(4) of the 1954 Act excluding the operation of sections 24 to 28 of the Act. The last of the three leases expired on October 31 … Continue reading Cardiothoracic Institute v Shrewdcrest Ltd: ChD 1986

The Gulf Agencies Ltd v Ahmed: CA 3 Feb 2016

The appellant is the landlord of business premises. The tenant, the respondent to this appeal, brought proceedings under Part II of the Landlord and Tenant Act 1954 for the grant of a new tenancy. The landlord resisted the application on the ground set out in section 30(1)(g), that he intended to occupy the premises for … Continue reading The Gulf Agencies Ltd v Ahmed: CA 3 Feb 2016

UKI (Kingsway) Ltd v Westminster City Council: SC 17 Dec 2018

Short issue as to the requirements for valid ‘service’ of a completion notice so as to bring a newly completed building within liability for non-domestic rates. The notice had been served by email where no statutory authority existed for this. Held: The LA’s appeal succeeded. ‘Against the background of the detailed scheme established by or … Continue reading UKI (Kingsway) Ltd v Westminster City Council: SC 17 Dec 2018

Fowles v Heathrow Airport Ltd: ChD 15 Feb 2008

The landlord had opposed the tenant’s application to renew his tenancy, and the tenant also claimed title to additional land by adverse possession. The tenant asserted various business uses, some of which the landlord denied. The landlord went into liquidation, the title was disclaimed by the liquidator, and the mortgagee sold on to the defendant. … Continue reading Fowles v Heathrow Airport Ltd: ChD 15 Feb 2008

Pennycook v Shaws (EAL) Ltd: ChD 28 Nov 2002

The landlord served a notice to terminate the tenancy. By mistake the tenant’s solicitors served a counter-notice that their client did not wish to renew. Realising their mistake, they served a second counter-notice, purporting to revoke the first. The second notice was still within the two-month limit from the landlords section 25 notice. They now … Continue reading Pennycook v Shaws (EAL) Ltd: ChD 28 Nov 2002

Friends Life Ltd v Siemens Hearing Instruments Ltd: CA 3 Apr 2014

The tenant purported to exercise a break clause in the lease, requiring that the notice ‘must be expressed to be given under section 24(2) of the Landlord and Tenant Act 1954’. Though the notice was otherwise compliant, it did not refer to the 1954 Act. The landlords now appealed against a decision that it was. … Continue reading Friends Life Ltd v Siemens Hearing Instruments Ltd: CA 3 Apr 2014

S Franses Limited v The Cavendish Hotel (London) Ltd: SC 5 Dec 2018

The question which arises on this appeal is whether it is open to the landlord to oppose the grant of a new business tenancy if the works which he says that he intends to carry out have no purpose other than to get rid of the tenant and would not be undertaken if the tenant … Continue reading S Franses Limited v The Cavendish Hotel (London) Ltd: SC 5 Dec 2018

Betty’s Cafe Ltd v Phillips Furnishing Stores Ltd: HL 1958

On a renewal of a tenancy a landlord’s counter-notice under section 26(6) relied on section 30(1)(f) and (g). Held: (Lord Keith dissenting) The court was bound to have regard to the position as it was on the date of the order. The landlord must have a ‘firm and settled intention’ as regards the proposed works. … Continue reading Betty’s Cafe Ltd v Phillips Furnishing Stores Ltd: HL 1958

Shaws (EAL) Ltd v Pennycook: CA 2 Feb 2004

Tenant’s First Notice to terminate, stood The landlord served a notice to terminate the business lease. The tenant first served a notice to say that it would not seek a new lease, but then, and still within the time limit, it served a second counter-notice seeking a new tenancy. The landlord sought to rely upon … Continue reading Shaws (EAL) Ltd v Pennycook: CA 2 Feb 2004

Humber Oil Terminals Trustee Ltd v Associated British Ports: CA 10 May 2012

The tenant appealed against a finding that the landlord was entitled to resist renewal of its lease under the 1954 Act challenging the stated intention of the landlord to occupy the premises for its own business purposes. It said that the proposed business would be in direct substitution for itself, that that business was very … Continue reading Humber Oil Terminals Trustee Ltd v Associated British Ports: CA 10 May 2012

Humber Oil Terminals Trustee Ltd v Associated British Ports: ChD 24 Feb 2011

The claimant sought to renew its leases of docking facilities from the landlord defendant. The defendant resisted saying it intended to operate its own business, and the claimant now alleged that the defendant was abusing its dominant position to demand excessive rents. The defendant sought to strike out that part of the claim. Held: The … Continue reading Humber Oil Terminals Trustee Ltd v Associated British Ports: ChD 24 Feb 2011

Charles Clements (London) Ltd v Rank City Wall; Chd 1978

References: [1978] 1 EGLR 47, [1978] 246 EG 739 Coram: Goulding J When setting a rent on a lease renewal, taking into account other potential uses involves ignoring terms in the lease providing for only one use. Restrictions on use should not be relaxed solely to increase the rent, and conversely, the restrictions on use … Continue reading Charles Clements (London) Ltd v Rank City Wall; Chd 1978

Dublin City Council v Gallagher: 11 Nov 2008

(High Court of Ireland) The defendant’s son claimed that he sought to succeed to a tenancy on his mother’s death. The council rejected the claim and served him with proceedings under Section 62 of the Housing Act 1966 to recover possession. The district judge had found that save for a period when he resided with … Continue reading Dublin City Council v Gallagher: 11 Nov 2008

Oliver Ashworth (Holdings) Limited v Ballard (Kent) Limited: CA 18 Mar 1999

In order for the landlord to claim double rent where a tenant held over unlawfully after the tenancy was determined, the landlord must not do anything to indicate that the lease might be continuing, for example by denying the validity of break clause. In construing an Act, regard must be had to the whole of … Continue reading Oliver Ashworth (Holdings) Limited v Ballard (Kent) Limited: CA 18 Mar 1999

Campbell v Daejan Properties Ltd: CA 20 Nov 2012

The tenant appealed against an order requiring the amendment of what was found to be an obvious error in the lease as to the responsibility of the lessor to make repairs to certain walls and rooves, and the apportionment of liability for payment of any associated costs. Held: The appeal succeeded. There was no obvious … Continue reading Campbell v Daejan Properties Ltd: CA 20 Nov 2012

Humber Oil Terminals Trustee Ltd v Associated British Ports: CA 27 Jan 2012

Judges: Mummery, Etherton, Sulllivan LJJ Citations: [2012] EWCA Civ 36 Links: Bailii Jurisdiction: England and Wales Citing: See Also – Humber Oil Terminals Trustee Ltd v Associated British Ports ChD 24-Feb-2011 The claimant sought to renew its leases of docking facilities from the landlord defendant. The defendant resisted saying it intended to operate its own … Continue reading Humber Oil Terminals Trustee Ltd v Associated British Ports: CA 27 Jan 2012

Humber Oil Terminals Trustee Ltd v Associated British Ports: ChD 11 May 2011

Judges: Morgan J Citations: [2011] EWHC 1184 (Ch) Links: Bailii Jurisdiction: England and Wales Citing: See Also – Humber Oil Terminals Trustee Ltd v Associated British Ports ChD 24-Feb-2011 The claimant sought to renew its leases of docking facilities from the landlord defendant. The defendant resisted saying it intended to operate its own business, and … Continue reading Humber Oil Terminals Trustee Ltd v Associated British Ports: ChD 11 May 2011

Brewer Street Investment v Barclays Woollen Co: CA 1953

A prospective tenant for whom a landlord had carried out alterations on the premises was not permitted to break off negotiations for the lease solely to escape liability for the cost of such alterations. Lord Denning said: ‘What, then, is the position when negotiations go off without the default of either? On whom should the … Continue reading Brewer Street Investment v Barclays Woollen Co: CA 1953

Paulic v Croatia: ECHR 22 Oct 2009

The State re-acquired a former Yugoslavian Army flat and brought a civil action seeking the applicant’s eviction on the basis that he never obtained a specially protected tenancy under domestic law. The Croatian court ordered his eviction. Held: The national court had not analysed the proportionality of the measure, and had breached Article 8: ‘In … Continue reading Paulic v Croatia: ECHR 22 Oct 2009