In re F (Children): CA 27 Oct 2010

The mother appealed against refusal of a specific issue order requested to allow her to remove the four children with her from Cleveland to Stronsay in the Orkneys. Both parents were GPs and accepted to be excellent parents. She and her new partner had accepted an offer to work as GPs on Stronsay.
Held: The appeal was dismissed. Wilson LJ expressed doubt that there should be any substantial distinction made between applications to remove a child from and within the jurisdiction, and also questioned the application of a test of exceptionality before such an internal removal could be refused. Even so, the judge had not erred in holding the change in circumstances involved in a removal to Stronsay to be exceptional, given the difficulties of a journey. The mother’s application had from the start been fraught with difficulty in that the children had always lived in Cleveland and were settled there, and that the move was against their wishes.


Wilson, Rimer, Black LJJ


[2010] EWCA Civ 1428, [2011] Fam Law 238, [2011] 1 FLR 1382, [2011] 1 FCR 428




England and Wales


CitedETS v BT; in re T (A child); In Re L (a child) (internal relocation: shared residence order CA 28-Jan-2009
The mother appealed against a residence order granting the father equal time with the child, saying that she wished to move away.
Held: Wall LJ examined the authorities.
Wall LJ P said: ‘In twenty years time it will not matter a row of . .
CitedIn re E (Minors) (Residence Orders: Imposition of Conditions) CA 30-Apr-1997
A residence order can not be accompanied by an order as to where a parent with care must live in the UK or with whom. An appeal may well arise in which a disappointed applicant will contend that section 13(1)(b) of the Children Act 1989 imposes a . .
CitedIn re B (A Child) (Prohibited Steps Order) CA 24-Jul-2007
The mother appealed against a refusal of an order allowing her to remove her son to live with her in Northern Ireland.
Held: Thorpe LJ said that the relief appropriately to be sought by the objecting parent is a prohibited steps order. . .
CitedIn re H (Children) ) (Residence Order: Condition) CA 30-Jul-2001
Thorpe LJ said: ‘What is the rationalisation for a different test to be applied to an application to relocate to Belfast, as opposed to, say, an application to relocate from Gloucester to Dublin? All that the court can do is to remember that in each . .
CitedIn re S (A Child) (Residence Order: Condition) CA 11-May-2001
Thorpe and Clarke LJJ both observed that it was desirable to have some consistency between the principles to be applied as between applications for leave to remove a child from the jurisdiction and for removals within the jurisdiction of the court. . .
CitedHaringey Independent Appeal Panel v M, Regina (on The Application of) CA 12-Oct-2010
The respondent, M, had applied for judicial review of the dismissal by the Haringey Independent Appeal Panel of her appeal against the refusal of Haringey, as the local education authority, to allow her daughter, MC, to attend the school of her . .
CitedIn re S (A Child) (Residence order: condition) (No 2) CA 4-Dec-2002
Butler-Sloss LJ P referred to the exceptionality required before restricting a parents right to remove a child within the jurisdiction, saying: ‘the principle enunciated in Re E . . that the court ought not in other than exceptional circumstances to . .
CitedCurrey v Currey CA 18-Oct-2006
Where one party in an ancillary relief claim was not entitled to legal aid, but showed a need for legal representation which he or she could not afford, the court could make an order requiring the other party to make a costs allowance. The nature of . .
Lists of cited by and citing cases may be incomplete.


Updated: 28 August 2022; Ref: scu.427202