Freeman And Another, Assignees of William Broadbent v Cooke; 1 Jul 1848

References: (1848) 2 Exch 554, 6 Dow & L 187, [1843-60] All ER Rep 185, [1848] EngR 687, (1848) 154 ER 652
Links: Commonlii
Where a party creates a belief in another’s mind, and causes the other to act upon that belief, he will not in subsequent court proceedings be heard to deny that belief: ‘a party who negigently of culpably stands by and allows another to contract on the faith of a fact which he can contradict, cannot afterwards dispoute that fact in an action against the party who he has himself assisted in deceiving.’
This case is cited by:

  • Applied – Smith -v- Hughes QBD ((1871) LR 6 QB 597, Hamlyn)
    If a party so conducts himself as to allow another to to believe that he was assenting to the terms proposed by the other, and acting upon that belief, and the other enters into the contract, the man so conducting himself is as bound as if he had . .

(This list may be incomplete)
Last Update: 03-Mar-16 Ref: 188458