Carmichael and Sons Ltd v Cottle: 1971

References: [1971] RTR 11
Jurisdiction: England and Wales
This case is cited by:

  • Cited – West Yorkshire Trading Standards Service v Lex Vehicle Leasing Ltd QBD 9-Feb-1995
    It was alleged that the maximum permitted front axle weight of the vehicle in question was exceeded. The court was asked what were the circimstances defing a ‘user’ of a motor vehicle in prosecutions for use of the vehicle.
    Held: ‘The . .
    ([1996] RTR 70)
  • Cited – Jones v Director of Public Prosecutions Admn 26-Mar-1998
    A van was stopped carrying a delivery of coal. The insurance was for social domestic and pleasure purposes only. The owner appealed a conviction for using it without insurance.
    Held: ‘using’ when the description of the offence in connection . .
    (Times 23-Apr-98, , [1998] EWHC Admin 363)

These lists may be incomplete.
Last Update: 27 November 2020; Ref: scu.190481