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RSR Sports Ltd v Revenue and Customs (Value Added Tax – Exemption): FTTTx 7 Nov 2019

VALUE ADDED TAX – exemption in Article 132(1)(h) of Council Directive 2006/112/EEC and item 9 of Group 7 of Schedule 9 to the Value Added Tax Act 1994 – whether services provided by the Appellant as operator of school holiday camps were ‘services . . closely linked to the protection of children and young persons’ … Continue reading RSR Sports Ltd v Revenue and Customs (Value Added Tax – Exemption): FTTTx 7 Nov 2019

Whiston Motor Factors Ltd v Revenue and Customs: FTTTx 6 Aug 2015

FTTtx Vat – Penalties : Reasonable Excuse – VAT – default surcharge – ss59 and 71, Value Added Tax Act 1994 – reasonable excuse – incorrect advice by a taxpayer’s accountant – incorrect information provided to the taxpayer’s accountant by HMRC over two years earlier – appeal dismissed [2015] UKFTT 379 (TC) Bailii England and … Continue reading Whiston Motor Factors Ltd v Revenue and Customs: FTTTx 6 Aug 2015


1267 – 1278 – 1285 – 1297 – 1361 – 1449 – 1491 – 1533 – 1677 – 1688 – 1689 – 1700 – 1706 – 1710 – 1730 – 1737 – 1738 – 1751 – 1774 – 1792 – 1793 – 1804 – 1814 – 1819 – 1824 – 1828 – 1831 – 1832 … Continue reading Acts

Revenue and Customs Commissioners v Pal and Others: ChD 31 Jul 2006

The taxpayers had challenged an assessment to VAT saying that they were not actually partners in the company assessed. The revenue countered to say that they had signed the registration form to say that they were partners. The revenue now appealed a decision in the taxpayers’ favour. Held: The appeal failed. The partners were partners … Continue reading Revenue and Customs Commissioners v Pal and Others: ChD 31 Jul 2006

Lye v The Commissioners for Her Majestys Revenue and Customs: FTTTx 13 May 2015

FTTTx (VAT – Registration : Partnerships, of) VAT- cessation of partnership – when had partnership been dissolved – section 45 VAT Act 1994 – had notice been given – effect of supplies made after dissolution [2015] UKFTT 206 (TC) Bailii Value Added Tax Act 1994 45 England and Wales VAT Updated: 30 December 2021; Ref: … Continue reading Lye v The Commissioners for Her Majestys Revenue and Customs: FTTTx 13 May 2015

Bournemouth Symphony Orchestra v Revenue and Customs: CA 9 Oct 2006

The Orchestra apealed a finding that it was not entitled to exemption from VAT as a supply by an eligible body of a cultural performance. The taxpayer’s board was voluntary, but the management was employed. Held: The appeal failed. In order to decide whether the condition allowing exemption was satisfied, the court had to identify … Continue reading Bournemouth Symphony Orchestra v Revenue and Customs: CA 9 Oct 2006

Revenue and Customs v BUPA Purchasing Ltd and others: CA 12 Jun 2007

The Commissioner had made an assessment to VAT, and the time limits for making a further assessment had passed before the tax payer became aware that he might be due to deduct further input tax. Held: The taxpayer was not entitled to furher reduce the amount of VAT due in the assessment. Judges: Arden LJ … Continue reading Revenue and Customs v BUPA Purchasing Ltd and others: CA 12 Jun 2007

Martin Yaffe International Ltd v Revenue and Customs: VDT 14 Jul 2005

VDT VALUE ADDED TAX – import VAT – Simplified Import VAT Accounting (‘SIVA’) – trader authorised to defer payment with nil security – default in accounting for domestic VAT – whether sufficient without more to justify revocation of nil security requirement – criteria to be considered – whether trader representing risk to the revenue – … Continue reading Martin Yaffe International Ltd v Revenue and Customs: VDT 14 Jul 2005

Red 12 Trading Ltd v Revenue and Customs: ChD 20 Oct 2009

Appeal against refusal to allow reclaim of input tax in case of alleged ‘Missing Trader Intracommunity Fraud’. Held: Christopher Clarke J said: ‘Examining individual transactions on their merits does not, however, require them to be regarded in isolation without regard to their attendant circumstances and context. Nor does it require the tribunal to ignore compelling … Continue reading Red 12 Trading Ltd v Revenue and Customs: ChD 20 Oct 2009

Emerchantpay Ltd v Revenue and Customs (..): FTTTx 9 Sep 2022

VAT Whether Supplies Made By The Appellant Are Properly Categorised As Financial Intermediation and, therefore, exempt under Item 5, Group 5 of Schedule 9 to the Value Added Tax Act 1994. Volker Ludwig v Finanzamt Luckenwalde (Case C-453/05) and CSC Financial Services [2001] ECRI-10237 considered. Held: the Appellant’s supplies are exempt. Citations: [2022] UKFTT 334 … Continue reading Emerchantpay Ltd v Revenue and Customs (..): FTTTx 9 Sep 2022

Investment Trust Companies v HM Revenue and Customs: ChD 2 Mar 2012

The claimant had properly accounted for VAT on its transactions for many years, but a decision of the European court had latterly ruled that the services were exempt. The claimant sought restitution from HMRC, who responded by arguing that substantial parts of the claim were out of time. Held: 1. That, using the notional figures … Continue reading Investment Trust Companies v HM Revenue and Customs: ChD 2 Mar 2012

Colaingrove Ltd v the Commissioners of Customs and Excise: CA 19 Feb 2004

The taxpayer licensed static caravans on seasonal pitches on its land. They claimed exemption from charging VAT on the basis that they were residential lettings exempt under European legislation. Held: The appeal failed. The legislation exempted the purchase of static caravans, but explicilty not ‘the supply of accomodation in a caravan or houseboat.’ There was … Continue reading Colaingrove Ltd v the Commissioners of Customs and Excise: CA 19 Feb 2004

Insurancewide.Com Services Ltd v HM Revenue and Customs: ChD 15 May 2009

The taxpayers appealed against a finding that their business did not fall within the exemption from VAT of insurance brokers. They introduced possible customers to insurance companies via web-sites. Held: The company’s activities were in the nature of insurance brokers, and the business was within the scope of the exemption. Judges: Sir Edward Evans-Lombe Citations: … Continue reading Insurancewide.Com Services Ltd v HM Revenue and Customs: ChD 15 May 2009

D’Jan v Customs and Excise: VDT 25 Apr 2005

PENALTY – Evasion – S.60 and S.61 of Value Added Tax Act 1994 – Appellant director of clothing manufacturer – Whether invoices from another company amounting to half of Appellant’s company’s output genuine – Appeal dismissed Citations: [2005] UKVAT V19045 Links: Bailii Jurisdiction: England and Wales VAT Updated: 26 July 2022; Ref: scu.225138

First National Telecom Services Ltd v Revenue and Customs: VDT 3 Aug 2006

VDT VALUE ADDED TAX – INPUT TAX – vouchers (pre 8 April 2003) – sold at less than face value – VAT Act 1994 Sch 6 para 5 – no output tax – input tax deduction by vendor on overheads recoverable? – yes – appeal allowed. Citations: [2006] UKVAT V19681 Links: Bailii VAT Updated: 07 … Continue reading First National Telecom Services Ltd v Revenue and Customs: VDT 3 Aug 2006

King v Revenue and Customs: FTTTx 19 Jan 2012

VALUE ADDED TAX – Claims for Input Tax – Vehicles – Fuel Charge – Miscellaneous – Sections 24 and 56 Value Added Tax Act 1994 – whether expenditure allowable as input tax – whether qualifying motor cars – Article 7, VAT (Input Tax) Order 1992 – Appeal dismissed. Citations: [2012] UKFTT 64 (TC) Links: Bailii … Continue reading King v Revenue and Customs: FTTTx 19 Jan 2012

DFS Furniture Company Plc v Commissioners of Customs and Excise: CA 16 Mar 2004

The taxpayers said that the Commissioners’ assessment to VAT was out of time, and appealed a finding that it was not. They said that time should run from the point at which the Commissioners knew the facts upon which the assessment was based. The Commissioners argued that time could not begin to run until the … Continue reading DFS Furniture Company Plc v Commissioners of Customs and Excise: CA 16 Mar 2004

Her Majesty’s Commissioners of Customs and Excise v Zielinski Baker and Partners Limited: HL 26 Feb 2004

The commissioners sought to charge to VAT charges for works which had been carried out to a building within the curtilage of a listed building. The taxpayer sought zero-rating. Held: The outbuilding to which alterations were made must have been a ‘protected building’. Note (1) defines a protected building as both ‘a building which is … Continue reading Her Majesty’s Commissioners of Customs and Excise v Zielinski Baker and Partners Limited: HL 26 Feb 2004

Commissioners of Customs and Excise v Eastwood Care Homes (Ilkeston) Ltd and Others: ChD 8 Nov 2001

The Commissioners appealed an order reinstating the registration of the respondents for VAT. The respondents made largely exempt supplies. They were members of a group of companies, each trading similarly. They had sought an alteration from group registration to individual registrations. Such registrations were voluntary because their vatable turnover would be below the limits. The … Continue reading Commissioners of Customs and Excise v Eastwood Care Homes (Ilkeston) Ltd and Others: ChD 8 Nov 2001

Fleming (T/A Bodycraft) v Revenue and Customs: HL 23 Jan 2008

The transitional rules introducing time limits for failing to deduct VAT inputs made insufficient allowance for the decisions in Marks and Spencer and Grundig. Held: Lord Hope said: ‘To be compatible with EU law, taxpayers were entitled to be told in advance of any transitional arrangements that would enable them to submit late accrued claims … Continue reading Fleming (T/A Bodycraft) v Revenue and Customs: HL 23 Jan 2008

Forth Wines Ltd (Formerly Dollar Trade Ltd) v Revenue and Customs: FTTTx 23 Jan 2012

Simplified Import VAT Accounting Scheme (SIVA); Excise Payment Security System Scheme (EPSS); Refusal to waive need to provide security to defer import VAT and excise duty; statutory discretion; whether refusal unreasonable having regard to HMRC published criteria; Value Added Tax Act 1994 s16(1)(4)and(8); Customs Excise and Management Act 1979 ss45 and127A, The Customs Duties (Deferred … Continue reading Forth Wines Ltd (Formerly Dollar Trade Ltd) v Revenue and Customs: FTTTx 23 Jan 2012

Commissioners of Customs and Excise v Royal and Sun Alliance Insurance Group Plc: CA 9 Oct 2001

The respondent sought to deduct input tax from income it received from lettings. It had previously occupied the buildings itself making exempt supplies, but then let them. They later waved their exemption, and sought to deduct input tax for periods prior to the election. One issue was whether a lease was one supply or a … Continue reading Commissioners of Customs and Excise v Royal and Sun Alliance Insurance Group Plc: CA 9 Oct 2001

Metropolitan International Schools Ltd v Revenue and Customs: CA 14 Feb 2019

Interpretation of section 84(10) of the Value Added Tax Act 1994 What is at issue is whether section 84(10) enables the appellant, Metropolitan International Schools Limited, to advance a legitimate expectation claim in the context of appeals to the First-tier Tribunal rather than by way of judicial review. Held: The appeal failed. Section 84(10) of … Continue reading Metropolitan International Schools Ltd v Revenue and Customs: CA 14 Feb 2019

The Durham Company Ltd (T/A Max Recycle) v Revenue and Customs and Another: UTTC 19 Sep 2016

UTTC Value Added Tax – supplies of commercial waste collection services by Local Authorities – section 45(1)(b) Environmental Protection Act 2009 and section 41A Value Added Tax Act 1994 – whether supplies within VAT – judicial review of HMRC failure to collect VAT on supplies – preliminary issue – supplies within section 45(1)(b) not taxable … Continue reading The Durham Company Ltd (T/A Max Recycle) v Revenue and Customs and Another: UTTC 19 Sep 2016

Firstpoint (Europe) Ltd v Revenue and Customs: FTTTx 4 Nov 2011

VAT: Place of Supply; Council Directive 2008/8/EC, Article 46 supplies to non-taxable persons, Value Added Tax Act (VATA) 1994, Schedule 4 Part 3 paragraph 10(1) and (2) exceptions relating to supplies not made to relevant business person, Intermediaries: intention to facilitate the making of supplies of sports scholarships by US academic institutions; whether place of … Continue reading Firstpoint (Europe) Ltd v Revenue and Customs: FTTTx 4 Nov 2011

Howells and Another v Revenue and Customs: FTTTx 10 Aug 2015

FTTTx Value Added Tax : Diy Builders Scheme – VALUE ADDED TAX D DIY Builders scheme D s 35 VATA 1994 D claim withdrawn because HMRC evidence requirements could not be met D Penalty under Schedule 24 Finance Act 2007 D whether inaccuracy in document caused by failure to take reasonable care D No, because … Continue reading Howells and Another v Revenue and Customs: FTTTx 10 Aug 2015

Nagle and Another (T/A Simon Templar Business Center) v Revenue and Customs (VAT – Supply : Other): FTTTx 31 Jul 2015

FTTTx VAT – Onward sale of vouchers issued by retailers – Claim for recovery of input tax dismissed by Tribunal which also held output tax due on ‘subsequent’ sale of vouchers – Parties directed to ‘use best endeavours’ to determine proportion of vouches to be standard-rated – Application to Tribunal in absence of Agreement – … Continue reading Nagle and Another (T/A Simon Templar Business Center) v Revenue and Customs (VAT – Supply : Other): FTTTx 31 Jul 2015

Revenue and Customs v Shields: UTTC 24 Oct 2014

UTTC VALUE ADDED TAX – input tax – DIY Builders Scheme – construction of dwelling as equestrian facilities managers residence – whether designed as a dwelling for purposes of Group 8 of Schedule 5 VAT Act 1994 – whether description in planning application as equestrian facilities managers residence prohibited separate use of dwelling – no … Continue reading Revenue and Customs v Shields: UTTC 24 Oct 2014

Westinsure Group Ltd v Revenue and Customs: UTTC 13 Oct 2014

VAT – exemption for provision of services of an insurance broker or agent – whether exemption applies to services provided to facilitate insurance brokers obtaining better terms and related benefits from insurance companies and other insurance related services – Article 135.1(a) Directive 2006/112 EC – Schedule 9 Group 2 Value Added Tax Act 1994 [2014] … Continue reading Westinsure Group Ltd v Revenue and Customs: UTTC 13 Oct 2014

Commissioners of Customs and Excise v Anglo German Breweries Limited: ChD 29 Nov 2002

The respondents appealed against imposition of assessments for the diversion of alcohol products from bonded warehouses without payment of duties. Pretence had been made of deliveries abroad, but the goods were later diverted. The company was insolvent even without the impositions, but sought to delay the winding up to resolve its appeal against the impositions. … Continue reading Commissioners of Customs and Excise v Anglo German Breweries Limited: ChD 29 Nov 2002

Oriflame UK Ltd v The Commissioners for Revenue and Customs: FTTTx 14 May 2014

VAT – Preliminary issue – Single supply made by appellant to its non-VAT registered sales consultants – Subsequent retail sale of goods sold by sales consultants – Direction that output tax on appellant’s due at ‘open market value on a sale by retail’ – Whether ‘open market value on a sale by retail’ should include … Continue reading Oriflame UK Ltd v The Commissioners for Revenue and Customs: FTTTx 14 May 2014

Karandal v Revenue and Customs: FTTTx 2 Apr 2014

FTTTx VALUE ADDED TAX – appeal against decision compulsorily to register appellant pursuant to paragraph 5 Schedule 1 to Value Added Tax Act 1994 – appeal against late notification penalty – whether appellant liable to compulsory registration – yes -whether liable to a penalty for late notification of requirement to register under section 67 Value … Continue reading Karandal v Revenue and Customs: FTTTx 2 Apr 2014

Principal and Fellows of Newnham College In the University of Cambridge v Revenue and Customs: HL 16 Apr 2008

A new library had been built for the college. A company owned by the college took a lease of it from the college, and reclaimed the input tax paid on construction. The company managed the library. Held: The Revenue’s appeal failed. The question was whether the college was in occupation of the library, either alone … Continue reading Principal and Fellows of Newnham College In the University of Cambridge v Revenue and Customs: HL 16 Apr 2008

Royal Troon Golf Club v Revenue and Customs: FTTTx 17 Mar 2015

FTTTx VAT – whether a supply by an unincorporated association to its members is a taxable supply by a taxable person – yes – whether an unincorporated association is distinguishable from its members when making supplies -yes – whether supplies are non-taxable because consumed by members of an unincorporated association in a private capacity – … Continue reading Royal Troon Golf Club v Revenue and Customs: FTTTx 17 Mar 2015

The Durham Company Ltd (T/A Max Recycle) v Revenue and Customs and Another; UTTC 19 Sep 2016

References: [2016] UKUT 417 (TCC) Links: Bailii Ratio: UTTC Value Added Tax – supplies of commercial waste collection services by Local Authorities – section 45(1)(b) Environmental Protection Act 2009 and section 41A Value Added Tax Act 1994 – whether supplies within VAT – judicial review of HMRC failure to collect VAT on supplies – preliminary … Continue reading The Durham Company Ltd (T/A Max Recycle) v Revenue and Customs and Another; UTTC 19 Sep 2016

Revenue and Customs v Shields; UTTC 24 Oct 2014

References: [2014] UKUT 453 (TCC) Links: Bailii UTTC Ratio VALUE ADDED TAX – input tax – DIY Builders Scheme – construction of dwelling as equestrian facilities managers residence – whether designed as a dwelling for purposes of Group 8 of Schedule 5 VAT Act 1994 – whether description in planning application as equestrian facilities managers … Continue reading Revenue and Customs v Shields; UTTC 24 Oct 2014

Lex Services plc v Her Majesty’s Commissioners of Customs and Excise: HL 4 Dec 2003

References: [2003] UKHL 67, Gazette 22-Jan-2004, [2004] STC 73 Links: House of Lords, Bailii Coram: Lord Nicholls of Birkenhead, Lord Steyn, Lord Hoffmann, Lord Millett, Lord Walker of Gestingthorpe When taking a car in part exchange, the company would initially offer the correct market value. If the customer wanted, the company would agree a higher … Continue reading Lex Services plc v Her Majesty’s Commissioners of Customs and Excise: HL 4 Dec 2003

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Our law-index is a substantial selection from our database. Cases here are restricted in number by date and lack the additional facilities formerly available within lawindexpro. Please do enjoy this free version of the lawindex. Case law does not ‘belong’ to lawyers. Judgments are made up of words which can be read and understood (if … Continue reading law index