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Tee v Tee, John Arthur Hillman Co: CA 22 Mar 1999

The wife and her second husband occupied a property in the joint names of herself and of her first husband, who, following their divorce, had applied under the Act of 1973 for a lump sum order reflective of his equal beneficial interest in it to be made against her. Following her remarriage the wife countered … Continue reading Tee v Tee, John Arthur Hillman Co: CA 22 Mar 1999

Mainwaring and Yeoman’s Row Management Limited v Trustees of Henry Smith’s Charity (No 2): CA 3 Oct 1996

The tenants had sought to purchase the freehold under the 1987 Act. One tenant having signed an ‘irrevocable’ agreement to participate, withdrew his involvement in the purchase, and the remaining number of tenants were no longer a sufficient majority under the Act. Held: The individual tenant’s right not to participate in the purchase of a … Continue reading Mainwaring and Yeoman’s Row Management Limited v Trustees of Henry Smith’s Charity (No 2): CA 3 Oct 1996

Maunders v Evans: CA 15 Nov 2001

Renewed application for permission to appeal against order under the 1996 Act. Judges: Chadwick LJ Citations: [2001] EWCA Civ 1808 Links: Bailii Statutes: Trusts of Land and Appointment of Trustees Act 1996 14(2) Jurisdiction: England and Wales Trusts, Land Updated: 15 October 2022; Ref: scu.218545

Everitt v Budhram and Another: ChD 20 May 2009

The trustee in bankruptcy appealed against rejection of his claim for the sale of the home in which the bankrupts each held a one half share. The bankruptcies arose from non payment of council tax. The principle sums had been repaid, and the outstanding matters were the trustee’s costs. The bankrupts had not co-operated, and … Continue reading Everitt v Budhram and Another: ChD 20 May 2009

Szepietowski v The National Crime Agency: SC 23 Oct 2013

S owned several propertie in charge to the bank, but the Agency said that each had been acquired with the proceeds of criminal activity. The parties had settled the claim by the grant of a second charge in favour of the Agency. However when that property was sold, the bank’s first charge (securing money also … Continue reading Szepietowski v The National Crime Agency: SC 23 Oct 2013

Clyde and Co LLP and Another v van Winkelhof: SC 21 May 2014

Solicitor Firm Member was a Protected Worker The solicitor appellant had been a member of the firm, a limited liability partnership. She disclosed criminal misbehaviour by a partner in a branch in Africa. On dismissal she sought protection as a whistleblower. This was rejected, it being found that a member of such a firm was … Continue reading Clyde and Co LLP and Another v van Winkelhof: SC 21 May 2014

Van Laethem v Brooker and Another: ChD 12 Jul 2005

The claimant asserted an interest in several properties by virtue of a common intention constructive trust or by proprietary estoppel. The parties had been engaged to be married. Held: ‘A [constructive] trust arises in connection with the acquisition by one party of a legal title to property whenever that party has so conducted himself that … Continue reading Van Laethem v Brooker and Another: ChD 12 Jul 2005

Mortgage Corporation Ltd v Shaire and Another: ChD 25 Feb 2000

The claimant had an equitable charge over the property, and sought a possession order after failures to keep up repayments. The order was sought under the Act, and the claimants asserted that the conditions for the grant of possession were unchanged. Held: Parliament had clearly intended a change. The interests of a chargee ranked alongside … Continue reading Mortgage Corporation Ltd v Shaire and Another: ChD 25 Feb 2000

Miller and Others v Ministry of Justice: SC 16 Dec 2019

The issue in this appeal is when time starts to run for a claim by a part-time judge to a pension under the Part-time Workers’ Directive (Directive 97/81) (‘PTWD’), as applied by the Part-time Workers (Prevention of Less Favourable Treatment) Regulations 2000 (SI 2000/1551). The Appeals were allowed. As judicial officers are not employed under … Continue reading Miller and Others v Ministry of Justice: SC 16 Dec 2019

Notting Hill Housing Trust v Brackley and Another: CA 24 Apr 2001

One of two joint tenants was able to give a notice to quit a joint periodic tenancy, without first referring to the co-tenant. If this was inappropriate, then it was for Parliament to change the law. Such a notice was not the exercise of a ‘function’ relating to the land within the Act, and accordingly … Continue reading Notting Hill Housing Trust v Brackley and Another: CA 24 Apr 2001

Percy v Church of Scotland Board of National Mission: HL 15 Dec 2005

The claimant appealed after her claim for sex discrimination had failed. She had been dismissed from her position an associate minister of the church. The court had found that it had no jurisdiction, saying that her appointment was not an employment. However the jurisdiction in sex discrimination cases was wider, extending to those who ‘contract … Continue reading Percy v Church of Scotland Board of National Mission: HL 15 Dec 2005

Ridge v Baldwin (No 1): HL 14 Mar 1963

No Condemnation Without Opportunity For Defence Ridge, a Chief Constable, had been wrongfully dismissed without being given the opportunity of presenting his defence. He had been acquitted of the charges brought against him, but the judge at trial had made adverse comments about his behaviour. He now accepted that he should leave, but sought to … Continue reading Ridge v Baldwin (No 1): HL 14 Mar 1963

W v M (TOLATA Proceedings: Anonymity): FD 25 Jun 2012

Proceedings in the Family Division were anonymised after the proceedings had been compromised, even though an earlier application for anonymity had been refused. Judges: Mostyn J Citations: [2012] EWHC 1679 (Fam) Links: Bailii Statutes: Trusts of Land and Appointment of Trustees Act 1996 14 Jurisdiction: England and Wales Cited by: Cited – XXX v Camden … Continue reading W v M (TOLATA Proceedings: Anonymity): FD 25 Jun 2012

Uber Bv and Others v Aslam and Others: SC 19 Feb 2021

Smartphone App Contractors did so as Workers The court was asked whether the employment tribunal was entitled to find that drivers whose work was arranged through Uber’s smartphone application work for Uber under workers’ contracts and so qualify for the national minimum wage, paid annual leave and other workers’ rights; or whether, as Uber contended, … Continue reading Uber Bv and Others v Aslam and Others: SC 19 Feb 2021

Rossi v Rossi: FD 26 Jun 2006

W sought to challenge transactions entered into by H anticipating ancillary relief proceedings on their divorce. Nicholas Mostyn QC J said: ‘While of course no rigid rule can be expressed for the infinite variety of facts that arise in ancillary relief cases, I would have thought, generally speaking, that it would be very difficult for … Continue reading Rossi v Rossi: FD 26 Jun 2006

Regina v Secretary of State for Education and Employment and others ex parte Williamson and others: HL 24 Feb 2005

The appellants were teachers in Christian schools who said that the blanket ban on corporal punishment interfered with their religious freedom. They saw moderate physical discipline as an essential part of educating children in a Christian manner. Held: The appeal was dismissed. For Article 9 to be engaged (aside from certain other threshold conditions) the … Continue reading Regina v Secretary of State for Education and Employment and others ex parte Williamson and others: HL 24 Feb 2005

Kohli v Lit and Others: ChD 13 Nov 2009

The claimant asserted that the other shareholders had acted in a manner unfairly prejudicial to her within the company. Held: The claimant was allowed to bring in without prejudice correspondence to contradict evidence by the defendant which amounted to an implied waiver of the rule. Considering the evidence some elements of unfair prejudice had been … Continue reading Kohli v Lit and Others: ChD 13 Nov 2009

DEG-Deutsche Investitions und Entwicklungsgesellschaft mbH v Koshy and Other (No 3); Gwembe Valley Development Co Ltd (in receivership) v Same (No 3): CA 28 Jul 2003

The company sought to recover damages from a director who had acted dishonestly, by concealing a financial interest in a different company which had made loans to the claimant company. He replied that the claim was out of time. At first instance the first defendant had been found dishonest through non-disclosure, and that section 21 … Continue reading DEG-Deutsche Investitions und Entwicklungsgesellschaft mbH v Koshy and Other (No 3); Gwembe Valley Development Co Ltd (in receivership) v Same (No 3): CA 28 Jul 2003

Miller Smith v Miller Smith: CA 2 Dec 2009

The married couple owned a property as tenants in common. The husband had moved out and, anticipating divorce proceedings, sought an order for the sale of the house citing his inability to sustain the very considerable mortgage payments. The wife said that it was inappropriate to use the 1996 Act when divorce proceedings were anticipated. … Continue reading Miller Smith v Miller Smith: CA 2 Dec 2009

Begum (otherwise SB), Regina (on the Application of) v Denbigh High School: HL 22 Mar 2006

The student, a Muslim wished to wear a full Islamic dress, the jilbab, but this was not consistent with the school’s uniform policy. She complained that this interfered with her right to express her religion. Held: The school’s appeal succeeded. The school had acted responsibly and carefully seeking to balance and respect several interests when … Continue reading Begum (otherwise SB), Regina (on the Application of) v Denbigh High School: HL 22 Mar 2006

Jones v Kernott: ChD 10 Jul 2009

The couple were unmarried but had bought a property in joint names. Ms Jones had contributed the overwhelming share of the purchase price, and had paid all outgoings after Mr Kernott left several years ago. The County court judge had awarded J 90%, . .


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