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Zurich General Accident and Liability Insurance Co Ltd v Morrison: 1942

The statutory requirement for compulsory insurance in the Road Traffic Act 1930 was of little value if it was open to insurers to freely exclude liability for common risks. Judges: Goddard LJ Citations: [1942] 2 KB 53 Statutes: Road Traffic Act 1934 Cited by: Cited – Bristol Alliance Ltd v Williams and Another QBD 1-Jul-2011 … Continue reading Zurich General Accident and Liability Insurance Co Ltd v Morrison: 1942

Lister v Romford Ice and Cold Storage Co Ltd: CA 1956

Where an employer is found vicariously liable for an employee’s actions, they are entitled to recover an indemnity from them, to cover such losses. Held: An accident which occurred in the yard of a slaughterhouse did not arise out of use on the road. Romer LJ opined that to hold that the accident arose out … Continue reading Lister v Romford Ice and Cold Storage Co Ltd: CA 1956

Bristol Alliance Ltd v Williams and Another: QBD 1 Jul 2011

The driver had crashed into the insured’s building causing substantial damage. The court was asked which of the driver’s and building’s insurers should bear the costs. The driver’s insurers said that he had acted deliberately and therefore they were not liable. Though they might even so be liable through the Motor Insurers Bureau, the provisions … Continue reading Bristol Alliance Ltd v Williams and Another: QBD 1 Jul 2011

Seal v Chief Constable of South Wales Police: HL 4 Jul 2007

The claimant had sought to bring proceedings against the respondent, but as a mental patient subject to the 1983 Act, had been obliged by the section first to obtain consent. The parties disputed whether the failure was a procedural or substantial failing and whether it made the proceedings a nullity. Held: The claimant’s appeal failed. … Continue reading Seal v Chief Constable of South Wales Police: HL 4 Jul 2007

Whiteside v The Director of Public Prosecutions: Admn 21 Dec 2011

The defendant appealed by case stated against conviction under section 172 of failing to provide appropriate driver details. The notices had been received at his address, but he had been unaware of them. He was at the time working regularly in the far East for week at a time. Held: The reference to due diligence … Continue reading Whiteside v The Director of Public Prosecutions: Admn 21 Dec 2011

Churchill Insurance v Charlton: CA 2 Feb 2001

The victim of an unlawful act of a driver off-road sought damages from another driver and his insurers. The insurers refused to pay. Held: There is a balance to be found between the statutory purpose of compulsory motor insurance and the principal that a man should not benefit from his own wrongful act. The victim … Continue reading Churchill Insurance v Charlton: CA 2 Feb 2001

Taylor and another v Saycell: KBD 1950

The respondents had been convicted by the magistrates of using a vehicle without insurance. They were fined and disqualified from holding a licence for 12 months. The Crown Court quashed their fines and disqualifications and substituted conditional discharges. The prosecutor appealed by case stated. Held: The conditional discharges were quashed. There was no evidence upon … Continue reading Taylor and another v Saycell: KBD 1950

Beresford v Royal Insurance Co Ltd: HL 1938

The forfeiture rule was to be applied in a case involving suicide. An insured may not recover under a policy of insurance in respect of loss intentionally caused by his own criminal or tortious act, however clearly the wording of the policy may suggest otherwise, and his personal representative is in no better position: ‘On … Continue reading Beresford v Royal Insurance Co Ltd: HL 1938

Gorringe v Calderdale Metropolitan Borough Council: HL 1 Apr 2004

Statutory Duty Not Extended by Common Law The claimant sought damages after a road accident. The driver came over the crest of a hill and hit a bus. The road was not marked with any warning as to the need to slow down. Held: The claim failed. The duty could not be extended to include … Continue reading Gorringe v Calderdale Metropolitan Borough Council: HL 1 Apr 2004

Robinson v Chief Constable of West Yorkshire Police: SC 8 Feb 2018

Limits to Police Exemption from Liability The claimant, an elderly lady was bowled over and injured when police were chasing a suspect through the streets. As they arrested him they fell over on top of her. She appealed against refusal of her claim in negligence. Held: Her appeal succeeded. It is normally only in a … Continue reading Robinson v Chief Constable of West Yorkshire Police: SC 8 Feb 2018

Clarke v Kato and Others; Cutter v Eagle Star Insurance Co Ltd: HL 25 Nov 1998

Save exceptionally, a car park is not a road for the purposes of road traffic legislation on obligatory insurance. It is an unjustified strain on the language. A distinction made between the road ways and the parking bays was artificial and unhelpful. Whether any particular area was a road is a question of fact in … Continue reading Clarke v Kato and Others; Cutter v Eagle Star Insurance Co Ltd: HL 25 Nov 1998

May v Director of Public Prosecutions: Admn 15 Apr 2005

Whether the car park where the driving took place was a ‘public place’ within the meaning of section 3. Held: The appeal failed.Laws LJ set out the following propositions as accurately summarising the relevant legal principles: a. The burden of proving that a particular location is a ‘public place’ rests on the Crown to prove … Continue reading May v Director of Public Prosecutions: Admn 15 Apr 2005

Investors Compensation Scheme Ltd v West Bromwich Building Society: HL 19 Jun 1997

Account taken of circumstances wihout ambiguity The respondent gave advice on home income plans. The individual claimants had assigned their initial claims to the scheme, but later sought also to have their mortgages in favour of the respondent set aside. Held: Investors having once assigned their causes of action to the ICS, could not later … Continue reading Investors Compensation Scheme Ltd v West Bromwich Building Society: HL 19 Jun 1997

Philip Owen Lloyd-Wolper v Robert Moore; National Insurance Guarantee Corporation Plc, Charles Moore: CA 22 Jun 2004

The first defendant drove a car belonging to his father and insured by his father. The father consented to the driving but under a mistaken belief that his son was licensed. The claimant was injured by the defendant in a road traffic accident. Held: For insurance purposes, the father could validly permit the driving when … Continue reading Philip Owen Lloyd-Wolper v Robert Moore; National Insurance Guarantee Corporation Plc, Charles Moore: CA 22 Jun 2004

law index

Our law-index is a substantial selection from our database. Cases here are restricted in number by date and lack the additional facilities formerly available within lawindexpro. Please do enjoy this free version of the lawindex. Case law does not ‘belong’ to lawyers. Judgments are made up of words which can be read and understood (if … Continue reading law index