Provisions against discrimination on religious grounds in Northern Ireland, could apply to appointment of a firm to a panel of experts, where one person was designated to carry out that work. ‘it is essential, for there to be ’employment,’ that the person making the contract shall himself undertake to do, at any rate, some of … Continue reading Kelly v Northern Ireland Housing Executive; Loughran v Northern Ireland Housing Executive: HL 29 Jul 1998
The local authority landlord commenced proceedings for possession, but then transferred the properties to a registered social landlord. The tenants objected that the new landlords could not continue the proceedings. Held: The transfer moved tenants from the secure tenancy regime to the assured tenancy regime, with different notices and procedures. The notices were not significantly … Continue reading Knowsley Housing Trust v Revell; Helena Housing Ltd v Curtis: CA 9 Apr 2003
Ability of right to buy owners to challenge the reasonableness of covenants to pay service charges was challengeable before completions in county court, but after completion only by application to the Secretary of State. Citations: Gazette 17-Jun-1998, Times 22-Jun-1998, [1998] EWCA Civ 881, [1998] 1 WLR 1591, (1999) 31 HLR 331, [1998] 3 All ER … Continue reading Sheffield City Council v Jackson and others: CA 17 Jun 1998
Tenants challenged an order for possession, saying the form of notice was defective. The date specified in the notice was clearly a clerical error. It provided that the tenancy would commence on 29 May 1993 and end on 28 May 1993, on the face of it, a day before its commencement. The premises had previously … Continue reading Andrews and Another v Brewer and Another: CA 17 Feb 1997
Citations: [2003] EWCA Civ 20 Links: Bailii Statutes: Housing Act 1985 S2G5 Jurisdiction: England and Wales Housing Updated: 31 October 2022; Ref: scu.181111
The tenant appealed against an order granting possession. The tenancy, being held of a mutual housing co-operative did not have security but was in a form restricting the landlord’s right to recover possession, and the tenant resisted saying that it was worded to create a lease for life (applying the LRB case). Held: The tenant’s … Continue reading Berrisford v Mexfield Housing Co-Operative Ltd: SC 9 Nov 2011
When a landlord seeking possession of property subject to a statutory tenancy had failed to give the required written notice, the court could look to all the circumstances to decide whether that failure was to be forgiven and possession ordered. Citations: [1985] 17 HLR 260 Jurisdiction: England and Wales Citing: Minority preferred – Fernandes v … Continue reading Bradshaw v Baldwin-Wiseman: 1985
The parties, on divorcing had a greed, under court order that W should obtain the release of H from his covenants under the mortgage of the family home. She had been unable to do so, and sought that order to be varied to allow postponement of her performance until the youngest child attained 18. H … Continue reading Birch v Birch: SC 26 Jul 2017
The employee occupied the property under a licence granted by his employer for the better performance of his employment duties. At first he had been taken on as a semi-skilled mechanic, but he was later offered occupation of the employer’s bungalow so that he would be readily available as a coach driver after obtaining a … Continue reading Norris (t/a J Davis and Son) v Checksfield: CA 17 Apr 1991
The Court was asked whether an employee’s remuneration is taxable as his or her emoluments or earnings when it is paid to a third party in circumstances in which the employee had no prior entitlement to receive it himself or herself. Held: The company’s appeal failed. The purposive approach to the interpretation of the general … Continue reading RFC 2012 Plc (Formerly The Rangers Football Club Plc) v Advocate General for Scotland: SC 5 Jul 2017
SERVICE CHARGES – scaffolding erected in connection with cyclical repairs – whether costs reasonably incurred – whether associated agent’s fees reasonable and reasonably incurred – Landlord and Tenant Act 1985 s19 – appeal allowed Citations: [2006] EWLands LRX – 60 – 2004 Links: Bailii Jurisdiction: England and Wales Land Updated: 17 August 2022; Ref: scu.240453
Griffiths LJ discussed the bringing of cases for possession under the summary procedure provided by Order 113: ‘There will obviously be cases in which, although proceedings are started by way of a summary procedure it quickly becomes apparent that a substantial issue has to be tried. If it was apparent to the applicant that a … Continue reading Henderson v Law: CA 1985
The defendant had been allowed into the property under the homelessness legislation. The authority now sought possession. They said he had a licence only, but he claimed to have a secure tenancy. Held: The authority had made a mistake, and the defedant was a secure tenant. The letter offering him the property, and his receipt … Continue reading Eastleigh Borough Council v Walsh: HL 28 Mar 1985
Challenge to rules requiring certain minimum levels of income (Minimum Income Requirement – MIR) for allowing entry for non-EEA spouse. Held: The challenges udder the Human Rights Act to the Rules themselves failed. Nor did any separate issue of discrimination arise under article 14. However, the appendix with instructions for entry clearance officers considering the … Continue reading MM (Lebanon) and Others, Regina (on The Applications of) v Secretary of State and Another: SC 22 Feb 2017
EAT TRANSFER OF UNDERTAKINGSThe principles and approach which a Tribunal should take where there has been a transfer of one service provider’s activities to two or more transferees, and there is disagreement as to whether an employee’s contract is now to be with the transferor or any of the transferees, considered. The Tribunal had decided … Continue reading Kimberley Group Housing Ltd v Hambley and others (UK) Ltd: EAT 25 Apr 2008
The applicant sought housing as a homeles person. Her present accommodation for herself, her husband and five children was so overcrowded that continued occupation was a criminal offence. She appealed a finding that it was reasonable to continue living there notwithstanding the continuing commission of the offence. Held: The appeal failed. The statutory guidance correctly … Continue reading Harouki v Royal Borough of Kensington and Chelsea: CA 17 Oct 2007
The tenant was an assured tenant. She fell into arrears of rent and a possession order was made, but suspended on terms. The court considered whether she continued to be an assured tenant, and could assert a right to buy the property as an assured tenant of a social landlord. Held: The tenant’s appeal was … Continue reading White v Knowsley Housing Trust and Another: CA 2 May 2007
The occupier had been granted a temporary licence by the authority under the homelessness provisions whilst it made its assessment. The assessment concluded that she had become homeless intentionally, and therefore terminated the licence and set out to evict her. She claimed that the authority had to get a court authority before so evicting her. … Continue reading Desnousse v London Borough of Newham and others: CA 17 May 2006
The officer had entered a fair rent for a caravan. The site owner sought the vacation of the entry. The caravan was fully mobile, but was also connected to mains water and electric and sewage. The connections were easily removed, and the caravan was from time to time moved. Held: Whether a caravan counted as … Continue reading Regina v Rent Officer of Nottinghamshire Registration Area, ex parte Allen: 1985
The landlord sought possession of a flat on the grounds that there were arrears of rent, and that one of the tenants had used it for the sale of drugs. It now appealed a suspension of the order, saying that the unlawful user meant that suspension should be allowed only in exceptional circumstances. Held: The … Continue reading Stonebridge Housing Action Trust v Gabbidon and Another: ChD 21 Nov 2002
The council imposed a parking scheme on one of the estates for which it was landlord. A tenant challenged the scheme saying it could only have been imposed by a byelaw, not a resolution. Held: ‘section 7(1) extends the powers of a housing authority beyond those in section 23(1), or at least avoids any unclarity … Continue reading Akumah v London Borough of Hackney: CA 17 Apr 2002
Parliament’s Approval if statute rights affected In a referendum, the people had voted to leave the European Union. That would require a notice to the Union under Article 50 TEU. The Secretary of State appealed against an order requiring Parliamentary approval before issuing the notice, he saying that the notice could be given under the … Continue reading Miller and Another, Regina (on The Application of) v Secretary of State for Exiting The European Union: SC 24 Jan 2017
Two foreign nationals with leave to remain in this country committed serious crimes. The Secretary of State ordered their deportation. Held: Where the deportation of a foreigner following a conviction here, would conflict with his human rights, the court had to assess whether the, first, the objective could be achieved by some alternative, less interfering, … Continue reading Samaroo and Sezek v Secretary of State for the Home Department: CA 17 Jul 2001
The council having obtained a possession order, suspended on terms, through court proceedings, later sought to enforce the order by a warrant for possession issued without first giving notice to the tenant. The tenant alleged that the grant of the warrant was in breach of his right to a fair trial. Held: The hearing at … Continue reading St Brice and Another v Southwark London Borough Council: CA 17 Jul 2001
Rent demands were made by a local authority landlord on one of its tenants. The local authority, using its powers under the Act, resolved to increase rents generally. The tenant refused to pay the increased element of the rent. He argued that the resolutions and notices of increase were ultra vires and void, on the … Continue reading Wandsworth London Borough Council v Winder: HL 1985
The Court was asked as to the proper interpretation of paragraph 49 of the National Planning Policy Framework: ‘Housing applications should be considered in the context of the presumption in favour of sustainable development. Relevant policies for the supply of housing should not be considered up-to-date if the local planning authority cannot demonstrate a five-year … Continue reading Suffolk Coastal District Council v Hopkins Homes Ltd and Another: SC 10 May 2017
LT LANDLORD AND TENANT- Service Charges – Landlord and Tenant Act 1985 as amended ss 18 and 19 – Housing Act 1988 ss 13 and 14 – Assured non-shorthold periodic tenancy -whether the landlord’s ability (subject to any reference to a Rent Assessment Committee) to serve a yearly notice of increase of rent (which included … Continue reading Chand v Calmore Area Housing Association Ltd: LT 25 Jul 2008
Housing – Right To Buy – whether appeal property particularly suitable for occupation by elderly persons – Para.11, Sched.5, Housing Act 1985 – appeal allowed Citations: [2018] UKUT 207 (LC) Links: Bailii Jurisdiction: England and Wales Land Updated: 20 May 2022; Ref: scu.620102
A tenant sought to buy a flat under the right to buy scheme but the flat was in the green belt. The land was held under provisions in the 1938 Act making the sale of any part conditional on the consent of the respondent. The local authority objected, and an inquiry was held. The inspector … Continue reading O’Byrne v Secretary of State for Environment, Transport and Regions and Another: CA 17 Apr 2001
The tenant appealed against a refusal of what he said was his right to buy the flat he occupied. The Housing Association respondent and arbitrator had said that the tenancy had been assured, not secure and that therefore no right to buy had existed. After the grant of the tenancy, the Association had changed in … Continue reading Ali Bhai and Another v Black Roof Community Housing Association Ltd: CA 2 Nov 2000
The homeless status of the applicant is to be established and tested as the statutory investigation is completed, not just at the time the application is made. Citations: Times 17-Mar-1997 Statutes: Housing Act 1985 Part III Jurisdiction: England and Wales Housing Updated: 11 May 2022; Ref: scu.88096
The claimant (defending proceedings for possession by the local authority) had lived with the deceased secure tenant in a lesbian relationship for some years and was so living at the date of her death. She sought to defend her occupation saying she qualified as a spouse of the deceased. Held: The defence failed: ‘I agree … Continue reading Harrogate Borough Council v Simpson: CA 1985
Citations: [1996] EWHC Admin 123 Statutes: Housing Act 1985 65(2) Jurisdiction: England and Wales Housing Updated: 28 April 2022; Ref: scu.136671
It was intentional homelessness when a fiancee had not set up a house here before leaving a settled left home abroad to come here. Citations: Times 17-Feb-1995 Statutes: Housing Act 1985 60-1, 75 Jurisdiction: England and Wales Housing Updated: 28 April 2022; Ref: scu.86090
Northern : Landlord and Tenant Act 1985 – Section 20ZA Citations: [2014] UKFTT RP – MAN – 00BW – Links: Bailii Jurisdiction: England and Wales Landlord and Tenant Updated: 27 April 2022; Ref: scu.629829
The second respondent sought a certificate from the Council determining that the lawful use of its store extended to sales of unlimited categories of goods including food. A certificate to that effect was refused by the Council, but granted by a planning inspector on appeal, and upheld by the lower courts. The Council, as local … Continue reading London Borough of Lambeth v Secretary of State for Housing, Communities and Local Government and Others: SC 3 Jul 2019
The House considered the concept of a spent planning consent. Held: This was a mineral operation and every shovelful dug amounted to another act of development. Therefore, although it had been begun, the planning permission was not spent and remained capable of implementation. A planning permission enures for the benefit of the relevant land and … Continue reading Pioneer Aggregates (UK) Limited v Secretary of State for the Environment: HL 1985
Challenge on public law grounds to making of possession order on basis of closure order having been made. Judges: Gross, Lewison, Flaux LJJ Citations: [2017] EWCA Civ 1476 Links: Bailii Statutes: Housing Act 1985 Jurisdiction: England and Wales Housing Updated: 30 March 2022; Ref: scu.595816
The court was asked whether the arrangement between the parties amiunted to a Qualifying Long Term Agreement within section 20 ZA. N Strauss [2013] EWHC B10 (Ch) Bailii Landlord and Tenant Act 1985 19 20 20ZA England and Wales Landlord and Tenant Updated: 20 January 2022; Ref: scu.513531
The applicants had had their requests for asylum refused. They complained that if they were removed from the UK, their article 3 rights would be infringed. If they were returned to Pakistan or Vietnam they would be persecuted for their religious faiths. Held: A distinction was to be made between domestic cases involving actions within … Continue reading Regina v Special Adjudicator ex parte Ullah; Regina v Secretary of State for the Home Department: HL 17 Jun 2004
It was unlawful to defer the provision of settled accommodation on the basis of a rigid policy. ‘Board’ within Local Authority running homeless policy was an abuse of power and unlawful. Independent 07-Apr-1994, Times 17-Mar-1994 Housing Act 1985 65(2) England and Wales Housing Updated: 22 December 2021; Ref: scu.88206
Same Sex Paartner to Inherit as Family Member The claimant had lived with the original tenant in a stable and long standing homosexual relationship at the deceased’s flat. After the tenant’s death he sought a statutory tenancy as a spouse of the deceased. The Act had been extended to include as a spouse someone living … Continue reading Fitzpatrick v Sterling Housing Association Ltd: HL 28 Oct 1999
Ward has no extra privilege from Police Interview The court considered the need to apply to court in respect of the care of a ward of the court when the Security services needed to investigate possible terrorist involvement of her and of her contacts. Application was made for a declaration as to the need for … Continue reading Re A Ward of Court: FD 4 May 2017
The council had resolved to grant planning permission for a development, but before the permission was actually granted the Secretary of State had written to planning authorities saying that he intended to abolish the ‘Regional Spatial Strategies’. The objector said that the Council should reconsider in the light of this ‘highly relevant’ change. Held: The … Continue reading Hinds, Regina (on The Application of) v Blackpool Council: Admn 17 Mar 2011
When a licence is really a tenancy The document signed by the occupier stated that she understood that she had been given a licence, and that she understood that she had not been granted a tenancy protected under the Rent Acts. Exclusive occupation was in fact granted. Held: This was a tenancy not a licence. … Continue reading Street v Mountford: HL 6 Mar 1985
Can a recreational purpose underlie an easement The court considered the validity of easements of recreational facilities. A property had been developed with timeshare leases within a substantial and attractive grounds area. Later a second development was created but with freehold interests, but the same rights by way of easements over the communal grounds and … Continue reading Regency Villas Title Ltd and Others v Diamond Resorts (Europe) Ltd and Another: CA 4 Apr 2017
Three women, all lawfully settled in the UK, had married third-country nationals but, at first, the Secretary of State had refused permission for their husbands to remain with them, or join them, in the UK. Held: The refusals of permission had not infringed the rights of the women and of their husbands to respect for … Continue reading Abdulaziz etc v The United Kingdom: ECHR 28 May 1985
Dispensation of all or any of the consultation requirements provided for by Section 20 of the Landlord and Tenant Act 1985 . .
The tenant had occupied the premises under a long lease which expired by effluxion of time. The landlord failed to take any steps to retake possession, and the tenant continued as a tenant at will, paying no rent. The landlord eventually issued . .
1267 – 1278 – 1285 – 1297 – 1361 – 1449 – 1491 – 1533 – 1677 – 1688 – 1689 – 1700 – 1706 – 1710 – 1730 – 1737 – 1738 – 1751 – 1774 – 1792 – 1793 – 1804 – 1814 – 1819 – 1824 – 1828 – 1831 – 1832 … Continue reading Acts
Where an asylum seeker had housing which was sufficiently inadequate to render her homeless for the purposes of the section, she was not disallowed from receiving such assistance by the operation of the other section regarding asylum seekers Citations: Times 27-Jul-1998, [1998] EWCA Civ 1111 Statutes: Housing Act 1985 175(1) 186(1) Jurisdiction: England and Wales … Continue reading Lismane v London Borough of Hammersmith and Fulham: CA 29 Jun 1998
UTLC COMPENSATION – compulsory purchase – absent and untraceable owners – house in state of disrepair – cost of repair and refurbishment – valuation – comparable transactions – relevance of price achieved by formal tender – Housing Act 1985 section 17 and Acquisition of Land Act 1981 – compensation determined at andpound;205,000 Citations: [2013] UKUT … Continue reading Stephenson and Another v East Riding of Yorkshire Council: UTLC 7 Feb 2013
The council had stopped paying rents on properties let by the claimants to the homeless, claiming first breaches of the leases. When later they were sued, they defendant by saying that since the properties had been let without the required statutory assessment of fair rents, the leases were void and no rents were due. The … Continue reading Charles Terence Estates Ltd v Cornwall Council: CA 13 Nov 2012
LT COMPENSATION – compulsory purchase – abandoned house in state of disrepair – untraceable owner – cost of repair and refurbishment – valuation – comparable transactions – Housing Act 1985 section 17 and Land Compensation Act 1961 Part 1 – compensation determined at andpound;185,000. Citations: [2008] EWLands ACQ – 304 – 2008 Links: Bailii Statutes: … Continue reading Clarke v London Borough of Newham: LT 25 Sep 2008
LT COMPENSATION – compulsory purchase – abandoned house in dilapidated condition – untraceable owner – comparable transactions – Housing Act 1985 s.17 and Land Compensation Act 1961 Part 1 – compensation determined at andpound;60,000 Citations: [2005] EWLands ACQ – 96 – 2002 Links: Bailii Statutes: Housing Act 1985 17, Land Compensation Act 1961 Land Updated: … Continue reading Garrod v London Borough of Newham: LT 20 Apr 2005
The property was mixed commercial and residential use. It was in poor repair, and the local authority resolved for its compulsory purchase. The company challenged the decision saying the wrong tests had been applied. Held: The challenge was in effect to the inspector’s decision. S17 did authorise a resolution if there was mixed use, if … Continue reading Ainsdale Investments Ltd v First Secretary of State and Another: QBD 14 May 2004
The fact that the accommodation found to be available to the applicant for housing was in Bangladesh did not make it unavailable in law. The subsections must be read separately. Accommodation could be available to the applicant even though she could not afford to travel to it. The power of the County Court to hear … Continue reading Begum (Nipa) v Tower Hamlets London Borough Council: CA 1 Nov 1999
The claimant applied to the Council for accommodation, claiming to be homeless and in priority need. The council housed him in a hotel owned by Mr Manek in Tooting Bec . He had a room, a separate bathroom and lavatory, and shared use of a kitchen. After three days the council completed their investigations. Though … Continue reading Mohamed v Manek and Royal Borough of Kensington and Chelsea: CA 28 Apr 1995
The sale of a council house imposed an additional duty on a local authority to disclose known structural defects to buyers. Citations: Times 24-Jun-1997, [1997] EWCA Civ 1752, (1998) 10 Admin LR 185, (1998) 30 HLR 295, (1998) 76 P and CR 293 Links: Bailii Statutes: Housing Act 1985 Jurisdiction: England and Wales Citing: Cited … Continue reading Payne and Woodland v Mayor and Burgesses of London Borough of Barnet: CA 22 May 1997
Citations: [1997] EWCA Civ 1766 Statutes: Housing Act 1985, Acquisition of Land Act 1981 Jurisdiction: England and Wales Housing Updated: 09 December 2022; Ref: scu.142162
Even an unlawful sub-tenancy can have protection under Part II of the 1954 Act. The court described as fallacious the submission that section 74(1) does not extend to or answer the question whether the document has ever been delivered, saying: ‘The section says that the document is to be deemed to have been duly executed … Continue reading D’Silva v Lister House Development Ltd: 1970
The Borough’s tenant had died. His wife and daughter had lived with him, but the mother not for long enough to succeed to his tenancy. The daughter (aged thirteen) claimed to have done so having lived with him for three years. Held: The 1985 Act did not limit its effects to adults. A minor may … Continue reading Royal Borough of Kingston Upon Thames v Prince and Another: CA 2 Dec 1998
The authority sought to apply the exception so as to deprive its tenant of security of possession. Held: In order to succeed in removing protection, the landlord authority had to establish each of the four statutory requirements. The scheme was intended to encourage private landlords, but in order to apply the scheme, there had to … Continue reading Hickey v London Borough of Haringey: CA 10 Apr 2006
The defendant tenant had been delayed for over five years by the claimant in buying his council house. He stopped paying rent in protest, and the council brought possession proceedings. He then paid his rent and continued in his counterclaim to require the lease. The parties differed as to whether a parking right was included. … Continue reading London Borough of Southwark v Dennett: CA 7 Nov 2007
When considering whether a person was vulnerable so as to be treated more favourably in applying for rehousing: ‘The Council should consider such application afresh applying the statutory criterion: The Ortiz test should not be used; the dictum of Simon Brown LJ in that case should no longer be considered good law. (The same applies … Continue reading Regina v London Borough of Camden ex parte Pereira: CA 20 May 1998
A right of occupation given by an almshouse under a charitable trust was an occupation under a licence without right of possession, not an assured tenancy. The plaintiff’s conditions of occupancy stated: ‘Residents are licensees and pay a contribution towards the cost of providing accommodation at the Court: residents are not tenants and do not … Continue reading Gray and others v Taylor: CA 2 Apr 1998
The tenant, the claimant’s mother had surrendered the tenancy before her death. The claimant now said that she should have been allowed to succeed to the tenancy and that the possession order was disproportionate. Judges: Keith J Citations: [2013] EWHC 518 (QB) Links: Bailii Statutes: Housing Act 1985 Jurisdiction: England and Wales Housing, Human Rights … Continue reading Birmingham City Council v Beech and Another: QBD 15 Mar 2013
The claimant had succeeded in his claim for damages against the council following their failure to comply with their obligations of repair under the 1985 Act. The council appealed an award of pounds 1,500 for chattels damaged by the damp. Held: ‘I, for my part, would think it perfectly absurd in a case like this … Continue reading Stanbury v Mayor and Burgesses of London Borough of Lambeth: CA 5 Dec 1997
A statutory tenancy was not a lease and the court had no jurisdiction to vary its terms. Citations: Ind Summary 15-Aug-1994 Statutes: Housing Act 1985 317 621 Jurisdiction: England and Wales Landlord and Tenant, Housing Updated: 26 October 2022; Ref: scu.82553
The court considered what was to happen when a person in overcrowded accommodation sought rehousing: ‘Part 10 of the 1985 Act concerns overcrowding. Its pivotal provision is section 327 which provides that, subject to some exceptions, the occupier of a dwelling who causes or permits it to be overcrowded commits a summary offence. It is … Continue reading Elrify v City of Westminster Council: CA 23 Mar 2007
The claimants were shareholders in Westrip, accusing the Defendant directors of deliberately engaging in a course of conduct which has led to Westrip losing ownership and control of a very valuable mining licence and which, but for their intervention, would have led to Westrip losing all or almost all of its remaining assets. They say … Continue reading Iesini and Others v Westrip Holdings Ltd and Others: ChD 16 Oct 2009
Tower Hamlets, having determined the applicant to be homeless, in priority need and not intentionally homeless. After she occupied temporary accomodation she was offered an alternative being told it was the council’s policy only to make one such offer. Having rejected it as unsuitable, she was given notice to quit the temporary accomodation. She then … Continue reading Regina (on the application of) Awua v Brent London Borough Council: HL 6 Jul 1995
The authority sought to evict their tenant on the ground that he was behaving in a way which was a nuisance to neighbours. The tenant was disabled, and claimed discrimination. Held: In secure tenancies, the authority had to consider the reasonableness of making a possession order, and in situations where it was enforcing a possession … Continue reading Council of the City of Manchester v Romano, Samariz: CA 1 Jul 2004
Renewed application for permission to appeal from an order dismissing the claimant’s appeal from the notice served by the defendant, Nottingham City Council, as the local housing authority under section 352 of the Housing Act 1985. Citations: [2002] EWCA Civ 1356 Links: Bailii Jurisdiction: England and Wales Housing Updated: 02 September 2022; Ref: scu.217580
LT LANDLORD AND TENANT- Service Charges – Landlord and Tenant Act 1985 as amended ss18 and 19 – Housing Act 1988 ss 13 and 14 – Assured non-shorthold periodic tenancy – whether the landlord’s ability (subject to any reference to a Rent Assessment Committee) to serve a yearly notice of increase of rent (which included … Continue reading Home Group Ltd v Lewis and others: LT 3 Jan 2008
The tenant was a successor tenant with security, and sought to exercise his right to buy. The authority itself claimed possession saying that the property was too large. Held: The statute gave rise to competing claims.The tenant’s right to buy did not take automatic precedence over the authority’s right to possession. In this case the … Continue reading Basildon District Council v Wahlen: CA 28 Mar 2006
A headmaster’s occupation of a house in the school was not ‘for the better performance of his duties’, and so was not a tied house, and so he had the right to buy it. A term could not be implied into his contract to require him to occupy the house. Citations: Ind Summary 06-Dec-1993, Gazette … Continue reading Hughes and Another v Greenwich London Borough Council: HL 26 Oct 1993
COMPENSATION – compulsory purchase – house in dilapidated and uninhabitable condition – untraceable owner – valuation – comparable transactions – Housing Act 1985 s.17 and Land Compensation Act 1961 Part 1 – compensation determined at pounds 260,000 Citations: [2006] EWLands ACQ – 14 – 2005 Links: Bailii Jurisdiction: England and Wales Land Updated: 14 August … Continue reading Hussain v London Borough of Newham: LT 15 Feb 2006
The authority complained that during the course of the trial, the judge had repeatedly intervened during oral evidence. Held: A judge must be careful not to repeatedly intervene during oral evidence as opposed to counsel making submissions. The risk was not whether a reasonable observer would see bias, but that the judge would have descended … Continue reading London Borough of Southwark v Kofi-Adu: CA 23 Mar 2006
The council tenant had wished to appeal following a possession order made after her tenancy had been demoted. The court handed down a supplemental judgment to give effect to its earlier decision. The Court had been asked ‘whether article 8 of the . . Convention . . requires a court, which is being asked to … Continue reading Manchester City Council v Pinnock: SC 9 Feb 2011
Twins were conjoined (Siamese). Medically, both could not survive, and one was dependent upon the vital organs of the other. Doctors applied for permission to separate the twins which would be followed by the inevitable death of one of them. The parents, devout Roman Catholics, resisted. Held: The parents’ views were subject to the overriding … Continue reading In Re A (Minors) (Conjoined Twins: Medical Treatment); aka In re A (Children) (Conjoined Twins: Surgical Separation): CA 22 Sep 2000
LT LANDLORD AND TENANT – service charge – lease granted pursuant to the right to buy provisions of the Housing Act 1985 – construction of lease – construction in the context of the admissible background including the terms of the landlord’s s.125 notice – whether landlord entitled to charge instalments towards future repairs and to … Continue reading Leicester City Council v Theo Master: LT 12 Dec 2008
ECJ Directive 93/13/EEC – Unfair terms in consumer contracts – Contract for the building and supply of a parking space – Reversal of the order of performance of contractual obligations provided for under national law – Clause obliging the consumer to pay the price before the seller or supplier has performed his obligations – Obligation … Continue reading Freiburger Kommunalbauten GmbH Baugesellschaft and Co. KG v Ludger Hofstetter, Ulrike Hofstetter: ECJ 1 Apr 2004
The claimant sought to set aside an order requiring him to give up possession of a caravan pitch held under the 1968 Act. Held: The decision to serve a notice to quit which was reasonable on the facts known to the local authority at the time could not be invalidated retrospectively by reference to facts … Continue reading Doran v Liverpool City Council: CA 3 Mar 2009
Proposed changes to the Legal Aid regulations were challenged as being invalid, for being discriminatory. If regulations are not authorised under statute, they will be invalid, even if they have been approved by resolutions of both Houses under the provisions of the relevant enabling Act. Held: The appeal succeeded as to the ultra vires issue.Lord … Continue reading The Public Law Project, Regina (on The Application of) v Lord Chancellor: SC 13 Jul 2016
The respondent brought in laws restricting marriages between persons subject to immigration control, requiring those seeking non Church of England marriages to first obtain a certificate from the defendant that the marriage was approved. The applicants said this was discriminatory and infringed their human rights. Held: Legislation which prevented marriages of convenience between aliens and … Continue reading Baiai and Others, Regina (on the Application of) v Secretary of State for the Home Department: Admn 10 Apr 2006
The court was asked ‘If a former secure tenant of a dwelling-house who has become a ‘tolerated trespasser’ in it decides to cease to occupy it, does his liability to pay mesne profits to his former landlord in respect of the dwelling-house cease when he gives up possession of it or does it continue until, … Continue reading Jones v London Borough of Merton: CA 16 Jun 2008
The claimant was a council tenant with the right to buy her property. A possession order was made, but then discharged. Held: On the revival of the tenancy her right to buy and discount was also revived, and there was no need to serve a fresh notice. Judges: Lord Justice Pill, Lord Justice Keene and … Continue reading Honeygan-Green v London Borough of Islington: CA 22 Apr 2008
The Council appealed against declarations given that the respondent tenants (wildlife rangers) were entitled to purchase the freehold of their homes under right-to-buy. The Council said that the tenancies were occupied in connection with their employments. Held: Richards LJ said: the provision is to be construed as laying down two distinct conditions: first, that ‘his … Continue reading Wragg and others v Surrey County Council: CA 1 Feb 2008
The claimants had been detained under the 1971 Act, after completing sentences of imprisonment pending their return to their home countries under deportations recommended by the judges at trial, or chosen by the respondent. They challenged as unlawful the respondent’s, at first unpublished, policy introduced in 2006, that by default, those awaiting deportation should be … Continue reading Lumba (WL) v Secretary of State for The Home Department: SC 23 Mar 2011
The tenant held a secure tenancy of a first floor flat of the Council. She was severely disabled and argued that the danger of injury meant that she should be allowed to occupy the empty ground floor flat. She complained at the way the authority had relied on reports she had not seen. The authority … Continue reading Lambeth London Borough Council v Ireneschild: CA 16 Mar 2007
The authority had obtained a possession order from its secure tenant but then agreed to accept payments toward the arrears. The tenant applied for and was granted a declaration that she had on that agreement acquired a new tenancy. The authority appealed. Held: The agreement had created a new tenancy even after a final possession … Continue reading Burrows v Brent London Borough Council: HL 31 Oct 1996
Civil servants had been transferred to a private company. At first they worked under secondment from the civil service. They asserted that they had protection under TUPE and the Acquired Rights Directive. The respondent said that there had only been a transfer over time, so as to diminish their periods of continuous employment. The matter … Continue reading North Wales Training and Enterprise Council Ltd v Astley and others: HL 21 Jun 2006
Application for permission to appeal against refusal of second application for permission to apply for judicial review. Held: It was not sustainable to suggest that the section was incompatible with the cliamant’s human rights. Leave to appeal was refused. Citations: [2002] EWCA Civ 1894 Links: Bailii Statutes: Housing Act 1985 93(2) Jurisdiction: England and Wales … Continue reading Nadine Delson v London Borough of Lambeth: CA 19 Nov 2002
The tenant had gone out of possession, moving permanently back to Nigeria and at the same time writing to the landlord to say that he and his family had moved and had agreed that the defendant (a cousin who had lived with him prior to his return to Nigeria) should take over the tenancy. Held: … Continue reading London Borough of Tower Hamlets v Ayinde: CA 1994
The claimant had sought to bring proceedings against the respondent, but as a mental patient subject to the 1983 Act, had been obliged by the section first to obtain consent. The parties disputed whether the failure was a procedural or substantial failing and whether it made the proceedings a nullity. Held: The claimant’s appeal failed. … Continue reading Seal v Chief Constable of South Wales Police: HL 4 Jul 2007
The claimant landlord sought possession after long years of non-payment of rent. The secure tenant said that the landlord had entirely failed in its repairing obligations, and that the sums of rent had been expended on those repairs. Judges: Thorpe LJ Citations: [2001] EWCA Civ 295 Links: Bailii Statutes: Housing Act 1985 Jurisdiction: England and … Continue reading London Fire and Civil Defence Authority v Ahktar: CA 14 Feb 2001
Birmingham Council had granted H and W a joint secure tenancy of a three-bedroom home. The marriage broke down and W left with the two children. She obtained a non-molestation order and an ouster order against him. H tried to force his way into the home. W applied to the council, and it provided her … Continue reading Bradney, Birmingham City Council v Birmingham City Council, McCann: CA 9 Dec 2003
The Home Secretary appealed a ruling that his implementation of section 55 was unlawful, having been said to be incompatible with human rights law. Held: The way in which the section had been operated, by denying consideration and all benefits to any asylum applicant who did not claim asylum immediately upon entry, was unfair. There … Continue reading Regina (on the Application of Q and others) v Secretary of State for the Home Department: CA 18 Mar 2003
The tenant had fallen into arrears, and a possession order had been made. Having cleared the arrears, the possession order fell, but the landlord purported to issue a new tenancy agreement, with no security of tenure. They now sought possession under the new tenancy agreement. The tenant appealed a finding that he no longer enjoyed … Continue reading Swindon Borough Council v Aston: CA 19 Dec 2002