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Lisowski v Regional Court of Bialystok (Poland): Admn 28 Nov 2006

The defendant resisted extradition for a fraud prosecution brought 11 years after the relevant events which occurred in 1995. He had come to England in 2000, and the first he heard of the accusation was when he was arrested in September 2006. It was not suggested that he had deliberately fled the prosecution. Held: The … Continue reading Lisowski v Regional Court of Bialystok (Poland): Admn 28 Nov 2006

Motorola Credit Corporation v Uzan and others (No 2): CA 12 Jun 2003

World-wide freezing orders had been made under the 1982 Act. The defendants were members of a Turkish family with substantial business interests in the telecommunications industry. In breach of orders made in the US some defendants had sought to hide their assets. They had failed to respond as required to orders to disclose their assest, … Continue reading Motorola Credit Corporation v Uzan and others (No 2): CA 12 Jun 2003

Bergman, Regina (on The Application of) v District Court In Kladno Czech Republic: Admn 28 Jan 2011

The unrepresented defendant, in custody, prepared his notice of appeal against an extradition order, and it was then faxed for him in draft form to the judicial authority and filed, all within the 7 day period, but no stamped copy was served, or indeed received back by the defendant, until much later. Held: Following Walerianczyk, … Continue reading Bergman, Regina (on The Application of) v District Court In Kladno Czech Republic: Admn 28 Jan 2011

Lord Advocate (Representing The Taiwanese Judicial Authorities) v Dean: SC 28 Jun 2017

(Scotland) The respondent was to be extradited to Taiwan to serve the balance of a prison term. His appeal succeeded and the order quashed on the basis that his treatment in the Taiwanese prison system would infringe his human rights. The Lord Advocate now appealed. Held: The question was a devolution issue, being ‘a question … Continue reading Lord Advocate (Representing The Taiwanese Judicial Authorities) v Dean: SC 28 Jun 2017

Howell and Others, Regina v: CACD 28 Feb 2003

The defendants appealed against convictions for conspiracy to pervert the course of justice. They had been police officers.An application was made for the disclosure of the skeleton arguments read by the court, Judge LJ said: ‘Subject to questions arising in connection with written submissions on PII applications, or any other express justification for non-disclosure on … Continue reading Howell and Others, Regina v: CACD 28 Feb 2003

Malone v Commissioner of the Police for the Metropolis (No 2): ChD 28 Feb 1979

The court considered the lawfulness of telephone tapping. The issue arose following a trial in which the prosecution had admitted the interception of the plaintiff’s telephone conversations under a warrant issued by the Secretary of State. The plaintiff claimed that the interception had been and was unlawful. Held: Although he dismissed the plaintiff’s claim, the … Continue reading Malone v Commissioner of the Police for the Metropolis (No 2): ChD 28 Feb 1979

Regina (Hewitson) v Chief Constable of Dorset Police and another: QBD 18 Dec 2003

The claimant had been arrested under an extradition warrant. He complained that the police took the opportunity to search his girflriend’s nearby flat. The police responded that the search was conducted under a common law power of search attached to the warrant for his arrest. Held: The search was unlawful, since the connection between the … Continue reading Regina (Hewitson) v Chief Constable of Dorset Police and another: QBD 18 Dec 2003

Jaffar v Governor of Brixton Prison and Another: QBD 25 Nov 2003

The defendant sought to challenge an order for his extradition, saying that four of the five charges were time barred. Held: It was sufficient that any one charge remained effective. The court’s discretion in the section was limited. Judges: Wool LCJ, Mackay J Citations: Times 06-Dec-2003, [2003] EWHC 3077 (Admin) Links: Bailii Statutes: Extradition Act … Continue reading Jaffar v Governor of Brixton Prison and Another: QBD 25 Nov 2003

Polanski v Conde Nast Publications Limited: CA 11 Nov 2003

The claimant sought damages for defamation. He feared arrest and extradition to the US if he came to England, and was granted an order allowing him to give evidence by video link. The defendant appealed that order. Held: There was no absolute rule which would allow the order made. The judge had considered that if … Continue reading Polanski v Conde Nast Publications Limited: CA 11 Nov 2003

Secretary of State for the Home Department, Regina on the Application of Soumahoro; Regina on the Application of Nadarajah; and similar: CA 19 Jun 2003

In each case asylum applicants had been certified as suitable to be returned to the first country at which they had arrived on fleeing their home countries. Held: To determine whether article 8 was engaged given the territoriality principle, the following should be considered. First, the claimant’s case in relation to his private life in … Continue reading Secretary of State for the Home Department, Regina on the Application of Soumahoro; Regina on the Application of Nadarajah; and similar: CA 19 Jun 2003

In re Guisto (application for a writ of Habeas Corpus) (Criminal Appeal from Her Majesty’s High Court of Justice): HL 3 Apr 2003

The applicant challenged an order for his extradition to the US. He had been convicted in his absence having absconded from bail. Held: He had been arrested and held on the basis that he was a convicted person, but the procedure should have allowed that having been convicted in his absence, in contumacy, he should … Continue reading In re Guisto (application for a writ of Habeas Corpus) (Criminal Appeal from Her Majesty’s High Court of Justice): HL 3 Apr 2003

Barnette v Government of the United States of America; United States Government v Montgomery (No 2): CA 24 Mar 2003

The appellant sought to resist the registration here of a confiscation order made in the US. She argued it would be contrary to the interests of justice to register it, that the US procedure would be unlawful here under the Convention, the appeal having been held in her absence. Held: It could not be said … Continue reading Barnette v Government of the United States of America; United States Government v Montgomery (No 2): CA 24 Mar 2003

Regina v HM Advocate and The Advocate General for Scotland: PC 28 Nov 2002

(The High Court of Justiciary) The prosecution had accepted that the matter had been the subject of unreasonable delay, but wished to continue. The defendant sought a plea in bar, on the basis that continuing would infringe his rights. Held: Once it was accepted that the delay took the prosecution outside the defendant’s right to … Continue reading Regina v HM Advocate and The Advocate General for Scotland: PC 28 Nov 2002

Attorney-General’s Reference (No 2 of 2001): HL 11 Dec 2003

The house was asked whether it might be correct to stay criminal proceedings as an abuse where for delay. The defendants were prisoners in a prison riot in 1998. The case only came on for trial in 2001, when they submitted that the delay was an abuse. Held: The defendants had a right to a … Continue reading Attorney-General’s Reference (No 2 of 2001): HL 11 Dec 2003

Dabas v High Court of Justice, Madrid: HL 28 Feb 2007

The defendant sought to appeal his extradition to Spain to face terrorism charges. He complained that the certificate required under the 2003 Act could not be the European arrest warrant itself, that the offence did not satisfy the double actionability rule and that the warrant did not set out the text of the law under … Continue reading Dabas v High Court of Justice, Madrid: HL 28 Feb 2007

Woodcock v The Government of New Zealand: QBD 14 Nov 2003

The applicant, a catholic priest, challenged his extradition for alleged offences of sexual abuse which had taken place in the 1980s, saying it would be an abuse now to prosecute him after such a delay. Held: The case of R v B was of a particular character and not of assistance to the applicant. The … Continue reading Woodcock v The Government of New Zealand: QBD 14 Nov 2003

Turner v Government of The USA: Admn 28 Aug 2012

The defendant challenged the request to extradite her, because of the passage of time, and because of her threatened suicide if extradited. Aikens LJ, Globe J [2012] EWHC 2426 (Admin) Bailii Extradition Act 2003 England and Wales Cited by: Cited – United States of America v Assange Admn 10-Dec-2021 The USA sought A’s extradition. It … Continue reading Turner v Government of The USA: Admn 28 Aug 2012

O’Brien v Chief Constable of the South Wales Police: CA 23 Jul 2003

The claimant sought damages for malicious prosecution, and sought to adduce similar fact evidence. The defendant appealed an order admitting the evidence. Held: Comparisons between admission of similar fact evidence in civil and criminal proceedings were made. In general, the greater the putative force of the evidence the less ready a court should be to … Continue reading O’Brien v Chief Constable of the South Wales Police: CA 23 Jul 2003

Fitzpatrick v Sterling Housing Association Ltd: HL 28 Oct 1999

Same Sex Paartner to Inherit as Family Member The claimant had lived with the original tenant in a stable and long standing homosexual relationship at the deceased’s flat. After the tenant’s death he sought a statutory tenancy as a spouse of the deceased. The Act had been extended to include as a spouse someone living … Continue reading Fitzpatrick v Sterling Housing Association Ltd: HL 28 Oct 1999

Durant v Financial Services Authority: CA 8 Dec 2003

The appellant had been unsuccessful in litigation against his former bank. The Financial Services Authority had subsequently investigated his complaint against the bank. Using section 7 of the Data Protection Act 1998, he requested disclosure of his personal data held by the bank. The Financial Services Authority disclosed some copies of documents relating to the … Continue reading Durant v Financial Services Authority: CA 8 Dec 2003

Regina v Abu Hamza: CACD 28 Nov 2006

The defendant had faced trial on terrorist charges. He claimed that delay and the very substantial adverse publicity had made his fair trial impossible, and that it was not an offence for a foreign national to solicit murders to be carried out abroad. Held: The appeal failed. Murder is singled out as an offence even … Continue reading Regina v Abu Hamza: CACD 28 Nov 2006

Regina v Director of Public Prosecutions, ex parte Kebilene and others: HL 28 Oct 1999

(Orse Kebeline) The DPP’s appeal succeeded. A decision by the DPP to authorise a prosecution could not be judicially reviewed unless dishonesty, bad faith, or some other exceptional circumstance could be shown. A suggestion that the offence for which a prosecution was authorised was framed so as to breach the accused’s human rights was to … Continue reading Regina v Director of Public Prosecutions, ex parte Kebilene and others: HL 28 Oct 1999

Regina v British Broadcasting Corporation ex parte Pro-life Alliance: HL 15 May 2003

The Alliance was a political party seeking to air its party election broadcast. The appellant broadcasters declined to broadcast the film on the grounds that it was offensive, being a graphical discussion of the processes of abortion. Held: Freedom of political speech is a freedom of the very highest importance. Article 10 requires that access … Continue reading Regina v British Broadcasting Corporation ex parte Pro-life Alliance: HL 15 May 2003


1267 – 1278 – 1285 – 1297 – 1361 – 1449 – 1491 – 1533 – 1677 – 1688 – 1689 – 1700 – 1706 – 1710 – 1730 – 1737 – 1738 – 1751 – 1774 – 1792 – 1793 – 1804 – 1814 – 1819 – 1824 – 1828 – 1831 – 1832 … Continue reading Acts

King’s Prosecutor, Brussels v Cando Armas and Another: Admn 20 Aug 2004

The prisoner had argued that the alleged offence underlying the application for his extradition to Belgium had been committed in part in England, and was therefore not extradictable. The prosecutor appealed. Held: Part I of the 2003 Act was intended to be a complete code and part of the European arrest warrant scheme, intended to … Continue reading King’s Prosecutor, Brussels v Cando Armas and Another: Admn 20 Aug 2004

Vilnius City, the District Court of v Barcys: Admn 22 Mar 2007

The court considered whether it had jurisdiction to apply the Rules to extend time to appeal against discharge of an extradition request. The notice of appeal was not filed (or served) within seven days. Held: Latham LJ said: ‘I acknowledge the force of this argument. But it begs the question as to what power the … Continue reading Vilnius City, the District Court of v Barcys: Admn 22 Mar 2007

Brown (Formerly Bajinya) v HMP Belmarsh: Admn 13 Mar 2007

The prisoner complained at the extension of his detention pending proceedings for extradition to Rwanda, as authorised by the Secretary of State. Held: The Home Secretary had certified that special arrangements existed as required under section 194, and he therefore had had power to state also that the period required for delivery of an extradition … Continue reading Brown (Formerly Bajinya) v HMP Belmarsh: Admn 13 Mar 2007

Hilali v Governor of HMP Whitemoor and others: Admn 25 Apr 2007

The claimant had been in prison pending removal after his resistance to a European Extradition Warrant had failed. Subsequent developments in the case against him in Spain suggested that the case against him might now fail. He sought a writ of habeas corpus. Held: ‘the right approach to this issue is to ask whether, in … Continue reading Hilali v Governor of HMP Whitemoor and others: Admn 25 Apr 2007

ZZ v Ministry of Justice Lithuania: Admn 17 Nov 2014

Appeal against the decision to order the appellant’s extradition to Lithuania, pursuant to a conviction arrest warrant in order to serve the balance of a 2 year sentence of imprisonment, that is to say 1 year and 10 months Judges: Collins J Citations: [2014] EWHC 4285 (Admin) Links: Bailii Statutes: Extradition Act 2003 Jurisdiction: England … Continue reading ZZ v Ministry of Justice Lithuania: Admn 17 Nov 2014

Oxfordshire County Council v Oxford City Council and others: HL 24 May 2006

Application had been made to register as a town or village green an area of land which was largely a boggy marsh. The local authority resisted the application wanting to use the land instead for housing. It then rejected advice it received from a non-statutory enquiry, and sought a declaration from the court as to … Continue reading Oxfordshire County Council v Oxford City Council and others: HL 24 May 2006

Bermingham and others v The Director of the Serious Fraud Office: QBD 21 Feb 2006

Prosecution to protect defendant not available The claimants faced extradition to the US. They said that the respondent had infringed their human rights by deciding not to prosecute them in the UK. There was no mutuality in the Act under which they were to be extradited. Held: The Director had a discretion as to whether … Continue reading Bermingham and others v The Director of the Serious Fraud Office: QBD 21 Feb 2006

Krzyzowski v Circuit Court In Gliwice, Poland: Admn 23 Nov 2007

Extradition of the defendant to Poland was sought, the court saying he had fled his trial for burglaries in 1999. The defendant argued that his extradition would now be unfair. Held: The judge was right to hold that his ruling of deliberate flight concluded the question of delay unless it could be said that the … Continue reading Krzyzowski v Circuit Court In Gliwice, Poland: Admn 23 Nov 2007

Grewling v Circuit Court of Gorzow Wielkopowski, Poland: Admn 6 Feb 2013

The appellant challenged an order for his extradition to Poland to serve sentences for drugs offences. He relied upon a delay of six years, during which time he had made a life in the UK, with young children born here. Held: The delay may have been caused by the appellant’s own coming here to avoid … Continue reading Grewling v Circuit Court of Gorzow Wielkopowski, Poland: Admn 6 Feb 2013

Regina v P and others: HL 19 Dec 2000

Where communications had been intercepted in a foreign country, and the manner of such interceptions had been lawful in that country, the evidence produced was admissible in evidence in a trial in England. An admission of such evidence was not an infringement of the rights to a fair trial, nor of the right to respect … Continue reading Regina v P and others: HL 19 Dec 2000

United States of America v Assange: Admn 10 Dec 2021

Late evidence from requesting state was admissible The USA sought A’s extradition. It had been previously refused on the grounds of expected suicide of A if subjected to US prison conditions. Held: The order refusing extradition was quashed, and the matter referred to the Magistrates’ Court with a direction to proceed as the DJ would … Continue reading United States of America v Assange: Admn 10 Dec 2021

Wellington Regina, (on the Application of) v Secretary of State for the Home Department: HL 10 Dec 2008

It was sought to extradite the defendant to face trial for two alleged murders. He now challenged the order for his extradition saying that his treatment in Missouri would amount to inhuman or degrading punishment in that if convicted he would face life imprisonment without the chance for parole. Held: The abolition of the death … Continue reading Wellington Regina, (on the Application of) v Secretary of State for the Home Department: HL 10 Dec 2008

Patel v Government of India and Another: Admn 18 Apr 2013

Ss.84(2)-(4) of the 2003 Act extend the scope of admissible evidence in line with the modern domestic approach to the admissibility of hearsay evidence Judges: Moses LJ, Kenneth Parker J Citations: [2013] EWHC 819 (Admin) Links: Bailii Statutes: Extradition Act 2003 84(2) 84(3) 84(4) Jurisdiction: England and Wales Cited by: Cited – The Government of … Continue reading Patel v Government of India and Another: Admn 18 Apr 2013

Regina v Lichniak: HL 25 Nov 2002

The appellants challenged the mandatory sentence of life imprisonment imposed on them on their convictions for murder. They said it was an infringement of their Human Rights, being arbitrary and disproportionate. Held: The case followed on where the Anderson case left off. In these cases the judge had noted that he did not think the … Continue reading Regina v Lichniak: HL 25 Nov 2002

Regina v McLoughlin; Regina v Newell: CACD 18 Feb 2014

In each case the appellant had been convicted of particularly serious murders and had been given whole life terms. They now appealed saying that such sentences were incompatible with their human rights after the ruling of the ECHR Grand Chamber in Vinter v UK. Held: The appeals failed. Judges: Lord Thomas of Cwmgiedd, LCJ; Sir … Continue reading Regina v McLoughlin; Regina v Newell: CACD 18 Feb 2014

Voci v Government of The Republic of Albania: Admn 16 Oct 2014

Appeal against the decision to send the appellant’s case to the Secretary of State under section 87(3) of the 2003 Act. The government of the Republic of Albania had sought the extradition of the appellant to serve a sentence of life imprisonment for an offence of murder. T Judges: Beatson LJ, Cranston J Citations: [2014] … Continue reading Voci v Government of The Republic of Albania: Admn 16 Oct 2014

Jawulska, Regina (on The Application of) v The Regional Court In Szezecin Poland: Admn 21 Mar 2014

Appeal brought before the court under section 26 against a decision directing that the appellant be extradited to Poland to face a charge essentially of obtaining money to which she was not entitled when she was in charge of a school in Poland. The amount in question is something in the order of andpound;17,000, or … Continue reading Jawulska, Regina (on The Application of) v The Regional Court In Szezecin Poland: Admn 21 Mar 2014

Motorola Credit Corporation v Uzan and Others: CA 26 Jun 2002

A world wide asset freezing order had been made. The defendants sought that it be set aside. Pending the hearing of their application, they sought also delay of their obligation to co-operate in providing full details of their finances. Held: The asset freezing order remained in place. To be effective the information was needed from … Continue reading Motorola Credit Corporation v Uzan and Others: CA 26 Jun 2002

Kane, Regina (on The Application of) v Trial Court No 5 Marbella, Spain: Admn 17 Mar 2011

The extradition court objected to the defendant’s appeal against extradition on the basis that it was not filed within time. Held: Section 26(4) of the 2003 Act does not require that service of the Notice of Appeal on the Respondent must post date its filing in the court. Collins J said: ‘What matters for the … Continue reading Kane, Regina (on The Application of) v Trial Court No 5 Marbella, Spain: Admn 17 Mar 2011

Belhaj and Another v Straw and Others: SC 17 Jan 2017

The claimant alleged complicity by the defendant, (now former) Foreign Secretary, in his mistreatment by the US while held in Libya. He also alleged involvement in his unlawful abduction and removal to Libya, from which had had fled for political persecution. The defendants now appealed from rejection of the defendants’ claim to state immunity and … Continue reading Belhaj and Another v Straw and Others: SC 17 Jan 2017

Trendtex Trading Corporation v Central Bank of Nigeria: CA 1977

The court considered the developing international jurisdiction over commercial activities of state bodies which might enjoy state immunity, and sought to ascertain whether or not the Central Bank of Nigeria was entitled to immunity from suit. Held: The key questions are those of ‘governmental control’ and ‘governmental functions’ and that these are to be determined … Continue reading Trendtex Trading Corporation v Central Bank of Nigeria: CA 1977

McElhinney v Ireland; Al-Adsani v United Kingdom; Fogarty v United Kingdom: ECHR 21 Nov 2001

Grand Chamber – The first applicant said he had been injured by a shot fired by a British soldier who had been carried for two miles into the Republic of Ireland, clinging to the applicant’s vehicle following an incident at a checkpoint. Held: Rules granting the State immunities, did not infringe the applicants’ right to … Continue reading McElhinney v Ireland; Al-Adsani v United Kingdom; Fogarty v United Kingdom: ECHR 21 Nov 2001

Regional Court In Konin, Poland v Walerianczyk: Admn 12 Aug 2010

In an appeal against an order for extradition, the service of a draft Notice of Appeal followed by the filing of the Notice of Appeal itself is not capable of complying with the requirement that Notice of Appeal be given within the permitted period. Judges: Stanley Burnton LJ, Nicol J Citations: [2010] EWHC 2149 (Admin), … Continue reading Regional Court In Konin, Poland v Walerianczyk: Admn 12 Aug 2010

Dean v The Lord Advocate and Another: HCJ 23 Sep 2016

Application for Leave to Appeal to UK Supreme Court – refused Citations: [2016] ScotHC HCJAC – 83, 2017 SCCR 17, 2016 GWD 38-672, 2017 SCL 170, 2017 SLT 121 Links: Bailii Statutes: European Convention on Human Rights 3, Extradition Act 2003 Jurisdiction: Scotland Cited by: See Also – Lord Advocate v Dean HCJ 24-Nov-2016 Application … Continue reading Dean v The Lord Advocate and Another: HCJ 23 Sep 2016

Polish Judicial Authorities v Celinski and Others: Admn 6 May 2015

The court set out the conditions for the use of article 8 rights claims in extradition proceedings where the proposed extradition would be to other states within the European Union. Judges: John Thomas, Baron Thomas of Cwmgiedd LCJ, Ryder LJ, Ouseley J Citations: [2015] EWHC 1274 (Admin), [2016] 3 All ER 71, [2016] 1 WLR … Continue reading Polish Judicial Authorities v Celinski and Others: Admn 6 May 2015

Kapri v The Lord Advocate (Representing The Government of The Republic of Albania): SC 10 Jul 2013

The Court was asked whether it would be compatible with the appellant’s Convention rights within the meaning of the Human Rights Act 1998 for the appellant, who is an Albanian national, to be extradited to Albania. On 7 April 2001, while he was in the United Kingdom as an illegal immigrant, another Albanian national named … Continue reading Kapri v The Lord Advocate (Representing The Government of The Republic of Albania): SC 10 Jul 2013

Sciezka v The Court In Sad Okregowy, Kielce, Poland: Admn 4 Jun 2009

Service of an unsealed notice of appeal was at worst a procedural error which should not vitiate an appeal against extradition. Judges: Sullivan LJ, Wilkie J Citations: [2009] EWHC 2259 (Admin) Links: Bailii Statutes: Extradition Act 2003 26(4) Cited by: Cited – Lukaszewski v The District Court In Torun, Poland SC 23-May-2012 Three of the … Continue reading Sciezka v The Court In Sad Okregowy, Kielce, Poland: Admn 4 Jun 2009

Hesham Ali (Iraq) v Secretary of State for The Home Department: SC 16 Nov 2016

The appellant, an Iraqi national had arrived in 2000 as a child, and stayed unlawfully after failure of his asylum claim. He was convicted twice of drugs offences. On release he was considered a low risk of re-offending. He had been in a serious relationship with an English woman since 2005. However the Home Secretary … Continue reading Hesham Ali (Iraq) v Secretary of State for The Home Department: SC 16 Nov 2016

Guardian News and Media Ltd, Regina (on The Application of) v City of Westminster Magistrates’ Court: CA 3 Apr 2012

The newspaper applied for leave to access documents referred to but not released during the course of extradition proceedings in open court. Held: The application was to be allowed. Though extradition proceedings were not governed by the Civil Procedure Rules, wider principles still applied. The open justice principle is a constitutional principle to be found … Continue reading Guardian News and Media Ltd, Regina (on The Application of) v City of Westminster Magistrates’ Court: CA 3 Apr 2012

Kennedy v The Charity Commission: SC 26 Mar 2014

The claimant journalist sought disclosure of papers acquired by the respondent in its conduct of enquiries into the charitable Mariam appeal. The Commission referred to an absolute exemption under section 32(2) of the 2000 Act, saying that the exemption continued until the papers were destroyed, or for 20 years under the 1958 Act. Held: The … Continue reading Kennedy v The Charity Commission: SC 26 Mar 2014

Regina v Secretary of State for the Home Department ex parte Bugdaycay: HL 19 Feb 1986

Three applicants had lied on entry to secure admission, stayed for a considerable time, and had been treated as illegal immigrants under section 33(1). The fourth’s claim that upon being returned he would been killed, had been rejected without investigation. Held: A claim to refugee status was not an exception to the ban on appeals … Continue reading Regina v Secretary of State for the Home Department ex parte Bugdaycay: HL 19 Feb 1986

Osborn v The Parole Board: SC 9 Oct 2013

Three prisoners raised questions as to the circumstances in which the Parole Board is required to hold an oral hearing before making an adverse decision. One of the appeals (Osborn) concerned a determinate sentence prisoner who was released on licence but then recalled to custody. The other appeals (Booth and Reilly) were indeterminate sentence prisoners … Continue reading Osborn v The Parole Board: SC 9 Oct 2013

Finch v Public Prosecutor Tribunal De Grande Instance Boulogne Sur Mer France: Admn 20 May 2009

Appeal against a decision in extradition proceedings for Mr Finch’s extradition to France, raising a single issue: whether the District Judge was wrong to decide that Mr Finch’s extradition to France would not be oppressive for delay. Judges: Sir Anthony May P QBD, Blake J Citations: [2009] EWHC 1394 (Admin) Links: Bailii Statutes: Extradition Act … Continue reading Finch v Public Prosecutor Tribunal De Grande Instance Boulogne Sur Mer France: Admn 20 May 2009

Gentle and Others, Regina (on the Application of) v the Prime Minister and others: Admn 20 Dec 2005

The applicants sought leave to bring judicial review of the decisions which led to the invasion of Iraq. They were relatives of servicemen who had died there. Held: The court’s only duty at this stage was to ask whether there was an arguable case. ‘A government is accountable to parliament and ultimately to the electorate … Continue reading Gentle and Others, Regina (on the Application of) v the Prime Minister and others: Admn 20 Dec 2005

Norris, Regina (on the Application of) v Secretary of State for the Home Department: Admn 24 Feb 2006

The claimant challenged his extradition to the US saying that it was wrong for the US to continue to be listed as a designated country for extradition under section 84. Held: The fact that the US had not yet ratified the treaty under which a UK citizen could be extradited to the US without establishment … Continue reading Norris, Regina (on the Application of) v Secretary of State for the Home Department: Admn 24 Feb 2006

Von Der Pahlen v Leoben High Court, Austria: Admn 4 Mar 2009

Citations: [2009] EWHC 383 (Admin) Links: Bailii Statutes: Extradition Act 2003 2(4)(c) Jurisdiction: England and Wales Citing: See Also – Von Der Pahlen v Government of Austria Admn 27-Jun-2006 The defendant resisted extradition to Austria saying that the warrant was defective. The claimant said that generalised charges were sufficient. Held: ‘The language of section 2(4)(c) … Continue reading Von Der Pahlen v Leoben High Court, Austria: Admn 4 Mar 2009

Louca v Public Prosecutor In Bielefel, Germany: Admn 27 Nov 2008

The defendant objected to the extradition order, saying that the European arrest warrant relied on did not disclose other warrants issued for the same offences. Held: The Act required the warrant to be validated by the issuing national court. It was not required that it include reference to earlier warrants. The Act should be read … Continue reading Louca v Public Prosecutor In Bielefel, Germany: Admn 27 Nov 2008

Montgomery and Coulter v Her Majesty’s Advocate: PC 19 Oct 2000

The test of whether a defendant’s common law right to a fair trial had been damaged by pre-trial publicity was similar to the test under the Convention, and also where there was any plea of oppression. The substantial difference is that no balancing exercise was to be carried out under the Convention test. The right … Continue reading Montgomery and Coulter v Her Majesty’s Advocate: PC 19 Oct 2000

Zakowski v Regional Court In Szczecin, Poland: Admn 16 May 2008

Maurice Kay LJ said that section 2(6)(c) of the 2003 Act ‘should be construed as referring only to other EAWs issued in respect of the offence.’ Judges: Maurice Kay LJ, Penry-Davey J Citations: [2008] EWHC 1389 (Admin) Links: Bailii Statutes: Extradition Act 2003 2(6)(c) Jurisdiction: England and Wales Cited by: Cited – Louca v A … Continue reading Zakowski v Regional Court In Szczecin, Poland: Admn 16 May 2008

Gercans v The Government of Latvia: Admn 27 Feb 2008

The court was asked whether there was jurisdiction in High court to hear an appeal under section 26(4) against extradition order. Citations: [2008] EWHC 884 (Admin) Links: Bailii Statutes: Extradition Act 2003 26(4) Citing: Applied – Vilnius City, the District Court of v Barcys Admn 22-Mar-2007 The court considered whether it had jurisdiction to apply … Continue reading Gercans v The Government of Latvia: Admn 27 Feb 2008

Attorney-General v Leveller Magazine Ltd: HL 1 Feb 1979

The appellants were magazines and journalists who published, after committal proceedings, the name of a witness, a member of the security services, who had been referred to as Colonel B during the hearing. An order had been made for his name not to be disclosed during the hearing, but the court had had no power … Continue reading Attorney-General v Leveller Magazine Ltd: HL 1 Feb 1979

Hilali, Re; Regina (Hilali) v Governor of Whitewall Prison and Another: HL 30 Jan 2008

The applicant had been detained pending his extradition. He complained that that continued detention became unlawful after fundamantal changes in the case. The telephone intercepts which were the basis of the extradition had been ruled unlawful and inadmissible against a co-accused in the extraditing country, Spain. Held: The appeal failed. ‘The question whether there is … Continue reading Hilali, Re; Regina (Hilali) v Governor of Whitewall Prison and Another: HL 30 Jan 2008

Saber v Secretary of State for the Home Department: HL 12 Dec 2007

The applicant sought asylum, saying that it would be unsafe to order his return. The issue before the House was as to when the need for protection should be assesed where, as here, there had been a series of appeals over time. Held: The appeal was dismissed. ‘Common sense indicates that the final decision, whenever … Continue reading Saber v Secretary of State for the Home Department: HL 12 Dec 2007

Jaso and others v Central Criminal Court No.2 Madrid: Admn 14 Dec 2007

The Madrid Court had issued European Arrest Warrants against the three appellants on charges of membership of a criminal organisation and terrorism. The appellants had unsuccessfully challenged extradition before the District Judge on a large number of grounds. These included the contention that extradition would violate articles 3, 5, 6 and 8 of the Convention. … Continue reading Jaso and others v Central Criminal Court No.2 Madrid: Admn 14 Dec 2007

Connolly v Director of Public Prosecutions: Admn 15 Feb 2007

The defendant appealed against her conviction under the Act for having sent indecent or grossly offensive material through the post in the form of pictures of an aborted foetus sent to pharmacists. She denied that they were offensive, or that she wished to cause distress, and said she wished to educate the pharmacists as to … Continue reading Connolly v Director of Public Prosecutions: Admn 15 Feb 2007

Slator v Bow Street Magistrates’ Court, High Court of Dublin (Interested Party ): Admn 4 Oct 2006

Application was made for the prisoner to be extradited whilst he served his prison sentence here. The application had been made early in the prisoner’s nine year term, intending that it should then be adjourned until a point close to te completion of the sentence. The district judge rejected the request. Held: The statute required … Continue reading Slator v Bow Street Magistrates’ Court, High Court of Dublin (Interested Party ): Admn 4 Oct 2006

Mitoi v Government of Romania: Admn 7 Jun 2006

Where a question arises, under section 20(3) or 85(3) of the Act, as to whether a person deliberately absented himself from his trial, that is a matter which the requesting state has to prove to a criminal standard. Judges: Maurice Kay LJ Citations: [2006] EWHC 1977 (Admin) Links: Bailii Statutes: Extradition Act 2003 20(3) 85(3) … Continue reading Mitoi v Government of Romania: Admn 7 Jun 2006

Von Der Pahlen v Government of Austria: Admn 27 Jun 2006

The defendant resisted extradition to Austria saying that the warrant was defective. The claimant said that generalised charges were sufficient. Held: ‘The language of section 2(4)(c) is not obscure and, in my judgment, it should be given its plain and ordinary meaning. The sub-section requires the warrant to obtain particulars of the circumstances in which … Continue reading Von Der Pahlen v Government of Austria: Admn 27 Jun 2006

Goatley v Her Majesty’s Advocate and Another: HCJ 12 Jul 2006

Judges: Lord Kingarth And Lord Mcewan And Lord Nimmo Smith Citations: [2006] ScotHC HCJAC – 55, 2007 SLT 14, 2008 JC 1, 2006 SCCR 463, 2006 GWD 33-690, [2006] HCJAC 55, [2007] Eu LR 42 Links: ScotC, Bailii Statutes: Extradition Act 2003 26(1) Jurisdiction: Scotland Citing: Appeal from – Goatley, Re European Arrest Warrant ScSf … Continue reading Goatley v Her Majesty’s Advocate and Another: HCJ 12 Jul 2006

Horton v Sadler and Another: HL 14 Jun 2006

The claimant had been injured in a road traffic accident for which the defendant was responsible in negligence. The defendant was not insured, and so a claim was to be made against the MIB. The plaintiff issued proceedings just before the expiry of the period, but failed to give first the requisite formal notice to … Continue reading Horton v Sadler and Another: HL 14 Jun 2006

A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, Mahmoud Abu Rideh Jamal Ajouaou v Secretary of State for the Home Department: CA 11 Aug 2004

The claimants had each been detained without trial for more than two years, being held as suspected terrorists. They were free leave to return to their own countries, but they feared for their lives if returned. They complained that the evidence used to justify their detention was derived from practices involving torture by the US … Continue reading A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, Mahmoud Abu Rideh Jamal Ajouaou v Secretary of State for the Home Department: CA 11 Aug 2004

Dabas v The High Court of Justice Madrid Spain: Admn 4 May 2006

The defendant complained that the European arrest warrant under which he was held was not effective since it did not certify or specify an extradictable offence. Held: Provided the relevant material required by the statute was clearly set out in the warrant, that part of the warrant could be treated as a certificate so as … Continue reading Dabas v The High Court of Justice Madrid Spain: Admn 4 May 2006

Commissioner of Police of The Metropolis v DSD and Another: SC 21 Feb 2018

Two claimants had each been sexually assaulted by a later notorious, multiple rapist. Each had made complaints to police about their assaults but said that no effective steps had been taken to investigate the serious complaints. Held: The Commissioner’s appeal failed: To provide an effective deterrent, laws which prohibit conduct constituting a breach of article … Continue reading Commissioner of Police of The Metropolis v DSD and Another: SC 21 Feb 2018