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Regina v Sheffield Youth Justices ex parte M: QBD 29 Jan 1998

Courts which were considering detaining an offender between 12 and 15 years old should be asked to consider the new section 1 even though the section was not yet in force. Citations: Times 29-Jan-1998 Statutes: Criminal Justice and Public Order Act 1994 1, Children and Young Persons Act 1933 Jurisdiction: England and Wales Criminal Sentencing … Continue reading Regina v Sheffield Youth Justices ex parte M: QBD 29 Jan 1998

Regina v Brentwood Borough Council Ex Parte Peck: Admn 18 Dec 1997

The claimant sought judicial review of the authority’s distribution to the media of a CCTV film of his attempted suicide. Held: A Local Authority which was empowered to make video recording of street events had a power to distribute resulting film being unaware of objection. Judges: Harrison J Citations: Times 18-Dec-1997, [1997] EWHC Admin 1041 … Continue reading Regina v Brentwood Borough Council Ex Parte Peck: Admn 18 Dec 1997

Regina v Medway Youth Court ex parte A: Admn 10 Jun 1999

The powers of a Youth Court to impose detention in a secure training centre are quite new powers, and are not limited by previous rules limiting a total sentence to six months. The limits covered explicitly certain sentences, and not the new ones. It was therefore possible for a Youth Court to impose a sentence … Continue reading Regina v Medway Youth Court ex parte A: Admn 10 Jun 1999

Regina v Wood (Stephen Robert): CACD 21 Apr 2000

A defendant had been previously convicted of a non-consensual buggery. On conviction for a later offence, the question arose of whether this was a serious sexual offence requiring the application of a mandatory life sentence. Buggery had not been on the list of serious offences, but non-consensual buggery had later been defined as equivalent to … Continue reading Regina v Wood (Stephen Robert): CACD 21 Apr 2000

Oddy, Regina (on the Application of) v Bugbugs Ltd: Admn 12 Nov 2003

A private prosecutor appealed dismissal of his complaint that the respondent had operated an unlicensed man-powered rickshaw service. The district judge had held that it was not a taxi service. It was, under the 1869 Act a stage carriage and therefore not requiring a licence under section 7. Held: It was not possible to argue … Continue reading Oddy, Regina (on the Application of) v Bugbugs Ltd: Admn 12 Nov 2003

Monica, Regina (on The Application of) v Director of Public Prosecutions: Admn 14 Dec 2018

Deception as to identity did not undermine consent The claimant had been an environmental campaigner. She had had a sexual relationship with a man who was unknown to her an undercover police officer. She now challenged the decision not to prosecute him for rape. Held: Her claim failed. Case law suggested that no prosecution had … Continue reading Monica, Regina (on The Application of) v Director of Public Prosecutions: Admn 14 Dec 2018

Ramadan El-Delbi, Regina v: CACD 20 Jun 2003

The court considered an appeal where the jury had been invited to draw an inference from the defendant’s silence at interview that the defendant ‘had not had a chance to prepare his story’ as being its equivalent. Held: The court accepted the inference as proper in the circumstances. Citations: [2003] EWCA Crim 1767 Links: Bailii … Continue reading Ramadan El-Delbi, Regina v: CACD 20 Jun 2003

Osman v Southwark Crown Court: Admn 1 Jul 1999

The defendant appealed against his conviction for assaulting a police officer. He complained that he had been subjected to an unlawful assault, in that before being searched under the 1994 Act, the officer had not given his details. Held: The obligation on an officer to provide his name, number and station was mandatory and a … Continue reading Osman v Southwark Crown Court: Admn 1 Jul 1999

Maguire, Regina v: CACD 25 Apr 2008

The contention in this appeal is that the conviction was unsafe because the judge was wrong to give a direction under section 34 of the Criminal Justice and Public Order Act 1994. Citations: [2008] EWCA Crim 1028 Links: Bailii Statutes: Criminal Justice and Public Order Act 1994 34 Jurisdiction: England and Wales Criminal Evidence Updated: … Continue reading Maguire, Regina v: CACD 25 Apr 2008

T v Director of Public Prosecutions: Admn 10 Jul 2007

Appeal by case stated against conviction of having secured entry to premises by violence. Inferences to be drawn from defendant’s silence at police interview. The defendant complained that the magstrates should have set out clearly what inferences they had drawn and from what facts and allowed the defendant opportunity to make representations. Held: The magistrates … Continue reading T v Director of Public Prosecutions: Admn 10 Jul 2007

Reynolds v Times Newspapers Ltd and others: HL 28 Oct 1999

Fair Coment on Political Activities The defendant newspaper had published articles wrongly accusing the claimant, the former Prime Minister of Ireland of duplicity. The paper now appealed, saying that it should have had available to it a defence of qualified privilege because of the claimant’s status as a politician. Held: The appeal failed (Lords Hope … Continue reading Reynolds v Times Newspapers Ltd and others: HL 28 Oct 1999

Sheldrake v Director of Public Prosecutions; Attorney General’s Reference No 4 of 2002: HL 14 Oct 2004

Appeals were brought complaining as to the apparent reversal of the burden of proof in road traffic cases and in cases under the Terrorism Acts. Was a legal or an evidential burden placed on a defendant? Held: Lord Bingham of Cornhill said: ‘The overriding concern is that a trial should be fair, and the presumption … Continue reading Sheldrake v Director of Public Prosecutions; Attorney General’s Reference No 4 of 2002: HL 14 Oct 2004

N (Kenya) v The Secretary of State for the Home Department: CA 5 Aug 2004

The appellant a foreign national, had been convicted of very serious sex offences, and as his sentence came to an end was ordered to be deported. He appealed saying this infringed his right to a family life. Held: The court had to balance the public revulsion at his crimes with the need for compassion. The … Continue reading N (Kenya) v The Secretary of State for the Home Department: CA 5 Aug 2004

Najib v Regina: CACD 12 Feb 2013

The defendant appealed against his conviction for murder saying that the court had given inadequate directions as to his ‘no comment’ interview, the need to treat the evidence of a co-accused with caution, and the need for a bad character direction. Held: The appeal failed. The direction as to the no comment interview had allowed … Continue reading Najib v Regina: CACD 12 Feb 2013

Chief Commissioner of South Wales Police (Police and Criminal Justice): ICO 24 Jan 2022

The complainant requested information from South Wales Police (‘SWP’) about policies and training concerning authorisations made under section 60 of the Criminal Justice and Public Order Act 1994. By the date of this notice SWP had not issued a substantive response to this request. The Commissioner’s decision is that SWP has breached section 10 of … Continue reading Chief Commissioner of South Wales Police (Police and Criminal Justice): ICO 24 Jan 2022

Regina v Imran, Hussain: CACD 9 Jun 1997

The two appellants were among four convicted of robbery. Imran complained that the police had not disclosed the existence of CCTV coverage before the interview, and Hussain that a copy of the surveillance tape had been given to the jury after retirement. Held: Leave to appeal was refused. As to any obligation on the police … Continue reading Regina v Imran, Hussain: CACD 9 Jun 1997

Regina v Secretary of State for Home Department ex parte H and Others, Regina v Same ex parte Hickey: CA 29 Jul 1994

A discretionary life prisoner who had been transferred to a mental hospital is not automatically eligible for a certificate under the section. The right conferred on a discretionary life prisoner by section 34 of the 1991 Act did not extend to those who were also detained under the MHA by reason of transfer and restriction … Continue reading Regina v Secretary of State for Home Department ex parte H and Others, Regina v Same ex parte Hickey: CA 29 Jul 1994

Director of Public Prosecutions v Bayer, Hart, Snook, and Whistance: Admn 4 Nov 2003

The defendants protested the growing of genetically modified crops. The prosecutor appealed dismissal of charges of aggravated trespass for them having entered a crop and attached themselves to tractors. The district judge decided they had genuine fears for the surrounding area, and had not acted unlawfully. Held: Where a defence of lawful justification is put … Continue reading Director of Public Prosecutions v Bayer, Hart, Snook, and Whistance: Admn 4 Nov 2003

Regina v Mullen: CACD 4 Feb 1999

British authorities, in disregard of available extradition procedures, initiated and procured the unlawful deportation of the appellant from Zimbabwe to England. The appellant was charged and tried for conspiracy to cause explosions likely to endanger life or to cause serious injury to property. It was alleged that he was a member of the IRA. In … Continue reading Regina v Mullen: CACD 4 Feb 1999

Regina v Bowden (BT): CACD 10 Feb 1999

The defendant was charged with robbing a McDonald’s restaurant. He had refused to answer questions when interviewed on arrest, and his solicitor had put on record that this was on the grounds that the solicitor did not think the evidence strong enough. At the trial, the defendant adduced the terms of that advice. The questions … Continue reading Regina v Bowden (BT): CACD 10 Feb 1999

Regina v Ward (Judith): CACD 15 Jul 1992

The defendant had been wrongly convicted of IRA bombings. She said that the prosecution had failed to disclose evidence. Held: The prosecution’s forensic scientists are under a common law duty to disclose to the defence anything they may discover which may assist the defendant. ‘Non-disclosure is a potent source of injustice and even with the … Continue reading Regina v Ward (Judith): CACD 15 Jul 1992

Regina v Doldur: CACD 7 Dec 1999

A jury cannot convict solely on the basis of an inference, drawn under section 34, from the combination of an accused’s failure to give at interview, an explanation relied upon later at court. Additional evidence could be found not only from the prosecution case, but also from the defence. In a section 35 case however, … Continue reading Regina v Doldur: CACD 7 Dec 1999

Regina v Bowers, Taylor, Millan: CACD 13 Mar 1998

Bowers and Millan complained that the direction given under section 34 was impermissible. The ground of complaint was that they had not relied on any fact by way of defence, but had simply put the prosecution to proof. Held: The court asked what evidence had been presented: ‘A fact relied on may, in our judgment, … Continue reading Regina v Bowers, Taylor, Millan: CACD 13 Mar 1998

Regina v Avis, T and others: CACD 16 Dec 1997

The court set out the sentencing considerations for firearms offences in the light of an increase of the use of guns. Held: The level of sentencing had not sufficiently reflected the gravity of such offences. After the 1994 Act, earlier sentencing cases were not reliable as a guide. The applicable principles are: ‘(1) What sort … Continue reading Regina v Avis, T and others: CACD 16 Dec 1997

Regina v Daniel: CACD 10 Apr 1998

The jury may be invited beyond the terms of the Judicial Studies Board direction for drawing of adverse inferences to allow if they consider that delay was attributable to desire to fabricate a defence. Citations: Times 10-Apr-1998 Statutes: Criminal Justice and Public Order Act 1994 34 Jurisdiction: England and Wales Criminal Evidence Updated: 11 October … Continue reading Regina v Daniel: CACD 10 Apr 1998

Friend, Regina v: CACD 26 Mar 1997

‘The appeal primarily raises novel points arising out of s.35 Criminal Justice and Public Order Act 1984 which in essence provides that if the mental condition of the accused makes it undesirable for him to give evidence no adverse inference may be drawn from his failure to give evidence.’ Judges: Otton LJ Citations: [1997] EWCA … Continue reading Friend, Regina v: CACD 26 Mar 1997

Regina v Roble: CACD 21 Jan 1997

The defendant appealed against his conviction for wounding with intent. He had answered ‘no comment’ in the police interview, but claimed self defence at trial. The court considered what note should be taken of the solicitor’s evidence of his advice on interview. Held: Rose LJ gave examples of where a solicitor’s advice to remain silent … Continue reading Regina v Roble: CACD 21 Jan 1997

Regina v Gabbidon, Bramble: CACD 7 Nov 1996

The defendants appealed sentences for serious, violent robberies taking place in burglaries of domestic properties, with long lasting effects on the victims. Held: The section had been correctly applied. The court reviewed authorities on sentencing for such matters. 12 years was appropriate for the robberies, with 5 years added to protect the public. Judges: Lord … Continue reading Regina v Gabbidon, Bramble: CACD 7 Nov 1996

Regina v Condron, Condron: CACD 17 Oct 1996

The defendants were charged with the supply of heroin. They had declined to answer police questions and it was on the record that their solicitor had advised them not to do so, on the grounds that he considered them unfit because they were displaying withdrawal symptoms; the doctor who examined them had disagreed. Held: The … Continue reading Regina v Condron, Condron: CACD 17 Oct 1996

Regina v Oliver (Ian): CACD 6 Dec 1995

Detailed guidance was given on directions when a jury are to be allowed to split up overnight after retiring using the court’s discretion under s43, including ‘1. That the jury must decide the case on the evidence and the arguments which they have seen and heard in court, and not on anything they may have … Continue reading Regina v Oliver (Ian): CACD 6 Dec 1995

Regina v Makanjuola: CACD 17 May 1995

Guidance was given on the directions to be given to the jury where a co-accused speaks for prosecution as a witness and in sexual assault cases. The full corroboration warning is not now needed; the Judge may use his own discretion, and may give a lesser direction if he chooses. In this case there was … Continue reading Regina v Makanjuola: CACD 17 May 1995

Regina v Cowan and Another: CACD 12 Oct 1995

Detailed directions were provided for the judge to give to a jury where a defendant chooses not to give evidence in his defence in the Crown Court. Lord Taylor of Gosforth said: ‘1. The judge will have told the jury that the burden of proof remains upon the prosecution throughout and what the required standard … Continue reading Regina v Cowan and Another: CACD 12 Oct 1995

Peppersharp v Director of Public Prosecutions: Admn 10 Feb 2012

The defendant appealed by case stated against his conviction for aggravated trespass. Hostile protesters had entered into Millbank Tower, and ignited smoke bombs and smashed a large plate glass window from the outside. Held: Irwin J said: ‘On facts such as this, however, the mass invasion of a building and the particular persistence in remaining … Continue reading Peppersharp v Director of Public Prosecutions: Admn 10 Feb 2012

Regina v Gill: CACD 21 Jul 2000

When a defendant was silent, it was necessary for the court to be especially careful to give precise and accurate directions on the effect of such silence as to the drawing of adverse inferences. Having answered questions on some aspects, it was not possible for the court to separate out the issues safely so as … Continue reading Regina v Gill: CACD 21 Jul 2000

The Secretary of State for Trade and Industry v Swan and Othes: ChD 22 Jul 2003

When commencing proceedings under the Act, the papers were defective. The secretary of state had failed to give appropriate notice, and thus prevented him from making representations as to the allegations. The allegations involved the manipulation of cheques to create artificial balances. Held: In this case the Secretary of State’s papers contained irrelevant matters and … Continue reading The Secretary of State for Trade and Industry v Swan and Othes: ChD 22 Jul 2003

Regina v Milford: CACD 21 Dec 2000

D was charged with three co-defendants with conspiring to import cannabis. He gave a largely no comment interview to the interviewing customs officer, but at trial said that the contacts with his co-defendants were innocent. Since this account had not been given in interview, the judge gave a section 34 direction. Held: The appeal failed … Continue reading Regina v Milford: CACD 21 Dec 2000

Reyes v Al-Malki and Another: SC 18 Oct 2017

The claimant alleged that she had been discrimated against in her work for the appellant, a member of the diplomatic staff at the Saudi Embassy in London. She now appealed against a decision that the respondent had diplomatic immunity. Held: The appeal was allowed: ‘the question whether the exception in article 31(1)(c) would have applied … Continue reading Reyes v Al-Malki and Another: SC 18 Oct 2017

Roberts, Regina (on The Application of) v The Commissioner of The Metropolitan Police: Admn 17 Jul 2012

The claimant challenged the legality of section 60 of the 1994 Act as an interference in her article 8 rights. She had been caught on a bus without her fare and gave a false name and address. A direction had been given authorising any person to be stopped and searched for any unauthorised weapon, and … Continue reading Roberts, Regina (on The Application of) v The Commissioner of The Metropolitan Police: Admn 17 Jul 2012

Attorney General’s Reference No 1 of 1999 (Newberry): CACD 16 Mar 1999

The offence of witness intimidation was committed by a defendant, even though the threats were made by a third party on his behalf, provided the threat was intended by the accused to be passed to the witness, and provided the other elements of the offence were present. Citations: Times 06-Jul-1999, Gazette 30-Jun-1999, [1999] EWCA Crim … Continue reading Attorney General’s Reference No 1 of 1999 (Newberry): CACD 16 Mar 1999

Allen v The Grimsby Telegraph and Another: QBD 2 Mar 2011

The claimant sought to prevent publication of his name in the context of the making of a Sexual Offences Prevention Order (SOPO). He had been convicted of offences against sex workers. An order had been made preventing disclosure of his address, but not his name. Held: The claim should be struck out. The existing articles … Continue reading Allen v The Grimsby Telegraph and Another: QBD 2 Mar 2011

Regina (Director of Public Prosecutions) v Camberwell Youth Court; Regina (H) v Camberwell Youth Court: QBD 23 Jul 2004

The DPP sought directions as to the issuing of voluntary bills of indictment to have transferred to the Crown Court, allegations of robbery against youths between 12 and 14. Held: A child convicted of an offence for which an adult would receive a custodial sentence can receive a maximum youth training order of 24 months. … Continue reading Regina (Director of Public Prosecutions) v Camberwell Youth Court; Regina (H) v Camberwell Youth Court: QBD 23 Jul 2004

Regina v Becouarn: HL 28 Jul 2005

At his trial for murder, the defendant had not given evidence, and the court had allowed the jury to draw proper inferences under s35. Held: The JSB direction ‘on drawing inferences [i]s sufficiently fair to defendants, emphasising as it does that the jury must conclude that the only sensible explanation of his failure to give … Continue reading Regina v Becouarn: HL 28 Jul 2005

Gough, Regina v: CACD 8 Nov 2001

Appeal against conviction for burglary: ‘The appeal is concerned only with the directions given to the jury as to the inferences which they might draw after the appellant absconded during the course of his trial.’ Held: The direction was faulty, but the evidence was strong and there had been no miscarriage of justice. Judges: Kennedy … Continue reading Gough, Regina v: CACD 8 Nov 2001

Hesham Ali (Iraq) v Secretary of State for The Home Department: SC 16 Nov 2016

The appellant, an Iraqi national had arrived in 2000 as a child, and stayed unlawfully after failure of his asylum claim. He was convicted twice of drugs offences. On release he was considered a low risk of re-offending. He had been in a serious relationship with an English woman since 2005. However the Home Secretary … Continue reading Hesham Ali (Iraq) v Secretary of State for The Home Department: SC 16 Nov 2016

Kennedy v The Charity Commission: SC 26 Mar 2014

The claimant journalist sought disclosure of papers acquired by the respondent in its conduct of enquiries into the charitable Mariam appeal. The Commission referred to an absolute exemption under section 32(2) of the 2000 Act, saying that the exemption continued until the papers were destroyed, or for 20 years under the 1958 Act. Held: The … Continue reading Kennedy v The Charity Commission: SC 26 Mar 2014

A and others v Secretary of State for the Home Department (No 2): HL 8 Dec 2005

Evidence from 3rd Party Torture Inadmissible The applicants had been detained following the issue of certificates issued by the respondent that they posed a terrorist threat. They challenged the decisions of the Special Immigration Appeals Commission saying that evidence underlying the decisions had probably been obtained by torture committed by foreign powers, and should not … Continue reading A and others v Secretary of State for the Home Department (No 2): HL 8 Dec 2005

In Re A (Minors) (Conjoined Twins: Medical Treatment); aka In re A (Children) (Conjoined Twins: Surgical Separation): CA 22 Sep 2000

Twins were conjoined (Siamese). Medically, both could not survive, and one was dependent upon the vital organs of the other. Doctors applied for permission to separate the twins which would be followed by the inevitable death of one of them. The parents, devout Roman Catholics, resisted. Held: The parents’ views were subject to the overriding … Continue reading In Re A (Minors) (Conjoined Twins: Medical Treatment); aka In re A (Children) (Conjoined Twins: Surgical Separation): CA 22 Sep 2000

Pratt and Morgan v The Attorney General for Jamaica and Another: PC 2 Nov 1993

(Jamaica) A five year delay in execution is excessive, and can itself amount to inhuman or degrading punishment. ‘There is an instinctive revulsion against the prospect of hanging a man after he has been held under sentence of death for many years. What gives rise to this instinctive revulsion? The answer can only be our … Continue reading Pratt and Morgan v The Attorney General for Jamaica and Another: PC 2 Nov 1993

Director of Public Prosecutions v Instone and Another: Admn 15 Jul 2022

Appeal by way of case stated from the decision of the Liverpool, Knowsley and St Helens Magistrates’ Court that the respondents, Miriam Instone and Peaceful Warrior, had no case to answer in respect of an alleged offence of aggravated trespass contrary to s.68(1) of the Criminal Justice and Public Order Act 1994 Judges: Lord Burnett … Continue reading Director of Public Prosecutions v Instone and Another: Admn 15 Jul 2022

AB and others v Leeds Teaching Hospital NHS Trust, Cardiff and Vale NHS Trust: QBD 26 Mar 2004

Representative claims were made against the respondents, hospitals, pathologists etc with regard to the removal of organs from deceased children without the informed consent of the parents. They claimed under the tort of wrongful interference. Held: Organ removal when a post mortem had been ordered by the coroner was not tortious. In English law there … Continue reading AB and others v Leeds Teaching Hospital NHS Trust, Cardiff and Vale NHS Trust: QBD 26 Mar 2004

Regina v Dellaway and Moriarty: CACD 7 Apr 2000

Application of section 34 of the Criminal Justice and Public Order Act 1994 in a case where there are two or more defendants and it is a co-defendant rather than the prosecution which submits that the jury may draw an adverse inference from a defendant’s failure to put forward in police interviews the explanation which … Continue reading Regina v Dellaway and Moriarty: CACD 7 Apr 2000

Percy, Regina (on the Application of) v Corby Magistrates’ Court: Admn 7 Feb 2008

The claimant sought judicial review of a decision of the magistrates not to issue summonses against two police officers. She had been demonstrating near a US base, but had refused to intervene and allowed a US officer to unlawfully arrest and detain and assault her. Held: Applying Klahn and Latham, there was clear evidence to … Continue reading Percy, Regina (on the Application of) v Corby Magistrates’ Court: Admn 7 Feb 2008

In re S (a Child) (Identification: Restrictions on Publication): HL 28 Oct 2004

Inherent High Court power may restrain Publicity The claimant child’s mother was to be tried for the murder of his brother by poisoning with salt. It was feared that the publicity which would normally attend a trial, would be damaging to S, and an application was made for reporting restrictions to be applied to avoid … Continue reading In re S (a Child) (Identification: Restrictions on Publication): HL 28 Oct 2004

Lumba (WL) v Secretary of State for The Home Department: SC 23 Mar 2011

The claimants had been detained under the 1971 Act, after completing sentences of imprisonment pending their return to their home countries under deportations recommended by the judges at trial, or chosen by the respondent. They challenged as unlawful the respondent’s, at first unpublished, policy introduced in 2006, that by default, those awaiting deportation should be … Continue reading Lumba (WL) v Secretary of State for The Home Department: SC 23 Mar 2011

Belhaj and Another v Director of Public Prosecutions and Another: SC 4 Jul 2018

Challenge to decision not to prosecute senior Intelligence Service officials for alleged offences in connection with his unlawful rendition and mistreatment in Libya. The issue here was whether on the hearing of the application for judicial review, it would be open to the Court to receive closed material disclosed only to the court and a … Continue reading Belhaj and Another v Director of Public Prosecutions and Another: SC 4 Jul 2018

Regina v Boyle and Another: CACD 25 Aug 2006

The appellants had been convicted of murder. They complained that the judge had misdirected the jury as to the effect of their silence and the inferences to be drawn. Held: The appeals failed. Whilst the direction on s34 was defective, it had in fact steered the jury away from drawing adverse inferences, and if properly … Continue reading Regina v Boyle and Another: CACD 25 Aug 2006

O v Crown Court at Harrow: HL 26 Jul 2006

The claimant said that his continued detention after the custody time limits had expired was an infringement of his human rights. He faced continued detention having been refused bail because of his arrest on a grave charge, having a previous conviction for another grave offence. Held: The appeal was dismissed. Insofar as the the word … Continue reading O v Crown Court at Harrow: HL 26 Jul 2006

Regina v Davis (Iain); Regina v Ellis, Regina v Gregory, Regina v Simms, Regina v Martin: CACD 19 May 2006

The several defendants complained at the use at their trials of evidence given anonymously. The perceived need for anonymity arose because, from intimidation, the witnesses would not be willing to give their evidence without it. Held: The anonymity ruling did not prevent proper investigation with the witnesses in open court of the essential elements of … Continue reading Regina v Davis (Iain); Regina v Ellis, Regina v Gregory, Regina v Simms, Regina v Martin: CACD 19 May 2006

Sekhon, etc v Regina: CACD 16 Dec 2002

The defendants appealed against confiscation orders on the basis that in various ways, the Crown had failed to comply with procedural requirements. Held: The courts must remember the importance of such procedures in the fight against crime, and must not allow procedural or technical failures to defeat that purpose. Courts should rather look to see … Continue reading Sekhon, etc v Regina: CACD 16 Dec 2002

Regina v Soneji and Bullen: HL 21 Jul 2005

The defendants had had confiscation orders made against them. They had appealed on the basis that the orders were made more than six months after sentence. The prosecutor now appealed saying that the fact that the order were not timely did not invalidate them. Held: The appeal was allowed. The confiscation orders made by the … Continue reading Regina v Soneji and Bullen: HL 21 Jul 2005

Ayliffe and others v Director of Public Prosecutions: Admn 21 Apr 2005

The case concerned actions taken at military bases by way of protest against the Iraq war. Each raised questions arising from the prosecution of the appellants for offences of aggravated trespass. The defendants asserted, among other things, that there was ‘was a strong possibility’ that the activities being carried on at the bases were unlawful, … Continue reading Ayliffe and others v Director of Public Prosecutions: Admn 21 Apr 2005

Polanski v Conde Nast Publications Ltd: HL 10 Feb 2005

The claimant wished to pursue his claim for defamation against the defendant, but was reluctant to return to the UK to give evidence, fearing arrest and extradition to the US. He appealed refusal of permission to be interviewed on video tape. Held (Majority): The appeal succeeded, and the judge’s order allowing the evidence to be … Continue reading Polanski v Conde Nast Publications Ltd: HL 10 Feb 2005

Secretary of State for the Home Department v SP: CA 21 Dec 2004

The applcant, a girl aged 17 was in a young offender institution. She complained that she had been removed to segregation without first giving her chance to be heard. The respondent argued that there were sufficient post decision safeguards to ensure fairness. Held: Modern standards of fairnesss required that she be given opportunity to be … Continue reading Secretary of State for the Home Department v SP: CA 21 Dec 2004

Secretary of State for the Home Department v Hindawi and Headley: CA 13 Oct 2004

The applicant was a foreign national serving a long-term prison sentence. He complained that UK nationals would have had their case referred to the parole board before his. Held: The right to be referred to the parole board was a statutory right, which was not the same as an article 3 right to liberty and … Continue reading Secretary of State for the Home Department v Hindawi and Headley: CA 13 Oct 2004

Pelling v Bruce-Williams, Secretary of State for Constitutional Affairs intervening: CA 5 Jul 2004

The applicant sought an order that his application for a joint residence order should be held in public. Held: Though there was some attractiveness in the applicant’s arguments, the issue had been fully canvassed by the ECHR. The time had come for the court to consider in each case whether a proper balance of competing … Continue reading Pelling v Bruce-Williams, Secretary of State for Constitutional Affairs intervening: CA 5 Jul 2004

Regina v Hoare and Pierce: CACD 2 Apr 2004

The court considered the drawing of adverse inferences form an accused’s silence in the police station when this was under legal advice: ‘The question in the end, it is for the jury, is whether regardless of advice, genuinely given and genuinely accepted, an accused has remained silent not because of that advice but because he … Continue reading Regina v Hoare and Pierce: CACD 2 Apr 2004

Gough and Another v The Chief Constable of the West Midlands Police: CA 2 Mar 2004

The claimants sought return of vehicle parts from the police. The police replied that the goods had been tampered with in such a way as to suggest they may have been stolen, and that they were therefore kept, even after the finish of the court procedings against the claimants, to ascertain their ownership under the … Continue reading Gough and Another v The Chief Constable of the West Midlands Police: CA 2 Mar 2004

Khan, Regina (on the Application of) v Secretary of State for Health: CA 10 Oct 2003

The claimant’s child had died as a result of negligence in hospital. The parents had been told the result of police investigation and decision not to prosecute, and the hospital’s own investigation, but had not been sufficiently involved. There remained unresolved suspicions of negligence having been covered up. They had been refused legal aid to … Continue reading Khan, Regina (on the Application of) v Secretary of State for Health: CA 10 Oct 2003

Giles, Regina (on the Application of) v Parole Board and Another: HL 31 Jul 2003

The defendant had been sentenced for offences of violence, but an additional period was imposed to protect the public. He had been refused leave for reconsideration of that part of his sentence after he completed the normal segment of his sentence. He wanted a consideration which would parallel the new won rights of review for … Continue reading Giles, Regina (on the Application of) v Parole Board and Another: HL 31 Jul 2003

Howell v Regina: CACD 17 Jan 2003

The court set down the general approach to be taken where a suspect refused to answer questions put during his interview by the police. Judges: Lord Justice Laws Mr Justice Newman Sir Richard Tucker Citations: [2003] EWCA Crim 1, [2003] Crim LR 405 Links: Bailii Statutes: Criminal Justice and Public Order Act 1994 34 Jurisdiction: … Continue reading Howell v Regina: CACD 17 Jan 2003

Regina v Cairns; Regina v Zaldi, Regina v Chaudary: CACD 22 Nov 2002

The defendants applied for the defence statements of co-defendants to be disclosed. A co-defendant was to give evidence for the Crown, and they sought to have it excluded as unreliable. Held: The 1996 Act created a duty of secondary disclosure, where a defence statement might be of assistance to the co-defendants. Actual disclosure remained for … Continue reading Regina v Cairns; Regina v Zaldi, Regina v Chaudary: CACD 22 Nov 2002

Roberts, Regina (on the application of) v Commissioner of Police of the Metropolis and another: SC 17 Dec 2015

The Court considered the validity of suspicionless stop and search activities under s 60 of the 1994 Act, by police officers. Held: The claimant’s appeal failed. The safeguards attending the use of the s 60 power, and in particular the requirements to give reasons both for the authorisation and for the stop and search, make … Continue reading Roberts, Regina (on the application of) v Commissioner of Police of the Metropolis and another: SC 17 Dec 2015

Mason, Wood, McClelland, Tierney v Regina: CACD 13 Feb 2002

The appellants appealed their convictions on two grounds. First the judge who had heard the case was an acquaintance of the chief constable of the investigating force, and second evidence had been admitted of tape recordings of non-privileged conversations between defendants whilst in the police station. The Chief Constable had authorised the covert operation, and … Continue reading Mason, Wood, McClelland, Tierney v Regina: CACD 13 Feb 2002

Regina v Rezvi: HL 24 Jan 2002

Having been convicted of theft, a confiscation order had been made against which the appellant appealed. The Court of Appeal certified a question of whether confiscation provisions under the 1988 Act were in breach of the defendant’s human rights. Are applications for confiscation orders criminal proceedings under the Convention, and if so do the assumptions … Continue reading Regina v Rezvi: HL 24 Jan 2002

Regina (on the Application of Fuller, Wright, Tarr and Booth) v Chief Constable of Dorset Police and Another: Admn 12 Dec 2001

The applicants sought to test the human rights compatibility of the section when applied to gypsies. The travellers sought to stay on land within the district. The local authority used its policy, and agreed to tolerate the encampment for a short time. There was a serious incident with police officers being held temporarily. After refusing … Continue reading Regina (on the Application of Fuller, Wright, Tarr and Booth) v Chief Constable of Dorset Police and Another: Admn 12 Dec 2001

Regina v Dervish and Another: CACD 12 Dec 2001

The defendant had stayed silence at interview, and later at charge. During the trial, the judge ruled that the failure to answer questions at interview was inadmissible, but left to the jury the possibility of drawing adverse inferences from the silence at charge. He appealed. Held: So long as the fairness of the trial was … Continue reading Regina v Dervish and Another: CACD 12 Dec 2001

Regina v Smith (David Cadnam): HL 13 Dec 2001

Smith had bought a motor vessel, The Vertine, with andpound;55,000 provided by his co-defendant, John Marriott. In the words of the judge when imposing sentence, the respondent allowed himself to be used as Marriott’s ship owner and captain. The boat was used in April 1998 on a run to Heligoland to buy cigarettes and to … Continue reading Regina v Smith (David Cadnam): HL 13 Dec 2001