Wimbledon and Putney Commons Conservators (Other): ICO 15 Oct 2019

The complainant has requested information regarding the sale of Mill House on Wimbledon Common. The Wimbledon and Putney Commons Conservators (WPCC) refused to provide the information because, although WPCC is a public authority for the purposes of the EIR, the requested information is not environmental. The Commissioner’s decision is that the majority of the information within the scope of the request is not environmental and, therefore, there is no obligation on WPCC to provide this information to the complainant under the EIR. However, the Commissioner has identified a small amount of environmental information. In respect of this information, the Commissioner requires WPCC to either make this information available to the complainant or provide a valid refusal notice setting out its reasons for refusing to do so. The public authority must take these steps within 35 calendar days of the date of this decision notice. Failure to comply may result in the Commissioner making written certification of this fact to the High Court pursuant to section 54 of the Act and may be dealt with as a contempt of court.
EIR 2(1): Complaint partly upheld


[2019] UKICO fer0792745




England and Wales


Updated: 07 September 2022; Ref: scu.643530