The parties had launched an appeal against the decision of the county court on the applicant’s application for housing for homelessness. In the meantime the authority commenced its own second review of its decision.
Held: The failure by the authority to inform the court of of the second review bordered on being an abuse of proces. Parties had a clear duty to keep the court informed. Witness statements also are ‘a proper vehicle for relevant and admissible evidence going to the issue before the court, and for nothing else. Argument was for advocates. Innuendo had no place at all.’
Chadwick LJ, Sedley LJ, Arden LJ
[2006] HLR 42, Times 06-Jun-2006, [2006] EWCA Civ 535
England and Wales
Housing, Litigation Practice
Updated: 06 July 2022; Ref: scu.241445