Where local councillors acted with a proper local government purpose, and in accordance with officers’ advice, ulterior motives of electoral advantage did not make the decisions improper.
Times 06-May-1999, Gazette 26-May-1999, [1999] EWCA Civ 1317
England and Wales
See Also – Weeks v Magill and Porter v Magill CA 5-Nov-1998
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See Also – Weekes v Magill and Dame Porter v Magill CA 30-Apr-1999
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Cited by:
Appeal From – Porter and Weeks v Magill HL 13-Dec-2001
Councillors Liable for Unlawful Purposes Use
The defendant local councillors were accused of having sold rather than let council houses in order to encourage an electorate which would be more likely to be supportive of their political party. They had been advised that the policy would be . .
See Also – Weeks v Magill and Porter v Magill CA 5-Nov-1998
. .
See Also – Weekes v Magill and Dame Porter v Magill CA 30-Apr-1999
. .
Lists of cited by and citing cases may be incomplete.
Local Government
Updated: 20 December 2022; Ref: scu.146232