The making compulsory of the membership of a specific organisation was a breach of the right of freedom of association.
Hudoc Judgment (Merits and just satisfaction) Violation of Art. 11; Not necessary to examine Art. 9; Not necessary to examine Art. 10; Not necessary to examine Art. 13; Costs and expenses partial award – Convention proceedings
Times 27-Jul-1993, [1993] ECHR 32, 16130/90, 24/1992/369/443, [1993] 16 EHRR 462
Worldlii, Bailii
Human Rights
Cited by:
Cited – Alemo-Herron v Parkwood Leisure Ltd EAT 12-Jan-2009
EAT TRANSFER OF UNDERTAKINGS: Acquired rights directive
TRANSFER OF UNDERTAKINGS: Varying terms of employment
As a matter of construction of TUPE Reg 5(1), a contractual term entitling employees to . .
Lists of cited by and citing cases may be incomplete.
Updated: 25 August 2021; Ref: scu.165262