SH (Baha’is) Iran CG: IAT 27 Apr 2006

AIT (1) An Iranian Baha’i is not as such at real risk of persecution in Iran
(2) Such a person will, however, be able to demonstrate a well-founded fear of persecution if, on the facts of the case, he or she is reasonably likely to be targeted by the Iranian authorities (or their agents) for religious reasons. Evidence of past persecution will be of particular relevance in this regard. It is doubtful if a person who has not previously come to the serious adverse attention of the authorities, by reason of his or her teaching or particular organisational or other activities on behalf of the Baha’i community in Iran , will be able, even in the current climate, to show that he or she will be at real risk on return.


Lane SIJ, Roberts SIJ, Macdonald IJ


[2006] UKAIT 00041




Updated: 06 July 2022; Ref: scu.241625