Rex v William Sawyer; 7 Apr 1815

References: [1815] EngR 615, (1815) 2 Car & K 101, (1815) 175 ER 41
Links: Commonlii
Under the stat. 33 Hen. 8, c. 23, a British subject was triable in this country for the murder of another British subject, committed on land within the territory of a foreign independent kingdom. In such a case, the indictment sufficiently shewed the parties to be British subjects, by stating, in the usual manner, that the deceased was in the peace of the king, and concluding against the peace of the king. Such an indictment need not conclude contra formam statuti
This case cites:

  • See Also – Rex -v William Sawyer (Commonlii, [1815] EngR 431, (1815) Russ & Ry 294, (1815) 168 ER 810)
    (Old Bailey) The defendant was a British subject. He murdered another British subject, Harriet Gaskett, in Lisbon. He was found guilty of murder. The point was taken that, as the offence had been committed abroad, the indictment was not framed in a . .