Raza Narayana Gajapatiraju v Revenue Divisional Officer, Vizagapatan (The Indian Case): PC 1939

Land was to be acquired for anti-malarial works relating to a harbour development. Lord Romer rejected the suggestion in a compulsory purchase valuation that it would be possible to ascertain the potential special value of land to a ‘special purchaser’ by imagining an auction, as being ‘an entire waste of the arbitrator’s imagination’. Potentiality should be valued even if the only likely purchaser is the acquiring authority itself.


Lord Collins, Lord Romer


[1939] AC 302

Cited by:

CitedTransport for London (London Underground Ltd) v Spirerose Ltd HL 30-Jul-2009
Compulsory Purchase Compensation – Land As it Is
The House considered the basis of calculation of compensation on the compulsory purchase of land without planning permission, but where permission would probably be granted. The appellant challenged the decision which had treated the probability as . .
CitedStar Energy Weald Basin Ltd and Another v Bocardo Sa SC 28-Jul-2010
The defendant had obtained a licence to extract oil from its land. In order to do so it had to drill out and deep under the Bocardo’s land. No damage at all was caused to B’s land at or near the surface. B claimed in trespass for damages. It now . .
Lists of cited by and citing cases may be incomplete.

Commonwealth, Land, Damages

Updated: 02 May 2022; Ref: scu.372333