Protecting Kids The World Over (PKTWO) Limited (Patent): IPO 23 Dec 2010

IPO The invention concerned a system for monitoring an electronic communication on the internet such as a chat room, e.g. being used by a child. Words and phrases in the electronic communication were matched with those stored in a dictionary in a hash table. An aggregate alert level was generated based on these matches, and a message was generated and sent to a user (e.g. a parent) if the alert level reached a certain level. The user could then send back a response indicating that one of a number of actions be taken in response to that alert. The hearing officer applied the Aerotel test and concluded that the actual contribution lay solely in the excluded field and was therefore excluded from patentability as a program for a computer as such and a mental act as such.


Mr B Micklewright


[2010] UKIntelP o43910, GB0723964.3



Cited by:

Appeal fromRe Protecting Kids The World Over (PKTWO) Ltd PatC 26-Oct-2011
. .
Lists of cited by and citing cases may be incomplete.

Intellectual Property

Updated: 23 October 2022; Ref: scu.458169