Post Investments Pty Ltd v Wilson; 1 Feb 1990

References: (1990) 26 NSWR 598
Coram: Powell J
Ratio (New South Wales) The court considered the situation where both the dominant and servient lands affected by a restricive covenant came into common ownership. There must be complete unity not merely of ownership, but also of possession. The law has developed by analogy with the law relating to easements, and the benefit of a restrictive covenant is destroyed ‘upon the ownership and possession of both dominant and servient tenements coming into the same hands’. The basis for the qualification is that a restrictive covenant is not to be extinguished if there continues to exist a person (whether or not the successor in title to the estate held by the original covenantor or the original covenantee) entitled to the benefit or subject to the burden of the restrictive covenant.
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Last Update: 14-May-16
Ref: 220708