Patel (Revocation of Sponsor Licence – Fairness) India: UTIAC 6 Jun 2011

UTIAC (1) Immigration Judges have jurisdiction to determine whether decisions on variation of leave applications are in accordance with the law, where issues of fairness arise.
(2) Where a sponsor licence has been revoked by the Secretary of state during an application for variation of leave and the applicant is both unaware of the revocation and not party to any reason why the licence has been revoked, the Secretary of State should afford an applicant a reasonable opportunity to vary the application by identifying a new sponsor before the application is determined.
(3) It would be unfair to refuse an application without opportunity being given to vary it under s.3C(5) Immigration Act 1971.
(4) Leave to remain granted by s.3C Immigration Act 1971 is relevant leave for the purposes of the Immigration Rules and the cases of QI (para 245ZX(1) considered) Pakistan [2010] UKUT 217 (IAC) and HM and others (PBS – legitimate expectation – paragraph 245ZX(I) [2010] UKUT 446 (IAC) have been overruled by QI (Pakistan) v SSHD [2011] EWCA Civ 614, 18 April 2011.
(5) Where the Tribunal allows an appeal on the grounds that the decision was not taken fairly and therefore not in accordance with the law, it may be sufficient to direct that any fresh decision is not to be made for a period of sixty days from the date of the reasoned decision being transmitted to the parties, in order to give the appellant a reasonable opportunity to vary his application.
(6) By analogy with the present UKBA policy on curtailment of leave where a sponsor licence is revoked a 60 day period to amend the application would provide such a fair opportunity.


Blake P J, Batiste UTJ


[2011] UKUT 211 (IAC)




England and Wales


Updated: 15 September 2022; Ref: scu.441712