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Rahman v Commissioners of Customs and Excise: CA 20 Dec 2002

The taxpayer appealed aganst rejection of his objection to an assessment to VAT Judges: Brooke, Chadwick, LJJ, Bodey J Citations: [2002] EWCA Civ 1881, [2003] STC 150 Links: Bailii Statutes: Value Added Tax Regulations 1995, Value Added Tax Act 1994 1 4 73(1) Jurisdiction: England and Wales Citing: Appeal from – Rahman T/A Khayam Restaurant … Continue reading Rahman v Commissioners of Customs and Excise: CA 20 Dec 2002

Tesco Plc v Customs and Excise Commissioners: CA 14 Oct 2003

The taxpayer had a loyalty scheme under which they issued vouchers to shoppers who had purchased goods to a certain value. They sought to deduct the sums when accounting for VAT. Held: Upon earning 150 loyalty points in a quarter, vouchers were given to customers, and there were other schemes. The entire cycle of transactions … Continue reading Tesco Plc v Customs and Excise Commissioners: CA 14 Oct 2003

Commissioners of Customs and Excise v Hartwell Plc: CA 12 Feb 2003

The taxpayers were motor traders. On agreeing a sale package with a customer, they issued to the customer a voucher worth more than the agreed trade-in value, to be used as credit against the purchase from the taxpayer. They also gave customers MOT vouchers. At first instance, the judge held that neither voucher increased VAT … Continue reading Commissioners of Customs and Excise v Hartwell Plc: CA 12 Feb 2003

Abbeytrust Homes Ltd v Revenue and Customs: FTTTx 2 Mar 2011

FTTTx Appeal against HMRC’s decision that the Appellant’s building supplies were standard rated and not zero-rated because at the time the relevant supplies were made the building did not comply with the condition in Note 2(d) to Group 5 of Schedule 8 of the Value Added Tax Act 1994 case dismissed Citations: [2011] UKFTT 150 … Continue reading Abbeytrust Homes Ltd v Revenue and Customs: FTTTx 2 Mar 2011

Doctor Beynon and Partners v Commissioners of Customs and Excise: CA 20 Dec 2002

The appellants were doctors practicing far from a pharmacy. They themselves administered rather than dispensed drugs direct to their clients under the regulation. They appealed a finding that the supplies were exempt supplies, asserting instead that they were zero-rated. The NHS refused to make an allowance against VAT paid on drugs supplied to regulation 20 … Continue reading Doctor Beynon and Partners v Commissioners of Customs and Excise: CA 20 Dec 2002

Commissioners of Customs and Excise v Plantiflor Limited: HL 25 Jul 2002

The company charged no VAT on its postage and packaging charged to mail order customers. The company had described it as an advance of the sums to be charged by Parcelforce. Held: There was no separate contract between the end customer and Parcelforce, nor any consideration paid direct by the customer. The making of an … Continue reading Commissioners of Customs and Excise v Plantiflor Limited: HL 25 Jul 2002

Zielinski Baker and Partners Ltd v Commissioners of Customs and Excise: CA 12 May 2002

Taxpayers sought exemption from VAT for works to a building. The commissioners claimed that the main building was not a dwelling, and that therefore the outbuilding would not be exempt. Held: The main building was listed, and the outbuilding was with in the curtilage as defined in the 1990 Act. Works to the outbuilding therefore … Continue reading Zielinski Baker and Partners Ltd v Commissioners of Customs and Excise: CA 12 May 2002

Commissioners of Customs and Excise v Eastwood Care Homes (Ilkeston) Ltd and Others: ChD 8 Nov 2001

The Commissioners appealed an order reinstating the registration of the respondents for VAT. The respondents made largely exempt supplies. They were members of a group of companies, each trading similarly. They had sought an alteration from group registration to individual registrations. Such registrations were voluntary because their vatable turnover would be below the limits. The … Continue reading Commissioners of Customs and Excise v Eastwood Care Homes (Ilkeston) Ltd and Others: ChD 8 Nov 2001

HSBC Electronic Data Processing (Guangdong) Ltd and Others v Revenue and Customs: UTTC 15 Feb 2022

VALUE ADDED TAX – preliminary issues hearing -VAT grouping rules -interpretation of ‘established’ and ‘fixed establishment’ in section 43A Value Added Tax Act 1994 – relevance of any failure to consult VAT Committee – measures which are permissible to prevent tax evasion or avoidance – relevance and interpretation of section 84(4D) VATA Citations: [2022] UKUT … Continue reading HSBC Electronic Data Processing (Guangdong) Ltd and Others v Revenue and Customs: UTTC 15 Feb 2022

Eastbourne Town Radio Cars Association v Commissioners of Customs and Excise: HL 4 Apr 2001

The unincorporated association employed staff to provide services to its members. The cost was paid from subscriptions. Held: The provision of these services was chargeable to VAT, and the subscriptions were accordingly liable to VAT. Provisions within the constitution that such services were supplied by the association as agent for the members, were insufficient to … Continue reading Eastbourne Town Radio Cars Association v Commissioners of Customs and Excise: HL 4 Apr 2001

Commissioners of Customs and Excise v Sinclair Collis Limited: HL 7 Jun 2001

The appellants operated a system of placing their vending machines in clubs for the sale of cigarettes. They took as consideration a share of the profits of the cigarettes sold, and, in return, maintained the machines. They claimed that the machines were not placed pursuant to a licence to occupy land, a licence of immovable … Continue reading Commissioners of Customs and Excise v Sinclair Collis Limited: HL 7 Jun 2001

Abbotsley Ltd and Others v Revenue and Customs: UTTC 19 Jun 2018

VAT – whether affiliation fees paid by golf clubs to golf associations standard-rated or exempt by virtue of Value Added Tax Act 1994 Schedule 9 Group 10 Item 3 – whether exemption applied to supplies to profit-making bodies – whether supplies relating to standardised handicaps essential to sport Citations: [2018] UKUT 191 (TCC), [2018] STC … Continue reading Abbotsley Ltd and Others v Revenue and Customs: UTTC 19 Jun 2018

Midlands Co-Operative Society Ltd v Revenue and Customs: VDT 20 Jul 2005

VALUE ADDED TAX – claim for repayment of overpaid output tax – VATA 1994 s 80, VAT Regulations 1995 reg 35 – industrial and provident societies – output tax paid by one society later transferring its engagements to another – whether right to claim refund transferred – Industrial and Provident Societies Act 1965, ss 16, … Continue reading Midlands Co-Operative Society Ltd v Revenue and Customs: VDT 20 Jul 2005

Han and Yau t/a Murdishaw Supper Bar, and Others v Commissioners of Customs and Excise: CA 3 Jul 2001

The applicant claimed that proceedings under which he had been accused of fraud in dishonestly evading VAT liability were in reality criminal proceedings and that the minimum standards of a fair trial applied. Held: The characterisation under the rules of such proceedings as civil was a starting point only. The fact that no sanction of … Continue reading Han and Yau t/a Murdishaw Supper Bar, and Others v Commissioners of Customs and Excise: CA 3 Jul 2001

Co-Operative Wholesale Society Limited v Commissioners of Customs and Excise: CA 26 Jul 2000

The taxpayer appealed a decision of the VAT tribunal. The taxpayer entered into contracts with its members to provide services, including funeral services. Part of the payments was agreed to be in respect of exempt services, but the charge included an element for administration. The taxpayer asserted that they were not dissociable. Held: The only … Continue reading Co-Operative Wholesale Society Limited v Commissioners of Customs and Excise: CA 26 Jul 2000

Commissioners of Customs and Excise v Pilgrims Language Courses Limited: CA 23 Jul 1999

A language school which sought to teach English was correct to include as part of that exempt supply, the cost of accommodation and catering. Transport to and from the airport and photographs necessary for the course were also exempt, being closely related to the course. Where however, the supplies were so combined as a mere … Continue reading Commissioners of Customs and Excise v Pilgrims Language Courses Limited: CA 23 Jul 1999

Milligan v Revenue and Customs: VDT 2 Sep 2005

VAT – DIY BUILDERS SCHEME – Appellant constructed a bungalow at the rear of her home for use as self-contained accommodation for her elderly mother – planning permission prohibited the separate use and independent disposal of the bungalow – the bungalow did not meet the requirement of a building designed as a dwelling (Note 2 … Continue reading Milligan v Revenue and Customs: VDT 2 Sep 2005

Capital One Bank (Europe) Plc v Revenue and Customs: VDT 9 Sep 2005

VALUE ADDED TAX – input tax – partially exempt trader – agreed special method for attribution of residual input tax – credit card bank – securitisation of credit card receivables – assignment of receivables to Jersey trustee – trustee holding assigned receivables on trust for Jersey company which issued loan notes on security of receivables … Continue reading Capital One Bank (Europe) Plc v Revenue and Customs: VDT 9 Sep 2005

Fleming (T/A Bodycraft) v Revenue and Customs: HL 23 Jan 2008

The transitional rules introducing time limits for failing to deduct VAT inputs made insufficient allowance for the decisions in Marks and Spencer and Grundig. Held: Lord Hope said: ‘To be compatible with EU law, taxpayers were entitled to be told in advance of any transitional arrangements that would enable them to submit late accrued claims … Continue reading Fleming (T/A Bodycraft) v Revenue and Customs: HL 23 Jan 2008

Romasave (Property Services) Ltd v Revenue and Customs: FTTTx 3 Jun 2014

FTTTx VAT – Application for permission to appeal out of time – Value Added Tax Act 1994, s. 83G(1) and (6) – Application allowed in part Citations: [2014] UKFTT 549 (TC) Links: Bailii Jurisdiction: England and Wales Citing: See Also – Romasave Property Services Ltd v Revenue and Customs FTTTx 26-Apr-2013 FTTTx VAT – application … Continue reading Romasave (Property Services) Ltd v Revenue and Customs: FTTTx 3 Jun 2014

Romasave Property Services Ltd v Revenue and Customs: FTTTx 26 Apr 2013

FTTTx VAT – application for permission to make late appeal – permission refused Citations: [2013] UKFTT 267 (TC) Links: Bailii Jurisdiction: England and Wales Cited by: See Also – Romasave (Property Services) Ltd v Revenue and Customs FTTTx 3-Jun-2014 FTTTx VAT – Application for permission to appeal out of time – Value Added Tax Act … Continue reading Romasave Property Services Ltd v Revenue and Customs: FTTTx 26 Apr 2013

West Devon Borough Council v Commissioners of Customs and Excise: ChD 31 Jul 2001

The local authority had reclaimed input tax against invoices it received from builders. They were disallowed because the building constructed was an exempt supply. Although the section allowed the authority to set off VAT against invoices for supplies not made for any business of the taxpayer. The arrangements suggested that they had acted on terms … Continue reading West Devon Borough Council v Commissioners of Customs and Excise: ChD 31 Jul 2001

Commissioners of Customs and Excise v Plantiflor Ltd: CA 3 Feb 2000

Where a company was delivering goods to its customers by sending them via the Royal Mail passing on to the customer only the direct cost charged to it by Royal Mail, there was no obligation to levy VAT on that charge. The items delivered were postal packets, and the arrangement was in effect that the … Continue reading Commissioners of Customs and Excise v Plantiflor Ltd: CA 3 Feb 2000

Rapid Sequence Ltd v Revenue and Customs: FTTTx 14 Aug 2013

FTTTx VAT – exemption for medical care – whether applies to services provided by company acting as a principal in providing medical doctors on a locum basis to hospitals – no – Article 132(1)(c) Principal VAT Directive – Schedule 9 Group 7 Item 5 Value Added Tax Act 1994 – appeal dismissed Citations: [2013] UKFTT … Continue reading Rapid Sequence Ltd v Revenue and Customs: FTTTx 14 Aug 2013

Brian Mcadam Plunbing and Heating v Revenue and Customs: FTTTx 22 Dec 2010

FTTTx VALUE ADDED TAX – Section 3 and Schedule 1 VAT Act 1994 – Failure to register in respect of taxable supplies – co-operation and personal circumstances considered – whether further reduction in penalty is justified – Appeal dismissed. Citations: [2011] UKFTT 22 (TC) Links: Bailii Jurisdiction: England and Wales VAT Updated: 19 May 2022; … Continue reading Brian Mcadam Plunbing and Heating v Revenue and Customs: FTTTx 22 Dec 2010

H and M Hennes Ltd v Customs and Excise: ChD 22 Apr 2005

The taxpayers prepared clothing which was designed for children in that it followed the typical shapes of children. The Commissioners disallowed the exemption from VAT on the basis of the application of their simple rule which divided clothing according to the height of the intended wearer. Held: The approach of the Commissioners and of the … Continue reading H and M Hennes Ltd v Customs and Excise: ChD 22 Apr 2005

Nagle and Another (T/A Simon Templar Business Center) v Revenue and Customs: FTTTx 29 Jan 2014

VAT – Input tax – Whether valid claim for recovery of input tax in respect of retail vouchers (as defined by paragraph 4(1) schedule 10A Value Added Tax Act 1994) – Whether the supply of retail vouchers is a standard or zero-rated supply – jurisdiction of Tribunal in case of legitimate expectation Citations: [2014] UKFTT … Continue reading Nagle and Another (T/A Simon Templar Business Center) v Revenue and Customs: FTTTx 29 Jan 2014

Forth Wines Ltd (Formerly Dollar Trade Ltd) v Revenue and Customs: FTTTx 23 Jan 2012

Simplified Import VAT Accounting Scheme (SIVA); Excise Payment Security System Scheme (EPSS); Refusal to waive need to provide security to defer import VAT and excise duty; statutory discretion; whether refusal unreasonable having regard to HMRC published criteria; Value Added Tax Act 1994 s16(1)(4)and(8); Customs Excise and Management Act 1979 ss45 and127A, The Customs Duties (Deferred … Continue reading Forth Wines Ltd (Formerly Dollar Trade Ltd) v Revenue and Customs: FTTTx 23 Jan 2012

Zielinski Baker and Partners Ltd v Commissioners of Customs and Excise: 2001

‘Note (1)(a) of Group 6 provides that an essential feature of a protected building is that it is a listed building ‘within the meaning of’ the 1990 Act. A listed building ‘within the meaning of’ the 1990 Act is a building which falls within the extended definition in section 1(5) of the 1990 Act.’ Judges: … Continue reading Zielinski Baker and Partners Ltd v Commissioners of Customs and Excise: 2001

Commissioners of Customs and Excise v Royal and Sun Alliance Insurance Group Plc: CA 9 Oct 2001

The respondent sought to deduct input tax from income it received from lettings. It had previously occupied the buildings itself making exempt supplies, but then let them. They later waved their exemption, and sought to deduct input tax for periods prior to the election. One issue was whether a lease was one supply or a … Continue reading Commissioners of Customs and Excise v Royal and Sun Alliance Insurance Group Plc: CA 9 Oct 2001

Total UK Ltd v Revenue and Customs Commissioners: ChD 3 Nov 2006

The taxpayers awarded gift vouchers to motorists purchasing fuel. They sought to deduct against their liability for VAT the cost of purchasing the vouchers. Held: The taxpayer’s appeal succeeded. The court did not find the decision in Kuwait petroleum persuasive. Judges: Sir Andrew Park Citations: Times 08-Dec-2006 Statutes: Value Added Tax Act 1994 2 19 … Continue reading Total UK Ltd v Revenue and Customs Commissioners: ChD 3 Nov 2006

Ardenglen Developments Ltd v Revenue and Customs: VDT 22 Nov 2006

Zero Rating; first grant by a person constructing a building intended for use solely for a relevant charitable purpose; whether lease by company established by housing association to obtain funding a supply within section 30 and Schedule 8 Group 5 Item 1(a)(ii) of the Value Added Tax Act 1994; yes Citations: [2006] UKVAT V19906 Links: … Continue reading Ardenglen Developments Ltd v Revenue and Customs: VDT 22 Nov 2006

Metropolitan International Schools Ltd v Revenue and Customs: CA 14 Feb 2019

Interpretation of section 84(10) of the Value Added Tax Act 1994 What is at issue is whether section 84(10) enables the appellant, Metropolitan International Schools Limited, to advance a legitimate expectation claim in the context of appeals to the First-tier Tribunal rather than by way of judicial review. Held: The appeal failed. Section 84(10) of … Continue reading Metropolitan International Schools Ltd v Revenue and Customs: CA 14 Feb 2019

Accounting Alliance Ltd v The Commissioners of Customs And Excise: VDT 14 Feb 2001

VDT DEFAULT SURCHARGE – Reasonable excuse – Application to Commissioners to stagger accounting periods – Letter of approval warned that return form may be issued under old regime – Meaning of letter not clear – Whether reasonable excuse – Appeal allowed – VATA 1994 s 59 Judges: Angus Nicol (Chairman), Miss A West Fca Citations: … Continue reading Accounting Alliance Ltd v The Commissioners of Customs And Excise: VDT 14 Feb 2001

Pegasus Birds Ltd v H M Customs and Excise: Admn 27 Nov 1998

The Excise Commissioners eventually issued an assessment to VAT in 1997 for 1993 after commencing their investigations in 1993. Held: Section 73 did not operate as a full bar to the Commissioners making an assessment after the one year where information was only later obtained. The time limit should run only from the date on … Continue reading Pegasus Birds Ltd v H M Customs and Excise: Admn 27 Nov 1998

Royal Midland Counties Home for Disabled People v Commissioners of Customs and Excise: ChD 5 Jul 2001

Whether an item was zero-rated for VAT purposes because it was to be used as or as an accessory for medical equipment, was could determined by the intention of the user of the product, and was not settled only be the expectation of the manufacturer. The wording ‘the supply of . . accessories for use.. … Continue reading Royal Midland Counties Home for Disabled People v Commissioners of Customs and Excise: ChD 5 Jul 2001

Royal and Sun Alliance Insurance Group plc v Commissioners of Customs and Excise: ChD 12 Oct 2000

Tenants of long lease where the landlord had elected to charge VAT, decided to seek sub-tenants. They delayed election themselves in order to assist such sub-tenants, but eventually waved their exemption and sought to reclaim the VAT paid to their own landlords. The commissioners objected. The deduction system was fundamental, and intended to relieve businesses … Continue reading Royal and Sun Alliance Insurance Group plc v Commissioners of Customs and Excise: ChD 12 Oct 2000

Pegasus Birds Ltd v Commissioners of Customs and Excise: CA 10 Feb 2000

The company were said to have kept inadequate VAT Records. The parties disputed the sums due or evaded, and an assessment was only finally issued in 1997, at which point the taxpayer said that the assessment was out of time under section 73(6)(b). Held: The taxpayer’s appeal failed. The limit of one year imposed upon … Continue reading Pegasus Birds Ltd v Commissioners of Customs and Excise: CA 10 Feb 2000

Wirral Metropolitan Borough Council v Commissioners of Customs and Excise: QBD 27 Feb 1995

VAT applied to ‘deemed’ supplies even though these had been made through an intermediate finance company. On a simultaneous supply to an agent and a principal, agent’s tax to be in same period. Citations: Times 27-Feb-1995, Ind Summary 10-Apr-1995 Statutes: Value Added Tax Act 1994 47(3) Jurisdiction: England and Wales VAT Updated: 10 April 2022; … Continue reading Wirral Metropolitan Borough Council v Commissioners of Customs and Excise: QBD 27 Feb 1995

North of England Zoological Society v Commissioners of Customs and Excise: QBD 20 Oct 1999

For VAT purposes, as opposed to other forms of taxation, educational purposes meant education within a more formal class or lesson type structure. A zoo, open to the public but employing education officers to assist with education of visitors was not exempt from charging VAT upon its entrance fees. The education offered did not come … Continue reading North of England Zoological Society v Commissioners of Customs and Excise: QBD 20 Oct 1999

Moyna v Secretary of State for Work and Pensions: HL 31 Jul 2003

The appellant had applied for and been refused disability living allowance on the basis of being able to carry out certain cooking tasks. Held: The purpose of the ‘cooking test’ is not to ascertain whether the applicant can survive, or enjoy a reasonable diet, without assistance. It is a notional test, a thought-experiment, to calibrate … Continue reading Moyna v Secretary of State for Work and Pensions: HL 31 Jul 2003

C R Smith Glaziers (Dunfermline) Limited v Commissioners of Customs and Excise: HL 20 Feb 2003

The taxpayer sold double glazing, supported by an insured guarantee, for which a charge was made. The additional charge was exempt, but it was contended that the contract should have stated the amount pursuant to Note 5. Held: The contract gave the rate of charge at 10 per cent. The Act allowed the commisioners to … Continue reading C R Smith Glaziers (Dunfermline) Limited v Commissioners of Customs and Excise: HL 20 Feb 2003

Transpase Ltd v Revenue and Customs: FTTTx 8 Feb 2018

VAT – Zero-Rating : Exports – section 30(6), Value Added Tax Act 1994 – VAT Notice 703 – evidence of export – whether or not the totality of evidence fulfilled the requirements – no – appeal dismissed Citations: [2017] UKFTT 63 (TC) Links: Bailii Jurisdiction: England and Wales VAT Updated: 05 April 2022; Ref: scu.605753

Phoenix Foods Ltd v Revenue and Customs: FTTTx 9 Jan 2018

Vat – Zero-Rating : Food, Etc – VALUE ADDED TAX – whether bicarbonate of soda sold as baking ingredient is ‘food of a kind used for human consumption’ and so zero-rated for VAT purposes – section 30(2) and item 1 Group 1 Schedule 8 Value Added Tax Act 1994 – appeals allowed Citations: [2018] UKFTT … Continue reading Phoenix Foods Ltd v Revenue and Customs: FTTTx 9 Jan 2018

British Association of Leisure Parks, Piers and Attractions Led v Revenue and Customs: UTTC 12 Mar 2013

UTTC Value Added Tax – claim to repayment of output tax allegedly overpaid – whether services provided by Appellant Association to its members exempt under Value Added Tax Act 1994, Schedule 9, Group 9, Item 1(d) – whether primary purpose of Association was lobbying – whether any exemption under Item 1(d) disapplied by Note 5 … Continue reading British Association of Leisure Parks, Piers and Attractions Led v Revenue and Customs: UTTC 12 Mar 2013

Revenue and Customs v C Jenkin and Son Limited (Value Added Tax): UTTC 15 Jun 2017

UTTC VALUE ADDED TAX – Supply of residential caravans under leasing agreements to persons for use as their homes on sites under separate pitch agreements between occupiers and site owners – whether zero rated supply of caravan or standard rated supply of accommodation in a caravan – items 1 and 3 and Note (b) Group … Continue reading Revenue and Customs v C Jenkin and Son Limited (Value Added Tax): UTTC 15 Jun 2017

North Cooling Ltd v Revenue and Customs: FTTTx 27 Apr 2011

FTTTx Value Added Tax – Value Added Tax Act 1994, Sections 59 and 71 – default surcharge – whether Christmas and New Year closure of business and family bereavement amounted to a reasonable excuse – Appeal dismissed. Citations: [2011] UKFTT 305 (TC) Links: Bailii Jurisdiction: England and Wales VAT Updated: 27 March 2022; Ref: scu.442998

Meridian Defence and Security Ltd v Revenue and Customs: FTTTx 25 Mar 2014

FTTTx VAT – Strike out application – Penalty imposed following withdrawal of appeal by appellant – Effect of s 85 Value Added Tax Act 1994 on withdrawal of appeal – Whether appellant estopped from appealing against penalty on the same grounds as it raised in withdrawn appeal and/or whether an abuse of process to do … Continue reading Meridian Defence and Security Ltd v Revenue and Customs: FTTTx 25 Mar 2014

Lockheed Martin UK Limited v Revenue and Customs (VAT – Zero Rating – Modification or Conversion of Aircraft): FTTTx 7 Dec 2021

VAT – zero rating – modification or conversion of aircraft – supply of airborne surveillance and control system – additional role for existing aircraft – use of role-fit kits – whether modification or conversion – jurisdiction of Tribunal to reach decision on basis other than one put forward by parties – unusual importance of burden … Continue reading Lockheed Martin UK Limited v Revenue and Customs (VAT – Zero Rating – Modification or Conversion of Aircraft): FTTTx 7 Dec 2021

Redwood Birkhill Ltd v Revenue and Customs: FTTTx 17 Mar 2017

FTTTx (Vat – Supply : Other) VALUE ADDED TAX – Assessments to VAT and HMRC ruling – Discounts paid by Brewers to a company in respect of its own and other publicans’ aggregation of their purchases of beverages – Aggregation used to obtain discounts not disclosed to other publicans – whether a supply by the … Continue reading Redwood Birkhill Ltd v Revenue and Customs: FTTTx 17 Mar 2017

Greenspace Limited v Revenue and Customs: UTTC 22 Nov 2021

VALUE ADDED TAX – Whether supplies of insulated panels for conservatory roofs fall within Note 1(a) to Schedule 7A of the Value Added Tax Act 1994 – no – appeal dismissed Citations: [2021] UKUT 290 (TCC) Links: Bailii Jurisdiction: England and Wales VAT Updated: 23 March 2022; Ref: scu.671212

Digital Solutions Technology Ltd v Revenue and Customs: FTTTx 11 Apr 2011

Value Added Tax – Value Added Tax Act 1994, Sections 59 and 71 – default surcharge – whether absence of administrative assistant and upgrading of computer amounted to a reasonable excuse – Appeal dismissed. Citations: [2011] UKFTT 238 (TC) Links: Bailii Jurisdiction: England and Wales VAT Updated: 23 March 2022; Ref: scu.442973

K D Media Publishing Ltd v Revenue and Customs: FTTTx 22 Aug 2018

VAT – Administration : Accounting and Payment – default surcharge – can VAT credit under s 80 Value Added Tax Act 1994 be set against VAT for earlier periods which has already been paid – no – is a mistaken overpayment of VAT a reasonable excuse for late payment of VAT in respect of a … Continue reading K D Media Publishing Ltd v Revenue and Customs: FTTTx 22 Aug 2018

Right International Ltd v Revenue and Customs: FTTTx 21 Feb 2017

(Vat – Penalties : Default Surcharge) VALUE ADDED TAX – default surcharge – Section 59 Value Added Tax Act 1994 – whether there was a reasonable excuse for the default – no – whether the penalty was disproportionate to the default – no – appeal dismissed Citations: [2017] UKFTT 207 (TC) Links: Bailii Statutes: Value … Continue reading Right International Ltd v Revenue and Customs: FTTTx 21 Feb 2017

Redman v Revenue and Customs: FTTTx 24 Feb 2017

(Vat – Builders : Do -It-Yourself) VALUE ADDED TAX – DIY Housebuilders Scheme – construction of new build house – whether designed as a dwelling for purposes of subsection (35)(1A)(a) and Note (2)(c) to Group 5 of Schedule 8 to VAT Act 1994 – whether Section 75 agreement amounted to a prohibition – yes – … Continue reading Redman v Revenue and Customs: FTTTx 24 Feb 2017

Sub One Limited T/A Subway v HM Revenue and Customs: UTTC 3 Oct 2012

Value Added Tax – zero-rating – Value Added Tax Act 1994 Schedule 8 Part II Group 1 Note (3)(b)(i) – food – toasted sandwiches and meatball marinara – whether heated for the purposes of enabling it to be consumed at temperature above ambient air temperature – whether legislation and/or interpretation and/or application thereof infringed principle … Continue reading Sub One Limited T/A Subway v HM Revenue and Customs: UTTC 3 Oct 2012

The British Association of Leisure Parks, Piers and Attractions Ltd v Revenue and Customs: FTTTx 12 Oct 2011

FTTTx EXEMPTION – Trade Association – Primary purpose – Whether association’s primary purpose was making representations to the government on legislation and other public matters – No – Whether association restricted membership wholly or mainly to members whose business interests were directly connected with the purposes of the association – No – VATA 1994 Schedule … Continue reading The British Association of Leisure Parks, Piers and Attractions Ltd v Revenue and Customs: FTTTx 12 Oct 2011

Inspired By Service Ltd v Revenue and Customs: FTTTx 7 Dec 2016

FTTTx (Vat – Registration : Cancellation of) VALUE ADDED TAX – Voluntary Registration – Taxpayer making taxable supplies – Request to cancel registration with effect from original effective date – Request refused – VAT Act 1994 Schedule 1 Paragraph 13(1) applies – Paragraph 13(3) does not apply – Registration cannot be backdated – Appeal dismissed … Continue reading Inspired By Service Ltd v Revenue and Customs: FTTTx 7 Dec 2016

Highlake Ltd v Revenue and Customs: FTTTx 6 Dec 2016

FTTTx (Income Tax and National Insurance Contributions) Income Tax and National Insurance Contributions (NICs) – security for payment of PAYE and NICs – Income Tax Pay as You Earn Regulations 2003, Part 4a – Social Security (Contributions) Regulations 2001, Sch 4 – Value Added Tax – security for payment of VAT -para 4 Sch 11 … Continue reading Highlake Ltd v Revenue and Customs: FTTTx 6 Dec 2016

Revenue and Customs v Aimia Coalition Loyalty UK Ltd: SC 13 Mar 2013

The company managed a card loyalty scheme for retailers. The Revenue appealed against a decision that the company could reclaim VAT input tax on the goods purchased on the customers redeeming their points. The ECJ had decided that the service charges amounted, at least in part, to third party consideration paid by LMUK to the … Continue reading Revenue and Customs v Aimia Coalition Loyalty UK Ltd: SC 13 Mar 2013

Magic Memories Ltd v Revenue and Customs: FTTTx 6 Dec 2013

FTTTx VALUE ADDED TAX- supply of photo-books at the visitor attractions – whether supply of goods or services – if supply of goods, whether a supply of photographs or of photo-books – whether photo-books were ‘books or booklets’ within Item 1 of Group 3 of Schedule 8 Value Added Tax Act 1994- appeal allowed Citations: … Continue reading Magic Memories Ltd v Revenue and Customs: FTTTx 6 Dec 2013

Beynon and Partners v Customs and Excise: HL 25 Nov 2004

The House asked whether the personal administration of a drug such as a vaccine by an NHS doctor to a patient is a taxable supply for the purposes of value added tax. The provision of medical care in the exercise of the medical and paramedical professions should be exempt from VAT, but the supply of … Continue reading Beynon and Partners v Customs and Excise: HL 25 Nov 2004

Matthews and Another v Revenue and Customs: FTTTx 18 Oct 2016

FTTTx Vat – Assessments : Other – option to tax – apportionment – disused public house and flat – Schedule 10 to the Value Added Tax Act 1994 – Notice 700/57 – appeal against an apportionment of 90% to commercial and 10% to residential – appeal allowed – substitute apportionment of two thirds commercial and … Continue reading Matthews and Another v Revenue and Customs: FTTTx 18 Oct 2016

The Durham Company Ltd (T/A Max Recycle) v Revenue and Customs and Another: UTTC 19 Sep 2016

UTTC Value Added Tax – supplies of commercial waste collection services by Local Authorities – section 45(1)(b) Environmental Protection Act 2009 and section 41A Value Added Tax Act 1994 – whether supplies within VAT – judicial review of HMRC failure to collect VAT on supplies – preliminary issue – supplies within section 45(1)(b) not taxable … Continue reading The Durham Company Ltd (T/A Max Recycle) v Revenue and Customs and Another: UTTC 19 Sep 2016

Finance and Business Training Ltd v HM Revenue and Customs: UTTC 26 Nov 2013

UTTC Value Added Tax – whether services provided by Appellant exempt under Value Added Tax Act 1994, Schedule 9, Group 6, Item 1 – whether Appellant was ‘an eligible body’ within Note (1)(b)- whether Appellant was a college or institution of the University of Wales – whether possible to be an eligible body in relation … Continue reading Finance and Business Training Ltd v HM Revenue and Customs: UTTC 26 Nov 2013

University of Leicester Students Union v Commissioners of Customs and Excise: CA 21 Dec 2001

The student Union supplied soft drinks to students. They claimed this was closely associated with education and that activity was therefore exempt from VAT. The Union appealed a decision against them. Held: The University charter did not provide for the Union to be part of its purpose. Though the Union was set up by the … Continue reading University of Leicester Students Union v Commissioners of Customs and Excise: CA 21 Dec 2001

Customs and Excise v School of Finance and Management (London) Ltd: ChD 30 Nov 2001

Appeal by the Commissioners against a decision of the VAT and Duties Tribunal concluding that the School of Finance and Management (London) Ltd was eligible for exemption as a college of a university under Note 1 to Group 6 of Schedule 9 of the Value Added Tax Act 1994. Held: The tribunal found that SFM’s … Continue reading Customs and Excise v School of Finance and Management (London) Ltd: ChD 30 Nov 2001

SAE Education Ltd v Revenue and Customs: SC 20 Mar 2019

Whether College properly part of University The appellant contended that its supplies of education to students in the United Kingdom were exempt from VAT as a college of Middlesex University. SEL is a subsidiary of SAE Technology Group BV. Both are part of the SAE group of companies which trades around the world under the … Continue reading SAE Education Ltd v Revenue and Customs: SC 20 Mar 2019

Finance and Business Training Ltd v HM Revenue and Customs: CA 28 Oct 2014

Application for leave to appeal [2014] EWCA Civ 1412 Bailii England and Wales Citing: At FTTTx – Finance and Business Training Ltd v Revenue and Customs FTTTx 14-Jun-2012 Education – Exemptions – Value Added Tax Act 1994, Sch 9, Group 6, Item 1, Note 1(b )- Exemptions – Whether the Appellant is a college of … Continue reading Finance and Business Training Ltd v HM Revenue and Customs: CA 28 Oct 2014

Finance and Business Training Ltd v Revenue and Customs: FTTTx 14 Jun 2012

Education – Exemptions – Value Added Tax Act 1994, Sch 9, Group 6, Item 1, Note 1(b )- Exemptions – Whether the Appellant is a college of a university – Whether the Appellant is an eligible body [2012] UKFTT 382 (TC) Bailii England and Wales Cited by: Appeal from – Finance and Business Training Ltd … Continue reading Finance and Business Training Ltd v Revenue and Customs: FTTTx 14 Jun 2012

Finance and Business Training Ltd v Revenue and Customs: CA 19 Jan 2016

The court was asked ‘Does EU law mean that a provider of university courses is entitled to the education exemption from VAT in the same way as a university even if not so entitled under UK VAT law?’ The FTT decided it was not. Although it supplied a university education, FBT also had to show … Continue reading Finance and Business Training Ltd v Revenue and Customs: CA 19 Jan 2016

The Association of Graduate Careers Advisory Services v Revenue and Customs (VAT – Exempt Supplies : Professional Bodies): FTTTx 9 Aug 2016

FTTTx VAT – exemptions – subscriptions to association providing services to members – whether primary purpose of fostering professional expertise of its members – whether objects in the public domain and of philanthropic or civic nature – item 1(c) and item 1(e) Group 9 Schedule 9 Value Added Tax Act 1994 – appeals dismissed [2016] … Continue reading The Association of Graduate Careers Advisory Services v Revenue and Customs (VAT – Exempt Supplies : Professional Bodies): FTTTx 9 Aug 2016

Revenue and Customs v SAE Education Ltd: UTTC 25 Apr 2016

UTTC VALUE ADDED TAX – exempt supplies – education – PVD arts 131-133 – Note (1)(b) Item 1 Gp 6 Sch 9 Value Added Tax Act 1994 – whether education provided by ‘eligible body’ – whether respondent a college of a university – tests to be applied – role of the Upper Tribunal – appeal … Continue reading Revenue and Customs v SAE Education Ltd: UTTC 25 Apr 2016

SAE Education Ltd v Revenue and Customs: CA 28 Jul 2017

Patten, Black, Sales LJJ [2017] EWCA Civ 1116, [2017] BVC 37, [2017] STC 2166 Bailii England and Wales Citing: At FTTTx – SAE Education Ltd v Revenue and Customs FTTTx 28-Feb-2014 VAT – Exemption – Company providing educational courses to students – succession of agreements between company and university – whether supply of educational courses … Continue reading SAE Education Ltd v Revenue and Customs: CA 28 Jul 2017

SAE Education Ltd v Revenue and Customs: FTTTx 28 Feb 2014

VAT – Exemption – Company providing educational courses to students – succession of agreements between company and university – whether supply of educational courses by company exempt – whether courses supplied by eligible body – whether company a college of a university – VATA 1994 Sch 9, Group 6, Item 1, Note (1)(b) – EC … Continue reading SAE Education Ltd v Revenue and Customs: FTTTx 28 Feb 2014

Littley v Revenue and Customs: FTTTx 30 Nov 2010

FTTTx VAT- company failed to make tax returns – liquidated owing andpound;223,503.84 – appellant sole director held responsible for failure under section 61 Value Added Tax Act 1994 – penalty of andpound;92,852.25 against director – penalty properly imposed- appeal dismissed. [2010] UKFTT 616 (TC) Bailii England and Wales VAT Updated: 20 January 2022; Ref: scu.567559

Revenue and Customs v Iveco Ltd: UTLC 13 Jun 2016

UTLC VALUE ADDED TAX – whether section 80 VAT Act 1994 applies to claim to enforce directly effective right under article 11C(1) Sixth Directive to reduce taxable amounts to reflect rebates paid in periods before it was implemented in UK legislation – if so, whether claim made within time limit in section 80(4) – whether … Continue reading Revenue and Customs v Iveco Ltd: UTLC 13 Jun 2016

Sherdons Golf Ltd v Revenue and Customs: FTTTx 9 Jun 2016

FTTTx (Vat – Penalties : Default Surcharge) VALUE ADDED TAX – default surcharges imposed under Section 59 Value Added Tax Act 1994 – whether Time to Pay arrangement covered liabilities arising in the future – no – whether the Appellant had a reasonable excuse for late payment of VAT – no – surcharges confirmed [2016] … Continue reading Sherdons Golf Ltd v Revenue and Customs: FTTTx 9 Jun 2016

GH Preston Partnership v Revenue and Customs (Vat – Penalties : Reasonable Excuse): FTTTx 29 Apr 2016

FTTTx VAT – Default Surcharge – Value Added Tax Act 1994, sections 59 and 71 – The cause of insufficiency of funds – Whether or not a reasonable excuse for late payment – yes for part of the non-payments for two periods – no for the remaining eight periods – allocation of payments – proportionality … Continue reading GH Preston Partnership v Revenue and Customs (Vat – Penalties : Reasonable Excuse): FTTTx 29 Apr 2016