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Richard Thompson v Regina: CACD 26 Mar 2004

References: [2004] EWCA Crim 669, Times 16-Apr-2004 Links: Bailii Coram: Lord Justice Thomas The defendant had been convicted of offences of possessing a large number of indecent images of children. Held: In such cases, the prosecution should frame the charges following the classification in R v Oliver, with a small number of representative charges out … Continue reading Richard Thompson v Regina: CACD 26 Mar 2004

Regina v Secretary of State for the Home Department ex parte Razgar etc: HL 17 Jun 2004

References: [2004] UKHL 27, [2004] 3 WLR 58, Times 21-Jun-04, [2004] 2 AC 369, [2004] 3 All ER 821, [2004] INLR 349 Links: House of Lords, Bailii Coram: Lord Bingham of Cornhill, Lord Steyn, Lord Walker of Gestingthorpe, Baroness Hale of Richmond, Lord Carswell The claimant resisted removal after failure of his claim for asylum, … Continue reading Regina v Secretary of State for the Home Department ex parte Razgar etc: HL 17 Jun 2004

law index

Our law-index is a substantial selection from our database. Cases here are restricted in number by date and lack the additional facilities formerly available within lawindexpro. Please do enjoy this free version of the lawindex. Case law does not ‘belong’ to lawyers. Judgments are made up of words which can be read and understood (if … Continue reading law index