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Chinn, Regina v: CACD 15 Mar 2012

The defendant appealed against his conviction for a serious assault. He argued that the prosecution should not have been allowed to introduce parts of a witness’ statement where the witness could not remember the underlying events directly. Held: The appeal failed. Aikens LJ said ‘in order to work out the precise scope of section 120(5) … Continue reading Chinn, Regina v: CACD 15 Mar 2012

Porter and Weeks v Magill: HL 13 Dec 2001

Councillors Liable for Unlawful Purposes Use The defendant local councillors were accused of having sold rather than let council houses in order to encourage an electorate which would be more likely to be supportive of their political party. They had been advised that the policy would be unlawful and leave the authority unable to meet … Continue reading Porter and Weeks v Magill: HL 13 Dec 2001

Chase v Newsgroup Newspapers Ltd: CA 3 Dec 2002

The defendant appealed against a striking out of part of its defence to the claim of defamation, pleading justification. Held: The Human Rights Convention had not itself changed the conditions for a plea of justification based upon reasonable belief that the claimant had acted criminally. The three conditions were: the inability to rely upon hearsay, … Continue reading Chase v Newsgroup Newspapers Ltd: CA 3 Dec 2002

Twomey, Cameron and Guthrie v The United Kingdom (Legal Summary): ECHR 28 May 2013

ECHR Criminal proceedingsArticle 6-1Fair hearingEquality of armsIndependent tribunalTrial by judge sitting alone owing to risk of jury tampering: inadmissibleFacts – The case concerned the power under section 46 of the Criminal Justice Act 2003 for a judge in a trial on indictment to discharge the jury where jury tampering appears to have taken place. The … Continue reading Twomey, Cameron and Guthrie v The United Kingdom (Legal Summary): ECHR 28 May 2013

G, Regina (on The Application of) v X School: SC 29 Jun 2011

The claimant was employed as a teaching assistant. He was suspended after allegations of sexual misbehaviour with boy at the school. He refused to take part in the disciplinary proceedings until the police investigation was concluded. A decision was made that no prosecution would follow. The claimant’s solicitors asked to be allowed to represent him … Continue reading G, Regina (on The Application of) v X School: SC 29 Jun 2011

Government of the United States of America v McCaffery: HL 1984

Extradition was sought under the Treaty between the Government of the United Kingdom and the Government of the United States of America. It was an ‘exceptional accusation case’, because article III of the Treaty provides that, in addition to the offences listed in the Schedule, extradition shall be granted if the offence is punishable under … Continue reading Government of the United States of America v McCaffery: HL 1984

Leacock and Others, Regina v: CACD 12 Nov 2013

The defendants sought leave to appeal against their sentences, saying that the time served calculations had not included time spent subject to curfew and otherwise. Held: ‘if a prisoner is serving a sentence for another offence at the time on which he is remanded for the offence for which he is to be sentenced, the … Continue reading Leacock and Others, Regina v: CACD 12 Nov 2013

Regina v Secretary of State for the Home Department ex parte Doody and Others: HL 25 Jun 1993

A mandatory lifer is to be permitted to suggest the period of actual sentence to be served. The Home Secretary must give reasons for refusing a lifer’s release. What fairness requires in any particular case is ‘essentially an intuitive judgment’, changes over time, and the requirements are flexible and closely conditioned by the legal and … Continue reading Regina v Secretary of State for the Home Department ex parte Doody and Others: HL 25 Jun 1993

Firth v Epping Magistrates Court: Admn 3 Feb 2011

The defendant had faced a charge of assault in the Magistrates Court and had pleaded not guilty. She had indicated in the ‘trial issues’ form through her lawyer that her defence was self defence. The prosecutor then indicated that the charge was to be upgraded to Actual Bodily Harm. At committal the defendant wanted to … Continue reading Firth v Epping Magistrates Court: Admn 3 Feb 2011

Carson, Regina (on the Application of) v Secretary of State for Work and Pensions; Reynolds v Same: HL 26 May 2005

One claimant said that as a foreign resident pensioner, she had been excluded from the annual uprating of state retirement pension, and that this was an infringement of her human rights. Another complained at the lower levels of job-seeker’s allowance payable to those under 25. Held: (Lord Carswell dissented in part.) The claims failed. The … Continue reading Carson, Regina (on the Application of) v Secretary of State for Work and Pensions; Reynolds v Same: HL 26 May 2005

Steel v Commissioner of the Metropolitan Police; 10 Feb 1993

References: Unreported, 10 February 1993 Coram: Beldam, Dillon, and Roch LJJ Ratio:The plaintiffs sued three police officers for malicious prosecution. Specific discovery of documents relating to the previous misconduct of one of these officers was refused. Held: Appeal allowed. Confessions were the only evidence against the plaintiffs, who had served their time afer convictions for … Continue reading Steel v Commissioner of the Metropolitan Police; 10 Feb 1993

Martin v Watson: HL 14 Jul 1995

References: Times 14-Jul-1995, Gazette 06-Sep-1995, Independent 19-Jul-1995, [1996] AC 74, [1995] 3 WLR 318, [1995] 3 All ER 559 Coram: Lord Keith of Kinkel Ratio The plaintiff had been falsely reported to the police by the defendant, a neighbour, for indecent exposure whilst standing on a ladder in his garden. He had been arrested and … Continue reading Martin v Watson: HL 14 Jul 1995

Regina v Secretary of State for the Home Department ex parte Razgar etc: HL 17 Jun 2004

References: [2004] UKHL 27, [2004] 3 WLR 58, Times 21-Jun-04, [2004] 2 AC 369, [2004] 3 All ER 821, [2004] INLR 349 Links: House of Lords, Bailii Coram: Lord Bingham of Cornhill, Lord Steyn, Lord Walker of Gestingthorpe, Baroness Hale of Richmond, Lord Carswell The claimant resisted removal after failure of his claim for asylum, … Continue reading Regina v Secretary of State for the Home Department ex parte Razgar etc: HL 17 Jun 2004

law index

Our law-index is a substantial selection from our database. Cases here are restricted in number by date and lack the additional facilities formerly available within lawindexpro. Please do enjoy this free version of the lawindex. Case law does not ‘belong’ to lawyers. Judgments are made up of words which can be read and understood (if … Continue reading law index