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Greater Manchester Fire and Rescue Service v Veevers: ComC 25 Sep 2020

Judges: His Honour Judge Pearce On Appeal From Deputy District Judge Harris Citations: [2020] EWHC 2550 (Comm) Links: Bailii Statutes: Law Reform Miscellaneous Provisions Act 1934, Fatal Accidents Act 1976 Jurisdiction: England and Wales Personal Injury, Coroners, Costs Updated: 05 May 2022; Ref: scu.657548

Sherratt v Chief Constable of Greater Manchester Police: QBD 16 Jul 2018

The defendant appealed from a finding that his force had owed the deceased a duty of care. She had taken her own life. Earlier her mother had made a 999 call from concern about her daughter, and said that the defendant had not responded despite promising to do so. Held: The appeal was dismissed Judges: … Continue reading Sherratt v Chief Constable of Greater Manchester Police: QBD 16 Jul 2018

Corr v IBC Vehicles Ltd: HL 27 Feb 2008

The claimant’s husband had committed suicide. She sought damages for financial loss from his former employers under the 1976 Act. He had suffered a severe and debilitating injury working for them leading to his depression and suicide. The employers said that these damages were too remote. Held: The employer’s appeal was dismissed.Lord Bingham said: ‘Mr … Continue reading Corr v IBC Vehicles Ltd: HL 27 Feb 2008

Kirkham v Anderton, The Chief Constable of the Greater Manchester police: CA 20 Dec 1989

The claimant’s husband hanged himself in Risley Remand Centre after the police had failed to warn the prison authorities that he was (as the police knew) a suicide risk. He was suffering from clinical depression and had previously attempted suicide more than once. Held: The defendant’s appeal failed. The police, had assumed responsibility for the … Continue reading Kirkham v Anderton, The Chief Constable of the Greater Manchester police: CA 20 Dec 1989

Four Seasons Holdings Incorporated v Brownlie: SC 19 Dec 2017

The claimant and her family were in a car crash while on holiday in Egypt. The claimant’s husband and his daughter died. The holiday had been booked in England and the car excursion booked in advance from England. The hotel operator was incorporated in Canada, and denied that the English court had jurisdiction. Each party … Continue reading Four Seasons Holdings Incorporated v Brownlie: SC 19 Dec 2017

O’Grady v B15 Group Ltd: QBD 17 Jan 2022

Judges: Master Thornett Citations: [2022] EWHC 67 (QB) Links: Bailii Statutes: Law Reform (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 1934, Fatal Accidents Act 1976 Jurisdiction: England and Wales Negligence Updated: 11 February 2022; Ref: scu.671559

Ashley and Another v Sussex Police: CA 27 Jul 2006

The deceased was shot by police officers raiding his flat in 1998. The claimants sought damages for his estate. They had succeeded in claiming damages for false imprisonment, but now appealed dismissal of their claim for damages for assault and misfeasance. The judge below had accepted that the officer had acted in self-defence, and entered … Continue reading Ashley and Another v Sussex Police: CA 27 Jul 2006

Smith v Lancashire Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust and Another: QBD 8 Sep 2016

The claimant had cohabited with the deceased: ‘The claimant seeks a declaration in one of two alternative forms: i) Pursuant to s.3 of the Human Rights Act 1998 . . that s.1A(2)(a) of the Fatal Accidents Act 1976 . . is to be read as including cohabitees who were living with the deceased in the … Continue reading Smith v Lancashire Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust and Another: QBD 8 Sep 2016

Parry v Cleaver: HL 5 Feb 1969

PI Damages not Reduced for Own Pension The plaintiff policeman was disabled by the negligence of the defendant and received a disablement pension. Part had been contributed by himself and part by his employer. Held: The plaintiff’s appeal succeeded. Damages for personal injury were not to be reduced by deducting the full net value of … Continue reading Parry v Cleaver: HL 5 Feb 1969

Sims v MacLennan: QBD 9 Oct 2015

Claim for damages against doctor, saying he had failed to advise the deceased to attend his GP to have raised blood pressure investigated. Simpkiss HHJ [2015] EWHC 2739 (QB) Bailii Law Reform (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 1934, Fatal Accidents Act 1976 England and Wales Professional Negligence Updated: 12 January 2022; Ref: scu.554090

Dusek and Others v Stormharbour Securities Llp: QBD 19 Jan 2015

The claimants were personal representatives of passengers who had died in a helicopter crash. They alleged that StormHarbour was in breach of its duty as employers to provide Mr Dusek with a safe place of work, safe equipment and a safe system of working. Hamblen J [2015] EWHC 37 (QB) Bailii Fatal Accidents Act 1976, … Continue reading Dusek and Others v Stormharbour Securities Llp: QBD 19 Jan 2015

Hayes v South East Coast Ambulance Service NHS Foundation Trust: QBD 15 Jan 2015

Claim for damages brought on behalf of the Claimant Mrs Michelle Hayes and her three sons as well as on behalf of the estate of her former husband Mr Paul Hayes. Coe QC HHJ [2015] EWHC 18 (QB) Bailii Fatal Accidents Act 1976, Law Reform (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 1934 Personal Injury, Professional Negligence Updated: 27 … Continue reading Hayes v South East Coast Ambulance Service NHS Foundation Trust: QBD 15 Jan 2015

Jameson and Another v Central Electricity Generating Board and others: HL 16 Dec 1998

A joint tortfeasor’s concurrent liability was discharged entirely by a full and final settlement and compromise of the claim against the other tortfeasor if in respect of the same harm. A dependency claim made by the claimant’s executors could not proceed where the deceased had settled his own claim in damages. Lord Browne-Wilkinson Lord Lloyd … Continue reading Jameson and Another v Central Electricity Generating Board and others: HL 16 Dec 1998

Young v Downey: QBD 18 Dec 2019

Responsibility for IRA bombing fixed The claimant sought a finding that the defendant had been responsible for a IRA bombing in 1982 which killed her father and three other soldiers and injured 31 others. He had been acquitted at a criminal trial. Held: The limitation period was extended: ‘As was said in Carroll, the burden … Continue reading Young v Downey: QBD 18 Dec 2019

Braganza v BP Shipping Ltd: SC 18 Mar 2015

The claimant’s husband had been lost from the defendant’s ship at sea. The defendant had contracted to pay compensation unless the loss was by suicide. They so determined. The court was now asked whether that was a permissible conclusion in the circumstances: ‘This case raises two inter-linked questions of principle, one general and one particular. … Continue reading Braganza v BP Shipping Ltd: SC 18 Mar 2015

Savage v South Essex Partnership NHS Foundation Trust (MIND intervening): HL 10 Dec 2008

The deceased had committed suicide on escaping from a mental hospital. The Trust appealed against a refusal to strike out the claim that that they had been negligent in having inadequate security. Held: The Trust’s appeal failed. The fact that she was detained for her own protection rather than to protect others required different standards … Continue reading Savage v South Essex Partnership NHS Foundation Trust (MIND intervening): HL 10 Dec 2008

Cox v Ergo Versicherung Ag: CA 25 Jun 2012

The deceased member of the armed forces had died in a road traffic accident in Germany. The parties didputed whether the principles governing the calculation of damages were those in the 1976 Act and UK law, or under German law. Held: ‘There is no difficulty in identifying the critical issues on this appeal for the … Continue reading Cox v Ergo Versicherung Ag: CA 25 Jun 2012

Alcock and Others v Chief Constable of South Yorkshire Police: HL 28 Nov 1991

The plaintiffs sought damages for nervous shock. They had watched on television, as their relatives and friends, 96 in all, died at a football match, for the safety of which the defendants were responsible. The defendant police service had not defended a claim of negligence in their management of safety at the match at Hillsborough … Continue reading Alcock and Others v Chief Constable of South Yorkshire Police: HL 28 Nov 1991

Office of Government Commerce v Information Commissioner and Another: Admn 11 Apr 2008

The Office appealed against decisions ordering it to release information about the gateway reviews for the proposed identity card system, claiming a qualified exemption from disclosure under the 2000 Act. Held: The decision was set aside for breaching the rule against impugning an action of Parliament. The minister had made a statement as to the … Continue reading Office of Government Commerce v Information Commissioner and Another: Admn 11 Apr 2008

Pickett v British Rail Engineering: HL 2 Nov 1978

Lost Earnings claim Continues after Death The claimant, suffering from mesothelioma, had claimed against his employers and won, but his claim for loss of earnings consequent upon his anticipated premature death was not allowed. He began an appeal, but then died. His personal representatives appealed. Held: The House assumed that, because the claimant had brought … Continue reading Pickett v British Rail Engineering: HL 2 Nov 1978