National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence (Decision Notice): ICO 11 Jun 2012

The complainant has requested the information considered by the Interventional Procedures Advisory Committee in respect of the procedure percutaneous venoplasty for chronic cerevrospinal venous insufficiency in multiple sclerosis. The National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence (NICE) refused to provide this information under section 36 (prejudice to the effective conduct of public affairs) of FOIA. It subsequently decided to disclose this information following the publication of guidance to which the information related. The Commissioner’s decision is that, by failing to provide the requested information within 20 working days, NICE contravened the requirements of section 10(1) of FOIA. However, he does not require any steps to be taken as a result of this notice.
Section of Act/EIR and Finding: FOI 10 – Complaint Upheld
[2012] UKICO FS50437599
England and Wales

Updated: 09 September 2021; Ref: scu.529575