M’Mohon v Burchell; 5 Jun 1846

References: [1846] EngR 760, (1846) 5 Hare 322, (1846) 67 ER 936
Links: Commonlii
This case cites:

  • See Also – MacMahon -v- Burchell ([1843] EngR 526, Commonlii, (1843) 3 Hare 97, (1843) 67 ER 312)
    A share of rent due from the occupying tenant of certain premises to the estate of a testatrix, who was one of several tenants in common of the same premises, allowed to be set off by her executors in a suit for a legacy bequeathed by the testatrix . .
  • See Also – M’Mohan -v- Burchell ([1845] EngR 724, Commonlii, (1845) 1 Holt Eq 186, (1845) 71 ER 716)
    . .
  • See Also – M’Mahon -v- Burchell CA ((1846) 1 Coop t Cott 457 (47 ER 944), SC 2 Ph 127 (41 ER 889))
    Terence M’Mahon had left his house in St Christopher to his seven children as tenants in common. One of them (William) frequently occupied the house, three others occupied it occasionally, and three not at all. The executors of one of the children . .

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