Appeal from order dispensing with reporting restrictions for 16 year old before Youth Court. Appellant constituted a serious danger to the public and had shown a complete disregard for the law.
Held: ‘ the justices were very carefully and conscientiously exercising the power conferred by the statute. It was for them to make a judgment and exercise their discretion and they did so. They did not conclude that the public interest would be served by publishing the appellant’s address or his photograph or details of his school. They did, however, consider that there was a public interest to be served by permitting publication of his name. This was in my judgment a balanced and judicious decision which cannot be stigmatised as perverse or unreasonable simply because the justices declined to decide wholly one way or wholly the other.’
Lord Bingham of Cornhill LCJ
[2000] EWCA Crim 3553, (2000) 164 JP 355, [2001] EMLR 5, [2000] Crim LR 594
Children and Young Persons Act 1933 49(4A)
England and Wales
Crime, Magistrates, Media
Updated: 26 October 2022; Ref: scu.655468